Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 9 February 1943

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 15 1 The syonan sinbun [ENGLISH No. 5-1 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, KOKI 2603, SYOWA 18 7 Cent*.
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  • 273 1 Premier To jo's Declaration At Lower House Meeting HAKKO ICHIIT STRESSED Do met. TOKYO, Feb. 9.—Premier General Hideki Tojo declared yesterday before a hearing of the Lower House Budget Committee that Nippon must and wil! treat all peoples in the Greater
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  • 646 1 Crew's Warning JOSLPII GREW, former) American cr_iba_:__adcr toi 7.0 ;yo. iir.ce his repatriation to i the Spited States, has been lodns no time warning his j iellcvz-countrymen of th2l dangtßX of underestimating Nippon's fighting power. Los; I SaLurday. v.hile addressing thej Toieign AfTairs Council in Cleveland, he warned his
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  • 347 1 DomeL TOKYO, Feb. B—With the Imperial Diet working swiftly and smoothly, all bills which have been submitted "jy the Government are expected to be passed by the end of this month. The all-important Budget Bill is expected to be approved in the course of
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  • 177 1 TOKYO. Feb. B.—The Communications Minister, Ken Terajima. in a statement before the Budget Committee of the House cl Representatives yesterday, completely blasted enemy propaganda regarding Nippon's merchant marine when he revealed that the Imperial merchant fleet is bttng maintained at substantially the
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  • 47 1 DomeL TSINGTAO, Feb. 7—Two fighter planes have been donated to the Imperial Nippon naval forces by members of various cotton textile companies here. It will be recalled that two bombers have already been presented to the Navy by Nippon residents here.
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  • 32 1 The people of Burma ate seen overwhelmed with joy by the declaration of Premier Tojo that Burma is to become a<i independent state within this year.— -(Domei photo).
    -(Domei photo).  -  32 words
  • 423 1 U-BOATS SINK MORE ALLIED SHIPS DomeL LISBON, Feb. 7.—Numerous attacks by German tanks featured the operations on the Eastern Front on Saturday, as a result of which the Reich forces have re-established important connections between German advanced bases and main German positions, according to
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  • 267 1 Domei. TOKYO, Feb. B—With a view to discussing measures for the relief of Nippon nationals intern--led in enemy countries, Taisei jYokusr- Kai (National Service I Association) this morning sponI sored its first round-table con- ference of these who have been I repatriated from enemy
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  • 215 1 Domei. TOKYO, Feb. B.—The decision to transfer formally to. the control cf the National Government of China over 1,000 principal Items cf enemy assets in China, has been reached by the Nippon Government, the necessary procedure for which was concluded today, the Board of
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  • 139 1 Heavy Damage Inflicted On Military Facilities Domei UNDISCLOSED BASE, Feb. B.—ln the face of unfavourable flying weather, a combined unit of Nippon Army bombers and fighters this morning raided the enemy air base in Kweilin, capital of Kwangsi Province, inflicting heavy damage on enemy
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  • 391 1 DomeL SHANGHAI, Feb. B—A detailed account of present conditions in Chungking was given here by Chang Hung-kang, a leading cameraman and film technician in China, who took advantage of his assignment to Hongkong at the outset of the Greater East Asia War to escape
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  • 98 1 Domei. LISBON, Feb. 7_—lt is reported from Washington, Under Secretary of State Sumner Welles, in a speech at the University of Maryland on Feb. 5, declared the foreign policy of the United States must be based on what Americans believed to be "their practical self-interest
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  • 111 1 Domei. LISBON. Fe'o. B—The Times correspondent reported from Washington on Feb. 5 that Claude Wickard, United States Secretary of Agriculture, has declared that Americans must tighten their belts in the coming year in order jto make food available for the United States Army and
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  • 145 1 Domei. TOKYO, Feb. B.—lt is revealed! that reflecting the enthusiast!interest oi the Nippon people in reconstruction work in the South- I crn Regions, 1,143 teaches throughout the country hav^ ap- plied as candidates for positions j as teachers of the Nippon lan^u- age
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  • 48 1 Domei TOKYO, Feb. 8— Tenno Heika today conferred on Sutharm Phiphit Sali of Tokyo, former Vice-President of Nippon-Thai Society, the third class Order of the Sacred Treasure in recognition of his services for the promotion of friendly relations between Nippon and Thailand.
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  • 440 1 OPERATIONS IN CENTRAL CHINA Domei. TOKYO, Feb. B.—The War Ministry anncunced that the exploits of the Sakai Corps and other co-operating corps in exterminating the enemy in lhe mount? ins of Chekiang and Kiangsi Provinces, central China, last May. have been brought to
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  • 154 1 DomeL LISBON. Feb. 7—lt is reported from New York that Mrs. Wellington Koo. wif3 of the Chungking Ambassador to London, addressing munitions workers in Phildelphia stressed the possibility of the collapse of Chungking's resistance against Nippon unless the anti-Axis powers exf^nd more eff*v_ttTa
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  • 633 1 uomei. TOKYO, Feb. B.—lnsatiable greed for world hegemony is driving both the United States and Britain to shameless acts as well as the betrayal even of their Allies, and although the two powers are, at present, affecting friendship they
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 152 1 STOP PRESS DomeL RANGOON, Feb. B—Six planes of a unit belonging to the American Air Force in India, which indiscriminately bombed this city today following the raid made last night by another unit, were either shot down or destroyed by the Imperial forces. The enemy air unit, composed of Consolidated
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  • 523 2 JUDGE PILLAI INTERVIEWED REFLECTING the dual policy of the Military Administration to stop hoarding and profiteering and to maintain the cost of living at the level of controlled prices, launched nearly a year ago, is the large number of successfully prosecuted cases of
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  • 284 2 "THREAD ls an absolutely I essential household commodity. I i-iid y.u must act sell it at more than the price cf 30 c?nt a reel in luture,' Judge P:ilci w.rned on 3 Ke? Cnian Whee. wno was stc.teri
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  • 217 2 Domei. PEKING, Feb 7.—The establishment of pu'oli: crder on a firm foundation in the spirit of j the Hsinmin movement and in-: creased production as w?ll as transportation of Important rt** materials and foedstuffjs «*re vitrl .tasks which North Cn taa
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  • 133 2 Darnel. TOKYO. Feb. B.—Tt is re.ealed that a Yen 3.600.000 project to' ronstruct 46 train.'ng camps fci physical training of Tokyo 'a youths, between the rges cf 15 to 25 years, is now b^inT planned by ths Tokv. Munici*- *;ity. The plan will
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  • 187 2 Domei. STOCKHOLM. Feb. 7.—With j German U-boat activity casting m ominous shade** over the British supply problem, the Brit;sh press en Saturday urged that more effective measures be i taken against Axis submarine! operations, ani asked for inten- j sifted production by heme food
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  • 54 2 LISBON. Feb. 6.—According to a New Delhi dispatch a grandscela anti-British demcnstration was again staged in Calcutta yesterday. Callng for the immediate release ol detained leaders of the National Congress Party, including Mahatma Gan dhi. Indian mob clashed with the con stabulary. result ng
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  • 130 2 Cattle Raising Plan To Make Syonan SelfSufficient In Meat SON OF a former Malaian "Cattle King," Mr. M. K. Osraan who was rec2ntly elected President of the Syonan Cattle Dealers' Association is working in conjunction with the authorities, en a plan that aims at assuring a regular supply of meat
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  • 168 2 DomeL MACASSAR. Feb. 7-It is learned that the inaugural meeting of the Celebes Marine Trani sportation Association, which will exercise control over all sailing vessels in Celebes waters, will be held shortly. The new body will replace the formn Civilian Sailing
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  • 302 2 Domei. BUENOS AIRES, Feb. 7.—With acute food shortage prevailing, the morale of the entire populace in Chungking is at the lowest since the outbreak of the China Affair, more than five years ago, according to an article published in a recent issue
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  • 48 2 —(Domei photo). I'u-ture shows a weaving factory in Padang, Sumatra, where fine textiles and sarong are manufactured. This factory is said to be the only one of its kind in Malai and Sumatra. At present, there are more than 200 workers busily engaged there.
    —(Domei photo).  -  48 words
  • 454 2 INDISPUTABLE REALITIES Domei KftAIGON, Feb. 8. —In the whole wide south there is at least one B.iton who really understand the circumstances responsible for the War of Greater East Asia aud who combats fabricated propaganda from her own country by presenting: bona fide reports
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  • 66 2 Domei. TOKYO. Feb. 7.—Masayuki Tani, Foreign Minister, in reolying to an interpellation by Motoharu Baba this afternoon at the Budget Committee meeting of the House cf Representatives dsI ciared the negotiations are going en between Nippon and the I Soviet Union in connection with
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  • 764 2 FULL WEEK OF EVENTS A COMPREHENSIVE program for celebrating the fall of Singapore and the birth of New Malai. covering seven days, beginning from Feb. 11, which is also Kigcn-Setsu or National Foundation day, has just, been officially announced. This program, consisting
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  • 126 2 Nippon Chinese Army, Navy Men Hold Get-Togeiher Party Domei CANTON. Feb. 7.- Officers and men cf Nippon and Chinese i Army ond Navy units here enjoy- j ed a gala afternoon of entertainment together today, which is: symbolic of the friendly feeling I existing between them. The program began with
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  • 108 2 Domei. LISBON. Feb. 7—lt is reported from New York that severe shorta _3 in rubber in the United States is reflected in the drastic orders to cancel horsoracing throughout the country, wherever rubber-tyred vehicles are used to convey patrons to the tracks. On th? heels
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  • 256 2 FULLY awakened to the rumor the current sacred war. the people of the reborn Philippine:?. headed by Chief Administrator Vsrgas and under tlie able quid- ance of the Nippcn Military Ad- ministration, are fully co-operat- I IM. with Nippon tcwSrds' t hg*suF- i cessful
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  • 132 2 MRS D W. DCVARAJA pus-en away peacefully at er residence. I. May Road. Svcnan. yesterday morniny; (8.2.2603.. Funeral ,oc_: r,_ace on th.? same c!av ot 330 n rr> *.T >kyo Time*. DEATH—YAP—Mr. Yap Ec Khoon. age 56 p»__Mfl away peacefully at 76, Fasir Fan.ang Roa<! en Tue.-dav. 9th Feb..
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 202 2 YOSHIICHI MIYOSHI'S EIWA JITEN (English-Nippon Language Dictionary) Price $2.00 O* 'i"*i V f C. rt. KIAT Co.. 6*B, Robinson R'l. ENSIGN BOOK STORE. 47, High St. ORIENT STAR NEWS Co.. !08 North Bridge Road. TETER CHONG CO.. Bras Basah Read. Syonan. SYONAN BOOK STORE, 66, Bras Basah Road M. MOHD.
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    • 549 2 DOMES TIC OCC IIR /£A CE MARRIAGE CHEN--TAN. The lr.a.r r.» between llr. Chen Jan -Ife. th? Jourth son ol Dr and Mrs Chc:i Ah Poh. and Miss Happy Tan. t'::e enly daughter of Mi. and Mrs Tan Hock San. took piao* oi 6.2.2603 at the Stralta Chines Methodist Church.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 203 2 3 p 1 al bit t: 3.J0 p.m. Interval; 6 p.m. musical entertainmeu* «reco~dcdi: C.20 pm. news for beginners: T"i p .i. cii.lJien's hour; 6.50 p.m. Malai music from Studio: 7.2) p.m. news in Malai: 7.35 p.m. Chines" music from Studio; 8 p.m. news 13 Cantonese; 8.15 p.m. r.ews in
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    • 115 2 Radio Nippon-Go Lesson No. 246 a- YESTERDAY you learned on the radio '..temo.." meaning 'through." To make you understand better, we shall give more examples by using the seme word. Now here are some examples: 1. Omokutemo sore o hakobimasho: Omokutemo, though it is heavy; hakobimasho, let us carry. Translation:
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    • 65 2 .fflS^KfjoV KYO-EI: Burn Em Up Barnes complete serial, daily, 3 and 8 p.m. SYOWA: Think Fast. Mr. Moto. 6 and 8.30 p.m. I'SIHO: Badlands of Dakota. 6 and 330 p.m. To-morrow, Blondie Goes Latin. 3—6—8.30 p.m. i>. JO: Savithiri (Tamil), Daily. 2— 5.11—9 p.m. VAIfATO: Wen** Chun Sum Leon'* (Cantonese).
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