Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 11 June 1950

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 20 1 SUNDAY Tribune Pubhshed simultaneously at Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang. SIXTEEN PAQSB SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JUNE 11, 1950. TEN CENTS
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  • 305 1  -  LAWRENCE G. MANI R ÜBBER GO ROUND ani> ROUND BY new doll. though this ingle Issue m man\ It h. about a-h following a demand for uk-i credit- the high price of rabi If t'.- I h<»r tape of {root-, uk iii. new tame had bi
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  • 618 1 'ISOLA TION— THE WAY TO WAR AND DEFEA T -PRESIDENT TRUMAN ST. LOUIS, Missouri, Saturday. PRESIDENT Truman to-night delivered his most slashing attack on Soviet Russia, and at the sametime warned America's isolationists that tfceir policy rould lead only to war and defeat, m why. President Truin&n'R foreign policy address
    U.P.  -  618 words
  • 89 1 Six B.O.Rs. Killed By Bandits CIX Bril i) other ranks pen killed and Lhree wounded when forty banicki (i .1 military Ipoti inurninK O n killed. On < ■M on< Auxiliary Police I one Sp. Corihtabi.- ami an Auxiliary Police ■•iiiui.-ci when ban•ills attacked a police patrol nor-. „i jementan.
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  • 87 1 Trihunr Staff Reporter SL*ViAj'Oßj£ NUiiileSMllon I wi i >i-si. i.i.iv huyinp all lilt Ail-l;all8n pOUndU they could get. The Australian cabaiet wa« meeting for ttw wcond day m Canberra, and it waa thought the Australian pound might j be up-valueM over the wn-k-Afiei
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  • 84 1 KlAl,\ LUMPUR, Sat. Mi H.B. Shaw, Deputy Oommi- -l-.iifi <>f th«- F« delation Police, hi- been appointed i ommlsfffc m r ut I'oliee. ('ye i.iic.! former Italian colony m North Africa* Mi. Shuw came to Malaya two yea is ago alter fifteen yean In the Palestine
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  • 245 1 I Cut JiiYre S tliaii€*€ k I o He A Ster I r j Tribune Staff Reporter i p.\KOL (Third Man) I i Keed tame to Sin- 1 ;.ipm looking for a S voman of character, i about thirty, to star m 'the film version of
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  • 298 1 NON-MALA YS TO GET STATE NA TIONALITY Tribune Staff Reporter KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. THE UMNO General Assembly, at an emergency session here today, agreed to grant st Hitnationality to non-Malays. The Assembly, which is debating the 33-clause counter proposals on state nationality submitted by the UMNO Central Executive Committee clause
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  • 55 1 General Sir William Slim. Chief ol Imperial Stan. arrived m Singapore by an RAF York aircraft festerday on his way to Ausi ra lia. He was met by General Sir John Harding. C-in-C. FARELF. and a representative of the CommissionerGeneral, Mr. Malcolm MacDonald. and the Governor
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  • 30 1 BANDOENG, Sat. Thr PrlBM Minister of India. Pandit Nehru, stated he has receiv««j and accepted an invitation to visit Mexico. No (late has yet been fixed. U.P.
    U.P.  -  30 words
  • 150 1 TIiIRTEEN-YKAR-OU» I th* rlertogb, the Dutch .■ill, who has been brought up ai a Malay, will net be m court tomorrow wh<n hci fotter-mother, Qm tanlnah, appeals against the of the Chief JuaU* Charlei Mm ray-Ayns!. y, thai the child Hhoutd t -< i t hacl to
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  • 41 1 ai;, ai A O»dH i It believed <<• hay« been iround* ed <iuiirij; tht- bombing <>f i.;in<iit cone« ntraiioni In Hakit ana. about in. us from !n'i>\ Ij> li.A bomben aod fi^ht.i aircraft loday. No further detail* i i Me.
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  • 406 1 CAN HE SAVE HA MID II FROM A CHARGE OF TREASON? Tribune Staff Reporter 4 WOMAN and three voting children and the friends of the once-powerful Sultan Hamid II of Ptsj tianak, are the fibres uho marched through the mind of Turko Westerling last night
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 197 2 THE Singapore Improvement Trust will stand to lose $100,000 yearly by reducing rentals of their postwar flats and houses by 11.5 per cent. The proposal for this- reduction is now before the Board of Trustees and it is understood
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  • 238 2 SINGAPORE'S national income will be computed for the first time by Dr. F. C. Benham, Economic Adviser to the Commissioner-General's office, as soon as the Colony's final census figures are available. Legislative Councillor, Mr. Lim Yew Hoclc, said yesterday that Dr. Benham had been
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  • 148 2 Couple Drowned: SINGAPORE police suspect suicide m yesterday's T <atong drowning of a 35--yenr-old trishaw rider and his wife. The body of the wife. 34--year-old Tan Pek Xeo of Covent Street was recovered by tho Marine Police about 200 yaids off Telok Kurau shore. Police aie still
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  • 115 2 Appeal For Donations To Hospital FLAG days, although helpful, cannot possibly raise enough money to run an entirely voluntary organisation, such as the St. Andrew's Mission and Orthopaedic Hospitals. Mrs. S. F. Ho. whose flag day m aid of the hospitals on June 3 raised $12,463. said this yesterday, appealing
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  • 39 2 MR. >md Mrs. Erfn t ,,i Anthony Btanlt after their wed 'Ini'i at St. .1 >;<//» ir'.s Cdth '!'<il featerday. The bri<i> who wot Mi— In Harriet McCatt, wore m (joxvn of tOver threaded cotton im >
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  • 293 2 Tribune Staff Reporter KUALA LUMPUR. Saturday. SINGAPORE Legislative Councillor Inche Sardon bin Haji Zubir crossed swords with Dato Onn bin Ja'afar. the UMNO president, at the emergency session of the organisations General Assembly at the Majestic Hotel today. The General Assembly met to discuss the UMNO
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  • 32 2 About one hundred members of the F'orence Badminton Party and their friends attended a dinner and dance to celebiatc the Party's second anniversary last night at the Country Hotel.
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  • 173 2 Closed Door Huddle On June 23 MUNICIPAL Commissioners will meet behind closed doors on Friday. June 23. to decide as to who should get the job of the Deputy Municipal Treasurer. This is the second time during the past four months that Commissioners had to call a special meeting to
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  • 67 2 A police party visiting Pulau Tekong Bes>ar entered a fowl house. They lound that an illegal distillery was being operated In it. A complete 16-gallon still, three quarts of samsu and twelve jars containing fermented rice were recovered. Yesterday a woman, Loh Soh Jin was
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 287 2 They'll find French lessen fun with LINGUAPHORE There is a method cf laneuw« learning so enjovable children take to it readily 9 the Linguaphonc Method <* irniriK by listening it main* s live, and enable* inyone, old or youns, to nir luency in speech, reading \2 I it in- in
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 514 2 BLUE NETWORK m\i.ay noouiuii KM.I.IMI PKOOKAMMM ii^.^'V 1-MK n<M>n s "•>«>- -9.00 a.m. Programme^rv. s,7m Ir v r- o- %1 J^ffg^g,' 0"» Dm.. Mi.w.. uti) \i,7 t, Mimniarj >l I'erfor--10.00 Nc«s fn.m RaaULumpar -no m i-r ,r 10.05 Muht Musi,. 1...H0 !.!.t,,; 7^- W ln) n vr roKranm.P
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  • 447 3 SEVEN STORE PARENTS WHO CANT CARE FOR THEIR CHILDREN Tin; s\9)> tali; oi 'DEAD BROKE AND iLL Trihuiu- Staff lie porter CO! IC BlagapON mothers and three lathers some Of them "dead broke" others too ill or out working are finding it difficult to give their children proper obk and
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  • 303 3 The Strange Vow Behind Mr. Peters' Beard JIEOPLE wear boards for various r T3ut m I[>oh today, th-n--is a man who has <•■ to keep it until he findn t;i« only child— a buy— who has brrri missing •dnoe early 1945. The story behind this vow v perhaps one of
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  • 186 3 Tribune Staff Keporlir MR. Loh Chin, fifty-four-year-old labour contractor of Sambau street, Singapore, shouldered his way yesterday through an angry crowd to save the man who had robbed him at pistol-point ot $1,000. Mi. Loh hid just got out of hi* car carrying the
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  • 66 3 POLICE HUNT FOR 'BLACK' PHOTO GANG The Police are hunting a gang who are making thousands of dollars from obscene photographs. A number of these photographs are believed to have been discovered during a recent raid on a studio, but all the police will say is: "We are carrying out
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  • 56 3 MR. T. V. A. BRODIE His Excellency the High Commiuioner has RM>ointcd Mr. T. V. A. Brodi. Acting Solicitor-Genorul. Federation of Malaya, to be a Temporary Oflicial Member of thr Fed(>ral Leglsla tive Council m place oi Mr. J. O. Sanders. CMC. General Manager. Malayan Railway, during his absence from
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  • 125 3 TWO Chinese business associations have complained to the Singapore Lighters' Joint Consultative Committee on the new lighterage charges. The two associations are the Cantonese Foodstuff Association and the Singapore Chinese Foodstuff Association. They objected to the raits charged for conveying goods which arrived from
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  • 48 3 Th»' Sclstrignr I'olif?* nr of ferine 55.000 r«.r intitrnuitlon '♦•HdTnK to th«- nrrtst of Ihp ponom ©T persons r •sp«>n«i"h l < li»r Ihr niiirdrr of Melt ct\\r W«M S»«> Kft- :r is W«Mf <hln U»l <tivt- Won,' MBfieni on Apr. 2X at Srntul Pasar. Kual.i Liunpur.
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  • Article, Illustration
    45 3 rrHE mmrrimgt Htwn* Stanley <7. ITHfftl aurf SyZn'a If. lit thertni/ton-11* r>m took placr at St. Andrews Cnth( dml. S'nifjiipore. it( stt rdaii. Th* bruh who KM v" '>' <t\rtiij by Squadron Ltader P. h ChewUmant, iron a gown <>j whitt Nittm and Chinese »w--broldcred broc<ul>
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 221 3 Healthy People keep their ft22ftSJ \\i Ib and healthy \WKwtm\m If y U Want white teeTh the rooth m is^ paste i get is pcr c too^ JP"3Ktf^ J I:>S!C Madcans p eroxide Tooth /KjjJpW I'astc— ihe dentifrice with the biggest (4£[/fV?7 I? sale ::i ;rr^ Hr:rain Fti:% is %^M
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    • 212 3 Silvikrin yKm^. DOES GROW HAIR Use Pure Sihikrin m severe cases of dandruff and thinning hair. As a daily dressing use Silvikrin i Hair Tonic Lotion or, for dry heads, the new Sihikrin Hair Tonic Lotion with Oil. From all chemists, hainlrcsscrs aiuhtorat. SILVI KRIN LABORATORIES LTD LONDON N Wl
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  • 52 4 A man living m Buona Vista Road strolling around his compound one afternoon last week found six Malay youths up one of his fruit trees. He slipped away and returned with a Policeman. The boys were arrested. Yesterday they were each fined $2 for
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  • 45 4 MALACCA. Sat. —V. K. Samy. a former Indian jeweller's employee, was sentenced to six months' hard labour m the Sessions Court by Mr. F. A. Chua for threatening a I.V year-old girl, Kanagaletchmy with injury to her reputation with intent to cause alarm.
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  • 561 4  - CLICK! MOVIELAND'S SPOTLIGHT IS ON SINGAPORE OSWALD HENRY Firsl It Was 'Third Man*... And Not The -Elephant Umj' WANTED URGENTLY: THREE STARS By SINGAPORE seems to have all of a sudden become the focal point lor movie- makers. He have just welcomed two famous men— American wnter-pro-ducer Andrew Geer and
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  • 218 4 SENIOR JOBS FOR LOCAL MEN Tribune Staff Reporter SINGAPORE will have a new gas works towards the end of next year if plans, that the Municipality is working on, are passed. The plans also provide for a new water gas plant that is expected
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  • 55 4 The law officers of the Crown, members of the Bar. District Judges and Police Magistrates will convey their congratulations to the Chief Justice. Sir Charles MurrayAynsley. tomorrow on the .•orferment of a Knighthood on him by the King. The assembly will take place m the Appellate Court
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  • 186 4 fPWENTY THRi'E YEAR OLD Singapore soprano, Evelyn de Souzu. said yesterday th a she wanted t< keep her mar riage to Mi David J. Sassoon a "se cret." But afte: three days local gossip buz zed and th secret was out V c s
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  • 31 4 A young Malay wno r>orrowed a cycle from his friend and sold it for $80 was- yesterday sentenced to one month's hard labour m the Second Police Court.
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  • 263 4 Tribune Stuff Reporter ANE hundred and thirty two Malay girls from schools m Johore Bahru town and the nearby rural areas are learning to become efficient housewives and good mothers. They say "we want to raise the standard of living m Malay homes."
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  • Article, Illustration
    35 4 Two students of the Domvst ie Seienre School' m Johore Rnhru, dressed m atht m thrir white aprons mid cmp», b»ik vent pleased as thei) rVMOVG thrir enk* s out of th» oven.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 753 4 ■B^^b^^ *^A b^T if WSr Stop a cold befora It £vu it_t-.j. Ut« Hudson's **Eunr»«nthrjr *n{M>es daily. "Eumenthol", cont^.i.- J on./ m Hudson's, is a fast, safe gormkid*. which brings you tp«tdy rstli*f. always use H v els on s 111 'f^tUlUß^^L Jujubes Vf^i <iSvtf you aoofCf" dffdf S<zfyefai-Baofo' One
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  • Article, Illustration
    2256 5  -  Jimmy Glover From IX)NT>OV, S&f. ■T dONft'l matter how old lli< mtu rv they 'cm, you can troat the Malayan hoys to find them. i refer it, Urn good old hn^hsh pubs, with special reference on this occasion to Y C Olde Thieve* Kitchen, at Worthing. I found
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 113 5 10 YOUR FINGERTIPS maiU /n<iru< «ic</ 4<h'/A CUTEX Your hands can be more beautitiil with magic-wetr &TEX...tlie polish thac lists and lasts. CUTcX gives sparkle to your costume applies ttsily resists peeling md chipping Because CUTEX is so mupcosive you can aflord io keep several shades oo hind... to harmonize
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    • 391 5 UeA, ltd cv WMMo j^^\^ m ill/ fA^^t\ MADE IN ENGLAND W D. M. O. WILLS. BRISTOL LONDON. CAPITOL OPTICAL CO., 159, North Bridge Road, Singapore. Fully c 'i v i p p c d to V render the best opMcal V service m town. SightV testing, lense M m^^L.
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  • 1667 6  -  VERA ARDMORE by MUCH better than any 111 electric fan was the welcome wind created by the helicopter at the King's Birthday Parade. v it descended m front of the dais, bringing the Air Oflicer Commanding. Malaya. Air Vice-Marshal F.J.W. Mellersh right on to the parade ground. Surely
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  • 2428 6 MEET THE BELL HOPS MAJOR Martin John GUliat, Comptroller of the Com-missiuneP-Ctrm-ral's household is kind ami MM. slderate, with an old world courtesy usually found m far older people. Born In London on February 8, 1913. Brought Op In Hertfordshire. educated Ludgrove, Eton and Sandhurst. He began Us career with
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 41 6 wrs /vm.. it's MXF-l p\X«UI lIA m PROOF I ll BATTERY /I K> I v© i^r I f Jt Obtainable /tow your local dealer ■Ok A^ent': H. A. O CONNOR CO.. «.Tt». Battery Road. .SHOWROOM RETAIL SHOP HF 25/29 Orchard Road
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    • 114 6 I "^s getting somePEP I VIGOR J^Sl£^ and VIM 1 lacs getting cS^C&L ntsafelv H^m9i i witKaBIG GLASS of KLIM I says ELSIE »hr BCHPEN cow I It's not Mirpriting how much cn.-rp un r (driakinx KLIM mJH <• <■ i■' Kirn. «rlfcjlc«uaie nourishment mv >>a«^ l»»r «rt mmp childrt*
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  • 541 7 BORN at Vaucresson, ten kilometres from Parks on June 20, 1898. Paul Clere managing tin, -tor v] Cfii'irii grew up with jtcr witter* and two hmthrry. U' that WVfT sitting doirn to a meal v ith its.s than ten or twelve people, and living the co>nmunal
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 239 7 SPECIAL DINNER. &iIN€C In aid of St. Andrew's Mission Hospital ON FRIDAY, I6tfc JDNE Cabaret appearance of MAUDRENE YAP Accompanied by Kathleen Beth HOVITA ANCIAKO will ])lay de Falla's Ritual Fire Dame interpreted by Maudrene Yap KXTKNSION TO I m fi. 1 ?So, 0 h 8 ■•> *fe poc'.t your
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    • 225 7 Established 1872 Malaya's Leading Jewellers Diamond and Gem Merchants B.l*, de Silva I Ltd. (Incorporated m Ceylon) 19/21, High St., Singapore 1, Bishop St., Penang. li iaß>y* B -'**"''''i*torf7w l Ami m>4 it»«nw«" i""«» ■PP' |X c bolH UCOSAN «.uni«ctant .1 («'•««>» P*m l 0 v -o«i him* ih« -«<>«
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    • 179 7 THE MODERN Polish PHI l^dlMr nSJI^IJ i |llbjß^[ mJm it's Economical too! DURAGUT silver and chromium poiisil is obtainable at all leading stores. Factory Repnvsrnt at ivcs: T. V. MITCHELL CO., LTD. SINGAPORK K. LUMI'UR PENANG. LRDIGS' HRIR /^few MRIR CUTTING J^ MfINICURE C_ ?Wlh& MPVNfiRD BLDG l( n iicd&
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    • 592 8 FEW days ago. President Truman made a statement which has passed almost unnoticed. Yet it was a very important statement as important as any of those pronouncements which made the headlines. He appealed to the Americans to unite against another economic depression. He said: "A prosperous and expanding
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  • 2382 8  - EZ IQ PINZA: IDOL OF THE OPERA STANLEY FRANK by mi hi: \vv\ot iti:%i» A NOTE OF MUSIC THE newest idol of Hollywood. Mm capital of the United States, is a 57--y tar-old grandfather. His name is Ezio Pinza. and the Metro Goldwyn Mayer Stuaios have nim unuer contract to
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 70 8 OUT OF PRINT But wo <we. never out of stock of genuine Swiss spare parts to give you the repair service your good watch deserves. Try us next time. Phone *****. THIM LOCK Watchmakers 395. North Bridge Road. (Branch at Royal Navy Air Station, Bembawangj. wwwyvww^vtfwwywt Lavender Brilliantine DELUXE "A"
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    • 95 8 Hi ALL THE WAY FRO^^^B^ KALLANG AIRPORT \^J BY CONSTELLATION X.L.M. Kuyai Dutch Airlines offers the M^t/ ideal route to Rome for Holy Year Rtop-overs permitted en route m jA addition to time spent m Rome fast B Constellations and Superb Royal Route mr st*r\ let*. a SEE YOUR TRAVEL
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  • 4580 9  -  Lozania Prole By A New Exciting Serial 3 This is the story of Emma Lady Hamilton, i Ai I Born little Emy Hart, daughter of a .village blacksmith, she lives throughout the pages of history as the mistress of Nelson; m the world of arts as the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 143 9 'CRAY MAGIC ROYAL PORTABLE": 1 "Mogic" Margin eliminates fumbling. Mo fuss, no fret click, < set! Many other exclusive' < Ro>al feotures moke YOUR < l!d guaranteed by o 1 Service established 40 yecrs m MoloyO. When time means money SAVE BOTH on t ESTATE and BUILDING j MATERIALS essential
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  • 2029 10  - The amazing SIR TOMMY LIPTON ALEC WAUGH Continuing the story o f by He dropped a bunch of keys down King Edward's neck Fantastic week-ends at Rothschild's house IN the summer of 1898 Tommy Upton, by then Sir Thomas, multimillionaire, issued to the New York Yacht Club the first of
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 48 10 Always Try Season Co.. Ltd. Before You Buy A Guitar 115, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. PHONE 7180. i hS? DRIVE AWAY 4fc^ PAIN he/tew**9 V ¥>>f m If^ £W< Ao/^c/^ Archipe/aqo Brewery Co., U94l)Ud,Smqopore b H froser c Neave tM. Singapore c branches 1 il "«> Monday 8.30 9.30 p.m.
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    • 260 10 Pleasant-tasting, sparkling Alka-Seltzer brings you quick relief from the after effects of late hours and over indulgence m food and drink. Keep it handy. V/hat is your s!gbt worth mxi^^*^^. Sl5. 525. $50? W!™^ riu" probability is you would n't fj •v \.t^ to :peni wln'.ovor is nece.-- 1 1
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  • 526 11 NEW YORK. rnnfc "ci'wboy industry" is I bis business today. Mid it you want to •pl&c i rich you no longer have 10 discover oil -just Bit down and dream up a cowboy story, movie or radm ,-lVaract-r the kiddies will B n tor. Hell produce morr
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 167 11 Jr [I VX KEMT HAIR GLORIFIER j^£*P9PiPHJßfck Direct Kcnu's iV.miani spray Atjofc t **^Dk crctl\ hlcnd'.-d oils :is ;i Ts? final crowning toncli l"»eforc vJb&i lca\c oiinlrcssiiiji-t.ihlv; r ;;nd your hair will ylow *?fe l^oF y^l^^ with a ncn thrilling, lasting rad.«incc. Kc;nt comes to y c you m two
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    • 365 11 ally |II 11^1^ m. outturn^^^^^^te» and so easy to do at home Have soft, smooth waves that l<>ok world's best-selling home perm, •o natural from the very first day Xoni Xl kind to hair and deep graceful curls that c X 1 oni -.vines any kind of hair that last
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    • Article, Illustration
      1221 12  -  JOAN BALDWINSON |>y mm WHO has knife vif/i a Zoose Instead nf keeping it m a drawer m rase it might get mended "omF day or isywg It /ierer wag much g<, ij .iwvi ii/. try if.. r.',eihc.(i of mending. First, .1 <Ut >•»( .1// ltl€ ,llit IrSill Of
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    • 204 12 I HAVE been im*ited to a big fashionable wedding, and icnuld like some ideas on what to near. My afternoon dress is {trey with a small design of pale pink and white flowers.— (M.J.C. Tanglim. WITH your dress, you will need matching shoe? and handbag, and matching hat and
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 198 12 THANKS FOR A LOVS&Y PARTY! And you may be sure they mean ii vvnen Cold Storage do the catering. You have the daintiost assortment of good things to eat, and no fear of drinks running out, thanks to our special arrangement for taking back any \mopened bottles. Ring 5376 for
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 876 12 HAVE FUN WITH THE By CONSTANCE SHARPE AQUARIUS LEO JAN 21 -FFB^ 18. JILY 21 AUG. 23. A plan made some time ago You will be able to get ton* and shelved, will suddenly be of the things you want back m the spotlight. Good PROVIDED you speak up news
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  • 1074 13 SOUTH AFRICA SETS A FINE LEAD TO MALA YA Fiphi For Bit* -lime Bo\in<>. Cut-lh roal Tnctth Hare Started. Solomons' latest Masterpiece. Prime Camera. BOXINGWith The Cloves Off by the SPECTATOR L- 1— II (lie boxers of Malaya need--1 «'d any now incentive to encourage them m their (limb to
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  • 644 13  - PLAY BETTER GOLF How To Swing Correctly SAM SNEAD By START this season determined to correct those golfing flaws that keep your handicap high. Today we describe a serious and common weakness. Do you sway to the position shown by tlv> broken line at the left as you swing the
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 272 13 I kljip^; AROMATIC MIXED (fV I£J \tly mm _m tfjjnjp^^^^~j^^ L H A N G E R Mode! RC6 SA/D. 16 A.C. $125.00 Model RC6SA/U. 16 AC/DC. 51 60.00 (Ex Singapore) LESS 10% FOR CASH Instalment payments can be arranged Also available non-mixing Record Changors and Radiogram Units. Many rnu«l<
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    • 349 13 I Points from the 101 st Annual Report of I THE PRUDENTIAL r laments i.. |i<.h« i ti..i«j. *****,000 Increa«ie m refienes for polity holders £32,400,000 IN THE ORDINARY BRANCH Premiums £30,400,000 including 6,300,000 m respect of overseas business IN THE GENERAL BRANCH Premium* 7,300,000 including 3,500.000 m respect of
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  • 837 14  -  PHILLIP GOH AWANG BAKAR SCORES 4; NECRI OUTPLAYED By CLNGArOKE qMJMfad for the finals of thr 11.M.5. Malaya Cup competition with a spectacular sixtwo \ictory over Xegri Sembilan at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. Awang ("It's That Man Again") Bakar invariably contributed to his
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  • 309 14 Combd. Schools Gain First Innings Lead THE Combined Schools gained a first innings lead of 21 runs against a Singapore Cricket XI m their two day fixture on the S.R.C. Padang yesterday. Inspite of a spirited knock of 42 runs by Francis Chopard. the S.C.A. were unable to stand up
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  • 72 14 iih etiiifc of tl fjiTU Clul I ung v>re c!( cted i bean fall Pi mv.iii H, w.i: Pi -.-lilf-ni J. d. .v Hi n larj i>,w i ii> T. I*. Katnasani> Hon. i Treasurei an 1 R. Madaisan; Hon. J. N Committee Mci Cheons Cheon X-
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  • 205 14 MALACCA. Sai. MaUu star bowler. M. C. Kailasa pathy. whose notable feal m taking 10 Negri wickets and 13 Selangor wickets m successive matches against these states is without parallel m Malayan cricket, is one of those selected to represent Malacca against Singapore here on
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  • 201 14 Yon Retains Title For 12th Time muar ■-.<■ M hampiori ol Joli«>f. Yon \> n Mian retained ntft title >«*s«l*rda> when he received ■< walk-over Diiud bin Mohd. Ainui m ,nal "f the J"!i Lawn Tenn'fl A-s<>< lation i hAmpionshlpc. Ton did n" f m _k- _';uim- throughoul Hi' championship
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  • 54 14 •i mn •.1 at! l< I tdh i' i it ut ion "Hi t- i.) July 15 ..ii tlk ,n' booi round. Then will b- t ni.i Boj s, the H' l vanls |oi imler 10. Entries hould C a Sinnathambj Institution before .Tin* Bnti l< will
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  • 550 14 i By Our Correspondent) 117 HO will win, Peng Soon if or Teik Hock? Piruz or Pan Yap? Helen Heng cr Valentine Chan? Lim Kec Fong and Chan Kon Leon -j or Ong Poh Lim and Ismail bin Marjan? The answers will be
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 285 14 The Gift of^jfL__^i the vpar i^fe^ jW^KV PARKER NEW FEATURES J/ NEW precision the onl\ pen with the I newk^/M/ /fa-toOße ssri* ri joUSf** M* Hire's nfws about the uorld's most /X^' wanted gift pen The ne* Parker "51" has jw (l ft 1 the remarkable new Aero-metric Ink a
      285 words
    • 161 14 SENNETT REALTY CO., LTD. Mtaagiag Director C. v. A. Seaaelt, Haaacsr A, C. T. Kwonjr. Vahn r Kppn Estate Agents, Commissi'jn Ageni Insurance Agents, etc. O££icc: 1, River Valley Road, Singapore Telephone: SSS&6. afcfc^* 1 Thc Jual-puro Q^H W Inhalant Rub. Applied J to nostrils, it rdirvts Cy catarrh. Rubbed
      161 words

  • 2332 15  -  ALBERT SPENCER GOLD MERIDIAN BREAKS UNLUCKY SPELL By The Man with 2,000 Winners KUALA LI'MPtR, Saturday. pOl T K horses scored their maiden wins on the Malayan turf yesterday, the first day of the Selangor Turf Club's June Meeting. GOLD MERIDIAN broke his unlucky spell at
    2,332 words
  • 57 15 TOTAL POOL $419,200 Pint Prize: No. *****4 Second Prize: No. *****0 Third Prize: No. *****9 Starters: Nos. *****3, *****9, *****4, *****8, *****6. *****3, *****3, *****!, *****8, *****3, *****4, *****8. Consolation Prizes: Nos. *****9, *****8 *****2, *****9, *****0, *****9, *****9, *****8. *****1, *****8. First double 18 tickets: $94.00
    57 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 315 15 WANTED immediately ftUnagei j to imndi. my advance publicity campaign. Write, giving full particulars, alary r< quired, tc., i tc. to I EIANCIS THE TALKING MULE C/ 0 UNIVERSAL PICTURES (SINGAPORE) LTD., 2f r, On hard Road, SINGAPORE. Just A Reminder The Malaya Tribune has a Town Office at Winston's,
      315 words
    • 205 15 Hearing Restored In Twenty-Four Hours Deafness and Head Noises need not be dreaded any longer sine" a discovery bv| an American Physician. Now it is pos .h> for .some of the most obstinate cases of Deafness to be relieved m a day's time by the application of the prescription called
      205 words
    • 109 15 Today at 11 a.m. WARNER BROS" "YOU'RE IN THE ARMY NOW" To-day at 3, 6.15 9.15 pJB LAST 3 SHOWS M.-G.-M.'s Technicolor Aquacade "NEPTUNE'S DAUGHTER' 7 starring Esther Williams, Red Skelton. Opening To-morrow 20th Century-Fox's "HOUSE OF STRANGERS" HAPPY WORLD Today Tomorrow at 7.30 9.30 John Hall Dorothy Lamour m
      109 words
    • 277 15 TODAYS 11 A.M 1.45 4.15 6.45 9.30 P.M. I The Strong n ,cf the LAW Stretches Our the Offender is— Supported by "hEPOUT ON HONGKONG" "This Modern Age" Series and "TROOPING OF THE COLOUR" m technicolor. 1 r«»»ii»e N ..t. Fujimer than (WILLIAM K>*M ff X HOU?EN CAULFIEI.D DE WOLFE
      277 words

  • 170 16 IN .'i well OMltMtod Ji:». A 'J >.»...-i match yesterday. I:AK Tencati b«*ai m 1 1 •r^ Ctiln. Bwrineerin A oriatior bjr .ii 1., one. S.c.l!. A. i.tiud id n whirlwind iii-h nn bill rouM I ni\ k. p n ij(» for f< -v.- Mi'iiui- 'I
    170 words
  • 223 16 V' -it Mays ■m k« t match t"> i v. n Bl J«'so|>l)> ,n<i a .^iPi/h--i>..i. i\oi Benrfat Awn, am ih* Si. Jow*ph'l Oval tndM In a .Ir.«\K P.O.P.A. knocked up 2lfi .n.l tlu- S. I I r.-p '-'I with Ml t..r -x wi< ket< when
    223 words
  • 47 16 A 2j-puc concert orchestrt will play n ■elected programme at 9.15 p.m. toin the Palm Court of RatXlei Hoi l. rn< orchestra will bo conduct cfl by Mr. \V. E. Wilson, anu. ii vi- weather is rainy, the performance will be n.-id m th ba!lrov)m.
    47 words
  • 429 16 SMITH-PICOT HITS BRILLANT 52 Tribune Staff Reporter COMBINED Serv ires— out to avenge last year's heavy defeat batted a brilliant 210 runs (plus extras I 'A) against the Combined Civilians, who were lagging behind by runs with four wickets lo gt» at the
    429 words
  • 16 16 KANASINGHE. To Nancy, wife of N. Ranasinghe, a son, at Orient flinic. on 9th June.
    16 words
  • 98 16 RAIN SPOILS RAF CHANGI TENNIS C'SHIPS Rain cuu.-ed the mon'« singes final of tho R.A.F Changi triwii.« championship.-' to be abandoned yesterday. However, the Men's doubles and the women's singles were played off. In the women's singles Sgt Dowdoswell became the champion, beating Sister Richard 8-G, 6-1. S L«ii. Shaw
    98 words
  • 483 16 THK Police Training School won the Inter-Di visional Championship. Shield at the annual sports of the Singapore Police Force at Thompson Road Depot yesterday. The P.T.S. scored "»i pointfollowed by the Volunt<-<>| Special Con -t.iKuiuv with The Individual champion was Mi. Tan Hai TOttfi
    483 words
  • 260 16 S'gor Wins Three One Vs. Pa hang RAUB, Sat. Solanpor had to rt^lit an uphi'l hattlo to defeat Pahanp m th* 1 Malaya cup fixture play»d hoio tl»i.^ evening. The icore was threconc. I'ahailtf kicked off and Ptormed into attack oarly m the fame but it was Selangor who drew
    260 words
  • 104 16 Perak And Services Draw 2 -All KI'ALA LUMPUR, Sat.— Down by two goa's m the first half the Ferak State soecei eW-ven r.'illiod strongly m th. second session to hold the Combined Services to a two all draw m a Malaya Cup match played on Rifle Ran^e Road ground today.
    104 words
  • 31 16 CHRIBTCHURCH. Sat. New lealand won urn second Rugby Union today beating the British Islet bj mm ir<»ul and .1 ti v (imcli! points) t" nil h»r< Reuter.
    31 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 496 16 i■ I IJ&L §EIEPH«f? Brand COflgMfaT THE HO HONG OIL MILLS (1931) LTD. 65, CHI UA STREET TEL: 5911 5913 I the pride of british industries. britainlleads m the latest improvement m acoustic science. Hosidos hoarinp through usual Prk.:.;^^ f Sound Wavos. now you can Posltl n for telephone use
      496 words
    • 93 16 NOTICE HAULAGE PERMIT. Wo. Er Kai Lim Gok Lin, of No. 10, Jalan Ismail, Muar. give notice of intention to apply for variation of haulage permit No 388A to increase the present load capacity of authorised vehicle No. J. 7084 from 70 cwts. to 103 cwts. This application will be
      93 words
    • 467 16 COMPANY I 14 D CHVUA'jI»IH imCkHMII Til 6910 I Pains m Back. Nervous, Rheumatic Wro.-.r worry. ov a -k .ii..l frequent i M-^ «<.'f'-n put a strain «n the Kidneyi ;ind Kidney and Bladder Tro< th.- tru« cause <•' ip l> HlCßta. Burninß I PalM« Ncrvousn* Swollen Ankles, la.- !
      467 words
    • 131 16 NOTES IMPORTANT 9CROOI ii i BO< 4 M .t. r-arh: Midsummer Night's Dream Sheridan: The Rivals Th' School for Scandal' and Th« Critk Twelfth Night m. rchani oi tnk c Richard i: Qulllvei 1 raw i 00 ...,-M <!r. v Expectation C]oldsmith St.. stoop u> Con KUn n Itu^ Silas
      131 words