Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 17 April 1949

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 22 1 SUNDAY TRIBUNE PidJished WJmulUmwfM »ly oi Singapore, Kunla Lumpur, Ipoh, and Penang TWELVE PAGES SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 1949. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • 353 1 'Miifc'lr* Fnis^r rraser Bukit Serene Sunday Tribune Slaff Reporter Mr. Joseph Chiflcy, Prime Minister of Australia, and boss of Mr. Arthur Calwcll, chose to stay in Raffles Hotel rather than at Bukit Serene yes!c ?ay when he a rrived in Singapore. He mnde his
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  • 146 1 BANDITS DID NOT SPOIL EASTER FUN rl bandits did not spoil Singapore's Raster. Sportsmen from Penang, Selangor, Negri-Sembilan »<] Malacca arrived here for the annual badminton cricket matches. Malayan Elailwayb >< >rt'< 1 BMire than L,500 holiday-makeni will h;iw gone upintry, chiefly to Kuala Lumpur, by th< i time th'.'
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  • 124 1 BUT WAR GOES ON KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Three bandlta were killed ono wounded when a pohet patrol engaged with four armed Chinese m B river tnitt'c on Sungel Hasau. Ulu I'aka, in tho Dun^un aica of Trcngganu, it was rcportofl by the pitiol which rctuin<d todiy. The baadlta were in
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  • 40 1 The Malayan Airways Umit ed wiU extend then an route? as far as Sarawak and North Borneo in the neat future it is officially announced. The approval of the Govern ments of the two countries ha. been obtained.
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  • 226 1 i>om Our Oiwi CorrcspomU'iit 11/OH, Saturday. Two Chinese Bquftttefl were among the 800 Specially invited gueatl in the Royal falaro at Kuala kangsar yesterday who saw the Installation of His Highness Sir Yusuf Izzudin Shah, K.C.M.G.. 0.8.E., U the 32nd Sultan of Perak. The squatters were
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  • 60 1 Two hundred Federation Malaya, resident in Singapore are expected to meet Uxlay at the Penang Benevolent Association to discuss the formation of a new Federation Malays Association. There are 2.000 Federation Malays in Sin^ipore. The new assoeiation will take care Of their interests following tbimpending
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  • 31 1 RANGOON, Sat. Mr. Harry Hill, rar old, formci Malayan planter and British manage er- of the Chaungkdat Rubber i Instate, was shot dead near I Moulmein by armed dacoits.
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  • 102 1 BEVERLY HILLS. Sat.— i Wallace Beery. 60. Western bad I man in countless motion pic- i i tures, died last nipht from > i heart condition. He had been ill for some t:r»ie. Heery, who specialized in playing lovable vil'ians. ran away from home at 16
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 156 1 JAPANEBE Vice Admiral Pukudome, due to testify at a war ci lines trial by an American court in Tokio, left Singapore early yesterday in BOACfI new Solent Hying beat, the Saleoruhe and was back in three hours. The miltary, who spirit**! him out of Outtam
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 1 MUm Tan Kim Umw, ..f Penan K uho nprpsontrd Malaya at th«- China Olvn.pirs last ymr, \\<>n Iho Iff metrtM breast str«»!u- ai tbc Sinpapor.- Chinese swimniinK Cub ri»s>l yesterday.
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  • 112 1 HONG KONG. Sat. Singapore Army soccer team heat Hong Kong by 8 goals to 3 this evening. Singapore led by five goals to j two at the interval. The scorers were: Wilson one. Todd one. Hughes (Hong Kong) j put through own goal one. Shea one, Loveless
    A.P.  -  112 words
  • 39 1 KING OUT IN WHEELCHAIR LONDON. Sac— Balmy w >ather brought the convalescing King out in his wheelchair trday. The Qu^en, Princess lOIi/o--beth and the i>uHo of (>im»burgh took turns in pushing the chair through the Windsor Great Park. U.P.
    U.P.  -  39 words
  • 38 1 RANGOON, Sat. Burnu o Premier Thakin Nu returned here today after his Bve-day visit to India and Pakistan. Before leaving Calcutta he told cor respondents thaf he had been "very successful" in his mission. Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 265 1 Sunday Tribune Reporter rj WO Singapore air girls volunteered yesterday when Malayan Airways received an urgent call to send a special mercy plane to Labium to ovacuate a seriously injjred seaman to the Colony. Chief Air Hostess Catherine Boudville offered' to cHcompany the plane
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 150 1 Mosquitoes no mosquitoes ,„<] tiw iiii< l ant-. leM ♦1^ n<u v,,r» .r: r ~Easter— x •ACWOs 1|,,,h !>„<;, notes; aflecaiori and stvatefc■pjtekeyH and „r,I r of run Pajjr Clemen Wop**: Hou |o pfaij mt. ■jMg Wilf MaiMiion. ■APMINTON: K.^ts -f BL2S. <tf I>Hll>ll<l^ :1 Pajjr Twelve Gotham... civlllaa. v
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    • 7 1 PBOPLt roi: niE PEOPLE T©»: "Tribune, S'i#».r»\
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    • 96 1 Season Trading (o. DPI, HIGH si.. TEL: BSIBB MALAYAN NATIONAL NEWSFAPEK Mtoae: M\\/z Niim l.ine.H [<f*?^^fe^ 7/ S \yv\\ 'ill &o%om*£& W A word on Packaging //I 1%( ft Most people- will ,->^ree thnt Rothmant i|l)K 5^ v De Luxe are very fine cigarettef Indeed. j VV It is natural,
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  • 80 2 Indian Scientist*, who arc now concluding th. ir tour of tti<> :iiian Stat«'s, >isitr«t ntan> research institutions and go\ crnnit nt l:il)i>rai"«i Xh* > were \\r\ interested in the emus and kangaroo* of uhi< )i tli. > ithtnlned their first view when they travelled thr..u^ti the
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  • 58 2 Tho D.O.A.C. will bo startini: a new flying- boat service to Bangkok and Rangoon on April 23. Tfto boat will leave Kallane; i airport at 7.30 a.m. efrery Saturday, reach Bangkok five hours later, and arrive in Rangoon at 4.30 p.m. the same 'lay. The return flight will
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  • 192 2 ARTIST-AUTHOR SEEKS COLOUR IN COLONY TALL, attractive, blondehaired Mrs. Y. E. Koks, Irish born artist and writer, w)i". claims numerous frtendi •monsj liim starfl and hoveli.~ts, has arrived In Single X>orv "in search of material" i<^r a book she Is writing on he; travels and on the colourtui personalities she
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  • 44 2 MALACCA. Bat. [WO Chinesc squatters ftom Aycr Itek, Machap area, who were arrested during a police operatidn, admitted to the Malacca Clrcuii Magistrate, Tungku Hussain. that they !i.i<! no id< atity cardn. They wen fined 1600 <>i to serve J month- hard la'oou..
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  • 220 2 COFFEE (10cts.) ONE SMILE ($1.30) (Stindav Tribune Shrfl l.enorter FLIRTING has become a racket in Sin,-;,-' P.nd it pays good dividends. In t)io city's amusement centres, scm? roffe< stalls and cafeterias are now making i ■flirtingf' charge when waitresses sit down. uninvH'jd, with Sh» sniilrs. <'^f>' few words of c-imv
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  • 414 2 (Sunday Tribune Staff Report er> from all parts of the USA, as greU tm from Britain and domiciled in the States, will be eligible to train in Asian affairs at the newly formed East Asian Institute, which is attached to Columbia University, New York. The
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  • 106 2 THE PATIENT SHOULD BE PATIENT A patient ui Tun 'i ►■> I Hospital has won two ticket" (o the " iii r.i! a.n" lilch is being screened at tin 1 Cathay cinema. lie i. Ho Win;- lion wh n ii|»i> .s f»Ctl Xi 1 in 11 <' j Ki^'ht ut
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  • 48 2 Co-operative official -sir. T. Sivapra^a :.m, who has been < :i a ix-month tour oi j-jh ppr, India Kjul Coylon under .i Briii. h ("owiHii mi Sv-m. me, utu«i> ui,.', tlu Co-operative mov< ment, rcturived yesterday Mr. Sivapragasam left frn Kuala Lumpur later in the d.iv.
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  • 31 2 .MALACCA. Sat. "The tweiitieth ahntial general meetMg oi the Government Co-operative y.jcirti. Malacca, will be held at the Historical Society's room. Stad! House, on April 2:«. at 5 p.m.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 610 2 INIVEKSITY OF MALAYA Raffloc Collogc, Hh^apore, which will shortly )>rr»rr\o p.irt of the Univeraity <>i Malaya invites appllcationn foi k'cUire* ir»: i.i> RconomiCJl (.Social Btudies). (hi Physic*. Salary ,>-r.'ilo $150 prr frionth riyin^r hy nnnu'ii tftCltfrncntu of %:',d to $uoo |>< 1 month, j > l u expatriation allowance i<"
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    • 327 2 End Rheumatism While You Sleep M If you suffer f<har|> joints uVn swollen. IJWyjCJiSi ii shows your Wood JfT^JSSS^a i>s I'"'^'"'^'! through IV'''i'-Wy faulty Uiilnty net ion. Jtfk&,'J*.'JW**r C»iI»»t Byinptoms of 1 Kidney LMnoriler are Backache, Athlnfl Joint* and Limbs, Sciatica, N«urlti«, Lumbago. Getting up Nlghta, Diz2ine»s, Nervousness, Circle* under
      327 words
    • 23 2 "~~i FOR THROAT irS AN C&ttHi^j PRODUCT M»dc in England br Allen Hjnburyi Ltd *f«m for Malayo B»rlo* A Co i Oc«jr> Buildmi,
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    • 353 2 iV 1 T AS I 31 1: rONIC PffXS Red for mnlr J 5 5^ ;(A Quality (irrt'ii female y; 9^ ■product) V'' r <lii T'? r iJI I Poor Blood -'LVfIS —^il ■nmnii ndo<! l>y >* Oath rill ronl.iins Irm^, (*«i|)•in»n:u ."v t' lr t" <•(•«*■•;» ry i !,iim
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 75 2 I Air Mail SHm'i!ii!<* Air mails are exported to arri\« from: Alriea. Aiistr:ifla. Burma. Si;, m, ami New Zea'and. Palest time of posting l<J the following eounlries is p.m.: United kingdom. Aden. Arabia, Canada, Europe, In tlia. Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Palestine, Alriea. llo"ani, I .s.A. and Central and South America.
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  • 1072 3 from Jimmy Cj lover LONDON, Ipr.7 jii AN V v.. .1. ai;<, I U>ld vo-i th, story 01 v apt. rom 1 M.C., the inan whom tte, <-ii thr< e occa dons p ented coming to M iiaya. 1 mention his nam< again '■'■•■k he Ini 'in to
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  • 4 3
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 504 3 T/1 e New HALEX C£ Kottl> AHl> !J Betfr for f€th with 'RoDdMt'd' nyloa. Sa« k«v the •traight, «tiff little my lon tipi arc «1 I $moothly trimmsd I They will not prick lj >4| delirat* gum* «r •cratch the polished i- icrfac* of your terth— yot will toarch oat
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    • 39 3 M\fi\ Malayam have ai rived in England for the summer. saw Mrs, H. R, L. Dyne STOP r "*l VAP| X '"^^^^^gsm^m^lßa^S n affcirj of tiie l^lOSTOraf heart, in business vWmVtfP&flfl •h"' look of dn iliaK* 1 Glostora, am
      39 words
    • 162 3 I"~ZIZ1 DUNKLEY PIANO B fe^^^w^ i' i'i.l sizf: upright ■^^^SSSS^SR s GRAND 1 1 -f FULLY iROPiCALISEI) I BRILLIANT IN TONE > rr will pay you Sol.» Afeati for Siii^aporo A: FedeTfttiMi »»f Mahi> i. CCAQAV r^ I* A lir NORTH BRIDGE KOAO, jEiAijUn tO>> Ltd> '-honk 7iBo ifFHIDENir I
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 528 3 HAVE FIN WITH THE STARS \_tt ja ________i __K By C ONSTANCE SHARPE tin M'HX foe soon /»f»-so)», delayed, I.W _l FBI* .18 y a l ft and editing whtch you had small hows 0||< /t ""</""*' t ,,h eye to s*mr oV.i future, tmprovi yotu position Plenty jr for
      528 words

  • 423 4 ARMY CAN SHOW BANNED FILMS BUT NO GUESTS! (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) piLMS, banned l>y the otii«i:il Film Censor I'm public screening in cinemas in the Colony or the Federation, can, without any restrictidn, be ihown by the Army authorities in Service camps in either territory. The privilege is granted
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  • 251 4 pHUEN TEE and his thlrv teen year oi«i daughtei Wei Yuen sing Romeo anJuli< I in the Chine < version of the opera every night In Buffia Street Minstrels of this quarter cf the city, their repertoire ranges from song's afl old t-century-eggs to modern song.s
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  • 158 4 'MARRIED MEN SHOULD NOT BE SEAFARERS' Mi. C. X. Duiker, soconcii n c o m ni a n (I of the Dutch freighter Meliskerk. which ai lived at Singapore this week, admits ho rarely sets foot on land at ports. At Hongkong 10 days ago he was "too busy checking
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  • 44 4 The s.s. Rajula *is due in Port Swetlenham on April 23. 1949, sailing to Madras and I Negapatam. Deck tickets wiH j be sold at Messrs. Boustead and, i Co.. Ltd.. Port Swettenham on i April 19, 20, 21 and 22. 1949.
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  • 137 4 IT WAS A PLEASANT SURPRISE This Week's Trite Story: RECENTLY, a young airman, out for a cycle tid > in Jo'.iOte, wandered into what seemed to him to be ;i large, public park. He was wandering about, admiring the grounds, when a pretty blonde woman cam" Hi -ind spoke to
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  • 120 4 He Who Laughs Last THIS is the story of a Norwegian who didn't know a Driving Licence from a receipt for driving lessons. He walked into the Traftii Office at Maxwell Road and asked to be taught how to drive. A constable, misunderstanding him. Issued learner's licence. The Norwegian walked
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 143 4 tAJ*UU\ J Of course <//<// Macleans Peroxide Tooth Paste il scientifically prepared t<J do supremely well all that a tooth paste can do, namelyto clean the teeth thoroughly yet saleiy This favourite tooth paste with its ever- rf^^^fe^. popular flavour gives a gL-ammg whiteness to your teeth, and keeps your
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    • 67 4 mm^mrTri^^^B today at RAFFLES HOTEI TIFFIN-TIME ORCHESTRAL CONCE* by the NOVELTY TRIO from 12.30 P' IN THE PALM COURT (weather |>ermitting otherwise in the Ballroom) It AMI CONCERT by |he Ui. ll > T HI SEAFORTH HIGHLANDER! (Ross-Shire Buffs The Duke of Albany's) By kind i>ennission of Lt. Col. J.
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    • 57 4 TA# gooa-looAiing cycle —built to last/ 4. PMIUIPS A HL LTD, BUUUN6JUM, EM6UNO r />V SOVAO F/A/iST ih PROJECT lOH '.1 Distl il>)<tnr.\ SEOW KIA\ COMPAQ 4 DHOBY GIIALT, •-J I I*\ I I— (I r -^f I YOU'LL shake both legs when you hear Harry and his band doing
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 171 4 On You r Radio Today BLUE NETWORK ENGLISH PROGRAMMES 9.00 a.m. Programme Sum mary; 9.02 Morning Music; U.Hi) Latin America on the Air; 10.00 News from Kuala Lumpur; 10.05 Hit Parade 10. SO St. Andrews Cathedral; 11.30 Light Music; 12.00 Close Down. 1.00 p.m. Programme Summary 1 .02 Light, music
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    • 162 4 riety; H.05 Relay from 8.8.C. London; H.I 5 News; K.XO Malay Kronchong; 9.00 (lose Down. RED NETWORK INDIAN PROGRAMMES 1.15 p.m. Time BlftJMli Opening Annct. Prog. Summary with Sig. Tune; 1.17 Recorded music; 1.20 News; I .SO Music Shop; 1.58 Closirg Annct. with Sig. Tune; 2.00 Close Down. 5.00 Time
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  • 1634 5  -  VERA ARDMORE By JT ficoms that in Singapore 1 wp no sooner £^t to knov. people really w<il and appreciate them, than they #o n*C* to Knulvmti. or tho Stat**.s, or Hongkong and leave it* reelins faintly wildcrcd about the lightning pa sage of time. 11lr <» y«
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 253 5 NEW HATS HEADED j for a bright future n Battery Road, Mmumis \\u\^. __^^—^ai^i^iaaaaaaaaW^aaaaaaaaala^aaaW tor -f^/ i,..;.,(,'v /^t~J&*\ i !2*i!i! ll Be i 'A. >/ J I 1 W^^Kr^K IL^Lh aflLaaaaMMiiaaaaaf^ Your hair will d/uayi shine with heath if you, too, -h.impoo with Amami. And you can be •.urr rhjr
      253 words
    • 257 5 H r Hifs lroin rhis aJJLMiL^i^ !.:»\c!.V .Mllsir t :<■•■ H COLCR, IM If II II only hu|»|»'iis ivhcn i da wee v. nil on m.m.v. HuKh-a-byr, s«. M r. {mj«w i i it i; C'OMO. If imlj li:i|)|>< UN Mln n I douce with you M.M.V li.cjuis,. mi Ka*t«*r
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  • 414 6 THE SUNDAY TRIBUNE NEW CHALLENGE TO MCA LONDON REPRESENTATIVE: E. Maurice Glover, c/o Newspaper Features Ltd., 2 07, Fleet Street, London. SUNDAY, APRIL. IT. lttl!) TIUB day a week ago Mr. Tan Cheng Lock. President of the Malayan Chinese Association, rose to deliver a speech in the hall of the
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  • 1796 6  - THE AMAZING STORY OF MATTHEW CLYDESDALE KELMAN FROST ih k To the horror of all present, the dead man forced himself upright and stood on his feet, the tubes dropping from his nose, his eyes glaring like those of a maniac. THE EXPERIMENT WAS A SUCCESS A DEAD MAN HAD
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  • 380 6 THE forthcoming conference of the Prime Ministers Of British LXiminions is the liveliest topic of political discussion in India these days. The conference, scheduled to open in London on April, 21, is expected to take farreaching decisions on 11". future set-up of the Commonwealth
    Reuter  -  380 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 353 6 />7 s/c/cness... 0^ During and after an illness the rich V J I^^Okl I body-building elements in Scott's /'A*'^* EmuOkm restore health and strength '■£?*>?.//' in record time. j'h,^^> And when you nr nt Scotl'a Em O Mot) 'M^SS^J/ keeps you well t;ivr> you vigorous /LZ^**Wu .vtrciiijth and helps you
      353 words
    • 94 6 "Eye Care consist* of more than just "Iniyinj; glasses." I'.. i' comfort it, suit l tffi- a hi i/ depend primarily u/>or» professional services n gunlifled eyesight specialist C. s. CHONQ, OFT., D. Fully equipped with modern instrunientH. M/1 /I Y A N A 1 IV .1 Y S
      94 words
    • 43 6 JJM 1 PAKISTAN USA rt rA MAM IRAQ SOUTH AMEJ 1 INDIA EUROPE SOUTH AFR» ts Fajres and particulars on application:' TOWN OFFICE: 1 Finlayson Green Phone MJi KALLANG AIRPORT: Phone 8406? t CX ROYAL OUTCH AIRLINES APPROVED BY TIME BACKED BY TBAU'Jf^
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  • 590 7 M A \1 V K '°l )le m Singapore shivered slightly when tuey read in the Malaya Tribune recently that 18 edible-type American bu'l frogs had hopped into a Singapore pond to breed thousands of their offspring for the tables of the Colony. And many
    590 words
  • 175 7 Honesty Has Its Rewards WHAT would y >i rlo If v I picked n;» ;i purev >i $125.00? >..-•>' mi t own< r an I return or < i ausc to i onj .<!• i w!i»--t!r-- th< > A n r could c ;t <>;■ Tw i Sing i»o '.vli
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  • 116 7 Feast and Facade OHORTLI after Iki i O hi(<- |i;«iii(«><l S«'!'iu- <lia do<-li«»l SinKJijHirc vt'strrdav, lur pjiss»-nu»Ts i «vrr mllUnK around :i "sm<irijj»:isln»r',r' l»n fT.*t S lur.rhr >ii hi no WHY 1\!>»--i <•«' <»f mister Bvropr. l')i»r<' >\;i, eold I'»v and ICiissimii sa'a«!. Tonliains, pati-s. sljn-d- <l»'d cclcn PookMl >n
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  • 173 7 B* ill >L\i; ofllcera at Si gapore were 'foxed' a da or two ago when a ship sail into Singapore with no pott of registration on her stern, flying a tla^ that most poor!---in the harbour hoard had never Been before. Her Bag la the
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  • 293 7 The Ship Without A Funnel (Sumhiv Tribune Stjiff Kc'iiortcr) JHK Ship Without A' Funnel surprised newcomjrs to Singapore when she arrived from Denmark yesterday morning. She was the East Asiatic Company's Selandia, an example of Danish shipbuilding at its most advanced The Selandia in on her way to Bangkok. six
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  • 136 7 TWENTY-five-year-old 9 tish-i>->» n film stai Goi ion Jackson "dropped in" on Singa pore over the weekend by C i stellation from the U K route to Australia t<> mak< his second Him there. The new tt'm, an Eating Studios' otferinc will be called "Bitter Springs."
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  • 266 7 Freddie Croons Even In His Sleep ■tor* (*"»<'«> Tribune stall Reporter) pttlZE-crooner of the first edition of TH. it me, Freddie Jansen, does not croon onl when ns la awake but also in nis sleep So exclaimed ins tall, stately spou^ Winni I nave known people walking and talking 111
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 123 7 is*! Ea '4; nya simplest meal Ambwgi a[banquet When you serve— IL3l MBi "^^VfsANDEMAH PORT AND SHERRY JOl i p,sT«.euTo« SIME, DARBY CO., LTD SS-3-fc Mr DuIlT Mr BrighT I IB 1 I Taken first thing, Eno wakes up sleepy intestines, clears away sluggishness and poisons, tones and invigorates your
      123 words
    • 239 7 YEARS AHEAD OF TIME... in style and Beauty... 4^tbX. Ita, fj\ y^. W J a^ yL r 1 V r^** Styled l»y one of Caaada*H fon most desigaers, Motrat Raagen are "yean ahead »»f time" in beauty. Th«* fraturrs of your new Moflal 1000" S, ri.s Baajci arc dhtfactlvely styled
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  • 371 8 ITS THE WISH OF THE GODDESS (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) THE villagers of Siglap have their own v:av ol expressing their hospitality to strangers -by offering them, regardless of their race or creed, a cup <»( They put up a small hut by the side of
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  • 258 8 SINGAPORE is big-hearted and responds readily to ii worthwhile cause, according to Brigadier F. Harvey of the Salvation Army. "In spite of the present financial stringency and income taxes, the Army's Annual Appeal has been well received. Postal remittances have reached d new high
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  • 61 8 The Sower show he,a recently by the Singapore Garden Society at tlie Happy World netted 52.200. The Singapore Anti-Tubercul-osis Association will receive SI.OOO and $200 each will be distributed to the Children's WelI fare Centres, St. Andrew's Orthopaedic Hospital. Lepers Settlement, Boys Industrial Home of the Salvation
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  • 249 8 Local Artists in 'Evening Stars' lOCAL artiste* are to join j tin- line-up of Radio M lay': "Evening Stars" Mi month. First on the list la William Via it of the Singapore Municipal Office who will be featured in a piano lecital on Wednes j day, April 20. He will
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 323 8 From Singapore, I-'ngland and Australia are now so easy to reach bv Constellation on the "Kangaroo" Service. Traditionally good service, air-conditioned cabins and delicious \<uk\. For full int'ormatk>« regarding fares and air cargo rates, cXMMUk your Travel Agent, or Q'E'A and B -O-A-f (|\M AS I.MI'IKi: \IK\VA\S In |»;ii allfl
      323 words
    • 122 8 Rheumatism Curbed in 30 Minutes The amasing n« w discovery Romind banishes Uu i»ains of ArIhrltln, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritis :irul BelatU*a liko nia«i< in :;<» 1 1 ii nut- .v jiier the flr«l 'I" pains disappear, und in a lew «iu>^ itn-^ marvelous inetllc-lne dissolves and ri i ovea Ihe
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    • 50 8 Professor I^h> Sparkles, Ph. I). (Dr. of p^ z I>esM»n No. i I> slaiuls for bubbles That rise in the tfmm They shine and lh«y sparfclt like the Kids in my d.-ss A/ ways at your service KISHAin ABDUL KAOER UliOie SfllE J BEIBIL wML> t— -w- AD y '^GAl>O»l.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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  • Hollywood Diary
    • 792 9 Maggie The Maker Of Myths AME'iRICAI Esther Williams. Singapore's star, who sky-rocketed to fame In ;t •ii Uu one <>r thr- strangest stories In Hoi I) wood. tile mos( stars Indulged In at lea i soim 1 Hid d "i. a! ii. .j| ol Si i u-!'l. i.» !'.;tni v
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    • 181 9 A i' PER twenty yeai on the 1 1! een < llaudette toll* 1 1 looks as she did in "It li.ip pened One Night." and other famous Colbert pictures Of yesteryears. At forty-three she is an image of youthfultiess. Many a svelte starlet would not mind
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    • 171 9 HOW TO KEEP THEM TAME I" •I I M V,< has been re>'a.l.le.| a a perfect ogre rVCI -rue In SIliaCKCd Ani: 'i'odd with hit cane in flic Seventh Veil." Gregory PecK used a whip and the tip 'jf his l>oot. classic examples Ol ra icality, In "Duel in the
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    • 103 9 HOLLYWOOD fashion designers have re-joined the battle Of the l..rig skirt, some Of them claiming th:<t shoii skirts, skin tight and slit to the thigh, will be back by l !»:.!>. American women, according t<< Rene Hubert, who i aMhi< in <h. foi Bettj < iui. itGene
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    • 396 9 I|ATBY BROGAN Is pleasaid, middle-aged woman who 17 years ago wonder i what happened to the stars' clothing after it had been WOI I) once or twice. she knew that although then apparel was expensive, they could not afford to be seen m the garment more
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 189 9 aches i|^f^m PAINS llfSF^ SPEEDY EFFECTIVE RELILF fro m Whtn th« p*m of bttdacfw, neuralgia or MtAOACMk I other minor ill* is a burttat, tleisej relief ccdie* quiiklf with 'Tabloid' 'tinpnin' umpauni In nq relieves with- nburaloia out h*r(nful trff t upon heart or body. muscular Ask for «f«il
      189 words
    • 478 9 M A jp B t Jof&€' is here I THE HOME PERMANENT WAVE USED BY OVEK 26,000,000 AMERICAN WOMEN your hair up in curlers l^J /f¥^4 yet the wave stays in for months! KEMLLK.I KW So soft, so smooth, so natural are free to do whatevei wiu like looking. You'll
      478 words

  • 920 10  - IPOH RUNNERS SHARE WELL ALLAN LEWIS Fast Times Re! timed Kv 11*011, Saturday. IM WKICS partMpalteK in t<niu>rio\\'s Jjm»!i races, Ui< k*si day of the Perak 'fiiri dub's Baxter Heetißg were given their linal gallops 'his morning on Mm inner grass track. Fast times were made. The best fM'ing Astivel,
    920 words
  • 88 10 At the 22nd annual general meeting of the feet Km Uenc Badminton Party the followm" were elected office-bearers for the year: Patron: Mr. Henry Koh f re-elected); President Mr Lim k.v Tim (re-elected); Vice Presidents: Mi. Federeck Yeo and Mr. Koh Kim Fatt; Hvn. Secretary:
    88 words
  • 210 10 Deans Win 6 to 1 DEANS Badminton Party of Selangor trounced th<- Son[yum Badminton Party oi Ijohore Bahru, six game* to one at Johore Bahru yesterday. R. Alimat. Selangor Malay champion, was fully extended to three gruelling sets by Abbas Wahab, a young rising player, in one i I the
    210 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 154 10 A HAPPY EASTER TO ALL OUR PATRONS COME AM) ENJOY YOURSELVES!!! TODAY Bg)A%/Iftlftlft Z-^.lb-bJU-yjO p.m. I'hone: BM9 rredMacMunay I \Utfh' i'iulilivntl/ t '■■•>•., I N H N/^' < IfOi ni)h/ Sh m -.v Forftij/ 10.30 A.Jf. "BONC OF BERNADETTE" I'j^i >_< ";__l !__'l-.M- "H'/sy/- /7, WIDOW Of WAGON GAP' COMING
      154 words
    • 89 10 PHONE m2 ROOMAI KOR VHR u NOOR ASMARA" c lii!;i)iii;.N'S (H i? MATINEE TODAI mi m.\ M BKLECTBO SHORTS, CABTOONB A :i STOOtJKS** MI.MIIKItS: r>oc. XON-.M K.MKKKS: SI.(M) A BQe. Here is REAL relief During the past 60 years* millions /^AJ of DE WITTS Pills have found their /oW j
      89 words
    • 191 10 TO-DA\ A I I I \M. SOta Centurj I ov", "DO YOU LOVE ME" IN TECHNICOLOK 50c. A $1 TO ALL: TODAY AT :i, &I6 .v ;>.!.) p.M, Adveature Excitemeni I nili (I ArtMtV; "RED RIVER" starriiin Joim Waviic, Nontgtiniery Cli/t, Walter IJreuiK.U, f -Mnri.- Dm GREAT VI OKI I)
      191 words
    • 91 10 come -'j y w t» 'V-^-^J CAMA iron l^^^Lk^S CO LOR BY i OiiA n ;tM1 l4r): ll5 (J 4r) y:^ Phone 5159^7 AIR-CONDITIONED 5 TIMES DAILY! DROP THAT FROWN! j HERE COMES KING KLOWN! UNDOUBTEDLY THE BEST SHOW \i ft DAbWKAYt: 1?K iswrf if t^WIZ4 J/4^ |!v4\ Sonj/sVornJ^M N
      91 words

  • 617 11 This week WILF M\SiNION shows the correct way of heading a ball.) The secret, he says, is liming and the ability to use the neck muscles to add extra The Art Of Heading Bi'fiLV. blaek-halred Dixir Dean, formerly Bvetton ;iri<i gngtend centrc-forwfcrtl, wa by far the
    617 words
  • 408 11 Meet For Pamadasa Cup At 2 p.m. Today By JOHN EDE SINGAPORE and Johore had easy victories over N^ffri Sembilan and Malacca in the Pamadasa Memorial Cup yesterday, both sties winning all five matches without dropping a set. They will i leei the Baal
    408 words
  • 130 11 RESULTS AT A GLANCE .fOHOUK v. MALACCA Ismail bin Marian beat Charlie Soon 18-15. 15-<J. C'hoy Kok Hiva burnt Kofi Huh Km 16-13, 15-1. Lambak l». :ii !.cc Kim Seng It-It, 15-10. iHitmil bin Marjan and Zn«na» bin Ahmad btmi Charlie Senw and Low Yii'ii Thong 15-8, 18-14. Wontf PMg
    130 words
  • 221 11 FOUMKU Sinpipoio an»l Malayan badniinton champions will bo soon in action in a charity contest in aid of tho Singapotc Rotary Club AntiT.B. Fund at the Clerical Union Hall at 10 a.m. tomorrow. The contest is between the Marigold Badminton Party of Singapore and the Yoon^ Yoonji Club,
    221 words
  • 91 11 A further cheque for $22 has f>e*»n received by the Malaya Ttibune Thomas Cup Fund through the well-known Malacca sportsman Mr. P. G. Mahinuasa. Tho donors, all of Malacca, are Mr. R. Doshi $10.00 Mi. Goh Choon Bng 10.00 Mt. Ang Seng Hee 2.00 Total $22.00 Tho Fund
    91 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 133 11 iil 1 Why d<> her teeth stzuf white? Of® Teeih daMK I wilfe Gibbs Hcniifricc sny /Vx sound and while because they arc safely deancd. Always ir c Gibbs Deniifrice and be f i^^^ <urcyour teeth ire never cl.imaged. You save WRtt viith Gibbs Dentifrice, remember, for i ■Ws do
      133 words
    • 343 11 M-laAtf jm A FOOD TONIC with I DEFINITE VITAMIN CONTENT -fo I No «lh« r nutritive food i<mi< hus the same hißh viiamin runienl as 'AUta-Vite' tvhuli cnnlaiiis ihe four most import. mi vitamin* A, HI and 1> in DIUM'II AMOIMS us shown on IftMl 'Akta-Vitf' tiny (franulfN have it
      343 words

  • 660 12 KhamidNels Four By OSCAR FERNANDEZ Singapore Civilians 5. Royal Navy 0. SINGAPORE Civilians sailed through the Navy yesterday, trouncing them by five goal-, to nil in g Malaya Cup try-out at 'Ij>l;m Besar Stadium. Tiiis whs the Civilians second victory over the S-»i|^rs. Hoi Meng, small but
    660 words
  • 163 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. The Penang Recreation Club were 71 runs behind the SelanI gor Eurasian Association at the end of the ft Ist day's play on the Taylor Road Ground in their two day cricket fixture. When stumps were drawn I the Penang Recreation Club had scored
    163 words
  • 92 12 SELANGOR WINS P.W.D. ATHLETIC CHAMPIONSHIP KUALA LUMPUR, Bat Selangor won the state championship and Chia Lye Chua of Johore won the prize for the host performance at the all-Malayan P.WJ). Athletic Championship meeting held on the Selangor P.W.D. Sporta ciuh Ground thi^ afternoon. Belangor point and Negri Sembilan was second
    92 words
  • 51 12 kuala LUMPUR, Bat Bight gamea were played of) today In the all-Malayan IndoCcyloncsc tennis tournament which entered the quarter final stage. In the all-Malayan Y.W.C.A. sports which commenced today Singapore with ten points at the end of the nr<t days play in the competition for the PreBidenta
    51 words
  • 36 12 Teams taking part in the Juvenile Soccei League are requested to send two reprc.sentativea to meeting at 95 Cross Street at ft e m tomorrow. M>. Choo Seng Quee will piesid* at the mectine
    36 words
  • 533 12 Peneng Lead S'pore 24-18 TIIK Pen?ng Chinese SwimmiMg Club geentcd all sei to avenge their defeat at the handM of I ht» Srngaporc Chinese Swimming tlul> last your when they led by M points to 18 at the first ilay of Ih<--1919 Easter Swimming; MeH at th<* Singapore Chinese Swimming
    533 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 125 12 W^^^K I Ink h-'fi'i J<f/;s ''sj *L0 JVL r J I r- /m' \_r- f m M m ml i r M M m w bbbbbbV i' r f J f JbVßEbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbßßbbbbb&j tt/HEN BUYING INSIST ON A.lS.ti'. BRAND ONLY lOK QUALJTY DURABILITY TOP SECRET expose') ■■^^■(wr^wl'^^^SSsP'VJsS^^Yr^B mkII I I iW:\
      125 words
    • 64 12 m m. mJt W 9^ fj\ MJS£S^>^ THF HFRCULES CYCLE V -Js 111 JrWL^^^ MOTOR COMPANY LTD IjVKy \m dST'^VL tIUMINGHAM. ENGLANO Th, 'HERCULES' ISpmi Hub £rtcM'*.n-buift thr»ufh«wt in tht Comouj 'H£«CUL£S T Cy t foe t*r(«t. It now ivailablt »n «ny »io^«/, or a< a Mparate un<t Hercules SOLD
      64 words
    • 415 12 HTITDRRAKRK l'Ml Mod,] 'I and uph iri^ on HighßloodPrejn Dangerous lo |L mvM.-rioti Aeatha ih« r (on ,i th#« h0.i.1, h. cf h#>.Tl ii I »horl 1. i.-,t!, h.-..r t |);uri«. r «l ent-rg I rhfM. •■>,. „t,, ,ni,dn r-.r your l,fe Stai irentmcnt ri on I whJch rwlu. ||i
      415 words