Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 18 June 1950

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 21 1 SUNDAY Tribune Published ."rfmuZtaneoualv a< Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang. SIXTEEN PAGES SINGAPORE, SI NDAY, JUNE 18, 1950. TEN CENTS
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  • 889 1 Bombs Will Not Cure Troubles Of Sou t h East Asia Tribune Staff Reporter pANDIT Jawaharlal Nehru welcomed at Kallang airport yesterday by 3,000 Malayan Indians, told a press conference later: 'India cannot help Malaya. India is too busy looking after her own troubles. It
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  • 76 1 MANILA. Bat U. a leeretary i>■ -t- n« L John- Ol tar Bradley, I tho Joint Start, hart a thlrty-minut* nf< rence to<ia\ Pr< I Qulrtoo anil oth» r 1 oiliTh< 11 nlng two vtoiti v -Mi ingt. trdial". Ejir and i Ify
    U.P.  -  76 words
  • 32 1 Thi<. and a dry-. [i Sl pore's Oul "n theii m• to lad I'W"' Wng the third 1- the whu hip f Ol th«* litll- Hei crew includ.
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  • 96 1 Pandit Nehru, after laying the foundation BtWftC of the new Indian Association clubhouse on chi. flailirtliir Plain, critftdMd nis countrymen for not having built one y«ars ago. H< said "When I was hero thirteen yens ago. 1 criticised the Indian community for their iatk of civic
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  • 37 1 LONDON Bat British rVmerlc m and French t :tiks will open here < m June L!ti to prepai foi a September I conf< n•• ol ?'»)r'i f ;n Mlnlfj [i thi< fiiturc ot Germany. A. P.
    A.P.  -  37 words
  • 26 1 HONGKONG, Sat. Reports from Shanghai say the Amorican Cluh, one of the select gathering places for Shanghai's tv>rci^n society, is expected to close soon. A.P.
    A.P.  -  26 words
  • 274 1  - Jakarta Blocks 'Treasure Islands' Lawrence G. Mani By INDONESIA has put ft atoppt* on all "five" imports- from Malaya to Indonesia, aft. r tiylllg m VHin tor ten month i l<< lap the Btagaporc hla. k market m Indonesian Money. Hut Mul.iya will lost- most of the trade flowing through
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  • 74 1 Chief Inspector Oiam Chong Hing has been promoted un Assistant Super Intendent of police. S»m of Oiam Ah Long, one ot Singapore's most outstanding d»necfive&. Oiam Chung Hing joined the police as a clerk and then transferred to detective work. He became an
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  • 52 1 HONGKONG, Sat. Pretty Ma fiu Kin smiled happily at hit bridegroom when the registrar said. "If anyone ran show just cause and impediment why this couple should not l>e niai lied. Then a second man. To Siuwan. rushed m and claimed to be her husband. The Chinese Secretariat
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 66 1 Mr. A. W. Frisby, Singapore's Director of Education, has notified the directors of the Chinese High School that they have seven days m which to provide Governor Sir Franklin (iimson with reasons why the school should not bt declared unlawful. Police raided the scnool last month,
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  • 57 1 Tungku Abdullah bi n Omar, of Johore. has sent a telegram to Da to onn urging him to withdraw his resignation as President oi UMNO "to avoid a national calamity." The telegram adds: "As a leader you must expect to be branded, criticised or assassinated. Tanah
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  • 23 1 PKARL HARBOR. Sat. Nine twin-engined U.S. Naval patrol flying boats arm d yesterday from San Diego, en route to Japan.-- A.P.
    A.P.  -  23 words
  • 179 1 LONDON. Sat— The Labour Government has sent urgent instructions to its Ambassadors i n France and America to spread the word that Britain has not turned its back on European co-operation. Premier Attlee is deeply alarmed at criticism from the United States over suggestions that the Labour
    A.P.  -  179 words
  • 515 1 WHERE IS SUL TAN'S GOLD SNAKE? Tribune Staff Reporter f\ three -foot length of Malacca cane, with a gold handle shaped like a serpent's head and a heavy gol d ferrule, which was brought to Singapore, by the late Sultan of Brunei, has vanished. It may be on its way
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  • 107 1 LONDON, Sat. Measures of the Malayan Government to bring 300,000 Chinese squatters under its regular administrative system, are praise^ by the Manchester Guard fafa. The newspaper says: "The squaturs are the melancnolv flotsam m Malaya, left "behind by the tide of war. They
    A.P.  -  107 words
  • 100 1 NEW -YORK. Sat. Development ol a new type synthetic rubber made wHIkmH soiree styrene is announced DjprtK Phiilip* ompnny. The company stid "'limited road tests Indicate that ttie new rubber, poloutadlen polybutadtene »»r ph is suprior to gynthetlc rubber and perhapt to natural rubber, for
    A.P.  -  100 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 67 1 ANW EMFNI X^^^XJ A J'l of England. "HECLA" 40 Singapon 1 I HOKNER CHROMATIC HARMONICAS. (With sharps and Flats) X) < hromoalea, ltt-hoie. to re<J $12.50 ■sii|i. r (hroinoni.a, 12-hoK'. J^ r.-.-.< $18.00 I -i>\- < hr. mi. .nil a. li -h..1,>. M-fed $l-'2.5(l TUTORS: i' IV»j to l'la\ th«
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    • 33 1 Or CALirOHNiA MrttßKfii 3 "ft ,I. 1,1 SEASON TRADING CO., 57, Huti Mmt, IVl: H2IHH The Famous 3P^3^ family of Medicinal Products m Cr'^E^jjr^ >sf> \^l j uwtti* of course TIGER BALM j
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  • 113 2 NG ASKED FOR A NEWSPAPER WHEN a party of court official.- cal'ed on Ng Kai S'.in^ who was charged with the murder of Mr. Yong Yit Lin for tho foutth time Jt»torday m tho firncral Hospital lock-up, ho was raiding a copy of tho Digest of Digests. Ng asked reporters
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  • 35 2 Duiing tue month of May. 56.162 06 was collected by the Kelantan State Appeal Committee of the University of Malaya Endowment Fund. This brings the total so far collected to $44,764.62 cents.
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  • 70 2 NO NEW RATES, DON'T WORK' CALL The Joint Consultative Committee of the Singapore Lighterage Industry yesterday decided that if members of* the Singapore Chinese Foodstuffs Importers Assoc ation and tlu- Kwong Foh Hong i Cantonese Foodstuffs Importers Association refuse- to pay the new lighterage rates, a; 1 lighter owners and
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  • 37 2 Few Singapore art lovers attended the opening of the exhibition o f Australian paintings yesterday at the British Council Hall. It was held m conjunction with an exhibition of examples of British fine print production.
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  • 186 2 GOVT. CLERKS FEAR— BENHAM REPORT MAY BE PASSED Tribune Staff Reporter A NOIBEK of Government clerks expressed their fears yesterday, that the Benham Report would be passed m the Legislative Council. They explained that the Councillors would m all probability vote for the approval of the Report as they are
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  • 204 2 Tribune Staff Reporter TWO detainees have already been released from the 1 Taiping Rehabilitation Camp, according to a Federal Government statement yesterday. Several others, who have proved worthy of returning to live among their fellow men and women again, are expected to be released shortly.
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  • 84 2 Ampat Tin Seeks Big Govt. Loan Ampat Tin Dredging Limited is negotiating with the Federation Government for a loan of 51.800.000. (£210.000) which the company needs to transfer a diedge from their property m Tujoh to Kent Estate. The company owes Government a rehabilitation loan of £159.971. The directors m
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  • 79 2 KUALA LUMPUR Sat. Three bandi including a woman went to a squatter's hut at the 23rd mile Chenderiunp; Road, Sungci Siput South, m the Kai.ipar area of Perak, and bound a Chinese couple who were led outside the nut and then hacked to death. Meanwhile fourteen Comnunista
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  • 118 2 EX-S'PORE MAN HAS ROLE IN '3 CAME HOME' A Kuala Lumpur born showman actor who made his way from Java to America during the early days of the war, has made an unexpected return to Singapore as a small part player m the film "Three Came Home." Cast as an
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  • 37 2 MLTAK. Sat. A Chinese estate ownei was abducted by three bandits fiom a kongsi yt >terday morning. At 6.25 p.m., police found the abducted mans body near the kongsi. He had been strangled to death.
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  • 205 2 PIFTY-THREE candidates 1 who recently sat for the Preliminary Examination for the degree of M.8.8.5. and B.D.S. at the University of Malaya have passed. Following are the successful candidates: Degree of M.8.8.5. Preliminary Examination: M. Balasegaram. Chee Chin Tiong. Andrew Chew Guan Khuan. Foo Yong
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 195 2 1 1 1 1 "^\fy L o wo -the $ame\Av < ff Service v IN TWO DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS BY LUXURIOUS SKYMASTERS REGULAR SERVICES TO SINGAPORE SINGAPORE to Colombo Diwuarurtt with connections to BOMBAY, KARACHI, D AR VV I II cairo, komj:, l C N 0 N SYPNEY DKPAKiUKI SINCJAfORt. A.M.
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    • 22 2 r m m LIQUID $1.4A eaet POWDER SO^O each (Duty Extra Outside Spore) Nalna Mohamed Suns, Ltd., Singapore, Kuala Lumpur A IVnang.
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    • 465 2 BUILDING TRADE BOOM. ACBto Shortage of TVohnirally Train, ,1 M n B«'Kinmrs BCMIM m Land Surv.y ft <jua Uit> s,, r v Also atarting July: B'keeping A Acct (li rn v Typing, 8 hand Com. Oorresp. Math v h for stdTv VI VII, i morn. Bye.) Classes runnin m« Cer
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 529 2 BLUE NETWORK RED NETWORK h>..».i.>H rtUM'K.AMMK INDIAN I'KOI.UAMMKS 12 p.m. Time Signal, Opening 1.00 a.m. Programme Sum- Annct. Piuu r Summary with mary; 9.hJ Dane*' Mu.«ic: !♦..*<• *mk;. Tune. L 2.03 Children*' yuar-Much-Binding-In-The-Marsn Re- (or Hour: U. 17 Hindustani Film p»at of last Wednesday's Pro- Tunes; ii\3o News; 12.4<» Recordgrainsae);
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  • 63 3 0. 19 OUt Ol thr 191 lUght by sr'-urit; m Johori; with arm; and ammunition or detained trying Un deatti since the start oj up till FVbj> ii d to 15 m Indian Ex Indian idi ucc issful ;ipr> f il 'I, s ntciic. throil
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  • 390 3 'Have A Family According To Your Means''— cm Mizah lnbune Staff Ke|>orter JUttURE'S only woman councillor, 50-year-old Che A/.izuh binte Jaffa* said yesterday thai some parents uere bein X unfair" to their children by ht\ m R more than they can care for. "Have
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  • 272 3 NO W THEY WANT A SQUARE DEAL BANDITS STOLi: THEIR CARDS Tribune Stuff fioporter QXE thousand squatters and estate labourers m tht Muar area of Johore who recently had their identity cards taken away by raiding bandit parties want a square deal when obtaining replacements. They complain that under the
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  • 29 3 The Lotus Club and Ladles' Union ol Singapore will uiv< a party to Mrs Indira Gandhi Pandit Nehru's daughter, at 9.45 ;n to<i<iy at tlv Cathay Btaurant.
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  • 21 3 i ixinc. wi\\ m ,'m about >>w h m ihe co v it >nth tou 01 lh< ritiic-L
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  • 335 3 Tribune Correspondent j)\ T K of the .strangest barters of all time took place m Changi gaol during th( Japanese occupation. It happened at a camp concert when a young British musician bartered his music for a supply of cigarettes from
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  • 71 3 A' r OMMODATIO profa i. -I! i«' i n'.'->f under luati being taken intn tlu University of Malaya, especially int'» th»> Faculty of Medicine, saM n spokesman m reply to "A Guardian" yesterday. He s,-ii(i A* least twotbirds of tii (> appllcattts want to study medicine oi
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  • 48 3 M. Jean i'ui!t.T, the Fi«nch pu-tiirit «rho recently played \cJ. <-»).■ of classical guitar RlUSftc i;i the Victoria Memorial Hall, wm amunu those who were killed m the second Air France Skyma.t>T crash it Halm m. The French ConsulateGoneral m Singapore confuted this yesterday.
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  • 185 3 Controls Hamper Biscuit Exports Tribune stair Reporter FEWER biscuits are being exported from Singapore to foreign i ountrl >s i han befon the war. due to trad« restrictions :md foreign ox mgC (iiflif Ull ;rdto Mr. Chew Chin Hong, works manager <>i the Ho 110 Biscuit Factory. India, the Mauritius
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  • 165 3 Don't Pay A Cent —Negri Government Tribune Staff Reportei IF your identity card has been stolen by bandits you should report the matter to the nearest Police Sta lion at once. You will be given a form to fill either m romanised Malay or English, whichever you prefer and it
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 214 3 ttmpUsi meal l!l HBBBB PORT AND SHERRY wmmmnmx SI M E,^aTbV~£ SS-3-t" «n Ay «5^ irii i 1.-. i\ lan A.m i for tranepoi D.C ii planei wni, cml of a.r cotntnuaications from the 1 of I ,i I I n apply 1 >■ el fc ihi EAST \»m ru
      214 words
    • 216 3 Hear! Trouble Caused by High Blood Pressure If you have nalns •>-<>■-! the hearv palpitation. Ui77incs*. h«adaclm ai top and bark of head and abov* eye*. •hortn^ss of bre*th. fe*l ntrvy. or suf* j far from poor *i*ep. lr>«» of memory j 1 a»4 «nerey. Indigestton worry an 4 fear,
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    • 82 3 Tamous ror Flavour lEsta feUshed 1883 >' fo d a chili!,, Comet on RediffnMon Sin Tin ndaya at 6^o-7.00. p.m. MARGGNIPHONE'S LATEST Ratiiogram Mode! ARG23AT Valvcf! A c Mans Mt/Wt+wK Fl F BUge^Band-Bpread Tuning 7///^'*^] Automat ;c Record Changer. —^v^^- dIIO.UU t -E IK\ Singapore) Len 10% For Cash talmenl
      82 words

  • 247 4 S*pore Beaches Arc Xat Treacherous Tribune Staff Reporter MR. R. 11. Stevens, Chairman of the intrim committee of the Singapore vieJU guards Corjw, said yesterday that ignorance and carelessness and not treacherous beaches, were the causes of the large numbers of drownings m the On iie
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  • 212 4 Tribune Staff Reporter MEW and better buildings for the 100,000 estate labourers and their dependents m Johore are springing up throughout the State. Today the estates' building programme is far ahead of the Government, m proportion to their labour population. To facilitate estate management,
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  • 50 4 HOT? NOT UNDER THIS HAT THIS hot spell we re going through doesn't seem to bother Kay m the least. Anyway why should it. After all she's got that wide brimmed hat to shield her. Besides Kay ■was caught cooling her heels m a boat off the beaches of Katong.
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  • 143 4 'PARENTS ARE LOSING CONTROL OVER THEIR CHILDREN- MRS. GOH Tribune Staff Reporter ARE Singapore parents sparing the rod and spoiling the child? According to Mrs. Goh Kok Kee, Chairman of the Singapore Family Planning Association, parents are losing control over their children. She points out that children, especially those attending
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  • 144 4 muv Tn une Shipping Reporter JHE Empire Pride which pulled into Singapore yesterday brought troops of the 13/18 th. Royal Hussars and the Worcestershire Regiment They will go into action against the bandits shortly The Worcestershires who will replace the Co'dstream Guards,
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  • 72 4 A new SineaDore street map has been issued as a guide to motorists by the Automobile Association of .Talaya. Printed on thick parchment and doupH m strong cardboard covers, the man gives a comprehensive layjut of the city with its main streets and cross roads
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  • 25 4 HONGKONG, Sat- A mass rally of Shanghai firemen recently severely censured five of their number for "flirting with women" while on duty.
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  • 171 4 HERE are some of the rmsons (riven by heads of schools and social workers \n the Colony as to 'ivhy an undisciplined child is an unhappy one.' 1. The undisciplined child is like a 'criminal.' He breaks the physical, moral and spiritua 1 laws
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  • 66 4 The Singapore Ex-Service Association is spending $1500 per m th m benevolent distributions, and needs new members to supply the necessary funds. The Hon. Sec, and Treasurer Mr. A. Hohiday. nas issued an appeal for all exservicemen to join the association. Ke adds, m his appeal,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 283 4 IN SHORT V^Suiris9^ /f\ SUPPLY. h.^^jjfejfsr j But StUt Zu'^'tA White Label \v SCOTCH WH/SM <*:*> SIME, DARBY co.Ltd -sole distributors yr SINGAPORE MALACCA SEREMBAN C?t£(/ PARKER v Quink has magic Solv-x No nrdi/.nrv ink «an match the Switch to Parker Quink, the only valw of if* dftVrenl from
      283 words
    • 211 4 Hearing Restored Stop Head Noises Deafness and Head Noises need not be dreaded any lorn»r smre a discovery by an American Physician. Now It Is possible for some of the most obstinate cases of 'Deafness to be relieved m a day's time by the application of the prescription railed Spantcx.
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    • 336 4 I STRATOCRUISEH '.PfEDttfto, This modern Speecltird Fleet provides, swift sure LIATION services to all 6 continents ••»mNAur sf«o*i^ 17^.000 miles of 8.0.A.C. routes to fifty-one countries on jfl iix continents can save you hours, days, v»metimo even wctb valuable travelling time. You fly without delay m »he world's most modern,
      336 words

  • Article, Illustration
    1814 5 LONDON. Sat.. I a i hat the good ship 1 "Botsfc" which is a cross between a Chinese junk and an Arab dhow with her intrepid crew from Singapore has arrived m South Africa (last reported at Port Elizabeth). The crew, you will remember, numbers five three Royal
    1,814 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 325 5 WHICHAAILMENTS DO IW SUFFER? 1 vT'^g^H Your iocter will t«fl ye« that «A«ft tfiaaa art wanOM Him of MINERAL k VITAMIN DEFICIINCY "-warnlnf. thuWrS act fitting anouf h Minarals and Vltamlna which Natura tJamanda you to hava. Tha cookad-ouc fooda you «at traAt giving ymi tmigh IW t«ur naadi. Ha«d
      325 words
    • 163 5 /x jar -^^1 '^^^k. I 1 I A -^^^ttSS^^^^^^^H B^(B^Bo^M^F IB J B *> AM %tMt,ni wiihtn irtc <*-A •kadbuc foi com- f' fl JL a fort Thai* wtui I \«J W 1 jCVrv\\ lEn^- if y^M n to ii "/1 *^3/r A JH^H K\ W I'll gf^\ •"'•< economy
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  • 3324 6  -  VERA ARDMORE LOVELY LINDA .4 Utth o/i the hmnihty sidt By I WAS not the only per- son m Singapore to line! Tyrone Power's wii. 27--year-old Linda Christian, lovely but a little on the haughty side. We all crowd, d rounc 1 when she arrivvd. We wanted pictures
    3,324 words
  • 931 6 PRIME Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru has been called a combination of Prince Rupert of the Rhine and Hamlet. He has also been called short tempered, imperious and a good hater, as well as gentle •md kind with a charming simplicity. Mountains attract him. sunsets haunt his memory,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 45 6 Established 1872 Malaya's Leading Jewellers Diamond and Gem Merchants B.l>. dc SiUa Ltd. (Incorporated m Ceylon) 19/21, High St., Singapore 1, Bishop St., Penang. for you jSm^&j^^--£^=r^^^^BfcHizzizizz?r^!j^^^^ E fl-^i ID Jl ly FOR THEfiT Wl^l\ ffi 1* Y^iv^^' MILKMAID MILK SWEETENED CONDENSED JR *t( tt
      45 words
    • 70 6 TO YOUR FINGERTIPS nai/*> $Hauic€t**ei/ :rr//< %/{J luA Your hands can be more beautiful with magk wcaif l TEX rfie \.>\\A\ i\ui and lasts. CiUTEX gives spotkk to 3 applies casif) resists peeling and 1 hipping. Because 111 X is so inexjx ivi jin can /\U aftt>rd to keep several
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 400 7 A I.A €A»T£ OR TABLE D'HGTE? -ho prefer the table ot l T c four-course .uncheon »nT °ZT° ."icyaWc M inexpensive. Crrv v*^ 0 m addition to the other menu" on S wrvod Sunday., and tnerc is a ■SSmv^^T** 1 a d on Saturdays. ■■IMIIJ attractive dinner TOR BETTER SERVICE
      400 words
    • 269 7 DESIGNED ,ig% /f CARE H^^iN^v Afl dsQQZEIriBhN comfort of your child are assured with such precision and refinement m nTZS^Bß***^ prams by the world I^^^ Jh^-i M^^^m'^ rer.s Lines Bros., >f\ji Factory c.vnnt u<^ T.V. MITCHELL CO., LTC. JJirih'apuio K. Irtwrtpm PtMMg Glaxo gives your baby the most precious
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    • 178 8 WHAT can the world expect from India? Or perhaps the question should be, what can the world expect from Nehru? India's leader stands established as a statesman of deep wisdom and broad vision. He needs no plaudits. In fact, he is impatient of them. But he needs understanding, and
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    • 200 8 THERE is, however, sound reason to hope that Indian nationalism is not so narrow as some of its expressions might lead us to think. While broadly based on a genuine and natural desire for freedom from alien influence, its pattern is set by one of the greatest internationalists of all
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    • 265 8 JJEHRU :md his close colleagues, such as ChakraN* v.irti Rajagopalachari, see this clearly. Their task now is to keep the creed of ahimsa alive m the millions over whom they rule, millions who, for the most part, are poor, ignorant and plagued with disease. Nehru is striving his hardest to
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  • 1671 8 FROM a secluded cottage m Hyde Park, m the State of New Yoik. one of the America's most noted women exercises the same ardent inteiest m people and m public affairs that she showed during her 13 years m the White House as First Lady
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  • 962 8  - THE CLOCK STRUCK ONE, AND OWLS HOOTED Countess Mena Hamon By THE most amazing man 1 have ever known was my husband. This is an estimate not born of natural and forgivable prejudice but one arrived at only after the consideration. Others who know him almost as well agree that
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 78 8 CUT OUT ji 1 Mm. i Sc.erence G Swiss spare j od proper lervtcf for v next witch I r- pair job. I une *****, j TKiM LUCK I Watchmakers Noi til J.n EUMML k -:t Hoyui Afl vy An Btatitm, SmmbawamfJ. (uticura fc SOAP f-^4 I toilet ]>rop<Tti<--. m
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  • 3526 9  -  Lozania Prole By A New Exciting Serial AT first Pmy chattered. tub I ifi f :tt the prospect ol the journey, then. when shadows began failing, she drowsed to sleep Innocently enough, with her head lying against the epaulet led shoulder of her fellow traveller. At the
    3,526 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 210 9 fk^ i /gray MAGIC i ROYAL PORTABLE; "Mogic" Margin eliminates fumbling. No fuss, no fret dick, it's set' Mcny other exclusive Royal features moke Mogic YOUR Portable Typewriter. Sold guaranteed by o < I Service established 40 i yea/s m Malayo. Eji^^^^^Kj^^^^^J Better Tools I give I Q Better Work
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  • 750 10  -  ALEC WAUGH Continuing the st ory of by |N the autumn of 1900 Tommy Lipton challenged a second time for the America's Cup for yachting. The following spring Lady Dufferin launched Shamrock 11., and m September at Sandy Hook the guest book of Lipton's palatial
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  • 1224 10 End of an epoch IN the late spring of 1910 a bronchial attack that Edward VII. had developed on holiday at Biarritz became unexpectedly serious. On his return to London, when he went round to Mrs. Keppels house for a game of cards, his attempt to smoke a cigar brought
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  • 59 10 Talk about a peerage THERE was talk that autumn that he was to be made a peer. He denied it. insisting that even if he were otfered a peerage he would refuse it. There was talk. also, that he had been proposed for the Royal Yacht Squadron and blackballed. A
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  • 272 10 tell. She would not say what Lipton had written on the back of the tintype he had given her. That was his secret and hers, and she had destroyed the tintype. Certainiy Lipton never indicated any matrimonial intentions. But it is quite possible that he never
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 219 10 MBBSSKBBSBBM^^m sole agents for the ■^^^^Hftfßflflll^B WHOLE MALAYA FOR IfipfijgH, DUNKLEY PIANOS BfeS^** v'u Ull^l- _LJII3I FT'LL SIZE UPRIGHT GRAND Wm&L^^S^mmßKHm fully tropicalised ■ni^^^^^^^^^^W BRILLIANT TCN'E. ■Sw^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B Easy Payment Can Be ■■■^^^I^^^^^^l^^^B Arranged. V"^ Piano Tuning Repairs UNDERTAKEN BY OUR LONDON QUALIFIED EXPERT. Certified By The London Music Trades School
      219 words
    • 164 10 NEXT WEEK The crash: Lipton out cf his own business: £20,000 to 'soothe 1 an angry woman. i N^ f^2 1U j i^^ SCJENTIFiCTESIS PROVE j (i !W»> 1 t"- y T*AT IN 7 CASESOUTOFC.iI >t<^-*'J^^s>v~V jOSl f IN^Rfc^' COLGATE'S REMOCS WE /J (#ii2^il>-^Sa: I CAUSE OFMOWyJ ,7 S££ HX*DeMTIST
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  • 434 11  -  HENRY CRIS —by— UOLLYWOOD is not on: the movie capital oi til United States. It is also the most dynamic city m the country. People ol drive -and vUlon who want to keep pace w[\\\ tiny airi do something new. head lor Hollywood to copy its
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  • 653 11 MOVIE fans will greet «ftta delight the news that Charlie Chaplin's film "CUv Lights" will shortly bt screened m Singapore, for h# is perhaps the most popular comedian of our time, if nn r the greatest Son of two versatile, thespians. Charlie was thrown on his
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  • 340 11 HOLLYWOOD. Sat. 663 foreign students attend the five universities situated m and around Hollywood and are preparing for useful lives m their home countries practically under the shadow of limland's motion picture studio.-. Thus far the two woi Ids have never mingled. Hollywood went its own
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  • 159 11 Final Ni^ht is the tt' of the Fleet Street story Whic«l Jay L.ewts, produce- of Merging Departure, is to mate '.t Pine wood m July. Adapted by Bill Fairch who wrote tho script cf Mcrning Departure, and Guy Morgan, from a first novel '\v Robert Games,
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  • 183 11 Teacher Knew Best ROBERT YOUNGS Lo^ Angeles High Sch'o' c 1 proved a better prophet of the star's future thai' rtlC Younp himself. Tiio school year nook tlißCibcd him v 'thc clas.s momher most ll***ly to to succeed an a f^"t However. on |C|r«4uation. Youn? took 'i jib with «i
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 313 11 Where there'sX theresffiHealth ton,c mm THe £ST o ♦ NATURAL J .^SBS .^SSWdiJiSni^i b«»ter Tow=c Wines tkc WINE IMMM M l,u,cts o* a nd M/j />//// /y\ .1 IN HIALTH-C.V.N-M lt -d yC e,opKo,- I^^Ol p^pJh. b CUAtANdistributors: SI ME, DARBY FOR ALL OCCASIONS YOU CAN DEPEND ON TIMI-T) '■:>!'
      313 words
    • 357 11 FOR NEW GLAMOUR '/fafy AND A >OLING LOOKING SKIN ZrrffpVW B^r 3^ Tan Cake Makeup originated by Mtu r<Kf<" HtfkfWOOd fc IHHlUaHlillnilil) the greatest inno^jtion m the history of crrsmrtu* It pvM urn i smooth H.iw Ics, beautiful new romplcmon inatrs you look lovrlin nu>n- mttfrVUinc i more exniing— mstdnily
      357 words

  • Article, Illustration
    1231 12  -  JOAN BALD WINSON r*-" •!> WHO is ;ii«>7 on a piotic" 4 n c..«^.;< itu>« i- tata t ,uth you, a iai ?,,«rr^. musltm, Whin mm~ •MrW« i.- -i. throw th> >/n/.s Nn wver the fond which is thru still rtsiblr, but free from flien. WHAT to take
    1,231 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 180 12 FINE FISH HIGH QUALITY LOW PRICES Try th »se lor savers per Ib Scotch Kippers 65 cts. Scotch Arbroath Smokies 90 cts. Scoiich Fresh Herrings 5*2 cts. S. African White Fillets .60 cU. COLD STORAGE ORCHARD ROAD BRANCH /l/gv, exfuisltt 'smectites? -fir tfOkf cemfitexlei/ -with POND'S Face Powder! __^ilri T>»«
      180 words
    • 24 12 ACCESSORIES BY J<*v V o /5 <f f -|J^^ WHS* m4r G S^KLw For evening or day, d^Lm ss3f |^^^W it inn Ungei n\/((^+*
      24 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 688 12 HAVE FUN WITH THE By CONSTANCE SHARPE .nrTADmc WILL m>r tins week: busiAtfl K ll ness nn d private friend* will youmnkth.ngs out carefully "ftcr your interests. and avail yourself of advice. VIRHO great strides trill be made. YIKUOHome affairs are under favourable aspects. At T G. -t SEPT. 23
      688 words

  • 963 13 JACK HASSAN MAY FIGHTHERE SDKLFJDKJFKDJFKDJK Opening For The Juniors I am t/lad to h<ar that ur are i to M 4 an carl if start on junior jn omntiun.s and I li->)" the promnt, r /s > iK,,i<ih tuppori tn emetmrmge him t<> k>> th» \d*n going. Young fighter* lik<
    963 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 539 13 V sou distributors: SI ME, DARBY CAoat rOR HEALTH ENJOYMENT TRY OUR ShOWHITE' CANDIPOP POPCORN AND ALSO OUR FINEST QUALITY OF JAVA PttitWN CRACKERS PIONEER POPCORN ENTERPRISE lok Ayer Street, Singapore. f JY'. *****. I After illness— f you need a tonic It, after influenza or other debilitating 1* "llness,
      539 words
    • 402 13 End; that Burning Prickly Heat torment! (Thu anful VnQ| > irritation k jB H /7 or sw >t'l relief from the driving me mad "Bl burning tornv.'iH ot I'rukly /^P Heal, use Asepv> Soap today! A^ W on 'y a l tfW minutes its soft, //^H M(^ n B generous
      402 words

  • 693 14 VALENTINE CHAN'S MEMORABLE TRIUMPH lIOW far can one so wrong m predicting the outcome of a badminton match? There can br no limit to it if the result of the Ooi Teik HockWong Peng Soon encounter is taken as a criterion. On
    693 words
  • 356 14 Two Houses Tie For Challenge Cup riood Keng House and Cheong Koon Seng House tied for the championship at the Anglo Chinese Junior School annual sports held m Barker Road yesterday, when they both scored 92 points. tsotn nouses also tied for the Di. ABg Siew Hian ChaHenpr Cup. The
    356 words
  • 75 14 THE Pr— mi Uoya of S;. Aninv*l BdMMI were all out foi ll" tor which lh«y took thi hours and to mittutd ;it Woodsville v«rterd«y m tli<>ir two-day mati-h atcainst iiie Old Boys tot the Dr. if. H. Tan Shield. Top m ""'i was H. Ciuti
    75 words
  • 275 14 DELAYING with ten men the Straits Times Sports C!ab scored a runaway victory over St. Patricks' School at cricket on Hong Lim Green, yesterday. The schoolboys, batting first, collapsed with a total of 47 runs. Norman Siebel capturing six wickets for 11 runs. An-' ham
    275 words
  • 35 14 STOCKHOLM. M. Sw< took a 9—9 l*M<i v »t t!o 1>!l lippinefl m the quart* i -i s of Ou» Bnropenn ioiw (•<" Ihe Dsvis Cup by wimlag bcth maichea here tc>ua> U.P.
    U.P.  -  35 words
  • 403 14  -  SAM SNEAD Play Holler < b* By TODAYS Htt'.e Icsloii lit. the beginner, or thr> iit*'<youngster. Over swinging ;i beginn> r's fault or the fault of limber youth. An over-swing such as pictured at the right. Will almost always occur if you do not
    403 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 281 14 SENNETT REALTY CO., LTD. Managing Director C. W. A. Sennett. Manager A. C. T. Kuong. Valuers, Appraisers, Estate Agents, Commission Agents, Insurance Agents, etc. Office: l, River Valley Road, Ist Floor, Singapore. Teleph one: *****. /^WJ^f > J What do you know about ENO DO YOU KNOW that ENO is
      281 words
    • 16 14 Lj HASMMGMI lOftG* X OATTCftfCS io/e Representatives: GETZ BROS. CO. PENANG KUALA LUMPUR SINGAPORE *y gg
      16 words
    • 136 14 A dazzling smile A Pepsodcnr Stnilt) Irium, the most effective brand of tooth cleanW^B^^^^m^ sin 8 agent known to dental science, is excW t0 80^^ 1 Ir is Pepsodent's Irium wiu~ removes harmful film and ugly stains from ycc -^W teeth— gives you your dazzling smile. Sochinr i-H>i7if>-<1 MPSOOENT LTD.,
      136 words

  • 1446 15  -  ALBERT SPENCER JOHN'S $57 HIGHEST DIVIDEND AT K.L. By QTWi a™ Xl ALA LlTM *i;R f Saturday. i k a four > e ar-ohl K rey by Pylon 11, ridden by Wahab, and Entertainment McPherson iw e n. a X. 0U ble toda >« the la>t
    1,446 words
  • 60 15 TOTAL POOL: $453,100. Frst Prize: Ticket No. *****1 Second Prize: Ticket No. *****2. Tninl Prize: Ticket No. *****2 Mm A- starters: Nos. *****1, *****6 48f)<;^ 45M29, M 2903, *****1, *****i>, U8348! *****0 Consolations Nos. *****1 Xlß'^n ivtiu'-* S: *****5 3583*?; SR S: IS DOUBLE TOTES: J^irst Double:
    60 words
  • 67 15 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat.- Baian«or v. vi a »trong position iKSrt Setib?la"n CrlCket J at h Taking drat leaae of wi.'■m,! iV lan r < 1 were all out for am Shepherdaoa rave a ■terlinc Kw°SrjS?i o de!° p-oOrB Wlth72 N«crj bai un-d i;{B runs for
    67 words
  • 51 15 NKW YORK. Sat. J B ae Uimotta. Informed of Rocky Grt z an..s injury, while on a polf course, slammrd hia club to the lurf, swore and .-aid "We'l they Hill just have to pet .-omobodv else because i a nt to ra ihTSh.T 1111 thm tle on
    U.P.  -  51 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 171 15 Your grandfather has such bright and perfect teeth, my son, because he has always used Gibbs Dentifrice. You know how good it tastes, too, and it costs me so little. Dentifrice m' TA. \L ANNOUNCEMENT! TA TONG RESTAURANT &BAR 18, Chuha Street. Phone 4303. From Thursday, June 15th and daily,
      171 words
    • 370 15 Colorgravure Post Cards Of Singapore. Beautifu 1\ rcprcKJuted iioin natuni colour photographs. Ist Sor m ol six available. $11.50 per pross. Fiee as h with ord.i. P.O. Box 1196. SINGAPORE fmuiiii PEPPERMINT sexsM CURE /^JI End Rheumalism While You Sleep If you suffer sharp JBtliflk stabbing pains. I' mIU
      370 words
    • 93 15 CRICKET CANCELLED The cricket match between S.C.C. and B.OD scheduled to have been played yesterday was cancelled owing to the sodden condition of the S C C SIMULTANEOUSLY TODAY! 5 SHOWS AT THE CAPITOL 11—1.45—4—6.30—9.30 AND 4 SHOWS AT THE ORIENTAL 1.00—3.15—7.00—8.00 "SIMS or the FATHERS" A SINCERE AND FRAXK
      93 words
      309 words

  • 361 16 S'pore Leads Malacca By 102 Runs THOUSANDS WELCOME INDIA'S No. 1 MAN Sroreboard MALACCA, Saturday. Ol\(. \rORK established a commanding lead of 102 runs over Malacca m their luo-tlay inter-State i:\ture here today. After dismissing Malacca for 116 runs, the Colony scored comfortably and were 218 for nine wickets at
    361 words
  • 113 16 S'gor SCRC Beat Sing Tao 6-1 KUALA LUMPIR. i I Sat. The Selangor Chinese Recreation 1 Club caused a sensa- i i tion today when they trounced the Sins Tao Football club of Hong- kons by six goals to one i on the Rifle Range ground. S Thus, to the
    113 words
  • 34 16 ASCOT. BERKSHIRE. Sat. Mr. James Ranks Hyperbole won the Royal Hunt Cup over seven furlongi heie today. Sir Percy Moraines' Wi« Tyler was .*«•> ond and the Duk« of Norfulks r>uri>ham third.
    34 words
  • 26 16 PARIS. Sat. /<n l.;ryy>tSan fencing t*>am arrived by air m Parts Wednesday from Cairo for a series of four matches au&in«t French fencers. a.p.
    26 words
  • 74 16 An unbeaten .enviry by OpenIng batsman A. Jaw-n enabled the Wanderers to beat C.H <i. "A" XI by nine iricketi on til* 1 8.0.D. uround yesterday. Dismissing th.- O.H.ij. for K>. the Wanderers palled the total with the loss of MM wuket. Playing on, the
    74 words
  • 50 16 Irene De Silva. 37. wife of S. K. Edwin De Silva and daughter of Mr. J. Ramasinghe, passed away last evening at a private clinic. Funeral wil! take place today at the Catholic section of Bidadari cemetery and the cottepe will leave 96. Ceylon Road, at 4 p.m.
    50 words
  • 40 16 Koh 800 Lim was yesterday fined $300 by the Third Police Magistrate for selling dutiable cigarettes al his shop m China Stree; on June 10. Koh Kah Tong. who faced the same charge, and claimed trial was acquitted.
    40 words
  • 240 16 R.A.F. Chantri CMMN the hi'-r--fttl tips« l m SAT A. Ben 'or I •■.H'_'ut when they bent t> ChitMM Athleti.- hy ilii"<' I'nals to Two rt .laiail BtMUT Bl "I Mill y.-y» iTdflV. This is Mm C.A 's MCOMd de> f«'it ill lln' Lm»TUC •pf i; ,».ir<
    240 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 504 16 THE F I NEST NAME ON RECORD s Mn sir of the Opera l-Al'ST— Dio possente (Gounod) > iMfc HARIJIERK Dl SIVIGLIA L;ir^o (Rossini) y£2» furlcj Galeffi (Baritone) Df'X 92 Kxr.l.n m MASCHERA Morro (Verdi) «l«f Tusc\ Vis-i dart. (Puccini* m V Bland Scacciati (Soprano) DCX 93 jl f QIANNI
      504 words
    • 273 16 SITS: VAC. Pales Representatives wanted i by Pharmaceutical Agency tc call on Doctors, Dispensaries. Hospitals, etc. Must have sound knowledge of English, Chinese and Malay. General bVStastQi experience and special know- ledge of medicines and pharmaI ceuticals essential. Reply to i Box A372G Tribune, Singapore stating Nationality, age, education, experience
      273 words
    • 99 16 Glowing with health! Yes, both of them are. She has taken the strain of motherhood successfully and he is really a "bouncing boy" because they have both been taking SevenSeaS for quite a long time now. Cod Liver Oil, and SevenSeaS is Cod Liver OH at its freshest and purest,
      99 words
    • 529 16 SKANDEX Learn the French* VISIBLE CARD thfiV fc SYSTEHI l ey S P eaK m France '^o^ d2u^l. No textr>ook can teach va., _ii i --'pp'ik a foreign laneim^ ,40 cuuua s*ntt si*gapo*i Tti €9io f"v<r>(w\ speech of ordinary you by thi, quick, lh oroS effortless method. In halfX usual
      529 words