Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 23 April 1950

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 17 1 SUNDAY Tribune PuMMfcMI ttmuttameoiii at .s-/"/""' 's ■•< FfMMf SIXTEEN PAGES SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 1950. TEN CENTS.
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  • 288 1 Hainan 'Victory' Becomes Defeat HONGKONG The Nationalist victory celebration ovn the 'crushing 1 of the Communist attempt to Invade Human crumbled today, when reliable reports said that Rod columns are within six mitea of Hoihow the c;«pit A Ham m patch, received at 3 P in that a strong Communist
    U.P.  -  288 words
  • 73 1 nkw YORK, Sat. Ju.<tic J CuH hai ruled that a delegate to the United Nations has diplomatic immunity and cam ued Hi d i-ion n ;lt<<l damago Pill >,-. Hr. \\'a»!on ially pioniincnt N«v Yoi ii-t Al> Rahlm Khan, P ikl tan deleto th. United
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 17 1 1)1 NSFOKD "It 1 1 tni job. \l MMED •It uds mil decision.
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  • 41 1 LONDON. Sat.— Moscow Radio announced today that all Japanese prison ers of war m Soviet hands have been repatriated ex cept for 1.487 held as war criminals, and another 971 "who have committed crimes aeainst the Chinese neopl- Reuter
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  • 34 1 - TOKIO. Sat. At least ***** Japanese prisoners Of war »re still In Siberia. according to wme ol tne 1 ->44 repatriates who arrived a» tlv -I^Panese main island port ol Maizuru. Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 671 1 "Referee Left The Corner Too Soon" By The Spectator DOY Brooks was NOT disqualified. His shire of the purse will be paid m full. Sands has been awarded victory on a technical knock out. The confusion that marred Singapore's debut m world class taxing was ended
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  • 95 1 A thousand more thirfchai arrived m Singapore yesterday from Hongkong. to re-inforce Malaya's antibandit forces. They are the st-cond batch of Gurkhas to arrive. Thf first thousand landed duvine the Easter weekend. Yesterday*! draft came In the troopship Orbita. cml were met by a Gurkha
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  • 93 1 11l S. B. Travis, chairman of Henry Waugh and Co.. Ltd.. leading Singaporee merchants, will tell shareholders at their annual meeting next Saturday that the rigidity of exchange control has driven away a good deal of Malaya's trade to neighbouring counti ies. where controls
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  • 64 1 S'PORE CREWMEN TURNED OFF AMERICAN SHIP BREMEN. GERMANY. Sat.— An American tanker discharged her foreign crew, including twelve Singapore Chinese, and took on an exclusively German crew here today. The tanker "Meacham". 1 10.488-tons). owned by Sieling and Jarvis of New York, left for Rastanura OH the Persian Gulf with
    UP  -  64 words
  • 247 1 Tribunr Staff Reporlei JOHN can no longer vltli Mary a "Hapnv Birthday." or tell her how much h" lovei h"r over Radio Malaya. Starting yesU rdriy. all personal messages nave b»'on cut from the "Listt'ners' Choice" feature. broadcast on T.:esdays. Saturdays and Sundays. Only the
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  • Article, Illustration
    179 1 No Wriggles Or Pinches In The REAL Ramvong Tribune Correspondent f\ID Malaya distort the classic Siamese Ramvong 1 dance? The English-language Bangkok Post seems to think so. Quoting a Sunday Tribune rrport that Singaj>ore peons and taxi-drivers paid 50 cents a time to dance the Ramvong with
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  • 91 1 "After eleven weeks of popularity, which must have made Mr. Tan Chwet' Seng fondly ho' love ho had stumbled upo I way to quick fortuno. Singapore'! enthusiasm for the Raravong began to dcchn'-. "At last reports Mr Tan was planning to tako his troupe of girl- on a
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  • 34 1 NEW YORK. ?!M "American-Irish Minute Men of 1949" to-night threw a picket line up before Grand Central Palace and urged visitors to a British motor show to "Eir- Amfricac Oooda U.P.
    U.P.  -  34 words
  • 192 1 SHANGHAI RING FAKE "I" CARDS Trihunr st;ifi Reporter SECRET orKanisntion m Shanghai is hoipin^ ilk gal immiKnuits <o tnt« k r M'J-^va, nnd mny bf linked uith the b°nd»* < •'n»j>Mjrr l t o uell-krpt identity rards from nil v*H;»e:es they raid. This is rovoalcd by the nrr^st of C7h
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  • 67 1 CAPT. AZIZ FLOWN TO JOGJA JAKARTA. Sat.— Captain ji" Macassar rebellion, who has boon flown to Jo rja- karta. ac.ordins to usually reliable SOUK if former Br'ish Army naratroojH r, came here to discuss his actions with the Indonesian Federal Government alter seeking guarantors that he would bo able to
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 256 1 Students Vote For Ragging By 159 Tribune StalT K -p v:• r POUR hundred aiid twelve rat-?a!llii{r. boom] stud'M)ti> ot the University ol Malaya d^bat^d ragging fur three -and -a -half hoars y I tcrday and ihiisli -d up voting for it by a ma of 159. with thr I
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 195 2 WILL TELL THE WORLD THE REAL SITUATION Tribune Staff Reporter THE M*lav Nationalist Tarty, Malaya, is to lodge 1 a protest with the I nited Nations and the Colonial Office against the Federation Government s decision outlawing it m the Federation. The Party's Central
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  • 137 2 INDIANS PAY TRIBUTE TO 'SAINT' A tribute to the memory of Bhasav,in Sri Ra- mana Maharshi. the South Indian saint, who passed away m Tiruvannamalai the other day. was paid at a meeting of Indians and members of other communities, held at the Ramakrishna Mission premises. Norris Road. Singapore, on
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  • 103 2 RED CROSS SEEKS SPARE TIME WORKERS The Singapoie Brand) of the Lritish Red Cioss has appealed foi voluntary pait-timc worker! to uslit In lewing and making clothes and toys for Sinj;apoie Hospital* and the Red Cross Handicapped Children's Homo to be built shortly. Woikeis rue also required f)i repaii and
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  • 43 2 Malayan insuiance companies have inaugurated a system of allowing car insurance to be paid on the instalment plan. The scheme is only allowed on certain clatwi of cars. and old crocks' aie not accepted on this basis, the Tubune undei. stands.
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  • 64 2 MALACCA. Sat. TiH twi nty-ltat annual general iv.' eting of the Malacca Gc eminent and Municipal Se: vants' Co-operative Thrift ar Loan Society, Ltd.. will b» held at the Malacca Historical Society room on Thutsda April 27. at 4.45 p.m. The Society? net profit .o* the past
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  • 48 2 Linda Christian, fiim star wife of Tyrone Power, is not coming to Singapore after aU. She was due here on Sunday week, en route u> Bah. but. this morning KLM oir 1 c.als m Singapore received a cable saying "Power party tiip to Singapore cancelled."
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  • 104 2 Can Men Knit? CAN men knit° Well, the Itnitt done by men m the Tuberculoßla Vvin^ of the Johore Bahru General Hosli deacrtbed as One hundred and .sixty-five (,i the 2 JO T.B. patients m the Ital ue keen on the new I hobby. It al*o
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  • 45 2 Two new Mock.- of bui workshops and ofl will be built by the BT.C, r the jnv 1 On Road and ITppei Al- 1 Roa and n.i pie^re nf land bounced by Irving Road. Piayfair Road. Har*.. r md Paya Lebar Roa.i
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  • Article, Illustration
    131 2 F'>/.' fix month ii i r-old Yua i />■',• brood* y,,~..- •> !l> patu nt the Johon Bahr* ,t> ml Hospital, wtu >ff broodi* t over Ma s.s- alotu li> m>' mart com about futu that •> „i //c titm atiM ;<" t<> leavi hospital. };> foti he
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  • 223 2 Tribune Stall Reporter lOHORE Bahru has just completed its RoomJ Density Survey to ascertain whether overcrowding is responsible for the high incidence of tuberculosis prevailing m the State The survey is sponsored by the Johore Bahru District Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis and its report is
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 326 2 RCA 400 16 MW /tSSk\ MOTION 'Gffij?) P'CT U R E iojestqh BETTEP SOUKD EMLI!Ar!T PR3JECTIOH EASY TO OPERATE 16 Mil Educational Film Pj School. Ask Foi a Demonstration. Agents: SEOW KUAN COMPANY 4, Dhoby Ghaut, SINGAPORE I Just A Reminder The Malaya Tribune lias a Town oilice at Winston's,
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    • 139 2 Lmsier BriHtatfki DEU a'» tfiarSc i up VsBl ...uiw rersunaiity SOLD WERYWHEH BEST QUALITY JAVA KROEPGEK OEDAKG Stock! TOWN ARK John Little A Co.. Ltd. Naina Mohd. Sens Ltd. M. S. Ally Co. Thyt* Hin Co., Ltd. Sin Let- Wah Chin Bwee Hon^ 1 Ton^ Laa Ltd, wah Hin i
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 475 2 aa^*^ B KTErBif'Jl*^a»tgaßr IHML|||LIL_KADIO MAI.AYA /ilui Interlude; 5.(.:. Uela> KII'F VFTWriRIf 1r% ltll< l.ondoii; B.U News; KN4.LISII I'KOI.i: \HMI!s l>..\\n. M.(X) a.m. I'lomimme Svni- IvFI) XFTIVIIRK" mar>; mo.' Daace NuMic; 9.3f \l.t, *^^*'>t»KK Much Ilindinu In The-Marsh <Ke- IMHAN PEOGaV\MMKfI pi«M of !;iv| \\ s |"ro- '!<«» p.m. lime Signal.
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  • 210 3 'ARMS NEEDED TO BEAT BIG SAMSU BUSINESS' J3HORE CUSTOMS MAN 1 LLS COURT Tribune Stffl Beporter JOHORK BAHRU S nird- v JOIIOHE CI'STOMS Oncer anid todaj th»\ men <i his Depprtmcnt uoro uinble to del with ths "big sc ;>!e husiness" of tttfal Bamsu distilling m «!i "t to, because
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  • 143 3 Connies Bring To Kallang KALLANG n i xtra turntiding fees and charges since <£'^ Const arted usiii'-i airport, instead ol Tengah Th«- flgun l<»r this month sho« thai about 17 Constellations p«t week an- using landing field. AM A.iipo poKesman said vest l n t < i:< t h,. run*
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  • 35 3 Nearly two miles of canvas hosepipe tor the Singapore Fire Brigade will be delivered shortly from the r.K. The Municipal Commission.".-;: have just nought 10.000 fe<-» ol it at a cost of $11,300.
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  • 113 3 VARSITY STUDENTS BAR PRESS AliOl'T 350 students of tlio University of Malaya yes tt-rdav voted unanimously to b;ir the press and public from an extraordinary meeting held at the Central Hall of the Medical Colleg' The subject disciSFed at vhe meeting was "whether oi not 4 ng will continue
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  • 40 3 JOHORE BAHRU. Sat. Abu Adam bin Kalam was lined $12 today by Magistrate Che Kadir when ne pleaded guilty to a charge tnat on March 2 his car being m a mechanically dangerous condition was allowed to operate.
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  • 173 3 The combint-j value W t duty of the liquor was said to be $1,039.9*3. The stconJ charge was that of having a 44-gallon still tor which Chew had no licence. Protesting his innocence 'n loud tones, wizened Chew disclaimed that the samau t still were at his
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  • 194 3 LUXURY LINER WILL BRING TOURISTS THREE additional luxury liners of the American President Lines will bring tourists with dollars to spend into Singapore and Malaya. The first of these liners, the President Jackson, will be touching at Singapore m February next. This was stated by Mr. J. M. Diggs, Vce-Presi-dent
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  • 56 3 MALACCA. Bat.— Three terrorists from the notorious Machap area, Malac ca. surrendered to the police yesterday with their arms and ammunition. This brings the total to eight terrorists surrendered, two captured and one shot dead within the past six weeks. A revolver and ammunition were
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  • 37 3 By killing five terrorists north of Tenang village m the Si^imat iitj. oa Wednesday, the 1, 2 Guikha Rifles claim their 100 th dead. Communist bandit m Ma'aya since the start of the Emergency.
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  • 47 3 Three iron. Leon^' Li'< Foon. 45, Lim Sang Toon. .'U and Poon Jiar Choon. 38, were yesterday charged witn puilllllon of 1,000 lbs. < f opium. Second District Judge Tan Ah Tah allowed each of Ui< accused $50,000 bail In two nn ftif.s
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  • 58 3 The Municipal Commi'isiono have turned down on application for the refund of a reservation fee paid on a grave m Bukit Timah Cemetery In 1904. The applicant, whose dea.d father made the original »e--servation 46 years ago. ha* also been tola that he cannot exchange tho plot for
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  • 157 3 UNTIL six months ago. 42--year-old S. F. H. Leigh Day. a Johore State Government servant, had never shot an arrow. Today, he has the distinction of having beaten the world archeVy champion. Frank L. Bilson. m a recent practice shoot at the Royal
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  • 79 3 Mr. iuhl Mrs. A. Mr.'toh after their ffßMtag nt hi' C uth.ural o Ihp <ii>ot» S»n ;i--hrni yesterday. The forid*-, formerly IBM v» wnt ii aae >.«»ii/.a, pivea uway by h« r f:t(»n r, Mr. H. li. >.»uza. Ilw hridf's sisU-.-*. Misses Ma.-y and QeßMTtevc
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  • 97 3 NOT ONLY MALAYS AS GUARDS MALACCA. Sat. THE kampong guatd system \vi'! be developed and will net bo confined to th<> Malays only, said Mr. G. E. C. Wisdom. Resident Commissioner. Malacca at a press conference today. Thi plans *****1 —fully earned out during the antibandit month will he continued
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  • 147 3 'POOR OUALITY' CHARGE AGAINST INDIAN MILLS Tribune Staff Reporter ]^K. Hardial Singh, out-going President of the Indian Chamber of Commerce, at the Chamber's Annual General Meeting last night accused Indian textile mills of commercial practices which might damage Indian trade m Malaya. He accused the mills of leaving loop holes
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  • 99 3 The Indian Government was also criticised by Mr. Singh for its ban m the issue of new export licences for coarse and medium piece goods until September. "This might well drag on until the end of the year, and if it does, then many varieties of Indian textiles
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  • 131 3 As a result of these discussions, pre-inspection of the textiles before they are exported from India will be arranged. The only point remaining to be settled is whether the pre-inspection autho"rity should be a governmental or quasi-govern-mental body or a body to be organised by the industry itself, said
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  • 58 3 FLASH GORDON, now appearing to packed houses at the Rex. C Aetna, thrills you every Friday m the Tribune iftgaastaM with his adventures m th*» strange fro zen land of Polaria. SUPERMAN m an ae-tlon-paeked struggle against arch criminal, Enthor, is a daily feature of the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 236 3 CRUCIANELLI ACCORDION Because it proiiuces a single perfect blend of treble and bass, Crucianelli Accordion DirecTone* overcomes the acoustical handicaps of ballroom, auditorium, stage or studio. Advantage by advantage, compare Crucianelli Accordion DirecTone with the outmoded indirect tcne of others and you'll see why Crucianelli Accordion DirecTone is a major
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    • 399 3 CORK TIPPED better km&W^^ quality T^^^A kich r fine 4 Fisw Virginia J^ tobacco %J^^ r^^flP^J A valuable -us£LTs ftl<fT restorative m i BOWEL X3W^ DISORDERS J>*^-~ Experience has proved the value of Angier's Emulsion m the treatment of disorders of the bowels It has definite restorative and strengthening effects
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  • 1093 4 IAJHY ARE 4* WHY DO A WHY GIVE A JIVIIIO fl CINEMAS BETTING RE- |J MANY CURVES HINS.STON W SULTS ON XH, ON OUR ROADS INTERVALS RADIO QUIZ WHEN William Wain- vvright was charged with the murder of his wife, he defended his action on the
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  • 197 4 nui mri>* v Tribune Staff Reporter |{l ILDfcKS have already got busy on the new $500,000 Gan Eng Seng School on a five-acre site m Anson Road. Mr. D. Cuthbertson, Government An hi tect, said yesterday that the buildi.ig should be ready next year
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  • 65 4 Ifuslimi m PerlU have decided to "strongly oppose" the introduction of Stattlotteries. They say Btate lotteries contrary to the teaclilnga of [slam jn<i Malay States m the Federation wi!l br> violating Islamic law which they have adopted, if they legalise Statr lotteries. This decision was taken at
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  • 54 4 MALACCA. Sat —A pre'i minary Cubmasters" course started today at Mrs. Tan Chay Van's Camp m Pan*el Kundor. Oubmasters througnout Malacca settlement and Northern Johore attended the course. O. E. Fernandez AkeU, leader, Federation of Malaya, and L. V. de Souza, Roy Scouts Assistant State Commissioner, Negri
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  • 34 4 An old lighterman. Le. Chew Fob was yesterday bound over m r\ sum of ?2")0 m two sureties for possessing five chees of opium dross. bySecond District .Judge Mr. Tan Ah Tab
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  • 25 4 MALACCA. Sat. The monthly meeting of *;hc Malacca Municipal Commissioners will be held on Wednesday. April 26. at the Municipal office at 10 a.m.
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  • 30 4 A 26-year-old Javanese, Gimo, was ><.sterday sent to gaol for six months for stealing a bicycle from a friend, on April 3 at 13 2 milestone Sembawang Road,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 270 4 Speedbird services I "*tl^^^^ cut travelling time \&i.jl i M'to a six continents Regulai Speedbird srrvicAi to fifty-one countriei on all six continenti lave you hourti days, lometimei even weeki of valuable travelling time. By without delay, iwiftly and m comfort, <>n one ti(k<-t .ill the \\a\. Complimentary meab n<>
      270 words
    • 173 4 m sickness... jf During and :iftrr an ilinev; the rich m l/^r^*! body-bulldlnc rtementi m Scott s < M'ZiZfß Emulsion restore health and strength I m record time. /fe^^S.W And when you arc HI Scott's EruWon --^W' keeps you well— fnrei you vigorous A^j>* strength and help.s you to enjoy
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  • 166 5 AND FIGHTS BANDITS FOR EXCITEMENT Tribune Staff Reporter QXK hundred and forty-four Gurkhas many of wlium fought the Japanese in Burma, and the (MTiuans in Italy and the African deserts are to* &a\ playing vital role in the mmfitf of Singapore. These
    166 words
  • Article, Illustration
    88 5 THE Cmmnq twins. Lulbaha dur and Mherbahmdmr, of th* Singapore PoHct Force, have never b**'n sepmuttd even m W&r, They joined the Army on the MUM dnii, fougki m the name battles, were "demob bed" ON the sunn dan, joined the Sinyapore Pol we Force on the xume
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  • 182 5 15 S'PORE WOMEN WAIT FOR UNIFORMS Tribune Staff Reporter Singapore s 15 VOiunieei women -oldie r.-< nave got tluur .-nappy SA 1 juns^lo green uiuformfl > t. because they have not nfllcially betn attested, and it Ifl an oi'i'.noo for civilians to buy Jungle tj'ec:\ ciot!< Lt Col. R.
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  • 111 5 For the Qurfcha, ti^htin^ the bandit la a bit of excitement and (hang.- from the routine duties ttt A him v.Mi.i i" Sm" iDore. Saiii veteran Sulxnlar HarkaJUOg Limliu "vVe don't hki- Killing anybody, but unfortunately the bandits have got to be killed lor they aie a g
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  • 207 5 TWO WELFARE JOBS Tribune Staff Reporter THE Singaporf Municipality has been flooded with applications for two jobs one for an Assistant Lady Welfare Officer and ihe other for an Assistant Secretary (Welfare). Municipal Secretary Mr. T. M. Stevens said yesterday, that the response to the advertisement m
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  • 66 5 During their training course which includes elements* y i.s special emphaaii ii placed on street and not di ill. One of tne duties they perform while m Singapore is to help the local Mata-mata during large-scale security checks?. Soon their datk blue berets will be replaced by their
    66 words
  • 137 5 'PUT THE TAXI SIGN UP' PLEA JOHORE women have a coaplalnt to mt/ce. They want Johoro taxis to be markei like those m Singapore so that they wil! not be mistaken for private cars. Bak! a school teaclier: '1 have hailed many a private car unknowingly. It has so
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  • 13 5 AritT applies the finish m? touches to a model
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  • 128 5 The appointment will bo ror a period cf throe years m the t:i ;t instance subject to a probationary period of r ix months. The commencing salary v\ ill (»< pend on age, qualifications anci experience. >cnowledge of colloquial Ma'oy la essential and lluency m Tamil will have
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  • 242 5 A YOUNG MALAY FATHRK. with a Hg family and ;i small pay picket, is trying to m. t hi* children's Bcho >l few and cost of book* by nriling mod i. Of Mi■• i > i" >• ."H ni< 1 Ho is
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  • 60 5 MALACCA. Sat. Bicycle owners residing within the Municipal limits m Malacca are informed that they m *t fii ci thoi. ma chines or renew their old licences by Apr. 30. Those m poasesaion of an unregistered bicve'e after th s date will be liable to prosecution.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 201 5 kitk SIX-20 brownip '^m camera Wmm You'll find it easy to take really good snaps V%W \B with i>nc of the Six-20 'Brownie' cameras, they have s<> many special features designed to help you. No need to adjust !en> M shutter— they're ready set for you for all normal snaps
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    • 203 5 Sinsapori- lo Leylon- wßHWtsET^^^^ *H^ tL no snutking all tin* way. That's why, at touch down, fwf/f>fflr a capstan seems well worth waiting for: belter, if possible, ilt.trt MX 1 stuuiLl knuw, l'\r hern >moking Vm tor veais. A .at < 1 ti»«- oali dgan i««- Im m you CAtl't
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  • 2179 6  - This BANGKOK Vera Ardmore By who has been on a flying visit to the Venice oi the East asnd is no* BACK IN SINGAPORE DANGKOK .spvawling city of miles. Gigantic beeUei of ferocious enerery. TVmplrs of exquisite workman ship, with curvacious tops sporting tantalising titles and ending m frolicsome arches.
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  • 86 6 - A FEMININE visitor to Bangkok blushed ac lunch with the iiritish Ambassador and Lady Thompson. Shr was chattering away when shr found that not only was she th? only person eating dessert, but that she had never before oaten ■\n uncut mango and had lor gotten about-
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  • 264 6 BORN a)td educated m lin»ffkok, the Con-sul-Ccnvrul for Thailand. Luang Ratanadib has betn tirenty-&wen year* m the Ministry of FortUjn affairs. Dutmy the \rar he MMM Hi the Tokio bombint/, and there is MM thtnii tiiot hmmng liatanadib is quitr certain about, it it that h* dix
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 261 6 SECOND ftNN3 VERSARY CELEBRATIONS "GAY NINETIES" •< V NIGHT- VV SATURDAY 29th APRIL PERSONAL ATKABANCB AND SONGS BY MARGO LEE Famous Film Star On World Tour!! NpsurfM by Harry Piu, Tenot mm 4 ffyfois Qmreh Soprano Sketch bu member* of Bingapon Repertory: John F(rrb'-x Hem pill, Phil Cnard. Barbara Knot
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    • 155 6 mr^^^r SINGAPORE A>^,C- TO SAIGON Connections for all I parts of Indo-Chin.. w Arrivals from Saigon Thirtdayt 3.50 p.a. v Departures for Sai^oi V, \^s\ Fridays 7.30 AIR FRANCE BOOKINC OFFICE CEHERAI AGENTS Gfoyml Ft£* Ci dM v Mrsnagone* Maritime* Union Building mm \yV-^ \',"»r eve- t O VVj ii>
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  • 2052 7 LONDON, Sat. MANY ex-Malayans and Malayans on leave m thi.-s country ar« holding for *!i about pgeaeat day conditions m your troubled land. Th- Intentions arc admirable. I think most ri tli^ni aro v- spire, 1 by the hope that their efforts will help compel I Government to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 171 7 The MfMlinillv \pprovpd TREATMENT y uV Uvei Trouble -i-i*. Strk Headarl f lil <•• 1,,. ili*> idrni lonii laxative, im, p, mJrif* lh« blood and .n>- t vcirldnm&i tip it,,.,, (hi onsnpss si. k )i. i,. T< j,; •jp.<lioii. -I- ii ion and <■. .cr suni Ur iroiii Bil»- n
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    • 24 7 Established IS 7? Malaya's Leading Jewellers Diamond f>m Mer hante U.V. Silva iAd. (Incorporated In Ceylon) 19/21, High St., Singapore 1, Bishop St. Penang
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    • 584 7 We hay« no nn-^n mi: aft^ I|p*7SSSSSSS a 1H about tin- tirilliuut JL^^ IV" »ivrn it a t hornu;; li tc»t. and for performance, licuuty til' tone .hi! cum- nt tuning >au t-utLuMasln ally sdy thai it uphold* the tint* truditiou* ot ttl tli^tin^ui-ln d tunuly. FEATURES ■ir Exirlltnt nil
      584 words

  • THE BOOK that has set everyone talking
      • 438 8 P RE-OCCUPIED with our own cold war problems it is only natural that we should find hard to be interested m those of other Pf°Pl%£*^£ when they are m parts so remote as the Balkans But* a wise man is one who looks behind as Wdl rrom^hTßlackSea to
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      • 99 8 A WORD of three syllables is being whispered m A high places. It is only mentioned obliquely, and then with protestations that of course there b r,o renl intention to interfere with the freedom of the Preps, or with freedom of speech and thought But nevertheless the word is
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    • 2199 8  - Kommel ...after the MURDER DESMOND YOUNG By By order of Hitler, two generals. Burgdorf and Maisel, called on Rommel at his home iri Herrlingen on Oct. 14, 1944. They told him he was suspected of being a party to the attempt to murder Hitler on July 20. They gave him
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    • 74 8 Burgdorf was killed m the last days fighting m Berlin. Maisel is still alive m the American 7one. To a German denazification court, before which he appeared m Frankfurt two years ago, Maisel gave his vrrsion of the last minutes of Rommel's life. He said that the car
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    • 179 8 A MERICA 'S ANCESTORS NEW YORK. THE first Americans ground wiM eeeds, ate shellfish and lived 40.000 yean ago. according to Doctor George F. Carter. Professor of Geography at the John Hopkins University. In a preliminary report to the Geographical Review, covering 18 years of research, Doctor Carter explains that
      Reuter  -  179 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 68 8 Late Again? It'ft time to let us check your watch or clock. All genuine SwiriH sparo partit available. Export and prompt attention. Moderate charges. (Branch at Rayitl A T <n v v Air Station, Si inbuicaufj Phone ***** PHIM LOCK Watchmakers 95, North Bridge Road. > ROYAL PORTABLE .qic marginHHHP^
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    • 49 8 NEXT SUNDAY Rommel's First Meeting With Hitler Modern COLUMBUS! M Fly KLM and discover America m 2V-; days. 2 Luxurious four engined Constellations leave W Singapore 3 tiiries a week for the U.S.A. jh For futtnor jpr\ particulars apply- l Finlayaoa GrMMi &b** Sin L't ;>' r<> A^ royai dutch
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  • 248 9 Nice Juicy Phrases EIGHTEEN rnontha a^o. en land's Minister of Agriculture, .lames Matthew Dillon, came to town, he Mid \V. shall drown you with week he took ,t up again whcie he'd left off: "1 .-uppose this time you'll expect me to say that I'm to bury you with bacon.
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  • 28 9 (Snail Destroyci > obtainable at Littles, Daisy Mower Shop. Coronation Flower Bhop, Coopcrativo Stores, Di ha Flower Shop-Katong-, ji direct trout The Qt m Nursery. Ph. 754>.
    28 words
  • 27 9 I»:imii\ Kavr. >) f 1 »<■>>■) leading thr shipboard roporti-rs a dance and signing auto^rjphs, fi.iind linif t<» w flromr Xi Harrison l».i< k fur cocktails).
    27 words
  • 628 9 AT M. 110— KAYE IT took B blue pass from the Cunaul Pi oss ofiicc m the Maritime Buildings to board Urn v <( Elisabeth Immediately she docked at South ampton last work. But apait fiom reporters, quite numbei of people had legitimate business across that ftrst gangway. The press
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  • 247 9 IN Tinsley Green, on the Surrey-Supsex border beside CJatwick Airport, it Is not politic to call marbles a game for children. Nevertheless, wlnn they staged the British Ifarblea Championships there last year they had to borrow a bag of maibles (real clay ones,) from a schoolboy. Last week
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  • 99 9 Quite Contented LONDON Couturiers wore smiling last week over an Mho of the French President's State visit to London. It appeared that Mmc. Vin-rt-nt Aurioi. who wanted to do some shopping visited a few Ivondon salons. One of them. ;m elegant establishment, boasted to her that they dressed Mnie. Rene
    99 words
  • 277 9 ANNE Bhilcock, who is a pretty, fair-haired 17-year-old from Chichester, found herself m the public eye last week and the eye was lifting an eye-brow. What it saw. In several evening and daily newspapers, was a girl tennis player m the act of serving,
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  • 401 9 LAST week a Sunday newspaper rang up Hurry Doherty and Bill Bnderaby at l.etchworth, wheie they make furniture by hand, and asked them "Have you lonjr white beards?" Doherty, who is a slim, wiry, dark-haired Irish firebrand, and Endo;>by. ;i large, greying 44-yeai-old, apologetically
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 117 9 V/hen time means money SAVE BOTH on ftkiln ESTATE and ■H BUILDING Hltl materials The essential element m good estate management and building construction is speed m many business activities. but above all m getting supplies from n li ible traders with comprehensive stocks. i hold large and ready stocks
      117 words
    • 150 9 (jiticur* a§ Th« SMdkiiul and toilet pr"pttttt In Cotlcura Soap not oaly cleanso th« •kin tborouphiy. but help it to ret&ia Its braoty and its natural moisture, m •*i'y dried oat m not dimttM. For Flawless MALAYAN AIRWAYS J I rJESSELTON^ J^\\SJ^T \(\AB U A N^ (SAIGON J KUCHING 1
      150 words
    • 55 9 rOR HEALTH ENJOYMENT TRY OUR SNOWHITE* CANDIPOP POPCORN AND ALSO OUR FINEST QUALITY OF JAVA PRAWN CRACKERS PIONEER POPCORN ENTERPRISE 15, Telok Ayer Street. Singapore. Tel. *****. JRide on one of these popular bicycles T Raleigh Hercules B.S.A. Phillips Cash oi Easy-payment Terms Tfs\ KIAN HONG 6c CO \^]Jl 72
      55 words

    • 1088 10  - SINGAPORE JOTTINGS Joan Baldwinson by ACCORDING to tjio big fashion hou.;os. trie accent this season is on accessories. This is "me field which la sadly neflectftd m Singapore and it is the cunning, imaginative ace;:sory that pulls the miflt together and gives It point and finish. Evening veils of fine
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    • 5 10
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    • 511 10 EVERY woman knows thai the easies* way to kc supple and physically fit is t>y exercise. To really enjoy Ule, good health is necessary, and by conserving physical strength, mental nealth is Invigorated. The woman who values her well-beinj must remember the three main points Fresh Air. Exercise
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 905 10 Always Try Season Co., Ltd. Before You Buy A Guitar 115 NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. I'HONE 7180 Honors Test "Palmolive Ileauty Plan" 1 —PROVE 2 WOMEN OUT OF 3 CAN HAVE LOVELIER SKIN— IN 14 DAYS! "v .a'es and types of skin. Ihey report a B BS^o <l' )niitc noticeable improvement
      905 words
    • 366 10 s* m m >Moyi£ ~&eremoniel m RiDUCT/ON M FAR£Q |g ,;o| I [o u-v i 14-Oay Bangkok-Return Excursion* 7^ b«tw««n March 14 and May 14 »r* I \f"* •••«!bl» for 20% far* reduction \\\r Pr^7 flyi 9 fey CPA! Fl; 9 hts v r r ~r/ n i\ /f j
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 570 10 SHARPE enter into financial auree- sort of week anting which AQVARII T S ments. they will h able to make proja\. 21 FEB. 18. GEMINI. gram with play. A stroke of luck will sur- .1/AV 21 JUNE 20. LIBRA. prim you this week: somt You will feel encrnetic and SEPT.
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  • 116 11 CTD CHABISSE, l».\»l> H«ll>w<MKl b.ilH-rma, fi-t- a rliiimv to pn>\ •> h<-r ilr.tiii.ii if skill m hrr lorthromiMK H<il> (ilMt)l .Hiyer pirtun- Kjst side. Wcsl directed b\ Mc)r\yn LcRo\ and produced I' oldemar Yrtluguin. The ast m this dm niatir lo\r st.»r> is i: nl. 1 |»>
    116 words
  • 310 11  -  ALAN CURTIS says CAIRO. Sat HOLLYWOOD actor Alai Curtis wants E^yjimorie>inakcrs n take hott-i advantage or what he term." "iilrai liim maLtlnK opportui-^ Cvi tla h...- been In Cktro ♦o. erenU monUu look.p,^ m to the loca 1 film industn with the idea ho
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  • 769 11  - MOVIETOWN SETS THE PACE HENRY GRIS By Leading the way, as they often have m the past, fil stars are putting m their orders for helicopters and predicting a new type of Air Age. HOLLYWOOD, Sat. JjOLLYW.OOD prides itself with always being ahead of others. Thus, one is told, that
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  • 92 11 THE HELICOPTER CrftSe Is about to take Hollywood by storm, long befonthe hovering plants have been accepted as a means ol short distance aerial transportation by ajiy other American community. Dut once more first. Holly wood will do Its usual bit m introduction a n^w thing, at least
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  • 191 11 FANS ASK A WK WARD QUESTIONS HOLLYWOOD. Sat. RIRBY GRANT is convinced that an actor's fan rrmil follows the same pattern a^ the roks he plays. For examp,*-: «'irant n«' been leceiving scores of letters asking h.m atXMtt lite i* the Canadian north country And Grant has never been m
    191 words
  • 60 11 HOLLYWOOD. Sat Joe c. brown, the American Btkse and screen comedian, left thus week for Australia to star m the play "Hanney" foi six months. Brown has been appearing m "Haivey" on the stage foi four years, m the United States and London. In Australia he will also be
    60 words
  • 359 11 THE BIG WHEEL.* now showing m Singapore, brings 1 together again Mickey Rooney. who has the starring role, and Spring Byington. who plays his mother. Film fans. With a k< en mi mory for such things, may recall the last time th' 1 pair emoted
    359 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 157 11 m Pcrfemie jta the loveliest thing about you m& /H"^ ir sunt r difference betAveen lookintf your JPi?*,§t \^m best" and being beautiful. As wonderful a^ l^S« that, the difference fine perfume makrs. Goya's BMH jSF k>\r]\ j<rfumes create this miracle for \i>u l^fißl tbeir lilting fragrances lend enchantment to
      157 words
    • 297 11 r v X and so easy to do at home Have soft, smooth wave that look w< rW bt t-cllinp home perm. so natural from the very fint da| Toni i> Lin.l to hair and deep graceful th m j^ last unul you trim then: v includmp a Tom looks
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  • 830 12 SBBC SHOULD ISSUE RANKINGS E-i-2338 9 Turmoil m American Boxing Professional Boxers' Association An eye-opener m negotiations RANKING lists are ladders to be climbed. They provide young boxers with an Incentive to tackle and, it possible. defeat those above them m the ranking Therefore, may I draw the attention of
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  • 557 12 BADMINTON CLUBS ARE NOT DOING THEIR PAR T Shiil i I v II 4t 1 1 liiii d By Our Own Correspondent The response to the Singapore Badminton Hall Fund from those lor whom it is meant has been a lit tlo disappointing. In this couched term. Mr. Lim Chuan
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  • 93 12 FIRST OFFICIAL WORLD BRIDCE CHAMPIONSHIP Ihe iirsi eflicial contest to decide tlie world championship at contract bridge will b- held this autumn. All arrangements have been made by the chairman of the British Bridge League. Sir Nobel Mobbs. who has just returned to Britain from Bermuda where this int?rnatioml competition
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 288 12 What do you know about ENO DO YOU KNOW that ENO is cooling and refreshing, an unr^Hp^fTS! Availed health dunk for young l^fe^l and old ■FV^M DO YOU KNOW gj I^^] that ENO has a J g?m\' gentle laxative action (If v 4 'JvSvVflW y n^ s a P er^
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    • 2 12 Capp Cr^
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 226 12 A f .'IITJ? 1 T^T \2^l r~ supe it is.t^-sligmtlv > m fact- ah refqozes to be > JSf^t^fc V A^S-J VT^Kt^ RKTOUCHEO, CF COURSE!. Wr/ AM A GAL. £T-ah B^n a E»ov NEARLY y F-r,-Y JWIT rrTi^ V^V\ v O l -J SEEL HOACOV GETS ////A DON'T- ALL MAH
      226 words

  • 1569 13  - COLONY CRICKET SHOWS LACK OF BIG MATCH TEMPERAMENT LINESMAN BATSMEN OUT AS THEY GO TO THE WiCKET by AT the end of three weeks ol tournament cricket rh» Sin i m Recn Club, last year's champions are still at the top with 27 points from a possible 30 They are
    1,569 words
  • 544 13 Hailing 116. Tan Buck Chuan. V.M.C.A. v R.A.F. <S> "A". 109, Copley. R.A.F. <C> v Indians. 07. Potts. S.C.C. v S.C.R.C 83. Durai. R. of V. v R.A F (T). 76. Y. Madari. Indians v R.A F. fC). 71* S. Kamal. T.P.C.A. v fostala <k.l>. 60. H. Reid.
    544 words
  • 524 13  -  EVER sco a golfei finish his swing m the position shown? This finish is about as bad as it could he and yet its seen often m high handicap golfers. For the benefit of the too many lot's discuss it. Tho pei pendicular dottc d IiBC show-:
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 97 13 Mm i T*Af P6S WALLER A HARTLFY LTD. IO» Oai^7i "M,Ud y Toffee WorV, 1 ]JMS Q«* SIIIPORE>^C I -J l? New, Jr. f%^"^ scientific m ir treatment Tear* of work by eminent «cientMt« led to th#» ducovrry of Tineafax HannleM and non-imtating to the skin, clean and free from
      97 words
    • 204 13 cold .stoiiac;i-: IliilL% II IS XOW «\B.V SELF RAISING FLOUR 75 cts. a 2 Ih bag BRF:ad BUNS 1 ctfl each COLD STORAGE rB A X E R V SINGAPORE ONLY 'BLACK&WHITE' SCOTCH WHISKY FSFASFAS B&MIwmEU mm Emm VVO until she learnt the secret or extra energy TOR GOODNESS' SAKEjB
      204 words

  • 969 14 BRILLIANT COALKEEPINC IN FIRST MALAYA CUP TIE HERE Singapore was made to fight every inch of their way to B three-nil victory over the Royal Air Force m the first Malaya Cup match m the Southern Section played at Jalan Sesir Stadium yesterday. About 8.000 soccer
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  • 188 14 The Royal Singapore Yacht Club held a Regatta and "At Home at Tanj< Qg I'agar yesterday, to bid fareweU to Sir Patrick and Lady McKerron. Sir Patrick, who has been the Commodore for Xhv past three yca!>\ said that (he Yacht club
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  • 86 14 Y. M. C. A. SWIM GALA MINNEAPOLIS. Sat.— Two records were broken today as the two-day National YMCA swimming meet got underway at Cooke Hall on the University of Minnesota campus. Dave Anderson, of Minneapolis, cracked the 1,500 meter free style mark m winning that i vent m 20.24.4. Gerald
    86 words
  • 304 14 Penang Gets Over First Cup Hurdle ALOR STAR Sat.—Penang beat Kedah here before a large crowd by two clear goals m their Malaya Cup fixture today. Even exchanges characterised the first 15 minutes of the match. Penan*; improved and made several impressive attacks resulting m a goal m the 20th
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 351 14 w f\\ rA 21 &cc Jha JitJtohical Svent 5™A MAY r C\Vv J "B^SimC SS %«AM S SPCCIAL LtAVING SINt«POH{ j/sis \Vj I s* MAY m 1230 HRS 4th MAY c 1?30 HRS f BANGKOK S2BO RETURN Ai i onunmlatton (H<lvi«nce book'n^s only) BANCSUf PALACt M£SS. (Courtesy of Bmathens S
      351 words
    • 74 14 Glowing with health Yes, both of them are. She has taken the strain of motherhood successfully and he is really a "bouncing boy" because they have both been taking SevenSeaS for quite a lons time now. Cod Liver Oil, and SevenSeaS is Cod Liver Oil at its freshest and purest,
      74 words
    • 277 14 WHICHAAILMENTS DO YOU SUFFER Your doctor will tell you that often these are warning signs of MINERAL VITAMIN DEFICIENCY "—warnings that you're not getting enough Minerals and Vitamins which Nature demands you Co have. The cooked-out foods you eat aren't giving you enough for your needs. Heed these warnings and
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  • 2138 15 BARODA PRINCE WINS EASILY TO CAUSE A BIG UPSET X.L RACES RUN IN INTERMITTEN-T RAN By ALBERT SPENCER The Man with '»,O(X> Winners. {^l ALA LUMPUR, Saturday. Punters had a bad day when the Bekafor Turf Club three-day April leettng began today m intermittent rnia, iddlug lo the difficult s^rooßd
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  • 392 15  -  ARCHIE QUICK. Bj nrmcii sport or pastime has the greatest following InGreal Britain? It is hard to assess, but cyclic must be m the tirst halt -dozen. It is difficult. therefore, to und< rstand why tlu- National CycUsts' Union has r r national
    392 words
  • 48 15 lOTALPOOL: HBMOO. '^i'st, No. ->G7IVO. Second, No. 1389 i:. 'ihird, No. *****2. Sorters: Nos. *****0, *****9. *****1 *****7, BSBBO6, 488T00, *****3, L *****. Consolation Prizes: Nos. *****^ *****H *****1, *****5, -*****, S^m »»>..,., *****4, *****4. Double Totes: First $270 Hsfik (5 tteMs). SCCOMI $714 tKH-h tickets).
    48 words
  • 268 15 N. B.A. TO DISCUSS WORLD TITLE FIGHTS WASHINGTON. Saturday. The Executive Committee of the National Boxing Association of the United States is expected to make important decisions regarding proposed world flyweight and bantamweight title fights, when it meets here today me agenda includes the world flyweight title fight between Terry
    Reuter  -  268 words
  • 95 15 ARCHERY MATCH BY MAIL The Singapore Archery Club have issued a challenge to the South Australia Club, and will hold a competition by post m May. Mr. Tony Beamlatl, Singapore archery enthusiast, said yesterday. "Later, we hope to play the All-Australia side." This afternoon at the Singapore Archery Club's ground
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  • 53 15 COLUMBUS. Sat.— Sugar Ray Robinson, world welterweight boxing champion, knocked out Cliff Beckett of Sunbury, Canada m 45 seconds ,of the third round of a scheduled ten-round non-title bout last night. The knockout came m a flurry of lefts and a savage everhand right. Robinson weighed 155-lbs..
    A.P.  -  53 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 101 15 ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON'S FAMOUS SWASHBUCKLER! ES X* "SUT ij^ytfEXT CHflWfiE WJk^T^/M vff IMr JIB J <^* HERE'S THAT MAN ACIAIN! DANNY ECAYE'S THE NAME. OPENS TODAY RAMljig l(f^l!S •UUn OiIUVYd HAIR CONDITIONED iJtf 2 4.15 8.30 9.30 p.m. Phono r»9(r, Samuel Goldwyn presenta Danny KAYE Virginia MAYO Boris KARL.OFF m
      101 words
    • 42 15 Morning Show Today 11 a.m. "BOSS OF HANGTOWN MESA" and "PHANTOM CREEPS" Today Daily 3 Shows! at .5.15— 6.30— 9.15 p.m. Latest BQYPTIAN sensation! LEBNANI FIL GAMAA" or "VARSITY RAG 1 with English Subtitles! starring Miss SABAH '^^H^9 Ilk if S ißw^xSl
      42 words
    • 390 15 C A Til 111 A¥ MILBS ABC v- jna^O^^ AMYTHIN6 EbSE THE IVIOTtCN P3CTURK cf YESTER-AY, TODAY TMtOFM^ |-^rf*P t -,t ijr^afcsl of them oil? Adventure 111 Rornarce 1 Spectacle I Unforgettable ■Ja^H' m WIbL enteric inmenl •I s M^fe M V shows A Wll I ONLY 11a.m. 3.30 p.m.
      390 words
    • 31 15 PMO« NOW SHOWING 11-1.45-4-6.30-9.30 DARRYI f fIWUCR tllA KA2AN Today's 9 a.m. Matin.-. "LADY IN ERMINE" m Technicolor TODAY DAILY 10-1.45-5.30-9.15 A Umvtrial Serial >tnjation BUSTER CRABBE Flash CORDON WHOLE SERIAL
      31 words

    • 135 16 LED BY ENGLISH FIRST DIVISION MAN t Tribune Staff Reporter JHK troopship Orbit a which put into port yesterday brought the Hongkong Army soccer teimi which i* to play a series of matches here and m the Federation. A notable absentee was the skipper and centre half. Tennucci, who sustained
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    • 88 16 Solomons Ask BBBC To Suspend Ortiz LONDON, Sat. Promoter Jack Solomons has asked the British lloving; lloani of Control to suspend .Manuel Ortiz of El Centre. California, world bantamweight champion. Solomons said he had laid before the Board and Abe (Ireen. Chairman of the National Boxing Association or America, all
      A.P.  -  88 words
    • 208 16 COLONY CAR RALLY ON SUNDA Y The Una Chu Kang half print and dying qisarti m:., held oti April 9. whicn wu interrupted by a I ir »f electrical communicatiotuj an i timing apparatus being struck by lightning, ki to be witinued on Sunday April 30. Times recorded will Italia,
      208 words
    • 107 16 The tram wore net by Lt. Col g. E Bayliaa, o.b.e M.C.. chan man of the Singapore District F.A., deputising foi Brigadier H. F. s. Km<j President of the farklf Army X.A and Captain H W Basford, of the raoc secretary of the FARELF A.F. A The tPam
      107 words
    • 78 16 UNION CHIEF REJECTS BACK TO WORK OFFER LONDON. Sat -A leadin Union Offlcia] today turned down a back to work otter from striking dockworkers The strikers, m an unofficial meeting, voted almost unanimously to return v work if the Tranport and General Workers Union would poll all dockhands on whether
      A.P.  -  78 words
    • 19 16 (iurkhas coming down the g nn^way of the Orhita \vh*eii brought them from llon^kon^, JWStefday.
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    • 315 16 LONDON Bat. Followiaf UTC football resu t.^ r.x,l,l>M LI IGITI KIMMT 1)1 <»> Aston nid -i. Hoi'o.i 'j. bla> kpool 0, Clie.«-'a baraton B:ruuoi(hain 0. fcv.rtun l. Burnley 1. v ham (i, West uroiuwich 1 Hudderstteid 'i, tfunderUnd l. Manchester C. J. t^erby z. Newcastle SI. Ifanche*ter
      315 words
    • 263 16 motor iv« JpHORE BAHRU, Saturday. JfIOTOR fitter Mohamed Ali bin Omar was m the witness box for the whole day today, when a n a 7t! C v D 7 mrtn ent storekeeper, Sami Iver SeenapMv m« S Pharged m the Sessi °n« Court with
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    • 26 16 KUALA LUMPUR, Bat. Th« Polo club a holdin;,' louma meni tor the R«langor Cup on Apn: and 30 at 5.15 n„, eack diy.
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    • 341 16 R. A. F. Boxing At Changi If AXING up with enthusiasm for what they lacked m science, the Far East Air Force men Dut ud a satisfying pugulistic show last nieht at their area and individual boxine championship held at Changi. There were enoueh Knock-outs to satisfy the most avid
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    • 113 16 BOMBS DISTURB ELIZABETH'S LUNCH VALETTA. Malta. Sat. -The crash of practice bombs mm :i swarm of US Navy planes today caused Princess Elizabeth to drop a spoonful of her desert while she was lunchinp J-ith Earl and Countess Mountbattrn here today Th? American pUofcß appa- renUy dirt not know *hat
      U.P.  -  113 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 240 16 YOU MUST fill fc) SALES RECORDS SHOW ITS POPULARITY IS/ INCREASING 1 y JP Nf i IB WBk.* c ps n vu/ v BliTprov.-n LEADER ol all *>*T S popular sweetmeats. ro»* v .s 2^ machine with fin- aXC Htt ull-thc-yoar-prolit nuik::i-, i 3*».i "T' BB potential. Bik Troiits 41
      240 words
    • 351 16 Skxndex VISIBLE CARD SYSTEfTI MPV IW//A *&ifai Conoid o$ a££ COMPANY 14 D, CHililA STffltr StNGAFOHI TU 6970 WWWWVWWWVUVWWM Western Electric Hearing Aids The Aid which you can depend on. b'm di monatration. Western Electric Company of Asia 138, Robinson Road. Singapore. Phone: proved \£i\e**Z' family 3 remedy- r I
      351 words
    • 179 16 (the tooth brush, YOU CAN TRUST j Tek TOOTHBRUSHES FIRM WITH TEETH -HIND TO GUMS. Tek JUNIOR I I n« Linen" I ciJSIIS Hum IS it] m I k. H^lio Blu# D. liv.ry 4 w«>pk« Po.«' H<.v roMf End Rheumatism While You Sleep If jrofl tuffirt harp •at.tunf patm. Jf
      179 words