Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 8 March 1943

Total Pages: 2
1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 23 1 The Syonan Sinbun English Edition Office 1406 Cecil St, Syonan Telephone 5471 No. 77 MONDAY, MARCH 8, KOKI 2603, SYOWA 18 7 Cents.
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  • 132 1 Felicitations Damei TOKYO. Mar. 6—Ko?o Heika thi* morning received frl'ciUtions !tom various members of the Imperial Family on the occasion of Koco Heika's 40th birthday. Congratulatory expressions were 3\t extended by MarqcU Koichl Kido. Lord Kiwper of the Privy Seal. Tsuneo Mat.sudaira Imperial Household Minister, and
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  • 527 1 No Love Lost! TWO items in recent news dispatches are worthy of note. Maxim Litvinov, Soviet Ambassador to the United States, no doubt acting on instructions from Moscow, took the unprecedented step of delivering to the authorities in Washington an article appearing in the Pravda of Feb. 8 demanding
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  • Nippon Determined To Increase Fighting Power
    • 255 1 Enemy Forces Cleared From North-West ßurma, Yunnan SLASHING NIPPON DRIVES Domei RANGOON, Mar. 7.—Slashing all-out drives simultaneously carried out by the Nippon For.:es in Yunnan Province and north-western Burma have succeeded in clearing out the enemy from sizeable areas in both regions. With the capture of Taipingkai and Shunchiangkai, enemy
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    • 975 1 PRESENT YEAR MOST DECISIVE RESPONDING to a resolution unanimously adopted by the House of Representatives in Tokyo on Friday, calling for the concentration of the nation's total strength on promoting further its fighting power, thereby establishing a firm, invincible structure for the achievement of
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  • 323 1 Domri. RANGOON, Mar. 6.—Burma within the past one year of contact with the Nippon forces which drove the British frcm the land has been resurrected completely as an Asiatic race bent on becoming a proud and independent nation before the advent of another year. This is
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  • 119 1 Dornei. TOKYO, Mar. 6— The National Service Publicists Association, which has mobilized political, economic and social writers in this country, was inaugurated this afternoon at a meeting held at the Hibiya Public Hall. A message from Premier General Hideki Tojo was lead. following Mtleh addre«s«es
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  • 65 1 Dome! SAIGON, Mar. s—The investigation of actual living conditions of overseas Chinese in southern French Indcchina will be conducted by three Chinese parties, specially dispatched by the Saigon Chinese Association with a view to acquainting them with Nippon's new policy toward China, thereby facilitating
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  • 86 1 OVER ONE hundred members of the editorial and technical staffs of the various newspapers in Syonan raid their respects at the Syona-.i Tinja this morning. Carved as It were from out of the virgin jungle that hems it in on three sides, the Syoiian
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  • 205 1 Domei. NANKING. Mar. 6.—The control of staple materials and the stability cf their prices presented ,by Minister of Commerce and I Industry Mci Ssu-ping was apI proved at yesterday's session of j th? Supreme National Defence Council. Minister Mei's proposal that commercial and industrial
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  • 146 1 Dome! LISBON. Mar. 6.— The Office of War Information announced thai United States armed forces casualties. whose next-of kin have been Informed, to date baaed on Army and Nary Department announcement* total 87.743. The total includes 10.696 killed; 11,629 wounded; 37,764 missing, 7,6>34 taken prisoner.
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  • 35 1 Dome). MENGCHIANG, Mar. 6.- The newly-instituted Colours of the Mengchiang Army will be presented to each regiment at a solemn ceremony to be h ald on Apr. 25.
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  • 513 1 BRITISH BEAT HASTY RETREAT ON TUNISIAN BATTLEFRONT DHM LISBON, Mar. 6. —During the past 10 days, at least six Soviet divisions and three brigades were completely annihilated or badly shattered, according to reports received from the Eastern Front. 1 D.NB. reported
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  • 136 1 Uomel. HONGKONG, Mar. 7—Normalcy is now characteristic of the Kwangchow Bay area, the scene of the Nippcn landing on Feb. 16. according to a Chinese who arrived at Siying. Nearly all the inhabitants of Leichow have returned to their homes, while in the
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  • 278 1 Domei ANSHAN. Man hukoku Mar 5. —The Krur-p Steel Works of Germany, recognizing thi tremendous advance of the iron and steel industry of th- Showa Steel Wcrks. has negotiated for adoption of reduction of the roast process at present being utilized successfully
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  • 630 1 REPORT MADE IN LOWER HOUSE Owm4 iOKYC. Mar. 7.-Steady met smcoth progress U beim; made iv th 3 development of fee agricull u n ra t l*nd industries m tiil Southern Krgicns Ita-o Mizuno Director or the 8 .vth, m Affairs Bureau o.< »h«
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  • 61 1 Dotnei. TOKYO. Mar. 6—A mammotli phctograph of two Nippon infantrymen snapped at the moment of actual assault upon ths enemy, was placed on public display covering the entire facade of the Nippon Theatre, om of the largest picture houses in Tckyo. in observance of
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  • 687 2 EX-ENVOY ON INSPECTION TOUR ftomei MANILA, Mar. s.—The independence of the Philippines has always been supported by the Nippon people even when the Philippines was under American rule, said Admiral Kichisaburo Nomura, former Nippon Ambassador to the
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  • 178 2 Oobml MANILA, Mar. 6.—Rafael Alunan, Ccmmissioner of Agriculture and Commerce, declared that Nippon came to the Philippines not to exploit Filipinos but rather to guile and help them to establish the Philippines for Filipincs, during an address before Filipino Exservicemen at the Public Welfare Memorial
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  • 174 2 TRAVEL LLING dispensaries, v/hich first made their appearance in Sycnan on Aug. 15 last year, have now become a regular :jature of th* work of the Health Depaitment of the Minseibu. Sycnan Tokubetu-si. At present, ti^ere ~r» two travelling djspen.'a-'eo that tour the
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  • 165 2 SAIGON, Mar. 6.—Vegetable iliop^ here were congested wi,h housewives buying apples, cnion.«, :»ni potatops imported from Nippen AUhiugii this city was noted for Us .cii variety <f frrits &nd vegetables, ..'t::! potatoes and apples, are no :r.nge«- available folio* irs the
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  • 246 2 Dome! TOKYO, Mar. 7.—Commenting on the new offensive en the China continent, the Asahi declares that within laps than half a month, the Imperial forces I smashed the enemy in the northern Kiangsu and Hankow sectors, thereby attaining the object of
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  • 232 2 Dotnei AMOY, Mar. 5.—A cordial letter of thanks in appreciation cf the goodwill and kindness of the Nippen Consulate-General in Amoy was received by the ConsulateGeneral authorities from the officiating priest and nuns of the Dominico Churth in Amoy. The Dominico Church, which
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  • 450 2 RUMANIAN MINISTER'S THEORIES Domei TOKYO. Mar. 6.—Anglo-American liberalism and materialism which have poisoned the world must be replaced by the spirit of self-effacement and service to the State and society in order to realize a new world order. These are
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  • 580 2 'BRITAIN BEYOND REDEMPTION' Dome! PENANG, Mar. 5.—" In spite of the worst that the British Government could do, Mahatma Gandhi survives, and his survival will mark a new chapter in which India shall regain her freedom.
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  • 88 2 DotneJ. SAIGON, Mar. 5—A mail service linking French Indochina with China and the Southern Regions has been opened. The new service is the result of the agreement reached between the Nippon authorities and the postal authorities of French Indochina. The present service is limited to
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  • 97 2 DomeL IPOH, Mar. 4—lndians have received with profound gratitude the stirring declaration and resolution adopted by the 5,000 Nippon-zin who attended the "Save India" mass meeting held in Tokyo last week. "This demonstration of Nippon's comprehension not only of India's straggle for complete independence but also
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  • 462 2 TEARING into his opponent with the ferocity of his namesake. Tiger Aman (116' lt>>, annsxed the bantamweight crcwn of Malai at the Great World Arena last night when he secured a points decision ever Johnny Mortell (118 lb in a 15 two-min-ute round
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  • 233 2 A GOAL SCORED by Lian Sin in the early stages of play gave the Chinese a one-goal-to-nil victory over the Eurasians in the Army Day soccer competition en the Padang yesterday. The result places three teams—Eurasians, Malais and Chinese with an equal number
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  • 256 2 FRUITLESS TRIP TO INDIA Domei NANKING, Mar. 5. From Chungking, it is reported that General Ho Ying-chin, Chungking's War Minister, has returned to Chungking from India wh?ie he failed to obtain additional aid from the anti-Axis forces there. General Ho, who returned
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  • 110 2 DFATH Mrs Foo Khee How (nee M»dam Maria Han Quee Neo) aged 52 years, passed away peacefully at her residence No. 20. Loronjr "3. Gevian". on 6 h March. 2603. leaving behind 4 sons Foo Chee Twee. Dr. Foo Chee Guan. Chce John, Anthony Foo Chp? Chow, .5
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 857 2 WANTED TO RENT or buy compound bouses, modern sanitation, either in croups or separately, within three or four miles of town. Rooms also required in hou>cs with modern sanitation by paying guests. Inquire personally f. >m Edilor, Sycnan Sinbun. Cecil Street, or Editor, Syonan Sinbun-slia. Robinson Road. WANTED Snger Sewing
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 182 2 TODAY'S PROGRAM 3 p.m. school broadcast; 3.20 p.m. Interval; 8 p.m. music; 6.20 p.m. Nippon language news; 6.30 p.m. Chinese Children's Hour; 6.50 p.m. Malai music: "20 p.m. news in Malai; 7.35 p.m. Chinese music; 7.45 p.m. reading In Chinese; 8 p.m. news in Cantonese; 8.15 p.m. news in Hokkien;
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    • 209 2 Radio Nippon-Go Lesson No. 18 I 1 WE give again the same lesson, that is conversation between two persons. Here are the examples: 1. Kyo wa nan nichi desu ka? What is the date today? 9. Kyo wa san gatsu hachi nichi desu.—Today is March Bth. 9. Mai tsuki no
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