Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 2 April 1950

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 20 1 SUNDAY Tribune fuhUshed rtimultaneouHly uf n nyipare, Kuam „umj^- afiW r>~n<*n<j SIXTEEN PAGES SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, APRIL S, 1950. TEN CENTS.
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  • 242 1 DANCERS FLEE AS 19 ARE WOUNDED Tribune Staff Reporter NINETEEN pople were injured, three se.iously, when a hand grenade was thrown into the Lucky Wend Park Kuala Lumpur, at 9.32 last night. on »h,h S Ki r!s -jM** the s<a X u i l:
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  • 112 1 One More Name To Remember IiO.NUKOMi. Sat. The China Mail reported* tc»! iv that U<< real iuV of uw Oonununl -t rebel n gimc m imJo-On. m i Nouyefl Khan- :> m t Ho Chi Minh. Quoting intclligenoc Mmr tht- reliable English-language paper .said th:<t Ho. ohi, and out of
    A.P.  -  112 words
  • 75 1 Biggest Yet Air Strike R..\ F. ho:nncis ir.J »i-;!il-ers today oprra'ed i«.» •>t:englh aif:iinst bancits uitained m an area tti i'.inKrle near 'lunck.ik ir Johore. The attack hisied ior three hours. A toul of H sorties were flown. limolrs. Bri:-.iu-K Spiliii v IV up. a'ul Dakotas Link part m the
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  • 25 1 COALVILI.E. Sat. At a Coalvillo concert Reginald Foort imoroviset* "cou^h music" ao that a!l thro*t» could bo cIcHT-rd botorc h\n other contributions beg^an.
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  • 205 1 permits and Admission Certificates stolen from the Immigration Department have been used to help hundreds of illegal immigrants enter and stay m Singapore. Two former employees the Department are believed to be key-men m wo^f anTchi ldrt"* mU hn men One vanished when antioorruprion detectlrei
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  • 187 1 Tribune Staff Reporter THK duty on whisky wen L up 1 by dollar bottle yesterday, r-ut. whisky drinkers m moat Singapore resturanta and bars last night found that their half-peg did not cost any mure than it did on Friday. The news was not widely known.
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  • 51 1 Mr. ami Mrs. lok*- Wan Tno left Singapore by air arlv Uii.s morning for London on the first stage of their horu vnioon. After a ■hOTt stay In London, they w.IJ sail m the Queen Maiy lor Now York returning v.' v San Franci.-'.u at thr end of
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  • 31 1 CANtfi^KKA, Sat. Tac question of inviting non-Bri-tish countries to participate m helping South Bast Asia will be considered by the British Commonwealth Consultative Committee m Sydney on May 15. A.P.
    A.P.  -  31 words
  • 172 1 LONDON, Saturday. THE methods used formerly on the North West Frontier of India might bear fruit m the campaign against the Malayan terrorists, the Manchester Guardian said m an editorial today. la redly a police task, the Libei al [>a;>ei said, although the Malayan police
    A.P.  -  172 words
  • 277 1 BULK HAULS AT DOCKS? SEIZURE OF COMICS DENIED BFHND THE "TIMES" HEADLINE m... r. Tribune Staff Reporter M R^ C B.Wiltshire, Chief of the Singapore C.1.D.. said yesterday that as well as seizing Communist comics on book-stalls he was also considering the possib^ty of intercepting
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  • 186 1 LONDON, Sat.— Cambridge, leading u'n.ost throughout, won the University boat rae* rowed from Putney to Mortlake today for the fourth NW* seastve v^at boating o x for«i by throe and half lift til \part from the first few strokes whtc Oxford, were m front Cambridge
    Reuter  -  186 words
  • 64 1 MA DELHI, Sat— N.B. Khare, head of lmi as stron-:vy-i anti-Pakistan orgaaisahoij. Hindu Ifahasabha was arrested and expelled from New Delhi today vii the cvo of oi the Nelnu-Ljaquat Ah ••t'k> vii communal <ii.sturhancea. Khar* ana .several Other Mahanabha leaden had defit-ci a (ovenuneat I i by coming
    A.P.  -  64 words
  • 376 1 Quack Cure-Alls Worry S'pore Health Chiefs gINGAPORE health authorities are concerned with S mt» of cine*, backed up with flamboyant acKertisine whth ?r\L? P PT h <ulosis, deafness, and sex ailment's, and £ggE^^»_y The medicines are mostly m the form of brightly coloured nil! th for around $2 a small
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  • 305 1  - Rice Off Ration In June LAWRENCE G. MANI K> DICK will soon he off the 1* ration m Singapore uml the Fedora I ion. Officials are thinking of June 1 ai the date on which rationing should lifted. At the same time rice imports will ho th!o\vn op.Ti to private
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 112 1 Deals Tuotold PRIMO SCALA HIS ACCORDEON BAND. 10-INCH. D@CCH '30 each l 8270 If you knock on any door. Snowy White Sno-.v and Jingle Bella WWM why Mnere you wit!- last sight? There's Lovely la!c> m London. niU Jolly Brothers, The Village Hand. i i The Windmill Son-, In a
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    • 7 1 PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE is*. Tjftnn* Ypare
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    • 98 1 OF CALIFORNIA The Worids Finest Ladies' Gents' SWIMWEAS ObtaiaaMc m SEASON TRADING CO. 57, Hiph Street, Btncaporv. Phone: 89X88. A/1770A T AZ ATUWIRER rr.zr.z 5811/3 Line i [W Perception \\\\u '/A 'II 1 4> c' I 1 |H^// faculty of perceiving \aW hmdl the quality of excellence ISM 1/ ml
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  • 372 2 AIDED SCHOOL TEACHERS ASK FOR EARLY PAYMENT Tribune Staff Reporter THK Singapore Teachers Union, at its third annual general meeting yesterday, protested against Government delay m granting housing allowances to Aided-Sehool teachers. The meeting unanimously adopted a resolution expressing "grave concern" and calling upon the Singapore
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  • 191 2 'GOD SAVE THE KING' IN FULL SINGAPORE music lovers who attend the performances of the Junior Symphony Oichestra at the Victoria Hall on Apiil 5. 9 and 11 will have to stand to attention for 'five minutes at the beginning of each performance, because the orchestra intends to play the
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  • 134 2 Firestone Director Weds THE marriage took pJacc yesterday at the Wflcn Clit'.rcli. Port Tunning Roau. bftwron Mr Merdith Col#» Daclt, dlrei tor of Pircstonr Rubber and Tire Co., and Mis:; Margaret Joyce Powell. Iftaa Powell is the daugnter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry James Powell of London, England, who flew
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  • 22 2 The C-in-C of the Far East Air Force, Air Marshal FJ. Forarty, arrived at Tengah yesterday afternoon from Hongkong.
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  • 232 2 Tribune Staff Reporter MR. Anthony Foster Abell. Sarawak's new governor and Commander-in-Chicf. leit Singapore for Kuching m the Sarawak Steamship ComDany's 2.311 -ton Rajah Brooke yesterday evening. Mr. Abell. who succeeds tlr> late Mr. Duncan George St '\vart who was murdered In Siou In December,
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  • 415 2 MR. CRAIG GIVES CHARLEY'S AUNT A HAND.... Tribune Staff Reporter A GLADSTONE bag lor Lord Faneourt Babberley urgently wanted. That was one of the many despairing cries for stage "props" during rehearsals of Charley's Aunt at the Victoria Theatre last week. And fortunately the Registrar of the University of Malaya,
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 2 Fluted cartwheel m "Charley's Aunt Barbara Knox Marshr as Donna Lucia cTAlvadorez. Easter bonnet m "Charley's Aunt Barbara Munn as Amy Spettigue.
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  • 50 2 MALAY FACES CAR THEFT CHARGE JOHORE BAHRU. Sat. Makhtian bin Marno. aged 22, of Tong Hing Estate, Masai, claimed trial m the Magistrates' Court today when charged with theft of a car belonging to Lin Yok. The case was postponed to April 5. Makhtian was released on a $200 bail.
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  • 49 2 Mrs. Salim bin Ismail and family tender nw .r- t thar k to the many frterth and rela tives for attending the funern of the late Mr. Salim hi n Ismail an«l thoso wno so kindly sent floral tribute and letters of condolence eic. m their bereavem* nt.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 306 2 BY POPULAR UKQIEST Special Edition for Everyone "EIGHT YEARS OF WAR WITH lAP\N (1937. 1944) with hincsc translation and 140 pictures hy MADAMK HalA ZOHTSTJNO. Price $3.00 per co t ,y— $2.50 fcr advanced i>oi>k i "Un breakable China" $5.50^ PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW LOW PHAY HOCK 14A, Change Alley,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 283 2 RADIO MALAYA mar> III! l.i K ht Musi.; J.:;.l drrs and win a „r:/e; KM RL.IIF "VFTII/I^Uir 1 > sl n 1 Hew«; I.W l'ian.. Mullet ia the BkII«4" play— I)UL «^AWUKIi Pla.vhoui; :.(M) Hk»W Time; :<0 adapted and produced hi t>,\ ,i I>an«»> Musi. Iritish Ulkcr l.yttle; t.St Time
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  • 472 3 TENANTS QUEUE FOR BATHS AT HO USE NO. 95 SEVENTY LIVE IN 16 MAKE -SHIFT ROOMS Tribune Staff Reporter jJEVENTY |M*ople nine of them Government servants are living m a Government 'slum' m No. 95 Waterloo Sireei. The house has sixteen rooms two f them converted garages. Families live m
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  • 40 3 All- Purpose Passage The passant" way uhich divides the rooms on the first floor. Each room belongs to a separate family. Note the bicycles, easy chair, clothes drying on a line along the u.i l, and the make-shift litter bins.
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  • 150 3 IPOH. Saturday. DKRAK State Councillor, Mr. Leong Yew i^h will voice strong opposition to any establishment m Perak of a Red China < onsulate at the n -xt meeting of tho Stati Council on Tuesday. The objection to a Red China consul will take
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  • 116 3 WHILE thr n iOth Gurkha Regimeni an Aghtinn bandits deep m the Malayan jungle, their Colo-neHn-Chlei General Sir Philip Christ is. m. will b paradr m Edinburgh me day tln^. week to •-.«.'> Scott is!, clavmoreu from Princess Mary, as a token of the Gurkhas
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  • 21 3 Bandit* opciaiing m the Ipoh I i total of .7.". identity cards belonging to the people staying there.
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  • 87 3 POLICE UNCOVER SECRET RUBBER FACTORY I'KRAK, 3at. Police jungle -quad operating m the Tan* Dg Perak Estate, discovered unall factory concealed m the iungie. Complete factory quipment and stocks of ruh- n-r were found Tv..- Chice wii > later une to the factory witl^. .itrx. irere Brrested. They .v.-re enplojpeaf
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  • 276 3 It 's Easier Without Passport Says Heinrich THE travels of Heinrich Rheinarz. 23-year-old German, who came all the way from the British Zone of Germany to Australia without a passport, have come to an end. When the Lauro Line's 8,082-ton Napoli slip ped into the Singapore Harbour last week, Heinrich.
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  • 104 3 Bakar Stole Cells La nded In One JOHORE BAHRU. Sat When an agent of the West Coast Tiansport Company visited the Company's branch office at Johoic Bahru, he discovered that five cases of 1 Evcready" battery cells valued at $615 were missing. As a sequel. 24-year-old Abu Bakat bin Aziz,
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  • 24 3 Mr. James Henry Davus. Assistant Superintendent oi Police, has been appointed a Justice of the Peace ;.>r the Colony of Singapore
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  • 292 3 Tribune Staff Reporter JjAJI Saleh, aged 110, believed to be the oldest Malay m Singapore, is very unhappy. As the years rolled by the Haji's eyes went back en him and he is m need of a pair of spectacles. Said Haji Saleh: "If
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  • 142 3 'Teach Us Civics, Says Diana WHILE Mr. A. P. Rajah and Mr. .Johnson were Idling Other Municipal Commissioner, on Friday that civics should b < made s compulsory .subject m the seventh, eighth ami ninth staiwlards, a youug Convent student. Diana Wong, was saying the same thing elsewhere. Diana
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  • 87 3 BULL FIGHTS IN AID OF VARSITY FUND KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. Bull fights aie being arranged at the Kota Bharu Amusement Park by the Kelantan State Appeal Committee m aid of the University of Malaya Endowment Fund. The fights will be held over 12 days, on Thursday eveningand public holidays, beginning
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  • 23 3 JOHORE BAIIRU. Sal. Bakar bin Hussin of Bukit Hambai. Malacca, was fined $:JO m the Police Court toaay for "inconsiderate driving."
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  • 63 3 JOHpRE BAHRU. Sat. For failing to report to the nearest Police Station within 24 hours after they had met with an accident. Tan Yee Joo of Johore Bahru and Chelliacan of the Naval Base. Seletar. were each fined $8 In the Police Court today. Tan's lorry
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  • 30 3 SEGAMAT. Sat— Bandits prowled around the area at the 4th mile Labis Cha'ah Road last night and posted 20 Communist pamphlets m Malay and Chinese on the trees.
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  • 31 3 The Singapore Urban Co operative Union Ltd., will hold their 12th Annual General Meeting a^, t' c Cooperative Societies Depart ment, Fullerton Hnilriing, at 5.15 p.m. on April 14.
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  • 111 3 iimp: room th^ Victoria Theatre formerly Ibe quarters of the Superintendent. Mi. R. L. Bridges will not bo urod for the same purpose m future Mnnii-ii'^! Commissioner' 1 or »h<> Victoria Ib< str* h"< M. -riu.n U H-il 1 foi UIC Hilora tion
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 199 3 lIHi^r^BHBLBLSSBaV I* m 4 r ityU> I rit ln traditional 'I™ il*^^^rßHfcSiSi I th m ln our hcwroorr>> I <»y- H«»r «tp«c ally Ch« out- U~LJ~^ U —^J W TELEPHONR: ;;::r>s. ONLr HOURS AWAY BY AIR A WHOLE NEW WORLD w J/p Wk slJwa ajjT^T^ftf^-jl*' "^g|Kfe Dis€ov»r Australia by air!
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    • 428 3 THE KING OF BEERS Write with a pen that responds to your loucfa li^c a sensitive instrument, that brings personality to your handwriting. A Swan that most famous English pen made with the precision of a fine \satch, has its perfect servant m Swan ink an ink that does not
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  • 280 4 IT'S BETTER POOD, HOMES FOR SOME Tribune Staff Reporter [)ETAINEES on St. John's island arc 1 happy and have no eomplainis. Kor many of them the island provides belter housing and food than *hey had Ijefore they were held under the Bilifglf y Retaliations.
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  • 110 4 QANTAS.'BOAC Constellations will .^ay pood-byo to Tenpah to«lay. And with it. passengers arriving by this company's a«rrrafc will not have to suffer the one-hour long trip from Tonga h to th-^ City. Afl from tomorrow, thp h«-avy Constellations of this airline will start using Kallanji
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  • 52 4 Thw- Public Relations Fi'm Library has now among its stork the host documentary film produced m 194 i«. "Du\hrffc m I'd'". Produced by the British Centra 1 Office of Information this film which recently won the Academy Award m its class, wa* recently received by
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  • 105 4 And Petrol Sales Jump PETROL sa!i-s hay«» jumped by 300 ?allons a day In a Singapore s»-r '.!<■»> station In Short Street and ii »s .Ul because ihe manager introduced a brand new idea. Manager Wee Choon Liew has engage a two young Chinese girls a-. pump operators. Dressed m
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  • 55 4 SPEED FANS TUNE UP FOR THE 'DASH' SINGAPORE'S motor racing •3 enthusiasts arc grtting r^aay ior tn > Loioni Motor Club's speed dash nt Llm Chu Kang Road next Sunday. A large entry of "specials.* sports cars, fast saloons, and motor-cycles is expected for this event, wnich should uroducH speeds
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  • 140 4 JOHORE READERS KEED $s FOR CLUB 4 drive to rmlsn turn* 'm i\ n n^c*' Of I*lXl .T»nj cVub*ws* hr>< iv»**n (•hod b" tf\fi Johore Bahru Chfneso p ariin" Ulrri* 1 A bUlMIni Firirt «"o'ti mittoe was r^contiv fornv^n to handle th<> proirfi mir. $***** is wanted to ice the
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  • 127 4 $2½ Million Plan To Keep The Pedestrian On The Pavement Tribune Staff Reporter SINGAPORE Municipality plans to spend $2,500,000 to keep pedestrians off the roads. It means to construct pavements along ninety-three .streets n the City area which have no five-foot-way.s. This scheme, which is to give the p'desteriar: more
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  • 68 4 Singapore Teochewi of tin Lee clan will celebrate tv 3rd anniversary of the LetClan Mutual Help Booiety at their Temple and Society premises from April 5 to April 7. The celebrationr, will consist of Cheng Mcng oilerings on the first d\y, aunlversary celebrati »ns will
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  • 106 4 Mary Saw Theo In Church When Mary Ciibson first saw Theo Mathot m church t\jo years ago little did he realise that it wimi Id he Tl:eo uho would he leading her to the altar. Mary and Theo are both representatives of airline companies m Singapore hut Theo is with
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  • 90 4 A muiu'.ht of Malacca*! trish;n\ riders arc boys who have passed their sixth standard m the Malacca fcnjflish School. Most or them l>r°:in their careers on theNaddle of a trishaw during the Japanese occupation. They say MM *hey will to ewr» N*|p| Vl 'aw riders us
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  • 179 4 I WAS UP TO PRANKS MYSELF— MAGISTRA TE Tribune Staff Reporter fHE generous magistrate! This is what the Johore Bahru Court staff call Inche Abdul Kadir bin Yusof and it is all because he remembered, while on the bench, that he was once a schoolboy. This is how it came
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  • 253 4 Your Number On The Wall Will Help Him Tribune Staff Reporter IF Singaporeans will only write their identity card numbers on theirkitchen walls, or on their office desks, or anywhere for that matter, Mr. H.K. Woodford, Singapore's Commissioner fc,* Registration, will be most grateful. He said yesterday: "You can't blame
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  • 217 4 MUNICIPAI Holiday BUNGALOWS READY FOR USE NEXT MONTH Tribune Stuff Reporter BIX Municipal holiday bungalows lated cm th< .sea-front at. Telok Mata Ikan. off Changi Head arc nearly finished ami will be ready foi «<npation by the junior staff about th» middl< f next month. Holiday makers will also have
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 91 4 JOSiPH TRAVERS E SONS LTO VMSMHH'f f>f*A*O Mi/lIA lU*PU* 11*0* 40 Cts. (or 10 ALWAYS ASK YOUR DEALER FOR NACET Ih. finest razor blade m the world at its price f«»d« MQaMM ••'•cw Co. Ltd Singapore •>.«<»»•» *f De Witt's Man Zan is 1 purely and simply a "Mr Pile
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    • 315 4 High Blood Pressure Kills Men Women Twice a* nianv women as met fi. aar from High Btoo<t Pressure, wfalea as a mysterious disease that iurt« afcQMt the tune of change of Uf« IQ as tax- re«l cause of mu< i. heart irotaMt •sttf kater onof paralyi i< strokes. Coat, inn
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  • 165 5 Singapore Chinese Fear Mao Tribune StafT Reporter MAO'S propaganda La mm (ing with the Singapore Chin* Pr "i a greater China b i living conditions and all the other blandishments held oat to help mak life one lo:m s-A-»"-t dream appear to be falling oii dea an. Immigration Department statistic,
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  • 67 5 THIS m >...:i h.iij b n the ••b nit ever" In the hisBank, for the first time, the mand. A Blood Bank spokesman said v»sr<*r H ay: i4 Th# Bloo^ Donation Drive has been a great success, aua ut>nors are increasing every week. "WhPii the month's
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  • 50 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Sat. Sunit Kunar Bhadra. a businessman, claimed trial to a charge ot criminal intimidation m the Sessions Court. Sunit was alleged .to have threatened U. Nandey with injury and death. Tho ease was postponed to April IS for hrarlng and Sunit wn.* ball cl $750.
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  • 80 5 Small, But They Earn Dollars AbTHOtGH very tar from home. but ■eemiiifly quite happy, these fisli caught m the Malayan Jongtei •■.>»ini under Jhr* vatehM cytt of Mr. William OMAeid, MoiHtlair. New Jersey. I.S.A. He has just imported of them for his aquarium. They live on shredded shrimp and
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  • 142 5 THE increase of elected seats m the Singapore Legislative Council from six to nine may bruit; about the formation of a third potitfcal party possibly the Liberals. Thi.s prediction was made by Inche Sardon oin Haji Jubir Legislative Councillor for Rural East. Speaking
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  • 42 5 KEEPING COOL- Employees m the Consolidated Accounts section of the Singapore Municipality will soon be working under "cooling" conditions. Municipal Committee lias recommended that iift> five ceiling fans he installed m thi> office. The total cost of Ukw ians will be s«. :»».">.
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  • 261 5 GOVT. SEEKS MAN TO INSPECT SHOPS Tribune Staff Reporter f'AI'STIC soda chief suicide drink m Singaporeis today being sold ojienly m the market, although under Government regulations it should be obtained only from licensed pharmacists and sold m containers labelled "Poison Not To Be Taken*
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  • 100 5 THE Malay Youths' Lltera- ry Association. Singapore, will hold its second annual general meeting on April 2. at the Singapore Teachers' Union premises, 331 North Bridge Road. At this meeting the Association will discuss its "action programme" for this year. The Union's objectives are briefly, development
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  • 30 5 Tho District Society c: triCorporation of C"r>ifi- X d S-crtnarios m S:iv--apore will bo holrting their annual dinner at the Southern Hotol on April 13. :it 8 p.m.
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  • 176 5 DOG catchers of (he Sin^apor.- Society for Prevention of 3ru-'lty T<; Animals are expert acing a piooiem m the rural areas. TV is is because of the numerous kampones and the fact that capturing sick dogs has no* b'-en tried m these art a.s before.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 2269 6  -  VERA ARDMORE By HONGKONG, Sat IT just la not true. Hongkong women »ol better dreji ff than Sinsapon- Oh v.--. there are .1 handful ot extiemely women living here, but foi ihe most P*rt, they m 11 1 mrprisingly badly turned out. TDe tew exotically dressed lovelies aic
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  • Article, Illustration
    395 6 D( T it Itn iSA ton hi uch you Till s-fjoil his initiative,*' was what Defenct Minister Oeraid Hatrhins was tayiuo over th> telephom uhenA I Went nto tijy off/re. Bound sentiments for th( \f 1 1 ,ith son "i a country parson brought up ha ml and bi'tt'
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 140 6 Moke «s note of these dotes l» Is I L rnPkmu wili entertain you with songs Ht the piano Table d'hote oi i cart< 'rte&7JH(k m ■< T/tisi Baf R ESTAURANT fjHl RHEUMATISM JO&M %yr LIN/nfcNT cWSgc-F jit'l Kaln of s<lnfl< neurirh, lumbago KiQSolw kiid furuu of rhcuinatism C" V^i.
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    • 163 6 "5'Connections for all 1 X parts of Indo China Arrivals from Saigm VvK^ Thyrsdays 3.50 p.m. Departures for Saigon v Fridays 7 30 a.« AIR X FRANCE BOOKING OrFICC CENERAI AGENTS Ground floor Cn <*«» Union Bu.ld.n X M« 6 B *r«.^ M.m.mM Tel ***** 66 Tn A'cail* Vy y^—
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  • Article, Illustration
    1777 7  -  Jimmy Glover From THEY all tell the same tele 1 th< people who return to England to-day after many years' abi n Th<- country is not what d to be b. cause ol the good manners and the courtesy and good hbourlin ol the ig< man and woman
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  • 582 7 This Singapore (MRS. Beatrice (Betty) -"Church. Singaporean who will remembered by most of the pre-war residhas comr back amon« us for a shon time. B.»ltv who used to run an advertising Agency here and who lias had an agency 111 Hongkong since tho war intends to start again Iri Singapore
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  • 43 7 - AUR Sports Editor blushed v furiously when a Sinsauore Fuiirral Associatiui sent m a list Ol their offic\ bearers to be published ov, his marts' page. He blushed again, when Me was addressed over the telephone as the Sporting Editor.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 233 7 TOO FAT* Men and women who are putting on weight will find ih*t Mamda T tfcleu will asilst them 10 »lim. For ovet X) yean it ha» been r^'>ved «h« Murmola tablets act naturally on the ■yilcm, ai.J •id the body to get rid of unwanted fat iOU tan local
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    • 353 7 Jf^l hettei econofliical j^6* Sighting anywhere Office i; TL v 7>-V-' V TERRY 1 An.jl«poise Vtrfctbtf LAMPS ><i vv:itt PpOtli|?hl i M ii ■■■■■■>?• \A minatlcn with 25 (*\*~~t —^/^v^X^^ watt lulh. at any /aT i angle required J^V^ Ask your electri .'-^ILJ^ dealer for i demcti :r L=s:v^ r
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    • 563 8 UONEST Jim Griffiths, our new Secretary of State for the Colonies, has his name down for a trip to Malaya. Mr. Attlee says that be might be able to spare him some time this summer, and vux^r WSipoioe we shall make him. But Honest Jim must not take
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    • 79 8 ftiOLGIAN sociologists have been studying the reaction of Coneo "natives" to mechanisation. They feel that mechanisation would encourage laziness among these backward peoples. The "native" attitude towards mechanisation is an unhealthy one. He thinks tnat it is a means "whereby the personnel could work without tiring
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  • 3120 8  - INDIANS DON'T SAY IT WITH KISSES M.A.FRIEDERICH By BOMBAY. IF Hollywood gets pained with too high-strung directors, long-haired scriptwriters and over-exacting stars, it should farm them out to India. India's movie industry is rated as the third biggest m the world. But producers have to beg and bargain for finances.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 73 8 Late Again? If* time to let as chock your watch or clock. All genuine Swiss spare parts available. Expert service nnd prompt attention. Moderate charges. (Branch at BoyoJ ATavy Air Station, Bi mbu\cuny). Phone ***** THIM LOCK Watchmakers 395, North Bridge Road. <^§pYELOS ,X MINOR hch\ Slapfei cur EFFICIENT 6ET
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  • 395 9 SW n I >■i 1 > A ii- 1* inn wa America's Dumbei One Covei Otri," she final the front cover of Voyu* That completed mo.: hei She flipped the i hut like a ixxik and took th«- next train for three other m hand.
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  • 274 9 EVERYONE IS FEELING HIS WAY L.\' "> v ip Lloyd Georgi Chairman of the Party, i plea led when \r upon h'-i ed round the Lobby "f the House i arching for who might bays <i ootl wotd to :,ay for ly-balanced at. It m i difficult to pin Lady
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  • 276 9 PEOPLE simply must become nioi c food conscious." says Culinary Professor Jean Conil. He sits m his office, rhythmically stroking htfl Imperial to the oscillations of his white chefs hat; around him ate menu schedules and volumes of poetry. He does not consider
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  • 225 9 Trains Never Turned A SHORT dapper, wellgroomed man, Mr. 1VI Chang Tun shook hands all round and beamed hla delight .t being Korea's ftrst Minister to the Court of St. Jam. I s.nce 1895. Then he ofteied everyone cup of the Poichester Hotels tea, talked of hi< faraway country i-\ou
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  • 394 9 THE Reverend Robert Wateraon hnd read about tin-H-Bomb. studied the proposals of the Aichbishop.s of terbury and York ar<d pondiicd over th« statement of the of Chichester. Yet ho felt the international situation was drifting from bad to woise. •Ho believed
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  • 245 9 IMHROUOH the dOOf of 1 Frances Day's Mayfair mews house came the voice of Miss Day heiself rehetn ing a nunibor for- her tele-vi-ion show on Thuisday Pmshton reporter* found ber In the )onn g t Mussed In blue slacks. ;i mustard-coloured jacket md i
    245 words
    • 408 9 I TING m bod m hoi tiowerJ tilled room on the second floor of Buckingham Palace. Princess Margaret spoke to her friends on the telephone. sin* was unused, but also a little angry. For the second time m her short life, "they" (the mysterious
      408 words
    • 251 9 ANEW weeks ago the unpretontkNH flat opposite the British Embassy m Athena was a lonely place. That was before the ejections, brought success for its tenant. General Nicholas Plastl" tas, future Prime Minister of Greece. Since then the flat has been visited by a vociferous stream
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
      29 words
    • 66 9 X -r- THE ONLy MRCHINE UJITH IO ICf:ys QPERRTED By THE TDUCK 545TEM Its CDMPRCT. SPEEDy. FOOLPCOOF OUSTPCDOr SrU 4CPNTS DUNCRN ROBFSITS L_ ISWTTfUyRP SPCKI F«CHI 7014 I BREAD is CHEAPER The excellent quality of our Bread and Cakes is well known The lib. loaf is now 20c Order your
      66 words
    • 60 9 Looiq AT THE I j •pu::f, 1 (trom Top to Base \j BTB^i fif i \wm BsWTrm *W&mmm±^-*mmm\ Sole Agcntfe": MARDEN COMPANY H2, Orchard Kd., Spore MAGSIL ATE /^=m for the speedy relief of Jl Headaches Pain P^jssea^^^. EATEN LIKE *a***""fT> ■•••;r-"- -A a sweet M/V H^ NO WATER REQUIRED
      60 words

    • 484 10 AjX Bjwmh. l».v Julian S.viimns (F.vre anil Spotti*uomle, J. r >H.) JULIAN SYMONS, distinguished poet, editor nvi critic, writes m this book about bin remarkable and brilliant brother, A. J. A. Symoii •■A. J." was a legendary figure when be died at 40. Hi: book, The *«ufst
      484 words
    • 198 10 LAST TURN OF THE SCREW TVnder M»t«>, bj LeMMHi Kiiufninn Maemlllan. ju. fid i. THERE should bo a strict law against the kind of blurb- writing which sees fit to describe Leonard Kaufman s very piosaic little novel as a penetrating study of the morality of love." The exasperated reader
      198 words
    • 243 10 La wr ence's Lady i'ortrait of a (ienius, ilut by Richard Aldington JhSBB mail LM>). THE OM dark Lawrence, writer of l^ady dHtterl t «v's Lover and painter of banned pictures, stopped being a literary cult ten y< ars ago. Th.> war. with Its nightmare attacks of heavy bombers, fantastically
      243 words
    • 221 10 Chew Well Before Swallowing (oniniitml of the Sea, by F.H. ■MalSJf (Christopher. 7s. 0(1.). THE title suggests a mealy, solid but slightly indigestible ships biscuit. Here m deed, is plain fare with two main ingredients: statements and statistics. But this simple recipe has tremendous impact. Figures are eloquent In this
      221 words
    • 295 10 RAG-AND-BONE MAN M\ Time, My LMst •>> Oss rfce t armleii (l>ent, Bs. M>). IN Kngtaiul. literature tend? to be the preserve of the middi<> Classes. The workingc'ass novel v. hich mushroomed into existence during the Marxian thirties was mainly a failure, except m the hands of -naturalised proletarian intellectuals.
      295 words
    • 127 10 Very Peculiar People, by E.J. liingwall (Killer and Co., IK*.). E. .1. DINGVVALLs latMt work. (Others include. Some Human Oddeities. The Girdle of Chastity. How to Go to a Medium. served up M "portrait studies m the i| Ie( r, the abnormal and the uncanny. dealfl with psychopathic
      127 words
    • 315 10 Jerusalem Enilmtt Mil, l».\ Hurry Levin ((Julian*/. lt*> it). JERUSALEM raon th City it l:' -'l!' '>'• :<l which ;i.t n have bi <i P' red to die ail "town the c tn turtea of it.- history, destined foi tli aster, ii tie over 400 y< ara
      315 words
    • 230 10 The ttaHee of ataadaj bj Frir liurgess (Michael Joseph. <>s. 6(L). Uxdf.rsi'X Groceries v braasily up-to-date chainRtore company set on destroying the human and oldfashioned Degby and Hule'H, a Ann of which the managing director is i detestable h fi« aded quisling. Tins Walter Laurence is determined
      230 words
    • 269 10 The Golden Fury, »»> Marian Castle (I retU-rick Sliillrr, 10s. (M.). THIS novel is strictly for who like Covered Wagon sagas. Period la ists i'»o9. scene Colorado, theme conquest. Against a ha< kgound of mining camps, ;alobna, shack hotels, brothels and hot gospel meetings, one girl's
      269 words
    • 336 10 Trouble is- My Business (Penguin, 1 3d if a collection of fiv.' short crime pieces i»y Raymond Chandler (The !>i<4 Sleep, farewell My Lovely, ote.i. and should h e regnr<ietf essential n n for thrill fans. These ston. are tough. dry-witt d. din ct and put to shame
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 520 10 HAM WITH THE A 1^ o Ait By CONSTANCE SHARPE AQl T AXil T S. li < s7i > b i/ avt JAN -1 C*B. 18. ar/ain, very briefly, Oe Th dot an excellent offered you. Thus time— grab tinu to start new enterprises it. This will be a wonderful
      520 words

  • Article, Illustration
    19 11 W*. l r „i UMI i.'i B»tgmu -J l>.- i,:., I „,,l sirmn. |,'.!iintr.i,.: i! > Lm« i*B*
    19 words
  • 67 11 HOLLYWOOD Sat. D/ 1 hnn, Imtfr Mid fottl I't'it If •N.f <"'. '/{< /until, hi',:. la lor com- /'/< t- ho Maid. I ■< i „t. I t<> In<tn,i'x t.til't t Cmkfornin.' il MMJ I'm t<> kt ttfU I ■}■!> hi I ln>nul 1., innn-u
    67 words
  • 88 11 HOLLYWOOD, Sat. HOLL\ \v< mu> puuu to film the story of the famed 142 nd a Ai my regi- i;;osr A 'n<-; Idler?; which di.---tinguifehe-d Itself m the Italian unpalgn <>i the lat<- war. The story, titled "Go for Broke," will be Aimed i>> M'tio-Golciw
    A.P.  -  88 words
  • 427 11  - AN EASTER I'LL NEVER FORGET Van Johnson By HOI RASTER SUNDAY will alIj i al mt aning n^r me. From m ihildl i: ■!i taught the rue this I\>kwhi oi days j have ali realized that it was a time i joicing. a day on which one could ta'xc spiritual
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  • 163 11 H< »LLY\VO(ji). Sat. TIM HOLT, one of the rcen'a top cowboy star.'-. wi'l Vave his boptfl un<l saddle long < nough to play a [government detective m RKO Radio's "Smiler With a Gun, which also will star Robert Mltchum and Jane Russell The ;ole will not
    163 words
  • 23 11 ▲SHKKLON, Sat. BAK.NTA. liffMH motion pi< tine ronctrn, luu mnoimced jilrin^ •<» hiuld Mollywooil mi south< n i rael near Mhkelon, A.P.
    A.P.  -  23 words
  • 1846 11  - 'SKINNY': FILMLAND'S CRUSADER HENRY GRIS by Frankie Fights For lite Under-Dog Hollywoc v, Hat gXACTLYId :~0, a trumpeter quit his job with a dance band to organise his own orchestra, lie nec-d'-'u a singer, of course, ;nd he decidfd on a 22 year-oid former box* r .ird sjwris writor. con-!})lotf
    1,846 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 78 11 (M I (\\{Yia- Jlmmmeu with PONDS LIPS new shades, gives you a J^^pßß^*^^^^^flp,\a h eart! Dashing, coy, subtly WSfw /^s^ fBI provoking whatever JBhJwm Your mooJ, Pond's 'Lips' tJ^JNV 12^ Qd d« to its charm. Chooxe jHbL^ WrZ THE PHILOSOPHY OF oB*mSL Just us .i picture ii perfected by it>
      78 words
    • 246 11 rOK MVV GiAMOUK /s^^ AND A YOUNG 1 COKING SKIN Zfl|yflMo/ 3^ Iv.ti Cakr Makf u| rhe greatest tonovation m Jm kislary of cmmrtics i f less, beautiful neu complexion nore rxcttiwg imittmHy .' more ■•l-j'.ve pat guard your ,i^*ii'»M diyuig k^-ep it sol Jy PAN-CAKE MAKEUP \V A/ax
      246 words

    • Article, Illustration
      1406 12  -  Joan Baldwinson ■y THE word "miniattire baa 1 always rasctnated me. Miniature flower ;i rai rein b nts, garden la >le ciecoratlona :i :m models win tempt me from the rr.ost comfortable chair, ai.d any nil ai ion o; th m m a 8 nds me bun i
      1,406 words
    • 21 12 TH 8 ,lntl>l<J-l(><'k-l.l>) kmNm In rW. l>htr and </'" '> Arc eta—ed anything hut »Jfoi fit to be
      21 words
    • 167 12 CABBAGE \M> <MUloi SALADS 1* packet icThon jelly 1 pint hot water 2 tabiespoous vinegar 1 teaspoon salt 1 teacup grated c:»rrnt 1 teacup minced heart of cabbage. Dissolve jelly In the hoi rater. Add vinegar and half the salt. Chill until beginning to wet. .s--carrot and
      167 words
    • 22 12 Animals, like humans, have distinctive character traits. A picture such as this usually paraphrases the expression, "playful as a kitten.
      22 words
    • 355 12  -  JOHN VAN GUILDER \n. >.% SEVERAL month* ago newspaper story appeared Which concerned a talking dog. It was offered m good laith. Still, it v*us hard to believe. But whether or not you place any credence In such a story, the tact remains that animals aren't unlike humans.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 118 12 TO YOUR riNGERTIPS •••iNPfM **ta*trcttir</ trt'/A CUT EX Your hands tan be more beautiful with magic-wear l'TLX...the polish that Lists and lasts. CLItX gives sparkle to your costume applies easily resists peeling and chipping. Because CUTFX is so inexpensive you can afford to keep several shades on hand. harmonize
      118 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 162 12 W^b3» ,RiU GOIN' STEADY FO' f E-V'RVeODY BLAr' AH Tf HAMfbbr IZCSi; V Ha-/ < V WWWfif' SECM A LONGTIMt/f- IN DOG- DiSAPPQiMTED) V IS Q'^iTf A _Jy > STRONGEST INFCOWIftTIfsKn.'"/ BUT-s'GH.'* '^''w,. V *iokiT C /p NOW am' tv,en WE /PATCH IS K J AH N KETCrI.r J C'_.^ElC"r
      162 words

  • 826 13  -  Malcolm Usher By BRITISH and oromotor Jack Solomon., each took ;i bad beating when Dirk Turpin, the holder of th< Brit middle-weight title, loci on points orer r.ii rounds to America's M >■■ il the Royal Hall. Solomons had ning to
    826 words
  • 773 13 PENG SOON IS FIRST ASIAN TO BECOME 'MAN OF THE MOMENT' Hi A Special < orrc -»|>«. mlent WONO PENG SOON fc* the •Man of the Moment" m the world of badminton today. This honour wa- accorded film by the cflicial organ of the Badminton Association of England, The Badminton
    773 words
  • 258 13 BRILLIANT unfinished 76 by the former Ranji trophy player, M. N. Raiji, enabled the iiidian Association to register a well merited ight wickets victory over the Singaj>ore C.C. yesterday on the S.C.C. Padang yesterday. The home team batting first were dismissed lor 135 runs,
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  • 249 13 WANDERERS DEFEAT THE SINHALESE The Wanderers defeated the Sinhak.c by ;n runs at Fairer Park m a friendly match yesterday.. But tht Slnha cs«> on!; batted witl niiw playeri Fine bowling bj 11. Pereira who took five Wanderers wicketfl for 47 inn- and Ifahaaa who took r< ur for 24
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  • 105 13 PENANG. Sat.-- TM lirsi State cricket trial lor tue season was begun today on the Sports Club ground when S. V. Adam's t«am occupied the rceaje ■;i whole afternoon kuocKing up 1»8 runs against Northcote Green's XI. D. Laßrooy top^-cred with 32 at wnlch h? retired and
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 178 13 KEEP BABY jTy^W^M J^ i > n».^. MM and irrifif.l* «prmWl* hi» body X SS^^ r^r^^^\ th CI'SSONS" WHITE CROSS HABY "5" ~~~~~^^r\ Pt)WDER Thi» pnwder i» f-xtrt'melv (Inf. l ;j^ij>yW;i d»li*«t»ly perfumed and haa an irnranl Hr, ir ii*^ aooihinit effect. It i» particularly important Hra •••>< rv«T<-i<«ary to
      178 words
    • 382 13 REDUCTIONS IN rtuCt; IN SINGAPORE Hold Stornp^o Hakorv liavo pjcawirf In uuMHincinp that M from Ist April. l(»f>0 it.,> >ri<«' r.r hrearl and .< tlf-rnislng Hour will V r. n j«-.-. i The new pHc !fl irr Mi followBREAD !lOc* a ll> SELF II \JSI\4. I LOIII 7.1 v a
      382 words

  • 1270 14  -  LINESMAN By TBE state crick t season will be ushered In next week with the annual Easter engagements between Singapore and Selangor In Kuala Lumpur and Pen mg versus Perak match m Penang the oldest repn senl atlve matches played m Lhe country. While
    1,270 words
  • 267 14 BATTI>G 102 Cheong Tniam Blew, s.c.K.C. v R.A.F.. Selctar 10 > Holloway. V.M.C.A v iv.A.F.. Tengah. 83 Hutchlnson, R.A.F. Beletar v S.C.K.C m c. Seneveratne. Sinhalese Ass;*, v C.ic x^. (N). 73 M U. Patel. Il (Man ASSC. B" v C.V.M.A. 57 Oivi, Swee Law. B.C.R.C. v r.a.f..
    267 words
  • 1007 14 Dave Sa nds— Brooks Fight Will Put S'pore On World Map BOXHtfGI With The Gloves Off by the [SPECTATOR I THK big aewa down aulifluwiT \U»>" this \\fik has < fntr<"l round th»' anti<-i--pHt»'ti appeanuwc hi singapore o* Dave Sa.n<ls. "'liikt- nu mistake it i«. hig aewa. Sand<in top for.n
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  • 104 14 PRICES UP FOR THE BIG FIGHT For the most expensive ring tight since the i;b<ra tion, boxinu rans are called upon to pay the highest price tor seats since the days of Battling Key. To see Dave Sands and Boy Brooks m action at the Happy World Stadium those who
    104 words
  • 99 14 Tli. follow >t a. i>-i.ik >s draw un the and Nal :"ii il li<iiri.i of ill'- *b ive tickfts should "aH .n the hoi prarj sh- ••tai\. t f April 111. ■•ivir.t: th« „v partii '.i.u--- 1 Nnnir and t idr.;.— 2. Nan*
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 276 14 Sill Wr 4^llll Coughs, Colds, J/fffi^^ f l Sore Throats, tsj£?^/'m\ Influenza f Take Hudson's Eumenthol^^^^^Br \J» Jujubes d(n I if. Hudson's, and only Hu<i-nn'», contain "EunienllioP' /^^>^^ the safe, powerful perniicidc^Kgjn; '''&$J that brings you speedy relief /j^ffl^^lgfSjffi and stops that cough NOW! always xxsa^^P^'™ and tins. Hudson's ;O
      276 words
    • 282 14 LATEST RADIO MODEL 5^21 What is home without a RCA 5Q2)? /C^=fS li.ii i- "t^tra' »a«lio? Il !>m'i ,-jili.i "dl d!l u limit krtp* the liottif happy! I lie HCA I lulps Io »nl\ r lliour liooir* liMrninp pr«»l»li m«. whrnfaihri mcil > t to li.-tnt In lliV fighll, iiiittlin
      282 words

  • 2044 15  -  ALBERT SPENCER NO REGRETS' FINE WIN IN TOP SPRINT EVENT By The Man with 2,000 Winners IPOH, Saturday. POUR horses scored their maiden victories m Malaya today, the first day of the Perak Turf Club "Derby" Easter meeting. They were: Liberty Flag, Texas, Four O'Clock
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  • 58 15 TOTAL FOOL $312,1<ii First Prize: No. *****2 Seeontl Prize: No. *****!) Third Prize: No. *****3 Starters: Nos. 244H55, KaU'lt, IMlt*, MMatsl, \HVi.~., MIMI, *****8, *****4, *****8, *****1, *****5. C'«ni.Holati<n» Prizes: No». *****7. *****5, 266*54, *****5, *****0, *****6, *****4, *****1. ISMtt, *****4. Double ToLs: First $70 on each
    58 words
  • 226 15 Y.M.C.A. STILL UNBEATEN AT CRICKET The V.M.C.A. maintained their unbeaten iccord at cricket this season, yesterday, when they beat the R.A.F.. Changi, by six wickets m a friendly match. Theli mm)O6H was 'ii":l\ duo lo the excellent bowling of OeolT <'oiillliioa«l who look ei:;hl irlcuta for runs. The airmen began
    226 words
  • 266 15 SINGAPORE BOYS WIN AGAINST THE CLOCK PERTH, Sat. In a race against tho dork the Sins;apoio schoolboys played entertaining cricket at the Ouildfoid recreation to defeat the Perth Boys Hi^h School. They were given two hours m which to pass the home team's score of 156 for six declared and
    266 words
  • 66 15 NEW YORK. Sat. Tony Jantro. throe to one against In th( betting, held former middleweight champion Pocky Graziano to a draw over ten rounds at Madison Squarr Garden hrre. .Taniro won most of the early rounds but tired m the sixin. urazumo scored well m the rest ol
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 215 15 M#%P«* (ROMEO) Jjf^^'.'i HOPE f^i Yh«> Answer To A Maiden's jfl l'r;iy.n.u h'or L'U:,ij^. /^^^^^^Sr >U Ver Kwm IA^PIL hope-MmTno *-*+—4 lf>»v^O fttlOM f, k AIEJUNOf P MAu purs: c^rii. Thr Grand National Nows-rcel Listen into our Weekly Rediftusion Broaucasts. Chinese: every Monday at 6.30 p.m. Kuglish: ev.ry Tuesday at
      215 words
    • 28 15 New Happy Theatre Happy World. Today Ch^ap Matinee it 2 n p in. EUiowing Double l^eatiurcs. SENORA STAGE -COACH AND OVERLAND TRAIL. Price 30 cont In all seats.
      28 words
    • 31 15 NOW SHOWING 11 1.45 4 ri.3o 9.30. Pius Special Attraction "FESTIVAL OF CHINESE FASHIONS" Filmed by Sl-aw Bros. Ltd. Today's p.m. Mat'ncc "OITPOST IN MOROCCO" NEXT CHANGE A URIVUSAI MTtIIUTIOIIAI nCTVM
      31 words
    • 266 15 11 a.m., L 45, 4, 6.30 9.30 FOR THRILLS FOR EXCITEMENT FOR ACTION FOR SURPRISES '■^v^ v v 4¥¥r/^¥> f\ J J "*"^*''!s'f p. n a ii p no l^BMpKil^pßM^p^p^p^pMp^aßMpg-^W^SL^ ap 1 capu ALSO A i~"&XOOQifeS COMEDY NEXT CHANGE Malay jfil^^ Product i-.n.s Wf j?* Jp£§. present fc A FOUR
      266 words

  • 70 16 Airman Marries Air Woman ii rti i Ueatenaal ui«i fifrii Fredfruk Jut kson af le i (hi ir uedUinu ut St. Andrew's Cathedral yeslerda>. The i»iide. formerly I lit hi Otfiter < F.h/a belli ANford. wore a pimder blue afternoon dr<*s>. and was given uHity by Wing Com niander B.
    70 words
  • 60 16 PENANO. Sat. In a senior division match ar tile v. lands ground *hi* t venlng the F->rry Youn»»-tt-r.s deft AK'd in^- Poiiv- fI.C. by six foals 10 two alter leadin 5 o at hair time, Goal .sooivrs were, I-Yrrv VoungKters, Mahmaa 2. Chat Cheang Pawan am\ Biang
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  • 325 16 LONDON, Rat. -Following ar« i'o..i»)ail rewilts: KN(.I.I>II I.KAOIK lIKVI DIVISION At- nii i. Manchester C. I. Binmiuhaiii 0, Newcastle Bolton 2. Putnam 1. Hurnl< > 0 Wolvi rhampton i < h< I •:i MudderstioKl i Derby n, Blarki 1 <>. Liverpool 1. Onarlton n Manchester U. I,
    Reuter  -  325 words
  • 132 16 RAWALPINDI, Sat. Keplyin* ii|. Pakistan Conunand»r*-ln-Chiefs XI tirst inmr.'H .<■•!• <• 1%. Ceylon had broueht iheir Ural inn ngi score t" l'* 1 for r.tnc t>> lunch an the second da; ih«ir natch hut*. Owing i" rain no Further pla> was poasibh after lunch. Th» Captains
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 210 16 LATEST RESULTS IN Y.M.C.A. TENNIS TOURNEY Further progress was muac yesfc ra iy m i.i. y.m.c.a Open [nvit&von Lawn Tennis tournament when four matchet v.t r<played m the Junior .Ov:Vs. throe m the Men* Open Doubles, two In mo Veteran Doubles and Women's Bin-gl«-s and one m the. M< n'a
    210 words
  • 125 16 KI'ALA LI MPI'R, Sat. Fine batting by G. de Silya. c;. P.. Bull ami R. La Faber who scored 43. 62 and 41 runs respectively for the Probables. higtftUghtml today's Slate cricket tiial on QM Pa«lan^. Taking first knock the Probables were out for 195 run.^ gathered
    125 words
  • 859 16 DUNLOP AWARDbD THE C B. Tribune Mali" Reporter TVVFNTV-FIVK people m Sinßiipore were presented with orders and medals by Sir Patrick Mrkerron, t)rtuer XdmiinsieniiK the <.o>ermneiit. M I simple ceremony held at (iovernment House yesterday. Highest honour of the Jay was onferred Of. leadership
    859 words
  • 366 16 Had The Sappers Only Been More Accurate. IJAD the Royal Engineer! been more accurate with their shooting, they could have easily forced J draw with Kota Raja m a S.A.K.A. Senior League soccer at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. Kota Raja won by three goals to one. The Sapper* put up
    366 words
  • 144 16 SEREMBAV Sat.- Solan gor scored a double victor:. over Nt-gri m tinlint irit-ndly bocc t mutch played here today. Selangor's lirst eieven beat Nt-eri 7 4 while th«> second eleven scored r twonil win. Selangor were vortU.v winners. The fonrards. Richards. Dutto.i
    144 words
  • 50 16 WELLINGTON, Sat. The Australian ciioket team touring New Zealand dismissed Wellington for 138 and had rep-ied with IBt for 3 Inclose of play on the first day of their final match of th« tout at Basin Reserve here, J. R, Reid made 71 for Wellington. Reuter-AAP
    Reuter-AAP  -  50 words
  • 30 16 MANILA, Siit.— A totai eclipse of th" moon will br visib'e In the Phlllpplnefl from 020!) ;mtil 055J* local tini< v.n April vi« Weatlief Bureau announced today. A.P.
    A.P.  -  30 words
  • 139 16 Cretnin Beats Rees In £500 Golf Tourney ADELAIDE, Bat 1* Cr.-min. An-t i .li i( n o^ champion, w«,n the 72 holes £500, rti» ur^irm mont hoi.- onp stroke fiom th< Brit in* n*ri play champion Dal Ft Cmnln won with pregate of 284, i:..., JJ necood with 0
    Reuter-AAP  -  139 words
  • 174 16 MANILA. Bat -^Hi' 1 Sands. 151 pounds, knocked out Clever Ciano In the ninth of their scheduled U n round contest here tonight. Little Paras won on prints against Bobby Njoo. The Sands-Ciano fi"ht was a terrific slugging match, keeping the crowd m the
    U.P.  -  174 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 93 16 BRAND «ffe ff^i THE NOTED iQ /^^^s*^ MARGARINE THE HO HONG OIL MILLS (1931) LTD., 65 Chulia Strett, Singapore. Phone: i>9l1 0913. 4.1V1 A\4. a..d JOO ClIlAl! Good news for the thousands of applicants who have waited so patiently. Our Service will be available m the Geylang and Joo Chiat
      93 words
      82 words