Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 10 January 1944

Total Pages: 2
1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 22 1 The Syonan Shimbun Office 140/146 Cecil Street, Syonan. Telephone No. 5471. NO. 345 MONDAY. JANUARY 10. KOKI 2604. SYOWA 19 SEVEN CENTS
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  • 580 1 TOKYO, Jan. 9—Unstinted tri- bute to China for the valuable :ontributicns she has made during the past year in facilitating the prosecution of the war /Was voiced by Prem'er Gen. Hideki Tojo in an exchange broadcast with
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  • 566 1 WITH the removal of the headquarters of the Provisional Government of Azad Hind into Burma from Syonan and, in the words of the Nippon Commander in-Chief, Burma, Lieut. Gen. Kawabe, with crack units of the Indian National Army continually arriving in Burma, Indians within India and without
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  • 165 1 Damei. AT AN UNDISCLOSED BASE in Burma, Jan. 7.—Subhas Chandra Bose, head of the Provisional Government of Azad Hind (Free India), accompanied by S. Lakshmi, Minister for Women's Affairs, A. M. Sahay, Minister Without Portfolio, and
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  • 198 1 DooMi. SOMEWHERE IN BURMA, Jan. B—Subhas Chandra Bose, in the course of a Press interview with Nippon and Burmese newspapermen this afternoon, expressed his resolute determination 'o carry out the independence movement by leading the fighting forces of the Indian National Army supported by their
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  • 178 1 THE PLANTING of a cherry tree—a symbol of goodwill and prosperity—was performed by Marquis Tokugawa, when he visited the Malai Settlement in Geylang Serai yesterday. Special significance was laid on Marquis Tokuorawa'a visit as this was the first time that a high-ranking Nippon official
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  • 104 1 Oomel. LISBON, Jan. 7—From London it is reported that excited American pilots of Flying Fortresses claimed that German planes are now using a new type of fire-bomb towed by a cable from the plane. One of the pilots who escaped alive from the raid on
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  • 45 1 Dmnei. PENANG, Jan. 8. —Forming part ol the social educational program, the Penan* Bunkyoka, It Is officially announced, will —tobttsh a music academy to be called the Penang Ongakuln on Jan.* 15. The course will cover a period of four months.
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  • 369 1 In welcoming- the arrival of Subhas Chandra Bose and the removal of the headquarters of the Provisional Government of Asad Hind to Burma, Lieut. Gen. Masakazu Kawabe, Supreme Commander of the Nippon Expeditionary Forces in Burma, in a statement, declared that the Nippon
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  • 411 1 Domei. AN UNDISCLOSED Place hi Burma, Jan. B—Subhas Chandra Base, in a broadcast directed to his fellow countrymen in India from the Broadcasting Station in Burma on Jan. 7, announced that •he headquarters of the Provisional Government of Azad Hind had been shifted from Syonan
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  • 66 1 TOKYO. Jan. 7.—The Rikugun Sho (War Ministry) today announced that Lieut. Gen. Rlklchl Ando, Comman-der-in-Chief of the Taiwan Army, has been promoted to the rank of a Full General. Simultaneously, it announced I that Lieut. Gen. Issaku Nishihara has been appointed Chief of the HeadquarI ters of the
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  • 62 1 Domei. BUENOS AIRES, Jan. 7. Robert Patterson, United States Under-Sec-retary of War, in a Press conference in Los Angeles today, again warned the American public of the difficulty of defeating Nippon, reports received here revealed. Stating that Nippon troops do not surrender. Patterson added: "We
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  • 136 1 ORGANIZED jointly by the Berita Malal and the Malal Kosei Kyokai, (Malai Welfare Association) the first group of Free Labour Service Corps was formed. This group consisting o* 16 Malai youths, equipped with changkols and brooms, started their first free labour service yesterday morning
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  • 353 1 LISBON, Jan. 9—ln the Italian theatre of war, mountain fighting of unprecedented intensity ts progressing, according to antiAxis reports from Algiers. The same reports said that the Germans are in occupation of extremely strong positions at Cassino. On the Adriatic coast, strong thrusts
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  • 224 1 Reviews Crack Forces At Parade At Yoyogi Grounds Domei. TOKYO. Jan. 8.—The glistening wings of 750 Army planes flying in perfect formation overhead, the low resounding footsteps of marching men. and the roar of mechanized units provide* an impressive setting this afternoon as Tenno Heika reviewed crack land
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  • 517 1 TOKYO, Jan. B.—A total of 39 enemy planes was shot down by Nippon naval air units in aerial combats over Rabaul in two consecutive days on Jan. 6 and Jan. 7, Dai Honyei announced at .3.30
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  • 66 1 New Britain Defenders Resisting Furiously Domei. LISBON, Jan. 7. —Nippon forces ilk the Cape Gloucester area are putting up "furious resistance" against American Marines who have brought tanks and artillery plar asainst then, says a communique Issued by anti-Axis headquarters In New Guinea. The communique said the fighting is
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  • 225 2 IMPLICIT TRUST IN NIPPON Dotnel TOKYO, Jan. B.—Editorially commenting on Sino-Nippon relations based on Nippon's just and righteous policy toward China on the occasion of the first anniversary of China's participation in the war against Britain and the United States on
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  • 70 2 Domei. TAIP2NG, Jan. 8— Raja Musa, son of the Sultan of Perak, is at present in a training centre for future officers of the Malai Giyu-tai (Volunteer Corps). Many sturdy Malai and Chinese youths b: ve enlisted in the Corps, anil ar; reotivinc
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  • 314 2 THE Malai Gunseikan bu Yusei Kyoku has now announced the results of the Stamp Design competition held in commemoration of the Second Anniversary of the Fall of Singapore and the Birth of New Malai. The competition was kept open for one month during which
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  • 159 2 DomeL BUENOS AIRES, Jan. 7—The Roosevelt Administration was scathingly attacked by Republican Representative Mrs. Clare Booth Luce in a speech at Los Angeles tcday according to reports received. She said economic non-co-operation was a fundamental fault of Roosevelt'? Asiatic policy. 'This prodigal administration did not
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  • 238 2 Domei. rhS *****;, Jan- 6—The antiBritish sentiment of Indians £Pi 2*3^ birthday anniversary of Gobind Singh, tenth and last such prophet, when numerous clashes started between Sikhs and British officials in the Punjab North-West Frontier Provinces and United Provinces, according to reliable information reaching
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  • 65 2 Domel. DJAKARTA, Jan. 7.—Three hundred students of the Syonan Mariners Training School were given a warm reception by their comrades in Djawa at a tea party, when they visited the Djakarta Seamen's Training Schocl on Jan. 5. Words of welcome were expressed by Djoeneb,
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  • 18 2 Picture shows girl students of the normal school in Sumatra practising singing.
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  • 301 2 (BY OUR STAFF REPORTER) SATURDAY'S Nippon-Go Song Contest held under the auspices of the Syonan Chuo Kyoku and the Committee for the Utilization of Materials with the support of the Senden-bu. at the Hoso Kan, Great World Park,
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    • 243 2 DUE to the inclemency of the weather, Saturday's boxing program at the Great World, has been postponed, with alterations, until tomorrow night Aman replacing Eagle in the main event. Hock Beng takes Aman's place against Paneho in the next fight while Kid
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  • 202 2 "FREE education for all children in Syonan is a giant stride forward in the development of Malai and will go down as a RedLetter Day in the annals of Malaian education," declared Tuan Onan bin Hajl Si raj, the Malai community leader, commenting on the latest
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  • 216 2 Itomei. BERLIN. Jam 6—The German High Command spokesman declared today that in the event the anti-Axis should really try to land somewhere in northern Europe, "they will get the surprise of their lives." Referring to speculations of the enemy Press about the
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  • 236 2 Verses Invited For 'Malai Kensetsu No Uta Contest ENTRIES of verses for the "Malai Kensetsu No Uta" (Song of Malai Reconstruction) in simple Nippon-Go are being invited as an item of the program in celebration of the coming seccnd anniversary of the birth of New Malai. The cor test Is
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  • 317 2 ENTRIES of Kamishibai plays (story-telling show with a series of drawings) are being invited for a prize contest, sponsored by the Senden-bu. The plays submitted must deal with defence, anti-espionage or Increased production. It must be Interesting, concise and its dialogue humorous.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 796 2 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCE ENGAGEMENT TAN —WEE The engagement was announced en Sunday, 9th Jan.. 2604, between Mr. Tan Beng Hong (John), eldest son of Madam Ong Neo Keow and the late Mr. Tan Chan Leong, and Miss Wee Soo Guat (Diana), youngest daughter of Madam Lim Sic!: Tee and the late
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    • 254 2 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED A SALESGIRL. One with some knowledge of Nippon-Go preferred. Apply to 155. North Bridge Road, Syonan. WANTED a boarding school warden above the age of 30 who also must do the clerical work of the school. Knowledge of "Kanji" essential. Particulars on interview. Apply to SHIMIZO GTJMI
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 218 2 TODAY'S PROGRAM 6 p.m. musical selections; 630 p.m. news in Nippon language for children; 6.40 p.m. Chinese Children's Hour by See and Party; 7 p.m. Karnatlc songs; 7.50 p.m. Nippon melodies: 8 p.m. news in Hindustani; 8.15 p.m. news in Tamil; 8.30 p.m. news in Cantonese; 8.45 p.m. news to
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    • 202 2 svonnnsHimßun NIPfON-60 LESSONS LESSON 95 PAYING A VISIT Dare ka to o tataite imasu Somebody knocks. r y *j* 4 y 4 Itte to o akete kudasai Go and open the 4V? r 9 7*? 4 door. O-hairi nasal Come in, please. ***4 i-? 4 Dare o o-tazune desu ka?
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