Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 31 July 1949

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 21 1 SUNDAY Tribune Putii«/i«<t «4m«utun«ou6Jy at Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang. SIXTEEN PAGES SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, JULY 31, 1949. PRICE TEN CENTS
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  • Article, Illustration
    47 1 l»ve: U -General Sir John Hurtling. Commander- i-ChM drsiKnate Far EaM I^ind Force*, interviewed bv Rhona < on;« >rv of Kadio Malaya on Ills arrival at yesterday, Mow: General Harding inspecting a R.A.F. Regi- went (Malaya) guard-of -honour drawn from No. 98 ■•"iron. STOKV PAGE 3.
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  • 37 1 LONDON. Sat. A now BnL^ CU 31 bo »»'HM. the bZ u ll(i now in service (Jj,* ll rc-r.,uip .squadrons Jrfj. L "™P>" and Aden We next two months. 11 Air Miniuti-r Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 51 1 LONDON. Sat.— Two lead--1 ing British car firms, Nufi t oid's und Austins, have an- nounced the end of their > scheme for" interchanging confidential infoimation. I They will, however, continue to consult on matters affecting the industry as a whole. No merger is contem- i
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 31 1 PR r U, Saturday. Stamps bearing the portraits of Bdouard Beaes and Jan Masaivk, fathers of modern Czechoslovakia, have been ruled d? worthless after Oc- _o'<er 30 U.P.
    U.P.  -  31 words
  • 21 1 PARIB, Saturday Motorcar tyres, tattooed in Franco since the beginning of the war, yi' now on free sale.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 193 1 BATAVIA, Saturday. Dr. Mohamad Hatta, Indonesian Prime Minister, is to leave for India on August 8 for a two-day stay, during which he will meet Pandit Nehru in New Delhi. Dr. Hatta. a poisonal friend of the Indian Piimc Minister, will be making his f
    Reuter  -  193 words
  • 603 1  - 'DIRECT LABORU' CALL TO NORTH BORNEO Lawrence G. Mani By N' ORTH Borneo must have national registration, direction of labour and immigration, if it is to solve its main problem This is the conclusion reached by the North Borneo Rubber Commisindust Sl>ellt three anda half months inves gating the Colony's
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  • 73 1 INDIA WIDE BAN ON OPIUM SMOKING? BOMBAY. Sat. The Indian 'overnment is likely tc ban )pium ■moktag throughout ndia. Mr. L. M. Patil, Bombay Excise Mini.i^j s.iid today. Ficra .ir.n. 1 m xt the Goverr.nont will restrict the use of •piuin to scientific and medici .ial purposes, he added. Mr.
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 52 1 TOKYO, Saturday. The Ministry of Industry today announced plans to send a "sample liner", specialising in Japanese export textiles, on a world cruise. A 10,000 ton passenger vessel has been tentatively chosen for the trip. It will carry a staff of Japanese trade officials j.nd
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 98 1 'CITIZENS OF INDIA -ON JAN. 26 NEW DELHI. Sat. Special uovisions for 3.000.000 Indians Cevlon, Malaya. Burma, >>outh Africa and other counties aie included in the nation Uty and citizenship clauses cf he Indian Republican Con- 1 titution completed here toda? ■>y the Drafting Committee 6i le Indian Constituent As3emUnder
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 80 1 'CUT DOWNHILL OF DEATH,' SAYS COMMISSION Bombay, Sat. The Special Inquiry Commission investigaing the recent K.L.M. Constellation crash near Bombay las recommended the cutting lown by 100 feet the Ghatcopar Hills near Santa Cruz lirport. Forty-five people were killed n the crash, including 13 Ameican journalists. The Inquiry Commission has
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 48 1 HIRE TO ASK CLEMENCY BATAVIA, Saturday. Carlton A. Hire, the Singapore man now serving a seven-year prison sentence for running arms into Indonesia, will appeal for clemency to the High Representative of the Duich crown. Hire's appeal to the High Court in Batavia has alreadv been rejected.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  48 words
  • 26 1 BUENOS AIRES. Sat-, rhe National Convention of th. Party has proclaimo 'resident Juan D. Peron th •arty candidate for reelectic .n 1952. A.P.
    A.P.  -  26 words
  • 36 1 i J AiiIS, Sat.— iingauiei oc -ral Pierre Boyer de la Tour u^ .loulin har, been appointed j French Commissioner of the I Repuolic of Cochin-China by a decree in today's official journal. Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 139 1 HONGKONG, Sat. Three hundred Chinese Communists raided a Nationalist headquar. ten forty miles from Hongkong before dawn yesterday and escaped with the garrison's arms. Hongkong press reports said the isolated Nationalists surrendered after three hours' skirnii.shing in which the Communists threw grenades. The Nationalist headquarters was
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 194 1 WaWl Am V^ g#■ ,__ft _B^^^^g_B3-B BSaS^^____m____wr N ts»> *mj^ 11 aMI WS Itoberto Ingle/, and A* Kaml His Orchestra. »orrvth y tIS a 7 CVy S ;{2o vour ma ic P ell ReTatl V," Ca| yP 8 \M everywhere Bgne. Cakn'n Relativ^ S Samba Samba 3195 In tnc heart
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    • 9 1 BY ms PEOPLE FOR nn PEOPLE Td: Tribune" S'pore
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    • 409 1 MALAYA'S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER Phone 5811/3 SEASON TVAOfNG CQ ANY CUSTOMERS? On»> suggesv ti<>n »»«de by «*2*V^^ V x Mr l>at lohn V Jffßfopv during the xCV^V "y""jjJj!L K ••<'»>at«- (.n the %Ssr<*' S^^ '*«>ntian tunnel <\w^ 5 a s tnat !t \\-> yO^ \s[ be s<,ld Open l^utiw During Friday's
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  • 221 2 MACDONALD'S TRIBUTE TO NORTH BORNEO 'Most Peaceful And Contented Countries' MR. Malcolm MacDonald, the Commissioner-Gene-ral, yesterday paid a tribute to the remarkable rrconstruction in North Borneo in the past three years. Mr. MacDonald, who recently visited Sandakan and Jesselton, said: "The three territories in British Borneo Sarawak, North Borneo and
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  • 33 2 MALACCA, Sat. The nerct sitting of the Malacca High Court will be on Tuesday Aug\ 2. One case cf housebrcaking and theft and six criminal appeals are on tho calendar.
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  • 81 2 MUSIC CIRCLE CONCERT THE Singapore Music Circle will present their third concert at the British Council Hall, Stamford Road, in the fir.t season of nine concerts on Tuesday at 8.30 p.m. A talk on Chinese music will be included and the orchcptra will perform under the leadership of Mr. Lee
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  • 33 2 A Toochew Chinese, staying at Tcck I Chye Terrace, has to'd the Police that cash amounting to $870 and jewellery and other valuables, valued at $3,140, was missing from his home.
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  • 145 2 Proposals put forward by thc Malayan Planting Industrie Employers' Association for the reduction of wages for labour have been referred to arbitration after an abortive attempt to reach agreement wit a some of the unions. A joint statement issued by Mr. R. Boyd, secretary at the M.P.L.E.A. and
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  • Article, Illustration
    44 2 Mis> IVggy Gillespie, 26-->ear-old I'an American Airways purser, who is in Singapore, meets the Director of rivli Aviation, Air Vice-Mar-sha! S. E. Storrar. Miss Gllleaple will be here two weeks to impart to Malayan Airways hostesses the latest American methods of assisting air travellers.
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  • 59 2 The Singapore Municipality will build large modern district fire station this year to cope with tho lapidly expanding Alexandra industrial area. The Singapore Fir L Brigade, a municipal lepo-t nys. will con install a two-v/ay short wave radio for all the fife engines and ambulances. The electric
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  • 384 2 Five More Students To Leave For U.S. [JIVE more Malayan students will leave Singapore to join American universities. Miss Huang P^k Cio, of 619 Bukit Timah Road, will sail for New York on a fellowship awarded her by the National Council of the Protestant Episcopal Church. New York. She will
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  • Article, Illustration
    35 2 Thre; 1 brothers who are M"?eu-l>oir.ui on a pilgrimage T!»( are (left) Abang >lajid Taha* AtfMtff M ohanied Kassim Tuh«, pnd Abang Mohnmcd Tawfek Tahn, sons oj the late DatJ P&flnggi, tho Chieftain o.!:.
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  • 120 2 Mr. C. S. Janscn. a teacher in the Serangoon English Bchool. and Mr. Roy Ferroa of the Straits times, have been awarded the "Canada-UNFJ-BCO" Fellowship, and will 1< avo shortly for Canada for an approximate period cf -ix months. Mr. Jansen's projected course of rtudy includes
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 332 2 TAKE CARE OF TOin j N^y babys skin dw2t with this soothintj BALM 'M If your baby'* skin is chafed a,»H lore, use D. D. I>. BMm, *afr, southing ointment f*» that vmil n t ,t-..n. This pur*, white anti- L 1 •epiic softly sri )<>thed into the skin has
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    • 207 2 to the several thousand applicants to whom we cannot yet offer We will reach YOU soon (Singapore) LTD.. 9^b*J^| 182, Clemenceau Ave, S'pore. Vk| —b^ W J CLASSICAL M'NiTE TONIGHT CAII AY' Phone 3400 For your Reservatio. Shanghai's Film Go's 'FLOATING LIFE" Based from a very famous Chinese book written
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 409 2 BLUE NETWORK C **TV*W!~ rr< RED NETWORK mary. 9.02 Morning JiicJM ra ne LJ ht Classical >ng Annct Frog. Siimmarv I atin America "I "he Air- 745 an AflfairB b > OT B J IJ l •<» Tamil songs. Music played in South American S& 3^ ty *"*vou- g-JJ B«ete
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  • 370 3 FEDERATION POLICE REACH FULL STRENGH Tto 1C full Or J e °l£ e of Malaya is up TraiStt s° K^ Pa-od out from the parade It wastho H«t f Lum P ur a a ceremonial Sc held bj rhe^oHce 81 P»-ing- O ut parade to only one police training depot
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  • 164 3 Lt-Gennal Sir .John Hard- who shortly succeeds iral Sir Neil Ritchie as Commander -in Chief, Far Land Forces, arrived in Snrapore by Constellation aircraft yesterday. A piard-of -honour of 100 ga drawn from the R.A.F. Recent i Malaya i and the Seaforth Highlanders welcomed •be short and
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  • 100 3 BRODERICKSHATTOCK MARRIAGE Miss Ruby Sheila Broderick was married to Mr. Dennis Frederick James Shattock Yesterday afternoon at St. Andrew's Cathedral. Tho bride was dressed in Edwardian style heavy white satin and carried a bouquet of red English rose?. The best man was Mr. Claude Darwell. The bridesmaid, Miss Jennifer Hctt,
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  • 115 3 Notorious Bandit Trapped .JOHORE BAHRI\ Sat N ftci a long period of investigation, the Police caught a notorious Malay bandit in his iKKWe a few mile* from Muar yesterday. The bandit was a member of we Bakri Gang which ambushed a Military Police party and killed 'Captain Hambrook and severely
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  • 69 3 TIGER KING JUNIOR ENTERTAINS Mr. Aw Kow, son of the Tiger Balm Kinsr. and the Tiger Spotting Association entertained a large gathering of sportsmen and friends to a dinner at the Southern Hotel last night. The guests Of honour were the Soccer tourists from Java i and their families. Representatives
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  • 100 3 Hongkong Varsity Reunion The Pan-Malayan Hongkong Uatvonftt} Alumni Association held Its second annual re-union dinner at the Seaview Hotel last night. Members of the Association came down to Singapore specially for the occasion. Sir Franklin Gimson. the Governor of Singapore, and Lady Gimscn attended the function. Sir Franklin i.^(\c c.
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  • 235 3 (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) THE financial appendix attached to Singapore's $15,000,000 Five Year Social Welfare Plans has given the impression that the Welfare Department will spend about $8,000,000 to administer $7,000,000 over the five-year period. Some sources in Singapore have pointed out to the Sunday
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  • 318 3 DLANNING for a big future in the Bali cattle trade, 1 the K.P.M. have built four 2,831-ton "cattle" ships in Dutch shipyards for the inter-archipelago and Singapore service. Three of these "cattle" ships, the first of their kind to be seen in Eastern waters,
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 3 Highest Scorer Mr. F. A. Rickerdike, serrt'tary of the Singapore Rifle Association, t< niches! the highest aggregate score at yesterday's S.R.A. "Bisley" meetbig. The Bislvy meeting nill end this evening.
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  • 59 3 They're Ready For The Bandits A section of a flight of No. 95 Squadron of th;> R.A.I'. Regiment (Malaya) moving up to ihe assault position during its field training at H.A.F. station Bemtewaag. The Squadr(<n will aoM iis passing out parade on August when the salute will I><; taken by
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  • 495 3 Services Unions Seek Change In Basic Salaries Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) JM3CAL civilian workers of the three Services will press for immediate re-consideration of their basic salaries because the present revised scales, approved bv the Services authorities, have been found unsatisfactory. This question of basic salaries la contained in a
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  • 28 3 The Singapore Fire Brigade yesterday rescued a male Chinese who collapsed while dig ging a drain and- got, buried. The man v:i 2 tiken to hospital.
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  • 35 3 TOKIO, Sat. A stem protest to the Chinese Nationalist Government against the seizure and sinking or Japanese fishing boats -in -the East Chin;; Sea by Nationalist jjunboats ha* been scfit by oUAI-\ A.P.
    A.P.  -  35 words
  • 37 3 TOKIO, Sat. Japan'; oil reserves may be increased by <'i!most 50 per cent, as a result of findings of a deep test well sunk this month at Yabage on the northWcst coast <J£ ttontau.j A.P.
    A.P.  -  37 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 128 3 „(£it AI«A f (|T%SjQ raja A*^ q Vx I Accompanied baggage** pfcaiure in announcing that your heavy baggage aa* 11 bowehold effect! now can be despatched along mucj rou ««i for only A quarter of the imiaJ exeat baggage charfe J frality mm that you nred no longer be arparaaed
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    • 50 3 /^■l^^^M^dL^ ***** y/fjh »«v**t tJLiwrw la clinch sxhtFLASHLIGHT 50/e Represenmtnes GETZ BROS. CO. PENANG -KUALA LUMPUR SINGAPORE 50 Jfa^M^ ToffCSS V^ WALLER A HARTLEY LTD. IM■ w fi^ty -HlUdy-Toff^Work^ 1 l^** 5 J f m lUcfcpooC EnfUo^ m f iiiiiiifi 4 I sole iMPORTtas ..SIMI, DAkBY CCX, LTD. J T,*l
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  • 562 4 PARENTS SHOULD DECIDE ON SEX EDUCATON Gove rn men t Has No Objection (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) JJNTIL such time as parents should demand that sex education should be imparted in schools, it will not be included in the school curriculum said Mr. R. M. Young, the Deputy Director of
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  • 519 4  -  Ivor Kraal is ym FACILITATION may sound a long word to you but to thousands of air travellers it means shortening the hours, even days, of inconvenience. In certain countries too many formalities have been imposed and the compliance of these tend to reduce the real value ot
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  • 282 4 S 'pore Dea le rs Are Surprised At Ducks' Egg Story (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) THINBSE egg dealers in Singapore were surprised, when shown a story, in the Tribune, of the death of an Army Officer in England after eating raw duck's eggs. They said it was the first time
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  • Article, Illustration
    116 4 The Stanclard-Vaouurn Oil Company stafl got together for the opening of their new club, the Stanvjw Employees* League Club House, at No. 2 Farrar Park, on Friday. The opening ceremony was performed by their (ieneral Manager, Mr. J. A. MoQuilkln. A tea-party was held on the occasion. Singapore-burn Chung MeiLing,
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  • 48 4 GOSPEL CAMPAIGN MALACCA, Sat. Mr. Gordon B'air of Singapore, who, last month, gave a series of t.'i'ks at the Bethesda Gospel Hall, Tranquerah Road. Malacca., will be in Malacca again on August 13. Laig.« attendances we u» present at the Gospel campaign conducted by Mr. Blair last month.
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  • 52 4 MALACCA, Sat. Members of the Malacca Eurasian Association are holding a dinner on Saturday, August 6, in honour of Mr. P. F. Pereira who recently received the M.B.E. All Eurasians are invited to attend the function and they are asked to contact Mr. B. F. Gomes, hon. secretary of
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  • 251 4 News Reaches Them By Sampan. times (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) JHE mobile units of the Johore Public Relations Department are playing a vital role in the Emergency in bringing official news and announcements to the thousands of people living in kampongs and the rural areas. The State Public Relations
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  • 59 4 MALACCA. Sat Because of complaints regarding the passage and public footpath from St. Paul's Hill to the o'd Santiago Gate it is suggested that the public ground, comprising the portion of St. Paul's Hill which is open to the public, and the foot-path to Fort Terrace should be
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  • 27 4 MALACCA, Sat. Mr C A d e Vrles, Assistant District Officer, Alor Gajah. has returned from leave spent in Australia and has assumed duties.
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  • 22 4 MALACCA. Sat. The annual athletic sports of the Malacca High School will b<> hflu on Augrist 6, at 2.30 p.m.
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  • 85 4 Two hundred Singaporean., good-bye to SSB at 6.30 p.m. yesterday ever, tog on a trip to the bland of tno Brave (Pulau Brani) Th«re they gathered in frtw of Mrs. E. Martin's bunpiUw and raised their voices In me and laughter round a campfliiv. Later they
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  • 48 4 More than 500 people turned up last n»£ht at St. And rew's School for the dine--organised by the Ex-Studwb of St. Margaret's C.E2MS. The dance was held to rai* tunds for the building of i now school hall and new pfmlscfl fot the Ex-students Ai sociation.
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  • 166 4 Road Hogs Brought To Book riKOious Policy c/Jr^ against road ho Ks mj, and only two Uen persons wc»Tfn 1u .7.: v lag May. m J Ur «ddur. ASP. Stack. Stat* Officer, said that at 1^ w« -v booked for va, ou d^ offences aHcomJSJijin cues duimg Su? T J»me
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 259 4 /j^^jßffiO recorder Can .Be Made gT^^^/ i>> .-\ll\«.lic. h /T h piu<i-//V XFCOPD/H6 C4frK/£>6£ BOUND RECORDING AM) REPRODUCING OF CONVERSATIONS, MICROPHONE SPEECHES, Ml SIC KAIHO PROGRAMMES. IDEAL FOB) BMfaMM, Bif JWnti^ School, PhyAlolann, Lawyers, Clergymen, 3nsuriuic«> investl^mtuny PmI0mI«mI Muslrljins, i;m< rfain.T*, f ornni«rci:il Br«a^oM| S(udi(i<4 and tn fh«- ii< met,
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    • 93 4 f that I cookies delicio^ y(^%) to 1\ i^^TS^ SQ y J ELSIE the BORDEN cow 1 hurwl'i Cetc. 1 If your recipe calls fof ml f sure you use KLIM. L tari pom watii, nourishment to d«Uc»o«w c add him itu soups; makes ncbei f nastries enhances tne anotouhavi
      93 words

  • 5209 5 Last Day Of Jfenang Races flie Hoi A i up Class M* Miles l^lOfftrfl FAVOI RITE 9.06 riTTII 2-7-49. Spore S.Ol 7 »5 (Kllery) Dlv. 1. Won by ,rS MHH (Ellery; Div I Cup) Won by AilSJ? l>olnK v r> (E&ry) I>» Won by ppearl ruin.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 89 5 PHILATELY WE PAY MONEY FOR USED STAMPS 40c. per 100 for any Malaya Mtann* (soaked off paper). Free lluying of Mamps, The Stamp Trading Co., 198, Bay St., Toronto, Canada. Stamp Collections Wanted We Buy All Kinds of Stamp*. ]iiiinii:|ijiiiiii||:ij!ijijnijiii:ji:iiiiiilinnii World*"" famous KOHINOOR lIAIR-DYK. The best products matchless in
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    • 268 5 A teatime treat for the children (and grown-ups too) CAKE TEA LOAF Made with eggs and full of currants, raisins and peel, it's so rich there's no need to spread it with butter or jam. Children love it and they'll come back for more and more. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO.,
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  • 604 6 TAN JIN EONG CONQUEROR OF TEOH CKOM Ipoh h is emergexl a potential champion, who should be ready to reinforce the Malayan team when the time comes for this country to defend the Thomas Cup against foreign "invaders" in 1952. He is Tan Jin Eong, triple crown champion of Perak
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  • 155 6 Wong Trains Hard TWO of the most determined contenders for the men's singles title from Singapore Wong Peng Soon and S. A. Durai have been practising in the Victoria Institution Hall in Kuala Lumpur to get themselves accustomed to the playing conditions there. Peng Soon has been in tho Federal
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  • 429 6  -  BEN HOGAN GOLF By AFTER he had retired from the ring, Joe Louis said that something he had learned in golf helped lead to his retirement. He said that in the early days of his reign as heavyweight champion he had perfect control of
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  • 432 6 By S. C. LIM CWIMMERS and water- polo players in the Chinese Swimming Club are only too anxious to get to grips with their Java counterparts because exactly 21 yenrs ago a Singapore team which visited Java was trounced through and through. The
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  • 84 6 NAI Phol Prapadaeng of Siam who is to fight here with Pobby Njoo of Java on Aug. o has been rated third "outstanding bcxer" in the bantamweight rlaspby the T S. National Boxing Association in its quarterly ratings issued yesteiday. Champion in the bantam weight
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  • 169 6 THE Johore Grand Prix will be h^ld at Jbhore Bahru on Oct. 2 over a 2.1-mile Circuit round the houses. The Grand Prix will be for cars 1100 cc and over, sup.Tchar.jcd, ana. 1500 cc and over, tot supercharged. Events -vill
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  • 724 6 DELOW are the probable runners for tomorm races at Penang, with their owners and t*.- 8 GOLD CM* a Miners class i— ii Milks Fortune's Favourite M n. i, a ;w ft K S. H>ron 9.<M M \V. Kh«flß \v.v. i. T 0,0 Wee lllan K«-liptn- Lima KonL-
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 231 6 m m YOUR HOLIDAY PLACE Travel without trouble by Australia's years of service. On the ground and in the air Qantas makes your personal comfort a paramount responsibility. <^<VYCS- s^ your travel agent for details. V^\\ J SYOMEY M ROME 9 1 0 HDfl IOgFBtM it i I MEiV CUIWEA
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    • 548 6 Restore Youthful Vlgoir To Glands in 24 Hour) Mow Discovery Brings Pleasures 4Bk of Ufe to Moa Who Feol OU A >a>liSTf yoalMei aMrTTtlowf Oe yos A oojoy the aocWiT of Waetsfwl wos»eaf So JT' sm Seaffer (root ioaa of rtfov. woavk aw- A ud Mr. oenouatm. la»«n Um<. j£&
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  • 84 7 The folJo^ing arc the roBultj of the badminton ties: held at the Cicricul Union ll all y^. tcrday. Chaa Poh Koon vJacqueLt heat T <m Kim Swee i A.A.U-) I—ls, 18—16, 15 12; Lim K'm Pcow (Merrytims) beat Yanos bin Amran (Western) 10—15, 15—0. 18---17; Tan Geok
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  • 1509 7  - HEAVY RAIN PUTS RACE BACK AN HOUR ALLAN LEWIS Many Course Scratchings From PENANG, Saturday. JJEAVY rain which started at 1 p.m. delayed for one hour the start of today 's races, the third day of the Penang Turf Club's Autumn (Gold Cup) Meeting. Rain continued intermittently throughout the afternoon
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  • 535 7 Bickerdike obtains highest score at Singapore 'Bisley' r. A. Bickerdike, Secretar>' of the Singapore Rifle Association obtained the highest a^p^egate score _97— *t the 1949 Singapore "Bisley M Meeting held al the Se!et'»r Range, yesterday. Fifty-nine .shooters took part. The dividends of the Pool Hull Sweepstakes was $6 a shar.
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  • 43 7 TOTAL POOL: $247,200. Ist. Prize No. *****0 ($64,272) 2nd. Prize No. *****3 ($32,136) 3rd. Prize No. *****1 ($16,068) i Starters: ($8,034 each) *****7, *****9, *****3, *****7. Consolations: ($1,606 each) *****9, *****0, *****9, *****8, *****2, *****3, *****6, i *****9, *****2, *****3.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 160 7 EVERYTHING FOR THRILL ADVENTURE! jUNGLE JIM 1 MS MOST EXCITING ROLE! WIIJAM B£RKE SAM MTZXAN *M Cofti&l Tftedtne TODAY: \m.; 1.45; 1; G.30 9.30 p.m. Special Mrrninq; Showi at J) a.m. TODAY: "MOTHER WORE TIGHTS'* in IVrhnieolor 10M0RROW: "TAP BOOTS* 1 in "Vchnicolor BedurtJ Rates: I'p.sttiirs Si. oo Downstairs 50
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    • 145 7 Today at 11.00 a.m. "THE SPIDER RETURN" (Complete Serial) 50 cts. to all seats! Today at 3.30^ 6.30 9.30 p.m. Rehana, V. H. Desai Mumtaz Ali in "ROSHM" (Hindustani) Next Change "CHINTA" New Happy Theatre To-Day Mondng Sho\.--11 A.M. "WISFI'L WIDOW of WAGON GAP" To- Day Cheap Matim>e 2.30 P.M.
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    • 182 7 REVENGE AND POWER WERE Hia PASSION rlivi-' 1 HjLi "jj^.. From Garland Ro-ark'l Book that Sold 1,000,000 Copies. JOHN WAYNE WfaCf of fllP I GAiL RUSSELL 'S^TIS/' a repubuc irt-i 3rc?n iKjfft*yu 5 FEROCIOUS TIMES TODAY! 11 a.m.; 1.45; 1.15; G.15 nnd 9.30 P.M. AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT! BOOK EAKLY! Phone 3400.
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  • 288 8 2 THOMAS CUP PLAYERS BEATEN •MJfT ft vv omen s doubles upset Proa Our Own Correspondent Kl ALA LUMPUR, Saturday. p\\O Thomas Cup player* were beaten yesterday, the first day of the Eighth Malayan Badminton Championships played here at the Victoria Institution II .11. They wore Ong Poh Lim, a
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  • 20 8 The 120 Yards Hurdles in progress at the Sinirnnor* a iZ^ur A -A.A. Meeting yesterday. Tribune lure.
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  • 178 8 Results At A Glance Nff Slh Kee beat Onif I»oh Um I.^—9. 7—15, 15—10. K. U. < hoy h^-af Chan Kon Lmmm ir»— l4, 15 h. Ooi T. ik Hock l»eat Charlie S»>:»\V |0 fi, 15 1. Valentine Chan beat lA*e Konjf Sim 11— fi, U IVoh S^ng Khoon and
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  • 504 8 (SuiuUiy Tribune Staff Reporter) favoured with fine weather and a firm S round the 11th annual championship meet of Tne honour of being first in the 100 yauis dash, went to Lim Hong Hai after a clone finish with veteran favourite Yeo Choon
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  • 43 8 rJSS! t f BtoTOpnM 0i,..«» k..- a v, "^g^* gjri i po-nts; R. c. BWlmwln-- Club J TT 11 k. PO^ts; H. CoUeffe<l II H points; 9. T.M.C.A. 1 i M < oiio^.s in retired ■core <am tiled. ea i
    43 words
  • 76 8 Th" following win lav c I asAS I h. Abbaabhoy (Captains m k u; tI i ar; vv iirian an<l s: ThSS?T»»- /..iiuu-mK «rill piaj awlnat k a.k Senibawaate tomorrow ai P. 11. on the i.A. Ground ;K- SUharain (Captain; Sei-.k WO C. Pppatlal. it v.
    76 words
  • Article, Illustration
    28 8 Picture. SUPREME EFFORT Tan* Pui Wah < S CA*F> the tap, at the Singapore A.A A MeeUnVa Jalan Besar Stadium, yentrrriiiv sk. -T fI g at Ladies Tribune
    Tribune  -  28 words
  • 229 8 lengers. J g# l lth four avowed chalother mermaids. VVenaeU of Germany and a fVw Shirley May France, IG-year-old American schoolgirl *as announced her intentions or swimming the 20 miles of Abater that has fascinated the intrenid since Cap* Watt Webb first swam it
    A.P.  -  229 words
  • 25 8 sys~ WTUB 8 ....lix.sens Bporti Club a ,a,i < '"I "ton with W.mml.Uv B.P tbj Happy World 5M,,?,,;,;. ,^1 :^t iZ« bst H
    25 words
  • 373 8 Ip Thrills Record Tennis Crowd jyjOKE than a thousand people braved the hot sun yesterday to see the second day's ties of the MaInypn Lawn Tennis Championships played on the S.C.C. courts. H. K. Ip, the All China star drew the biggest gallery. Hundreds lined the court on which he
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  • 112 8 AUSTRALIA LEADS OVER MEXICO WILMINGTON. Delaware. Sat. John Bromwich and Frank Sodgman won their singles matches against Orlando and Armando Vega Vega here today to give Aus- tra'.ia a 2 o lead over Mexij co in the Davis Cup Ameri--1 can zone final. Bromwich defeated Orlando 6—o. 6—2, 6—l. and
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 50 8 1 Frft lALA( r:A Saf ni Franris Instltutton »>♦-;•• the Si £*•£> Brigade -f) at footbali n Tun Km Tlal and Roortcuei <2» wcrr the smrIho S.F.r will n>,.<M ItM Anulo I J nn.-s. School at Band.i mnr Kioun.i in u retum fix tun
    50 words
  • 54 8 Th«- following will u- cltoacn I<> repreneni the Blur Rovei T.Malayan Airwayi k <' .-u Pai rpr Park '"morrow al 5.18 }>.m Jijfrar, Malikec Boepraitoc 1 H<>. k. vat Lahie, Poetih Roicer* I>«\ S. Ismail. Mrii-r Choti Al.w Haraan, Tun. H«m»n IVkak. rhameri'i t«, Auth/«r Binirti Kid
    54 words
  • 140 8 S.C.C. Team For Today, Tomorrow Tho following will r* > pf< S.G.C. at crickd today «d morrow TODAY: v. K.A.F. rVmbiftfat II a.m. at Snnha*«M L. R. Mai.rr.ivo (Cipt >. I Graham K. I C. Si*** I A. H. Potty. S Ldr. J. W I Pterro. F Lt. II r.rrrr,
    140 words
  • 24 8 Th- North v. Souttcnjmatch scheduled to ed at IVnang yestcrw postponed due tc jrain. will 1 1 fin tomorrow ther M rmits.
    24 words
  • 32 8 1 .in T),v following *l' th.« Cl.-iu.-tu.tfau jQ'lr^ TK nst CY ,f'Ci J«£. School uround t*J Chow K-.'iK. D" Kl.^ Tfi. John qjiVß lan. HnkK Ya Pv..^,. 'Ivi.w. Johm'v hfon>:
    32 words
  • 28 8 LKXA YAMand'^jVl atc Freddie S ll k 2i«*s| Bahru wish to thank and relatives f° r wreaths, nics.^ %yi ences. pmying J-.;^ tog the funeral on U
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 531 8 Today's 9 Results In Full KollnHiiiK are the I. ill i».Kults •I t«da> s Mulayan I.mmii Tennis championship ties piu> ed on the S.V.I courts 9.15 A.M. Men'si Doubles <, ,t, jvik Ch««ow and WonjC Thian Tet>k beat F. W. H'ain.- a.i.l J van rvmperan 6 b :< uM>nn M...Yent,'
      531 words
    • 206 8 TIES FOR TODAY Men's Doubled: Tan Up Tiianw and Lee Boen Swan, J. W. Sprnce and J. L. Whfimore. Veterans Singles: (SeniFinals): Lim Bong Soo v Siow Kim. Sang. Veterans Doubles: Cheoeg Choe Tung; and A. I. Perdu v. G. Haridas and A. H. Flat erdew; S H. Tan and
      206 words

  • Article, Illustration
    46 9 A pretty \v»d;linK took place Mi cdncsdu.v, July 27, \vh«'n Mi«s VtaU Baeldel wwm martlpj t«> "^ir. Cornelia Hatter. A reception was held at No. 1 Ilishops ;at»\ Singapore and was attended by about 200 guests. The <<mple are spending their honeymoon in Hongkong.
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  • 346 9 "SET UP SCHOOL IN TENTS"SUPT. OF EDUCAITON Only Way To Solve Ove rcroisodinfl (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) *pHE present overcrowding in Johore schools r.nd shortage of school accommodation could be solved by setting up schools in tents, provided teachers wore available, said Mr. G. Woods, Superintendent of Education, Johore. Although
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  • 97 9 DANCE IN AID OF BADMINTON HALL FUND The Pohsan Dance studio staging a Gala Dinner and Dance in aid of the Singapore Badminton Hall Fund on Saturday. August 6. at the St. Andrew's School Hall with the approval of the Singapore badminton Hall Committee. Chinese dinner will be served it
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  • 175 9 jy|ANY people in Singapore are intrigued by the different ringing-tones on the branch exchanges of the Colony's telephone system. For instance, the Tiong Bahru branch exchange, which has only four subscribes at the moment and whose four digit numbers start with 94.
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  • 173 9 EIGHTEEN thousand copies of the new Singapore Telephone Directory are being prepared for delivery in August. It is in Cambridge blue and green. "Although the new edition has a good many more names in it than the last one. the size will not be
    173 words
  • 261 9 JHE Education Department of Johore does not intend to change the teaching of Malay in English schools which is presently based on the syllabus provided for the School Certificate examination Mi. G. Woods, Superintendent of Education, Johore, said that any
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  • 74 9 TRAFFIC BARRELS TO BE REMOVED The unsightly white-painted barrels serving as boundaries for a temporary round-about at Empress Place are to be removed shortly. nstead a semi-permanent traffic Maud will be constructed. At their last meeting the Municipal Commissioners gave their approval to releasing $20,000 from third priority special expenditure
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 129 9 Why do her teeth stay white? X sws !!w J lajV Teeth cleaned with Gibhs Dentifrice stay >\x sound and white because they are safely cleaned. Always use Gibbs Dentifrice and be V i^S. s ure your teeth are never damaged. You save V raoncy witli Gibbs Dentifrice, remember, for
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    • 21 9 "Lose Lesa Linen" For your protection. ▲▼old arguments as to ownership: Requirements airmailed to and from England. POST BOX 1196 SinKapore.
      21 words
    • 565 9 i a «m«l'>« tha K tl">i» %uo*)~ f^ o «s.woM M ur,Btf&, lWI i: r n7 THeta ar* crjm of «vhal tfoctor* earl X A "MINERAL AND VITAMIN DEFICIENCY" ~^k «sf™*&d warning that you are not getting enough >yjfl fll minerals and vitamins which Njfura demand* you to hjve. Th»
      565 words

  • 2014 10  -  Ve ra A rdmore By M II7E arc going to SingaT» poi< to those making their Ant visit to Malaya the WOrda hold all the magic of the unknown. All the excitement and worry of "what to take" including children The frenzied fumbling through the telephone nook to
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 68 10 1 I«l II t9S i ESTAB. 5 MOUTRI£ CO (MALAYA) LTD. JOHN LITTLE S BUILDING HH •tNGAPOftt t TEC 7030 Britain sends her best From Rntain hj\^e come these d'-licatcly perturncJ soaps of an *%SS^ raccllcacc that commands high v^^. favour throughout the worlJ. LINDEN BLOSSOM LUXURY TOILET SOAPS 1
      68 words
    • 140 10 Established lM Malaya's Leadin« Jewellers Diamond and Gem Merchants 15. P. de Sty" lid. (Incorporated in Cey»*) Singapore, peM^ 19/21, nigh St., l t Bishop^ ULCERS ME? POISONED SORES 8 WOUNDSbBBS Marvellous lam-Buk Healinf |v r^* Zam-BuU antiseptic hk 1 r Cintnimit has proved ofFectlv* 1 i.*rv; wSßn&^r 1 for
      140 words

  • Article, Illustration
    1637 11  -  Jimmy Glover From A Jon, Saturday i.i- worshippera of the Bun t.k. note: the healthy sun-tan %l\ i not only misleading, but it i;-' ftlso dang'erous if my intent Btghs of In your body, exposuti t(> tK UH "in any climo or tart the germs working dangerously. The
    1,637 words
  • 737 11 BY way of introduction this week, here ate two Ltlema of book news which will probably be of interest. Item No. 1 Selling biiskly in London to-day is a book which wa.-- banned in 1928 The Well of Loneliness", by the late Miss Radclille Hall. She
    737 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 296 11 0S Hi M jS?( ant! J tv"^k on ,P' ut<l^ e I Ib All m •orl:e7 f i i'/t Tb»- I).< .i GnunopkoiM c 1 on«*on Makers of the famous I* e«-a Brfefelwlcli records J& E. ISAAC At CX>. f l %fiSyjJ^ 'TttVor M" Ins b?nc! wish to thnnk
      296 words
    • 245 11 POND'S VA jx/iFiimmi- 5^ POWDER j*T>;\ Srnooih as silk »ofl as Tt j/t i".- rt y s-vf cWlcatc .is th'- fo _x. For sii\]r flattery, frvr subtfc chartn \i^ r .-fy to h'end with your inn y/ to ;mvc thr hnal touch Ifl j !vjvclinrs> :i.': is a hade 0
      245 words

  • 455 12 LONDON REPRESENTATIVE: E. Maurice Glover, Malaya Tribune Office, 11,3 Fie et Street, London, E.C. 4. SUNDAY, JULY SI, 1949. IJHE news that the Singapore Government is considering a $25,000,000 plan to modernise the fishing industry is good news indeed; for it is not
    455 words
  • 4011 12 QUESTION the whole world is asking ANSWER ll> < API AIX 18. 11. LIIIIIELL lI AIM dfsdfdsfsa ris usual to estimate the strength of Russia's forces in numbers of men and to set it forth In rows of noughts that are aptly called "round numbers." Last
    Reuter  -  4,011 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 84 12 IQye Care rnnntntu of more taaa Just "buying glasses."' Bye comfort and visual efficiency depends primarily upon professional services of a qualified eyesight specialist. U. OHONO, OPT. D. i Fully equipped with snodem' Instruments. MALA YA N AI R W A YS LIMITED TWICE DAILY T TO KUALA LLMI'IH $45.--irOH
      84 words
    • 4 12 EXCLUSIVE T© lIIXKI \i:
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    • 80 12 r f"X lII*-*' t f H c, r9 tt the resumpti^ HH service* Ba aftkok, fft9 t 1«» »cvd M ui U t«^" according' to th a Sft tureoVS ll'.g Singapore TWP.d»W ond ai-« l5 M t^|k Departure e Ky**W*J/*o*W* tr .v«l» mm Ron6 Thursday/ ur t lßf Departure n
      80 words

  • 440 13 T AIP EH, (Taiwan). /GENERALISSIMO Chiang vl Kai-shek's visits to Baguio and Canton have focusse<\ attention on the future role the Generalissimo is likely to play in the Nationalists' continued fight against the Communists. In this respect it is generally believed that however that role
    Reuter  -  440 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 63 13 n• i //> dun O^^ --^\r y^>^ civ A paint able are protectabJe. *our home, car, ottice and jdniost every article of utility will kst longer if protected by £ood a II well-known brands in stock at c °mpetitive prices. your next p:iint recniirements T AN SIN PENG CO. *8o
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      42 words
    • 106 13 r«'pro«luction is a reve- f Uu m mI. rri .|.«tri- [if'"' I' artists thrills you with i"S/flHLral Jr\ all Ike qualities that have won acclaim the I PRICE: $850.00 5-VALVE RADIO $125.00 Extra. Call for a demonstration at: NANG HENG CO., «»*> House 103-105, SKLEGIE ROAD, SINGAPORE. VICTOR ICE MAKERS
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  • 917 14  - BEWARE OF PEOPLE WITH NARROW PLAMS CHARLES M. SNAITH By Many people fervently believe in palmistry, or cheiromancy, or "reading the hand" to give the pseudoscience Feme of Its various names. On the other hand, some scientific men just as fervently denounce it as a silly craze with no foundation
    N.F.L.  -  917 words
  • 820 14  -  Septimus Mawne By THAT useful but nearly obsolete officer, the towncrier, is tometfmea c&lled the bellman. The nois\ instrument from which ho (eta this name is for the purpose of attracting attention, like his cry of "Oh. yes" in corruption of the Norman-French "Oyc7."- "Hear"
    N.F.L.  -  820 words
  • 812 14  - IT'S ALL GREEK TO THEM FRANCIS MUSGRAVE By i/OR more than twelv. T now a man has been spending the whole of his working time on a new Greek Dictionary and he doesn't know a word of Greek! He is one Of the compositors at the Oxford Unlversl ty Press,
    H.G.  -  812 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 113 14 I* I FULL SIZE rpRIGHT 11 T '~^j£££^«^ GRAND ■I "Z^t^m^^^itl^M 4 ft l/i> n ls:nt 7I( OrtHVe(! js^^^" TRY US FIRST IT WILL PAY YOU 8ol« A pent* for Singapore Federation of .'♦falftyA. SEASON Co., Ltd. 5 ot sx>sxs£ KOAt fROSS Tropical) Binoculars >\ith tropical proof. M>aled-in and bonded
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
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    • 425 14 HAVE FUN WITH THE By CONSTANCE SHARfE AQUARIUS. 7-I.V. FEB. 18, Don't be afraid to push your own interests: if you don't, no-onc will do it for you' A'' latfves will be a trifle touchy: tjtto will have to handle them t(*tth care, otherwise there Wiu be stortns in ttOCUps.
      425 words
    • 243 14 LIBRA. SEPT. 2) OCT. IS. Don't <>■/ yourself b( rush&d: and whaU ver the provocation, don't alloir yourself to bv tricked into disclosing information best kept secret. Opportunities arc still around you: don't miss them. Watch health and don't overdo things. SCORPIO. OCT. 24— NOV. 22. Your ))iind nil] be
      243 words

  • 119 15 iT 9 a.m. each morning- at London Film Studio, 1 *orth, a dark young man MHfljr dressed in tweed jacket Si sport? trousers and w dark gl the tonnl chaii on l Mof "The Cure For iive." Robert Don .k--8? Ms debut as pi fcwtor on this
    119 words
  • 334 15 This Screen Simian Is A 'Good Joe' CKOM th«- vivid imagination of motion picture produ<er Merian C. (Oopor has come another fabulous animal rhararter which promises to earn a place in !i!rmlorn's hall of fame ln»side I»i> immortal "King Kong." Moviegoers will see, in Cooper's "The Mighty Joe Young,' (directed
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  • 262 15 ROBERT STUULJNfI enjtmti the ragged life h<> M as costar with John Ireland, Claude Jarmun, Jr., and (iloriu <iralianif> of KKO Radio's outdoor drama. "Roughshod." Why? "" said Sterling, "love scones arc about the dullest you play on the screen, also the most difficult.
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  • 115 15 TROUBLE ALLEY ICFKBKV LYNN acct- i«J dentally caused a 3 brief panic in }i«. Bever- ly liiiis braocti of the J liank ,>f Ami ric.i recent- i ly when he took the i wrong Btelrwjy from a i basement locker room and walked into the clos- i ed bank of
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  • 121 15 number for tge gymWtag haM I "uS^'Sth'cS^Fto" Fhc Beautiful Blonde From Bashful Bend.** LUI .y x Betty had Just gone into th- first lines' of the new M-rk n!o ;-;r rf Mvrovv Time I MooYr when Rum Button, an electrician called: "You'd better watch out. you're
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  • 116 15 FLASHBACK TO KEATON TIMES B i 'STEP. KEATON will go hack to the 1020s foi some of his b^st scenes pnd replay them for 20tti CenturyFox in "You'io My Everything", the picture that takes :i !uok behind the scenes at inovlc making between 1924 and 19.J8. Kealon was signed to
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  • 1072 15  - BIBLE ROMANCE IS SCREEN EPIC HENRY GRIS By DeMille finds his Samson at last £ECIL IS DEMILLK. still gofog strung at 67, has rolled up his directorial sleeves tor other big-budget try at the Bible. This time, it is a chapter out '>f the Hook of Judges the »*-w*h
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 52 15 f n ot rnrrg, healthy and W&f^-.^—. i^-li in ihr nourish- fiS^Bfi| f *a l il 1 t, miiis &I) r^lfw ■cii'-Mhcner in I^' &M Jfcs Olj »-»nablcli. ti, Chemists Ll~ '-^tj fe'KEPLER' J&. V 'irn,. HRA N U vilr od liv^r oil with malt extract MkJ tenant aad Koala
      52 words
    • 147 15 open or ,n tne office, you can. rely on Br, Icretttl to keep you nght on top. For Brylcrcem no. only gives (he hair |„c and IPI luitne; the pure emulsified oils it contain, tone np the scilr fTI 2C^ Bnrlc^ your h.^ ZS Al BRYLCREEM THE PERFECF HAIR DRESSING
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  • 164 16 Vor don't have to wait un- til you're old enough for a trip around the world to learn the art of travelling. A weekend trip to visit a relative provides opportunity. One maik of an experienced traveller which a youn^ weekcndi r should note is that her
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  • Article, Illustration
    120 16 rFroni over the Kauiuow y ORANGE linen, which takes its colour cu<? from the sun, will go down to the sea < from Paris this summer. Orange linen, for example, makes the duster_styled beach coat (centre) which tops a .swim suit of orange-and-green of Jacqu« Fath'i design. The
    120 words
  • 176 16 RIBBONS WILL PRETTIFY PUMPS FOR PARTIES YOU can make- daytime pumps double as Cinderella slippers, if your budget .says "no" to another pair of evening shoes. The trick of "glamming up" daytime pumps this goes for Mfiots of black suede, of coloured linen and of "graduation" white .-aim or kid
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  • 181 16 Say 'Thank You' Nicely IMPERSONAL gauge Of a woman's charm la Inw graciously she scknowled ervioe. No matter now much hospitality she may lavish on personal friend.-, her charm rating .sutlers a sharp drop if she kfl rude to, overly demanding 1 of. or dictatorial toward saleswomen, waiters, cab drivers
    181 words
  • 105 16 SHINE UP YOUR HAIR lAZYBONM who are L ™K for summertime*? new hairbrush which m' the daily 100 strokes im? choro. I The n.w handleless which La to 2 Palm of the hand. Not 1 "H'tiST it than fl VSV* comb hair. There areimL! tSip of the bruah'ifi into which
    105 words
  • 361 16 rpHK tcen-agxr who oom- plains that her parents treat lier like a child usuall has only herself to blame. Better tnan sulking or moping about supposed Injustices is to prove by your t ctions that you aie mature enough to be entrusted v\.th it.sroijsibility. For
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 197 16 A V O Precision l-:if»ctrlcal BSTINO INSTRUMENTS u r «J BE Ail Modeli in Stock DEL 1 MODEL 40 lI. SI BRII ALVE TESTER SIGNAL GENERATE i: 1 Xl\ EIISAL A.VOMINOR D.C MINOR l.iciir METER ELECT KOXK' TESTMETEK r»HOT< M SRAPHK l-:.\."< H < lOCQ, Alka-S«lts«r fi<w>i w««m toitrlc acidity
      197 words
    • 408 16 ESp BiiTii >aaDLi;r K»jfc TH!E m st Y u can GIVE A CHILD IS ■j|P^j[A STRONG CHARACTER D7HAT is thr most that parents can give a child? Isn't "strength of character" the answer to that question? We've been sold on the idea that the most we can give our children
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 53 16 S>^-=d£-~zZ>B\p^> J U^^( ri^aW^n C/.OSE YCRE BLEARY cyrS-- Fh" T^ V CUEAhi CUTA MAH Cf C fH^^-^^'l^Fcli^^N^L^^^E'^AlJL^ /^J^' NK 2| I SH3O£ jn7TFr«fe...- B >S NEJSKBORSrr-SINTF MAH LATE! J OH, '\1 f J'^ N v: EK our— until <|"RAVIW MAD.V S3?^y^ s e P N NA \~9^^ years cld though
      53 words