Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 27 March 1943

Total Pages: 2
1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 25 1 The Syonan Sinbun Office 140/146 Cecil Street, Syonan. Telephone No. 5472. NO. 94 SATURDAY. MARCH 27, KOKI 2«03. SYOWA IS 7 CENTS If ENGLISH I
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  • 683 1 Sumatra Progresses Under Benign Rule MILITARY Administration of Sumatra enters its second year today and, in common with other parts of Nanpo (Sou- fettern Regions), Sumatra is in the happy position of being able to look back on a period of benign rule and rapid recop.j'ruction. Whil2 it is
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  • 45 1 Domei. LISBON, Mar. 25—Four heavily damaged anti-Axis transports limped into Gibraltar for repairs, according to a report received from La Lima, near the British fortress. It is said the ships were part of a convoy attacked by Axis submarines.
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  • 455 1 Enemy Attempt To A liena te Soviets Foiled fVxnei. TOKYO. Mar. 26-The Joho Kyoku (Board cf Information) na^j announced that Ambassador Naotak? Sato, and A. Lozovsky, acting Foreign Commissar, signed a medus Vivendi in Kuibishsv on Mar. 25. extending for another year the Soviet-Nippon Fishery modus
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  • 494 1 EARNEST BROADCAST PLEA AN EARNEST *LEA to the people of India to accept the offer of aid extended to her by Nippon and to trust her in the same manner as Burma has, and thereby endeavour to wipe East Asia clean
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  • 535 1 U.S. ADVANCED TROOPS ROUTED DomeL BY A MILITARY CORRESPONDENT LISBON, Mar. 25.—Four days of intense, continuous Aghting saw the attempt of the British Eighth Army to break through the Axis Mareth Line on the south-eastern Tunisian front dwindle down to 'an
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  • 453 1  -  YOSHIMOEI HOMIGUCHI SKILL ONCE AGAIN DEMONSTRA TED ZURICH, Mar. 25.—Axis and Angle-American dispatcher agree that the decisive battle for South Tunisia has not reached culmination, although Gen. Bernard Montgomery, with typical bulldog tenacity, on Wednesday resumed frontline action against the Mareth Line where
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  • 197 1 DomitiTOKYO. Mar. 26.—8y mobilizing the services ot distinguished painters of this country, the Army Fine Arts Association is making preparations to hold during the latter part cf April an exhibition of pictures depicting the severe battles that have taken place at
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  • 183 1 DomeL STOCKHOLM, Mar. 25—A recent Swedish edition of the American magazine. Readers' Digest, contained an article by Warren Clear, one of the last American officers to leave C'orregidor before the fortress was captured by Nippon forces. Clear pointed out the difficulty of attempting
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  • 174 1 Domei. RANGOON. Mar. 26-Balesh-war Prasad. President of the Indian Independence League, upon hearing the news of Premier Tojo's statement clarifying details of Burma's independence, declared in a statement to the Press yesterday evening that India has been fighting Britain a long time tn
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  • 261 1 Domei. TOKYO. Mar 26.—Dr. Ba Maw. Chief of the Burmese Government, called on Premier General Hidski Tojc this afternoon at the Premier's official residence to take leave of the Nippon Government leader. Tomorrow morning;, accompanied by other members of the Burmese mission. Dr. Ba
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  • 217 1 'MORE WILL GIVE UP WHEN TRUE SITU A TION DA WNS ON THEM' D'MnH. NANKING, Mar. 26.—One hundred and thirty thousand Chungking- troops were either captured or have surrendered to the Nippon forces since the National Government of China's entry
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  • 248 1 NIPPON PLANES' SMASHING RAID Dome! TOKYO, Mar. 25—Th^ smashing Nippon aerial offensive on the enemy airbases near ChittaKong at dawn on Mar. 23 emphasizes the fact that the Imperial air units on the Burma front are maintaining the initiative and frustrating the enemy's aerial
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  • 208 1 WHILE LINLITHGOW and Wavell boast of Britain's ability to keep India in subjugation for many mere decades. British planters and businessmen in India are trying to get out of Indii whue the going is still good, says the spokesman of the Indian
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  • 124 1 Domei. LISBON, Mar. 25.—According to a report received from Australia. I Premier John Curtin has warned Australians to be prepared for a (stricter rationing cf foodstuffs. He said that meats, milk, vegetables sad fruits will become scarcer,: while a butter shortage is threatened If butter
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  • 332 1 Increasing Figh ting Power Fea tti res Session TOKYO. Mar. 56.-Havin B speedily passed all Measures pr--.^tntcd by the Ooveroment. th* 81st session of the Mppon Imperial Diet come t3 a formal c o*« ioaay in a ceremony held at 10 50 am. Th? function was
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  • 130 1 J Domei. SAIGON, Mar. 25.-Paul Gannay. Inspector-General of th 3 Bank of French Indochina, dei clared on his return frcm Tokyo this afternoon, that the special Yen is expected to replace the dollar and sterling ii. the settling of trade accounts
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  • 1093 2 TREASURE HOUSE OF SOUTH THE. historic capture of Sumatra by Nippon Imperial Forces in 18 days is recalled in this further and final instalment of a story by H. Tsuyoshi, who snerks also cf the inherent beauty and licbness of this tropic para«i~e
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  • 420 2 PLANS TO MEET GROWING NEEDS FURTHER changes will be ruade in me city's transport system ft>- fit in Apr. 1. it is reliably understo-t?. Amon;; IbC cliunges contemplated are MM r€-:iutnb?rine of the majority of l-ns rouU iron; the city terminus at •uilavsor Green
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  • 89 2 Oomei. LISBON, Mar. 25.—Joseph B Eastman, Director of Dsfrn c Transportation, speaking at Indianapolis, warned that no reliei is in sight for American motorists, either in petrol cr in rubber, it is reported from New York. He said. It is quite roMble that the
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  • 232 2 CO-OPERATED WITH TROOPS KUALA. LUMPUfI. Mar. 26 Piobably the first Malalan to be j commended by Premier General Hicieki Tojo in recognition of his wholehearted coopeiation and assistance to the Imperial Nippon forces during the Malaian campaign. Mr. I,ow Shonu Khay, President of the Selanp.or
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  • 181 2 Domei KUALA LUMPUR, Alar. 26 One hundred and twenty-one candidates, out cf 150, have been selected to undergo training at th? Navy Workshop at Syonan on results of the recent examination held in the Selangor Government Office, it is announced by the General Affairs
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  • 570 2 'ATTEMPT TO WHITEWASH CRIMES' "JUST another futile attempt to whitewash Britain's black crimes against the Indian nation." In these words, Uie spokesman of the Indian Independence League Headquarte^f fn onTnJi dlJ? miSSed with contempt the latest British Wh?te£pp r on India,
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  • 697 2 ANNIVERSARY OF NEW REGIME TODAY is the first anniversary of the establishment of the Nippon Military Administration, Sumatra. It is also the anniversary of the wholesale surrender of the anti-Axis forces at Kota Djani, Sumatra, on March 27, which, except for isolated
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  • 249 2 Etomrl RANGOON, Mar. 2b- Burmese political circles, demonstrating full satisfaction over Nippon's fundamental policy regarding independence for Barma. which was clarified by Premier Tojo before the 81st Diet in Tokyo today, expressed special joy over the following two points, firstly, that a complete
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  • 66 2 Mrs KANMANY THAMBTFILLAI, beloved wife of Mr. K. Thambipillai of the Fire Brigade, daufetiter of Mr. Muttiah and rJster of Dr. M. Doraicingham of the Syonau Tokubetu SI, passed away Dcacefi'lly at 6.45 p.m. (T.T.) on Mar?h 26. 2603 at the Chuo Byoin. The cortege will leave No. 5.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 72 2 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCE BIRTH To Dr. and Mrs. Ghan Ah Kow —a daughter.—ELEANOß ME1LENG—25.3.2603. LEGAL NOTICE The public is hereby informed that my wife, Yang Siew Chin, having left my protection on 12.3.03 of her own free will, I, the undersigned will not be responsible for any debts or obligations contracted
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    • 1210 2 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED: A male or femaU- ua>rher to teach Nippon-Go and fc«v:.Uh. Free boarding and $40 per month Give full particulars, c,o Box No 245 Syonan Sinbun (English Editioni. Cecil Strcft, Sjonan. WANTED Paid Secretai: Applications are invited lor the post of a paid Secretary in the Indian Independence
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 148 2 l» O.VVS t.i: a.--1 6 p.m MMfe; 620 p.m. news in! ?'O)l»»Q language; 630 p.m. Tnciian »:hUd'en"3 Hour: 6.50 pm ..ilai music: 7 p.m. talk in Malai: 7.20 p.m. news in Malai: 735 p.m. Chinese' jnti<u(•; 8 p.m. news in OaatoCM*; 8.15 p*n. news in KoXkien: 8.30 pjn. 'ilinipses of
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    • 172 2 Church Services ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRA!.: 3rd In Lent. H.C. (plain) 8.30 am.. (choral). 9.30 a.m.; Evensong 6 p.m.; Wednesday. H.C. 9 a.m. Friday, H.C. 9 a.m. Devotional 6.15 p.m. ST. HILDAS: H.C. (said) 9.30 a.m.: Sunday School 12 noon. Evenscng 6.30 p.m. Wednesday. H.C. 8.45 a.m.; Devotional 6 p.m. ST
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    • 136 2 Radio Nippon-Go Lesson No. 33 HERE are further conversational sentences for this evening's lesson on the radio: 1. Comer, kudasai.—Excuse me. 2. Irasshaimase.—Welcome. 3. Tabako o kudasai.—l want some cigarettes. 4. Donna tabako o agemasho ka? What kind of cigarettes do you want? 5. "Kinshi" ga arimasu ka?—Have you "Kimhi"?
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    • 88 2 KYO-EI: "South of the Border." 3 p.m.—6—8.30 p.m. Tomorrow, 12 noon—3 p.m.—6 p.m.—B 30 p.m. SYOWA: "Holiday." 3 p.m.—6— 8.30 p.m. Tomorrow 12 nexm. 3 pm.. 6 pm 8 .''o p.m. r SHI HO: "The Phantom Empire," Final Chapters. 3 p.m.—C—B.3o p.m. INDO: "Chad Marriage" (Tamil). 3 p.m. and 630
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