Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 6 February 1943

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 17 1 The syonan sinbun [ENG LISH I No. 52 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, KOKI 2603, SYOWA 18 7 Cent*.
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  • 499 1 'No Territorial Ambitions' INDIANS throughout Greater East Asia must have read with the utmost satisfaction and gratitude the answer given In th? House of Representatives on Thursday by Premier Hideki Tojo in reply to an interpellation by Ryo Koyama about India. In unequivocal terms, the Premier declared that Nippon
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  • 116 1 Huge U.S. Tanker B reaks In Two Don ci i NOS AICKB, Feb. 4—l: is r.*r- i irj *i Pol-Hand, Oregon, th... pt tlie k&ais.i1 Shipbuilding Con s..ij's yard in Swan Islam! tha newly delivered 16,5' 3-ton tanker, Schenectady, 6tirtd.nly broke in half with a th_:-i -erous crash and set
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  • 723 1 WRITER RECALLS SHELLING OF STRATEGIC ROAD JUNCTION SHATTERING and reverberating explosions punctuating the sickening screech of falling shells; panic, as servicemen and civilians surged city-wards for protection from this new menace; the blowing up of the Causeway which completed the isolation
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  • 357 1 OomeL TOKYO, Feb. 5.— Adefinite assurance that the greatest degree of generous treatment permissible under wartime conditions ls being accorded to the former Chil2an Minuter in Tokyo and the Chilean Ccnsul-General in Shanghai as well as to Chilean residents in general, was expressed
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  • 359 1 NO MEAT FOR ALLIED TROOPS Domei. LISBON, Feb. s.—Advices from reliable sources reveal that extreme famine in major foodstuffs is prevailing in various countries in West and East Africa as well as in Iran, due to the successive invasion by anti-Axis
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  • 113 1 Nippon 's EconomicPower Has Greatly Increased Dntnei. TOKYO. Feb. s—lt is learned Finance Minister Okinori Kaya told the Budget Committee of the House of Representatives yesterday that the expansion cf Nipnon's economic power far excels the consumption of resources because Nippon has consistently increased its sources of strategic materials and
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  • 78 1 Domei. LISBON. Feb. s—lt is reported from Buenos Aires that William JefTers Co-ordina:or cf United States Rubber Production, charged before the House Military Affairs Committee chat delay in production of rubber was due to interference from incempeten. military and naval chiefs. Referring to repeated
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  • 217 1 AIR ACTIVITY IN N. AFRICA DomeL LISBON. Feb. 4—The Eastern Soviet front saw lively activity around Novorossisk and further north. In the northern wing of the Donetz sector Germans took the initiative ln launching a powerful counter-attack against Soviet concentrations. demolishing 46 tanks and
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  • 204 1 Domei. LISBON, Feb. s—Lieut-Gen. Frank Maxwell Andrews has taken over command cf United States forces in North African operations replacing Lieut.-Gen. Dwight Eisen-Hower. and Western Mediterranean. 17 of which were brought down by Axls j fighters, six by flak artillery and nin. in the course
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  • 135 1 Domei. TOKYO, Feb. s—lnterest in the possibility of constructing a tunnel under Tsugaru Strait linking the Nippon mainland with Hakkaido was aroused today when Railway Minister, Dr. Yoshiaki Hatta, admitted such a possibility when replying to an interpellation by Kotaro Bando, representative from Hokkaido
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  • 122 1 Domei. TOKYO, Feb. s—The abundant supply of crude rubber in Nippon-occupied Southern Regions will serve a double purpose under the plan being formulated by Nippon scientists, according to the Nippon Sangyo Keizai Shimbun. The plan calls for the construction of vessels out of crude
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  • 226 1 Never Again For Next 90 Years Domei TOKYO. Feb. s—Although lowhanging cloud banks prevented people in Tokyo frcm witnessing the beginning of the partial solar eclipse at 6.39 a.m., the weather cleared by 730 a.m. enabling the pecpla to view the sun which was 85 per
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  • 243 1 Domei. NANKING. Feb. 4--It is learned that measures were adop.ed for tho reorganization of the North China Poli.lcal Council and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the National Government of China a, the fourth session of the Supreme War Council held yesterday afternoon at
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  • 96 1 Domei. CANTON. Feb. 4—Responsibility for the miserable defeats of ihe Chungking regime in the past was cast upon the Uni.ed States when the National Herald, official mouthpiece of the Chungking regime, in an editorial outburst last Wednesday, blamed the past mishaps of Chungking forces
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  • 272 1 DomeL TOKYO. Feb. A tale of genuine conviction and faithful service in the cause of Asia is brought to light by a letter written by a Chinese girl, Miss Hu Chong-da, living in Malai, to Miss Shigeko Takenaka of the
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  • 249 1 Statement Made In Lower House On Turkish Attitude Domef. TOKYO, Feb. s—Pointing out the absolute certainty of an Axis victory in the current war, Foreign Minister Masayuki Tani declared it was his firm conviction that the leaders of Turkey will correctly judge
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  • 172 1 NO ROOM FOR AXIS DISCORD' DomeL TOKYO, Feb. s.—With Nippcn maintaining constant contact with Germany and Italy, there is absolutely no room for any sort of misunderstanding, declared Foreign Minister Masayuki Tani tcday before the Budget Committee of the House of R2presentatives. Blasting Anglo-American propaganda
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  • 129 1 Domei. SHANGHAI, Feb. 4.—Further bolstering Sine-Nippon co-cpera-tion in meeting the demands of war-time China, the Shanghai Machine Industrialists Guilds, and the Shanghai Nippon Iron Industrialist Association hav_> decided to concentrate solely upon tha production of machines and tools necessary ln war-time industries. Sino-Nippon orpans
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  • 156 1 SOLEMNIZATION festival for the enshrinement of the Syonan Jinja, will be held at the Shrine from Feb. 12 to 17, states a releas? frcm the press section of the Tokubetu-si. At this grand festival in commemoration of the first anniversary of tho
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 80 1 STOP PRESS Doraei. STOCKHOLM. 1-cD 5. —An American news agenc report from Honolulu says Shinji Abe, first American citizen of Nippon extraction ever to be elected as Senator of the Hawaiian Legislature, ha* resigned from the Senate. It wUI be recalled that an American news dispatch some time last year
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  • 127 2 Nippon Victories Unpara lleled In History '—Dr. Stahmer Domei. TOKYO, Feb. 4.—Describing the tweeping victories scored by Nrppen in the current war as "unparalleled in the history of the world.' Dr. Heinrich Stahmer, the newly-appointed German 'Ambassador to Nippon in an interview given here this afternoon, stated th? naval victory
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  • 207 2 4Untisz Complete Independence' A-. Dome!. t TOKYO, Feb. 4.—ln answer to interpellation posed by Mr. Ryo Koyama, representative from Narano Prefecture, Premier General Hideki Tcjo this morning told the Budget Committee of the House of Representatives: "Now that we have promised independence to
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  • 478 2 British Empire Made EleventhHour Bid To Prevent Collapse Casablanca Parley De-aei. TOKYO, Feb. s.—Under the editorial caption "Real Significance of the Casablanca Conference,'* the Nippon Times declares it is easy to visualize that it was another pathetic spectacle of the British Empire making an eleventh-hour attempt to prevent its impending
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  • 164 2 Domei. KUALA LUMPSR. Feb. 4^ Broadcasting under the call sign of JMBK. the Kuala Lumpur Broadcasting Staticn made its debut under the new order yesterday with a three-hcur program. The station operates on the medium wave band on a f.equency of
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  • 65 2 DomeL TOKYO. Feb. 4.—"ln view of the enormous economic power which Nippon will attain through the development of the vest natural rescurces of the Southsrn Region., Government bonds will be assimilated without any trouble even if they yhouia reach 100 or 200 milliard Yen." declared
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  • 452 2 INITIAL PLANS 'QUITE ADEQUATE 9 Domei. TOKYO, Feb. 5. Detailed reports on the condition? of military administration in the occupied areas in the South as revealed by the Military authorities have come up to our fondest expectations and the results attained have been more
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  • 236 2 ANOTHER MALAIAN INDUSTRY SOON SUCCESSFUL research work carried out by expert Nippon scientists here has led to the discovery of a suitable substitute for caustic soda in the manufacture of scap. This is the result of successive experiments carried, out by the Chief of
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  • 121 2 Domei. CANTON, Feb. 3—The second application of Taiwan youths in I Canton for voluntary service ln j the Imperial Army has been closed after only one week owing to the overwhelming response of j these Taiwan youths, it was announced by the Niitakakai
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  • 158 2 Domei. BERLIN. Feb. 3—The German Government tonieh; announced .the conclusion of an agreement between Germany and Rumania providing for further promotion of war.ime economic collaboration between the two countries. The announcement raid the agreement, which was S-gned by repre- sentatives of the two countries follow-
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  • 135 2 DomeL LISBON. Feb. 4—lt is reported from Washington that the Senate War Investigating Committee tacitly admitted that a serious steel shortage exists in the United States and declared that steel, which is the keystone of United States war production, "has come very close to
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  • 214 2 FARMS SHORT OF LABOUR DomeL LISBON. Feb. 4.—That the threat of extreme food shortage is not only real but impending for the United States, was revealed by Senator John H. Bankhead (Democrat—Alabama) who warned the Congressional Committee on Conscription that unless the armed forces
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  • 138 2 Dome! D'AKARTA, Feb. 2-—Beginning from Feb. 5. five additional post offices in DJawa including the Magelang post office will accept t.legrams in the Nippon language, to Nippon Pre per and other parts of the Greater Et>st Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, it is an- i
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  • 264 2 WARSHIP IN PORT SHELLED DomeL TOKYO, Feb. 4.—The deadliness of Nippon submarine attacks was apain demonstrated when underseacraft on Jan 23 shelled Canton Island in the Phoenix group, wreaking havoc S- TEI m KIUY y "?**«*llatioiK f and dealt yet another blow
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  • 866 2 ENEMY FORMATIONS ROUTED DomeL TOKYO. Feb. 4.—Dramatic details ol the latest victories scored by Nippon naval air forces off Isabel and New Georgia Islands in the Solomons Group on Feb. 1 reveal that in chalking up their brilliant results the Nippon units charged
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  • 352 2 DomeL TOKYO. Feb. s—The striking victory for the Imperial naval air force in the air battle off Isabel Island on Feb. 1 was greeted by metropolitan newspapers with banner headlines, while the daring submarine exploit at Cantcn Island elicited unreserved praise. I I*hls second victory ln
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  • 98 2 Domei. RANGOON. Feb. s—All Burma is participating in the colourful three-day program which began yesterday in commemoration of Nipprn's promise to grant independence within this year. On the first day a gigantic rally was held in Rangoon after which a resolution was drawn up expressing
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  • 65 2 Domei TOKYO. Feb. 3.—ln keeping with its new mission to promote the ties of friendship between Nippon and Thailand thre ugh cultural relations, the Nippon Culture Hall in Bangkok will cnange its name to Nippon-Thai land Culture Hall today. It is disclosed in addition
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 225 2 Church Services ST ANDREWS CAIHEDRAL: sth Sunday after Epiphany Holy Communion i plain» 8.30 a.m. (choral) 930 a.m.; Bible Clasr and Sunday School 5 p.m.; Choral Evensong 6 p.m.; Wednesday. Holy Communion 9 a.m.; Friday. Christian Federation Meeting 5.30 p.m. ST. HILDAS CHURCH: Holy Communion (sung i 9.30 am.; Sunday
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    • 389 2 SITUATIONS VACANT r™£I ED P PP^NCED GARAGE CLERKS with knowledge of in English or Chinese A pP'^L" P«son with testimonial* £> SIKI KAKlw!f o nENTETBU X ABUbetween 230 p.m. and 5 pm (T.T.)? WANTED WANTED to buy ..Jl mfkfB o f^T Lorries, and Motor OC? Pleaae __D»lv personally to
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 160 2 TRANSMISSION No. 2. 1,333 Ki'.oeycles or 225 metres: 6 p.m. musica1 entertainment; 6.20 p.m. Indian children's programme from the studio; p.m. Malai talk norn the studio by "Che* Norini"; 7.20 p.m. news fo Malai; 7.35 p.m. Chinese community speaks (talk in English•: <2> Mr. Li;ii Kian Ben; 7.50 p.m.
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    • 82 2 fi Vws_f_p isciri iac KYO-EI: Letter of Introduction. 6 and 8.30 p.m. To-morrow. 12.30 —3— 6—8.30 p.m. SYOWA: Think Fast. Mr. Moto, 6 and 8.30 pm. To-morrow. 12.30 —3— 6—8.30 p.m. I'SIHO: Badlands of Dakota, 6 ar_ti 8?0 p.m. To-morrow, 12.30 —3—6— 8.30 p.m. i.MH): Savithiri (Tamil). Daily. 2—5.30—9 p.m.
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    • 124 2 Radio Nippon-Go Lesson No. 244 -V I IN the previous lesson on the radio you learned the sentence "Moehl nara" meaning "if", ln this sentence "moshi" is sometimes omitted and! —.nara" gives the same meaning as "moshi nara" that is "if" ln English Let us go through the following ex-
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