Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 3 June 1942

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 20 1 THE SYONAN TIMES 140 Cecil Street, Syonon-to Telephone 5471. No. 89 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, KOKI 2602, SYOWA 17 5 Cents
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  • 292 1 Spearhead Of Advance Already Near Tsungfa ARMY PLANES CO-OPERATING WITH LAND FORCES From Ihe South China front, June 1. By Radio an-! Domei. TRACK Nippon forces in South China early on Sunday morning started large-scale offensive from various directions to crush the tens of thousands
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  • 42 1 Lisbon, fgffe I Domei. I is reported from Itfelbournr (hat Gen. Douglas Mac- j rthur's Headquarters in a •ecial communique issued this I ;iernoon announced that Nip'on submarines staged an attack on Sydney Harbour on Sunday night.
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  • 154 1 •NOTHING BUT A GAMBLE TO KNOCK OUT GERMANY" (By Yosinori Horiguti, Domei Correspondent) Berlin, June 2. MOUNTING indications that the United nations' strategy is all or nothing but a gamble aimed to knock out Germany early is seen in Washington and London despatches received
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  • 195 1 war planes made surprise raids on the enemy airfield south ot Kunming, destroying ten planes Including five Curtis P-40, the Asahi reported from an unnamed base in Burma. It said that the' aircraft also set fire to an enemy ammunition dump and two barracks. The report said
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  • 78 1 Tokyo. June I. Domel. yEN 600,000,000 worth of Government bonds wer? placed on tiis market yesterday for public subscription. Of the total amount, ¥en 100,000,000 were underwritten by the Deposits Bureau and the Finance Ministry and Yen 500.000,000 by the Bank of Nippon. The
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  • 379 1 Tokyo, June 1. Domel. SOME 433,000 men In the United States have betn exempted from military service so fax, due to illiteracy, according to a statement made by President Roosevelt at the Press conferet cc on May 29, the Asahl correspondent reports from Zurich, quoting
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  • 70 1 Bangkok, June 1. By Radio. IT was announced over the Radio on 1 Sunday night that the That fnrces which reduced Kengtung. strategic border town in Eurrra. occupied Yorchi. another important point Rfi miles east of Kengtung. Beside its strategic value, the f.fshlv-occupied point is
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  • 53 1 Tokyo, June 1. Dome). 'THE Nitl Niti reported from Lisbon, quoting reliable sources, that a military council of the Axis powers wli! be held shortly in Rome. It said thai cooperation among the Axle power« in marine affairs will apparently conI stitute the main
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  • 179 2 LIEUT. GEN. YASUDA NAMED Tokyo, June 1. Domei. THE War Office announces that Tenno-Heika has appointed 1 Lieut. General Takeo Yasuda as first Commander of the Army Air Force Headquarters which was created on May 19 for further strengthening the Army's air force.
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  • 92 2 Lisbon, June 1. By Radio ANTI-BRITISH sentiment 1« now evident among the Indians, according to a Karachi report reaching Ankara. The same report stated that a conflict broke out between British and Indian trooos on the north-west frontier of India in the middle of
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  • 174 2 Tokyo, June I. Dorn^i IMNZAIS were shouted by the Horn* v Minister. Mr Mitio Yuzawa, and the assembled miners and officials as the last wall separating the two ends of the undersea highway tunnel connecting Moji and Sinonosekl was blasted yesterday morning, thus completing tha actual
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  • 54 2 Tokyo. June 2. Domel. THE Inaugural meeting of the Board of Directors of the newly-establish-ed Marchukuo Marine Transportation Company was held at Ylngkow yesterday, according to an Asahl dispatch. The company which is capitalized at Yen 20.000,000 was organized to cope with the increasing demand in maritime
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  • 229 2 Tokyo, June 1, Domei. MOBILIZING the aid of leading Nippon banks in the ecol"*nomic reconstruction of the Southern Regions, the Government has decided to designate the Yokohama Specie Bank and the Bank of Taiwan as banking organs to carry out the banking
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 582 2 ADVERTISER! ENTS PERSONAL WANTED TO BUY 8 HP. Car pre- DOMESTIC OCCURRENCE r*.n&\sw*hm fwably latest model State price with Personal or business adTer- full particulars to Box No. 46. c/oi tlstments will be accepted at Byonan Times. marriage the ofljee of The Syonan Times 89-W TAN OHU A:-The marriage will
      582 words
    • 232 2 Syonan Broadcasting Station Warelength: 25 m. and Us n. frequency- 12 Mes, and I.SSJ Ket. To-day. 7 Tvm. N*ur»on «o Nrf«s relied turn Tokyo: 7.T0 Malay Music (Rtcordsv 7.5s Indian Music—Hindus*anl Instrumental Music (Records 8.80 i Nippon-go Usson No. 41: 8.30 Nrws in Malay: 8.50 News In Tamil: J.lO News
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 117 2 LEARN NIPPON-GO! <NirPON-GO 0 TUKA'HASYO!) LESSON No. 86 Enrtteb Nippon Go Pronunciation Please Ift ire know sug-f ni klktsite soofee nee keekahsieh immediately kudasai koodahiai it is a nuisance kom^tta koU desn kOhmahttah kohtoh debs what! (protest) nani! nahnee! where do you bin dnko de hon o dohkoh deb hohn
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1511 3 NOTICE POPE RECEIVES MAD. Notice OUR ENVOY No. 61 Those Who Are Aware KJUn &IVVUY \M Of Vessels Or Boats Rome. May It Domel 1 tV^'j j BAGSRSTO F dE^PORTEP. Still Lying Aground i^en harada, first Nippon M'- M C* WnnU Or Sunk Must Report envoy to the Vatican, was
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  • 687 4 Officers Enjoined To Mete Out Impartial Justice A SIMPLE and Impressive ceremony marked the official opening of the Syonan Kotohoin (Supreme Court) and the Syonan Minzi Tihohoin (Civil District Court) yesterday morning. The function, which was conducted entirely in Nippon-go, was graced by the attendance
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  • 150 4 BRITISH SUSPECT U.S. SINCERITY Tokyo, June 1. By Radio REVEALING doubt as to the sincerity of the United States. British authorities are expressing great dissatisfaction with the fact that every one of the United States naval vessels dispatched to the Indian
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  • 204 4 Tokyo, June 1. Domei. OBSERVERS ridiculed the reports reaching here that the United States has adopted a resolution proclaiming June 13 as "Mac Arthur Day." honouring "the defender" of the Philippines, and that special celebrations are being planned throughout America for that day. The
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  • 50 4 nere is a lesson in Nippon-Go. Make it a point to learn our langua and ensure your future success In Nippon's New Order in East Asia. Lowei picture shows students of a Nippon-Go Gakko being given a les«on by member of ttic Senden-han I Military Propaganda Department).
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  • 49 4 THE S.vormn Graphic, a new pictorial magazine, will he on sale in Syonan shortly, li will be priced at 30 cents pei copy. Persons desirous of purchasing the Syonan Graphic are requested to place their orderearly at the Syonan Times Offiet 140, Cecil Street, Syonan-to.
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  • 115 4 "Revolutionary Coup In Ecuador Thwarted Buenos Aires, May 31. Domei. IT is reported from Quito, Ecuador that a former Cabinet Minister, an active army officer and two other men were placed ur.der arrest on May 30 a" the alleged leaders of a "revolutionary coup," after the Police hod fired Into
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  • 106 4 Tokyo. June 1. Domei. IT is learnt that the Nippon Film Production Company will produce newsreels edited In the various langi cges of the courtrieß In the Southern Regions in order graphically to Illustrate the brilliant accomplishments af our forces and the various activities in
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  • 206 4 NIPPON PROCESS FOR MALAYA THE Nippon authorities are planning to produce gasolene from waste rubber as a mear.3 of 11. iking up the expected surplus cf rubber in view of the swift resumption of the rubber industry in the Malay Peninsula, according to a
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  • 75 4 JT is learned that the Yokohama Specie Bank has opened agencies In Alor Star. Johore Bahru, ani Medan. in Sumatra, in addition to the existing five agencies at Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh. Penang. Malacca and Seremban, in Malaya. It is revealed that the bank. Is
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