Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 15 November 1943

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 22 1 The Syonan Sinbun Office 140/146 Cecil Street, Syonan. Telephone N: 5471. NO. 296 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15. KOKI 2603. SYOWA IS SEVEN CENTS
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  • 790 1 Three Cruisers, One Destroyer Sunk 10 Other Warships, Including Battleship, Plane Carriers, Damaged DomeL TOKYO, NOV. 14.—FURTHER CRIPPLING DAMAGE WAS INFLICTED ON THE ENEMY IN THE SOUTH PACIFIC IN THE THIRD AND FOURTH AIR BATTLES OFF BOUGAINVILLE ON
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  • 208 1 Oomcl TOKYO, Nov. 13.—The Rikugun Sho (War Ministry) at noon today announced that a report was submitted to the Throne that a citation had been granted on Aug. 7 this year to the Otsu unit for distinguished services in 1943 during the Tahsing
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  • 29 1 Dmaud. LISBON, Nov. 12.—According to Algiers Radio, quoting a report from Italy, Count Carlo Sforsa is in hospital probably in Naples, awaiting an urgent operation.
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  • 604 1 WEATHER CONDITIONS permitting, the Nippon Air Force in Burma is making use of every opportunity to strike at the civ my stationed in India, and the latest large-scale raids on Imphal, Fort White and Tiddim air bases near the Indo-Burma border show
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  • 264 1 Army Planes Attack Air Bases At Laohokow, Changyang NANKING, Nov. 12.—Chungking forces have been thrown into utter confusion as Nippon units in the area west of the Tungting Lake in their operations on Not. 2 smanhfd several divisions and captured strategic enemy positions, and
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  • 110 1 DwneL CANTON, Nov. 13.—Nippon forces, carrying out operations in the Canton-Kowloon railway sector, within a single day on Nov. 11 smashed the enemy at three pcints and captured Pingfu and Tsungmoktou, as well as the sector south of Tsungmoktou. Since the capture of
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  • 548 1 Domel. LISBON, Nov. 13.—French tanks tried unsuccessfully to break through the barricades in the Moslem quarter of Beirut, and one tank was attacked and burned by the population, as revolution threatened to engulf Lebanon, according to reports from Beirut. Fighting is reported
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  • 313 1 DemeL TOKYO, Nov. 14.—Dai Honyei at 2.30 p.m. announced that our Army air units destroyed, at least, 178 enemy planes in the New Guinea sector between Nov. 6 and Nov. 9. The announcement also revealed that
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  • 172 1 A NIPPON BASE in Central China, Ncv. 12.~-One thousand ragged, fleeing remnants of the temporarily organized 6th Division of Chungking's 79th Army which had been cornered at Chlhchino, 20 kilometres north-west of Matachi, in the Pashang foothills in Hopeh Province, early yesterday morning were heavily
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  • 88 1 DomeL A NIPPON BABE in Central China, Nov. 13—Nippon units hotly pursuing enemy forces belonging to the Chungking 66th Army along the banks cf the Yangtze River on the evening of Nov. 11, occupied Itu, strategic point situated south-west of Hupeh Province, according to
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  • 58 1 Dome! HANKOW, Nov. 12—An attempt of 1,000 enemy trcops belonging to the Sine-Communist New Fourth Army to advance toward Tacchiachi on midnight of Nov. 2 from Hwangpei, Hopeh Province, where the headquarters of the army was located, was thwarted by Nippon forces which
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  • 50 1 Dome! HANOI, Nov. 12.—A formation or B-24 bombers of the United States Ai* Force in China attempted to raid Haiphong between eight and 10 o'clock last night but failed due to the pj.fect black-out enforced in that rector The enemy planes turned back without dK(£lng any bombs.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 448 2 TOKYO, Nov. 13.—"The efficiency with which the Nippon people are executing their appointed tasks in manifest determination to win the war has deeply impressed us," declared seven visiting journalists from Malai, Sumatra, Djawa and Burma, in an interview. The journalist^ include
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  • 336 2 MAKING HIS debut at the Great World Arena on Saturday night, Fighting Hassan made a fine impression against C. Y. Yin who was outpointed after eight rounds of hard fighting. For action, the main event between Little Abayan and Little Roberts'
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  • 312 2  -  Syonan Sinbun TAIYO No. 5. ALL THE LATEST news in pictures from the home front together with camera shots of present-day life in Nampc (Southern Regions), is well presented in Taiyo No. 5, an entertaining monthly magazine published by the Asahi Sh'mbun-Sha which is now available in Syonan.
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  • 181 2 Dome! SOLO, Nov. 13.—The trial i growth of wheat of Burma seed- lings on the highland of Lawce! has achieved extremely excellent! results. This Lawoe district situated 1,000 metres above sea level possesses natural fertility for wheat cultivation, a Swedish baker residing here recently,
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  • 210 2 Student Says NipponGo 'Not So Difficult As It First Appeared? "LANGUAGE is the f"—P3 of dealings between any two Beings and, without it, no one person can understand the thoughts cf the'other. Hence, to understand a person better, it is best to learn his language. Thus can friendship, unity and
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  • 168 2 THE FOLLOWING books will nelp Nippcn-Oo students to enlarge their knowledge of the language:— Grammar: Banno's Kougo NipponGo. Dictionaries: Nippon-Go—English Dietonary (Banno), Practical English Nippon-Go Conversation Dictionaryl 'Rote-Innes), Sanaelda's New Concise! English—Nippon-Qo and Nippon-Go—' English Dictionary, To* TifrtTthiiiwi I do's New OoncU* Nippon-Go—Xnallsfe. Mckiooary,
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  • 584 2 Itomei. RANGOON, Nov. 12. —Bitterly condemning the American Air Force in China for its "hit-and-run" tactics in the war against Nippon, Captain Yang Tao-shan, Company Commander of the Chinese guerrilla forces operating west of the Salween, declared in
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  • 50 2 DoneL MANILA, Nov. 10—Three leading Filipino education authorities are at present in ths midst of the important task of revising the existing Philippines educational system in crder to enable the new independent Government to attain the culturrl air** and objectives set forth in the Constitution.
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  • 149 2 JOHORE meets Syonan In an inter-State scccer match at Jalan Besar Stadium on Thursday, Nov. 18, for the first time since the inception of the new regime. Johore has been wanting to meet Syonan for .some time, and thrilling soccer is anticipated.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 100 2 FURTHER contributions totalling $20.50 lo the Nippon Red Cress Fund are to hand, and .the Syonan Sinbun (English Edition) hare to acknowledge the following: Eurasian staff members of Hoso Kanrl Kyoku, Syonan IT SO Kim. h. if. Parbury e/o Hoio Kanrt Kyoku. Syonan 3.0C t 30.50 Previously acknowledged 540.106.43 Total
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    • 222 2 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCE MARRIAGE Dr. Hamzah bin Haji Hussein and Miss Chung Kee Ying, both of the Medical Department, Johore, were married on Friday, 12th November. 2603, at No. 54, Jalan Dato Mentri, Johore Bahru They wish to thank all those who attended the wedding and sent presents and congratulatory messages.
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    • 958 2 PUBLIC NOTICES TOKUBETU SI NOTICE No. 299 Re: VALIDITY OF TRAVELLING PERMITS. All travelling permits (for travel within Malai) which have been issued by respective Divisional Police S ation of Syonan Tokubetu-Si prior to the 14th day of November, Syowa 18. will ;be hereafte- regulated as followsTravelling permits which have
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 499 2 TODAY'S PROGRAM 6 p.m. music; 0.20 p.m. Nippon language news for beginners; 630pan. Nippon melodies; 6.50 p.m. Puzzlr* Corner in Malai; 7.15 p.m. following week-day's Malai programs; 7.20 p.m. news In Malai; 7.35 p.m. Teochew drama; S p.m. news in Canton use; 8.15 p.m. news in Hokklen; 8 30p.m. Nippon
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