Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 15 January 1943

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 17 1 The Syonan Sinbun 1 [ENGLISH I No. 34 FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, KOKI 2603, SYOWA 18 7 Cents.
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  • 559 1 Lies Beget Distrust THE WORLD at large has come to expect belated admissions of losses in the various theatres of war by the Allied powers. 'in particular the United States. Since the outbreak of war in the Pacific, the Americans have always been slow to admit their own losses,
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  • 125 1 Eomei. LISBON. Jan. IS—lt is reported from London the British Admiralty has announced the sinking by torpedo of sloop I vis in the course of North African operations. The announcement reported 107 officers and men including the Captain were either killed or injured. Another
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  • 218 1 Speech At Meeting Of Kuomintang Domei NANKING, Jan. 14—In the course of the sth plenary session of the Central Executive and Supervisory Committees of the Kuomintang held here, President Wang Ching-wel clarified the course which the Nanking Government should pursue in prosecuting the current war. Prior
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  • 22 1 Picture shows German forces near Voronez continuing their operations against the Soviets in heavy snow.- -(Domei pnotO). ammmmammai
    -(Domei pnotO). ammmmammai  -  22 words
  • 393 1 WITH A VIEW to fostering active co-operation between the Nippon Military Administration in Malai and Sumatra and the Sultans of the various States in these regions, who have shown keen enthusiasm and appreciation of the policy of the Administration, it has been decided by the
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  • 311 1 Domei BUENOS AIRES, Jan. 14.—1t is reported from New York that with a record-breaking cold wave paralyzing Eastern and Central States, the shivering public faces prospects of cold homes and offices since oil reserves have dropped dangerously low. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, reported an
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  • 676 1 ADMINISTRATION IS UNPOPULAR Dome! LISBON, Jan. 14.—The strongly rebellious strain which high-lighted the opening of the 78th United States Congress session came as no surprise to observers who have noted the mounting unpopularity of the Roosevelt Administration. Observer* point out that such
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  • 162 1 DomeL TOKYO, Jan. 14.—Tokyo Shimbun this mcrning attributes President Roosevelt's message to the 78th Congress Session, demanding a war budget of over $100,000,000,000, to the confession cf his psychological defeat at the hrnds of the Axis nations. The journal potrHe out the smashins victories
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  • 84 1 I Domel LISBON, Jan. 14.— The British battleships Rodney and Nelson have left Gibraltar Harbour escorted by eight destroyers and eight corvettes for an unknown place, according to rtports tiom La Linea. Meanwhile, reconnaissance reports indicated that the British Fleet composed of the aircraft-carriers Formidable ai»d Furious, a
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  • 387 1 NIPPON FORCES DEAL HEA VY BLOW TO ENEMY Domei TOKYO, Jan. 14.—Fifty thousand Chungking troops have been encircled in the JTapieh Range in Central China, and a heavy blow has been dealt to them by the Nippon forces, according to an announcement by
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  • 388 1 HEAVY ENEMY LOSSES IN HOPEI DomeL TSINAN, Jan. 13.—1t was revealed that Nippon campaign against Chungking troops in Shantung, Kiangsu and Northern Anhwei is making rapid progress despite the intense cold. The war results achieved during December were announced as follows: "Nippon forces durin? December engaged
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  • 40 1 DomeL NANKING, Jan. 14.—1t is learned that Marquis Francesco Taliani de Marchio. Italian Ambassador to Nanking, this afternoon called on President Wang Ching-wei, and formally notified Italy's decision to retrocede concessions and abrogate extraterritorial rights in China.
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  • 170 1 Dome! TOKYO, Jan. 14.—1t is learned that, in response to the increas- ing demand of the times, the Greater East Asiatic Affairs Ministry has decided to establish a new section within the Ministry to deal with the gathering and dissemination of information concerning Greater
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  • 137 1 ■aid TOKYO, Jan. 14.—The Information Hoard in collaboration with the Home Office has black -listetj approximately 1,000 American and British musical compositions I which include mostly jazz I numbers, as mapprc.r-riate to I the times. The complete list i- shortly expected to be
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  • 120 1 DomeL BERLIN, Jan. 13—According to an announcement made by the Fuehrer's Headquarters, Chancellor Hitler on Jan. 10 received at his headquarters Marshal lon Antonescu, Rumanian Chief of State, and in the discussion which took place in a spirit of friendship, full agreement was
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  • 225 1 Dome! LISBON. Jan. 13.—Axis air forces yesterday in North Africa blast 3d tha enemy in day and night raids, while bitter fighting continued to rage on the winterembraced Scviet-Germrn war front. In violent air combats during the clay over the Soviet-German front.
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  • 458 1 Domei. TOKYO, Jan. 14.—Commenting on Herbert Morrison's Newcastle speech in which he is reported to have declared that th? British Empire may not be able to survive th* present war unless Britain is prepared to pay a heavy price
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  • 197 2 20,000,000 WILL OBSERVE 'KAN 9 TOKYO, Jan. 13—To experience the rigours of warfare 20,000,000 students throughout the nation will be systematically organized In observance of the "Kan" (ecldest) period of the year, which begins this year on Jan. 21 and lasts until Feb. 3,
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  • 141 2 Domei. BANGKOK, Jan. 13.—Commenting on Britain and the United States' treaty with Chungking, "relinquishing" extrality rights in China, the spokesman of the Indian League here in a special interview with Domei pointed out that "they might as well have relinquished their rights in the moon and
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  • 185 2 Domei CANTON, Jan. 13.—1t is learned that the question of transportation forms the most difficult problem to be overcome in connection with the development of north-western China, declared Yen Yueh-chiu, vice-Chief of the Chungking Inspection Party, which has been touring the north-western 'regions since
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  • 239 2 Domei. TOKYO, Jan. 13—That Ame-rican-born Nippon athletes have as good a chance as any cf becoming "Yokuzuna," cr Grand Sumo champion, the centre of admiration of millions of Sumo fans in the Nippon Empire, is proved by Kiichiro Ozaki, aged 23, the first Nisei cr
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  • 131 2 Dome! TOKYO. Jan. 14.—The East Camp, led by Yokozuna or Grand Champion Akinoumi, increased its points over the West Camp, led by Grand Champion Futahayama, by cutscoring Its opponents 13 to 10 in yesterday's fourth day matches of the 15-day sumo tournament at Kokugikan
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  • 433 2 NIPPON TIMES COMMENT Domei. TOKYO. Jan. 14.—The Nippon Times says editorially that the National Government of China's entry into the War of Greater East Asia means the completion of a united front of various peoples of East Asia with Nippon as
    (Domei photo).  -  433 words
  • 586 2 ENTRIES CLOSE ON MARCH 31 IN COMMEMORATION oi the first anniversary of the Greater East Asia War, the English edition of the Mainichi News (former Osaka-Mainichi and Tokyo Nichi Nichi is sponsoring a prize essay contest with the support of the Foreign
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  • 50 2 1* DomeL Tokyo, Jan. 13—An album of five records of Nippon nursery songs, sang by the Columbia Children's Chorus, together with pictures, explanation and dance arrangements corresponding with the songs will be sent to the Southern Regions on their completion, which is scheduled about February 20.
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  • 325 2 Domei TOKYO, Jan. 14.—Commenting on the revelation by American prisoners that the United States aircraft-tarrier Hornet, which was sunk by Imperial naval aces in the Solomons battle en Oct. 26 last year, was one of three American aircraft-carriers from which enemy raiders
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  • 329 2 TROOPS 9 MORALE NEVER LOWER Domei CANTON, Jan. 13.—That the Chinese people living in the territories under Chungking control are disgusted with the repeated defeats of the Anglo-American forces was revealed by an air officer, who recently left Chungking to take refuge in Nippon-occupied
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  • 249 2 CHARGED $3 FOR FOUR BOTTLES WITH TWO previous convictions for offences under the Food Control Ordinance against his restaurant, Sharangit Singh, described as the proprietor of the Punjab Restaurant, yfas fined $750, or six months', rigorous imprisonment, in the Criminal District Court, yesterday, on
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  • 279 2 DomeL TOKYO. Jan. 13.—The Nippon Times describes President Roosevelt's nomination of Edward J. Flvnn. chairman of the Democratic National Committee, as AmDassador to Australia, as a "farce without Question, which must also be at th* same time a tragedy and a headache for
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  • 115 2 Dome! CANTON. Jan. 13.—Compulsory military conscription system, which was adopted by the Chungking regime last. Autumn, caused panic amcng the people. I rnd many men who come with!in the conscription age have I escaped from Chungking, accord- inc to information reaching here. Last Autumn, the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1492 2 PUBLIC NOTICES TOKUBETU SI NOTICE No. US RE: EXAMINING O¥ CONDITIONS OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. It Is hereby notified mat from 12th January to 31st Marcn Sycv.a 18, the usual examining of tii- conditions of weights and. treasures will be helo. Weights and measures UMC for business purposes should be
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 64 2 KYO-EI. ON YOUR TOES —Daily •t 3—6—8.30 pm. T.T. SYOWA: SAMARANG OUT OP THP DEEP—Daily at 3—8 —8.30 p.m. T.T. USIHO: BAD LITTLE ANGEL— Daily at 3 —6—8.50 pjn. T.T. INDO: VIMOCHANAM (in Tamil) Dad" at 3 and 8 p.m. T.T. YAM A TO: Tai Por Ten* liong Chun <in
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    • 130 2 Radio Nippon-Go Lesson No, 225 V YESTERDAY you learned on the radio the interrogative sentences using "Dare ga" meaning "who". But you must be careful not to mix up the words "dare ga" and "dare ka", for "dare ka" means "any one." Today we shall study the word "dare ka"
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