Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 8 November 1943

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 22 1 The Syonan Sinbun Office 140/146 Cecil Street, Syonan. Telephone No. 5471. NO. 290 MONDAY. NOVEMBER 8. KOKI 2603. SYOWA IS SEVEN CENTS
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  • 509 1 ASSEMBLY UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTS RESOLUTION MUTUAL CO-OPERATION AND RESPECT EMPHASIZED TOKYO, Nov. 6—As a fitting climax to the momentous assembly of Dai Toa nations at present being held in Tokyo, the representatives of the participating powers at 12.55
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  • 82 1 Dm«L A NIPPON BASE in the South Pacific, Nov. 6 —lt i.s re-' vealed that a Nippon naval bombing force on Nov. 3, heavily attacked enemy landing points on Finsch Have a. New Guinea Island, and caused widespread damage. The Nippon bcmber.? returned without
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  • 106 1 BUENOS AIRES, Nov. 7. —Associated Press reports, allegedly "delayed by New Delhi censors," revealed that the former Argentine Naval Attache in Tokyo 4 who is returning home on board the exchange liner Tela Maru, told Associated Press correspondent Russel Brines, also returning via the
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  • 810 1 NO MESSAGE of greater impvet,1 could Nippon have given, especially at a time when, with hex. bjood-allies (for they are ail of Asiatic stock), she is having heart-to-heart talks with Dai Toa nations on the successful prosecution of the war and
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  • 158 1 TOKYO, Nov. 6.—Dai Honyci at 3.30 p.m. today announced that Nippon forces operating in Central China, started offensive operations against Chungking forces in the war lone west of Tung ting Lake on Nov. 2, and are now advancing
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  • 213 1 ftWKft, NANKING, Nov. s.—The weekly war communique issued by the Nippon expeditionary forces in China, reviewing the week's operations, announced that successful operations by Nippon forces en the China front frustrated all Chungking plans for guerrilla warfare in various sectors as well as tl>3
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  • 88 1 IT IS LEARNED that a Nippon reconnoitering partyy on Nov. a repulsed an attack by numerically superior enemy forces at Mori Island, north-west of Choiseul Island, in the Solomons Group, capturing two prisoners, 22 rifles, while the enemy abandoned 69 dead on '-he battlefield, says
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  • 25 1 HANOI. Not. 6—Kenkicnl Yoshlrawa, Nippon Taishi (.Ambassador) to French Indo-China, this afternoon called en Governor-General Jet»n Dccoux and held a two-hour conference.
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  • 248 1 D«M«1. LIBBON, Nov. 7.—ln southern Italy, the Fuehrer's headquarters disclosed that the enemy intensified his efforts to break through the German positions north of the Volturno employing concentrated forces, but the Wehrmacht counter-attacked and threw the enemy back into the Volturno valley, reconquering
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  • 62 1 Darnel. KOBE, Nov. 4.—Twenty-one Italian residents of Kobe on Oct. 28 met at the home of Oenoaio Uguoli. President of the western Iflppon branch of the former Fascist Party, and pledged allegiance to the Facist Republican Government of Italy. It is understood Oennaro was elected President
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  • 366 1 WITH a view to further the dissemination of Nlppon-Oo among the local inhabitants, a "Nippcn-Oo Week" will be launched from Nov. 14 lasting till Nov. 20 by the Tokubetusi authorities, says the Syonan Sinbun Nippon Edition. During the week, a Nippon-Go speech meeting will
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  • 545 1 We, by grace of heaven. Emperor off Nippon, seated on the Throne of line unbroken for aces eternal, enjoin npon ye. Oar loyal and brave subject*: We hereby declare war on the United States of America and the British Empire. The men and officers of Oar Army and
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  • 576 1 TOKYO, Nov. 7.—Nippon is ready shortly <<j transfer the Andaman and Nicobar Islands to the Provisional Government of Azad Hind headed by Subhas Chandra Base, declared Premier Gen. Hideki Tojo in response to the stirring 20-minute speech delivered by Subhas
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  • 850 2 6We Can CheckEnemy Ambitions In Dai Toa Domei. TOKYO, Nov. s.—Reinsertion in unmistakable terms of China's unbending determination to "band together with her fellow nations fat a fraternity of Toa nations" and share bitter and sweet, to live or die
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  • 290 2 THE CONCLUSION of the Pact of Alliance between Nippon and China has created a deep impression among tha Chinese community cf Malai who form more than half the total population of the country. Ever since the announcement of the Pact the various articles of the Pact
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  • 274 2  -  Syonan Sinbun HOW TERRITORIES within Dai Toa Kyoeiken (Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere) are contributing their material wealth to the successful prosecution of the war is the subject of an article, "Organic Composition of Materials in Asia/' appearing in the magazine Nippon—No. 31. v The author, Mr. SakamotoTokumatu,
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  • 257 2 PROMOTER Ho Kok Kee's second consecutive "B" class promotion last night prcved anything but a success if the absence of the usual crowd of boxing fans may be taken as a criterion. The card waa arranged fcr Saturday but was put back
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  • 382 2 DESERVING of the fullest support lathe "Malai Defence Fund," whocer objects are to assist in the defence of Malai irrespective of race or religion and to awaken Malaians generally to their duties in the defence of their country. The fund was started
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  • 384 2 SYONAN won the Koseika Cho Cup by beating Penang by four goals to three in a thrill-pack- ed scccer match at Jalan Besar Stadium before a huge crowd on Saturday. Although the winning goal resulted from a penalty. Syonan deserved the hcnours if only
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  • 86 2 EE.—Mrs. Ee Chocn Bok (nee Tan Eng Nco) passed away peacefully at the age of 73 at No. 54. Chitty Road yesterday (Nov. 7, 3603) at 505 a.m. She leaves behind four sens (Cheng Chwee, Cheng San, Cheng Lecng and Cheng Koon), four daughters, threa sons-in-law (Chua Tiong Seng,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 57 2 CONTRIBUTIONS to the Nippon Red Cross Fund, totalling $155, are to hand today, and the Syonan Sinbun (English Edition i Acknowledges receipt of th- following:— Mr Saw Bog Chiang, KOraya Grocery. Sesamat, Johore I*soo Mr. Ho Kok Kee, 530 North Bridge Road, Syonan (4th donation) 3°°° f 155.00 Previously acknowledged
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    • 505 2 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED In Svonan Surveyor-Pure-1 man and two experienced Draughtsmen I capable of preparing Architectural and Civil Engineering details and finished drawings from sketches. Apply im-1 mediately in person to 158, Tanjong Katong Road, Syouan. after 2 p.m. (T.T.). WANTED, Several Automobile and motor-cycle repairer*. bla<&smlthiu carpenters, electric weldlrg
      505 words
    • 992 2 (A)IVSUI T US NAN BOKU is a little dearer But it keeps your head clearer "vOamm^VMK*' NAN BOKU WHISKY PHINTIINd WUhli and brandy j. Obtainable from all high dM wine Sp4?ed dtalen. Nfia'" s esr RE Sty'e HONG XHYE w. «3 ARAB STREET. SYONAN-TO. SHEH A. SHAHAB -1. for the
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 299 2 svonnnsinßun NIPPON-GO LESSONS' LESSON 61 VOCABULARY A mo il mo even; even if; it yoi, good; all right O-r-ky ikemaaen literally, won't do; It's no good; you should not EXERCISE Mado o akete mo ii (no) desu ka? May I open 7* 9 A* fFi* the window? Mado o akete
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