Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 31 July 1943

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 22 1 The Syonan Sinbun Office 140/146 Cecil Street, Syonan. Telephone Wo. 5471. NO. 202 SATURDAY. JULY 31. KOKI 2603, SYOWA 18 SEVEN CENTS
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  • 823 1 ANGLO-AMERICANS SUFFER SEVERE LOSSES IN 12 MAJOR SEA 9 LAND, AIR ENCOUNTERS Dome! TOKYO, July 30.—Fierce battles between Nippon and Anglo-American forces in the South Pacific areas during the past one year show the superiority of
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  • 687 1 Demei. NANKING, July 29.—Nippon's readiness to co-operate positively with the National Government cf China in the management of the enterprises of co-operative societies in Central China even after their transfer on July 31 was expressed in a statement issued today by the Press Section of
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  • 266 1 Domei. BANGKOK, July 29— A stirring address was delivered at the welcome mass meeting held at Churalonkhorn University, Bangkok, on July 27 by Su.bhas Chandra Bose, fiery President of the Indian Independence League in Toa. He declared: "The time must come, and I hope
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  • 121 1 'PUT ITALY O/\ WAY TO GREAT POWER 9 Dotnel BERLIN, July 29.—Signer Mussolini is a pioneer worker for establishing justice among nations and a fighter for the Europe cf tomorrow, the Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung declared, commenting on the unparalleled achievements accomplished by II Duce
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  • 659 1 Great Cause For Rejoicing CHINESE the world over—that is to say, those of them who are truly nationalistic and who hold dear the principles of the late Dr. Sun Vat-sen, —have great cause for rejoicing to-morrow, Aug. 1, 2603. For on this day, the International Settlement of Shanghai, freed
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  • 314 1 THE FIRST three monthly Issues of the Konan Saiken (lottery) were 300,000 tickets each. The tickets in these three issues were sold out within a few days from the dates they were placed on sale, and it has ccme to the
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  • 164 1 Domei. TOKYO, July 30.—Inauguration of the Islamic Students League of Chinese, Manshukoku and Mongolian students in Nippon, was solemnized today, at a meeting held at the headquarters of the Dai Nippon Mohammedan Association. The league alms at enlightening Muslims at home on the significance
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  • 113 1 Domei BUENOS AIRES, July 28— A report f:om Houston, Texas, revealed that a tropical hurricane striking the Texas coast, halted shipyard operations at Houston and caused damage at Galveston estimated at $1,000,000. Small houses in Galveston were blown down, electric power cut off, telephones put out
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  • 338 1 Judge Agrees On Need For Drastic Action To Check EverIncreasing Rise In Prices PRICE FIXING ORGANIZATION SUGGESTION 'AN EXCELLENT ONE' "THERE is absolutely no reason why, under present conditions, when the authorities are giving every assistance to ensure a plentiful supply of foodstuffs, commodities like fish, vegetables, eggs, etc., should
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  • 263 1 DomH TOKYO, July 30.—Gen. Yasuhiko Asaka-no-Miya: Denka, member of the Supreme War Council and several other Princes on Wednesday witnessed joint aircraft and artillery manoeuvres which had been going on for sometime in the Gotemba area at the foot of Mount
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  • 546 1 SOVIETS CONTINUE TO SUFFER HEAVILY Domei LISBON, July 29— While the Axis were holding grimly and successfully to their positions in the face of strong AngloAmerican attempts to blast tneir way through the defence lines in Sicily, German bombers continued their smashing attacks on
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  • 218 1 Doraei ROME, July 29—The Badcglio Cabinet has decided to prohibit tor the duration of the war, the .ormation of any party, fccc<mt« ins to the Stefani News Agency. The Cabinet has also prohibited the use o; political emblem^ and budges. The sole emblem under
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    • 47 1 NIPPON SEAPLANE SINKS TRANSPORT Domei NIPPON BASE, July 29.—1t is learned that a patrolling Nippon seaplane yesterday evening bombed and sank one of a group of enemy transports cruising at high speed in waters east of Simbu Island, southwest of New Georgia Island in the Solomons Group.
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  • 1415 2 Col. Koichi Oku bo Reviews Situation In East West IN A STATEMENT reviewing the war situation in the East and West, Col. Koichi Okubo, Senden-bu Cho (Chief of the Propaganda Department), reaffirms the conviction that the Axis powers will
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  • 323 2 ARRAISGEMEISTS OLTLWED NEW purchasing cards for rice. Salt and sugar and purchasing cards for commodities will be issued to the public by the respective heads of teams as from Au« 1 to Aug. 4, aceoTdin? to a notification issued by th? Syonan
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  • 47 2 O«MJ MANILA. July 2».-Gen. Iwane Matsui, Adviser to the Asia Development Headquarters rf the Taisel Yolrasan Kai (National Service Association >. who is on a tour of Nampc, this morning visited thr» Army and Navy hospitals In cheer wounded soldiers aud .sailors.
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  • 859 2 STRESSES DIFFICULTIES 17V SICILY; LACK OF BRITISH CO-OPERATION Dwtrl BUENOS AIRES, July 28.— 1n what may be viewed as a desperate effort to hoodwink the American public and boost his waning popularity for the coming elections. President
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  • 308 2 A TELEGRAPHIC message congratulating Mayor Shigeo Odate on his new appointment as Governor cf Tokyo Metropolis and thanking him for his help nnd encouragement was sent to him by the Council of the Sycnan Sports Associate n shortly after his new
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  • 198 2 A CHAMPIONSHIP badminton U umament open to members of the Syonan Sports Association I will be held on the Association's j pew ground at Bras Bsisah Road in the first week of September. angle* and doubles matches will b? arranged and there will be
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  • 362 2 GUNSEI OFFICIAL INTERVIEWED Dotnei BUKIT TINGGI. July 29.—Tadao Miyata. Chief of thd Industrial Section of the Sumatra Gunsei (Military Administra-< lion), explained the general industrial situation In the island, and outlined the future policy in this connection at a Press interview held
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    • 323 2 NOTICE This is to certify that Mr. Hideo Voshida formerly of Messrs. Nanpo Boeki Egyo Bu, 15 The Arcade, is now no mere under the employ of the said firm and he has no authority whatsoever to transact an? business on behalt of the said firm as frcm today's dato.
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    • 3 2 .^g »"i f.*^.
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    • 123 2 KYO-lil: 'WHEN THE DALTONS RODE." 3—6—8.30 p.m. To-morrow: 12 mxm—3 p.m.—6—8.30 p.m STOWA: -I AM THE LAW" I 3--6—8.30 p.m. To-morrow: 12 noon —3 p.m.—6—B.3© p.m. USHmO: "THE MYSTERY SQUADRON." final chapters. 3—6—8.30 p.m INDO: -ASOK KUMAR" CTamfl). To-day ai id to-morrow. 1 p.m.—s p.m.—9 p.m. lAMATO: POX HUNG MENG"
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    • 357 2 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED experienced waitresses <any nationality) for a highclass restaurant. Salary will be paid according to experience. Apply to Twing Restaurant. Nos. 511-513. Serangoon Road, between 11 am. and 1 p.m. (T.TJ. CHINESE CLERKS WANTED Knowledge of "Kanji" essential iSend application stating age, English qualification and salary required to
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    • 552 2 Referring to mineral products. Mr. Mlyata stated that the deposit in tht i i&bind was unlimited but only a small portion of the vast wealth was at proscot available. In order to develop this industry, an investigation body had been organised recently which had already reported a promising future. The
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