Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 20 March 1943

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 30 1 The Syonan Sinbun rE N G L I S H Sdctoon Office 140/146 Cecil Street, Syonan. Telephone No. 5471. NO. 88 SATURDAY. MARCH 20. KOKI 2603. SYOWA 18 7 CENTS
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  • 560 1 Orphaned Australia IN an editorial on Thursday lasc under the title of Australia Stands Alone," Nippon Times (Tokyo) points out tha:i ths Commonwealth, "bereft of r.c^qaate aid from her erstwhile parent country and isolated by the vast expanse of ocean from both Britain and the United States." is now
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  • 55 1 Dotcci MALACCA, Mar. 17.—For the first time in Malacca, vioT.en hare been appointed conductors en the dip's public transport sennces controlled bu the Tokyo Kyuko Dentetsu (Malai Transport) Kaisha, Ltd. The new ''conductresses'' are mostly Chinese and Eurasian girls, and it is learnt more will
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  • 508 1  -  A DOMEI CORRESPONDENT ONE OF THE BEST IN EAST ASIA RANGOON, iviar. 19.—lhe existence ot the Burma Defence Army is a symbol of Nippon-Burmese co-operation, vividly exemplifying the friendly relations between Nippon and Burma, whose relations have become increasingly close through the
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  • 192 1 Domei TOKYO, Mar. 19.—The Navy Ministry announced that the granting of a. citation Dy the Commander-in-Chief of the NipDon Combined Fleet to ths crew of a transport under the command of Warrant Officer Hidem >rj Ikeda has been brought to the knowledge cf Tenno Heika.
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  • 233 1 TO ENCOURAGE the study of Nippon medical science among the inhabitants, and to bring medical treatment to its foremost position, the Syonan Gun-seikan-bu (Military Administration Department) has decided to establish the Sycnan Medical Ccilege, says an ofllcial announcement The college wUI occupy the
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  • 103 1 LARGE CROWDS attended the first of three performances staged at th? Yamato Gekijo on Thursday night by the Oversea Chinese Association, Syonan. of speciallyselected Peking dramas by the Lam Seng Theatrical Club. Among those present *as Dr. Lim Boon Keng. president of the Association
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  • 63 1 Domei MACASSAR. Mar. 19. —A normal school which will train io'-ol inhabitants leaders during a four-rear course on the basis of trie furiamental policy, established far the e('u.-jtio n of local inhabitants »n the occupied Southern Regions, was crcned ner* on Wednesday. Sixtynlne Loys and 51
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  • 134 1 Domel MEDAN. Mar. 16.—The threeday state-wide celebrations marking the first anniversary cf New Sumatra csme to an end yesterday, and the holiday crowds have returned to the office, factory and farm. The three days, beginning from Mar. 13, were days of unbroken festivities in
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  • 154 1 THIS MONTH sees the Syonan People's Treasury, which has been playing a vital role in the ctevelcpment of small cottage industries, complete its first six months of operation. The Treasury since its inception in September last has advanced on' loan approximately $30,000 to more!
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  • 14 1 Some members of Burma's Defence Army undergoing training. —(Domei photo).
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  • 514 1 FIERCE RUNNING BATTLE AT SEA Dome* AN UNDISCLOSED BASE, Mar. 18.—A Nippon submarine chaser fighting a fierce running battle with an enemy Flying Fortress and finally shooting it down into the ocean—that was the almost unbelievable episode related by the crew of a
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  • 27 1 Domri LISBON, Mar. 18—Anti-Axis headquarters in Australia announced that Nippon aircraft raided Merauke in New Guinea, says a report from Melbourne.
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  • 250 1 Domei CANTON, Mar. 18—The recent increased Nippon air activity over China is not only striking telling blows against Chungking but is seriously damaging the prestige of the United States Air Forces in China. Brigadier General Clair Chennault, Commander of Chungking's 14th Alr Force. according to information
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  • 59 1 Domel LISBON. Mar. 18—Hamilton Fish. Republican Representative, in a speech at Boston. d-clared that the United States in return for Lease-Lend aid should demand from the Irtish Government the immediate cession of all islands from the Bermudas to South America, so that the United
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  • 337 1 'Burmese People Have Entered Period Of Great Promise 9 SPOKESMAN WELCOMES VISITORS Domei. TOKYO, Mar. 19.—" It is with pro., und gratification that we welcome Dr. Ba Maw and his paity," deputy spokesman Isono, of Joho Kyoku (Board of Information) told foreign Press correspondents this morning. For, by virtue of
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  • 161 1 Domei ZURICH, Mar. 18.—Neve Zuercher Zeitung's Washington correspondent indicated that Henry Wallace's Latin American tour is principally designed to break down the resistance that economic plans drawn up by th? In-ter-American Affairs Co-crdina-tion Office are encountering in some South Americen States. The dk:>atch said
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  • 490 1 AXIS OFFENSIVE PROGRESSES Domei BY A MILITARY CORRESPONDENT LISBON, Mar. 18.— The Soviets continued to fall back against tenacious German attacks in the southern sector of the Eastern Front which are taking the aspect of an Axis offensive on an ever-widening front,
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  • 45 1 Domei TOKYO. Mar. 19-Doctor Ba Maw, Prime Minister of the Burmese Government who arrived here yesterday afternoon, together with members of his party, proPe«i ded Imperial ralace this morning and signed their names in the Imperial Register at 10 a.m.
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  • 222 1 REVIEW OF CHINA WAR Dome! NANKING, Mar. 19 Indicative of the intensity of Nippon opeH ations carried cut with the -dP Th°L S PPrig- resuuVscorthe yn^?hC °n For<*s on the north and central China ronts have been steadily m^ntI^Wfe ExpeditionThe announcement said that in H.$
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  • 116 1 Domei LISBON. Mar. 18—An incident involving the smearing of Prime Minister Winston Churchill's portrait, giving a rude shcck to prim Britishers, was brought to the attention of Scotland Yard on Tu2jday. a London dispatch today disclcsed. The Prime Minister's j,ortrait prominently displayed among photograph!!
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  • 96 1 MORE THAN 6,000 pocr were fed at the Al-junied Islamic School on the occasion of the Prophet Mohamed's birthday. At the Syonan Kokaido on Thursday, thousands of cthtrs pr-thcred to hear rolijrious lectures deli^e^ed by various Muslim leaders on the Holy Prophets life
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  • 55 1 P—Hi PEKING. Mar. 19.—For the purpose of discussing wartime policies. th« North China Political Council yesterday decided to hold a combined con* fereiioe of four provincial governor* •nd three special municipality mayors of North china at Peking on March 20 which will be presided over by Ctm
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    • 655 2 BURMA HELD AS EXAMPLE Domei TOKYO, Mar. 19.—Metropolitan newspapers this morning splashed their front pages with the epochal arrival yesterday of Prime. Minister Ba Maw of the Burmese Government and three other leaders of new Burma. All ran large illustrations cfl the party arrival at
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    • 395 2 POLITICAL OBSERVERS 9 VIEWS Dome! TOKYO, Mar. 18.—The present visit to Nippon of Dr. Ba Maw, Prime Minister of the Burmese Government, exemplifies the spirit of mutual aid existing: between Nippon and Burma, political observers here declared today. From the very start of Nippon'
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  • 370 2 'Bur mese Deserve Independence' <By a Domei Correspondent) RANGOON, Mar. 19—Today the Burmese people are about to realise their long-cherished independence as a result of sincere j co-operaticn shown by the people! at the time oi the arrival of the Imperial troops and the swift progress of their construction work
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  • 138 2 THE Acting Honorary Secretary of the Indian Independence League, Syonan branch, writes that many people are trying to make frequent calls on their relatives who are underRoing training in a camo in Kuala Lumpur. As the camp authorities cannot be certain of
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  • 60 2 FACING three ccunts of profiteering, Hera Singh, a wholesale dealer in piecegoods, had his case transferred to the High Court following an application made by the prosecuting officer in the Criminal District. Ccurt, yesterday. Hera Singh had already pleaded guilty to the charges,
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  • 364 2 BITTER HOUSE OF LORDS DEBATE VmmL LISBON, Mar. 17. 1t is reported from London in bitter attack against anti-Axis war aims, Lord Wedgwood, labourite member of the House of Lords, opened the debate on the North Africa situation by declaring that
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  • Article, Illustration
    18 2 Picture shows a certain unit of Nippon artillery forces actively operating on the central China front.- (Dome! pboto).
    (Dome! pboto).  -  18 words
  • 206 2 DESPITE EFFORTS OF GOVERNMENT Domei LISBON, Mar. 17—Labour difficulties in the United States are increasing instead of decreasing despite Government's strenuous efforts, according 10 dispatches received. John L. Lewis, president of United Mine Workers, declared today that he is ready to call half a
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  • 340 2 DMMi TOKYO, Mar. I&—The Asahi reported from an undisclosed place that saved from certain death after being adrift in a boat for 17 days, the four crew members of the Soviet freighter Kohla of 6,000 tons, which was sunk east of China waters
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  • 222 2 ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL: 2nd in Lent. H.O. (plain) 8.30 a.m.. (choral). 9.30 a.m.; Evensong 6 pjn.; Wednesday. H.C. 9 a.m. Friday, H.C. 9 a.m. Devotional 6.15 p.m ST. HILDA'S: H.C. (said) 9.30 a.m.; Sunday School 12 noon. Evensong 6.30 p.m. Wednesday H.C. 8.45 a.m.; Devotional 6 p.m. ST.
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  • 361 2 SINCE his assumption cf the Premiership in August last year, says a Range on message dated Mar. 18, Dr. Ba Maw has been working without respite, not even resting on Sundays, with enthusiasm for the realization of independence. Though busy from morning to his bed time,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 128 2 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCE ENGAGEMENTS TAN—UM. The engagement took place on Tuesday, Mar. 16, 2603, between Mr. Tan Hal Teh, eldest son of Mr. Mrs. Tan Kee Puan cf Ryonan, and Mtas lim Pheck Hoon. fifth daughter of Madam Lim 800 Ec and the late Mr. Urn 800 Ec of Malacca. YAN—WONG.
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    • 639 2 PUBLIC NOTICES TOKUBETU SI NOTICE NO. 190. Re: Students wanted for Yechnica) rraining School for aeroplane work* (Second Group) IT Is HEREBY NOTIFIED that students for the Technical Training School for Aeroplane Works situated 9i the Junction of h.3. 4 aiig Road ar.<S Geylang Road, the former Happy World, opening
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    • 478 2 WANTED TO RENT or buy compound hou c*, modern sanitation, either in group* 0.--separately, within three or four miles ol town. Rooms also required in l;;>.r -j with modern sanitation by paving guests. Inquire personally from E.i'itf»r, Syonan Sinbun, Ceol Slreet, or ktl» or, Syonan Sinbun-sha, Kobinson Road. WANTED URGENTLY—IS
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 217 2 SAIIKUAV, MAR. M 6 p.m music: 6.20 p.m. news in Nippon language; 6.30 p.m. Indian children's hour; 6.50 p.m. Malai talk; 7.20 p.m. news in Malai; 7.35 p.m. Chinese music: 8 p.m. news in Cantonese; 8.15 p.m. news in Hokkien; 8 30 p.m. Glimpses of Nippon; 8.40 p.m. Nippon language
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    • 220 2 Radio Nippon-Go Lesson No. 27 I THIS evening we shall continue on the radio with the same lesson, that is the conversation focween two persons. 1. Kato san sanpo ni ikimasen ka? —Mr. Kato. won't you go for a walk? 2. Hai, goissho ni mairimasho. Yes, I will go with
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    • 47 2 KYO-BI: "Rose of Washington Square." 3—6—8.30 p.m. STOW A: "Stablemates." 3—6—8.30 p.m. USHIHO: "Theodora Goes Wild.' 3 —6—8.30 p.m. INDO: "Punar Milan" (Hindustani). 2.30—5.30—8.30 p.m. YAMATO: Peking Drama (Charity). 8 p.m. To-night, To-morrow and Saturday. MALAI: "The Ghost Breakers." 3 and 8.30 p.m. daily. To-morrow: "Cafe Metropole."
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