Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 18 March 1943

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 25 1 The Syonan Sinbun I ENGLISH I Office 140/146 Cecil Street, Syonan. Telephone No. 5471. NO. 86 THURSDAY. MARCH 18. KOKI 2603. SYOWA 18 7 CENTS.
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  • 552 1 Two Million Made Cannon Fodder HEARTS devoted to the cause of a Free China, everprogressive with the passage of time, realizing every day in ever-increasing measure the ideals of the late Dr. Sun Yatsen. could not but have felt smitten by the announcement made by the Chungking Supreme Defence
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  • 107 1 TOKYO. Mar. 17.—A unique rado program to combat underhand Anglo-American itianoeuvres t) cuvulote unfounded rumours against Nippon is being planned by the Nippcn Broadcasting Corpora t.on. I" program, it is understood, will be df\n'ed to wellknown Nippon writers v. tM .11 give personal impressions of
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  • 528 1 Tojo Stresses Importance Of New Measures Taken By IMppon Government Ifemei. TOKYO, Mar. 17.—Regarding- the establishment of the new system of cabinet advisors, the Wartime Economic Council and Administrative Supervisory System, and also the enforcement of an Extraordinary Wartime Administrative Power Act, Premier General
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  • 153 1 Domei TOKYO. Max. 17 —The traffic fate of thousands of Chungking troops who fled into the mountains when their retreat was cut off by the lightning advance o( the Nippon forces last May in their redaction of the Burma route was recently
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  • 268 1 WORK IN connection with the liquidation of 13 enemy banks in J Syonan and the various States In Malai is being carried out by j the Chief Custodian cf Enemy > Property whose office is Ka the Yokohama Specie Bank building,, it is officially
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  • 77 1 Domn. LISBON. Mar. 16—United St.ites troops in North Africa have been seriously hit by an outbreak of typhus epidemic in Morocco, says a report from Tangiers. Owing to the lack of doctors and medicines, the number of American soldiers stricken down by disease U
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  • 383 1 CLOSE RELATIONS EMPHASIZED Domei. HSINKING, Mar. 17— Chen Chi-cheng. new Chinese Ambassador to Manshukoku, proceeded to the Imperial Palace at 10.30 a.m. to present his credentials to Manshukoku Kotei Heika, and later was honoured at an Imperial luncheon which was attended by Premier Chang Ching-hui.
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  • 89 1 Being Sold In Syonan BREAD HAS r?-appearea In Syonan. and the people are be ginning to acquire a new taste Tor this new-type bread which is solely made from maize Hour. Small loaves of this bread, brown iv colour, are sold at eianc cents a loaf. Doctors
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  • 43 1 LISBON, Mar. 17—Sir Archibald Waved. Cominander-in-Chief of the British forces in India, revealed that the casualties suffered by the Indian armed forces reached approximately 100.000. of which ***** to 70.000 are believed to have been taken prisoner. New Delhi Radio repo-ted
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  • 361 1 PLEA BY TOKYO ASAHI Domei TOKYO, Mar. 17.—The Asahi in an editorial stresses that the fundamental policy in carrying out' medical and social welfare work among the inhabitants of the Southern countries should be established on a permanent basis, in
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  • 227 1 ENEMY LOSES HEAVILY IN FIERCE AERIAL COMBAT Doraei. ISTANBUL, Mar. 16.—The loss of three more British war planes in aerial combat over Rathedaung with a Nippon air unit on Mar. 15 has been admitted by headquarters of the anti-Axis forces in India in an announcement
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  • 139 1 Domei AN UNDISCLOSED BASE !li j Eurma, Mar. 16. —A Nippon Army air unit shot down seven Hurricanes and cne Blenheim during a fierce air combat with an enemy formation consisting of; ten Hurricanes and 12 Blenheims over the Burma-Indian border, yesterday afternoon. All
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  • 132 1 Dome!. LISBON. Mar. 16—Indicative of acute short? ge of farm labour in the United .States. Representative John Tabor. Republican lor New York, has Introduced a bill for the appropriation of $26,000,000 to recruit mobile workers to relieve the shortage of farm labour, it
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  • 41 1 Domri. BUENOS AIRES. Mar. 16—The Uruguayan Cabinet today i sued a decree that all public employees must undergo military training, it is reported from Montevideo. The decre? is part or the program of compulsory military training, it was learned.
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  • 104 1 DomeL LISBON, Mar. 15.—Resident* in Lcs Angeles and San Francisco on the west coast of the United States were thrown into a panic yesterday afternoon by false air raid alarms, it U reported from Los Angeles. A 30-minut? alarm was scunded
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  • 63 1 Domei. LISBON. Mar. 16.- Price Administrator PrentLss Brown declared that if such increases in wages as demanded by John L. Lewis lor coal-miners were granted "we will lose the flght against inflation," it is reported frcm Milwaukee. Brown spoke to 1000 consumer re.esen'ative.s and
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  • 464 1 TUNISIAN WAR FRONT QUIET DOUk-i LISBON, Mar. 16.—Following the recapture of Kharkov by the Germans who are pushing steadily eastwards despite desperate Soviet resistance, fighting; is now centering: west of Byelgorod with minor activities in other sectors of the Eastern Soviet front
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  • 268 1 Domei TOKYO. Mar. 17. In -,-der tcr' further strengthen rhe w&rrini' structure and also bolster up vr production, the Governm?iu. oil the basis cf Imperial Ordinan c decided at todays Cabinet mating to create, firstly, a Cabinet Advisory Council, secondly, a Wartime Economic Council and.
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  • 356 1 Domei PEKING. Mar. 15.~Stres..(ny the importance of North China as Chinas foremost industrial centre, Chu Shen, newly-appoint-ed chairman of the North China Political Council, today declared that every effort will be made to carry out measures to enable North China to
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  • 192 2 FORD AIRCRAFT WORKERS STRIKE Domei. CANTON, Mar. 16—According to information from Chungking, the influential Ta Kung Pao in an editorial clamouring for increased supplies from the United States declares that the responsibility for having Chungking supplies riled up in India lies in the failure of the
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  • 177 2 Dome! HANOI. Mar. 16.—The Hanoi Soir, the French language newspaper yesterday editorially declares that the recent indiscriminate bombing cX Rennes and Rouen in Frame, by Anglo-Ame-rican air forces would only serve to inflam3 the bitter indignation of the French people as well as ot
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  • 78 2 TH£ Sycnan Police Band. «rder the direction of Conductor Ganda Singii, will perform in buplic at the Waterloo Street Bind*:land from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. tomorrow. The program is as follows: March, Pot Pourre-Steps of Glory," <A. Winter); One or Two Step, "The Savoy Scottish Medley"
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  • 60 2 Prme: TOKYO, Ma:. 16—A plan will shortly materialize for the construction of n National History Hall as one of the commemoration enterprises of the Society for the celebration of the 2600 th year of the founding of the Nippon JSrr.pu?. it is learned. The construction of the
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  • 275 2 PRESSING PROBLEMS UNSOLVED Domei. ZURICH, Mar. 16.—Press dispatches from Washington confirmed the earlier belief that the question of harmonization of Anglo-Saxon-Soviet war aims constituted the main objective of Anthony Eden's visit to Washington. The Exchange Telegraph's, Washington correspondent says that informed sources attached importance
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  • 427 2 TIME NOW NEAR AT HAND Domel SHANGHAI, Mar. 16.—Premier General Hideki Tojo's visit to Nanking, reciprocating President Wang Ching-wei's visit to Tokyo last December, will further cement the amicable relations now existing between Nippon and China, Chinese journals here editorially
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  • 103 2 Domei TOKYO, Mar. 16—It is learned, the Tourist Bureau Council in its 14th session held at the Railways Ministry this afternoon approved the budget for th* next fiscal year amounting to Yen 1.900,000. The new bucget shows an increase of Yen 400,000 as compared
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  • 128 2 Domei PEKING, Mar. 16.—Yin Jukeng, newly appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors of Shansi Colliery Company, in a Press interview stressed that efforts will be pushed further for an increased output of Yangchuan coal which has become recognized as not only a motorcar fuel but
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  • 197 2 Dome! SHANGHAI, Mar. 18.—No oermits will ba necessary hereafter for the remittance from Central China to Nippcn of military scrip in amounts not exceeding Yen 5,000, according to a notice recently given to local Nippon banks by the Nippon Financial Attach2's efflce here. The present action
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  • 256 2 Rome Lecture On SinoNippon Relations Domei ROME. Mar. 16.—Lecturing a*the Italian-Asiatic Institute on "recent developments in SinoNippon relations" Shunichl Kase Charge d'Affaires at tho Nippon Embassy here, explained the pr> gress of Sino-Nippon relations since the outbreak of the Chir** Affair till the establishment of the National Government of China
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  • 94 2 DomeL LISBON, Mar. 16—It is reported from Washington, reflecting the most serious concern felt in America and Britain over the fresh Axis submarine warfare, unleashed with the return of favourable weather, the United States Navy issued a communique today stating that American, British
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  • 283 2 OomH. TOKYO, Mar. 16.—At the Nippon Red Cross Society Headquarters here some 30 second generation Nippon students are daily tussling with the complicated task of sorting cut thousands of communications in letter or telegraphic form which are gathered either for local distributi
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  • 113 2 Domei. ROME. Mar. 15.—Health conditions of civilian internees in Nippon are good, according to the Apostolic Delegate to Tokyo Paclo Marella. who visited civilian internment camps in Nippon, semi-official Vatican paper, Observatore Romano, reported. The newspaper said Signor Marella brought the internees words of comfort
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  • 604 2 HALF-YEAR'S BUDGET BALANCED Mm RANGOON, Mar. 17.—Remarkable progress has been made in Burma in the fields of agriculture, economy and industry within the short period of one year since British influence has been uprooted from the country, and free Burma has now attained
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  • 214 2 I Domer. TOKYO. Mar. 1&—By virtue of special ordinance which were announced in the official gazette this morning two research institutes exclusively devoted to survey and investigation of things Southern were created in Taiwan today. The first Is the Southern Cultural Research Institute which
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  • 387 2 Domei. TOKYO, Mar. 16.—Divine Providence which protects the destiny of the Nippon Empire sent a squall which enveloped the Nippon hospital ship, Manila Mam, in its protecting fold when the marauding American submarine attacked the ship in broad daylight, southeast of Palau Island,
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  • 174 2 BOXING enthusiasts should have their fill at the Great World Arena on Saturday night, for some of the best scrappers ;n Malai will be seen in action A feature of the card, which is made up of three ten-rounders preceded by an eight-rounder is
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 496 2 PUBLIC NOTICES TOKUBETU SI NOTICE NO. 190. Re: Students wanted for Technical Training School for aeroplane work* (Second Group) IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that students for the Technical Training School for Aeroplane Works situated 9t the Junction of Ka.,ang Road WVC Geylang Road, the former Happy World opening from Ist
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    • 406 2 WANTED TO RENT or buy compound hnuM.-, modern sanitation, either in groups or separately, within three or foar mi'.es of town. Rooms also required in bouses with modern sanitation by paying guests. Inquire personally from Editor, Syonan Sinbun, Street, or Editor, Syonan Sinbun-sha, Kobinson Road. WANTED 2 599—250. Model
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 180 2 THURSDAY. la 6 p.m. music: 6.20 p.m. news In Nippon language; g3O p.m. Nippon Rielotlles: 6.30 pjn. reading of the Koran Al-Karim; V p.m. religious talk >n Malai; 720 p.m. news in Malai; 7.35 p.m. CanUaese drama; 8 p.m. news in Cantonese; 8 15 p m. news in Hokkien;
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    • 151 2 Radio Nippon-Go Lesson No. 25 THIS evening we shall continue on the radio with the same method, that is the convetsation between two persons. 1. Anata wa otosan ga arimasu ka? —Have you a father? 2. Hai, arimasu.—Yes, I have. 3. Anata no go ryoshin wa doko ni irasshaimasu ka?—Where
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    • 49 2 KVO-El: 'Rose of Washington Square." 3—6—8.30 p.m SYOWA: -Stableirates. 3 —6—B 30 p.m. USHIHO: "Theodora Goes Wild." 3—6—8.3 a p m. INDO: "Punar Milan1 (Hindustani). 2.30—5.30—8.30 p.m. YAMATO: Peking Drama (Charity). 8 p.m. To-night, To-morrow and Saturday. MALAI: "The Ghost Breakers." 3 and 8.30 p.m. daily. To-morrow: •'Cale Metropole.", «<
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