Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 3 January 1944

Total Pages: 2
1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 22 1 The Syonan Shimbun Office 140/146 Cecil Street, Syonan. Telephone No. 5471. NO. 339 MONDAY. JANUARY 3. KOKI 2604. SYOWA 19 SEVEN CENTS
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  • 81 1 GKNSHI-SAI Emperor's New Year festival, celebrating the auspicious origin of the Imperial Throne, is observed at the Three Shrines of the Imperial Palace, the Kashiko-dokoro, where the Sacred Mirror is installed, the Korei-den. the shrine of the Imperial Ancestors, and the Shin-den or the sanctuary of
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  • 274 1 NANKING. Dec. 31.—Nippon air forces in China during December up to Dec. 29 accounted for 153 enemy planes, including 94 shct down in aerial combats and 59 destroyed on the ground or heavily damaged, according to the weekly review cf war developments
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  • 87 1 'JSBON. Dec. 30—With Premier Mikolajczyk cf the Polish regime In London scheduled to visit the United States, indications are that the bitter anti-Soviet campaign launched by Polish-Ameri-cans would b3 intensified. It is understood that semi-official Polish organs in the United States, •including the Polish Legation
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  • 495 1 "Prepare in an unflinching manner for our sure victory from the beginning of the New Year." THUS HATH spoken the Gunseikan. Malai. How can we civilians contribute to this preparation for victory? To address this question to ourselves is, in fact, to take the first step to
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  • 558 1 THE RECAPTURE by the Imperial forces of Arawe air-strip on New Britain Island admitted by Australian Radio, a successful attack on an enemy convoy north of Cape Gloucester and the incessant bombing of enemy positions are highlights of latest reports
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  • 134 1 TOKYO, Jan. I.—Combined war results achieved by Imperial Army forces in Central China during 2603 (1943) included 104 689 dead found abandoned on battlefields and 51,268 enemy troops who were either taken prisonsr or voluntarily surrendered, according to a survey. The survey Included
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  • 134 1 Dmnd. PENANG, Dec. 31.—T0 give further impetus to the self-suffi-ciency movement in the country, the Oversea-Chinese Association, Psnang, is making plans for large-scale cultivation, it is understood. The Association has already approached the authorities for vacant land to be used for this purpose, and
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  • 35 1 Dome!. TOKYO. Jan. l.—On the occasion of the New Year, heartfelt greetings were exchanged between Premier Gen. Hideki Tejo and Field-Marshal Phibun Songkhrum, president of the Council of Ministers of Thailand, this morning.
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  • 274 1 NIPPON WILL NOT HAVE TOA EXPLOITED AGAIN' EVIL INFLUENCES WIPED, OUT TOKYO, Dee. 31.—Nippon does not want and wiU not have Toa exploited again by imperialistic Anglo-American dominators, Sningoro Takaishi, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Mainlchi Shimbun, declared in a radio address over a nationwide hook-up yesterday
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  • 86 1 IN CONNECTION with the notice for the renewal of business licences or permits for this year (Syowa 19), the public is reminded that applications for same start tcday Jan. 3 and will be received daily at the various divisional police stations until Jan.
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  • 297 1 NEW RULES governing the employment of labourers have been enforced, according to an official notice, with a view to facilitating their identification, preventing their transfer from important factories or plants and ensuring the distribution of general goods to those labourers working in important
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  • 71 1 MR. ISAO HAYASHI, famous Nippon vocalist, entertained a large gathering comprising mostly of Syonan school teachers, to an afternoon of Nippon songs brilllant-iy rendered at the Bras Basah Road Girls' School on New Year's Eve. The concert came to an enjoyable end when Mr. Hayashi
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  • 372 1 DoaaeJ. TOKYO, Dec. 31.—Dai Honyei at 4 p.m. today announced that, firstly, Imperial naval warcraft and Army and naval air forces sank 14 enemy submarines from October up to the present in waters near Nippon Proper and other operational areas. Secondly, the Imperial
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  • 74 1 ■mm STOCKHOLM, Dec. 31— Joseph Clark Grew, former U-S. Ambassador to Nippon, in his speech in Chicago on Wednesday, stressed the difficulty of defeating Nippon, according to a report received here. Grew, declared: "I fear thai this will become a far njore prolonged and
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  • 164 1 Grants Awards For Meritorious Service OomeL TOKYO. Dec. 30—The Kaigun Sho (Navy Ministry) at midnight announced the Imperial granting of awards to a total of 148 naval and civilian personnel on the non-official list and civilians who have rendered meritorious service in the China Affair. Today's awards are
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  • 263 1 D*in«i. TOKYO, Jan. I.—ln his Ne* Year address, broadcast to all nations of Dai Toa, Premier Gen, Hideki Tojo this evening expressed profound appreciation for the wholehearted co-operation extended by those nations in the successful prosecution of the war. Premier Tojo
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  • 1005 1 THE WORLDWIDE propaganda warfare conducted through the radio is being incessantly carried out. Its ramifications cover the whole wcrld. Enemy propaganda has been extremely active. The enemy is shamelessly building "castles in the air" in order to deceive the people. It is. therefore,
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  • 34 1 BMML PUKUOKA. Dec. 31.—0«n. Artemlo Rlcarte, "Father of Phil.ppines Independence", arrived here by air this afternoon from Manila en route to Tokyo to inspect the youth education movement in Niipon.
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  • 452 2 WITH THE OUNSEIKAN'S words "Go, work hard and cultivate the land in determined fashion" still ringing in the ears of the first uatch of Catholic pioneers who left Syonan 'or their settlement in' Bahau recently, Syonan Catholics have been moved with but one
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  • 392 2 DEATH RATE 10,000 PER WEEK -Nasal LISBON, Dec. 31.—Bitterly flaying the lying hypocrisy of the British Secretary of .State for India, Leopc'd Amery, in -announcing the weekly death roll in Bengal Province alone at only 1,000, K. Karaka, special correspondent of the Bombay Chronicle,
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  • 131 2 THE HEALTH and Social Welfare Department of the Indian Independence League (Syonan branch), will make necessary arrangements with the authorities for Indians who are desirous of taking up farming at Serting Hilir and Serving Ulu in Bahau, Negri Sembilan. says Domel. Officer
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    • 468 2 BRINGING into play a variety of punches and a ferocity that had markedly been lacking in his two previous appearances Tiger Aman, Malaian Bantamweight Champion, disposed of Kid Carpentier in the sixth of their twelve-round title fight at the Great World Arena on the
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    • 184 2 THE DECREPITS' HOME opeiated by the Johcv? Bharu branch of the Oversea-Chinese Association since the end of August last year now houses more than 40 inmates, all their daily necessaries being provided by the local branch of the Oversea-Chinese Association from a special fund
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    • 76 2 APPLICATIONS are being invited from able-bcdied men to work as Medical Probationers in Thailand, states an official notice Those eligible must be between the ages of It and 39. They are requested to call at the osfce of the Rob-Dob Ztou Kyeku (Labour Office) at
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    • 27 2 DJAKARTA. Dsc. 30.— TIm Lirestock of Waiijnawi^l. bit Djasm Pttiwhin, ja fsiihjg on ttm for isspsrUnc esttls- trotm. lt»e* Assossattsa to wa*w ott a dsmi
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  • 382 2 "THE permission and authority given us by the Government to establish our Arab Welfare Association, which I call and will always call our National Association, is a further proof, if proof is needed, of the sympathy and regard of the authorities towards us. I
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  • 73 2 Mr. GOB TIONG LAY (aged M) passed away peacefully at AM aja. (T.T.) on Wednesday, 2*th Dec., 2803, at his residence No. 8 Boscombe Road (off Tanjonc Katong- Read) leaving behind his beloved wife and stater. four sons (Gob Kee San, Goh Chocn .tat, Goh Choon Tian and Goh
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 708 2 PUBLIC NOTICES TOKUBETU SI NOTICE No. 4 Claims for Refund of Rates. 1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Claims for Refund of Rates paid to the Syonan Tokubetu Si in respect of houses reported as vacant or sealed or occupied by the Nippon Military Authorities for periods of not less
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    • 228 2 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED GIRL STENO-TYP-IST (any nationality) by a local Chinese Construction Company. Must be efficient. Apply to Box No. 379, c/o Syonan Shimbun (English Editicn), Syonan. WANTED: Charming and educated WAITRESSES (age 16-22). Elderly CLERKS. Knowledge of Nippon-Go and Chinese a recommendation. Apply to "The Manager' NANMEI-SOO. 30, Cairnhill
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    • 1597 2 PUBLIC NOTICES TOKUBETU SI NOTICE No. 1. RE: SCHOOL FEES FOR ATTENDING HUTU KO GAKKO CHILDREN ATTENDING any of the Syonan Tokubetusir'tu Hutu Ko Gakko (Common Public Schools) will not be -har ed school fees commencing from January Syowa 19. il SYONAN TOKUBETU SI TYO. Ist January, Syowa 19. TOKUBETU
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 94 2 TODAY'S PROGRAM 8 p.m. music; 8.20 p.m. Nippon language news for beginners; 8.30 pm. Nippon melodies; selection by the Syonan Hoso Chamber Orchestra; 6.50 p.m. Puzzle Corner; 7 p.m. Malai songs; 7.15 p.m. following week-days' Malai programs; 7.20 p.m. news in Malai; 7.30 p.m. Radio drama. "Slave Ship," in Mandarin;
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