Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 16 January 1943

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 19 1 The Syonan Sinbun [E H G LISH I No. 35 SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, KOKI 2603, SYOWA 18 7 Cents,
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  • 205 1 Doatoi. TOKYO, ian. IS—Hts Imperial Majesty the Emperor, following a tunc-honomrrd custom, has gra. H»u-ljr made New Year presents •f silver-capped canes and wooden jp> with the Imperial Crest to trie nation's distinguished sab* j*rts of advanced age. General Hanso Yamanaahi, who has
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  • 490 1 Srory Of Cemas "/HEN the history of the war of Malai comes to be written and reviewed, in the tranquillity of {:eace. the movement of Nippo.i's forces down the peninM'tji will read more like a fairy tale than a grim reality, so rfwlft was its progress. On Jan. '15.
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  • 294 1 IMPRESSIONS OF TWO-YEAR TOUR Dwarf HARBIN, Jan. 14.—A1l German newspapers give considerable space to news of the War of Greater East Asia, stated Shigeo Yamagishi, Nippon Communications Ministry, official who arrived here today from a two-year inspection tour of Europe. At the
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  • 372 1 Helping Nippon With More Production OtMi NANKING, Jan. 15.—The Kuomintang Party unanimously supported the decision of the National Government of China to participate in the current war, declared President Wane Chingwsi during the opening address to the fifth plenary session of the Central Executive and Supervisory
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  • 81 1 MM CANTON, Jan 14.—1t is reported that Chiang Kai-shek will represent the Chungking regime at a round-table conference which will be held in Washington on Feb. 5 by leaders of anti-Axis countries. It was said that the decision on Chiang's departure for Washington was made
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  • 255 1 IMPORTANCE OF UNITY STRESSED DtML PEKING, Jan. 15—The important role the entire populace of North China must play in the prosecution of the Greater East Asia War, particularly on the production front, following the National Government's declaration of war against the United States and Britain, was
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  • 182 1 DmmL LISBON, Jan. 14.—Indicating the lack of any amicable solution to be found for the settlement of the American coal mines strike, it is reported from Washington Secretary of the Interior, Harold Ickss, has intimated that the Government may take over the mine*. It
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  • 43 1 Enemy planes which attempt guerilla raids en Burma and Thailand are invariably dealt with ruthlessly by Nippon units. Picture shows an air observer post at a certain base, with a look-out alert day and night.— (Domei photo).
    (Domei photo).  -  43 words
  • 408 1 i Press Com men t TOKYO, Jan. 15.—Events of the past year since the third Pan- American Foreign Ministers' Conference was held in Rio De Janeiro, a year ago today, have exposed the United States' selfish ambitions of dominating the whole of Latin
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  • 338 1 MORE EVIDENCE OF MUDDLE ZURICH, Jan. 14.— The old adage Too many cooks spoi the broth seemed today to bedeOnitelj applicable to th North African situation as surrey reports from Washingto and London revealed the existence of a feeling: that there ha
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  • 363 1 LISBON, Jan. 14.—Fighting continued fiercely alone the entire Soviet Eastern front although both sides were hampered by biting cold, melting snow and heavy rainfall, while the battleline in Libya has slewed down due to blinding sandstorms. Moscow reports claim that Soviet forces in repeated
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  • 421 1 BAMAWEXPRESSES GRATITUDE DmmL TOKYO, Jan. 15. —The Board of Information announced at 4.30 p.m. the Nippon Government has sent to Doctor Ba Maw, head of the Burmese Government, funds for the relief of the Burmese people who suffered from indiscriminate attacks
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  • 216 1 Dotaei RANGOON, Jan. 15.—1t is learned that medic il treatments, accorded by a Nippon mobile clinic within the com2??^°/ S? 11"**00* Pagoda here, to unfortunate victims of British indiscriminate and blind bombings are de^penin" thfeeling of dependence of the Burmese and Indian peonies
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  • 213 1 OMKi. KANGOON, Jan. 15—Incensed by the outrageous acts committed by British air pilots who. during en attack on Rangoon on Dec. 20 last year, bombed a mosque, where the usual Sunday service was being held, the AllBurma League for the Independence of India has
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  • 139 1 MM* LISBON, Jan. 14—The decision of the U.S. War Manpower Commission Chief, Paul V. McNutt, to postpone hearings on discrimination against Negroes in the railroad industry is drawing sharp, widespread criticism, according to reports from the United States. It was revealed that Henry Epstein has resigned
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  • 85 1 ■ami LISBON. Jan. 14.—Norman Thomas. United States Socialist leader, bluntly attacked Secretary of State Cordeil Hull's "White Pcper" as not proving anything, according to reports from New York. Writing in the New York Times. Thomas, commenting on the White Paper, bluntly says: "That the war
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  • 110 1 Domei. LISBON. Jan. 14.—Indicative of the serious shortage •f shipping space, it is reported from Washington that the Board of Economic Warfare on Jan. VI announced its refusal to consider export licence applications for shipments to Argentina. Bolivia. Chile. Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and
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  • 419 2 NIPPON HAILS ITALIAN MOVE Ifue Gesture Of Co-operation' Oomei. TOKYO Jan. 15—The formal notification yesterday afternoon by the Italian Government to the National Government of China at Nanking of its decision to return the Italian concession at Tientsin and relinquish its extra-territorial rights, was hailed by the
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  • 272 2 C harged Twice Legal Price For Soap, Fined $150 DECLARING that the accused's: rieien^e was a ridiculous cne. and j thst ha had asked a friend to, commit perjury, th? Criminal' District Judge, Mr. M. V. Pillai,! yesterday convicted and fined j Poh $250, or six months'] rigorous imprisonment,
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  • 351 2 Doraei I TOKYO. Jan 15.—Nippon T:mes, la an editorial, comments on the significance of the' photograph published in its Mon-1 day issue of Premier General H deki To jo in the midst of a i cj owd cf ordinary people wit-
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  • 553 2 Step Will Strengthen Link Between Two Countries Dmnei. ROME, Jan. 14.— The I tali formed its Ambassador in Chin; eminent of China that it had d sions and extra-territorial righ in Government on Jan. 11, in* to notify the National Got* ecided to return
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  • 84 2 Dwiri HSINKING, Jan. 14.—An agreement for the exchange of radio broadcasts between Man* chonkuo and Germany was sifiied by Jusuke Hirose. Presi- j dent of the Manchoukuo Telegraph and Telephone Company, representing Manchoukuo, and llerr Kuehlborn, Counsellor of I the German Legation in Hsinking. representing Germany.
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  • 175 2 fNatural nesources D*mei OSAKA. lan. 15—Positive production in?rease in coal, iron, salt and raw cotton in Noi-th China in order to further bolster the war-time structure of Cliin.i was promised by JUichi Tsushima, President of the North Cnl/?a Development Company, at a press interview here
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  • 190 2 Domti HANKOW. Jan. 15.—1t was j officially revealed that with the necessary preparations completed by Nippon and Chinese financiers concerned the bank of China and the Bank of Communications will recpen their respective branches hera on Monday.. Prior to ine reopening of the branches, ceremonies
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  • 52 2 Doinci. NANKING, Jan. 12.—The Finance Ministry of the National Government of China announced that circulation of Mie aid Fa pi will be prohibited in 51 cities ir the Wuhan area from Feb. 25. With this step, areas under the Nankins aovefnment's control will be completely cleared of the
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  • 102 2 Dome! NANKING. Jan. 14 —Basic agreement regarding the supplying of laboui to Manchoukuo from Central China for the current fiscal year has been reached between the National Government of China and the Manchoukuo Embassy here. The supply of surplus labour, excluding skilled workers
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  • 64 2 NMt. KUIBYSHEV. Jan. 14.—1t was revealed that Goro Morishima. Counsellor of the Nippon Embassy, who has been here since March last year, will leave In the latter part of this month for Tokyo in order to report to the central authorities. Mr. Morishima Is expected to remain
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  • 176 2 Dentet OTARU, Jan. 15—The AllNippon Students Ski Meet will be held for three days, beginning! today, at the Shiomigaok* and! Kenashiyama courses, both of which are located >n the outskirts of Otaru. Although tournaments of this sort in the past placed emphasis
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  • 140 2 DNMi SHANGHAI, Jan. 14- Another concrete example of Nippon's efforts to boost autonomous economic rehabilition of the Republic of China, which has declared war against the United States and Britain, was seen when the Nippon Military authorities here returned to their rightful Chinese owners
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  • 43 2 Rice production is proceeding apaee in the New Philippines, where a Nippon variety of riee has been introduced with cons derable success. In the New Philippines, as in Malai, Nippon methods of rice cultivation have been adopted. (Domei photo)
    (Domei photo)  -  43 words
  • 345 2 ANNIVERSARY OF VICTORY THE CREAM of Syonan's athletes, men and women, will vie with one another in keen competition at a spectacular athletic meet in which all communities will participate, arranged for the first anniversary of the "Fall of Singapore" The-'mset which
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  • 64 2 DomeJ. LISBON. Jan. 14.—1t is reported from Ottawa that two-thirds of Canada's entire steel industry is threatened with strikes as 5,000 steel workers went on strike demanding higher wages, with 5,000 more threatening to walk out. Canadian Government officials. reported, have pointed out that should
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  • 156 2 I ,j\- l ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL: 2nd Sunday after Epiphany, Hcly Communion (plain) 8.30 a.m Holy Communion (choral) 9.30 ajii. Bible Class and Sunday School 5 p.m. Choral Evensong 6 p.m. Wednesday, 20th, Holv Communiou 9 a.m. ST. HILDA'S CHURCH: Holy Communion (said) 9.33 a.m.; Sunday School 12
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  • 230 2 CHIEFS DISCUSS MEASURES DMBd TOKYO. Jan. 15—For the first I time .-since the simplification of the administrative system, c'.iiels of the Domestic Affairs Section of Prefecturai Governm<-.\ts throughout the country met at the Welfare Ministry yesterday to discuss measures regarding the improvement of labour
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 778 2 DOMESTIC OCCtJRRLXCE MARRIAGE YONG—Wfe. The marriage betwten Mr. YONG KOK TOO (fifth i son of Mi. Mrs. Yong chow vin. alias Hock Seng i and Miss WEE KIM iNEO <oi_ly daughter of Madam On? !Siu Lai and the late Mr. Wee Kmx Cheng) took place this morning] 16-1-2602. at the
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 133 2 Radio Nippon-Go Lesson Ho. 226 YOU have learned on the radio the Interrogative words "Dare ga" and "Dare ka" both hi pronunciation and meaning, and we are sure all n« you hare learned them by heart. Now let us proceed with the next lesson. Todays lesson to also interrogative words
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    • 75 2 HpJ|UOS KYO-EI: ON YOUR TOB8, 3—8— 8.30 pjn. T.T, Tb-morrow, 12JO—3— 8—8.30 pjn. i 8YOWA; SAMARANG OUT OP TMB D05P— 3—8—8.30 pjn n To-mor-row. 12.30—3—6—8 30 pm. T.T. USIHO: NIGHT KEY < Boris Karloff)— Dally at 3—6—8.30 pm. T.T. INDO: VIMOCFANAM <in Tamil)— 3 -A 6 pm. T.T., To-morrow 2.00
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