Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 22 November 1943

Total Pages: 2
1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 22 1 The Syonan Sinbun Office 140/146 Cecil Street, Syona*. Telephone /V#. 5471. NO. 302 MONDAY. NOVEMBER 22. KOKI 2603. BYOWA 18 SEVEN CENTS
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  • 200 1 LISBON, Not. 21—A new Soviet a&sault in the Nikopol sector, close to Krivoirog, carried out by powerful infantry and tank divisions, supported by Red aircraft, characterised the latest attempt to dislodge the Germans from Southern Ukraine, according to reports. Berlin reported that enemy break-
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  • 235 1 g*SJBJSj LISBON. Nov. 20 —The possibility that the Bengal famine may be followed by sickness on scale overtaxing India's medical resources was stressed in a report on Nov. 17 by the Daily Telegraph correspondent in New Delhi. He said It is estimated at least
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  • 398 1 A NIPPON BASE in the South Pacific, Nov. 21— A formation of Nippon bombers at dawn on Nov. 20 carried out raids on an enemy occupied island at the mouth of Torokina river, Bougainville Island, causing fires at six points. The
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  • 310 1 WITH A VIEW to perfecting the air defence ox Malai, a joint practice will be carried out for the fourth time in Syonan on Nov. 28 and 29. immediately following after the Air Defence Week which .will conclude on Nov. 27.
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  • 444 1 FROM HUMBLE beginnings, the Syonan Sinbun (English Edition) Red Cross Fund reached the total of $49,126.33 at Nov. 12, 2603, representing an average contribution from the public of Syonan of $7,000 per month. Although it had been our pleasure to acknowledge the donations individually, yet
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  • 116 1 LISBON, Nov. 18.—It is reported from Washington that, indicating the devastating nature of American casualties in the fierce fighting going on at all fronts, a report baaed on Army and Navy medical information, reveals that thus far the American Army's ratio
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  • 221 1 Donet A NIPPON BASE In the South Pacific, Nov. 20.—1t is revealed t^at Nippon defenders at Sattelberg, near Finsch Haven, hurled back a tank-supported attack by American fcrcea on Nov. It with severe losses to the enemy, including four tanks destroyed and 500
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  • 744 1 STATEMENT BY COL. OKUBO URGING THE public to co-operate in antiespionage work, Colonel Koichi Okubo, Scnden-bu Cho, declared in a statement that espionage activities not only disturb peace and order but also play an important part in pursuit of the enemy's military aims.
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  • 630 1 DomcL ON THE SHANTUNG FRONT, Nov. 20.— Nippon troops, operating in the Shantung Province on Nov. 18, suddenly launched a general annihilative offensive against 5,000 Chinese-Communist forces along the Old Yellow River and along the Siaoching River regions in northern Shantung Province,
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  • 315 1 A NIPPON BASE in Central China, Not. 19.—Virtual annihilation of the Chungking 73rd Army in the sectcrs near the Lishui and Niehshui Rivers in Hunan Province is reported in frontline dispatches received here. They reported that a huge number of enemy dead as well
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  • 157 1 DmbcL A NIPPON BASE in Central China, Not. 19.—1n concert with the Imperial troops which occupied Hohkow, Shinan, and Shimen, constituting Chungking's first line of defence, another Imperial contingent advancing from the north-east at dawn on Nov. 18 has pushed its spearhead into Tsingshin and
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  • 83 1 A NIPPON BASE In Hunan Province. Nov. 20.—A shattering blow to the fighting power of the Chungking forces which attempted to launch a counter-offensive against Nippon forces, in concert with anti-Axis forces on the Burma border, featured the latest operations of the
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  • 428 1 Confers Honour* On Army And Navy Officer* And Men DweL TOKYO. Nov. 21.—The Rikugun Sho (War Ministry) and the Shokan Kyoku (Bureau of Decorations) jointly announced today the Imperial conferment of honours to Army officers and men who died in action in the China Affair and Dai Toa
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  • 157 1 A NIPPON BASE m China, Nov. 21.—Nippon Army air unit* made a surprise raid en tha enemy air base of Enshih, in western Hupeh Province, thu morning, when our raiders inflicted severe damage on the enemy air force and also en airfield
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  • 124 1 DoueL A NIPPON BASE in Burma. Nov. 21.—1t is disclosed today that crack Nippon fighter units intercepted and shct down five enemy Consolidated B-24 bombers near Meiktlla and Mingin in an air battle on the afternoon on Ncv. 14 Our Army fighters spotted and opened
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 460 2 Anglo-American Controlled China Will Not Prosper Domei. I NANKING, Nov. 19.—China and India should! join hands for crashing: Britain and the United States in order to attain complete Dai Toa's freedom, declared Subhas Chandra Bose, Head of the Provisional
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  • 213 2 THERE 18'much truth in the Syonan Sinbun slogan "Learn Nippon-Go By Singing NipponGo Songs." according to Miss Betty Quah, charming 22-years-old dance hootess-cum-singer of the Great World Cabaret when •pproached for her impressions on the study of Nippon-Go. Miss Quah, who lialls from one of
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  • 137 2 DJAKARTA, Nov. 17—A group of 4» Nippon people, who evacuated DJawa Ju*t befcre the *ax returned here recently and expressed their genuine surprise over the quick tempo with which the reconstruction work is progressing in the island. Representing the party, Yasujiro Nftkag&wa, former president
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  • Article, Illustration
    326 2 (By Syonan Sinbun Literary Critic HIKARI (LIGHT) NO. 6. NO FEWER than 11 page* of this popular magazine specially published for the young people ©I Dai Toa, are devoted tithe rigorous training of the Army Wild Eagles (Army Air Corps) who are now dealing telling blows to the
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  • 196 2 IN SPITE of the fitful weather conditions on Saturday, large crowds visited the Oversea-Chi-nese Association Pavilion at the Kyoreikan, Great Wcrld Park, where a brisk business was carried cut between exhibitors and visitors. Though the Sntohing touches to the Pavilion were not usinpssts,
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  • 471 2 Syonan Wins Honours In AllMalai Nippon-Go Contest SPEAKERS IMPRESS WiTH FLUENCY ISMAIL BIN SU|uAIMAN (IS), a clerk employed by Dome* Wews Agency, and Una Ton* Wtaye (22), a clerk of the Syonan Susshi Haikyu Ktuniai, brought fame and glory to Syonan when they took first and second places respectively in
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  • 332 2 F^WBI DUE TO Inclement weather, Saturday's stellar boxing card at the Great World Arena has been postponed to tomorrow (Tuesday). In spite of the rain, however, a record crowd arrived at the Great World to make sure that they did not miss the bte
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 39 2 SHEUM CIRCUS k BOXING SMITH »T^ (OppMil* PMftoy ■J"" fc) WED., S4lk NOV. at (T.T.) Another attracts* CBTIUSB t». Tg« F.BBT CAJ«D—K>HAOK> VBWAHDKE -x OHO HOOK BBNO. HAHOtJ) JLMt vs. AL MONTB with hard-limiD« bouts. 6e«ts—9l.9t, $!.<§, ft «S cto.
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    • 1058 2 PUBLtC NOTICES MISCELLANEOUS TOKUBETU SI NOTICE No. 300 ONE MOUTRIE PIANO FOR ravnnri.-Mi.-VT of AIR SALE. Apply Box NO. 364, c/O JnrSS^nACTKE. Syonan Sinbun (English Edition), Syonan. AIR DEFENCE PRACTICE will be WANTED TO BUY Volume 2 «U— Parts 3 and 4 of "Mysteries of <i> date op practice: the
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 193 2 TODAY'S PROGRAM 6 p.m. music; 6.30 p.m. Nippon language news for beginners; 6.30 pan. Nippon Melodies; 6.50 p.m. Puzzle Corner: 7.15 p.m. following weekdays' Malii programs: 7.30 p.m. news In Malai; 7.55 p.m. Pekin drama; 8 p.m. rtiws In Cantonese; B.IS pm. news in Hokkien; 8.30 pjn. Nippon music: 8.40
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    • 217 2 svonflnsmßun NIPPON-60LESSONS' i LESSON 71 VOCABULARY *3— UA kyokal church A ike pond *y kingyo. goldfish A K ido well EXERCISE Ano tyokai no ushiro ni chlisal There is a small pond 7/ *a —DA S 1? z/x* *-4—3M behind that church. ike ga arimasu A*T if T9-*X Ike no
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