Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 27 June 1948

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 29 1 ,T THK PKO.I.K TOR THE PEOPLE MALAYA'S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER The Sunday Tribune Vow Printed Simultaneously m Singapore Lumpur, Ipoh Pcnang. -flri&E jytfKS. SINCAPOKK JI'NE 27, 1948. PKICE TEN CENTS.
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  • 48 1 Oru of the rare occasions wh* n //it Mnhn/an Chinese nearly xcoftt rir/rit/r st th> China Olympian* at Jalan Besar fitartium ytotrrday. In the picture, Chang Pong Lun, the f/oalkeeper, it teen m the act of gathering a drop-shot while Swce M9n§ lumps to it.
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  • 229 1 Raped Wife's Sister (14) CHARGE tounday Tribum Reporter I ALLEGED to haw rap«Ml Mi 14-year-olri pbtter-iit-law, t« Umr occasions, Seng Ken/? >4Mg (M), a .Nhaiiuhuir.'s.' of No. IS Lincoln Road, was produced on tentative < barge* of rape before Seventh Magistrate A. 0. Shear* yesterday. A.S.P. L. R. Ptynn, prosecuting
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  • 75 1 '.Bymdai4 Tribune Reporter) X taxi-driver had a narrow *sc*pe from death when his taxi went out of control at the 6 milestone Bukit Timah Road at U5 p.m. yesterday. Tht vehicle swerved from the r <*d and landed m a deep stream by the sidr- of
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  • 164 1 'Call all troops— have a try and see' challenge to Govt. [From Our Own Reporter] PENANG, Sat. Penang's Chief Police Officer, Mr. VV. A. C. Maines, today received a death-letter which contained a general threat to the police force. The letter bore the date-stamp of June
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  • 42 1 Called out <>f their house by persons who they thought were thc>r friends, two Chinese ffttrdeners living near Sahik South ncre later found bullet -riddled under a tree near their home. The discovery vas made by their wives.
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  • 545 1 (By A Special Correspondent) JOHORE RAHRI: In a fresh wave of terrorism that is sweeping through the State of Johorc, six murders were committed by Chinese gunmen within the past 48 hours. All the si\ victims were Chinese. The gangsters are on the offensive
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  • 121 1 (Sunday Tribune Reporter)^ Dr. Wu Paak-shing, Chinese Consul-General, Singapore, will be leaving for Nanking on vacation on Wednesday. It is understood that Dr. Wu will take opportunity of his presence m Nanking to inform the Chinese Government of the latest situation m Singapore and the Federation.
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  • 36 1 In yesterday's Northern Section Malaya Cup matches Kcdah beat Pahang by two goals to nil and Penang beat the Combined Services by the odd goal m three. Kedah are thus m the Final.
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  • 27 1 TM B. H. Sheares, L.M.S.. M.R.C.0.G., Obstetrician, Kandang Kerbau Maternity Hospital, has been appointed to act a« Professor of Midwifery, College of Medicine, Singapore.
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  • 29 1 CORNWALL, June 26.—Five brothers, fishermen from this village m southwest England, were drowned today when their boat was sunk In a collision with a steamer.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 125 1 WHILE hundreds are still searching for a fwme m house-hunting Sinyapore, the Improvement Trust's vacant shop-house at Owen Road is still empty. The "To Let' 1 notice, put up early this month, stiH hanys from the shutters. Rent for this shop-house, which could be converted into
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  • 53 1 HOLIDAY FOR SALE- £15 ST. ALBANS, England, June 26. William Spencer Attwood, 76-year-old winner of a theatre prize of a week's holiday m Paris sadly offered it for sale yesterday at £15. Said Attwood: "At 76 I'm too old. If I were 50 years younger I could enjoy myself m
    U.P.  -  53 words
  • 51 1 Sunday Tribune Reporter) Over 1,000 Chinese immigrants m three ships will arrive m Singapore today and tomorrow. The vessels are the Hui Hsia (255 passengers), Mvi Lee (277) and the Sandviken (494). The vessels will first proceed to St. John's Island Quarantine Station before berthing
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  • 26 1 Paris, June 26. Ex Emperor Bao Dai of Annam, who m m Fiance on a private visit las arrived here from Nice.
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  • 254 1 LONDON, June 25. Western allied diplomats reluctantly admitted privately the Russians can if they want to pursue a ruthless policy force the United States, Britain and France to abandon their Hectors of Berlin. They said a realistic appraisal of the situation forced I them
    U.P.  -  254 words
  • 88 1 [From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday.- A police patrol launch arrestI ed a junk crew of seven men suspected of piracy on Friday off Kuala Selangor. i The men were believed to have robbed a rice junk and were m the act of transferring the rice
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  • 554 1 YANKEE STADIUM, New York, June 26.— Joe Louis, ending one of the most glorious careers in boxing history when he knocked out Jersey Joe Walcott last night, announced his retirement from the ring. "That was my last fight," Louis said, a big smile
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  • 638 1 Lords. June 26. A century puitnership between Barm and Morris paved the way for n big Australian second inning total when play in the Second Test continued today. Morris >«ud Haines seored 122 before Morris was out bowled by Wright for 62. Barnes, partnered by Bradman,
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  • 112 1 (Sunday Tribune Reporter) Conscious of the grave risks to which they are exposed whtk carrying cash m the course of their official duties, the Municipal Commissioners havr now agreed to insuring municipal officers concerned against such risk. This insurance ivill safeguard them
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 217 1 K UP-TO-DATE, LEARN BOOGIE WOOGIE! B&SfejJgggJWgOTj] ikmm.pK WOOGIK PIANO |£<^^V*^ißl Ml llim> N thorough In-rvHtir^''j'-'l\flHß Hook for Teacher lS>\L*klAJ M and Student. Containing 'Exercises m Boo; i< Woogic, ESl*^S^*ifi^Ba Rhythms rempo 1 "Boogie I W^^Ytz^^l^^B'^ Woogie Introduction "800Hjjflftd^jUlNmjHU gie Woogie Basses", "ComBrS^Fjy jfl *)VMA prchcn.slvp Study Course HZSEZSOHIJ I 'l.
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    • 7 1 Telegrams: rnnuiip Singapore. Telephone: 5811 (0 lines).
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    • 100 1 KwW L \k [I till l/nh, class w^° d cmanc ancl gct—* l^ st IfliitA film. In KngianJ, for instance, Dc Luxe YirpnM |\l\\ i^HJ, I cigarettes have been enjoyed for over fifty year* \\\Yl ky just such people Dukes and Duchesses, Barons and Bishops, Knights and Nobles, I JL
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  • 563 2 "BRINGING 'EM BACK ALIVE" ISN'T EASY THESE DAYS ,B/G DEMAND FOR ZOO ANIMALS, BUT (Sunday Tribune Stafi" Reporter > Zoologists from all parts of the world are making heavy demands »or Malayan animals m Singapore. But Mr. Herbert H. de Souza, a collector of animals for 30 y e a^r
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  • 68 2 Bound for Europe* One of The many Sumatran orang utanft m May field Kennels and Zoo which is run by Mr. Herbert de Souza, Singapore zoological collector ami exporter, ftr. dc Souza feeds his orang utans on the same diet as humans live on. This 'skipper' has
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  • 340 2 (Sunday Tribune Reporter) j Food prices generally m Singapore have shown a slight drop compared with last month, but rice has gone up slightly due to smaller sur> plies coming into the 'open' market. RICE With the recent measures adopted by the Siamese Government m keeping
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  • 181 2 "Now' s The Hour" Is The Craze Today (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) The "boogie woogie" craze that hit Singapore soon after the liberation no longer exists and Singapor eans today appear to have gone down "classical alley" way, reports a leading Singapore music store. The rush experienced for "red hot"
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  • 388 2 I Tribune Woman Reporter HOW will the Now Look Length effect the Chinese day Vheongsum' something which many Chinese hustaßil today arr vondering a*>out. Xt was not so ver\ long ago Chinese uomen wore the fill! length «'heonjrsum
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  • 82 2 Indian Congress Wants Assurance Tiie Working Committee o. 1 < the Malayan Indian Congre&s, In a statement issued I aftei a meeting on Ju.k 20, refers to t emergency r<- gulatftons promulgated by the Federal Government to combat violence and lawlessnei While ujji< ting that such i precautions a necessary.
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  • 222 2 (Sunday Tribune StaiT Rejiorter) TENTATIVE charges of house-breaking, attfn, D ed armed robbery, possession of a .45 revolver I unlawful possession of six rounds of ammunition yZ made against Tan Ah Chon (21), of Tanjong FV Road, when he appeared before Seventh MarwnM A.
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  • 131 2 (Sunday Tribune Reporter) VALUABLE property changed hand! I fe% days ago m Singapore v/h-n Raffles note! 1 bouse* ai:d land idjoining i. property roi $300,000. Tlv. 'louses cio 358, 360, 382. and 38-: tJort i Bridge .tocid together WIUi a large block of land adjoinm;.;
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 207 2 All other things being equal, the man corrects acidity. THEN who wins through is the man who is Andrews tones up the liver really fit. This is why Inner and checks biliousness Cleanliness is so important, FINALLY To not only on the sports h^ complete your Inner held, but m
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    • 231 2 VITASIME TONIC TILLS tied for m (A Quality O»jj fpma TrT' 0 VI V' _J&™F?ll 'ori i tor ctGtPtMHp i'oor Ulood. F^ 1 Strongly r«-- X* '^lv commended hy 1* World"- I'^ c X c no vv n c d Ll||jyl Medical Men s^TXjGI Bach Pill contains Iron, "Cop i
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  • 800 3 "CHINESE MASSACRE" JAPS ARE MODEL PRISONERS (Tribune Staff Reporter) Five Japanese war criminals who were found guUty of responsibility m the Singapore massacre tragedy of 1942 by a British War Crimes Court and sentenced to lite imprisonment are exemplary prisoners In Changi Prison. Like all prisoners they hope to earn
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  • 371 3 TOD A Y'S SHORT STORY 1 i Sunday Tribune Wom«>i I Reporter) I It wjs about n*ne, m r the morning. The setting I was Orchard Road. It was -i ft ne morniny, bright, hot and sweltery. I i It was the kind of morn- 1 ing that made you
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  • 250 3 Road Toll Increases The number of road accidents m May Was 610, an increase on the April ngurc of 543. involving 498 civilians against 498 m May. Commenting on these figures, A.S.P. Bembroke. Traffic Branch, said that although the total of deaths (7>
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  • 147 3 MALAY WOMEN TO DISCUSS MASS WEDDINGS Sunday Tribune Reporter! The Singapore Malay Women's Welfare Association la calling a public meeting soon to sound Muslim opinion on mass weddings m Singapore, Che Zahara binti Noor Muhammad. Organ-iser-President of the Association, told the Tribune m an interview. Che Zahara was referring to
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  • 126 3 MALAYA'S FUTURE "BRIGHT" (Sunday Tribune Reporter) The future of Malaya is j bright, and it will become a great country. provided the 'Pranakans' (local-born people) will have the courage, energy and determination to make it an Eldorado. This is the view of Mr. David Frankel, a well-known old resident of
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  • 91 3 (Sunday Tribune Reporter) The Singapore Ratepayers' Association has written to the Director of Medical Services and the Municipal Health Offlccer complaining that during the polio outbreak the drains m many parts of the town were m a filthy state and m certain streets much refuse was lying near
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  • 22 3 The Singapoi-c Anti Tuherculosis Association collected $15,438 by the sale of flags on Flag Day held on June 4.
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  • 759 3 (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) The British Army in Singapore has reasons to believe :hat there are about 1,500 corpses of B.O.R.s, I.O.R.s and L.E.P.s lying buried in noman's land and private gardens scattered all over the island. They belong to the casualties sustained during
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 409 3 Heart Trouble Caused by High Blood Pressure If roy have palna around t^e heart. ■•h/tatton. di«lne,ji« headarhaa at «m and bach of head and abov« eye*. ahortneaa r>f breath, feel narvy. or auf irr trom poor uleep. lo»a of meroorv •■d energy. Indigent lon. worry and rour trouble la probably
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    • 288 3 FOR ACCOMMODATION visit KATONG REST-HOUSE. I A healthful resort by the sea at very quiet locality. Airy and Spacious rooms with comforts hit- furniture. Special rate will be given to permanent boarders. IST CLASS BAK RESTAIKAM OPEN TO NON-RESIDENTS. Special Chicken Curry Tiflin today. We cater for associations or private
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 473 3 BLUE NETWORK mary. News Summary An- nouneement Programme mai av £r IVVCI ISH nouncements: 8.20 Radio Or- Summary in Mandarin; 12.03 o£Aa-.>amW^e Chestra; 9.00 Spot the Favou-, Mandarin songs; 1.00 News in I ROirRAMMES rites; 9.30 News; 9.45 Musical Mandarin. Amoy Cantonese Interlude; 10.00 "The End of 1.15 Opening Announcement
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  • 4787 4  -  VERA ARDMORE bu Rynatjornie wedding and other society m u\s appears m tomorrow's 'Around The Town" columns of Veru Artlmore. See the '-Mornin*/ Tribune. o St Andrew's Cathedral was I the ■oene of a very pretty wedding when Miss Yvonne j Pamela CJoude, youngest daugh- ter
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 273 4 EVENING GOWNS -ijj-L J^\ "Is I 1 j^. 82—1. BKAS BASAII KOAD (Near Raffles Hotel) PHONE ***** IMMEMA TF Delivery yfy- A\ailable are a limited at Ark of living room, dining room, heriroom Kiiites, ready for Immediate delivery. 4 I'or Delivery within a few ilayn nrt* ready- made piere» designed
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    • 157 4 doxJyo qeddeo +he luHle/ohop JL, Charming Accessories add distinction to the Simplest Frock Jt_aTne<o noTel /ounqapon^e IN TOWN TO-NIGHT The PAVILION RESTAURANT IKAN MERAH JEHOVAH I (The Best of Courses) AND I A SPLENDID PICTURE I AT THE CINEMA AS USUAL ROY CORNELL 2GO, ORCHARD ROAD, PROPRIETOR I»HONE 4447. lIO\T
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 264 5 ilarjorie Ann" (Kathleen Heigh) "CALUNAN" Oil system of Permanent Waving Nature's only rival. j ORCHARD ROAD, '(opposite Grange Road, Junrti<"U Tel: No. 8*5971. J j JWI *^fflvT* ITSZ^ tZ2£Z~ „,-thtr•« naturaUy *^ZlfMiA a> ihe iy«cn, dii- \AJ\WI pnial the turplu* fat V W •a* >«» your ii T A .L■
      264 words
    • 31 5 PSs>3f iiSitf*'* jljutelfci V -SI \JB" Vti WEil^ E t v .■-^.^'«i4«"* |||ff "sS* Ef^> jSm; J'» -Jti'***'"' v^gj VJ jfel jSSff Sol« Distrfhutlnp A^nls for Muluva: TIIK ANGLO-THAI roiirouATioN i/n>.
      31 words
    • 223 5 f j I A I i\ M i O r) v iJIL^JIJ^I e~S7ABUSHfP /575 j SIHGAPORC po>ox42 Furnishing materials Curtain nettingH, Crotonne, Tlush, (tirtain-raiN Furnishing-* loth, Linoleum, Carpets, etcFURNITURE FURNISHINGS DEPT 60 62, ORCHARD ROAD, SINGAPORE. Agents for IWSKOE'N LTD. V r ariuJ 1-^«-*^ j~utjiltj-i j- i^>i j ANNOUNCEMENT THE
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    • 228 6 SUNDAY, JUNE 27, 1948. Not Too Raw! Gilding the lily, whitewashing the mahagony and applying rouge and paint to the lips and cheeks of a 17 year-old damsel are among the most heinous crimes which civilised maa can perpetrate against real beauty. Therefore, all lovers of beauty m Malaya we
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  • 820 6  -  Dr. Ivor Beaumont Doctors are arguing about it. Women haven't yet been consulted. Do anaesthetics kill more Lthan pain in child-birth? Do they also destroy the mother's instinct to love her baby? By- Over 100 years ago. Dr. I James Young "Simpson gave a young woman a painless
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  • 270 6 Malayan 'Debunks' Honolulu A Malayan student on his way to America stopped over at Honolulu and, m a letter to his father, exploded the glamour myth built around the birthplace of the hip swaying hula-hula dance. Regarding Waikiki beach he said that apart from the peculiarity of the waves which
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  • 411 6 Malayan Art Cannot Thrive On Praise There are some people m Singapore today who still believe that artists and writers can produce their best work by starving m garrets. This view was recently propounded to me by some persons who live m big bungalows and roll about town ii» shining
    R.B.O.  -  411 words
  • 505 6  - The Appalling Story Of Child Crooks Fred Redman By Child crime m the United Kingdom isn't just a teen-age illness curable by larruping or a dose of psychology. New and startling figures reveal it as a deadly social disease for which NO cure has been found. London's record is appalling.
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  • 397 6 There are large areas within the Municipal limits which are occupied by the large houses and spacious grounds of former and present commercial magnates and most of the poorer classes live within 1,000 acres m the heart of the city. Here are rows
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  • 218 6 HAGUE. Twelve political parties are contesting the general election at which the people |of the Netherlands will go to the polls on July 7 and 8 to signify their consent —or otherwise —to four proposed amend- ments to the Constitution. The most important of »hese amendments deals
    Reuter  -  218 words
  • 157 6 Planters Did Call For Action The editorial m the Adt. issue of The Planter offci organ of the Incorpontr Society of Planters, waTsai prophetic. It was, of coury written some time before to present wave of murders. The editorial said: "It is strongly felt that then is a lack of
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  • 91 6 EARNING DOGS LONDON. A bid to st?r up the export of British tok dogs to the United SUto Canada and other dollar arct« is being made by the KeM>. Club, the governing authority of the canine world here. TV club, which controls practical!} all dog shows m the Umttf Kingdom,
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 80 6 Tho Department of Apricu I ture. Federation of Malaya. r» ports that m addition to tbor already recorded since the ginning of this year, a tou of 88,777 pesta have bee» JJ troyed m the Federation. Tr. L figure does not include the t i veral thousands of pesta
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 252 6 He mi nil ian 5 kOOM AIR (OHDITIOm A The air you breathe should be as pure as the water you drink. True air-conditioning provides cool air cleansed of dust and dirt, giving you n^w energy, en;i bling you to think clearly and work effectively. AUTHORISED DEALERS New Jj^verlight Electric
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    • 117 6 Accurate Visual Analysis Requires Up-to-date Instruments. V To solve your Eyesight Problems, Consult c. s. chong, o.d. EVERBRICHT OPTICAL CO. 19 Chulia St. Spore Tel: 4435 Fully equipped with latest instruments. MALA V A N AIRWAYS LTD. AIR CARGO RATK PER KILO (2 2 lbs.) FROM SINGAPORE TO KUALA LUMPUR
      117 words
    • 49 6 For all your journeys abr oad, fly X.L M nine thousand miles o eHicient tlmesavWl routes to: NEI PAKISTAN DSA AMKB 1( INDIA KUROPE SOLTH AfT" Fares and particulars on application: TOWN OFFICE: 1 Finlavson (ir*en. l» KALLANG AIRPORT: PHONE ***** V OUTCH!AIRUNtS APPROVED BY TIME BACKED BY TRAP*
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  • 126 7 2 STORIES WITH A BITE During one event at the 1 arleigh Castle motor cycle races. near Trowbridge, Wills, two eompetitors collided while rounding a bend at speed. One machine hit a Hnm Hag post which sailed Into the air struck Mr. Alfred Sheppard of Hath, on the face an.l
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  • 76 7 Brian Wilson. 19. Birmingham speedway star, scored ten points out of twelve m a match against Edinburgh. A fow days a^o he failed for the thiid time to pass his driving test Brian, Bevin boy. who lives at Penistone-road. Sheffield, is on the books of
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  • 192 7 g~Bni -H*zniffiHlflMflaniijD:.[.Lii_mii nmuumjvuuuuu wmia:mu il i 111 l 1 1 1 all ajßj— j i rfn nTTran Opening of the rehearsal at the Harringay Arena, London, when the ten-year-old Italian boy, Pierino Gamba, conducted the Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, was rather like the advertisement, "They
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  • 108 7 STARVED HER BABY TO DEATH As he sentenced a mother to nghtcen months' gaol for the manslaughter of her babv r-irl I aged five months, Mr TuXticc Oliver said to her at Durham Assizes 4 You must vntched I that child dying by inches Mr isssats. w "I have not
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  • 321 7 David Chillingworth is only four years old. but he is quite clear m his mind what he wants to be when he grows up. He told his father months ago: '*I want to be a lecturer m mathematics. It is not merely that his
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  • 135 7 Two new pain relievers to help mothers m childbirth will. It is hoped, soon be available to midwives. They are the gas trilene, and the drug pethidine both of which can, at the moment, only be used by doctors. The use of trilene, it is expected, will
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  • 28 7 DRIVING the same car m which he broke the record m 1934. Raymond Mays clocked the fastest hill-climb time -m 37.895. at Worcester.
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  • 400 7 THIS BABY LA UGHS at PAIN Nobody bothers even It think of .spanking 22 months old Richard Everett. It would be a waste of time. For brown-eyed, fair-haired Richard is liable just to laugh at a whacking, writes John Redfern m the Daily Express. Putn, the old enemy who snipes
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  • 105 7 IT'S A BOY, IT'S A BOY, IT'S A GIRL BEFORE Jamex JenJ kms left his hotne m J Portsmouth for his office, he learned his wife had I i f/tven birth to tuo boys m a nursing home. When he got to work, I !J at Southampton Customs House, he
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  • 19 7 Snoring of the prisoner said to have been doped stopped a murder trial m Lunebcrg Germany.
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  • 77 7 Girl's Chatter Brings Him £600 i/ 1 %nF*°** ou ve been netting pour sickness benefit all nyht remarked a girl clerk, chatting to a caller at freston (Lanes) National Insurance offices. Dumbfounded, he repVed: "No, Miss, only my pension.' so the girl told her chief. A fortnight later, the man
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  • 154 7 Bifm^h P l° tOgraphs m a famil y albu m helped Birmingham woman to get £4,637— money left ohia ll^f'^? ndmolilei who dled m Phtfadl only afa n y amY cc ag &nd whom she knew The lucky woman. Mrs. Mary Jane Vaughton.
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  • 40 7 SOS appeal* broadcast m a Wimbledon store asked customers to yivji homes to ten lost kittens. They were left on a counter while the assistant was away. Soon all the kittens had been found new owners.
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  • 73 7 HE CRABBED A LIONESS BY THE TAIL On a day's outing to Mnrf/atc, a party of London ejeServicemen went to Dreamland Zoo. One of them, Cecil Thomas Portman, ifi, o f Dents-road, Battersea, clambered over a barrier at the lion's den. Through the feeding hatch he grabbed the tail of
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  • 53 7 A woman passenger on an Altrincham Warrington bus who persuaded the conductor to pull up at a phone box because sht had an urgent call to make, was away six minutes. She explained she had forgotten whether she had siritched off her iron and ran;/ up
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  • 178 7 The R udest US War Book The rudest American war book yet was published yester-day-full of "smart Alick" remarks by Vinegar Joe Stilweil, U.S. General who, m 1943. commanded American forces m India. Burma and China. These are some of his impressions of war leaders ROOSEVELT "Very pieasant and very
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 186 7 it PUCES:— WEX OIL ?3.75 p POMADE M.50 jDoty extra outside Singapore) Sole Agents: gIDU MOHA.MED SONS. Sixfspore, Kuala Lumpur A I'enang. i LOSE LESS LINEN tour Requirements Air Mailed to and from England Full df tall*: Post Box 1195, Singapore. BF.ER >I STOUT I LtGMTUOUI To H. M. The
      186 words
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  • 609 8  - LA TE CUTS RAM PIARA Ih THE Second Tost match is on at the Loid's. Even as I sit down to write these notes the announcement comes over the radio that two of the first four Australian wickets to fall so far have been taken by Coxon a newcomer to
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  • 129 8 Four Chinese women, their ages ranging from 40 to 70, were l>iou;;ht before the Second Poiioo Magistrate, Mr. l. r. Goh, yesterday on a charge being Chap Ji Xi touts. The four Accused, Lim Ah On^, Ollg I>ok Rum. Lim Lai Sam and Lin U
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  • 59 8 The following telegram has been sent to Sii C. FlajagopalIChari by Mr. Ganga Singh. I* r ettdeo t. Malayan Sik!» r»\ion '(Jovernoi -General Raju J l, New Delhi -Malayan Sikhs I offer heartiest congratulations on Your Excellency's appointi ment as first Indian GovernorQeoeral. We assure you of
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  • 949 8 BADMINTON NOTES (Bit A Special Correspondent j This week I am respond ing to numerous reuuests that I should deal on the nlayers who should go far m the Singapore Badminton Association's funior championsliips. and pick my fancied players for Vrc title. Last
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  • 237 8 (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) There are approximately 16,000 registered radio owners m Singapore today but there are also about 3,000 pirate listeners. These tax evaders are at the moment being hunted down a spokesman of the Department of Broadcasting told the Sunday Tribune. To date
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  • 75 8 The Singapore Municipality Health Statement for the week ending June 19 reported a total oi 185 deaths, comprising of 107 males and 7s females. The number Of births for week was 607 Deaths du e to tuberculosis showed an by 50 per ctnt. being 30, compared
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  • 122 8 FLYING ARTISTES ON THE AIR (Sunday Tribune Reporter J The two well-knovn Dutch artistes, Jo and Arnold Juda, vill be on the air over the Blue Network o) Radio Malaya, a few houi.s after theit arrival here by plane tomorrow evening. By .Sfjechil arrangement uith the Netherlands Consulate General iti
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  • 641 8 The. following are the results of the Diploma Examinations held at Raffles College this month The following have passed the Diploma Examination tn Science, Part I Ang Kok Peng. A. R. S. Bhathal. Chia Hong Hoe, O. Fung Guan Sun. Gwee Kirn Guan, Mok Tuck
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 27 8 VsV \v La^ssi^Bßs% H ii "^^Sshß Made specially to ofwn& prevent sore throats£gL^£W 10's Pac kets ir^^G^a vmi!i Lasy-Acces* inner fofl fm pvrted from London, Eu»laAsl T&gSfSfcSpf
      27 words
    • 161 8 For the FAMILY" WITHOUT afilJS ft y G p Obtattiablc /ILL AUTHORISED nv A r Sole Agents: SIXC.APORR, VIALAVA 801L 1 IJUli^l VJJ <JiniUn COLLVKK QTAY TE H l H Known and used all overfhe world as fh» UNRIVALLED a HEALTH DRINK* FRUIT SALT 1 j/)e_vv A rc/s TNQ"onc/ <
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 624 8 FO^, TOTS VFJE/5K TflE— j j j AQUARIUS GEMINI 7V/?AM i /AN '1 F«JI. 18. A/zIV 21 JUNK 20 i r,. dcttm to work and Take l*t* ju*t a HUH easier -,V :J B< i i give it nli yom'n got. I, uou 'md try hot to fh> oft at
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  • 309 9 twti IMghton. who appears i.s Flora Macdonald m the *iWmy technicolour production ''Bonnie Prince We," directed by Anthony Kmtnina at Shepperton, stariMJNoan with Margaret Lei ghton, Judy Campbell, it Buttons and Hector Ross. Miss Leighton is wearing tmietigned by Georges Benda of white silk painted uUk
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  • 70 9 HOLLYWOOD, One of the most unsual talent hunts m years took place when Walt Disney sought a voice for Disney and sound engineers listened to scores of steamboat, tugboat and paddlewheeler whistles *n the Atlantic, Pacific and Cheat Lnkes to find one that suggested the
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  • 795 9  -  HE TTIE GRIMSTEAD r SUNDAY FILM PAGE* By With director David Macdonald of "Insert Victory" fame In command, a film unit has left London recently aboard the 900-ton steam yacht "Valena" hound for Barbados, to Hhoot exterior scenes covering the discovery of the western world. These
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  • 51 9 HOLLYWOOD Because 12--year-old Bobby Driscoll, soon to be seen In "The Window," has been such a faithful patron of Holywood's Hitching Post Theatre, which shows westerns exclusively, the management has given him an annual paas and reserved two seats with his name on them for his use at any
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  • 70 9 HOLLYWOOD. Jeannette Noland was turned down tor 1 part m RKO Radios "Weep No More" because she was too much like Spring Bylngton. At the time Miss Byington was rejected for a role In "Words and Music" at another studio because they wanted a "di
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  • 59 9 HOLLYWOOD Tim Holt received a Jolt on the "Brothers m the Saddle" set when he was informed the Los Angeles coroner's office was calling him. But the call-proved to be from Richard E. Robinson who had been a captain m the USAAF with Tim and was inviting
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  • 44 9 HOLLYWOOD Pet idiosyncracy of Felix Bressart. soon to be seen m Samuel Goldwyn's production, "A Song Is Born," starring Danny Kaye and Virginia Mayo, is to weai a moustache m nearly every role. He has never used the same moustache twice.
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  • 49 9 HOLLYWOOD. Music critics are predicting that "My Guitar Serenade," written by John Laurenz and sung by him in "Tarzan and the Mermaids," a Sol Lesser production will be a surefire hit. It is a novelty tune on the order of "Tippi Tippi Tim" and "Onesy Twosy."
    49 words
  • 248 9 Recently the readers of Motion Picture Magazine were m- i vited to write m questions that they would like answered by various actors and actresses. The questions the readers want- > ed Laraine Day to answer ap- j pear m the May issue of Mo- tion Picture
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  • 55 9 HOLLYWOOD. Sydney Green-street, who co-stars with Rosalind Russel. Leo CJenn and Claire Trevor m "The Velvet Touch," an Independent Artists production, was a close personal Mend of two American presidents the late TheodoreKoosevelt and the late Woodrow Wilson. He once used the White House as a theatrical dressing
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  • 114 9 HOLLYWOOD A 12-yeai-old boy, slight m build' but strong m talent is bettering the lot of child actors who are usually regarded with juaundiced eye by film folks. He is Dean Stock well, who is playing the title role m RKO i Radios
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  • 52 9 HOLLYWOOD. Water m an outdoor pool m Mexico-City where Johnny Weijsmuller performed underwater swimming stunts for "Tarzan and tne Mermaids." a Sol Lesser production for RKO Radio release, had lo be kept at an uncomfortable 65 degrees. If made warmer the water became cloudy and unsuitable
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  • Article, Illustration
    77 9 On with the dance In the road of private houses built on the lot at London Film Studio, Shcppirton. for "The Winslow Boy," Jack Watling, who plays the elder brother Dickie, rehearses tlu Bunny Hug— a dance popular in 1913 -v.nth Margaret Leighton, who plays Catherine Winslow
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  • 52 9 HOLLYWOOD. Shirley Temple permitted her famous doll I collection to be exhibited to raise funds for charity while she was working m "Fort Apache." an Argosy Picture for RKO Radio release. When she (jot the dolls back she discovered that spectators had smashed five Japanese dotk m
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  • 59 9 HOLLYWOOD The script for RKO Radio's "Blood on the Moon" specified that Robert Mitchum was to wear a bandage to indicate an injury to his hand. After a fight with Robert Preston for the picture an Xray revealed Mitchum had fractured a finger so he was stuck
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  • 122 9 Monty Atkins. "Property I Man" at Elstree's Gate Studio, is training eight cockroaches to run a race for the Gainsborough screen version of "Cock Pit" Bridget Boland's play about Displaced Persons. In the story, the D.P's who are lodged I in a German theatre until
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  • 39 9 HOLLYWOOD, More that, a score of books and twlcv I many magazine and newspaper features have been written about Pecos Bill, the legendary western character whose fabulous story is told m Walt Disney's "Melody Time."
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  • 39 9 HOLLYWOOD, -Merle Oberon will take out papers to become an American citizen as soon as sbe returns from Europe where she has been since she completed her role In "Berlin Express." She is now a British subject
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  • 41 9 HOLLYWOOD. Alma Lawton, radio actress and sister of Fleetwood Lawton, news commentor, has been engaged to help Teresa Wright acquire an authentic British accent for her role opposite David Niven m "Take Three Tenses," a Samuel Goldwyn production.
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  • 97 9 HOLLYWOOD. Wh f n Shirtoft T< mplr MM playing the romantic lead Opposite fit r reat-ttft husband. John Aqar, m ''Fort Apache." an Artios)f Picture for RKO Radio release, like any new bride §ht badgered Director John Ford for bigger and better h'Vf scenes. Ford
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 51 9 DB Fascinating Claudette Colbert takes care Hfc& %Kga» l( lrt Soap so S*ntU —%o kind to tht- skin. 1 A w as» Lux Toilet Soap and hot Wf v^atcr, then a rinse with cold, makes .1 «^o-minutc beauty ireatment that tones s^~p?~ UP your skin leaves it cool and frrsh.
      51 words
    • 560 9 LAY AWAKE IN AGONY WITH NEURITIS SPENT SLEEPLESS NIGHTS TOSSING WITH PAIN Ordinary headaches are bad enough, but they are as nothing compared to the awful pains of I neuritis In the head, says this woman. Read how Kruschen completely banished the 'pain:— I had neuritis m the nead and
      560 words

  • 1097 10  -  Herman Rappa MALAYA'S BOXING GIANTS: NO. 40 j Oy ~j ONE of the most widely travelled Fili= j plno boxers ever to ap- pear In a Malayan ring was Young Aide. Born m -Cebu m the early i nineties, Aide embarked on a j 1
    1,097 words
  • 260 10 The Senates of the King: Edward VII College of "Medicine and of Raffles College have appointed a Joint Committee of teachers m the Colleges to interview applicants for admission m October 1948. This Committee which consists of Professor R. G. Scott MacGregor, College of Medicine Chairman,
    260 words
  • 72 10 SHELL S.C. LOSE TABLE- TENNIS The Singapore Hospital As--1 sistants Union defeated the Shell Sports Club by four t?ames to one at table-tennic a. the former's premises yesterday. ResulUs Hospital pla> er.s ttrst): J Malcon beat Ta n Wah Sen g 3-0; S. Suppiah beat Chow Mun Sung 3-0; L.
    72 words
  • 68 10 Of the 27 Chinese immigrants who pleaded guilty yesterday to a charge of illegal entry into the Colony, seven were convicted. The other 20 were ordered to be kept m custody until tomorrow. Six of the aeven were sentenced to 12 months' rigorous Imprisonment each.
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  • 215 10 r (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) Disclaiming "impressions in certain quarters" that accidents involving" passenger vehicles are on the increase, the General Manager of the Singapore Traction Company. Mr. A. A. Ewing, said that the number of accidents for the past five months had remained
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  • 44 10 The Municipal Commissioners of the Town of Singapore have appointed Mr. Chin Chyc Fong to be a member of the Committee of Management of the Silver Jubilee Fund (Singapore) m place of the Hon. Mr. R. Jumabhoy. who has resigned.
    44 words
  • 293 10 f Sunday Tribune Woman Reporter) The Social Welfare Department's May rtport reveals that life m the Bur?hey Park Camp and York Hill Home does not How as uneventfully as one is >vont to imagine. Of tho 156 people admitted Lo the Bushey Park
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  • 116 10 Prisoners now undergoing terms of imprisonment at Changi Prison will have the opportunity to see specially selected films shortly. This will be the first time m the history of Singapore that convicts will witness a movie Forming a part of the prison reform scheme, these specially selected
    116 words
  • 127 10 A forthcoming Singapore attraction will be an "Air Day' which will be held at Kallani< Airport early m September. The display to be organise*! by the Department of Civil Aviat*on m conjunction with Messrs. Ma lay an Air ways, Qantas Empire Airways and X.L.M., will provide a
    127 words
  • 90 10 LUCKY PAT BREAKS RUN of BAD LUCK Hflihuil, Jmit 26. -I /<<»? from (l WOl6d /'></♦ it-inn* r ended ft run of bad iMCJb /or Bartnlu.s m th* Mmook Tico-Ymr-Ohl at Caulfield (Mrlbinirnei COUf96 OH Saturdn n June 19. Shortlfi hi foif th( nuf Mr. Mauric* Bhurpe, our of the
    Reuter; AAP  -  90 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 310 10 iStM-Uj" MI"B ===========r_^==r= NORTH BRIDGE ROAD (N>ar Kra« Ba»ah Road) Daily 3 Shows Only i.30 6.00 9.00 p.m ADMISSION PRICES AS I'ttlTAfT totAL> a LnuOSf jflLjQP'afe ih''/^i^^^m f^/^S^ < /WB *23mm* wo9^m I th«- Season'H U 1 U A P! I IV SERIAL!! HyUm, Halr-RHislnn Torturr and innr«' and more
      310 words
    • 17 10 QUEENS TODAY: 3.00, 6.30. 9.15 p.m. Adrfan Booth Kirk Alyn In "DAUGHTER OF DON Q" (Final Chapters)
      17 words
    • 139 10 XV/l/^1 TODAY p^^^ p.m. f 4.15., 648 1| O'rected by ANDRE deJOTH A HARRY Sherman A METRO- GOLDWYN. MAYER RELEASE REX Children's Matinee^t 11 a.mT Today: "REMEMBER PEARL HARBOII Ajjfl^ NEXT CHANG! Wl «>«!ZX<«" KKED ALLEN' JACKBENNI ROBERT BLNO DONAMECHE f WILLIAM BEM! K«'W'ah*><l Thru I mi. J THEY'RE OFF
      139 words

  • 2010 11  -  ALLAN LEWIS [From LEWIS] Xl ALA LITMPUR, Saiurday. Punters wore returned ecxxl dividend* it JfßhicHay of !ho fefoagOf Turf Club Summer Meet tm ay Ret\ IWIdP *riinn^hfn^ill paid the second highest dividend, returning $68 for a win. miners Fox and Hobbs JSi honours,
    2,010 words
  • 41 11 POOL 1112.000 1st. Prize No. 41 SSI 2nd. Prize No. ***** 3rd. Prize No. ***** Starters: *****, *****2, *****. *****0, *****, *****8, *****, *****. *****. DOUBLE TOTE 1st Double: 17 tickets $66 each. 2nd. Double- 2 tirket;, 6762 earn.
    41 words
  • 32 11 TEL AVIV. June 26. The Soviet Charge D'Affaires IB Turkey. 34-year-old Pavel Ivanovitch Yershov has been appointed Soviet Minister to Israel, it wa s officially an- nounced here—R
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  • Article, Illustration
    33 11 This not a hnxinq contest. l>ut nn incident m the game BrOHtW4N the China Olympic XI nn<l the Ail-Mnl'inn Chinf'ttc, \rhuh the Olympians icon 3-nil (it Jalan Rcftnr Stari i v m yesterday.
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  • 545 11 ClfQ 2nd. Echelon won the inter-tmtt team championship \r the fir. t post-war athletic meet held at N« .Soon garrison yesterday. Among the guests present were Sir Reginald Kerr. Major General m Charge of Adminis- 1 tntion CHQ FARELF an«l La<!y Korr. At the corcJupion of
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  • 373 11 COLTS' TAIL WACS: SCRC BEATEN Tail-enders of fcbe Singapore Colts, one with a ladly sprained wrist, brought a closely fought game to end m their favour, m their fixture against the Singapore Chinese Recreation Club yesterday. The Colts won ny five runs. A feature of the game was the splendid
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  • 260 11 RaffU-s Institution h£at St. Andrew's School by 47 runs m l friendly return cricket match played at the school ground yesterday. The Rafflesians batted first And scored 127. St. Andrew's replied with 80 runs. Krishnan top scored lor the Raffle.sians with 14 and tool: six wickets
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 35 11 IKE SAFE CORRECTIVE CASTOR OIL Wenburys Castor Oil Hree from harsh impurities. We m action, sure tn WHilts, it causes no N«rious after-effects I because it's |«SOLUTELY PURE I Building. SINGAPORE. I mS&i "1 Bl
      35 words
    • 1021 11 Restore Youthful Vigour To Glands m 24 Hours New Discovery Brings P!easures'^% of Life to Men Who Feel Old '-j* Before Their Time \^B Dt >ou feel oldet than you ar^ Are trj A BLsa^ lacking m youthlul animation? Do y>j —^v. *flr^^B^^^W eti'ov r ol benulllul HOltlfn 1 D)
      1,021 words

  • 94 12 KING KONG WINS IN 3 MINUTES John sforro proved to be no match for King Kong, losing to the Hungarian champion by two fails at the Great Wor:<i Stadium last night. The bout cheduled foi six rounds, lasted i- tsa than three minutes. In the main supporting event Ah Rftsa
    94 words
  • 84 12 m the wrestling bouts staged at the Happy World Stadium last night. BOSCS ioa won by a knock out In the sixth round ■gainst Davis. Jagindar won by a k.o. m the fourth round against Gregor. The referee disqualified Kok Cheng and Indonesian Kid for foul tactics
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  • 617 12  -  HERMAN RAPPA B.v C limit Olympic XI S All-Malayan Chinese 0 The China MOW team will have to improve tremendously if they hope to get anywhere m the World Olympics. This is the impression gained by most critics' after witnessing yesterday's game against the
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  • 111 12 The Singapore Recreation Club beat the Indian Association by 6 wickets m an interesting cricket match played on the Padang yesterday. Batting first the Indians declared at 124 lor 9 wickets leaving the Recs 100 minutes to get 124 to wii.. Popatlal for the Indians
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  • 87 12 Remarkable bowling by Kelly who captured it wickets for 27 runs brought victory to thr Kranji W/T over the 3.C.C. by °>3 runs on the Padang yesterday. Forceful batting by Evans who remained unbeaten with 12 enabled the Kranji team to total 106 runs. Smith and
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  • 31 12 The Singapore Municipal Services Union will-meet the Singapoie Hospital Assistants iTTnion at table-tennis today. The contest will be held at No 15 College Road at 2 p.m. sharp. I
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  • 143 12 I^ointing out that toikly drinking is the major contributory cause to tne unnapp> lot of many Indian estate labourers m this country, Vidwan A. M Paramasivanantham, Lecturer, Pachaiappa's College, Madras, exhorted a Singapore Tamil audience yesterday to persuade the Authorities m this country to abolish all estate
    143 words
  • 641 12 From pn rjr I I Laker'a fifth ball, missed it; completely and the ball whip- j ped act oss. just missed the leg I stump and escaped the usuall) vigilant Evans who missed a chance of stumping*. Evans might have been unsighted by the batsman's body,
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  • 154 12 The prestige of two teams. All-Malaya and the China Olympic XI, will be at stake this afternoon when they clash at Jalan Besar Stadium. The Olympians have already tasted defeat. That was bn the team's first visit to Singapore, and the team that had the honour Of
    154 words
  • Article, Illustration
    60 12 ML "NGOW" a 45* fast sea yoiny diesel cruiser undcr!!<>i>i(j endurance trials m Siayaporc Harbour. Built of teak throughout to the order oj the Siamese Tin SyndimU LAd., by Merton Brown Co. of Singapore, she is powered by v diesel enyine of 120 h.p. Sh': has a speed of 15
    60 words
  • 35 12 The Customs Sports Cluo defeated the Singapore Civil i Service XI by two goals to on«j m a Division 111 soccer fixture at the McNai r Road 1 grounds yesterday.
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  • 36 12 In a friendly soccer match played at the Government Printing Oflice Ground, the Brinkmans Sports Club beat the Social Athletic Party by 1 four goals to nil Scores were: Salaudin (t>, Q. Chan (2».
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  • 214 12 NBW YORK, June M.Jersey Joe Watcott, With a huye welt bulyiny under his left eye and a broken heart nobody comld see, blamed referee Frankie Fullaam for ridiny »u j to death and chanyiny my battle plans" until Joe Louis set him up for an eleventh
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  • 426 12 Louis' Gr eat Ring Record NEW YORK. June 26— Louin retired f ro night after winning his 62nd professional flrW **»J he won, 52 by knocking out his opponent. **J Louis professional record, the most remarkable u •Si ring history. 1934 Bale Opponent VSaaaS July 4 Jack Kracken Chicago July
    426 words
  • 362 12 Eleventh round was fatal for Walcott Following us the United Press version of the knockout delivered by Joe Louis on Joe Walcott m their title fight on Friday night m New York. Early m the light the chal longer had raided a huge welt on Louis' Ictt eye. He kept
    362 words
  • 31 12 Singing Star In Concert Ma.octi. thejjjjj ing star of matured m i^ f and jazz c or^H^ the lawn of Seaj concert is 8 pm. andnt-m^^ erid will togjV Schubert. Chop"l--r.schaikowaky.
    31 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 94 12 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED qualified Pharmacist by Dispensary in Singapore. Applv Box No. AlIOT S.T. S'pore. 9BtaaaaHaaa9aaaaaaVnaaaaaaaaaal HK—^^^^Be^^asaT^^^ar^BsaT^^^^aas! JnaLaaasI M aY A M B 9 B V>aV \ilnUW^^^TM3S ||£gg9P Tomorrow m SSr^l LUNCH IN COOL COMFORT EASY ACCESS TO GA X I'ARK S La*-#^4< rTfBLJCPHONE 177€ OR EUSSKRVATIONfI ''^^^E'^^^M tBT H
      94 words
    • 4 12 J|LeJ Piies then t*%M
      4 words