Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 12 November 1943

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 22 1 The Syonan Sinbun Office *****46 Cecil Street, Syonan, Telephone No, 5472. NO. 294 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12. KOKI 2603. SYOVyk IS SEVEN CENTS
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  • 230 1 DorntL LISBON, Nov. 11.—The Soviets, concentrating no fewer than two tank corps, 12 infantry divisions, strong cavalry forces and warplane formations along a narrow sector,- suddenly renewed their break-through attempts northwst of Chernigov. Berlin said that a severe defeat was Inflicted by
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  • 54 1 DoretL TOKYO, Nov. 11—The Gaimu Sho (Foreign Ministry) announced at 3 p.m. that the .second Nippon exchange ship Teia Maru. which left Manila on Nov. 8 en route to Nippon, is due to arrive at Yokohama on Nov. 14 and dock alongside Number IV pier
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  • 780 1 AT SUCH A TIME as the present when more and more evidence is forthcoming of the ultimate doom of the AngloAmericans in Toa, and of the consolidation of the countries of the Dai Toa bloc from all points of view, any course of action which runs counter to
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  • 'Wild Eagles' Inflict Severe Losses On Enemies In China And South Pacific
    • 462 1 Chungking Forces Strafed, Fleeing Before Nippon Push DomeL A NIPPON BASE in Central China, Nov. 11.— It is revealed that a mass formation of Nippon Army bombers yesterday afternoon surprise-raided Changyang, headquarters of the Chungking 13th Division. Changyang is situated 24 kilometres south-west of Ichang,
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    • 75 1 Domei. CENTRAL CHINA Front. Ncv. 11.—It is learned that part of the Nippon Army unit which dealt crushing blows against the enemy's 162nd Division near Anhsiang, pressing hard toward Hungmlao early en the morning i Nov. 9, completely captured it by 10.30 o'clock after crushing one
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    • 116 1 Dome! TOKYO, Nov. 11.—A party of 12 Chinese military officers including Lieut. Oen. Sun Hwiwen, dispatched by the Military Council of the National Government of China, arrived here yesterday evening for an extensive inspection tcur of Nippon. Members of the party visited the Rikugun
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    • 30 1 DmmL BUENOS AIRES. Nov. From Loorenco Marines, it is reported that ten anti-Axis cargo khips have been sank in the Indian Ocean,
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    • 154 1 DoomL TOKYO, Nov. 10.—Competent naval circles revealed that the latest information reaching here from advancedNippon bases in the South Pacific indicates that the total personnel loss inflicted on the enemy in operations in the South Pacific since the sea battle off
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    • 91 1 Dome!. FUKUOKA, Nov. 10—Great joy ever the news of the overwhelming victories achieved by Nippon naval units off Boußainville Island was expressed this afternoon by Wichit Wathakan. new Thai Ambassador to Nippon on his arrival here from Bangkok en route to Tokyo to take
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    • 52 1 DomeL HSINKING. Nov. 11—Premier Chang Chlng-hui, in his capacity as President of the Concordla Society and on beh<\lf of the people of Manshukoku, telegraphed a message to Premier Oen Hideki Tojo, expressing felicitations on the historic Joint declaration announced during the Assembly of Dai Toa nations reld
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    • 35 1 PUKUOKA, Nov. 10.—A party of newspapermen from Canton who are representing South China at the forthcoming Dal Toa Press Convention* in Tokyo, arrived here by air this afternoon, and Immediately left for Tokyo
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    • 469 1 Military Installations And Transports Damaged Domei. A NIPPON BASE in the South Pacific, Nov. 11.— Roaring down on enemy positions on Mono Island, Imperial Naval air units heavily bombed enemy military installations. After inflicting smashing blows, all our raiders returned to their base
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    • 121 1 Domei. TOKYO. Nov. 11. Subhas Chandra Bose, Head of the Provisional Government of Azad Hind, at a tea party held in his honour at the Imperial Hctel this afternoon by the Nippon territorial commutes cf the Indian Independence League, reiterated "There is no room
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    • 146 1 Domel LISBON, Not. 10—Tt is reported from Madrid that the Spanish Ambassador to Washington, Joan de Cardenas, has rejected the American protest vis-a-vis the Spanish Foreign Minister Count Francisco Jordanas's congratulatory message on the achievement by the Philippines of independence under the presidency of Jose
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    • 568 1  -  MASAO TSUDA, I Domei Staff Correspondent BUENOS AIRES, Nov. 10.—The fact that President JRocsevelt suddenly summoned Gen. George Marshall, Chief of the United States Army, Admiral Ernest King, Commander-in-Chief of United States Navy, and Gen. Henry Arnold, Ccmmander of United
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  • 155 1 Congratulates JSavy Air Arm O«meL TOKYO, Nov. 11— Ten no Hcika summoned the Chief of the \uval General Staff to grant an Imperial Rescript to the Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Nippon Combined Fleet, graciously expressing His Imperial Majesty's appreciation for the brilliant war results achieved by the Air
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  • 481 1 Domei. A NIPPON BASE in the South Pacific, Nov. 12.—Nippon warplanes cut through enemy fighter formations and then fought their way back to their base in a recent daylight bombing assault on the Ftasch Haven area which wrought destruction on the enemy airfield and
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  • 45 1 Domei. TOKYO. Nov. 11.— The Dai Toa Youth Convention will be held for two days, beginning from tomorrow morning at the Nippon Seinenkan nere. The convention will discuss measurei to further bolster youth movements ol various powers composing the Toa sphere.
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  • 46 1 Deratl LISBON. Nov. 10—Former British Ambassador to Tokyo, Robert L. Craigie speaking before the Royal Empire Society today, warned tl. ut Nippon lines through Burma, Malai and the Cast Indies are "strong.' He stressed that Britain must not "under-estimate" Nippon.
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  • 432 2 Dai Toa Nations Joint Declaration Have Either StruckEnemies Speechless, Or Put Them In Tight Corner DmmL TOKYO, Nov. 10.—The five principles embodied in the joint declaration adopted at the recent Assembly of Dai Toa nations are eternal, fundamental truths "applicable to all mankind, regardless of time and space," Sadao lguchi.
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  • 244 2 Declaration Must Ring Like DeathKnell For Enemies Domei. RANGOON, Nov. 10.—Bandcola (J Sein, Burmese Propaganda Minister, declared that the joint Dai Toa declaration is a spontaneous expression by Toa peoples of their determination to contribute their utmost to the establishment net only of freedom and equality among themielves. but toward
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  • 221 2 fciXMSfe^lS IOJ UNFORGETTABLE scenes of ttn inhuman treatment to which Boer internees were subjected lyy the British during the Boer War are depicted with the utmost realism in a German film production revolving around the eventful career of Paulus Kru«er. President of the South
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  • Article, Illustration
    261 2  -  Syonan Sinbun literary Critic) FUJIN ASIA NO. 4 REFERRED to as a "Ladies' Magazine," the fourth issue of Fujin Asia, published by the Mainichi Shimbun-Sha, lives up to its name, and contains a number of interesting articles which should be of special interest to women. Printed in six
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  • Article, Illustration
    17 2 Dr. Them Mating, Burmese Ambassador tc Tokyo, is seen exchanging greetings with Prime Minister Gen. Hideki Tojo.
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  • 223 2 PLENTY OF NEW talent will bo seen in tomorrow's program at the Great World Arena arranged by promoter Razak. Headed by a 12-round battle between Little Abayan and Little Roberts and supported by five fights, aggregating 40 rounds, the card promises plenty of
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  • 318 2 DwmL TOKYO, Nov. 11.—"Today, exactly a quarter of a century after the historic Armistice Day of 1918, there has risen a new force in th 2 world to ensure that the tragic disillusionment brought about by the greed and intolerance of the
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  • 72 2 DmmL PONTIANAK, BORNEO, Ncv. 10.—It la learned that through the efforts of the authorities here, ric» cultivation in western Borneo is being increased, and lies shipments hitherto imported from eastern Borneo will shortly be cut down by half. Rice crops will be harvested twice yearly,
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  • 69 2 D«mL SAIGON. Nc-v. 10—Porty-flve Italian residents of &Jfon, Cholon and Dalat led by Italian Tice-Consul Ravenettl, appeared thto; afternoon before the Saigon branch of the Nippon Ambassadorial Office to take the oath of allegiance to toe Republican Fascist Government of Italy, in the presence cf
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  • 284 2 LISBON, Nov. B—Acute shortages o£ various commodities as well aa incessant ctrikes in coal mines feature wartime life in Australia according to a report by the Daily Telegraph .correspondent irom Sydney. He said Chat beef, in one of the greatest beef producing countries
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  • 165 2 Dome!. TIENTSIN, Nov. 10.—In closs co-operation with the Peace Preservation Corps cf the National Government of China, Nippon units are now carrying out a mepping-up campaign against Communist forces in the area along the Gulf of Chihli, eastern Hopeh, according to field dispatches received
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  • 230 2 STATEMENT ISSUED ON RETURN TO NANKING Dom«i. NANKING, Nov. 10.—Following his return to Nanking from Tokyo where he attended the Assembly of Dai Toa nations as representative of the National Government of China, President Wang Ching-wei last night issued
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  • 299 2 DhmL TOKYO, Nov. B.—The Nippon Government through the good offices of Juan de Cardenas, Spanish Ambassador to Washington, is making various inquiries regarding American 111-treatment, including intimidation with tanks, machineguns and troops of Nippon internees incarcerated in the Tule Lake segregation centre of
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  • 104 2 DmbcL NANKING, Nor. 9—The Publicity Ministry of the National Government of China announced this evening that President Wang Ching-wei who attended the Assembly of Dal Toa nations in Tokyo, accompanied by Foreign Minister Chu Min-yi, Military Councillor and concurrently Chief Aide-de-Camp to the President, Lieut.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 337 2 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCE ENGAGEMENT LIM- TAN. The engagement Is announced today (November 12, 2603) of Mr. Lim Lian Cheng, eldest sen of Mr. and Mrs. Lim Slew Teck, to Miss Evelyn Tan, second and youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tan Soon Keng. Both parties cf Syonan. (Djawa paper* please copy)
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    • 562 2 PUBLIC NOTICES TOKUBETU SI NOTICE No. 257 Re: Collection and bujirig up with bif reward of Revolvers. Pistols, Kir« arms and \mraunition. IT IS A WELL-KNOWN FACT thai the collection of revolvers, firearms and ammunition has been heretofore enforced in order to provide for the firm maintenance of public peace
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 167 2 TODAY'S PROGRAM 6 p.m. music; 6.20 p.m. Nippon language news for beginne-:; 6.30 p.m. i Malai Children's Hour; p.m Malai drama by Sandiwara Pembangon; 7.20 pm. news in Malai; f.i* p.m. Teochew drama; 8 p.m. news tn Cantonese; 8.15 p.m. news in HokkJen: 8.30 p.m. Nippon music; 8.40 p.m.
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    • 263 2 svonpn smßun NIPPON-GO LESSONS' LESSON 65 VOCABULARY *M S **A sci no takai high-st&tured, 1.e.. tall •*A S it?>\ set no hikui low-^tatured, i.e., short A h imoto younger sister W |i t jto younger brother EXERCISE Kore pi ichiban il jibiki desu This is the best v ft Af-^-y
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