Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 3 March 1943

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 24 1 The Syonan Sinbun English Edition Office !40/6 Cecil St r Syonan Telephone 5471 No. 73 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, KOKI 2603, SYOWA 18 7 Cents.
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  • 103 1 Dotnei. TOKYO, Mar. 2—Tenno flriku yesterday received a cable. from Mansh-ukoku Kotci Heika, expressing cordial thanks for the China Affair Service Medal and the commemorative medals for the 26th centenary of the founding of Nippon, which Tenno Heika was pl.-a-.ed to present. Formal presentation of
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  • 418 1 Djawa's Progress OUR THOUGHTS turn to our next- oor neighbour, Djawa, where the people are celebrating tae first year of Nippon occur *tlon with an elaborate nine-cloy program. A year ago last Monday, Imperial Nippon forces, after crossing 7,000 miles of ocean, landed at Djawa and, within a few
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  • 427 1 PERMANENT WORK A FEATURE THE NIPPON MILITARY Administration, since its establishment a year ago, has gradually extended temporary measures into different fields, and today it is about to take permanent measures rather than temporary steps. This conclusion is obviously plain in the
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  • 201 1 CHIANG'S SUPPL V ARTER V SEVERED Domei. HANOI. Mar. I—The impreg- I nable defence facilities, establish-; ed on the northern frontier line cl ng the chain of rugged mountains of the French IndochinaKwangsi border, are now securely under the vigilant guard of joint unitj
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  • 223 1 Domei. LISBON. Mar. I.—Major George Fielding Eliot, New York HsraldTribune's military commentator, in yesterdays issue of the newspaper asserted: "There are a good |msny very serious difficulties- in I the way of increasing aid" to Chungking, states a New York report. Pointing out some
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  • 177 1 Domei ROME. Mar. 2—lt was announced that the eleventh anniversary of the foundation of Manshukoku was celebrated by the Manshukoku Embassy here. Present at the ceremonies were Gulseppe Bastianini. State Under- Secretary for Foreign Affairs. Carlo Biggini. Minister of Education and j Yon Mackcnsen. German Ambassador. Shunichi
    MMHilttif*»t • B -(Domei photo.)  -  177 words
  • 134 1 Domei. UNDISCLOSED BASE in the South, Mir. I.—Nippon fighters engaged enemy raiding formations, composed of 15 Hurricanes north of Akyab in the Arakan sector on the afternoon of Feb. 28, and definitely shot down seven of them. All the Nippon planes returned saf?ly
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  • 153 1 Domei. TOKYO, Mar. 2—Major General Kenryo Sato, Chief of the Bureau of Military Affairs of the War Ministry, outlined the successful steps which are being taken against the Communist movement in China. In answer to an interpellation in the Lower House Special Committee Deliberating
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  • 1196 1 Illuminating Address Made In Lower House In Tokyo Their Tactics Are Crude And Primitive'—Maj. Gen. Sato Home!. TOKYO, Mar. I.—Speakinf before the Accounts Settlement Committee of the House of Representatives today, MajorGeneral Kenryo Sato, Director of the Military Affairs Bureau of the
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  • 613 1 IGNORANT' OF REAL WAR AIMS Domei TOKYO, Mar. 2—Major General Kenryo Sato. Chief of the Military Affairs Bureau of the War Office, told the Accounts Settlement Committee of the Hcuse of Representatives yesterday afternoon that the United States completely lacks fundamental principles
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  • 195 1 I Domei. LISBON, Mar. I—United States' Under-Secretary of War, Robert P. Patterson, has expressed opposition to the bill deferring all farm workers from military service, according to Washington reports. The reports quoted Patterson as having said: "I do not see how we can
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  • 50 1 Domci LISBON, Mar. I—Nippon air units yesterday carried out severe raids en anti-Axis military concentrations at Merauke, Southern New Guinea, as well as Milne Bay at the eastern extremity of the same island, according to a dispatch from Melbourne, quoting anti-Axis headquarters in the SouthWest Pacific.
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  • 374 1 MASS MEETING IN NANKING )om«L NANKING, Mar. I.—Speaking, >cfore a Cnineso mass meeting leld in support of the Indian In- j lependence Movement, President Yang Ching-wei declared: "We; iave the deepest sympathy for; ;he champions cf Indian inde- j Dendence and hope to devise
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  • 100 1 THE MARKED improvement in Gandhi s condition and the definite possibility of his surviving the fast indicated in latest reDorts from Pcona have greatly relieved the anxiety of Indians in Syonan regarding the MahatmVs health. To mark the end of another fast jby the
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  • 222 1 Oomei. TOKYO. Mar. 2—Th^ Yen 13,275,000.000 General Budget. including Ordinary and Special Accounts for the fiscal year I 1943-44, was unanimously passed and approved without amendment during the plenary session of the House of Peers this morning. With the passage of this General: Budget, the
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  • 332 1 NIPPON METHODS of traffic control, which have been introduced in Syonan, are proving a great success. Among these is the Tomaru or Stop sign written in large red characters on either end of the traffic cop's wings and spe-cially-made boards which
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  • 395 2 REMARKABLE ACHIEVEMENT Ttomei. SOLRABAYA, Feb. 28.—One year alter the Imperial troops landed at Djawa, the most outstanding piece of reconstruction work here is seen in the harbour areas. Following their loss of Singapore and Manila in swift succession following the outbreak of the
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  • 45 2 576 ,800 Tons Enemy Shipping Sunk In February Eo:rH LISBON, Mar 1 A <ierr.:an romnvjniq-j* says that, during; February, (ierman U-boats, motor tor»edoJ>: ats and Luftwatir >an'i 101 anti-Axis vessels lotaliiiv* .*i?(>.800 tous besides the sinking of une cruiser, one itttrmiftt aad three escorting \fsscls.
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  • 264 2 Lomri TOKYO, Mar. 1 -Flags of Nippon iuid Manshukoku fluttered everywhere In ths capital while .shop-windows and department Mores were decorated with appropriate photographs and posters loday as Tokyo celebrated the 11th anniversary of th? founding of the Man:;hukoku Empire. Various cele jratir.n programs were
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  • 188 2 A CRICKET league strictly confined to members of the Syonan Sports Association will be started shortly. Entries are invited and all te.ims desirous of competing are requested to register with the secretary of the Cricket Committee, Mr. Choor Singh, c/o the office of Custodian
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  • 360 2 Drmei BANDOENG. Mar. I—Commemorating the first anniversary of the landing of Nippon forces Djawa today saw the opening ol the gala nine-day festival throughout the island in celebrati~n of New Djawa. In Bandoeng various athletic meetings of pupils of primary and middle schools are being held
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  • 237 2 WAR POLICY IN EUROPE DISCUSSED DomeL ROME. Mar. I.—lt v officially announcd that Joachim Yon Ribbentrop. German Foreign Minister, visited Italy from Feb. 24 to F?b. 28 en Chancellor Adoll Hitler's instructions and discussed With Premier Benito Mussclini questions concerning the European policy and joint conduct
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  • 289 2 THE 42-YE/..R-OLD Chinese storekeeper of an enemy concern, now under the charge of the Custodian of Enemy Property, who was stated to have abused his employers trust by disposing of certain property which had been entrusted to him. was sentenced to six
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  • 272 2 Domei NANKING, Mar. I.—With the Chinese people showing wholehearted support for Swaraj, the Mm Kuo Ji Pao, today editorially comments under the caption "Assist Indian Independence" that India is part of East Asia and the Indian i^^u^^^V^^ 1 te Part Of the cam Pajfn
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  • 471 2 DETERMINED AXIS ONSLAUGHTS Domei. LISBON. Mar. I.—With the thawing of the snow and better all-round weather conditions, the Soviet offensive is definitely slowing down on the Eastern Soviet front. The Soviets are even retreating from several sectors in the face of determined Axis onslaughts
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  • 187 2 Domei LISBON. Mar. I.—lt is learned, as clearcut evidence that British and American supplies are failing to arrive in Australia in adequate quantities, despite the urgency of the times, the correspondent ol the London Times repcrts from Canberra that Australian Premier John Curtin announced in
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  • 177 2 Domei TOKYO. Mar. 2.-Government is seriously considering the advance tl Nippon science and education to th<3 Southern Regions. Dr. Kunihiko Hashida. Miniter ot Education, stated at the meeting of the Committee o.' Accounts in the House ol Representatives jesterdiiy. Responding to an interpellation.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 447 2 NOTICE LEE THEOW HOE. lato of Messrs Ray.Mm Tradir.R Company, begs to inform the public that he has now commenced business independently under the style of Lee Tiieow Hoe. no. 34, chulia Street. Syonan-to. Telephone No. 3622 cod. NOTrCE is hereby given that Madam Tan Ij Hoon has this day
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    • 679 2 PUBLIC NOTICES TOKUBETU SI NOTICE No 181 IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that the attentiou of Medical Practitioners. Physicians i Native Dentists. Pharmacists, Midwives and owners of Driuj Stores is drawn to the following new scale of fees which unpayable on or before the 15th March. 2603. at the office
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    • 471 2 WANTED TO RENT or buy rompoond house*, modern -.nutation either in croups or separately, within three or rour mile* of town Rooms also required In htrei with modern sanitation by pi>ui guests. Inquire personally from Ediior. Sinbun. Cecil Street, or Editor, Syon;»n Sf-ibun-*ha. Robinson K«art. WANTED S;nger Sewing Machines
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 175 2 i-»Ua/ I'ROGKAM 8 p.m. music; 620 p.m. Nippon language ne*.; 630 p.m. Nippon melodies; 6.50 p.m. Malai music; 7.20 pm. news in Malai; 7.35 p.m. reading in Chinese; 8 p.m. news in Cantonese; 5.15 p.m. news in Hokkien; 8.30 p.m. Olunpses of Nippon; 8.40 p.m. Nippon ianguage lesson No. 14;
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    • 158 2 Radio Nippon-Go Lesson No. 14 I YESTERDAY you learned on the radio the conversation between two persons. Today we shall continue with questions and answers. 1. Anata wa doko c ikimafu ka? WheTe are you going? J. Watashi wa marhi c kaimono ni ikimasu—l am going to town for shopping.
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