Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 27 July 1943

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 23 1 The Syonan S inbun Office 140/146 Cecil Street, Syonan. Telephone No. 5471. NO. 198 TUESDAY. JULY 27. KOKI 2603. SYOWA 18 SEVEN CENTS
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  • 177 1 28 Foe Planes Shot Down, Runways, Facilities Blasted Domei. TOKYO, July 26. —In sweeping, successful raids carried out against strategic enemy air bases over I three days, from July 23 to July 25, Imperial air; units in China shot down 28 enemy
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  • 333 1 SINISTER PLAN NIPPED IN BUD OomeL TOKYO, July 26. —Commenting on Dai Honyei's announcement of air raids carried out on July 23, July 24 and July 25 on Hengyang, Lingling, Paoking, Chihkiang and Kienow airfields, qualified observers said that in nipping in
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  • 198 1 PREPARATIONS BEING MADE FEVERISHLY Dome! TOKYO, July 2ft—Alarmed by the organization in Syonan of the Indian National Army which Is busily preparing to fight Britain for India s freedom, the British forces in Calcutta are frantically strengthening the general defence system in and around
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  • 77 1 MEMBERS of the Thai Press now on a visit to Syonan, yesterday made a tour of th« Nippon Malai, Indian, Chinese and English newspaper cfflces and were greatly impressed in th» production of Syonan newspapers in wartime. Shown round the Syonan Sinbun (English Edition) plan:,
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  • 291 1 •BOMB/AC OF ROME UNWORTHY OF US 9 Domel LISBON, Juiy 2S—lt is reported from Sydney that bitterly condemning the American bombing ol Rome, the Roman Catnolic Archbishop of Sydney, Father Gihoy, addressing the annual gathering of Catholic debating societies, said that the vicious j attack on
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  • 720 1 food Prices: Need For Drastic Action THOSE WHO have the welfare of the masses at heart cannot overlook the prices at which foodstuffs are being sold octnly in our markets. Meat, fisn and vegetables are being sold at prices, easily 200 per cent. above pre-war levels, which are a
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  • 238 1 MUSSOLINI RESIGNS Domei BERLIN, July 26 All Germans are quietly receiving the report of Premier Mussolini's resignation, as announced by King Victor Emmanuel 111, which was broadcast ever the radio throughout the country early this morning. Although the people are attaching vital significance to the new
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  • 239 1 "THE MIGHTY fighting forces of Nippon have kept the skies over Syonan clear of the enemy, and we will only be doing our duty if we co-operate to the fullest extent with the authorities in air defence," declared Mr. Bennett Low, a
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  • 497 1 Leaving on Wednesday and Saturday, the train from Syonan for Thailand will reach its destination on Tuesdays and Fridays, at Padang Besar connecting with the Thai Express which operates iin conjunction with the through military trains running between Syonan
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  • 331 1 LISBON, July 25.—Lively fightting continued in all sectors of the Orel front yesterday, from eary morning until late at night, with the Soviets throwing frssh fighting formations and strong tank forces into the battle in an attempt to score success under all circumstances at
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  • 141 1 Dome! A NIPPON BASE, July 25.— Imperial Navy seaplanes attacked a number of enemy .v^rships during an attempted enemy landing at KuU Gulf, in New Georgia Island, on the night of July 23, and severely damaged one destroyer and one transport. On the same
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  • 268 1 DomeL LISBON, July 25.—Major fighting activity was confined yesterday to the right wing of the German barrier front, where United States tank and infantry formations attacked several German positions in an attempt to force a break-through towards the east and north-west, according to
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  • 451 1 lIS APPRECIATION OF WELCOME COMMUNITY leaders in Syonan were honoured by th-> Premier of Nippon, Gen. Hideki Tcjo, when two dinner parties were held here last week as a mark of appreciation for the welcome provided the Premier by the citizens of Syonan during
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  • 107 1 Dome!. PENANG, July 26.—One nun, dred piculs ot tanned leather. 1,000 pieces of tanned goat skins and 4.000 square feet of "uppers' have been distributed to G7 shoemakers, 60 cobblers jmd seven leather goods merchants in Penang and Prcvince Wellesley. it is understood. This disrxibution
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  • 372 1 Honesty Pays A CHINESE sanrinsha rider in Syonan has today earned himself the praise and commendation of the police and the Nipixm residents here for his honesty in surrendering to the police a parcel containing important letters and photographs which
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  • 405 2 BROWN, BLACKOUT INSTRUCTIONS THE following is a brief guide to the understanding of light control for the A.R.P. exercises in Syonan to be held tomorrow. 1. Light Control is divided into the following three categories:— (a) Kei-Kai-Kan-Sel (Brown-Out) precautionary light control. (b) Kuu-Syu-Kan-Sei (Black-Out) emergency
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  • 161 2 VICE-MINISTER YAMAMOTO ON HIS TOUR OF NAMPO WITH PREMIER DomeL TOKYO, July 25.—Renewed confidence in the triumph of the principle of co-prosperity, which has already been growing among the races within Toa, was expressed by Kumaichi Yamamoto, Dai Toa Sho Vice Minister,
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  • 357 2 DomeL LISBON, July 25—Nippon officers and men are especially trained for jungle warfare, giving them great advantage over American troops, the Londcn Dally Mail's correspondent from the South-west Pacific front revealed, describing the obstacles and hardships confronting the American forces in the jungles
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  • 72 2 Domei. TOKYO, July 25—To express appreciation to Imperial Army and Navy men on the Southern fronts for their services. Vice Sneaker Sakusaburo Uchigasaki, Minoru Togo and Takeo Tanaka, who were dispatched by the House of Representatives, left Pukuoka yesterday afternoon for Syonan.
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  • 169 2 Domei. FUKUOKA, July 25.—Zali. 16 year-old son of Dr. Ba Maw, Chief of the Burmese Government, arrived at the lccal airport this afternoon, with his cousin to study in Nippon, and immediately left for Tokyo. Appearing trim in Bummer attire. Zali declared
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  • 143 2 *>• **i DomeL TOKYO, July 26.—Reorlontation to war production of equipment, materials and other facilities oi practically 80 per cent, of idle gold mines, as well as gold mines to be clcsed, will be completed by the end of August while reorientation
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  • 171 2 OomeL BERLIN. July 25.—Officials of the German Foreign Office, dwelling en Roosevelt's statement to the Press on July 23 th^t the aerial attack on Rome was a necessary measure to protect the lives of the anti-Axis forces operating in Sicily, caustically remarked
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  • 73 2 Dome! DJAKARTA. July 23.—Indonesia's 650,000 Catholics must have been shocked at the news that American bcmbers destroyed many time-honoured Christian edifices in their venerated "eternal city" declared Monseigneur Peter Willekens, Bishop of Djakarta. He said, "I intensely regret the destruction of such jewels
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  • 75 2 OomeL HSMTKING, July 25—Gen. Kuniaki Koiso, Governor-General of Chosen, left here for Chosen at 8.30 this morning by train. In a statement issued prior to his departure, Gen. Koiso said that the unremitting efforts of the Manshukoku Government authoritk*-. and Kwantung Army have placed u.e
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  • 305 2 WORLD UPHEAVAL EXCUSE FOR GRABBING OVERSEAS RESOURCES Domrl TOKYO, July 26.—The United States Army and Navy's alarm over their dwindling reserves of liquid fuel, and owners of American oil companies' lust for power and profits, were contributory factors that led to the present
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  • 82 2 DomeL TOKYO, July 24—The Gaimusho 'Foreign Office) revealed this afternoon that Shiorokuro Hidaka, Nippon Taishi (Ambassador) in Rome called on Premier Mussolini on July 21 and delivered Premier Gen. Hideki Tojo's message to the Italian Premier. It is disclosed that, at the same
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  • 36 2 Domel MACASSAR, July 25—The group of 21 Indonesian students who will be «ent to Nippon for study was given a farewell party this morning by the local administration authorities.
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  • 297 2 PINES totalling $750 were imposed in the Sycnan Keizi Tihohoin yesterday on two Chinese, Loh Ah Fook and Lam Thong Chui, who had pleaded guilty to charges of profiteering in cigarettes. The judge also ordered confiscation of several hundred packets of cigarettes, comprising
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  • 134 2 KEEN TO JOIN NIPPON AIR FORCE Domei. TOKYO. July 25.—Approximately 100,000 students of universities, high schools and middle schools of Tckyo converged on Korskuen Stadium this morning for a mass rally to demonstrate their unflinching and determined resolve to Join the Imperial All Fore*
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    • 244 2 ALARM SIGNAL GUIDE Kci-Kal-Kei- Kei-Kal-Kei- Kuu-Shu- Kuu-Shu-Hoh Koh Kaijo Kei-Hoh. Kei-Hoh Kaijo Alarm of All clear for Alarm of All clear for Precaution Alarm of Emergency. Alarm of Precaution. Emergency (to be followed by Precautional Alarm) Long blast for One long One 6 seson-> On? blast 30 seconds anJ blast
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    • 111 2 KYO-E1: "THE FEMININE TOUCH" 3 p.m.—6—8.30 p.m. SYOWA CAROLINA MOON." 3 p.m.—6—8.30 p.m. USHIHO: "THE MYSTERY SQUADRON," Chaps. 1— 6. 3 p.m.—6 8.30 p.m. INDO: "ASOK KUMAR" (Tamil). 2.30 p.m. and 6.30 p.m. YAMATO: "POH HUNO MENO" Cantonese). 3 p.m.—6—8.30 p.m. MALAI: "SHINSETSU." 3 p.m. and 8.30 p.m. To-morrow: "THE
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    • 257 2 1 TODAY'S PROGRAM 6 p.m. music; 6.20 p.m. Nippon language news for beginners: 6.30 p.m. Nippon Melodies Appreciation Hour, "Mamore Ozora." in relation to Air Defence with piano accompaniment; 6.50 p.m. Malai music; 7.15 p.m. news in Malai; 7.30 p.m. talk on "Air Defence" by Major General R. Shirataki. Commander
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    • 251 2 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED one experienced Accounts Clerk with knowledge of 'Kanji" preferable. Apply personally at No. 8, Telegraph Street, Syonan. WANTED: Male and Female Clerks able to speak and write Nippon-Go. Apply personally with testimonials to Shomu Gakari between 11 a.m. and 1 pjn. Nissan Jldoshia Kabushiki Kaishla. 14, Orchard
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    • 455 2 CHAPTER 216 (Pawnbrokers). Unredeemed Pledged Goods and Jewellery from the follow ing Pawnbrokers' Shops. No. 21, New Bridge Road: Chin Chong Pat (Chop Thye Sheng). No. 135, New Bridge Road: Lam Chin Gee (Chop Ju Thung). No. 189. South Bridge Road- Lam Joon Chong and Chin Ah Chai (Chop Sem
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    • 326 2 PUBUC NOTICES NOTICE One Hundred Candidates ara required for training in advanced Nippon-Go to enable them to work as Interpreters. They will be required to undergo a certain amount of military trainine- aa well. Applications (frcm Indiana only) in writing will be received from intending Candidates up to the sth
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