Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 10 April 1942

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 19 1 THE SYONAN TIMES Telephone 5471. 140 Cecil Street, Syonan-to 5 Cents FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 2602, SYOWA 17 No. 44
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  • 456 1 Fleet's Successes In Indian Waters ENEMY SUSTAINS BIG LOSSES IN SHIPS AND PLANES Tokyo, April 9. THE Imperial Nipponese Navy chalked up another page in the annals of naval history in a daring and large scale attack conducted by air units and naval
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  • 47 1 Vichy, April 9. rE U.S. Navy Department announced that a medium-sized American freighter was torpedoed by an Axis submarine off the Atlantic coast of the United States a few days ago, while a smaller freighter was also shelled, a Havas dispatch from Washington reveals.
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  • 95 1 Rome, April 9. POWERFUL formations of Italian and German planes on Monday night carried out a severe bombing attack on the British naval base in Alexandria causing heavy damage to harbour facilities and starting fires in various places, it was announced by the Italian High Command on Wednesday.
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  • 175 1 Tokyo, April 9. rE following special message was oroadcast to Indians from Tokyo Radio to-nigl-t. Just look, friends, there you sec the sinister hand of Britain, the hand that squeezed your fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters to death, the hand that is dragging all
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  • 109 1 Tokyo, April 9. ADMITTING the serious plight of the American troops in the Bataan Peninsula due to the heavy and vigorous attack by the Nipponese forces, the American authorities have admitted that their troops are further retreating. Earlier, -it was reported that Gen. VVainwright's
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  • 126 1 Sourabaya, Apr. 9. \A/ITH the lapse of one month T since the Nipponese occupation of Sourabaya, the city is witnessing a marvellous revival in every respect. Chinese merchants who have hitherto held sway in the economic, field have completely shaken off their dependence on the Anglo-Saxons
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  • 61 1 Buenos Aires. Apr. 9. THE U.S. Navy Department announced that Rear-Admiral J. M. Wllcock was ".-ashed overboard and drowned during a heavy storm. His warship was on c routine cruise at the time. The U.S. naval authorities did not mention the locality of the incident. Wllcock was
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  • 750 1 Lisbon, April 9. A UNITED Press dispatch from New Delhi states that Pundit Nehru nas strongly opposed American participation In the New Delhi continence. The mission of Col. Louis Johnson, Roosevelt's personal emissary, is to utilize India ior America's own war against Nippon, Nehru
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  • 75 2 Vatican City, Apr. 9. DOPE PIUS XII is expected to make a world wide broadcast on Apr. 14 in commemoration of his assumption oflthe Holy Order. It is expected that the Pope will express views from the standpoint of religion about the world now
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  • 90 2 Manila. Apr. 9. THE food position in the Philippines has been greatly relieved due to the importation of Saigon rice. There are prospects of importing more foreign rice. Along with this, the Agricultural and Commerce Department of the Philippines Government has ordered the State Rice Company
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  • 59 2 Buenos Aires. Apr. 9. THE standard of living of American citteens will be lowered considerably as a result of their Government's plan to concentrate all industrial abilities on war industries. According to a Washington dispatch. quoting Donald Nelson, chief of the U.S. War Production office,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 493 2 ADVERTISEMENTS^ PERSONAL Personal or business advertisements will be accepted at the office of The Syonan Times in Cecil Street. Rate- $2 per insertion of one inch. GENERAL WANTED: Wireless operators able to take press message in Morse: previous experience essential. Apply in person or by letter to DOMEI NEWS AGENCY,
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    • 336 2 The public is Informed that PHOENIX AERATED WATERS, FRUIT SYRUPS and CORDIALS are always obtainable at the PHOENIX FACTORY, Palmer Road, off Anson Road, for cash against delivery at the factory. Highest quality as heretofore. e.o.d. M. RAJAGOPAL (GENERAL CONTRACTORS) No. 81, Sens Poh Road (Tiong Bahru Flats) undertake to
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    • 113 2 YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK LTD. AND THE BANK OF TAIWAN LTD. (Syonan Branches) CHANGE OF ADDRESSES THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK LIMITED Address: Late Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp. (not at Meyer Chambers as announced) Tele. Nos. 6922 (Manager's Room) 5939 5938 5937 General 5930 THE BANK OF TAIWAN LTD. Address: Late
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    • 351 2 M. A. D. Notice No. 32 TAX ON MOTOR CARS AND MOTOR CYCLES 1. Owners of motor cars and motor cycles must pay tax for their motor cars and motor cycles at the Vehicle: Office, Middle Road, from 15th April to 15th May 2602. 2. The rates of tax for
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 192 2 NIPPON LESSON No. 42 (Nippon-Go) English Nippon-Go Prounciation Interpreter: to interpret tsuyaku; tsuyaku wo suru tsooyahkoo; tsooyahkoo woh sooroo I want to engage an tsuyaku wo yatoitoi tsooyahkoo woh yahl-int*-i prcifi thoil.u have you an interpreter kochira ni tsuyaku ga kohcheerah nee tsooyahkoo here* gozaimasu ka? g a h srohzaimahs
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 405 3 M. A. D. Notice No. 34 REGISTRATION OF PUPILS Registration of Pupils for Cairnhill Road Boys' School (Anglo-Chinese School), Coleman Street Boys' School (Anglo-Chin-ese Middle School and Anglo Chinese Primary School). For the convenience of pupils seeking admission to AngloChinese School, Anglo-Chinese Middle School and Anglo-Chinese Primary School registration will,
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    • 498 3 M. A.D. Notice No. 36 INDIAN SCHOOLS RE-OPENING The Indian Scnools listed below will re-open on the 15th instant. All former and new pupils are required to register their names between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. (Tokyo time) on the 12th, 13th and 14tli instant. Names oi Schools: Our Lady
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    • 340 3 NOTIFICATION NOTICE TO PUBLIC JINRIKISHA OWNERS Owners are to note that taxation of Jinrikishas will commence from 10/4/2602 to 30/4/26*2. They are to rote that from now on tax will be doe half yearly and not quarterly as before. The amount of the tax will be $7.50 per half year
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    • 399 3 M.A.D. Notice No. 31 SYONAN-TO-RHIO FOODSTUFFS TRADE TO BE RESUMED AH pen»ons who engage in the '.i-xAr of transportation and sale of foodstuil* between Syonan-to and Rhio Archipelago are hereby notified as follows: 1. Licence must be obtained from *!>»' Food Control Office. Syonjui Tokubetusi. 2 No piu chase of
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  • 214 4 Over Million Tons Sunk In February March Berlin, Apr. 9. A TOTAL of 1,170,000 tons of Anglo-American vessels was sent to the bottom of the Atlantic by German submarines, during the two months, February and M*"*. was announced by the German High Command on
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  • 130 4 Peking, April 9. THE financial situation of tne I Chungking regime is ever becoming more serious. Due to'the difficulty ol sending ammunition to Chinese troops in the front line, the army department of the Chungking Government has recently instructed the provincial commanders to obtain the
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  • 112 4 Istanbul, Apr. 9. DUE to the handing over to the Soviet Union of Iran by Great Britain, anxiety in West Asia to rapidly mounting. According to a traveller who recently arrived in Turkey frvtn Iraqi the Iraqi Government) and people have co»e to lose confidence
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  • 74 4 Shanghai, Apr. 9. TOE arrival of the United States air :orce in Burma is not confirmed yet, says the United Press correspondent in Chungking, adding that the Chungking regime is expecting an American bombing of Rangoon. Observers here point out that this United Press
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  • 128 4 Lisbon, Apr. 9. ACCORDING to a telegram from Melbourne, Rear-Admiral Helfridch, former Dutch commander of the Allied forces In the south-west Pacific, has been appointed commander of the Army, Navy and Air Force In the south-western Pacific as well as In the East Indies. In
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  • 114 4 Lisbon, Apr. 9. A LONDON dispatch reveals the corruption of morals amongr the American Expeditionary Force In Ireland. The report states that the Irish Government has made a protest against what it called the playful attitude of the Americans toward Irish girls. The number
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  • 87 4 Manila, Apr. 9. A LOAN of 5,000,909 pesos to the civil administration under H. Vargas has been formally approved by the Nipponese military authori- ties. The loan will carry no interest. The civil administration will use the loan for making up the deficiency in
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  • 110 4 Lisbon, Apr. 9. IN his recent report to the Colonial Minister at Home, the Governor of Portuguese Timor stated that all Portuguese nationals are safe and are enjoying a quiet life and no incident happened there up to Apr. 3. Thus, it became known that
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  • 128 4 OUR WAR RESULTS IN SHANTUNG HONAN Tsinan. Apr. 9. MIPPONESE war results obtained in Shantung and Honan provinces were announced as follows: With land and sea joint operations in Shantung Peninsula and the annihilation campaign against remnant enemy troops head-id by Gen. Yu, forming the major battles, ihe Nipponese fought
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  • 589 4 IF music be the food of love, play on," says trie love-slrfc Duke Orsino in the opening lines of Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night." Last tvening wounded and .sick Nipponese soldiers who listened with rapt attention for a full three hours, squatted under a threatening sky
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  • 163 4 Saigon, April 9. DISCOUNTING recent United Press dispatches from Chungking claiming that the Chinese forces in Burma are being facilitated in their war efforts by the co-operation of the Burmese people, neutral observers declare that reports from Burma state that the Burmese people, on the
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  • 56 4 Lisbon. Apr. 9. UARRY HOPKINS. U.S. Lease-Lend n Administrator, and Gen. George C. Marshall, chief of the U.S. Army Staff, arrived in London from Washington on Wednesday. After a conference with Winston Churchill. Hopkins denied Roosevelt'r statement that increased production of armaments would bring about final
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  • 59 4 Hong Kong, Apr. 9. J^ TOTAL of 63 diplomats of enemy nations in Hong Kong, including the American! General will be sent back to their own countries in accordance with the agreement concluded between Nippon, the United States and Britain*. The diplomats include 49 Americans,
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