Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 19 December 1948

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 35 1 B 7 rrif rropir for TtVr__tf •YHIA_A\S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER The Sunday Tribune w _!__Ei_^ Simultaneously m Singapore *_Kpaffa I umpur, Ipoh Penang. Telegrams: Tribune Singapore Telephone: 5811 (9 Mnes). ""SI-TEEV PAGES SINGAPORErPKCE.;iBER"'r{rT94B; PRICE TEN CENTS.
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  • 42 1 Charlie's Aunt > LONDON, S»t. Prln- I i ce*s Margaret told her t friends at a I»ndon ho- S 1 rial function, "Now that L they have named Prince J Charles, 1 suppose I am i Charlie's aunt," Intimates I reported toda> U.P.
    U.P.  -  42 words
  • 109 1 THE firm of Montor Ltd. was yesterday found guilty on two charges under the Finance Resrulations. Th- First District Judge Mr. E. P. Shanks, said he was deferring sentence pending the trial of 12 other charges pre f erred against th*.' firm und three of its three
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  • 29 1 KKDONIM) BEACH, California. Saturday. Giant wave:: mashed tn. seawall here toda,. flooding home and injuring many persons and forcing 50 fjmihes to evacuuuc w.i., front buildings. U.P
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  • 28 1 lIANGOON. Satuniay. Fresh clashes were repoi ..ed today iuvWcen Goveimncut Iruopd and Karen Insurgents In Mk K&reuni state about tJm Pules noi Lneast of Rangoon. Reuter.
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  • 46 1 BATAVIA, Saturday. U.S. delegate 11. Merle Cocuran a.rived here itom Jogjakarta today aboard a U.S. Air Force transport. iniwoi.iod .-.ounces said Mr. Cocnian wan Oailjftag a last .iiiuutc Republican appeal to Dutch. seeking a peaceful solution of tbe lndonesian- UUvCii coofiict. U.P.
    U.P.  -  46 words
  • 39 1 THE PICTURE WE'VE i BEEN WAITING FOR This A. P. pi:tu re o/* Princess Elizabeth with her son, Prince Charles of Edith j burgh was radioed to Sydney, Australia, and reached Spore \by airmail last
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  • 256 1 PEIPING, Sat. —Foreigners bought X'Mas trees and prepared to celebrate Yule Tide, ?ocie what may to Peiping. They ■flopped to tiie tone of machinrgun and mortal fire from just outside the north-western walls while trenches are dug on the edge of Glacis open space, fringing the
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  • 169 1 TANIUONG PINANG, Sat. In tbe trial against three American pilots accused of gun-running, the Indonesian judge of Tandjong Pinang yesterday silenced pilot Con°nie Seigrist, who according to Judge W. Weisfeld. had in- suited the Indonesian government. Seigrist had complained about food and lodging m the Indonesian prison immediately
    U.P.  -  169 words
  • 65 1 The Loves Of Carmen l Beginning to-morrow, the Morning Tribune will J publish m erial form the wtory that gave Rita 1 t llaywonh her greatent 1 dramatic role. Written from the f screenplay, it gi\e> you J the high-lights of Pros- I per briUiant !no\el. 1 The film
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  • 521 1 TELL THE PEOPLE KUALA KUBU Just after dawn last Sunday morning, twenty-four out of twenty-five Chinese, suspected of being bandits, were shot dead while attempting to escape from a patrol of police and Scots Guards. A report of the affair, which took place m the Kuala Kubu area of sa
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  • 177 1 Air Girl To Be Guest Of Prince PUNGPIT Chulasevok. Siam'* first air hostess is thrilled. Just before she came to Singapore yesterday she was invited to England for a twomonth holiday by Siamese j Prince Chula. *T hope it won't be too cold", she said. Stewardess Chulasevok leaves for England
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  • 68 1 Civilian vehicles, mostly private cars, were responsible for 523 traffic accidents out of t total of 621 cases reported last month. Ninety-eight cases involved military vehicles. Most of these accidents were along Bukit Timah Road. Changi Road, East Coast Road and Orchard Road. Of the total
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  • 68 1 SHANGHAI, Sat. Chinese astrologers "looked at their horoscopes today and said Chiang Kai-shek's 12-year "cycle of misfortunes" would end at midnight tonight. When the Year of the Rat last began 12 years ago (a full Chinese calendar cycle). Chiang entered his "bad cycle they say. That's
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  • 34 1 The "Gerakan Angkatan Mud a Malaya" iGeram» ha.officially disbanded after a letter from the Colonial Secretary stating that the Governor-ln Council was not prepare^ to mak,. an order declaring it a political Association.
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  • 25 1 The Russian ship Mechanik Apanasiev which was scheduled to reach Singapore last Thursday for rubber, has been dehiyed at Bombay by engine trouble.
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  • 139 1 (Siindiy Tribune Reporter) JUO Municipal voter will be ro *a quired to produce rent re ceipts or to state the actua amount he pays to prove bone fides. A statement issued yesterda> by Mrs. A. S. M. Hawkins, Sup* crvisor of Municipal Elections says that m completing
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 106 1 tßy Special Request "WE OPEN TO-DAY! (From 9a.m. to I p.m.) We open till 1 p.m. today, thus enabling you to shop during your Leisure Hours. TOYS: All kinds of interesting Toys. Dolls, Cars, Tricycles, Christmas Trees, Christmas Crackers, Christmas Stocliings, Tree Decorations, Paper or Metal Foil Bells. Balls, Rosettes,
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    • 53 1 'The shooting ol twenty -(our Chinese who attempted to escape from a patrol of police and Scots Guards requires more explanation if the public conscience is to be satisfied that such drastic action was unavoidable It has the macabre air of an execution— an execution without trial/'-MALAYA TRIBUNE, DECEMBER 16.
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  • 208 2 (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) J^ S Malaya's first Indian l i girl to receive a compre- prehenslve education of "Kok Yul", the national I i i language of China, is at- tractive 16-vear-old, Miss j S Victoria Ezekiel. I I At the age o£ five she
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  • 273 2 (Hundiy Tribune Reporter) IF plans now being worked out by the Singapore Malay Women's Welfare Association prove successful, Singapore will have thc first Malay Convent m Malaya, run along Islamic lines, by the middle of next year. The proposed Malay Convent will be open to girls of
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  • 112 2 Old Boss Is Boss Again (Sunday Tribune Reporter) Group Captain E. A. Healy. former Airport Manager, Lydda, will once more serve under Air Vice-Marshal S. E. Storrar. Director of Civil Aviation. Malaya, his boss m Palestine a short while back. G/Capt. Healy will be the new Airport Manager at Kallang.
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  • 77 2 i The Seventh Singapore Com- pany, Boys Brigade, will hold their first 'mixed' social m St. i Andrew's School Hall tomorrow J at 7.00 p.m. Highlights of the evening. i entertainment will be a 'hulaJ hula' dance by one of the company's boys, six prize games,
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  • 177 2 WHEN a brand new Plymouth automobile rolled I TT up to the Woodland Customs Station on the l morning of December 3, customs officers v/ern waiting for it. Somewhere m that car was concealed opium worth $14,000. destined for Malacca. The driver of
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  • 60 2 (Tribune Staff Reporter) It will take at leaat two year_ before paper currency of all denomination leas than a I Dollar can he withdrawn. There arc 80,000.000 pieces m circulation now, which arc returned at the average rate of 150.000 piece* per day. A total of 2,780.000 cupio-
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  • 79 2 PROCESSOR'S WIFE STAGES A PLAY (Sunday Tribune Reporter) |||RS. Dorothy Morrell. popu--1" lar stage and radio actress, will stage "From a Servant Girl to Saint at the Grand Christmas variety Concert to be held at the British Council Hall next Thursday. Mrs. Morrell is the wife of Professor Morrell of
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  • 345 2 (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) Singapore lepers will receive more assi stance this time from tne British Empire Leprosy Reiiet •und to which local Lepei Welfare Committee are now connected. The Committee was looking forward to linancial and material assistance foi its 371 inmates ;rom
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 58 2 jAV^.^VWWSrVWVWWV_ iSOOK iVOVT FOR TO-MORROWS mamammmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm9mmmmmm^Bmmmmw m m mm A f _B*JPwTrfi*-i—^^^ff-T—ftt _fV" __Ev f\ _P__aT^f-B_W _a_F^ __>______■• -'■^^P|i|^rap .1 I- ___i __fc^- <<jm%a+ aaa Bk% .m. __^^^^c oc_Ry??B3_ ._a mt Mm. t* '^fe. 9 _l _P^^ i afl a |_jj RP 1 _B < j^HAYWORTH^W FORO; J" IN COLOMBIA'S
      58 words
    • 98 2 J __fc Am tf__r ?a _f s_r^n —r I fl _y.*.*>ft<N*. -"_r?___. *v_ ***x. fj__HH_ ___v____l _N^ t__?%' _w?'v\ I __-t r^_ i h: f~ ~at a :< -m- 4-*-"-" 9 E-fl f^Mmmm* yJrjCW^ HT?^____ Vkf QfTCid I ft _H M f^ mmm _>^P _fl __x*____ ,r J ai^ •#£££^ww!y_^T'fc>i^s^?*£
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    • 349 2 dttTT^en^ f-^^lnto.mmbLVwsm^ 0 Laawe the dentures m thu d___T tion, which remove. 61« 1 energy. the n^S^.T™^ rin«, preferably andeTrX tho, j Aw^abieat^cbemiatt and <_-_._„ ___i T? rs i«_,__!£' ir* n^^!!^ IfKfutflnf the new Acryffc ftesi*' HEne I If you suffer *hs* -r__ls_\ M, ,w 'lns ISnT^ *Vl _%?H Phf
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  • 8 3
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  • 401 3 And There Are Shops, Too (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) JHIS is tho story of Mr. X, house-humin* Singapore European who not only found himself a home but founded a housing colony for 75 others. It all began last year when Mi. X
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  • 211 3 (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) THE setting up of radar-wind- finding station?! m Singapore and other South East Asian centres for research into the "upper upper air" to provide the world with a complete map on this section of air was recommended by the International
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  • Article, Illustration
    214 3 (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) Ponnusamy met his son Vitumalai for the first time m eight months at the office or the Immigration Department. The four-year-old boy did not recognise him the first time and shrank away from him. It took a lady Social Welfare worker the best
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  • 70 3 He has an uncanny knack of holding his classes and showing just how to defy every civilised cooking regulation. An Army Observer writes: "I saw him show some Incredulous Grenadiers they appeared incredulous, although deep m their hearts as good soldiers they knew that what they saw being
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  • 375 3 Sgt. 'Wangle —Jungle Chef HOG tired and ravenously nunu gry, a British soldier -probably a civilian this time last year sits down m a thick Malayan jungle, miles from civilisation or the nearest eari'a^rn road. He is on the trail of Communist bandits. In his featherweight pack is possibly a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 114 3 c V\\X_H£-_=*-rf7^ B®ra„Tl»!|j8 ®ra„TI»!|j i _VT/*ofc^ sw ii T V /*\t ijjj '-f a bet rrATELv sr._ra-rr>. tw« i_i \m H=_ mm* pmdtr |>v a fcaUtf fcfajg J^J I"* COOL. SEPaC&IUKG. m» i*iAl. f* .<■ '|_j|^|^_L_illi -MM -*K»t v PS>^~f* A>_i» r |_|i!_ I f £k\t£ _a__La^^^ I _H_r^_riht__tf Pwdif
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    • 31 3 SELLING LIKE HOT CAKES! v 'J till .i i > lr__3_? i ■■SK;. r ipf I •ii* §r^^ ___F^_r_' J^VH^^ j^_e» __T mmmmW AmW mMmM T Wm -MB *l BUY YOURS NOW!
      31 words
    • 28 3 $gW for ACID 1 Iff? 1 1 STOMACH I Aptasart. I The quick relief J ntMtag I you want plus J frht I the alkalizer you need, A
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    • 762 3 VITASIME rONICPILL* Ked lor mal# <A Quality Ore-n Product ____pi___| The Vigorous _jß['"r**M*jEg_i Tonic for De b 1 1 1 1 > a H»22s__*_l Poor Blooc' Strongly re v J^S_|^dl commend. J ___b1 World H R«:.o w n c I Medtral M c r BSj B Each Pil' contains iron,
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  • Article, Illustration
    3130 4  -  Vera Ardmore by Kallang Setting For Of fire Party Dressy War. D Rehearsals Gay Kay-L JPoW Stage IMar- r LITTLE did Elizabeth Arden think when she started spring-cleaning the feminine facial two decades ago that in 1948 her fame would spread East of Suez In such a fashion
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 318 4 Latest Models of I GOWNS for X'mas New Year. ■i-S-i -^-."l-i 1 1 82-1, BRAS BASAH ROAD, near Raffles Hotel. EXTENSION UNTIL 2am ON CHRISTMAS EVE, I S SUNDAY 26th DECEMBER, j J AND NEW YEAR'S EVE AT THE PRINCE'S DEPOSIT BOOKINGS ONLY B-B-_____________M~_______B___________B^^ For All Defects of Vision Consult:
      318 words
    • 71 4 GIFTS.. Something from the Jeweller's is always Something special I DISTINCTIVE GIFT ITEMS at KHALIK JEWELLERS. 11, The Arcade. w Worried and Weighed Down With The Problems Of Life? You Can Do No Better Than Oo To An Advisor Who Has Helped Thousands In Every Walk Of Life Fore-warned Is
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    • 97 4 loxi/o geddeo -fhe luHle /ohop r*\ m Open all the week until 6 p.m. showing glorious Christmas gifts and New Model Cowns. Ho-Trle® noTel /olnqapoks i Wk> __#r /«tW jt~A^lw t r. J l/_il' ATr// 7. -> \\-l 1 7 I li) 1 1 r VJ v^ Mr I Fftsh
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 238 5 9m* latest arrivals. Established IS 72 Malaya's Loading «>f Cornell Hull tCo Volumes, 1800 Jewellers pagr< Diamond and Gwii Mtf-ttory Ot Scotland f*r- 0< Merchants Gandlil. In Interpretation by Stanley _m Cata.w., I* Maug- <€ |.am bNt~-ng I>-P'"" l (liH«r|M,rat*_ In C eylon, v r Singapore, Penang BS ftn Bea
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    • 255 5 The Modern CHRISTMAS CARD A gramophone record ol greetings m your own voiceI CALL AT OUR STUDIO and speak your MESSAGEIt will take only i few minutes. You can take it away with you or we will despatch it if you wish. (_^MM_3_llL_) I ESTAB. moutrie a co imalayai ltd
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  • 414 6 Froth Blowers In Britain Roar. At Red Tape' Beer I ONDON, Sat. An angry cry was raised m Briu tain recently. From the sixteenth century timbers of the "Duke's Arms" to the elegent plush of the "Tired Footman" it echoed, gathering strength with every sip and gulp m the nations
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  • 143 6 Britain Without Atomic Defence SYDNEY, Sat.— Dr. David F. Martyn, head of Australian radar research, said today Britain would be Indefensible m atomic warfare, but the number of atomic bomb- which could be made m the future could not cripple cither Russia or the United States. Dr. Martyn, recently returned
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  • 86 6 TYNWALD. Isle Of Man. Sat. The Manx Parliament has approved conscription now because its leaders expressed fear that the world "is living on the edge of a volcano and the slightest spark might set it alight." The island's parliament turned down a similar proposed a year
    A.P.  -  86 words
  • 223 6 NO DOLLARS NO APPLES NO FISH LONDON. Sat. Canadian Minister of Agriculture James G. Gardiner said today that Canada had not defaulted on her trade agreement with Britain, but that deliveries had been cut short because of the United Kingdom's dollar shortage. Speaking at the Canadian Chamber of Commerce luncheon
    U.P.  -  223 words
  • 697 6  -  Harold K. Milks A Million Wait In Fear, Anxiety For The Red Invaders By (A. P. Correspondent) RANKING. Sat.— China's national capital is a city of strange contrasts as its million people wait with a mixture of anxiety and indifference the expected arrival of
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  • 26 6 LONDON, Saturday— Lord Lucas told th fc Lord*, that Britlan expected approximately 100,000 tons of maize to be imported from the United States— UP
    UP  -  26 words
  • 28 6 SUVA, FIJI. Sat.— Britain is financing a $70,500 geological search for expl- 4 **Hi<» minerals m Fiji. Suva Public Relations Office announced re- cently. U.P.
    U.P.  -  28 words
  • 43 6 LAWRENCE. Massachusetts, Saturday. The State Department has agreed to help thc pretty Mrs. Lvdia Bowern Sharkey, White Russian widow of a United States soldier, flee China before thc advancing Communists reach her Shanghai home, the young woman's father-in-law said.- U.P
    U.P.  -  43 words
  • 114 6 'Sydney' Damage Is Not Sabotage PLYMOUTH. Sat A.imi Sir Robert L. V.uroett "g£ mander-in Chief, Plymouth said here today the OMMd by six steel bolts fou nrt last Wednesday m a of Australia's new light Jlreran carrier Sydney were "trtSS and now under repair "Exaggerated statements some of which are
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  • 103 6 NEW YORK, Sat.-^Senator Robert A. Taft said on his return from Europe aboard the lmer America that communism could spread no farther without the help of the Red Army Asked if communism was becoming stionger m Europe Taft replied "no". "The general opinion m til
    U.P.  -  103 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 923 6 it tafce* better care of your teeth -us RONDAT£D f PA new Toothbrush with 4 Rondated ficture^showuylon BtitT and strong, smoothly ______K. trimm&d t<» clean and search «\<-r\ _f^^P^V p_rl of your teeth without scratching ■I ll or ptkOM. See the new HAI.KX E I B I I ro-dav, the
      923 words
    • 166 6 Man Zan The ideal Ointment for blind, itching and aching piles. Man Zan gives instant relief. The Hygienic jS^Sr Applicator enables you J$ to reach the affected part W^ easily, and without messiness. mt \p Obtainable at All dispensaries tvere meat it healthier -with MARMiJt! 111 jI) 111 Mk. V^
      166 words

  • Article, Illustration
    1715 7  - LONDON LETTER Jimmy Glover From Distribution Dept. trouhlr about news- paper nun is they talk (ftlh j too much. I an as guilty ax the rest. L,_rt week 1 was complaining about tin- heat. j 3-r,e following morning I w t off tv the My without m y overcoat,
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  • 168 7 BRISBANE, Sat. One of the many fascinating aspects of Australia's immigration r?tory is the move to bring large numbers of young children here from England and every effort is being made to give the youngsters a good start m life m the new land m
    Reuter; AAP  -  168 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 214 7 MTHE PICTURES LTO. flCStm II ASSOnMIO HITCH fiClilt CORDON to HARKER RAYMOND *x -ffl-ftnuisn kJTjT-- thbiuimc STOUT Fw** ""JWtmWm. PHILLIP FRIEND FINLAY CURRIE D p V NEXT CHANGE Arthritis Agony Curbed m 30 Minutes Th Ing new dlsoo\ ci Romind I the pains «>f At it iiii.. riheumatli m. Lumbtto,
      214 words
    • 333 7 TTPays To Get Expert Service Your eye sight i* Precious. f_F^^*^ Preser\e and strengthen it I through proper < «re and B attention. For any (Met m k& j vision, consult \jf ft \^__s I New China Optical Co., v 71, High St., Spore. Phone 258(j Y%/r* P n i
      333 words

  • 362 8 THE SUNDAY TRIBUNE SUNDAY, DEC. 19. 1948. BETTER LATE... London Agents Messrs. Colin Turner, Ltd., Talbot House, 98, St. Martin's Lane WC. 2. THE decision of Sir Henry Gumey\ the High 1 Commissioner, to appoint a committer to investigate the squatter problem is welcome. It might have come sooner, but
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  • 1466 8  - JIM THOMPSON AND THE SELK OF SIAM HI. A. Friederieh n ex-secret agent and two ex- horse dealers have revived an industry that once gave glamour and colour to the court of Bangkok By THE ■llMworittfl 01 Siam are tho fattest and healthiest on earth. They a 'so are the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 275 8 6IFT SENSATION OF THE YEAR! BY POPULAR REQUEST YOU BUY GOODS TO THE VALUE OF $20.00 OR YOU PAY $8.00 FOR ONE GROSS "PANDA" HB PENCILS You Receive FREE $4000. C0 Pergonal Accident Transport Insurance Coupon for 1 year. Issued to you by our special arrangement with thc Ocean Accident
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    • 79 8 Accurate Visual Analysis Require* Up-to-date Instruments. To »olfe your Eyesight Ptoblems, Consult C. 8. CHONG, O.D. EVERBRICHT OPTICAL CO. 19 Chulia St. Spore I Td- 4435 Fully equipped with latest instruments. Malayan Airways Ltd. r NOW TWICE DAILY PROM SINGAPORE TO KUALA LUMPUR, ipoh AND PENANQ DAILY SERVICE TOTAIPING j*»
      79 words
    • 117 8 fei'i; \^^^^^^^o>iM<V &xi rf*_S B— PmS^^ W BsSBS&B^&£ :^l|B_iN_,^^^^*^'''___l l >-*H_B 'fr-j__» ■——__> __s_l __>*•_ flH^ H_r > _Hl_i______^____N T_ __B__UH_l- v* r^*** r ___ti__H__o_t t_i _H__^K ___3_K a w 9 mf <m mr mfg. Amw if W wSPr "I always book )iJmm** -^m Travelling about ihr wor ld with
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  • 848 9  - IS ICE-CREAM THE WORST FOOD ON EARTH? N.V.M. Gonzalez By TIIK Hanunoo aie not an unintelligent people they have their own culture and their own system of writing btjt then are some things they just can't figure out. Ime is. why the civilised peoples go m for wars, and the
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  • 896 9  -  JEAN WESESMAN by I DON'T LET THAT HAPPEN TO YOU THESE clays, mt are apt to hear a great deal about tho subconscious mind yet how many of U_ really understand what this means? Psychological terminology has become fashionable, and thr sub-consciou«? Il
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 107 9 1 1) S H-B U TTOn C00HIHB: THE NEW MOFFAT SYNCROCHIME CONTROL Automatic Electro Chime Signal Illuminated Radio Dial > "Video-Matic" Control Ci__^> EFFORTLESS. AUTOMATIC COOKING wiU» T mOFFRT A (reaM of /imc mm^ m mjm > -< m fl k d n~ com p a ri v
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 66 10 I I I I I I■ I I .'.I t ■I, I I 'l I II 1 1 H^_^_r W __l a __T^^^^^l^^ii __^_H MMMM m \mmmmt m MM\ MMM^MMMm Wmm a _^n_^_ B _i _RI F I m m _^H 1 ■__^_l I 111 ■I l jll M^m^k \\j
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
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  • Hollywood Diary
    • 949 11 My Family Before My Films -BENNETT «qHE can't keep hoajst, sh.ij can t cook, but what she linows alout men would All a book.'' ThSI i tii way pert, dafk-hairc<; .1 >o Uennett, the lady with tin blue eyrs. has been I <■♦!. jt'H anything but the truth. *V a*ys.
      949 words
    • Article, Illustration
      1391 11 THEN AND NOW j I I AMIB \< X TO THE TWENTIES i i i__ l £u tht l» if t,,n ,0 are the starlets of 2(1 years J ago. The group was snat petl m Hollywood m 1«>29, I few are famous today. <S ,«-rs have Wled out. Marlin-
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 200 11 __l_3 V\_ (.S Secret of J_k^-^*w D____^ T Smooth, yj -c^ >£ Clear W JX Skin J '7 v toft jrourhful complexion needs to be well guarded r^B_?__L>\ this hot and humid land. Protect your precious skin \2~_E_»^ •ith Hazclinc Snow* thc established cream of beauty. E Socoo/, so rctrcshing,
      200 words
    • 237 11 tT^5% "My meals do \k _MpiP^k\ _^___T c By rele m« "»nrv from wilier >nT^ food -«'•> 'ta.l h.1,.. r _fe /x>««-« daily health, often correct- u„n», wl^_r^* m,?n, A ■plendid combination of prol B Vitamin*. Yc*tamin i- ■o^- K l ~«l-e m tropical elimal. M„k. -^mEf*^ 4;; :m# <j^
      237 words

  • 865 12 J Famous Spore Crime*... _\o 11. Herman llappa I S IN thc early thirties there was a slave market m Singapore. Healthy, young and attractive Javanese women could be purchased for $100, sometimes less. Some of them made a contract with thc agent or seller for five
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  • 188 12 Great Port Loses Trade NEW YOKKS waterfront is slowly bMt surely losing ground m tho battle for foreign trado as lirni after firm switches its shipping orders to other ports. Thc battleground is the Middle West tho nations broad basket where agents from ambitious ports along the east and gulf
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  • 71 12 The east coast ports manage to sink their differences sufficiently to link up to stop gulf ports stealing their businoss. They arc asking all rail and steamship firms to cut their freight rates so that they will be m a better position to compete. New York, however, will
    71 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 302 12 PDUNKLEY PIANO 4 ft. |H ileight 7'v Ottaves. FULLY TROPICALISED BRILLIANT IN TONE "Solo Agent* lor sinjj*»pi»r#» A M»l>yr»n I'nhui. SEASON Co., Ltd. „v No,nM ,xK, or ,t,,A IUW JI i<^^B_aW«W-F-W>WBBiP_WWWWW r —i— w—^ r^_B____tt «r«jjßaiarasTLi«. lUl 1 hms *l o?**^ Brylcreem for Smart Healthy Hair T." vnur hair is
      302 words
    • 322 12 SINGAPORE rS FOOT 000 SOOTHES I J COMFORTS A ENDS IMtITATIM R'h\ doc* Singapore D 'fi. root .nuallv clear up y of D.D.D. Prescription > L% 1 The reaion it that thu germ-killing liquid healer penetrate* thr .A tkin tixue*. linvet out the germ*, check* tn- flammation and bringt j
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 689 12 STRANGE AS IT SEEMS... -C_^. I 'gASLSS. WHICH BUILD NESTS WITH. _^y v^ cT \H ifflSfS^ THI2 "-'3 u^' N, o v TE_Foe-M STIC <S a_ THCk: AS A MAN'S A?M %s'.< > W __Kf_SS TUi?KE> JCSTS P'.VE T>MES SOME": e^C CXJWN THE OLD ?_>? V sV KmmmW* ii NORMAL
      689 words

  • 1063 13 Sunday Tribune Special Sports Feature Our llovs j i Keep Til The Doubts Creep In By Tribune llnaluii ii Inn < ori-«'*| M »mlen I JJNCLE SAM caused a sensational upset oy nla overwhelming victory over the Canadians m tne final of tne American
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  • 544 13  -  Vernon Morgan V AFFICIALS, turf, sreyv hound and now even athletic, are continually exercised w'th the problem of determining what le an artificial stimulan* and how far it shoul.l bo allowed or forbidden. The dividing line between dope and a stimulant ia almost
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  • 417 13 "Bully -off" and "Slicks" IF the standard of hockey m the Colony is to improve the players should have as complete a knowledge of the rules of the game as the umpires. For the benefit of our hockey-playing readers, every week from today this column will devote itself
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 273 13 queens HfcAi woR j__ 7 __rr 5 i PAILY -TOO; 6.30; 9.15 P.M. 'CHIN T A ULAITV Udo WORLD fin TechiUcoluri "ARILENE TOWN Diving L^ilifiK> Ir. A w Matv.lluu W.u.:i Ballet! Kuval j m 5 MKANT DEADLY DKSTRt C T lON 5 5 M^MUl_i__Sn* V B^ACKMAILKD f, Ml KDbRED FOR
      273 words
    • 19 13 HAPPY WOULD OPENING TO.DAY at 2 p.m. 8.00 Noah Berry Jr. In "OVERLAND MAIL" whole Serial .for One Payment.
      19 words
    • 266 13 S^lilEEa_J_fe! NEW HAPPY Theatre (HAPPY WORLD) OPRNINf! TO DAI I»ODAf :-i 1f» 7.lf> (*r. P.M :>. SHOWS 3; QlB D Ifi P.M r ;'\?T X SS?^ TWO-FIBTKO i jMA l Mighty Production! JAMEN CAGNEV LANA n fJNA "THE GREEN »n iv, mlshtieet thriller iwlphin striei "Rl f\On OM opening tomorrow
      266 words

  • 477 14  -  Geoffrey Pownall NEGOTIATIONS UNDER WA V By Sydney. WITH the importation of French, American and Englisn ooxers tnis season, Stadiums Ltd., controllers of professional boxing m Australia, are preparing for a boxing boom. I'.>r months Australian champions tvno have outfought likely talents m the
    477 words
  • 142 14 How The Local Lads Rank J I There are Bat ollieial S i gradings of boxer* in Australia, hut the follow- j ing is the unofTicial sum- i ming up of the three c most prominent lads in i T* each class: 1 HEAVYWEIGHT: Have Sands (champion), Jack Twist, Doug
    142 words
  • 227 14 (Sunday Tribune Stan' Reporter) TWENTY-six years ago a little boy of tinmen went out swimming without knowing anything about swimming. The result was that the little boy was nearly drowned. But unlike other little boys this one was m no way daunted by the incident. He
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  • Article, Illustration
    200 14 Singapore Water Polo League Championships In 1940 and 1941 was skippered by him. Since the end of the war Siew Sun has again taken up his enviable position m the ranks of the Colony's swimmers. He said that he reached his present peak through sheer determination and hard
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  • 23 14 NEW YORK, Sat. The Harmsworth Trophy speed boat race will be held next summer for the tirst time m 16 years.
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  • 274 14  -  MALCOLM GODDER By TOE dark clouds which hung over thc Singapore Hockey Association proposal of s?nd:ng a team to the next world Olympics m 195* are lifting rapidly. When the current season was m iv inlarcy the general opinion was that the standard of play
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 62 14 _y^ lii sß__"_ lEI ______r_ 111 I 'HE i s____ii 1 |fc** smart it's modern its the NEW Golden Platlgnum with sleek Itream-lined barrel; halfHooded nib; gleaming engine-turned nickel-silver push-on cap with built-in dip. Obtainable m a colour range of blue, dove-grey maroon, green and black. THE NEW GOLDEN Plat-gnum
      62 words
    • 217 14 Is SER VICE so important? You may well ask why we make such a fuss about service after sale. Well might this service be likened to the excellent .service now given for .''ll good make- of cars. Who else fe^_^^^_ D -t a qualified expert could keep an _S*i^^__-^ intrii-.i'i
      217 words
    • 75 14 i* 7 r^& A 9UKE CURB jS/j for Coughs, Colds. Sore Throat. \^^m^^f-lmJ Chest Affections, Influenza Stomach Pains and Toothache. \W%[^^w~M;*' woodsV^ W&fmi I PEPPERMINT -.CURE W^*&M Sole Ayentt:— SlME. DARBY A vO-Ltd K_jw!__i__P 1 I W-l the MITRE hotel 145. KILLINEY ROAD. (FULLY LICENSED) Have you sampled our menu,
      75 words
    • 143 14 mMs**- juw*.'**" T^ 4^_l But not now thanks to DE WITT'S Pills- they got to the /_jjgfc_ root of thc trouble m no time, /_r^^_^?^^3i(' and now housework' and shop- /_P^»?j__^-1E 7" ping arc a pleasure* once again. V^^s^^^^ < s^?}^^/^ De WITT'S PILLS Obtainable at 1 I|# For Kidney
      143 words

  • 421 15 ALL BLUES RUGGER COMPETITION KIALA LlxrfPUß, Satuiuiy. CKLANGOK Asians overcame a tremendous weight disadvantage when they beat Singapore convincingly by 19 points (two goals, a penally, a try and a drop goal) to 6 points (two penalties) th. All Blues competition played here today. Selangor started
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  • 187 15 $50 For The FundOne Bottle Of Whisky A WELL known Singapore sportsman, who wishes to remain anonymous, has given the Tribune Thomas Cup Fund a surprise Christmas naekage a case containing twelve hoi th*, of "Challenge" Scotch Whisky, valued at $135. He said: My idea is that everyone who contributes
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  • 69 15 SINGAPORE TROUNCE MALACCA MALACCA. Sat. Displ.iy•ng good stick work and fine combination. Singapore beat Malacca by four goals to nil m an inter-State hoc.ccy fix;urc played here today. Within ten minutes of th( opening. Andrew Clarke scored the first goal for Singaport a few minutes later. Prutt not ched the
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  • 312 15 Singapore Hopes To Revive 'Pro 9 Boxing BOXING NOTES (By X.0.) I AST week's at tenu dance at the Happy World Stadium indicated that there is every hope of a revival of professional boxing m Singapore, thanks to the Services fighters. Fans came to see Jimmy Neweli and Jimmy Welch-
    312 words
  • 63 15 The following have been selected to represent the SC. R.C. m a hockey match against S.C.C. on Dec. 21: Lee Ah Chlo, Lav Hock Chye; Chcong Thiam Slew. Gau Kee Sirang; Goh Chin Chye; Cheah Kirn Swcc; Swee Lim Swang; Chai Hon Yam; Khoo Ong Lee; Harry Fang:
    63 words
  • 44 15 The following will represent V.M.C.A. at billiards against a team from R.A.F. (Tengah) at 7 p.m. tomorrow at the Y.M. C.A. "A" Orchard Road Ec Thian Hin. Ou Siew Leng. D. R. Burrow. J. G. Darbyshire, Robert Lim, Reserves Lee Joh Ming.
    44 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 259 15 l<)1{ CONSTIPATION An m.-,,i combination of Crw-m „f U 11-i-Hl antacid and effl< ar.ona a a tlw n liquid Paraffin popular tm,.o.a, lubricant laxative. Ular i S*mm Aemltv^lSr'V! *J>*~<*9**** "l,h Zu*Tm ar^rtln* Dl K*«tlve TroubleH. An Ideal aperient for aufferers from Pile*. Vda_Da__--kr Distributed by BOOTS PURE DM'O Co., (Far
      259 words
    • 91 15 IS THIS THE SECRET OF YOUR TIREDNESS? Many a man or woman who tires __f^"^s. «-xtly Is Hurlerlng |2j_____* irom Vitamin Star I L_k Htr«- is «h«- p555?2:W Each HALIVITE" ■W -^__r_Si Pill contains actual T. ML^SyT\. drops of halibut liver oil the concentrated source of th« essentia! vitamins oi
      91 words
    • 398 15 ■■■I VL L_ Till \__f Kaglo-Lion Distribution ___M-_H L__ <f_. R I:XNK _rB^B P' _f__[ j IMMORTAL NOVEL! jf 9.30 P.M., WED. 22nd DEC. 1918 9-1 BOOK YOUR RESERVATIONS EARLY! Train for* C\\\^^ 1 with The School of Accountancy, j rjk %#f\\j the leading institution m the I M mjk
      398 words

  • 68 16 SIX DA YS TO CHRISTMAS! BUT THEY HA YE STAR TED CELEBRA TING ALREADY TOP: Miss Kwik Poh Leng concentrates JM»<j on her playing during a week-end conceit given by the pupils of the Far Eastern Music School. RIGHT and BELOW: The poor children are never forgotten during Christmas. Here
    68 words
  • 107 16 THE Singapore V.M.C.A. I Movie Circle is celebrating Christmas week with the j screening of "The B:g Heart"— a really breezy X'mas film, j complete with the spirit oi <. Santa Claus for its members who now number well over 100. j When the Circle
    107 words
  • 90 16 Dancers Did Not Walk Out Miss Nancy Ho, President ot the Cnhnret c;irls" Association. denied that the New World Caburei gifts walked out o i Friday Bight at a pie-anangod signal. She maintained that tht walk-out was due to a European patron refusing to give coupons to a hostess v/ith
    90 words
  • 38 16 LONDON. Sat. Thc Committee of the Surrey County Cricket Club has presented a silver salver to H. D. G. Leveson Q owes m recognition of his 50 years association and advice with the club. A. P.
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  • 410 16 RLUE NETWORK PROGRAMMES IN ENGLISH ir.OO m. Sunday Morning concert of popular classics; 9.30 South America. Take It Away-Half an hour of music from Latin America; 10.00 Tin Pan Alley Fhteen minutes of piano medley; 10.15 Hit Parade Featuring some of four favourite stars from stage,
    410 words
  • 112 16 SYI >NK\ -/> v invUaUou lo Tend an AustraiUui tennis team ♦o Japan In 15>49 has been re- buffed by thc Lawn Tennlfl A sociation of Australia. Sir Norman Brookes, the pt. Mdcnt, told delegates at 1 [council meeting of the Association that, m the circumstances,
    112 words
  • 105 16 Parties Spoil City Lads SYDNEY.- -Mickty Hill, who comes from Brisbane, Queensland, is the only city-born-and-raised boxer to hold an Australian title at present Hill Is the flyweight champion; all other titles an* held by fighter* who have come from country districts. Jimmy Shnrman, well-known boxing showman, thinks that too
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 78 16 -t __Sb r r- _*WtoMft_i M_l V WWWV€mM9 r* _H |Ht j' _B__i Bf __r jrf __^ISRf __i __r*^ ..'^_iM _!_^__r^i HL C s■ w_S Epg*_Bßl i "i4jR^_HJ _fe^l_K i^_lfc?_ _R. __r X ■HBV^'^ilr '__i_a Mr B \V J-_JK ill TUC A TDP ONE UiHb IM*S AMONG CHRISTMASES. JOSEPH TRAVERS
      78 words
    • 88 16 Matlain Fashion decrees that hair ;'> h, m keeping wlthtS „ru *>* Kdamourim J11....... t. tul Ch,. mc :i mi n ij V| Vwu ii >n the talk of alt town. lie Elite BEAVTY .SMLo.v TAVERN HOTEL TANGLIN ROAD. _j_*_?s___ *^S^m^m\W^^ >-_________t_< A KINE SELECTION OF I GRAFTON MATERIAL ON
      88 words