Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 11 November 1943

Total Pages: 2
1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 22 1 The Syonan Sinbun Office 140/146 Cecil Street, Syonan. Telephone No. 5472. NO. 293 THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 11. KOKI 2603. 3YOWA 18 SEVEN CENTS
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  • 62 1 Grants Audience To Subhas Boae Domei. TOKYO, Nov. 10.— Subhas Chandra Bose, Head of the Provisional Govermennt of Azad Hind, was granted an Imperial audience at the Phoenix Hall in the Imperial Palace at 10.30 this morning. In the audience, Tenno Heika was pleased to honour Bose with
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  • 307 1 DomeL LISBON. Nov. 10.—Hostilities on the Crimean front subsided to local fighting but a fierce battle raged without a let-up in the Kiev area where the Soviets incessantly attacked along a broad Ircnt despite bad weather. The Wehrmacht and Soviets arc both throwing
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  • 120 1 DomeL TOKYO, Nov. 10.—Premier Gen Hideki ToJo this morning cabled felicitations to Admiral Mineichi Koga, Commander-in-Chief cf the Imperial combined fleet as well as other fleot commanders, congratulating them on the smashing victories achieved by Imperial naval surface craft and the naval air
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  • 104 1 SEVEN ORADUATES from the Seamen Training Institute operated by a certain unit of the Imperial Forces in Syonan left for Nippon recently for further training. Thty are the first batch of train- < seamen to be given ouch an opportunity These youths, ranging between 19
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  • 98 1 Domei A NIPPON BASE in the South Pacific, Nov. 10.—The latest check-up on the enemy's raid on Rabaul, New Britain Island, on Ncv. 5 reveals that 84 planes out of a formation of 148 were shot dcwn by our fighters, surface craft, and
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  • 79 1 DoneL AN UNDISCLOSED BASE in Burma, Not. 19— The inferiority of Mosqaito planes, the pride of Britain's new reconnaissance craft, was proved beyond doubt when a crack Nippon fighter overtook a fleeing enemy plan* and shot it down at the Burmese front recently.
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  • 306 1 FRONTLINE dispatches from China indicate that the Nippon forces are relentlessly carrying out their offensive against enemy strongholds, reducing them in quick succession. These operations, along with those in western Yunnan, are being pressed forward at a pace which puts the »nemy cleiinitely on the defensive,
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  • 129 1 THE OPENING of the Fisheries Institute in Syonan and the enrolment of students in the Telecommunications School indicate that Malai's young men are being provided with more and more opportunities '.o better themselves and also to contribute to the development of this country. Only the New
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  • 494 1 Annihilators Of U.S. South Pacific Fleet A large quantity of arms and ammunition was seized. The enemy captives revealed that as soon as the Nippcn forces closed in, Sun Wen-chao, commander of the 162 nd Division deserted his men on Ncv. 4
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  • 337 1 More Details GivenOfNipponGo Contests PRELIMINARY wcrk in connection with the Syonan Toku-betu-si "Nippon-Go Week" started yesterday although "NipponGo Week does not actually begin until Sur day, Nov. 14. Highlight of "Nippon-Go Week" will be a meeting conducted entirely in Nippon-Go scheduled for Nov. 20, tht last dav of Syonan's second
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  • 193 1 REVISION has been made of the Nippon-Go allowance scheme, designed to further the spread of Nippon-Go as well as to effect thorough permeation of Gunsei in Malai. The scheme to Intended for the local employees of the Oun?eikan-bu and Provincial Governments, who have a fair. knowledge of
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  • 155 1 DomeL DJAKARTA, Nor. 10—It is officially announced that Mas Soetardjo Kartohadikoesoemo, leader of the inspection party to Nippon, and Raden Mas Toemenggoeng Soerjo, Councillor of the Home Section of the Nippon Ounsel (Military Administration), have been appointed governor of Djakarta and Bodjonegoro provinces, respectively- They
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  • 120 1 TOKYO, Nov. 10.—One enemy battleship announced yesterday as having been heavily damaged was ascertained to have been sunk, thus bringing the total of enemy battleships sunk to four, in the Second Battle off Bougainville Island, Dai Honyei announced this
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  • 170 1 Domei. TOKYO, Nov. 10.— Unrestrained admiration and frank astonishment at the might of Nippon naval forces were voiced by the German people upon receipt of the news of the smashing victory scored in the Second Air Battle off Bougainville, accord* ing to reports
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  • 61 1 DeaieL LISBON, Nov. 9.—A London report states that a gloomy prediction that anti-Axis casualties will be heavier than ever before in future was made by Prime Minister Winston Churchill at the annual Lord and Mayors' luncheon held in Britain's capital today. He said that
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  • 711 1 By KIYOSHI KOJIMA i Domei Political Correspondent TOKYO, Nov. 10.—It is going to be interesting to watch the frantic efforts by boastful United States Navy Secretary Frank Kncx, and flamboyant Gen. Douglas MacArthur, Commander of the anti-Axis forces in
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  • 170 1 SYONANS first locally-manu-factured electric bulbs are expected to be prc*. <!om; time this month, according to an official of the Tokyo Shibaura Denki, who revealed that the installation of a potentially large power sub-station was completed a few days ago. The bulb*
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  • 67 1 Domei BUENOS AJRES, Nov. t.—lt is re ported from Washington that Acting Secretary of State, Edward Stettinius Jr., In a Press conference said tha Secretary of State Cordell Hull and his party has arrived in Puerto Rico by air Hull and his party, en route horn
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  • 300 1 ON THE SECOND anniversary on Doe. 8, of Dal Toa Senso (War of Greater East Asia) which has led to the Birth of the Kyoeiken (Co-Prosperity Sphere), the Syonan Sinbun. English Edition will be publishing a special four-page edition in colour. To
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  • 395 2 'NO QUESTION 'AS TO FUTURE OF OPERATIONS,' SAYS TIMES TOKYO, Nov. It.—"Victory A*ain!" was the editorial; commendation the Nippon Times save yesterday's Dai Honyei announcement, hailing It as "clear proof that the naval power of the enemy has been smashed in
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  • 218 2 PtBMl. BUKIT TENGGI, Nov. 8- Marking another positive manifestation or Nippon's policy in permitting the southern peoples to administer themselves, the Nippon Ounsei (Military Administration) of Sumatra, today announced that provincial councils will be set up early next month to give the inhabitants
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  • 173 2 FOR THE FIRST time in the history of Malal, representative Sycnan scccer and hockey teams will be touring Malai. Arrangements are being made for the party, consisting of 40 persons Including an official cf the KoBfika, Mr. G. H. Kiat (Chairman. S.S.A.), Mr. Low Ah
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  • 111 2 Seen At Circus Boxing BOXING attractively, Sycnan Kid and W. Johnson (both 101 !10, who drew over six twominute rounds, provided the best fight in last night's card of four bouts at Sheum's Circus. Thore was no lack of thrills in this bout between two well-matched
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  • 240 2 Domel TOKYO, Nov. 10.—It is learned that a three-day convention of 82 newspapermen of note from journalistic circles in Dai Toa countries, will be held beginning Endorsement vf the convention of the jrint declarntkn by the Assembly of Toa nations resolving to
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  • Article, Illustration
    294 2 HIKARI MAGAZINE No. 4. WE OFTEN WONDER why, while the »«*j;A*|f ■gSSI Often described as the cradle of the Imperial Navy wiia Eagles'," Tutiura is the place which trained those gallant warriors who won undying frme in the battles at Pearl Harbour and Printed on art paper, this
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  • 158 2 SENTENCE of two years' rigcrous imprisonment and a fine of $1,000, or a further six months' rigc rous imprisonment was passed by Mr. M. V. Pillai in the Syonan Keizi Tihohoin on a Malai motor-car driver, Haji Morshid bin H. Ridwan, who pleaded guilty
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 5 2 ~HuNbA UNJON6'* C^QA 1-AOIFIC TBAUBSB.
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    • 379 2 INDICi-iIINO .nt'u eagevneso to co-operate wholeheartedly with Nippon, the Filipino communty m Syonan bag handed in a sum of $300 to the Syonan Sinbun (English Edition) representing a donation to the Nippon Red Cross Pond. This amount| brings the total received to date for this Fund to $49,106.43 TODAY'S LIST:
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    • 582 2 I PUBLIC NOTICES TOKUBETC SI NOTICE No. 297 Re: Collection and baying aa with big reward of Revolvers, PtsSots, Flreaxms and Amwiiltt— IT IB A WRLL^BTNOWN PACT that the collection of revolvers, firearms and -—-nmfitttn-i has bean heretofore enforced in order to provide for the firm maintenance of public peace
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    • 558 2 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED, Several Automobile and motor-cycle repairers. blacksmiths sarpenters, electric welding workers and gas welding workers. Apply at the Office C of Nissan Jidosha. 14 Orohard Road. 1 before 11 a.m. daily. 1 WANTED, a lady clerk, able to < speak Nippcn-Go and experienced motor mechanics. Apply, personally, to
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    • 145 2 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY Volume 1 Parts 3 and 4 of "Mysteries of the Court cf London" »The works of George W. M Reynolds). Please apply to the Editor. Syo- lion Sinbun (English Editicn). Cecil Street, Syonan MAIDEN FORM. BRASSIERES. GIRDLES AND CORBELETTES Obtainable now at WASSIAMULL S Sl-JJ. HIGH
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 106 2 TODAVS PROGRAM 6 put. music; 6.20 p.m. Nippon language uaws for beginners; 6.30 p.m Chinese Childrens Hour! 6.50 p.m. religious talk; 7.20 p.m. news to MnJai; 7.35 p.m. Cantonese drama; 8 pm. news in Cantonese; 8.15 p.m. news m Hokkien; 8.30 p.m. Nippon music; 8.40 p.m. Nippon language lesson "Tadiishii
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    • 112 2 KTO-KI ao« STOWA: TATAKAJ NO MACHI" (Flowers at the Front). 8 6 830 p.m. mod 3.30—«50— 9 pjn. respectively. USHIHO BUNK A EIGA: Change of Programme. 3 p.m. (school-children only), 5.30 —7.30—9 pjn. DAISKKAI BUNK A EIGA: Change of Programme. 3—6.46 —8—9.10 10.30 D-ffi TEIKOKU KAN: SINGAPORE SOKOGEKI." 3—«—8.30 p.m.
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    • 359 2 svonnnsmßun 'L-J' m NIPPON-GO LESSON? LESSON «4 VOCABULARY V dochira which (of two) K w «iore which (cf more than two) ,J* .suki to like <from trie" verb suku) EXERCISE Anata rct. doclvra «a suki desu ka? Which do you T+ Z 7 K* 9 x* like? Momo to rashi
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