Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 11 February 1943

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 16 1 The syonan sinbun [ENGLISH 1 No. 56 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, KOKI 2603, SYOWA 18 7 Cents.
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  • 267 1 SPECIAL HONOURS FOR REAR ADMIRAL SAKIYAMA Domei. I'OKYO, Feb. 11. —The third granting of posthumous awards to Navy officers and men, as well as civilians employed by the Navy, who were killed in action since the outbreak of the War of
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  • 561 1 Kigensetsu TODAY marks the 2603 rd anniversary of the founding of the Nippon Empire. The day lias been observed annually throughout the ages, as a national festival which also commemorates the day of accession to the throne of the first Emperor of Nippon, Jimmu Tenno. According to Nippon mythology,
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  • 325 1 DomeL TOKYO, Feb. 11.—The War Ministry announced that the individual citatiens issued to SubLieutenants Makoto Aizawa and Toru Kamibayashi by their commander for meritorious services in the battle of Chuchow in western Chekiang Province last Spring have reached the knowledge of Tenno Heika. Both officers died
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  • 294 1 DomeL TOKYO. Feb. 10—Since the establishment of special naval technical corps at the end of December 1941 for salvaging enemy vessels, refloating of sunken ships has made remarkable progress, declared Captain Akira Yamaki. Chief of the Second Section of the Navy Ministry's Naval Affairs
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  • 307 1 86 Hostile Planes Shot Down In One Week Battle Off Isabel Island DomeL TOKYO, Feb. 10.—Dai Honyei (Imperial Headquarters) announced at 3 p.m. that the Imperial Navy sank 13 enemy warships and shot down Bft enemy planes between Feb. 1 and Feb. 7
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  • 296 1 YAMASHITA NOW FULL GENERAL Domei. TOKYO, Feb. 10—On the eve of the first anniversary of the fall of Singapore. Lieut. Gen. Tomoyuki Yamashita, who commanded the Nippon forces in the brilliant Malai campaign, has been promoted to the rank cf a full General, the War Ministry
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  • 264 1 "THE GREAT BATTLE of Malai,' a film of outstanding I merit, which should have widespread appeal among the people of Malai. will be screened in Syonarvon and Trom Feb. 15, in commemoration or the Birth of Syonan and the fall
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  • 62 1 Domei. LISBON, Peb. 9—According to American Press dispatches, public ichcol teachers went on a sit-down strike In RanlcJn, in suburban Pittsburgh, leaving about 1.500 pupils gazing perplexedly at tbem from classroom seats. The teachers struck in protest at the school board's rejection of their demands for a
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  • 936 1 'FUTURE VERY BRIGHT WITH THE FIRST anniversary of the fall of Singapore net far off, the spokesman of the Military Administration in Syonan declared in a Press interview today that reconstruction work in Syonan, Malai and Sumatra was progressing satisfactorily. He
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  • 83 1 DomeL LISBON. Feb. 10— From Poona India, it is reported that Mahatma Gandhi, the 73-year-old Indian patriot, who is, at present incarcerated In the Aga Khan's Palace there by the British authorities has begun a 21-day fast. Gandhi, together witn leading Indian patriots
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  • 187 1 Chungking Bases Blasted Again Dam el. UNDISCLOSED NIPPON BASE, Feb. 10—Field dispatches revealed formations of Nippon Army fighters and bombers carried out devastating attacks for the second successive day. yesterday, against military objectives in Kweilin and Liuchow in Kwangsi Province, and Lingling, in Hunan Province. Nippon
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  • 240 1 Domei. TOKYO, Feb. 10—Tomokazu Hori, spokesman of the Board of Information, pointed out that Nippon has consistently pursued the course of concretely realizing her established objectives all aimed at constructing the new order of co-prosperity in Greater East Asia, while the anti-Axis powers have
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  • 257 1 Domei. TOKYO. Feb. 10— The Imp?rial Nippon Government sympathize, deeply with Moslems the majority of whom have been deprived of their freedom by the Americans and British in spite of the high traditional Mcslem culture of the past, stated Foreign Minister Masayuki Tani in
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  • 424 1 i~r Domei. SHANGHAI. Feb. 9—Dwelling on the rumoured visit cf Chiang Kai-shek to the United States, the Nippon Military spokesman declared at today's Press conference, it may be considered only a propaganda stunt to bolster the morale of
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  • 74 1 Domei. LISBON, Feb. 9—lt ia reported from Washington that the United States Navy Secretary Frank Knox today told the Foreign Relations Committee that any legislation proposed in the resolution by Congressman James Curley of Massachusetts to raise Lend-Lease aid to Chungking
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  • 628 2 RECIPROCAL TREATMENT BY ENEMY COUNTRIES DEMANDED DomeL TOKYO, Feb. 9.—During a mass meeting encouraging Nippon internees in enemy countries tonight, Admiral Kichisaburo Nomura, former Nippon Ambassador to Washington, ■tressed: ''Nippon is fully confident of winning this war no matter how long
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  • 495 2 PARADOXICAL as it may s;em, the one week's Battle fo_- Singapore last year and the week preceding it witnessed the greatest local marrisae boom within memory More brides were led to the altar, or hustled ta the marriage registry in that hectic lortnight than,
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  • 402 2 ADMINISTRATION CHIEFS VISIT Domei. MALACCA, Feb. 9.— Ever since the Greater East Asia War started, wc have never met With a single defeat; we have never even once withdrawn. We have achieved several splendid victories; we have driven away the British, American and the
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  • 127 2 AN EXTRA pound of sugar, per head, in addition to the usual ration, will be delivered to people in Syonan in order to enable tnem to enjoy a more lavish celebration of the fall cf Singapore and the birth of new Malai on
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  • 320 2 DomeL NANKING, Feb. 9—The National Government at the Executive Yuan meeting today officially decided to instal a new offlce ih the Finance Ministry to handle and control enemy properties. The Enemy Property Control Commission, connected directly with the Executive Yuan, whose duties
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  • 46 2 Domei. LISBON, Feb. B.—lt is reported from Washington that the United States Food Administrator, Claude R. Wickard, en Sunday night ordered that naif of the United States cheddar cheese output be set asid* for Government usage beginning Feb. 15.
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  • 79 2 For their indiscriminate raids on Burma, the AngloAmerican air forces are paying dearly, thanks to the efficient defence pat up by Nippon fighters and ground batteries. Above picture shows the wreckage of an enemy plane brought down somewhere near the Indo-Burmese border recently. All occupants of
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  • 377 2 ANTI-AXIS CINDERELLA' DomeL ZURICH, Feb. 9.—Chungking, which is lacking foodstuffs and other important war materials, is watching with growing uneasiness the United Nations' policy reaffirmed at the Casablanca Conference, of first seeking to obtain victory in Europe, according to the Zuricher Zeitung's Washington correspondent.
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  • 157 2 Dawai LISBON, Feb. 9.—At a meeting of the "Reconstituted America," the flrst movement began to boom for Captain Eddie Rickenbacker, erstwhile American autcracing driver and pilot in the last world war, and Charles Lindbergh to place th?m in the 1944 Presidential contest, according to a
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  • 155 2 "THE STANDARD Text Book for Kogo Nippon-go Grammar." just published by Mr. S. Banno, 8.A.. Litt. (Waseda University. Tokyc); BJV., Econ. (Michigan University, U.S.A.) is a handy book which could be advantageously read by every student of the Nippon language. Apart from the qualiflcations of
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  • 216 2 PHILIPPS 9 MISSION SEEN TO MISFIRE Domei. BANGKOK, Feb. 9.—President Roosevelt's personal envoy to India. William Philipps' diabolical plct of dragging India into the Anglo-American imperialistic war is doomed to failure, declares thj Indian League Headquarters' commentator. broadcasting on Tuesday night. Reviewinc various
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  • 168 2 RUGBY enthusiasts will have j their fill on the Padang today j when two picked teams. Akaitori and Aoitori, match their ability. The game is sponsored by the Syonan Sports Association, and! will start at 6 p.m. The following players are requested
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  • 690 2 LACKS SPIRITUAL ENDURANCE Darnel. WAR PRISONERS' CAMP, MANILA, Feb. 9.—The United States plunged into the war without any knowledge of the real Nippon strength both in material and spirit and thus committed one of the gravest blunders ever known in the history
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 82 2 Yokohama Specie Bank SYONAN BRANCH. (mn_v._.m_f) 21. COLLYER QUAY. SYONAN P.O. Box NO. 699. Tel. No. 5937 6922— Manager, S. Ml-TOH. BRANCHES IN THE SOUTHERN REGIONS. MALAI Syonan Ipoh Johore Bahru Taiping Malacca Penang Seremban Alor Star Kuala Lumpur Kota Baliru Kuala Llpis Kuala Trengganu SUMATRA Kffa Radja Palembang Medan
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    • 544 2 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED Chinese Cook experienced in cooking Nippon dbhus an advantage. and Good salary and tips. Apply Owy Cafe. 231. Seleyie •Rot.d, Syonan-to. .5—.">7 WANTED experien va Met lian_<•_.! and Electrical OiauKht_*i_en. App_y iv.x No. 220. care of Syonan Sinbun «English Edition), enclc&inc copies ol testimonials and state
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 75 2 Jfe__ffcB_W^*'T~2 I GEKIJOS Jy\?7 lI _r£~-s± t<*w_K___z WYO-EI. Bam "Em Up- Bar._«s CtmoeU serial, daily. 3 and 8 p.m. SYOWA: Think Fust. Mr Moto. 6j •> HJO pm To-morrow, Craigsi Wlf- —6--8.30 p.m. 1-SIIO: Tho Duke or West Point, i !>• Z— r—B SO pn*. IMKI: RiVi'hiri iTamiii. Doily, 2—l
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    • 219 2 v mmmT\ i->* /3W^^^fffl IV^w 6 p.m. Kigen SeUu Song by local school children; 6.10 p.m Nippon language news for beginners; 620 p.m. Nippon songs from Studio; 6.50 p.m. Arab music (recorded); 7 p.m. Malai music (recorded): 7.10 p.m Malai talk from the Studio; 7.20 p.m. news in Malai; 7.35
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