Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 30 April 1950

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 22 1 SUNDAY Tribune PubUshul shnult<nv ottxhi at Simmport, Kuala Lumpur. Ipvh ,;n<l P, nanu SIXTEEN pa<;*s. SINCiAFOKE. SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 1950. TEN iLM\
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  • 559 1 Six Bombs Und Wot One Word WHO threw the bomb at Sir Franklin Gimson, the kindly Governor of Singapore? Nobody knows. We do not even know if it was a man or a woman. And why don't we know? Because nobody will talk. Three hundred citizens were
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  • 88 1 1. Feb. 3. Two bomb* i thrown into the S.T.( depot .Al-Junied Koad. Onl> one exploded. i i. .Mar. 7. (.renadc which failed to ko off. ilinp.Mi hit* the Kobin- i son Koad office of tin Chung Shing Jit Pao. pro-( biang newspaper. 3. A I) oin
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  • 91 1 A POLITE constable, aim«-<l with a SU-n-gun wa, knocked down by un )<nown ChtßeM who htt him with nn umbrella on the liukit Kom ih X t..t« ;n the Haub «oi 1 *ahang. In the rtrugg'e that lollowi.i. taoihei Chinese aimed ievoiw> .it the constable,
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  • 43 1 KARACHI Prime IClntstei Uaquat Mi Khan Uft today foi ln^ month visit to the United Slat*.-; at th»> Invitation <>t Prestdent Tnunan«»! if no WOUM set-k Antrtcan »:<i he said M l not gotna m hand.** Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 29 1 NKW VOi'.K Sixtv-twu-\imi-.,1d Thomas Vtakatd, who oomroaiided American n.»\.»l unit- a^ain-t th«- i H\ tt;< Sd;iU»-w«-st r.iiiin will i.tir. on Moiuia\ *ift. I yeara servlc* Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 109 1 JAKARTA Sat. Indonesian police and tioops throughout West .lava have bom ordered tv ■eaTca lor the murderen or the two Americans, Mr. Robert Doyle and I'iofessor Rayniond Kennedy, killed near (tie Handoeng-Chfribon toad. The village Where they were shot at point blank range la un.lii
    Reuter; AAP  -  109 words
  • 16 1 HOLLYWOOD. Sat -Charles Laugiiton and his I wif° Elsa LHWbNtM have become American citizen?.
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  • 57 1 6 Out Of 8 I Albert Spencer. Tri- j v bune Kacing Corres- 1 pondent, scooped yes- terday's meeting at i Kuala Lumpur with I I SIX WINNERS, four of S them straight. j V These were Typhoon, I La Traviata. Totland and Lord Frederick. I His other winning i
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  • 75 1 GLASGOW. Sat Seventeen Scot*, aimed with a petition heating mote than 1,000,000 signatures, will soon go to London to demand a separate jjoveinment tot Scotland. Chosen here last night to reprcMßt the Council of the Scottish Covenant Committee nucleus of a protected Scottish Patliament the IT
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 31 1 TOKYO. Sat. Emperor Huohito. who celebrated his forty-ninth birthday today, is putting on weight under the Allied Occupation. He has gained 17 lbs. since tne surrendei. Reuter AAP
    Reuter; AAP  -  31 words
  • 37 1 and Quern left hero today aboard a special train for a honeymoon m the famous seaside retort of Huahin, on the Gulf of Siam. They will remain there uniil the coronation jn May 5.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  37 words
  • 165 1 WASHINGTON. Sat.—Au- thoi itative sources reveal that i the United States has been i notified that "within the next j f«»w days" the Vietnam govI einmcnt of Bao Dai will an- Bounce a cabinet re-shuffle. I aimed at creating a stronger I regime. These
    U.P.  -  165 words
  • 63 1 SIR rrsmklln CilnVHon, »»peiit a biwy day yt>*t«*rday reading iiM^Aa^f l^ of congratulation from frlfiulH In Singapore and abrttad. Thin Iriimiu- picture wan takon alter b.had just it'«<l a f..r»*'full.v-w«»rdfd cable from th«* tiuvtrnor «»f Hongkong;, Sir Ali'vaiid.r (iranttuuii, who is an old friend.
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  • 394 1  -  JIMMY GLOV ER From LONDON, Saturday.— Mr. Gerard Macßryan's visit to Sarawak "to tell the truth about the £1,000,0000 State Trust Fund" is causing embarrassment to the Colonial Office. And this has not been lightened by the news that Macßryan has withdrawn his libel action against
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  • 64 1 OWED £1,400 PENSION" Tribune Staff Reporter Mr. Macßryan. O' w staying at Raffles Hot*l. said la?.: night: "I am entitled to H pension of f1,400-a-year for my services connected witii the cession, but far tnvCrown Agents have not paid me a penny. "I am also entitled to £20.000 awarded to
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  • 61 1 LONDON. Sat.— Forty-nine okt;.-. iii me i.itttver 01 me n.cubator lay peacefully on their BldM and Egg No. y> stood up smartly on it? sm end. lncur>ator-owncr Charles Blyth, of South-street, Whitstar^e, Kent, shut the draw r. then reopened it. Ministry of Agriculture opinion Is that
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  • 31 1 rrtii i-r. oat. iw«-> &*n~ m bathing costumes wrestled to see who could take the garters off the other. After ton minutes one of them ttU heavily and retired.
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  • 27 1 SUDAN, Sat. In tnv Blue Nile Province of the Sudan, a child burned down the family house. He wanted to stop a fi^ht!*" between hi> parents.
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  • 362 1 Gurney May Act Against Ne wspaper KUALA LUMPUK. Pat Sir Henrj Ourney, H'ni CommiMlocier for the I ed eratlon, hinted ;«i stern tion against a Malayan newsoapef m mj •< .m ti the Technical Isaociatlou here to niuht. Sir Henry did not mnw the newspaper, hiu that it was owned
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 83 2 The Union, he said, had submitted to Government as long ago as 1948, its recommendations for better wages and better conditions of service for the dailypaid. But so far Government had "chosen to keep silent". Mr. Palayan ur^ed Government to take "immediate action" m this matter. The basic
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  • 40 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat.— Normal tiain service between Singapore and Kuala Lumpur was resumed last night after the damage to the railway bridge between Pa 'oh and Bekok stations had been repaired, says an announcement from the Malayan Railway.
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  • 99 2 GQVT., CITY WORKERS ARE DISAPPOINTED Tribune Staff Reporter THE Government and Municipal Labour Union, Singapore, is protesting against Government's "apparent neglect" to consider the wages and work ing conditions of their daily-paid workers. Mr. R. K. Palayan ,the Union's Secretary, ex pressed "deep disappointment"
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  • 87 2 MAT HAD A LUMP IN HIS THROAT WHEN SIR PAT LEFT Tribune Staff Reporter WHEN Sir Patrick and Lady McKerron boarded their plane at Kallang Airport yesterday, there was a sad eyed man, with a lump m his throat waving out vigorously until the aircraft was out of sight. He
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  • Article, Illustration
    65 2 Mr. and Mrs Alexander John Stuart aft««r th«*4r wedding at St. Andruw's Cathedra' yesterday. Th«- hr^de. M'ms ttrj'ndi« EUlu, \\>ri a e!a*v oa! gOWB of Whits cml?(. s.tin ami canted tvMftS gardenia and gladin'us. Shr w ft* a\v«y by her father, Mr. E. It. Ellis. T!ie be>v! man
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  • 32 2 MALACCA. Sat. Girl guide officers from Malacca, northern Johore and parts of Negri Sembilan broke up camp here yesterday after undergoing a five-days course for theh campers badge.
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  • 181 2 Catholics Pray For Peace Tribune Staff Reporter NINE miles out of Singapo'c town., thousands of pilgrims > from all OVet Valny.'i will pray rcr peace at ni< Colony's 105-year-old Homin Catholic Church --the oldest which is today celebrating the Feast Day of Its patron i saint St. Tosopn Last night
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  • 137 2 There's A Private War Going On I n Singapore —And flic Weapons Are Posters Tribune Staff Reporter JHERE is a private war going on m Singapore today between the Communists and the anti-Reds, iheir weapons are crude posters. They are written m Chinese black ink oivwhite strips of paper measuring
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  • 106 2 Mat. lean, and showing signs of greyness near the temples, said that Sir Patrick was always busy, so much zr> he had to read his newspaper while having meals. This is what Sir Patric* had to say about Mat: "He is at his best m an emergency and
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  • 43 2 Wanted: 4 Bandits The Pahang Pol. re are ofTerinK a $5,000 reward for information which will lead to the capture of any of four notorious Chinese bandits. Goh Tin, Low Cheah. Ah Nok and Wu Kerk. The offer holds good for mix months.
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  • 90 2 Mr. R.C.B. Wiltshire. Deputy Commissioner of the Police. C ID. said yesterday: "The Anti Communists seemed to have stepped up their side of the picture since the deluge of Communist posters on Wednesday" Mr. Nigel Morris. Ciiiei of the Special Branch, said: 'I think there is a
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  • 71 2 DEATH PENALTY FOR BANDIT HELPERS The Federation Emer^-my Regulation.3 arc bein.s: an.pncied to include the death penalty clauses for those who collect or receive any money, food or other on beha f of the terrorists. The n»>w amended regulation? will come into force on June 1. "These men are abetting
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  • 19 2 Bandits battered to dcatli Chinese and his wife with a changkol. near the 88th mile Bentong-Kuala Lumpur Road.
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    • 118 2 Revitalise Your KIDNEYS And You'll Feel Young-Look Young Notktns .iros nun <»r woman inor« than rclmji ca«*c4 through bn<l kidney •icti^n. Thia makM you suffer from Getting up Nights, Burning, Itching Passages. Nerves, Dizziness. Rheumatism, Backache. Lea Pains, Circlet under Eyes. Swollen Ankle*, Loss of Appetite, Energy, etc., because kid-n-ys
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    • 488 2 ft ft t* \^c^i^^'"** > Stop a cold before it gets started. Use Hudson's "Eumenthol" Jujubes daily. "Eumenthol", contained only m gh Hudson's, is a fmst, safe germicide, which brings you speedy relief. always use Htidson/i p 11 1 11 In f» Cuts, Scalds, Burns r Sufferers from leg ulcers,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 437 2 RAOIO MAF,»AYA th Favourites— name <ho 'irvt me Annct. A I'roir. fwii] RT YTIT IV ■."Tit f\nv three favourite ;«-p lime-, of (In it Ii i it Tim.; ll,' Vrli.i r--dijkJCj A i\l \> UKH week m their rmwwmet srdrr A :id; 6.<m> Malayaa xs nrs i; 10 -Much-llindinif-lu The-M.irsh
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  • 27 3 'Here's Y our Diploma' Or. (Miss) Lee Joo J«-r receives the diploma m inedieine from the Commissioner General Mr. Malcolm !VJacllonald. Dr. Lee graduated m December last.
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  • 142 3 GOBS KEEP TRISHAWS BUSY SINGAPORE taxi dnv»- pi |J and trishaw riders hav<> been working: for th>"Yankee dollar" for past three day?. Reason: American sailors are m town. Although the gobs arc giving them gcod busine few are willing to discloexactly what Uiev arc carr ing today. One trishaw rider
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  • 49 3 I'M NO RED SAYS WOMAN Wong Ong Kee, a 19-year-old woman, pleaded not guilty before the First District Judge when charged yesterday with being a memW of the Malayan Communist Party. She was also charged witii assisting m the management of the Party. Wong was remanded til: May 16.
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  • 179 3 HUNDREDS OF YOUNG GIRLS SUFFER IN S'PORE MADE THIRD WIVES THEN CAST ASIDE WHEN BABIES ARE BORN Tribune Staff Reporter UUNDREDS of young Chinese girls m Singapore are today living on the verge of prostitution. They are the second and third wives of towkays and well-to-do Chinese who have been
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  • 419 3 18 Get Diplomas At Last Graduation Of Medical College an individual entity, the King Edward VII College of Medicine has ceasca to exist. This is the fate of 'all your natients, all your patients die one day.' Thus said Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, the Commissioner-.General and Chancellor of the University
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  • 99 3 MALAY STUDENTS DOING WIIL IN INDIA Students from Malaya, who went to India under the scholarship scheme sponsored by the Government of India, seem to bo enjoying the country and settling down well to their studies. Recently, a Malay student. Mr. Anwar Mahmood. son of Mr. Mahmood bin Jais of
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  • 118 3 With no income forth coming, the young mother is forced to give up her well-kept home and seek refuge m a cubicle or gai age. In some cases, a concubine, during th.- period she is supported by v man. is forced to live under tru* same
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  • 84 3 A TAMIL SCHOLARSHIP AT' VARSITY Mr. S. Sinathamby. State Councillor and President of the Negri Sembilan Ceylon Tamils Association has agreed to meet the full cosl of a scholarship to study Tamil at the University of Malaya. The scholarship is worth $2,400 and will enable a student to taKe up
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  • 548 3 A TRIBUNE reporter recently noiH to a few of these un- fortunate MWfIMN m the Gaihinfj-Katotu/ district. Out <>! (ill tlu liitiviutr confidence told him, he hn.s selected six as tjniicdl cxnHiples. Here t)x are: CASE No. 1. This is a pretty 21-year-old girl. Although illiterate,
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  • 152 3 'PITY THE POOR RUN OVER DOG'— Mrs. Clemons Tribune StHff Reporter fl|Rfc. Marjone Clemons, President of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, yesteruay condemned Singapore motorists who run over uogs and leave them behind. She said: "It is simply appalling ho way thtmt poor injured creatures are
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  • 248 3 Tribune Staff Reporter jMR. S. P. Sarathy, Secretary of the Singapore Union of Rubber Workers, said yeste'^ay tha^ there was dissatisfaction among workers over cur rent wage-rates and working conditions m tht Colony's rubber-milling industry. He said that the workers were now demanding
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  • Article, Illustration
    38 3 Mr. Alfred Douglas Fraser and Miss Teresa Frances Helen Holdway who were married at Trinity College yesterday morning. The bride wore a blue crepe afternoon dress and pink (lowered hat. She was given away by Mr. 11. Soames.
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  • 44 3 JOHOHE lIAMIir. Bat. A young: Sikh. Krwr! Singh, who was fined 510 today for failing to appear befote the Magistrates' Court on Apr. 23 to answer two charges. Kcwel s<?jd that he had turned up a clay late for the heating.
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  • 154 3 'Swaztika Comes To Chia's Rescue THERE waa a day v.\ Malta* rider Chia Ah Pah's life when everything seemed at an end. He was sick and had no money to consult a doctor. Then, along came "someone" to help him. He was given free medical treatment until he was restored
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 74 3 For Unrivalled Musical Performance buy CRUCEANELLI Bale Atjints: Branch: 203, Batu rioad, Kuala Lumpur. Write with a pen that responds to your touch like a sensitive instrument, that brings personality to your handwriting. A Swan that most famous Fnglish pen— made with the precision of a fine watch, has its
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    • 207 3 Imported front London, England CABRERAS 150 YEARS' REPUTATION FOR QUALITY II Mm g 1 >•/ > r FIRST AiO^k AlkaSeltzer brings pleasant relief When a busy day and a hurried N^ lunch add up to well-known acid indigestion, you want quick relief. Fortunately, First Aid for acid m- A /r.
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  • 1018 4 By Quiz' snn 7 S=S IS? BEEN FORMED fl THE CAI SEWAY PASSING IT WHAT HAPPENS now that the Town Board of Johore Bahru does not approve the erection of the water main over the Causway? The hugepipe is already there and much has been done
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  • 322 4 A Reply To QUIZ' Dear Sir.— Your contributor "QUIZ" m last Sunday's Issue of the Sunday Tribune »vish<*s 10 be enhk'htent*d on the respective merits and demerits of tbf words ASIAN and ASIATIC. I hasten to offer n»> humbh* opinion on Ibc sub ltd The word Auan
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  • 324 4 WINS $50 PRIZE IN SONG COMPETITION Tribune Staff Reporter UROM fireman to a successful music composer is a romantic change-over. And for that to happen to a fisherman's son, with only a primary education, sounds dramatic, to say the least. Yet. this m the true story of
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  • 91 4 From then o- t.iere was no turning back. iTussof B had established himself as .m accomplished musician is well a.s composer. Yussof is an unconventional composer. He docs his com posing, not with the aid of a piano, but a mandoline the very same mandoline he bought
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  • 307 4 Tribune Staff Reporter TWO shipments of rice 1 worth $450,000 nre row lying m lierhters m Singapore harbour roen f o tho weather, because Government has refused permission to their owners to unload them m the Colonyeven for temporary storage. The shipments.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 139 4 fw>P% 'KODAK' iX/^kiL FILM Kod«t^ f ilm makes h easy to get the pictures you want— sparkling, lifelike snapshots vuih every detail clear It has great exposure latitude, hi details m highlights and reproduces delicate ionc». M.iKt the must of your picture- <^<^\^^'^jDo'^ takmt; chftMCfr jUavs load your M| Jt^T'
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    • 326 4 USE JOHNSONS PRICKLY HEAT p^ l tTHIV POWDER AS A MEDICATED p c^ hiat DUSTING POWDER TO PREVENT Dvv 0f« MINOR SKIN IRRITATIONS. SINGAPORE FOOT AND What is your s!ght worth (^ggr^^ Sl5. 525. S5O? n.c piobabilitv v«.u woiil I Tit fl 'tesitate to sper.d wli r- vtr i.s n«M<-s-
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  • 278 5 OPIUM SMUGGLERS UP TO NEW TRICKS Tribune Staff Reporter Ql'll \I smugglers are resorting to new ruses to get their "black gold" across the causeway. Recently a well-dressed man m a flashy automobile, with two cabaret-girl companions sitting beside him, approached the Customs
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  • 216 5 "It's A Tiring Job" Triiuinr Staff Reporter Hi i n.\ i it or not, iuit Urn .Mtiinu r.ian sln,*jtiny: on raagiß and Vi\>Ktlck m thi- pietuiv al>ov»luraed into i flam i rous hint's:- |»rin'»""S iVC minutes lat.T. (S»*«« picture on rig!.: The voiing man. 'iJ>-vtar-ohl (han Wai Wall .s Mt
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  • 51 5 FINGER PRINTS GAVE HIM AWAY Mohamrd Said bin Haaji Ibrahim pleaded guilty to a charge of deserting the lice Force yesterday. H> was sentenced to one month's rigorous imprisonment by the First District Judge. After deserting the foreMohamed was stated to haw joined the R.A 3.C. His fingerprints gave him
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  • 237 5 Tribune Staff Reporter CM ALL boys on the beach near the Chinese Swimming Club had great fun recently when some 'mad' British soldiers drove a car into the sea until they were up to their necks m water, then turned m n big sweep
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  • 257 5 Give Us Tiffin Sheds, And Stand Pipes Say Base Workers Tribune Staff Reporter SINGAPORE'S Naval Base Labour Union has written to the Admiralty asking them to provide tiffin sheds and stand pipes for industrial workers at the Base. Mr. Koh Kirn Seng, General Secretary of the Union, said yesterday that
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  • 50 5 MALACA. Sat. The Federation police band will beat the Retreat at 5.30 p.m. on Tuesday at Alor Gajah; on May 3 at Jasin and on May 4 at Malacca on the reclamation ground. The band will also play at the Malaya Cup match at Kubu on May 6.
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  • 36 5 Convicted of being m possession of 25 tahils and nv;chis of opium on April 20 at Naval Base, Poh Ah Tay was sentenced m the First District Court yesterday to 8 months' hard labour.
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  • 105 5 Tribune Stall" Reporter WHY pay tea money for a bouse? Take a look at Inche Ahmed Peranjr*fl bun I low, It'g root and airy, arvl »f only cost him $1,000 "to bu-M. (See picture ahovr >, It has two rooms, witn bathrooma attached, a dining I
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 505 5 ■ONE OWNERSHIP W. are here especially to help you to possess your own home. Few i>eonlcan provide the full price of a nous, from their own immediate resources but many can afford to pay regular monthly sums towards its purchase This is simply don«. by converting rent into payment of
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    • 185 5 Pietsire of a Veteran U An old hand of cn'urcne making —one of Ihe many whose skill, long experience and judgement ensures that the fine quality oj a Player's never vanes ~and thnt Phyef'i MADE IN ENGLAND JGjt s^^r^^^ I -^^^S^^T***^ PRODUCT :^"^V\7/ •■?•'•■>••• /at v^ffu f^C W •»<^ s^^^ll
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  • 2668 6  -  Vera Ardmore By HAVE you never envied people*! car numbers? Don't you ever k' v an admiring second look when you see a car with only a single figure number. Of course you do! When Princess Bliaabetn ihi i Daimler from the a a wedding present ■he asked
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  • 460 6 rrnoMAS Henry xd<-,ck. Professor o] bkonomics the University of Malaya, i*. much m tin public eye at the tnofnent, m Chairman of the Bawken Commission, Chairman tin Joint Wages Commission Chairman of tht Arbitration Board of the Rubber Industry, and President of tht People's Education Association. This last
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 394 6 i m Have a jr "JOHN SIMOH I. at the Cathay **%^iL Jk I The '.John Simon is the oocktail that WOO first prj?.f i the International Cocktail Competition at Hotelympia m London this > ;if C me tc ts Cathay Oodttail Bar ;md tee U you i with tii"
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    • 101 6 %fub tfew fait* tfo Moild I t "^9m~ >^*~ m WT^ SINGAPORE TO SAIGON Vp^ Connections for all I parts of Indo-China V. Tharidays 3.50 p.m -v Departures for Saigoi AIR^ FRANCE BOOKING OFFICE CENERAI AGENTS Ground fl<ior C d M*ssaK er s Maritime* v./ Tel 4185 SPECIAL ATTHACTION AT
      101 words

  • Article, Illustration
    1915 7  -  Jimmy Glover From NDON. H n mg.. I' Us me he is p] a return i ng Lon 14. Burma. Slam Malaya, Philip and, if at all po > He is nd an Luckin earlj O stober, and will fly m time beginning of tm. it In I
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  • 153 7 THEY BLUSHED WHEN- llHTii a lt'iig lint ol guests waiting to be welcomed to her cocktail party last Thursday. Helen Cornell was slightly stunned to find herself shaking hands with a much beribboned and grandly uniformed young man. who beamed at her saying "ivc brought the band." W o n
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 56 7 %ndypoc ket Always J f^P ready to relieve the first hint of a cold Ideal for mm during the day. Ea*ily recharged from Vapex bottle. 1 Your grandfather has such bright and perfect teeth, my son, because he has always used Gibbs Dentifrice. You know howgood it tastes, too, and
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    • 21 7 Established IS 72 Malays'! Leading 28. i. <lo Silva (Incorporated In Ceylon) 10 L'l, High St., Singapore 1, Bishop St. Penang
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    • 131 7 Ity fa I «i. k >^^^^ZlN^^ 1 '(I -xp r l r^^a^ S^^T^\' x (^lt In all popular sizes and colours. Available at all leading sports dealers Factory Representatives T. V. MITCHELL CO., LTD. SINGAPORE K. UUMPUB HENANG. BELL HOWELL H. A. O'Connor Co., Ltd., Laidiaw Bdg. t Battery Road,
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    • 611 8 SUNDAY is a good day to talk about Deans. And the Dean we offer for discussion is the Very Reverend Hewlett Johnson, Dean of Canterbun', scholar, orator and disciple of Uncle Joe. When he passed through Singapore on his way to the Communist-inspired Australian Peace Congress, we
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  • THE BOOK that has set everyone talking
    • Article, Illustration
      2304 8  -  DESMOND YOUNG h the PERFECT FIGHTING ANIMAL How Hitler chose him to command his personal bodyguard IN the early summer of 1941, when Britain's hold on her Mediterranean lifeline was very precarious, one name was on the lips of every soldier m the Western Desert Rommel. Rommel became for
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 73 8 OUT OF PRINT But We ar.- 04 r out of ■lock of genuine Swiss .spare part you the repair service your good watch deserves. liy us next time. Phonr ***** THIM LOCK Watchmakers 895, North Bridge Road. h at Royal A'«n i/ Air atatkm, Sembawmmg). oi A* ROYAL //K PORTABLE
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    • 94 8 xi: x T wi:i: k Rommel m the desert: His quarrels with Hitler's H. Q. generals: What he thought of British generals: How he walked unknown through a Britsh field hospital. NOW! DIRECT SERVICE \Jp xo SWITZERLAND W^J BY KLM CONSTELLATION LEAVIN4 fW KALLAXC, AIIIINHiT OS WKl».\'-:si M^ ># MORNMNOS,
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  • 513 9 N«T LONE ins SMILE AM» CIUAII CN 'i JACK KLlNanklin, Pen"My mother was was for the posi Kasnhagen with the turmoil ol a i n sue mission i oter perpetually wears a »m ile and a ir. The Danes He liked the •:i hour alter I lanes
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  • 374 9 I is little State ol naco. punching out into the Mediterrani an like a clenched ti.s*. it was M Bt. Rainier's Day" las! week and Prince Rainier m had elded it was an auspicious day t<> be enthroned. The 2200 Monegasques won- n fett with
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  • 341 9 IN the r. i. r > Labour ma joi S1 inley Norman Evans was that uncon table thin back-bench I withoul a clique, l .1 1 week, niter one Parlia mentary stumble and two chea banging hard up nmeni poll< Mr Braru found hims l; a Junior
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  • 413 9 /MI R ISTOPH ER Mur r B v Orieve, who as "Hugh McDI ir has b< come Scotland's most famous and most rebellious puts little value on "the English Kin and none vt hat< \er on the English Cabin* I Lasl week !)'>th institutions showed
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  • 200 9 IX the chauffeur's I 1 a ma: rive villa at Mull British Zone of Qer n o Stlnnes was once again making plans for Ruhr. The palatial villa, with tried rooms I silent, had be n his home until 1045. Hu "King ol Rul generation of
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  • 193 9 BFHIN'D IB r than almost an: else In London la wns Captain Colin Reith new editor ol Daily T< legraph. Tl Issue he put oui carried about 200 In its six For Air. Cooto who Is tall 56 and a widower I hardly a ripple m his daily
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 174 9 Better Tools I give I Better Work ff j^ fl The productive capacity of ary H workman depends on his pt rionce plus good tools for him to work with. <^^\ For factories ami workshopfl tTfTT OSJ board ship, on estate inrl \1 f* mines, we have a Complete Vj
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    • 157 9 Top Quality Im' iklil BOTTOM JL^^-^L rnlut I 1 LEONARD MApnpiiQ V Only $595.00 BOUE AGENTS: Tfi£ MARDEtNJ COMPANY BS, OBCHAKD »4<) \l». Btagapore T.I. HMI //uJtd &tkfikdcuj MANAGERS: M NSFIELD CO., LTD. OCEAN BUILDING SINGAPORE TELEPHONE 5201 GRAMS: "TERBANG" X m 1 k =Mi LLL M= SERVICE INCLUDES MB
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    • 1264 10  - SINGAPORE JOTTINGS Joean Baldwinson by Tartan which is never very tar from fashion has. nevertheless, positively bounced back Into the fashion news for spring. both m London and Paris. There arc jackets, short coats and full-length coats :t many coats are lined with it: and there art' dozens of handbags
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    • 5 10
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    • 240 10 JEWELLERY— both real and make-bdieve-mim be kept clean if pearls, pins, necklaces and rinex are to reflect their brilliance and your K ood croon, ing. b Jewellery responds to regular clean-up sessions just as other accessories do, but there are rules for keeping these precious
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 267 10 if Always Try Season Co., Ltd. Before You Buy A Guitar 115 NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, ill >SK 7180. RHEUMATISM UNI MB NT I Pate «f sciatica, i imrmgu nnd ail f rheamatism I] Id to a t«>uch of V^ Si di -b It oa, WHICH OF THESE AILMENTS DO YOU^P
      267 words
    • 28 10 |F you have any sug- J Bjrstions. ideas or queries, please writr I to me, Joan Bald- uinson. Malaya Tri- Z bune. l(l}-llti. Ansoo Koad. Singapore. lIM.Ii ]|l>lllllll|ll
      28 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 367 10 HAVE FUN _-m AQI ARIIS .i rn.r>. i mote allowances and remem- opportunity that come* JEg h-i ber vouroum mistakes. Keep way: prompt < '"v«* for bargains. catted for and tm witt km Do "t sh roM«a lovers may exporieMCfl to maJte »pW-«econ<** ttotTftret lover*! tiffs' they sums. Rely on
      367 words

  • 17 11 HIS FANS ADORE HIM i albtun for .1 v lA for h m i»f •> v, m < airport.
    17 words
  • 1553 11  -  OSWALD HENRY by A Batt le Picture That Inspi red An Epic QN [woJima, during one of the bloodiest campaina m the Pacific w r when the I'.s. Marines were blasting the Japanese out of their hideouts cameraman took picture that made history pen and magazines,
    1,553 words
  • 375 11 HOLLYWOOD Sit. LiK^: mo«t of America* :n;ijor Industries, the filr.;s faced with the proble.r. of retirement of workers. \V» at happens to a work r when years of usefitfn are over? That question becoming more and more important on UM American racial
    375 words
  • 97 11 Moustache Memories HOI.f.YWOOU. Sar. VETERAN character actor Hear] Hull is probaMj the only naaa ever to have swallowed his moustache i»ub!i •r, m private! i«>r thai :n:it h-i "•i happeaed many years ago," Hull relate*. M We were plajftag m Hos- an.l h a( a f-,iis<« moustache sa my upper
    97 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 280 11 ffll" STRENGTH if^p!&^ after illness Jmjffi^jw When vitality is lowered and the body needs help is regaining its strength, Kepler provides the answer. This highly nutritious preparation of Cod Liver Oil and Malt Extract is a valuable source of the precious vitamins A and D. It is palatable to take
      280 words
    • 122 11 I \KV GLAMOUR AND A YOUNG LOOKING SKIN /JxffMwv I r k If >( PAN-CAKE" MAKE-UP \V Jador Hollywood j lIA O I M O DBuG anp DIPMIMINI StOßfs ffi^ r O£NTIFJCTESTSP«>/£\ Ji P A/ SEEVOUi- ML ANC DO SOWETWM 1 MO WhJ eath. luaoft i. lcansins a«cnt iC ■kI
      122 words

  • 1139 12 THE BOXING BOARD IN BL UNDERLAND The story behind the I headlines m the Sands -Brooks Decision flBHHHHHHHMHH The spotlight that turned on Singapore during th« Sands-Brooks lijjht shone too brightly. It blinde<i the vision of many of oui boxing legislators. The fi«ht will loii« be re membered for two
    1,139 words
  • Article, Illustration
    22 12 Boy I'rooks •vHheftag uiul<'." Dave Sium < attack m flufi^'ht. (hr hancL ijf »f wMck i- thr subji-rt of this rriiicis'n.
    22 words
  • 778 12 PRACTICALLY everj shooting service executed by Malayan players is a fault. This i»» *h j fvMnlon Wong Peng Soon, who -un .(j tne m r r; >_ tion of the "service" rule With qualihed ana authoritative badmin'on personal, ties m Engl md during his recent
    778 words
  • 356 12  - PLAY BETTER GOLF SAM SNEAD BY Here is a player who was swung rhythmically down into fhe bail. Th rlub- hea d b ii on the r; lit pa t h fro ..i the B U thing Wl .1 menti l;ii> r Notic that the plan ol the curoneaa'B path
    356 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 128 12 *V'- x J k i/jcauAyii/ TO YOUR FINGERTIPS CUTEX Your hands can be more beautiful with magic-wear CUTEX the polish that lasts and lasts. CUTuX gives sparkle to your costume applies easily resists peeling md chipping. Because CUTEX is so inexpensive you can afford to keep several shades on hand
      128 words
    • 10 12 A Hi AL i l\ Capp C 2? T fe
      10 words
    • 41 12 SNAILB-GON (Snail n.strovH obtainable at Littl.^'.s Daisy Hover Shop. Coronation Flow, t i i op, Cooperative Stores. Di:lia Flower Shop-Katon-, NT direct from Thr Gem Nursery. Ph "542. Lavender Briliiantine DELUXE "A" Sparkling Hair Lights op Your whole Personality SOLD EVERYWHERE
      41 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 236 12 V\^^^-^^^C^^^^^^^ ::^TI r--Ze~fiJr AlAdW^ST'^ layout /^IT WERE! SMART O'MD' I' *>v/ OH,NOU'LL "1 /5Q vO'LL HAND ME^ HAVE A XiZ^^^^Z^^^cT JJ v^ '^ALf'* for Burly May git all them sponsors) l think of *->, th' real s r 01l of «Wf^' iO^^^3!i^rii Ni e.cJT^^iyokum's channel V V fo' mah
      236 words

  • 1717 13  - COLLING PROVES HE IS THE COLONY'S BEST BOWLER LINESMAN By AT the end the Drat mon;:. ol tournament cricket m Singapore the Ceylon Sport > Club hi i i d the list of 1 •ns not through any effort of then own bu* the expensive sporting g< si ir ol
    1,717 words
  • 363 13 S. C. A TOURNAMENT Latest Positions I I III.MII-s P. >v. i.. v. i. v. ru C.S.C. -I 1 c 0 1 S.H.C. i i -o a o o L-7 Indians I 1 1 I 1 li, K.A.F. (8) 4 111 n 20 Colonials
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  • 50 13 LONG ISLANP. Now Yoik. Sat. A t British motui radng driver's attempt to make a 24-houi :peed and endurance I lun la a slot k cai hert was abandoned edMy touay after the oar wa- damaged In a col ision with deer which i on to tile tia< k
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 158 13 s Your lubricating oil has a double duty m the engine. Above, m the ring zone! rf J *> Mftfa^^^^===\ Sr- it must stand up under the terrific heat of combustion keep rings, pistons r UMwf£>^\ -^E=- a nd valves free of hard carbon deposits and protect them from wear.
      158 words
    • 90 13 Just arrived: \X II I T X W A V S in: vox (V in: it MEDIUM SWEET SPARKLING LOXE-FIVT 3 si/i: jj This famous cyder from Devon i^ now available jf/f I 1 B\ iw the popular one pint f J I size. If is made by the X
      90 words

  • 470 14 MALACCA WIN THREE MINUTES FROM TIME MI'AR, Saturday. MALACCA sprang a big surprise today when they beat Johore cue nil m a Mala.\a Soccer Cup Southern Section fixture on the South Padang here. Malacca's goal was from the final whistle. It was anybody's game till the last
    470 words
  • 224 14 Gobs Not So Good In The Water A team of sailors from me visiting United States aircraft carrier Boxer took a decisive beating at yesterday's swimming gala between the Gobs and the Singapore Swimming Club. Young W. Wolters and me two Mitchell brothers. Barry and Keith, gave the sail' rp
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  • 146 14 'Boxer Team Beats Ho Ho 49 To 34 Pts. THE American basket bali team from the UBK Boxer yesterday defeated the Ho Ho Basket ball team by 49 points to 34. at the Great World Arena. The Yankees were leading all the time although the game was a rather close
    146 words
  • 211 14 IPOH Saturday. DERAK scored their first Malaya Cup victory this season when they beat Pahan" by three jroals to one at the Chinese Assembly Hall ground toa> *Pahane led one nil m the first half completely against the run of play. On the change of
    211 words
  • 103 14 On the resumption. Perak continued to dominate day and m the fifth minute th»v equalised through right winger Subramamam. Some minutes later Peiak went ahead when Hanifta connected a beautiful pas? j from Subramaniam to uca: Osman. There was nothing to stop Perak now and In the next
    103 words
  • 127 14 Y.M.C.A. WIN AND LOSE AT CRICKET Thi- Y.M.CA. p'ayid two crick«'t matches yi-sterday. winning the one on their home ground and losing the garni- on the S.R.C. Padang. The SRC. won by 83 runs when J. Ro^ <44> and D'Almeida 35 retired were the principal contri butors to a total
    127 words
  • 352 14 Good Feats At 223 Bod Field Day Under tn« patronage ol Brigadier H.F.S. King, C.lJ.t" Director of Ordnance Services, Far, and by r>ctrnission of Cyj). R.C.C Tttrtuu. Commandant 22"> BOD, 20 Battalion UAOC held a field day yesterday. Outstanding among me competitors were Lieut Dolan, who gained three places
    352 words
  • 54 14 MALACC. Sat.— The annual badminton tournament of the St Peter's Brigade will commence m the ftwt week of M iy. Members who wlah to compete are requested to send m their names to the honorary secretary. Mr. G. B Lazaroo, early. Events are senior and junior singles,
    54 words
  • Article, Illustration
    23 14 The Va Yu Athletic Association basketball team of Sinsapore which meets the Inited States Navy team tonisht at the Happy World.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
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    • 117 14 AMBITIOUS? Then send for a copy of "The Direct Way to Success The FREE 170 page book which will show you how to IMPROVE YOUR POSITION by qualifying through postal tuition for a BETTER APPOINTMENT The School of Accountancy is the leading institution m the British Empire for^the building of
      117 words
    • 91 14 CuUUMT(» I i LOTIONJ FOR RfMO^'NC 1 pi -o*NOlUrff I IHI '<* Sole Agents: HONG THYE LTD. 63, Arab Street, sinjapor?. Phone 802 r >2. ANGLO-CHINESE CORPORATION (PwCgister?! m Singapore. Importers, Exporters and Wholesalers Cables: "Etnac", Singapore Code: bcntloys. RETAIL DEPARTMENT at Nos. 136 139, Middle Koad. You are cordially
      91 words

  • 47 15 TOTAL POOL: $425,300 Fin*t Prize. No. 187»1 1 Second Prize No. *****7 Third Prize: No. *****1 Starters: Nos. *****3, 1«2713, *****9. *****0. *****4, *****0. Consolations: Nos. *****4. r )1493:. *****9, *****4 *****6, *****7. *****4. *****8. *****3, *****7. Double Totes: lftt: $297. 2nd: $189. w ,1,
    47 words
  • 67 15 MALACCA. Sat —The new-lv-constructcd Malacca Stadium will be officially opened en May 6 by the Resident Commissioner, Mr. G. B. C. Wisdom, after which Malacca will play the Royal Air Force from Singapore m the Malaya C'it> competition. A. physical training display by the Special combined squads
    67 words
  • 2028 15 SLICKNESS CAUSES A MINOR UPSET By ALBERT SPENCKR The Man with 2,000 Winners nnKwrnp KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. puNTERS had a good day today when the 3elangor Tarf Club April meeting was conc^udf-d before a large crowd. There was a mild shewer of rain during
    2,028 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 270 15 LAST TWO DAYSi 11 A.M. 1.;3- 4.15 -6.45 -9.30 P.M JUDY GARLAND VAN JOHNSON! jHE^fl i 'Like Good Ola '^£E%J S.Z. SAKAII- SPRING BVINGTON II FILMED TO TKE TUIWE OF AMERICAS TOP LOVE- SONGS 3^SSJJflt' NEXT ghange 9H|pD|P|K BL| HUT TON IJMiifflilt ioose... 5^4" Morning show today 11 a CArayQL
      270 words
    • 112 15 TO-DAY AT 11 A.M. Universe's "RIVER LADY" m Technicolor Today at 3, 6.15 9.15 p.m Last 3 Shows United Artist's "DAVY CROCKETT INDIAN SCOOT" Starring George Montgomery OPENING TOMORROW United Artist's "IMPACT" §L f1 1 JL JFLJW If i HAPPY WQOLO Tcday at 6 30 9.15 p.m. "SUPERMAN" (whole serial)
      112 words
    • 192 15 REH TO-DAY 5 SHOWS:- 1 1 a.m. 1.45 4.00, 6.30 9.30 P. M. f to<3 vwV& m~^K iflHK^kv*-^' Precctfed by a 3 STOOGES COMEDY UNTOLD PERILS to unmask iirME WORLD S SfIOST SINISTER VILLAIN f SvAnBV 12 3 -30 6.30 9.15 ij IJUIIni NOTE TIMES > Ji Morning matinee to.
      192 words

  • 169 16 Ohk Chew Bee won hia third YM< A t. nui till.- y. ti r.i.iy I when he d»ieated a.G.B. Pukir m the men's tingles final by 7 0. 6-3. m a hard and '-hriDtng game from strai to finish, but) i players play ed
    169 words
  • 107 16 ELECTRICIANS WIN S. H. B. SHIELD SOCCER In the Singapore Harbour Board Foundation Shield soccer played on the Raeburn Park ground yesterday, the Electric De partment beat the Sanitary Depart mint by one goal to nil. The game was keenly con tested and though tht.Sanitary Department lost they have gave
    107 words
  • 228 16 BEAT ARMY -NAVY 5-1 Seremban, Saturday. NEGRI cleared its first hurdle m the Malaya Cup southern section when they defeated the Arm^Navy by five goals to one at the Stafon Padang this evening. About 4,000 soccer fans saw Negri iead by three-nil m the
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  • 101 16 NON- BENDERS DO WELL AGAINST S.C.R.C. The Ifon-Beaden C.C. drew with the SCRC m a friendly cricket match at Hong Urn Green yesterday. Batting first, the Non- I Benders went all out for 192 runs. T.J. Leijssiu.s and G.E. Hogaars top scored 39 and 3fi respectively when Kee Menp accounted
    101 words
  • 61 16 JOHORE BAHRU, Sat.Othman bin Monamed, 29, •special constab'e, was charged today for being touiul ar>"ent from duty at Aik San Estate on March 8. Olalmfam trial Othnmn said that he «!i<i send a teieyrsm to the police Maying that he was <?Jek. He was offennl
    61 words
  • 92 16 POLICE QUELL ZULU FACTION FIGHT DURBAN. Sat.— A heavllv rirm d lore of pollee v.a.s today rushed ro the Maoumuio dlstrlcf of Zuiuland to quell thousands <;i AiriI'uns m two actloni light\T\'A With uuris unit sp BW assegais). A fury Of uul bttrnilUK and tightinv brokQ 041 las; night ait<-r
    92 words
  • 69 16 RAIN HOLDS UP COUNTY CRICKET LONDON. Bat. P. tOstent rain prevented .1 L;nl iro::i beinK bowled '.odfty im .»ny of the lour matchci ikhich wen to have opened Rnglish iirsu-i;iss crick I Reason. Matches involved were th county 'tiam.>i >.i .hip rlash between Surrey and Glamorgan at the Ovr>l nd
    69 words
  • 101 16 BURMISTER DISQUALIFIED IN 4th ROUND m the w st A at the Happy Woi d Stad»«»i last night. King Konß won the li^ht agaiuxt s >-» ;i ir tft rouno wh< n Burmistcr wo* ilisqunlirtcd foi ion! act. H. liehl Klnfi X on Ih. fOp< King Kp«K was liarcllj on
    101 words
  • 103 16 The annual geiu ral meeting OJ the Chrislian Brti then' School* will be beld on Wednesday. May. 17 at 5.15 p.m. ut St. Josephs Institution. Their re-union dinner will take place the following day at 8 p.m. at Robinson's Cafe. Tickets at $3.50 each may
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  • 160 16 McKe rron Wishes S.V.C. 'Good Luck Tribune Staff Reporter THE Singapore Volunteer Coips who r.i tde n presentation of a copy of the Corps' history and a Corps car badge to the now retired Colonial Secretary. Sir Patrick McKerron. have received the following: letter from him: 'My dear Colonel. <R
    160 words
  • 162 16 China 's Ping Pong Stars Invited The cream of China/ table tennis players may be seer, m action m Malaya next month. If the terms offered to them uy the Singapore Table Tennis Association arc accepted. Che five players, now tourIng Macao and HoOgKOng, the All-China and Taiwan champion. Wong
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  • 23 16 A platoon of the Suffo'ks Rt flmeat *hot and killed a bandit m the .Jelebu area of Negrl Sembilan on Fiiday.
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  • 375 16 WEMBi^Y STADIUM. London. Sat. Arsenal von the Onelish F.A. Cup for tt)# third time her« this lifternoon beatins Liv 'ro«x»1 ?-fl aftr-r a snlrndic^ "a»ni' A roa] m each half from th«- foot of inside !< i f R«v* Lewis aavc th.m a
    375 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 165 16 L w J^^ ElEPHpßrand THE HO HONG OIL MILLS (1931) LTD. G5, CHI LIA STREET TEL: 9MI-MU Wkmtf^^^mik I .^s^aisbbsbbbl Bl^P^^^^^^^» '~^^Bß BB^BB^BBB BIV .I^BBB LbV^^^^Svl I bbM I sb^SKs^V jK!^^^^^ jCS. —^rrnß bb^Ubb^bb x bbk*\^W Iv 4 sbß BB^BB^B^BB^BV /Ji l^rVCS^vdl I JB At the first sign of a
      165 words
    • 164 16 smM 4^' i Hearing Restored In VfiZifi CU4U Twenly-Four Hours I with w de ADJUSTABLi i» p t7 4m^ HtRES TH( ANSMR TO WffQ Mo*( HORK USS FAT,CUf fiKS. ff L -1 r»l HUM s COMPANY Him Chvna Oversea 7 Valve RADIOGRVM 1 Year Guaranteed Hirepurchaae $G5O I h- posit
      164 words