Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 2 January 1943

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 16 1 The Syonan Sinbun [ENGLISH 1 No. 23 SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, KOKI 2608, SYOWA 18 7 Cents.
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  • 367 1 THE FESTIVE season Is over, but the war is not and there is serious work ahead, in the fulfilment of which every good Malaian has a part to^play tor the stupendous task of backing the war effort, in every branch of human activity, calls for collective endeavour,
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  • 334 1 -v- -y TOKYO. Jan. I.—An announce- rnent issued by the War Ministry at 4 p.m. revealed that Sergeant Harumi Nonomura ef the Imai Infantry Unit, Corporal Yoichi Shimizu of the Takechi Infantry Unit, and Supericr Private Yoshitaro Aoki of the Koike Engineering Corps Unit have
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  • 72 1 LISBON, Jan. I.—lt Is report?* from Washin.'ton that the United States Nary Department ha* announced that a medium-aiied British marchantmsn in miaNcrember, end a medium-aizja United States merchant vessel in late Novsmber were torpadoed rnd sunk by Axis submarines In the Atlantic off
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  • 479 1 FIRST DAY~OFX SYOWA 18 DeaxL "9 TOKYO, Jan. I—This morning. the first day of the 18th year of the Syowa Bra, His Imperial Majesty the Emperor personally officiated at the ceremonies wetcoming the New Tear in which His Imperial Majesty offered prayers for
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  • 128 1 MmL pm TOKYO, Jmn. I.— All me- graphs t9fctcfloW#rM*WoMM>* Iby imp >rttMff<w—»oM f Jftntetry o/ tlti^/mp«rlol IcWJdwi, Hi* Imperial Highness Prince Masahito i YosW, and T/ic<r Imperial Highnesses Prlnce9ses Sht» geko Teru, Kazuko Taka, Atsuko Yorl and Takako Suga, together with an account of the
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  • 254 1 NANKING, Jan. I—Mr. Wan? Ching-wei, President of the National Ooremment of China, de- I clared China's determination to share common fate with Nippon in life or death in the prosecution of the War of Greater Sast Asia in a statement issued on New Year's
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  • 703 1 Diill. TOKYO, J»n. I—Determination and confident -determination to overcome every hardship and gain ultimate virl ocy Mid confidence in the nations ability to achieve the war aims—are the predominating note* of all the editorial* fat the morning papers in the capital on
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  • 293 1 PREMIER TOJO BROADCASTS DnmL I TOKYO, Jan. I—Premiec Gen era! HMeki T«j# speakinft in ex-1 chance radio WMMet»> between Nippon, Manefcevkno, China and Thailand declared that the task imposed en tfcese four countries was folly te sMMse the thi manpower reseircss of East Asia and
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  • 381 1 I Pmel 1 Berlin, Jan. 1 —In his fourth new year's address of the war to the German nation, Fuehrer I Adolf Hitler declares that the real reascn which induced Germany's enemies to go to war wa« not only hatred of a strong Germany—as
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  • 231 1 20,397 MEN LOST I ACCORDING TO LIST Lisbon, Jan. I.—The United States Navy Department has admitted the total numbers oi casualties and missing: since the Pearl Harbour attack as 20,397 of which a large number was kitted during the Pearl Harbour
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  • 1053 1 PEARL HARBOUR TO COLOMBO DWMi, TOKYO, Jan. I—Siyi:al victories which have been achieved by the Imperial Navy during one year since the outbid < «t the Greater East Asia War en L»ccember 8, 1941 are unparalleled in world naval history, naval commentators declared reviewing
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  • 430 1 i>imbl A CERTAIN NIPPON AIRBASE, Jan. 1. —Heavy damage was inflicted on an airdrome and other installations in Wuchow, Eastern Kwangsi Province, when Nippon army bomber and tighter formations raided the city yesterday. Releasing: h«h explosive.* during: divebomblng attack* the Nippon planes blastel enemy runways and
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  • 122 1 Sh igem itsu Conferred With Tokyo Officials DomcL NANKING. Jan. 1 —Mamor-i Shigemitsu. Nippon Amb;isyJ to the National Government ot China, who has bean in ToJcy> to confer with the H:me Government returned hire this afternoon to resume his pest It i> undsrstocd that Mr.
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  • 257 1 Damei. BUENOS AIRES, Jan. I.—' cent years which threatens to tinuiag to sweep through Penm and Kentucky, with the possibi section along the Ohio river, a< from Ptttsburg. A crest 49 overflowed Wheeling Island in more than 10,000 inhabitants, rise, the Lower
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 775 2 SYONAN HOMES BEFLAGGED BYONAN celebrated its first New Year's Day under the Nippom Administration in a quiet and dignified manner yesterday. Tra- I ditional dee'.rations adorned several business esabluhments and I offices, while houses and trolley buses and —mifctnf werw j be flagged.
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  • 191 2 I—a AN ISLAND-WIDE inquiry is at p/estnt being conducted by the Auxiliary Police Department. Syonan, in connection mth the Overseas Chinese Association's plan to establish an institution to maintain 500 Chinese men and w^men who are destitute. The 34 rear-old
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  • 305 2 Dome*. BUENOS AIRES, Jan. I—ln further eases ot black marketing, in the United States, two bis stock companies, Hecht Hecht and Company, Woodward and Ixjchrop were charged with price violations while in 21 war plant areas 60 landlords were hailed into court for violating rant ceilings.
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  • 19 2 Members of the Armed Fw-ees imr* UripaUnr la traditional New Tear "Omsk" ■iiimfcmi to Malaya.
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  • 187 2 ABAYAN WILL FIGHT ROBERTS AFTER HIS FIRST successful Syonan promotion, Mr. Matthew de Souza is arranging another attractive programme which should draw another big he use at the New World arena. The proposed card consists of a double main attraction in which
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  • 393 2 RANGOON, Jan. I.—Four Axis correspondents on an Inspection tour of the Southern Regions were told in the course cf an interview with Dr. U Ba Maw, Head of the Burmese Government, that the restoration of world peace and the construction of
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  • 424 2 MEMORABLE JANUARY NIGHT NO DEED ef Nippon airmen over Singapore skies so profoundly shook British complacency as the uncanny night bombing of Bailer Camp, situated near the heart of Singapore city, about this time last year. It was this dramatic night raid,
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  • 574 2 PRECAUTIONS EFFECTIVE DUE TO THE effective and prompt measures the authorities took, immediately upon Nippon occupation of this city, to prevent the possible outbreak of epidemics—which generally follow wars—Syonan has been able to maintain an exceptionally clean bill of health. This is
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  • 233 2 DEATH CHUA—Mr. Chua Guan Chui of Mo. 152, Cairnhill Road. Syonan, passed away peacefully at the age of 67 on Ist January, 2603, at 945 pm. T.T, leaving behind his two beloved vires, 2 sons. Chua Bock Seng Master Chua Chye Seng, 7 daughters 3 sons-in-law, I Messrs.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 136 2 CHURCH SERVICES ST. ANDREW'S CATHKDSAL Sanday, Jan. 3. Holy Communion (plain) 8.30 am. Holy Communion (choral) «.30 a.m. £ible Class and Sunday School 5 p.m. Choral Evensong q pjn. Wednesday. Feact of Epiphany, Holy Cwununion 9 am., Nativity Play 6.45 pnv Friday. Prayer Group 5.30 p.m. ST. HILDA'S CHURCH Holy
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    • 272 2 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED DOCTOR FOR PRIVATE PRACTICE IN DISPENSARY. APPLY NAM HUA CLINIC. 22, ENG HOON SrRBBT. TIONO BAHRU AREA, SYONAN-TO. Tel. No. 2S81. WANTED Chinese or Eurasian Lady Typist for Estate in Labis. Age about 25 years. Living accommodation provided. Salary $50 per month. Must be able to speak
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    • 614 2 PUBLIC NOTICES TOKrBETU-SI NOTICE No. 153. INCREASE OF RENT (RESTRICTION) ORDINANCE. Notice is hereby given that the j Rent Assessment Board established under Section 5 of the above-named Ordinance ceased to exist on the 15th February. Syowa 17, and on and after that date Syonan Tokubetu-Si Tyo shall exercise the
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    • 674 2 PUBLIC NOTICES TOKI'BETI SI NOTICE No. 155 Be collection of rates on situated in Syonan -to !.•>.. auin* »<c I both within the former YUrnlnipil 1 Rural Board limiU). ia> Collection ol rates for the Ist half Syowa 18 oa properties s»;iuaidi within the former Municipal All Owners of
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 83 2 KTO-EI UNWNIgHBD BUSINESS (All-Malai Premiere> Jan. 1/3: 12 3 6 8.30 pjn. T.T. STOW A BROTHER ORCHID (All-Mal*l Premier*) Jan. 1/3: 13.30—3—6—830 p.m. T.T. OHM The CISCO KID and the LADY CAU-liaJal Prcmiaro) Jan. 1/3: 12.30—3—«—8.30 pjn. T.T. INDO BAKTHA ORSTHA (Tamil) Jan. 1/3: 3.34—5.30—«.30 pjn. YAMATO FOONQ CHAN CHSNO
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