Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 16 April 1950

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 19 1 SUNDAY TRIBUNE Published sinnut'iiif <ni.SK, Sin (jttport\ ;.•«//•</ J //>-/// P,)W)Uf. SIXTEEN r AGEs SINGAI'OKK, SI NDAV, APRIL 950 TEN" CENTS.
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  • 293 1 bank-book quiz for ever y man who is suspect' Tribune Shiff Reporter new Ami- Corruption OicJ.iu.ikc with teeth to clamp not only on the bank accounts of Government officials, but also on those of members of the public believed to be implicated in graft, is now
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  • 79 1 Thousands Flee From The Huks MANILA. Sat. More than hali-a rn:!!:on men, women and childrca have tlui their ixonu.s because of th< iij;ntins; •rttti the Huka, Madame Aacuactoa Peres, Bodal vnvitnn Conunlf kwer, i«'pott<.«i to Prealdent Quiriao tooay. N'nit Pel K, directiaf operations foi relief, >aui tJiat twenty provinces aad
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 122 1 JRE v m mum m! .1 med th.u there is no constitutional oMi brewing m Selantfor as report* «i in a ■ec'J"" thi Malayan „r. u; r i hi 1 Kluna th( tr > i i°i ed to polni to <v. j,,, 14 >• been
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  • 73 1 ng Jin, w.'iikii'iun Singapore lawyer and >;><■»• man. has joined the Board ol Directors ol the Ma i rribum E > ress Ltd. Mr V, who !0.,k his law degree a John's College Cambridge won the McMahwn Lav. Siiiolar.ship. and v. is captain ol the Caml ninton team.
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  • 26 1 MADR Tin- bMttU sa^»' itied last night at lm bl in Tinn.inuaiii.iiiji Mi- \s.i~ Bevcnty-odc uii.i ii.i.i men -^r )m-< i r_;iit ■im. a.i
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  • 36 1 TOtilO, gat MftIMMU *n implementing a Far Kan Annrtcm'i economic and nuliti r y po:icich in Asia v wi!l be rt:.«euMed at next week >: conf.--rence of Fai East experts liere.- -A. P.
    A.P.  -  36 words
  • 119 1 HONG ,11 tilhClL *l> n ultimatum a and bantu on April u which nighi r* stilt in tin shul down o! a 'l forel business -s In u»r <"iU bj ad of April. T! itum abolli Hi' 1 English language in bu itiona and
    A.P.  -  119 words
  • 152 1 (On Three Conditions) LOBATSI, BECHUANALAND, Saturday CERETSF: Khama, 28-year-old exiled Chief Detttgnate of the Bamangrwato tribe, today rereivrd permission to visit his white wife in the tnbil capital of Serowe for five days and on conditions. BtrttMl wiff, L'.i-yi ai -ol« former London typist,
    Reuter  -  152 words
  • 87 1 TWO LIBERAL PEERS SWITCH TO THE TORIES LONDON. Sat. -The Marquis if Reading and Lord Rennet leading Liberals in tin- House of Lords caus- cl u political sensation to n»ght by switching their allegiance io the conservatiws. Thej said that botli Conservatives and Liberals had declared their opposition to Socialism,
    UP  -  87 words
  • 31 1 For a change. Police last night found two anti-Red posters stuck to a lamp post in Waterloo Street. The posters, written In Chinese, condemned the activities of Communist*.
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  • 116 1 lAKARTA. Sat unlay. S l lAN Huwngku Buwono. Federal Defence Minister. i,,1,l Putiameni today thai surrender Abdul A* was .m.omiition.,!. nSTthat \,,,tr S i:m tht V re c earlier two officials wlm flow with Aziz from Maras sar had saki that be did not
    UP  -  116 words
  • 81 1 IT'S TIME FOR LOBOUR TO GET READY—Morrison A lorrisoti LOND"N. Sat. The Dr puty Prime Minister, Mi Heroert Morrison .said in an address toaay that it li time for the Labour Party t<> pivparo for tin- n »x1 general elect Inn Ho did not speculate 01 tiio date when it
    A.P.  -  81 words
  • 186 1 Lightni ng Cured His Sciatica Tribune Staff Reporter Thl' Lightning whien struck 1 two of the time-keepers :it the Singapore Motor Hub's soeed trial last Sunday nearly cost one his Hie ;uul gave tne orner a tour-day cure of his sciatica Mr. O. "Danny" Needham. who was using telephone at
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  • 156 1 Have Joined THE TRIBUNE Twu of the world's mo«t famous cartoon r liarart FLASH (iORDON ami SITRRMAN, ha\e join, a th.Malaya iril.un.. You have followed thHr :ui\. niur.s on the Hcreen; now you can tollou thtM lii your newspaper. 0 SUPERMAN Btarts his battle agaimt
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  • 71 1 PYRAMID EXPERT SAYS NEXT WAR IN 1953 LONDON. Sa«. THE next war will b pin in 1053. said Dr. Auam Kutherford. who siudhs the Pyramids. "'Russia will play a biy part in it." he added, "and she will 'be more completely crushed than was (Vrmany. Britain and America wil' come
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  • 269 1 Tribune Staff Reporter A INESE who dresses as a coolie by day and drives at night in a lartshiny American car wearing a well-tailored white sharkskin suit is puzzlin residents near the Marine Signal Station, Pasir Panjang, where for weeks police have been searching for
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  • 56 1 THE GUESTS GOT MIXED UP HC.j „v oU, Sue—Eliza- beth Taylor, young BritiSl: Bereen acti sa wi-.o is bein^ married in May to Nick HUtori, was v/oadcring toUav who w.ll turn up at her wej Tuc ■gencj which issued th«> invitatio-i^ got the list <i £uv. i. mitcd up v.-ith
    A.P.  -  56 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 74 1 CJ^ Death Twofold OF GOOD NEWS TO HARMONICA BANDS! "RAM H'NK" and W D o1)B K .tu tn'ii vMth the PftCMMi "CHEN HSii irrtved J r ;,a ,r il >«««» 051 TTI^OHHE^IiS I! M II I lea M i. 40-holr, 10- .-,m). v,;. ;> 0 i Hulen m M-hole, js-.<-
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    • 28 1 GANTNER OF CALIFORNIA The World's Finest Ladies' Gents' SWiMWEiiR Obtainable a bbAbUN TRADING CO. 57. High Street, filngmporv. i tfeooe BH 1 I $1.35 hPER TIN OF sOs
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  • 352 2 TEMPORARIES MAKE FINAL TR Y FOR PA Y INCREASE 13 -POINT PETITION TO SALARIES COMMITTEE Tribune ktaff Reporter TEMPORARY clerks attached to the Extension Works section of the Municipal Water Department are making a final attempt to have their old salaries uplifted after two of their appeals one to the
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  • 28 2 A cheque for $17.000, the proceeds of the Rotary Club's Movie Ball last December, has been sent to the University Endowment Fund by the club's secretary.
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  • Article, Illustration
    61 2 ITS Sunday, the day people get away from the city and their office desks co have fun and relax on the beaches. Attractive Olive Tay is a hard working Singapore office girl and also a Committee Member of the Kiwi League. She >s pictured above at a recent
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  • 261 2  -  OSWALD HENRY CEA MOVE GETS UNDERWAY By WITHIN a week. 2,500 Singapore fiJm fans have mustered to the support of the Cinematograph Exhibitors' Association in the fight for cheaper seats. Supporting the petition to Government by 34 local cinemas pressing for a reduction in
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  • 316 2 fLAIMING it to be a breach of professional etiquette, a Singapore doctor yesterday, in the First Traffic Court, refused to answer prosecution questions about his patient's capacity for liquor. He was Doctor Joseph Illovsky. and the questions were asked when his patient, Mr. Denis Murphy,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 44 2 msrveuaoos coffUiou '-HEADV IN AM INSTANT.'* ir irk soamn's. its (rot jo K soot Agents: GETZ BROS. CO. S pers INSECTICIDE tumsettoilfystsl 15 CENTS A PACKET. Obtainable at all lending Dispensaries and Stores Sole Agents HONG THYE LTD., 63, Arab Street, S'pore, Phone *****
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    • 97 2 Your grandfather has such bright and rcrfert teeth, my son, because he has always used Gibbs Dentifrice. You know how good it tastes, too, and it costs me so little. /Z'/Z/fc Dentifrice «>• W CUB? ITD LONDON. CNOUUk* AMERICAN ENAMEL KEROSENE STOVES Butterfly Brand Automatic Puni ping Cleanlu Economical Convenient.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 179 2 RADIO MALAYA »Mt CUud* Kw**t*n «>ithe B tra: mas; 1.00 New* in Mandarin BLUE NETWORK inn" A* ht 7" Ri<: W.5« Kollocue; Amoy 1 (antone^e; 1.15 anton m-g'gy-^gifr.k (Re- KM P-m 1-^gr.mme >um- M^VlS^ManJaHn^re mS rr2lnml>. iiiiV'^* H Prc< k"^ Musi<al I'erformaa.* sic; 4.45 Musical Interlude; 5.00 l^ti? Llß i!
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  • 239 3 METHODISTS SAY 'NO' TO LOTTERIES ■WILL ORGANISE PROTEST MEETINGS Tribune Staff Ke|K>rter It^u ill organise protest meetings and launch practical campaigns against lotteries. This is the gist uf a resolution parsed by representatives of the 37 Chapters of the second postwar Malayan Methodist Youth Fellowship Institute, meeting here now. The
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  • 33 3 MALACCA. Sat. The Reside n' Commissioner. Mr. E c Wisdom recently presented awards totalling $1,000 to v veil Anti-Bandii Month volunteers for their part in apprehending two bandit.v
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  • 187 3 Tribune Siaff Reporter QNLY one candidate out of three succeeded in passing tho elementary Malay exam litJd under the auspices of the Incorporated Society of Planters and the general low standard of knowledge of Malay has drawn caustic comment from the examiner. Said the examiner, writing
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  • 141 3 GRANITE REPORT WILL BE OUT IN 3 WEEKS THE MnC9f>ore Government will have an exact idea of the granite resouices of the Colony and its neighbouring islands in about Uuee weeks 1 time from now. Mrs. N.S. Alexander, wife of Professor Alexander of the University of Malaya, is now working
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  • 82 3  -  Wire' By SERVICEMEN and civilians in Singapore have caught on to the craze, started by British forces in Germany, of sending flowers to wives and sweethearts at home by florist Telegraph Delivery Association in Britain, furnish them with the address and pay them the cost of tht
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  • 35 3 I'lC illi Bargain hunters milling around counters during the final hour of the fifteenuay elraranc sa»»> at H innnn's yrstenlay. T 1 showrooms were packed. The two lifts worked overtime.— I .IMIIH
    Tribune  -  35 words
  • 106 3 THE Singapore Malay IVomen's Association has decided to start an Elnglltti class for members next month. The class, conduct .'d three times a week, will be held from 3 p.m. to 4 p m. and a fee of $l per student wttl be charged. This
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  • 257 3 WHEN Othello bestrides the stage of the Victona Theatre this evening in the first performance by the Singapore Repertory of Shakespeare's tragedy, his mane of ferocious black hair will be his own. Last week Mr. John Forbes-Sempill, who is playing the Moor in "Othello,"
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  • Article, Illustration
    88 3 MR. William '•Tex" Munroc. senior partner <>j Allan und Gladhill, Solicitors, pict ur< d with his biiilc, Mma Christine Kobcrtson after then Wo4Mm§ at the Pnsbyti nun. Church yesterday. The bride, who MM forntcrl y ttu air-hostess with 8.0.A.C., i'*orc a gown of cream chiffo n. ami a
    Tribune  -  88 words
  • 153 3 PERCIVAL ON BANDIT WAR Tribune Staff Reporter IPOH, Saturday. MAJOR-GENERAL A. E. Percival, who vva& G.Q.C. in Malaya from 1941 until the fall of Singapore, maintains that the way to beat the bandits is to convince the common people that the British are in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 273 3 FWT STAFF #3/Z/Z#J I m*4»rn In ttyla. ijp«>-h I i« t»»«. nO> in tr«4itien»l I craKi^antHip h««r 'l)M il^^^^ BifB I th-m ouP *^cwroomt toI 4«y. W««r Mpaclally rit« outf\npJE^HJS2 I MINIROYAI m tmazinf Branch: 203. Batu Uoad, K. Lumput. ~~sorT~achinc7 ■lZ'V'- -I BLISTERED FEET Are your feet sore and
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    • 86 3 Turf Mntpovted from London, England CARRERAS ISO YEARS' REFUTATION FOR QUALITY Sadem AERATED WATER CO.. LTD. 404. Geylang Road. Singapore Only Hillman gives so much... i\^Wl O M^The HILLMAA ESTATE lAK This Hillman Minx Estate Car has swinging rear doors and new a spacious interior, on Portable "plus-power" engine. The
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  • 309 4 INDIANS TO FORM BODY-LIKE UMNO, MCA Tribune Staff Reporlor IPOH, Saturday. A NEW Malayan Indian organisation, with similar aims and objects as the United Malay National Organisation and the Malayan Chinese Association, may soon be formed with Kuala Lumpur as its hejul<|uarters. A move is now afoot to seek the
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  • 69 4 AND THEY ALSO LOST THEIR MAHJONG SET JOHORE BAHRU, Sat. Four Chinese foum* gambling ut Sonai VUln^o werp eacn fined $10 in the Magistrates Court today and iost their mahiong' sot. four ehairs, a table, and cash The men were CftUglK w.irn C.LD. Otticers rai«i»«i Rhop ou Apr. U Cash
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  • 41 4 Kfc^ laying i« do Um stio.'g point o* Uu- Singapore flirts' Homed aft Centre. Out of n Doultry block or ■<;• duck-), u u duekltas ari<; .u%<» i wore lai<l during March, tr- in jnui.v :^>< i if Wolf art reprrt.
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  • 58 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Sat. Seven Chinese, whose ages ranged from 20 to 60. were each nned $10 today by Magistrate Che Kadir lor breaching the curfew order on the Johore Straits. Th^ mpn were arrested at 1 a.m. on Apr. 13, while rowing across the Straits In
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  • 39 4 TWO BUSES ATTACKED JOHORE BAHRU. Sat. Bandits jreturday attacked two bniei plying in tn»' Muar district. Tht» bus on the Lengga-Pagoh Road was lilt, but no casualties v.vit rr ported. The other proceeding between Parlt Sulony and Muar escaped.
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  • 303 4 Students In Cairo Plead: 'Help- Us Now' MALAYA HOUSE No. 2 WANTED i Tiibun? Staff Reporter Malay students abroad aiv clamouring for another "Malaya House" like the on?- already established in London. This time the rail comes fran Cairo where about 60 Malay students in the various universities and colleges
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  • 33 4 JOHuHt, kahku, Sartor parking his van near a junction in Jalan Beget m Apr. 13. Tan Kim Hua \A River Valey Road. Singapore was fine(l $7 today by Ma-gisc-ate Che Kadir
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  • 185 4 Will The 'Glamour Pipe' Get S'pore Tribinui Staff K»*port^r StNOAPOME women, usmmOft not I"' Inland itOtUUM in nnitt*i.-> <>j fashion, iin tiiitin logging o» iking t<> /<*/' ii rrazt m thf L'mtitt Kingdom /llflt Xllt<>h~llt<l Tobacco has caused U. K, wo mm t'i v«< il< )i In tfif pip* ,in<t
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  • 90 4 WE WILL BE SEEING PINK BICYCLES THE Singapore and Malayan market has shown a preference for bright colours when buying bicycles, and British manufacturers are now turning them out in pink, sapphire, maroon, silver and gold to meet the demand. A« report on Britain's bicycle export business discloses that New
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  • 84 4 MORE SPACE IS NEEDED AT KALLANG THE terminal uuiidinp at Kallang Airport may £Pt a face-lift in the not too distant future. The Department of civil Aviation has submitted *<> Government v plan for e\ tending the terminal building. With the introduction <>r Qanta.s-BO AC C onstellutions at Kallang, traffic
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  • 245 4 Tr«h»me Stall 1 Reporter |j< M Jil.h. itiA K buses* may never be seeu M Singapore roads. Bus t crnpanies an* not gi\ln*; them much thought, *hile Municipal vehicle authorities feel that double-deckers will not be suit able for the Colony. They prefer
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  • 86 4 SECURITY ON BUKOM, SAMBOE IS TIGHTENED Security measures on Pulo Bukom and Pulo Samboe have been tightened recently to safeguard the valuable oil installations of the Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Company »Eastern* Ltd. Mr. R. E. Hooper, the Manager. said: '"Nobody can get on tht-se islands without a special pass today, nor
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 4 A kstiropeail .seamen, wno was repatriated to Kngiand by the Master Attendant, had his only heavy suit rcck?em» J from a pawnshop by the Department Social Wolfart DKNIS D'COTTA
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  • 199 4 THE first Singaporean to complete his pilgrimage to Rome and gain the Holy Year Indulgence is expected to arrive here early next month. He is Mr. Denis p. D' C'otta. well-known Clony cricketer and athlete, who went, to Rome on his way back from the United
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 207 4 4,vvtfi Shwml 4teti6 Wr»tc ivith a pen that responds to your touch !ike sensitiv- instrument, Uiat brings personality to your handwriting. A Swan that most famous nglish ricn made with the precision of a fine watch, has iui p-rfect scrvam in S*an ink an ink that docs not clot, flows
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    • 109 4 A NAME TO REMEMBER i sole distributors: SIM E, DARBY CAOJE SORE THROATf^^^i quickly eased and ;^Ss fl protected j 7J»k jgf Com'ort and guard your lore tfiTQBI I /^Bfe*^ i^dfl ca> n>{ Pe;v. aniiscpnc brcaihcable üblctt. i^^ 5| D:i*o!\ng in thr mouth, a Pcpa releasn I '^Pflß rich medicinal
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  • 383 5 CALL FOR MORE FIRE STA TIONS RURAL BOARD MOVE TO SAFEGUARD FACTORIES moi. T" 1 111 'Staff Reporter |<'Kk risk in Singapore island will be considerably reduced if (Government carries out a plan to dot th#» rural areas uith lour more fire stations. This suggestion, put up by the Kural
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  • 65 5 The world's oldest long-dis-tance aii route, from Amsterdam to JuKaita opciated by the K.L.M., will be speeded up when their westbound flights drop the overatffht stops. Reduced by utmost j.<> hours, the flight now takes approximately 45 hours. On "the outwaid journey, thet j will
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  • 220 5 Tribune Staff Reporter DY a unanimous vote Municipal Commissioners have chosen 42-year-old Mr. W. I. WattoOn to be the City's chief architect and building surveyor from April next year. Mr. Waison who takes over on the retirement of the present Municipal Architect, Mr. D.
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  • 283 5 ■Tribune Staff Reporter IVO plans have yet been announced by local filra men about any "welcome" to be accorded Linda Christian, star-wife of Tyrone Power, when she arrives in the Colony by plane on April 30. As already announced in the Tribune, she is
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  • 98 5 IT WAS JUST SMOKE FROM A FUNNEL poR several days last week. Singaporeans kept believing that there was a fire in the oil installations at Pulo Samboe or in the docks. Several people telephoned the Tribune and made enquiries at the Fire Brigade. They need not have worried. There was
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  • Article, Illustration
    14 5 I.inda Christian a s Singapore film luns recently saw her on th** screen.
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  • 89 5 Keep The Water Pure New Style VAST areas ">f water in South East Asia that are now poisonous may one day become pure enough to drink, after scientists ruiv..attacked them with Ultra Tadpoles in the science laboratories of the universities of London, Dundee and Newcastle were killed instantly when these
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  • 128 5 Johore In Good Health lOHORE BAHRU. Sat.— State Health Authorities are pleased with the "unusually good year 1 so far experienced. Reasons given are that the General Hospital is now dealing with a smaller number of patients: though the hospital still experiences a shortage of nurses the position is now
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  • 113 5 lA* about six month's time, two weary. footwort vorldhikers art due to arrive in Malaya from India. They should be abie to cure themselves of any foottrouble they niau have, because the hikers, Aidan Phillips and Leonmrd Strong, are two British chiropodists who have planned thU
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  • 18 5 Reuer grunt* by Hoctti Welfare ihow Bteady mcrease dunn March. $2l"jjs was spent «.u 1.408 families.
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  • 164 5 Tribune Staff Reporter pUTURE Muftis will have to undergo an eight-year course of studies at the proposed Islamic College of Malaya, according to report just released by the College Preparatory Committee. Their studies will :ncluae Islamic Jurisprudence, Islamic Affairs Administration. History of Legislation. History of
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  • 77 5 Family disputes In Sln^i pore which were taken to the Social Welfare Department ncany douVled themselves between Fer ruar>^ and March. In February, there were V<, 18 of which were amical^y settled, 45 were 'pending settlement and six went to court. In March, there were
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  • 27 5 Singapore Social Welfaic ntpartnx'nt is co i; sulting: witti the Federation regarding the principle of taking into Singapore juvenile prostitu-.^s nicked up in the Federation
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 266 5 Better sti 1 1 prevent coughs, u*e Hudson's "Eumenthol" Jujubes doify. Protect your--3 JW9yS $6lf a B ainst co"ghs. colds, ajrp or throats and influenza. Hwds o n s R Jujubes <?ti Tk* fuirunlKof; /i4^T y<7i«v aood,/' 7tetir<Jtye... near Shetgy... Its WONDERFUL to sip a glass of X3\C I I
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    • 239 5 •3 y 1 1 ji FT Ihe Best Cigarettes in the World jwr I Manufactured in LONDON I by ARDATH TOBACCO CO LTD T/ie fcinde*t powder in the world Wj^aMSMag^S^a Por more than 0 y ears pfilltlm^^^g babies have revelled in ;L fcUn^ its soothin softness J BABY powder BABY
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  • 1561 6 THOUSANDS of lladio Malaya MWtocra must know ghe voice of nineteen-veai-old Jill Allen, the daughn. Dr. G. V. Allen, the Vice-Chancel-lor of the University of Malaya. Jill, who joined Radio Malaya about year ago, does continuity, announcing and schools broadcasts. She is also a regular performer in broadcast
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  • 430 6 QUITE possibly the best knmon man in all Malaya, if you include the tappers, the watermen, the tin miners, the houae-boys and the bar boys us Mr. Peter Jock" Curmichael, the. 'Scots Consul." Born in Dundct, Ah (juts, son of the late John Curmulmel. M.V.O. Chief of
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  • 274 6 MR. W. "Tex" Munro. the Highland Scots lawyer who was married yesterday in the Presbyterian Church in Singapore, is a very shy man indeed, and was quite startled when I went to ask him for a few details of his wedding. At first, he was unwilling to
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  • 142 6 THEY BLUSHED WHEN- HOUSE-HI NGRY Pam the wife of .lack Fairglievi of Carrier International Ltd. wont ntc her husband' 1 office the other <:av t that her husand aut, but that sin should ring ***** where nc understood they had some e\ cellent accommodation. Thriih <i. yc torrihed that teonc
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 249 6 If you've seen the film GIVE SIS THIS DAY you'll \v;»ii* I<> fry the '••minis Italian di*h SPAGHETTI WITH MEAT SAUCE t Come to Hip Of hay ;t iicl order Spaghetti Bolognese: it\ MTvetl with Parmesan cheese ofcouiw Hook y.nir table EARLY for Saturday nights. C -m-4 RESTAURANT Correct treatment
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    • 170 6 A M A M A fa h^^^^^m t^ \^A^A^A^r W^vy^i 1 SINGAPORE <j^JJL TO SAIGON Connections for aV parts of Irtdo-CMna l|\ Arrivals frtai SiigN xjw^ Thßrsdtyt 3.50 f.« LAIR FRANCE eooH.HG omcc ctNER I ct#ITS Ground Fl^br Cle dM HIGH p?£^f 1 •viteiever you cue/ toys ELSIE the BORDEN
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  • Article, Illustration
    2066 7  -  J itnmy Glover From n dent lU i Qovernmenl servant who should have known better BUK gested a( the bar ol one ol the clubs I lrcqucnt t lint thugs and cosh b should be sent to i ■pedal oat tali,, 11 i n Malaya t.. meet up
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 207 7 —ibm M»cc*Mfu! way t^ A£ W lot orer 30 ye«r. I #?#fOT^ Take Mjrmol. Ttb. 90^^^**' »et»-U»«T ta QAtorallr on the lyitem, dii- M/M^F PCMiag the •urptua fat JW w<w M white you enjoy jmat f food and normal jedvi* tM». Raducc toot CM «hk Mamtla TAltlfl sal DUtrlbutor* i
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    • 25 7 Established 1872 Malaya's Leading Jewellers Diamond i Gem Mer chants B.l». dv Silva Ltd. (Inrorporatcd In Ceylon) 19/21, High St., Singapore 1, Bishop St. Penang
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    • 326 7 DESIGNED CARE /%yjS*K£\ N'cvtT before have (^^W-dklli^iZliMP^) The safety anil comfort. of vorr ,i,!L£ vi^ Factory lUpr«M9iau«« \^r- y T.V. MITCHELL CO., LTD. '.n-Hpoie K. LuMpui I'cnauK THE COKCENTRATEO GOODNF.SS OF PRIME LEAN BEEF -that's BOVRIL AGt»rs. > BORNEO _/>. //&Mm^^ THE TWOFOLD WAY TO A Ig^jyfMKjf ■Mr^^^j s ovc^
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  • 22 8 LONDON REPRESENTATIVE E. Maurice Glover, Malaya Tribune Office, 143 Fie et Btreet, London, B.C. 4. SUNDAY, APRIL 16, l»50.
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  • 597 8 A SIA is going to be high on the list of subjects to be discussed by the Big Three Foreign Ministers at their meeting in London next month This is encouraging. The East has been too long neglected as a factor in world affairs. But if the
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  • Article, Illustration
    3179 8  -  »i:v>io\b» by was murdered on Hitler** order IT was towards the end <tf February 1944 that Rommel became involved in the plot against Hitler. He was then making preparations to meet the expected Allied invasion of Normandy his superior being FieldMarshal von Rundstedt. And Rommel was convinced that
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 66 8 CUT OUT For Future Reference Genuine Swiss spare parts and proper service for your next watch repair job. Phone *****. THIM LOCK Watchmakers 395, North Bridge Road. (Branch at Royal Navy Air Station, HembawanyJ. <*^VELOS JK MINOR fef) Stapte* BUT EFFICIENT GET ONE FOR EVERY DESK f^rpPffJ^fc 104 ROBINSON ROM)
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  • 230 9 Damsels Stood On Their Heads CIR Paul Dukes, who presen*3 ted a demonstration of Yoga to a distinctly Third I'rogrammish audience just off Leicester Square last week, was debunking ana supercilious about some other chionicies of the art. After a divt rtusst ;nrnt ten "beautiful young damsels"
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  • Article, Illustration
    188 9 WHEN Sn Basil Brooke. Ulster's Prime Minister, left Belfast on U* Just stage of a good-will tour to Canada ami UJB A. last week, 30 policr an<l 15 detectives guarded him at York Street Station, foui more detectives travelled in his special coach as far a< Larne, and
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  • 498 9 THE MADNESS THAT APPEALS CLAY FREUD. 25-year-old grandson of the iati> gnat Blgmund, n<J himself last week of a load of inhibition. For the test six months, as enteiing manager of the Aits Theatre Club, ho had been finding that ss. limit a bit of a 1 iii on his
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  • 502 9 FR the last few days Coun|CM Ciano (nee Mussolini > has been sitting in her opu'.ent suite In Rome's .--mart Grand Hotel, almost smothered undt i piles of love letters. The letters, however, were not addressed to her. She was merely reading them in
    502 words
  • 290 9 JOSEPH DYNAN. who covers the Quai d'Ormiti for the Associated Press, is a mild, soft-spoken man from Chicago, but he can make a lot of noise. He has set Ministries issuing angry denials and Sunday newspapers tvplating their front pages with his assertion that
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 173 9 SPECIAL RACE excursions dwmF^ SATURDAY *^\\4L^e 22nd APRIL 29th APRIL MALAYAN AIRWAYS Leave Kalians 11-45 A M Arrive Race Course, Kuala Lumpur 1.45 P.M. Leave Race Course, Kuala Lumpur 5.45 P.M. Arrive Kallang 8.00 P.M. LUNCH PROVIDED FREE ON NORTHBOUND FLIGHT TRANSPORT PROVIDED FREE AT KUALA LUMPLR INCLUSIVE RETURN FARE
      173 words
    • 78 9 R TDMCDEHENSIVE ChNGE IN STOCK FBOM THE ERNT3M FLOT-EEO TO BOTRJiy SELF-FEEDING MPCHINES. v DUNCRN ROBERTS CL L lB 6AT7tKYRP WQtl FHOWE 7014 i^^\*S At the first V^r) hint of a i^COLD VAPEX INHALANT on your h«ndkrr<hief and Dillew for comtort and protection Breath* tK« »»pour a.epl, ofl.n. Fine Fish
      78 words
    • 151 9 I <)i Cerent iron] Z/a\\ (Mers Ktrosene Refrigerator 1 \w&£2& I i I J 6 8 cu. ft. models available. I MARDEN COMPANY j I 82, ORCHARD RD., SINGATORE, ID* 3252. I i_ KEEP BABY,. Ct,^,^ .ni)ii*l I" ft* l<* •WTi'r or whrnfrrr boh» U jg^*^^j^tj^__ -fc >> Ifftfgl and
      151 words

  • 1840 10 The following students from Singapore have passed the London ChHinber of Commerce Autumn (1949) examinations in the particular subjects mentioned: R. I. Evening Classes CERTIFICATE STAGE: TYPEWRITING: Yeo Thiam Teck Yeo Kee Tuan Yeo GcoV: Wah *au Chung Chii: L. Woo Poh Kwai (Miss>; Wong Lcc
    1,840 words
  • 160 10 by CONSTANCE SHARPE AQUARIUS JAN. 11— FEB. 18 Good news connected with your home or with personal property: srmethiny to justify a little celebration! The financial outlook brightens. An older person will spring a .surprise. PISCES FEB. 19— MARCH 20. Be enthusiastic- be optimistic and yo
    160 words
  • 112 10 CUR GARDEN'S ATTRACT VISITOR MRS. Edith Hiiltholi. wife of Mr. Christian liott boll. Royal Danish Minister to Australia and New Z. aland both of whom lam'ed at Kallang yesterday on their way back to Deninirk will make a beeline for one spot in Singapore wlmh she has been loneing to
    112 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 903 10 ■ESi^^ DUNKLEY PIANOS FULL SI7.K I'PRIGHI H^HMflfl GR\ND lEpß^^^^^^Hsß^H KI'LLY TROPICAUBBD ■IS m^K^SS^^S^^R Easy Paym >nts Can Be ■i^P'»^ Arranged. V^PIANO TUNING REPAIRS Undertaken by our LONDON QI/ALIFJKD KXPFRT. Certified By The London Music Tr id< s nVhoei. In tin pianoforte Technological SectMiO. of The Northern Potytcchnlc SEASON CO., LTD.
      903 words
    • 370 10 End Rheumatism While Yeu Sleep I If you suffer sharp stabbing palna, j iQyl«\ joints are swollen. ftyjHSfi it shows your bleot •*™^Tgjv3 Is poisoned tbrougn /V- '.''''■Hspfw faul tykidneyactkui. Other symptoms ot •*\X|Ao^il Kidney Disorder! m^ are Backaeht, Aching Joints and Limbs, Sclatlet, Neuritis, Lumbago, Getting up Nights, Dizziness,
      370 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 311 10 have to be made, unexpect* <l- IJBRA. Z\ -OCT 23. (iEIVIINI. Thom a-ithority bus,MAY 21 JUNE 20 M M r <>ff irials A week wlvch you v,U pTWi :>jul to you and must think more about 'tour will oMx worn some excellent lorcd-oncx than outsiders. advice, f.f-mohon or an
      311 words

  • 134 11 There's No Need For A Trip HOLLYWOOD. Sat CARY GRANT has made up his mind about his wedding trip. There won't be any. The actor and his bride, Betsy Drake, both of whom had to report to work in now films several days after their marriage, wi'l spend the time
    134 words
  • 96 11 H< LY~vVOOD. Sat. II'DY GARLAND launched J her ro!e In iSumni t BtOCk*' with the most thrilling "openinp day in her Holh hoor] cai ?.-rr. The star retelved 47 Uanketa of t:owcrs>. Her newly decorated drc>.>ing; rrom Wftfl flooded wun the flowers. And nearly a hundred
    96 words
  • 95 11 H(;I.LYWOOD. Sat. JANI'J POWLLL has to find a word other than "demitasse" whon |1m asks ho'guests If they'd like som..-after-dinner coffee. .Seems ghc named her Si.tBflM cat H Demi-TMJW" be cause of Ml coffer colour. Jic responds to hit name .«o well, that wnen sne acica
    95 words
  • 23 11 HOLLYWOOD, Sat MAUREEN OHARA. the beauteous Irish actress, has been signed for the leading roic in the Pine-Thomas production "Tripoli."- -A.P
    A.P.  -  23 words
  • 121 11 HOLLYWOOD. .>ai. SOME iJuys :it;<. for *r,r first t ««■> since their niarrtapr. Ijma Turner Ji.t.l husP: m! li<il» 1 "I'pi iik M an aud'once ilutinj; the lilmi.i^ of a scene on I set of Life of hi'i Own." It wji, a Urania tic Acenn iMtween Miss
    121 words
  • 1469 11 HAS GINGER REPENTED? In tins week's, HI MtY «,I«IN seeks an answer to a question raised by a seven -year -old dipping HOLLYWOOD, Sat. I HAPPENED to be looking through sorm* old files the 'nor morning when I noticed i story headlined: "Ginger Kogors Voted Most Un-oo-operatiw Actress Of
    1,469 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 169 11 Jieaff/fjul TO YOUR FINGERTIPS #Mri£ ))t<f>/f< rft4</ fct'/A CUTEX onr I'-uni- can l^ more beaaaliil wii ■ape-wear (IT! x the polish that lasts and lasts. (I II X |ivea spafklc w> your costume... jipplics etsth resists peeling and chipping. Because (I I! is s<> inexpensive jrou an aflr rtl Jcs
      169 words
    • 344 11 xlavr your loveliest perm ever-at home! 1 1 t9Bm L TT^S^tf? jJ?t|- **^f^ 't'(js i*^\ Soft, «ar;/r<7/-lo«)kins waxes tlv v -r dyed hair and Tom's vcryrlrst day! Deep, Rr;Kclr.)cMrl mHd, gentle action coaxes even that last for months and month'.' finest hair into soft, beautiful Yes, your Toni will l<xk
      344 words

  • Article, Illustration
    1287 12  -  Joan llaltlwiiifetm by MM.AI'OIII-, .IOTTIXf.S FLOWERS always make cmof the loveliest aeerssories. and are Important to a fresh look in this rtlmfttr Lapel ornaments, arooches bandeatis and posies or flowers are practically e" tentlaJ to th-- w-ii -groomed woman and the more rriginai they are. the belter they
    1,287 words
  • 45 12 ASTOIJI is a </'" m< t With vermtih an is. Tu hf MN>m PI thr t rr.i mi sunbiithinn ,i i < IF have ana suiarst nis, MMS f>'i im uritf to mo, loan Ba'dwrnwtm, e <> Mai Tiibnme Prest, 104-116 A»snn Road, B'ttgtpon
    45 words
  • 675 12  - I ONCE HAD A CUTE LITTLE HAT Peggy Warner by I often wonder what a European woman In Singapore does wnen she feels low and miserable, when the price of meat and vegetables gets her down, when she longs lor London or Sydney or Timbuctoo. or the little town where
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
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  • 1457 13  - EASTER HOLIDAY SPORTS IN MALAYA REVIEWED LINESMAN by AS I d. the sun took an Easter holiday und rains came in dts ai.d starts to upset all the w«-«>k-end &r> Icularly the Singapore versu Selanjror match which wiu in an Interesting stage when pla> had bo !>. abandoned after lunch
    1,457 words
  • 183 13 HONOURS LIST BATTING •2, fheona; ThfaUH Blew, Sin.,.ip v SrlatiKur. M"». J. C. Cooler. Policr S.C. v. LA. 80. Grant B.C.C. v Pub Services. vi. iii,i>bs. Selaacor v Sinuaporc BOWUNG a for I snan liin. Victoria School v Raffles liinl. <> foi »t» iiav:iii Meali, F<«n- ani .viul.i>s v sel.
    183 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 195 13 What is your sight worth I f\, Sl5. 525. S5O? M~ The i»robability :s you wo u I Jn'l V '^fc t to spuid w««au*vea is net<. ■■>- t Jt^/^} Vj sary 10 man*- coi tarn yi_u'ci i-nj 1 M n o propei iy. it >; -Av.iLli u iv,. \u\
      195 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 93 13 tHi-.if* <injr>-)l- $»50 im Nj COLD STORAGE v Singapore Cold Storage Co.. Ltd. l^jp^j^yf iMAFRAjorrs ~x jj^ s* scientific tests V BUT WHY /BAD BREATH OtO 60V wT^-X PROVE that in 7 CASfS > SiS' TELL WWVDONtvOuSCE 1» > OUT Of O COLGATE S I Ou(? DPNTiSTS> £l INSTANTLv STOPS
      93 words

  • 1281 14 iVieet the Man behind Dave Sands Top -line British fighter slips into Singapore George Sands, the battler BOXING-] With The Gloves Off by the I SPECTATOR BOXING, in spite of *u U:* suggestions to the contrary, is still one of the greatest of all
    1,281 words
  • 825 14 INDIA WANTS TWO BEST PL A YERS FROM MALA YA II v Our < orre*pninlt h nl ANCE again Malayan players are invited to play in a foreign country. India has *sked «'or two of our l>est players to participate in t tournament organised by the Cricket Club ~,f india
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 130 14 mm wot/on cower/ oa/s ro 1 OVERSEAS AIRLINFS sFamTITD] jßs* LEAVING SINGAPORE THURSDAYS FOR K^Jk BANGKOK* HONGKONG A, >JS^ TAIPEH TOKYO. *^v Cricbton Hviatien/^ ha ROBINSON ROAD. SINGAPORE /*£Z^ FLASHLIGHT '"S BATTERIES (^> Sole Representatives. GETZ BROS. CO. PENANG -KUALA LUMPUR SINGAPORE R\S SO the man who wants Jo^fft^S^"fr\ l
      130 words
    • 267 14 Bfcy^ C s^^ 1 1 a^ v J^BHSp^ <91 9 C l l *iZ a and all due to the Inum in Pcpsodcnt Inum aic most effective brand ot tooth cleansing agent known to dental science, removes the harmful film and ugly stains from your teeth polishing them, making them
      267 words

  • 376 15 SIX RECORDS MADE IN T.B.A. SPOR TS m/t^L^ Tribune Staff Reporter JYJOHD. Ismail and V. K. Murthy tied for the Gandhi Memorial Cup at the Tamii Brotherhood Association annual sports at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday when they each scored seven points. Six T B.A records vvvre smasiitd: fie mile; puttinu
    376 words
  • 240 15 HEROIC BATTING EFFORT SAVES SINHALESE 2nd XI Splendid l atting bv P 1 '''Mumlo who itOOd "is ground when the rest of l>is team were hoinp skittled out. nabud the Sinhalese secona t(iim to defeat the C. f;. fc, f South) by IfS runs ye.stcnluv. The Sinhalese wickets Ml faat
    240 words
  • 148 15 The Indian Association and the University of Malaya drew at the Raf fifes College. Scores I'NIVKRSITY IST INNINGS ,T. Df Si va b Kudh Singh M. C. Pa.^upathy ll>w b S»lakan Hintrli m P. D. h Kudli E :nj»h Hippidaman Singh b Felakan V..
    148 words
  • 108 15 INTER FACULTY CHESS MATCH The University of Malaya inter-Faculty chess match for the Silcock Cup between Arts and Sciences and Medicine will be played at 2.00 p.m. today. The teams are: Arls and Science: Ho IVn r Yoke. Tye Cho Yook. M.-hamod Razl H. Sothi. c >oi Jin Bee Slew
    108 words
  • 554 15 B KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. IG fields should face the starter on Saturday in Kuala Lumpur when the Selangor Turf Club three-day meeting opens, according to the following handicaps: HOBSES Ci,. :t. DIV. I—7 Fl BS BELGIUM LORD I in t; it R R.I
    554 words
  • 264 15 Sports Meet For S. E. A. Chinese An overall Overseas Chinese athletic ir.eet ot' the Southeast Asia area will soon materialize, if responses to the proposal, circularised by Mr. Aw Kow, president of the Malaya Chinese Sports Federation, are received. Since the clarion call for such a meet, the first
    264 words
  • 60 15 TO WIMBLEDON AND EUROPE FOR TITLES SYDNEY, Sat. Mrs. Thelma Long, for many years one of Australia's leading players, leaves for England in the Orcades on Apr. 29 to contest the women's titles at Wimbledon. Mrs. Long is also keen to retain several European titles she won last year and
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 190 15 You Will Like This Picture! TODAY FOUR SHOWS PJ^fi|J£|pj 2 -4.15 -6.30 -9.30 p.m. m tC^ombweojf^ Phone 090?,. ROBERT /^^i^— tfia with HARRY VON ZELL HEATER ANGEL Wpecial M -nninn Bhovc T,>d,t>, i| ig tt-I ftWMM Curio hi "SALOME WHKRB kill t DANCED" tin t<'clinico'.oui > Next Change— Joan Fontaine
      190 words
    • 92 15 Morning show today 11 a.m. 1 ARIZONA CYCLONE" FROZEN GHOST 1 50 cts. to all MOtfl Today: 'i.l5 fi .;o 18 pn. Thrilling daggcr-fld>ta »<t .swcpl-.: I "NISHAN" in Hindustani I Adapted from "Corsican \'.r i Next Chai "THE NOOSK HANGS HIGH with Abbott ft Costello i Watch for rate:
      92 words
    • 88 15 TO-DAY at 11 A.M. United Artistj-' "SONG OF THE OPEN ROAD" Today at 3, 6.15 P.15 p.m. Columbia's "JOLSON SIN6S AGAIN" Starring: LARRY I ARKS in Technicolor OPENING TOMORROW i "NIGHT SONG" AWWWWVWWWWVW GREAT WORLD Atlantic 3 7—9.15 "LITST FO'l COLD" NEW~WORLD Lulu o 7 V IS Last Day "TASK
      88 words
    • 175 15 M^B^rf bßv i J *^BB^Bf i P^" "4N Vll Sm VI C^T Jw^^^ IT IX AW,\ the drums Call silent o and thfe SAVAGE REDMEN are on Till- WAR PATH < J- a REPUBLIC PROOUCIIO^ The?!uncJercrx ROD CAMFRON* ILONA MASSEY RIDE with "SOLDIER of FORTUNE" ROD CAMERON IN REPUBLIC'S BLAZING
      175 words

  • 174 16 Vellupillai Scores Four For Police FOUR u<»:'i- s Df Vellnpillal gave ihf Police s.a. u .six »'/.<• virtory over the Mental H«i«pltal In .1 Junior A' Hoccer matdi played ;it Qeylani stadium yesterday. The Police were right on t«>p in the ttrst half. Th»-y swamped the M' ntal Ho« pltal
    174 words
  • 73 16 ICK^BCH U.Ni-.. Sat. IMa.t^ SUrgeOOl will attempt to huilil n«w far* foi Maluyun l»ohce Officer C. B. Folliott. who accompanied by his wife. .mi rived here by air today. Mr. FoUiott's jaw was shattt'itd in a terron.-t ambush in Malaya on Apr. 4. As Mr. Folliott
    Reuter-AAP  -  73 words
  • 25 16 The RAF. ChSßgl beat the Coronation Rangets by three goals to one in a friendly soccer match played at Fairer Park yesterday evening.
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  • 548 16 %+*m>n* Hr^l M«l«7« «'l» >■»<•»■ RAl'B, Saturday. TIIK Malava Cup season in the North ont-ned her* I*is ;\henkhan K defeated th, Sorvioes bv three <lear R«aK <>n rilW mail '""'"Hekvv rain before the match netted l poota of water it was evident that the
    548 words
  • 451 16 KUALA LUMPUR. Saturday. IN their friendly return soccer encounter Selangor again gained a doable victory over Negrl Sembilan on the Rifle Range ground this evening. The Selangor State XI defeated ihe Negri State side by four goals to two, while the Selangor Authentic* trounced
    451 words
  • 132 16 PRINCESS' GIFT HORSE WINS Ist. RACE HI'RST. Surrey. Sat Prince— Elizabeth's race hoi so Astrakhan, a wedding present from the Aga Khan, won her tnt race when sucressf'i 1 in the Merry MaidensSlakes run ovoi one m il e heir to* lav. Astrakhan, a throe-yea t ol.i ally »>y Futkhaii
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  • 20 16 LONDON. Sat. First. second and third prizewinners in a Merton factory beauty contest were all named Patricia.
    20 words
  • 278 16 LONDON, ."-ill. KoHOWitIK iW football rasulta: RNGIJMM 1.K\(.1 K I I KM' lU\IM(I\ [ill imiii I, ill. <>. Mi. 1.11. I ».i..., i' Ritl ton [ii* kpool i'. I'.rirnl. 1. Ctiurllon 0. i i.. i a \\.k iii.-wiiM-.t. (1 I '.rh\ 2 l\.M..ri <"» Uiverp<-»r# I, Fulhain
    278 words
  • 60 16 STEPS TO MEET RED THREAT BANGKOK. Sat. It was reported in the pro-govern-ment press today that the K at has signed iwo Royal Proclamations. both of which have not \et been announced. One empowers -.">%. mrmnt to mobilise troops throughout the country in case oi a Communisi uprising, the other
    UP  -  60 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 257 16 YOB MUST SELL ffi% SALES RECORDS SHOW */^J| ITS POPULARITY IS.' INCREASING!! K;- -^Jf L V ■J^ThTprovrn LEADER Ol all tea'*^ ■9 popular sweetmeaUi. The tt\^ Sfl machiiM with the greate«i t< c^ Bta iill-tlu'-yeur-prolit mukin r* I p.ttfinial. I 1 BiK Profits A^fl Low Running Cost tJH Simple Operation
      257 words
    • 229 16 Skandex VISIBLE CARD SYSTEm I OrriCE EQUIPMENT COMPANY I I II I liuliu St S |»«.rr- IMiuiif i i < A A. li' M .1) I. MI >I Y. M. HOOSAINSAH Han i ..i..i ippli i KaUiii. li»-it.»i:i I Ml 1 K CA h* "»i> f'.i.i in vi -i 1
      229 words
    • 291 16 AMBITIOUS? Then send for a copy of "The Direct Way to Success" Th« FREE 170 page book which will show you how to IMPROYE YOUR POSITION by qualifying through postal tuition for q BETTER APPOINTMENT The S. >• .1 i»l An -MuiUucy fe fa I tding u( ition iii tbr
      291 words