Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 28 March 1948

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
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  • 497 1 SINGAPORE'S BUMPRE EASTER (Sunday Tribune Reporter) Rivalling that of pre-war years, the Malayan Easter sports and entertainment programme is hack on its own feet this year. Unlike last year, which was an austerity Easter for Sinpamrofins. this holiday season, in srtfte of the rarity of the oroverbial Easter Egg, is
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  • 106 1 THE failure of over- teat markets one* again i tompply Mnuuitorf with the traditional Basti r Eggi^ did not df ter >i I local confectioner from *akt*ff men. Vmrly 300 Easter I I<JOI xcrnppe<i in fjaily rrlamd paper, u* re sold I o«tiHttfn a few minutes
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  • 34 1 nmSt Sing^P°JS Government Gov^ d trained nur S3 or a Un2?? en l Hos Pital. have SSn t to -si 2 nation S thS^ti eBi^ ations follow c -eOS e rnS SWhO
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  • 282 1 2 ROAD -SMASH VICTIMS BURIED fSmtdajt Trihunt Reporter) Mrs. Patricia Sponco. wifr of Capt. Spence and Capt. C. O Scully of the Devonshire Regi ment. wore both burled yesterday afternoon at the military cemetery at Pasit Panjang. a\ a result of a motor collision last Friday night. Mr. A. H.
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  • 134 1 (Sunday Tribune Reporter) The Rt. Rev. Dr. J. L. Wilson, Bishop of Singapore, will be Hying to Britain this week to participate in the Lambeth Campaign in the Diocese of England, and to attend the Lambeth Conference which will last for six weeks from the em!
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  • 128 1 The Singapore Oriental Telephone Labourers Union have 'according to a letter > submitted to the Manager of the Oriental and Telephone and Electric Company Limited demands that the basicsalaries of all employees should be -increased bv 80 per cent., that twelve months salaries should be granted to
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  • 158 1 Defence Chief For Malaya (Sunday Tribune Reporttr) Singapore and Malaya are *o have a Secretary for Defence, Mr. P. A. B. McKerron (Colonial Sec^ retary, Singapore) re vealed late last night. The announcement will be gazetted in a few days. Mi. McKcrron was speaking it the Royal Air Force Association
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  • 98 1 Chinese "Plot" In Siam BANGKOK, MAR. 27. A largescale Chinese plot to seize power in Slam has been unearthed by the Samese PV* ce, accord ng to press reports here today. 1 **The reports, whereon the high authorities were reticent, claimed that polc e investigators had discovered the ex stence
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  • 415 1 Touching Last Rites To The Mahatma (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) A surging mass of humanity thronged the Clifford Pier and Connaught Drive water front yesterday evening when the immersion ceremony >f the ashes of Mahatma Gandhi was conducted in he sea some
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  • Article, Illustration
    49 1 JOURNEY'S END Photograph). Two Europeans were kil'ed instantaneously and another ded later, when a station wagon smashed up against a tre? at the junction of Dunearn Road and Adam Road on Friday night. This picture shows the vehicle after the accident. Note the number plate on the tree. Tribune
    Tribune  -  49 words
  • 119 1 "Peace without a military force is Just an idl e dream,' said Air Marshal Sir Hugh P. Lloyd, in the course or an address whle replying to the toast to the RAF. at the annual -dinner of the Royal Air Force Association (S»nna- pore Branch) at
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  • 1713 1 S'PORE GOVERNOR TELLS ROTARIANS (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) "It is to the common man to whom you must i look to for maintenance of peace, and I feel that i such societies as these have, as their object, the 1 promotion of. the
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  • 159 1 (Sun. Tribune Reporter), A stir was caused at i the NAAFI HQ, BEA. J FE office in Ilai dock Kd. a few dai/s ago whekt <i < 13%'fooi-UMff j> it th a n i i shoxnd u}> in oik <// th< I drains m the t"( >nis<
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  • 190 1 (By SPECTATOR) Two Singapore footballers who flew to Honekong on March 9 fo participate in the China Olvm AAA goalkeeper, an.J Chia Boon Leonp, Rov- era Inside-left. Thn two null kn<rir this v:rrk whether thf y m < to go ivith tkt Olympic Ica»i.
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  • 29 1 The Malay Union, Singapore* will hold Itg annual general meeting tomorrow at 10 a.m. at the KdU Raja Malay School. All membera are invited to attend.
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  • 83 1 LAKE SUCCESS. Mar. 28 Mr. Trygve Lie, United Nations Secretary General, said today that the fact could not be hidden that the United Nations Organisation "has lost very much of its prestitf<\" Speaking at a pre^.s conference, Mr. Lie said this loss of prestige was largely the
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 166 2 JOHORE BAHRU. MAR ID.— 'Deceased had 44 stab j wounds. The patient died within an hour oi admission' stated Dr. A. Murugason at the Johore Assize Court In the trial of Sockalingarn who ffH charged with the murder cj his wife. At the end of
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  • 97 2 (Sunday Tribune Re)>ort( r) Bishop Stephen Neill, assistant to the Archbishop ot Canterbury, In his address to the 180 Methodist youths who attended the 2nd post-war Singapore District Methodist Youth Fellowship One-Day Institute at the Fairfleld Girls' School yesterday, referred to an interview he had
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  • 337 2 Junta bhoy Makes A Plea (Sunday Tribune Stalf Reporter) Representatives of the various Indian Chambers of Commerce throughout the Malayan Federation and Singapore a- an inaugural meeting in j Singapore yesterday, agreed in principle io the formation of a Federation of Indian Chambers
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  • 193 2 MALACCA. Saturday: More than throe thousand Chinese youths of the Settlement commenced their celebrations for World Youth I Week witn a mass-gathering I at the Capitol and R< x Them- tres. Mr. Chan Men/, Seng Of Hie New Democratic Youth Len. 1 I gue. Malacca, presiding outI
    U.P.  -  193 words
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  • 24 2 WASHINGTON. Mar. 2«i Ptto Administration asked Consjross for power to draft nonvetoiani, ngctl 10 through 2r> and a military \t\i<\%(>t of 11 mtllard. U.P.
    U.P.  -  24 words
  • Article, Illustration
    51 2 OKLAHOMA CITY, Mar. 25. -The second tornado in less than a week roared across Tinker field airforce base near here, damaging arid destroying ;it least 87 airplanes. No personnel were injured. Mr. G. W. G<tchnang, who will be manaytr of the Cdth(tif Rf.stdurant which is shortly t<» reopen in
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  • 54 2 MR. M. K W()N(i alias Wong Man Kwong, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wong Kwok Shuen of No. 2, Breezy Terrace. Hongkong and elder brother of Mrs. Richard C. 11. Lim passed away peacefully in Hongkong on Ciood Friday the 2(;th inst., leaving a Widow, one brother and
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  • 177 2 Lt. -Colonel Verle D. Miller, Oeneral Staff Corp, USA. has arrived in Singapore from Washington, DC. by air to assume command of the United States Military Liaison Office in Singapore. Colonel Miller's appoint'•ment will be for two or three years. Colonel Miller has servea as a
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  • 63 2 EDINBURGH. Mar. 26: The second cargo of Russian grain to reach Leith since the conclusion of the AngloSoviet trade agreement fcn vsan discharging on Good Friday. It comprised 9.400 tons oi maize and barley and was Drought from Odessa in th British ship Chermouth Hill. It is one
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 94 2 Declaring ih if the t -Vo ;»c- I i cused might continue to inti- j miciate the complainant 11 they were released Senior in. i speetor Sidin opposed bail in respect of Naznr Husin I and Abdul Ghani who we ctiarged with criminal tnUma. tfation in thv
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    • 416 2 I^9 not how much you eat] -it's what you cat that matters. ij-^l j lr> these diihculr tinifto. wben the food V\ \o wo arc accustomed is often x~Nl§3^i < V. hard to obtain, extra caro is needed I \v J^ ..j T t*e that tho food we do
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    • 455 2 SITVATION VACAte accouJtE^ncT^T^ i CATIONS now gained^ postal study b y sive Method. An? V.2?-' Clerk. Book-keeper etJ^l qualify for adm«si O n '\*W Recognised Professional wT as Associate or Fellow now: The Principal.^' School oi AccounUncT? Duke Stroot. St. JaiSSJ'O don. S.W.I i England I L fj J W
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  • 926 3 STRANGE HISTORY OF A STORE LANDMARK (Sunday Tribute StaiT Reporter) Twice struck by tlghtnfUg which resulted In the condrmna' on oi tht original building, and later built with the aid of convict labour on the Siimc site, ii present historical St.
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  • 220 3 (Sunday Tribune Reporter J Singapore has had its wettest two months for the first time in 30 years, with 19.81 inches of rainfall recorded in January, and 5.77 inches in February. a» compared to 1918 when 24.98 inches and 1.91 inches were recorded for
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  • 48 3 Pontefract. Mar. 26. Coal tvorken at 15 collieries in Ponterfrmc* and Castlefoid area I turned out "very we'll Indeed" [for their "Hood Friday shifl i*id a National Coal Hoard official. Absenteeism was :mly h'v^ p» i i cent more than the normal. Reuter
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 104 3 (Sunday Tribune Reporter) Fourteen traffic cases wen* brought to the Filth Polic Court yesterday, following arrests made on Thursday and Good Frid.ty. Of thrse. two people did not turn up and their bail ol $25 <\tch. on charfei of riding without lights, was estreated Three
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  • 11 3 MIGHTY AND MAJESTIC A striking study of St. Aiulr* w's Cathedral
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  • 199 3 PENANG. MAR. 2 n— Wit h effect from January 1. W4B, the Price Control Department was amalgamated with the Food Control Department under the Controller of Supplies who holds statutory powers is Food and Pric? Controller. Dur ng the year X 947 when
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  • 31 3 Plans have now been comnleted for a Second World War Memorial at Sandhurst to comi pietnofatc all officers of the whether trained at Sandhurst, Woolwich or one of the Wartime OCTUs.
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  • 143 3 Thp question of Civil Liability and War Damage Claims is rece'.ving the active consideration of the Colony Government. This is revealed in the annual report of the War Prisoners (Singapore) Association which is to be presented to the annual general meeting at the Auelphi Hotel Roof Garden
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  • 28 3 SHANGHAI, Mar. 2 -The loss of Wcihsien. in Southern Chahar, was admitted in reports last night from Peiping quoting an announcement by the North China Communist Suppression headquarters.
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  • 151 3 (Siniday Tribune Reporter) For the first time In the history of Singapore eighteen women have been appointed Justices of the Peace. This is a recognition of the srowing importance of women in the public life of the Colony. Mr. T. H. Stone. Chairman of the Justices
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  • 185 3 Convicted on a charge ol causing unnecessary pain and suffering to 67 fowls and four ducks, a middle-aged Chinese Poh Choon Hua was fined $150, or three months' rigorous imprisonment in default by the Third Police Magistrate, Mr. F. B. Oehlers. yesterdav. It was
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  • 92 3 A young Chinese was produced in tlie Third Police Court yesterday on a charge of armed robberv. Accused. Tan Ah Koh wat alleged to hav c (vrumitted the oflfence with a revolver at a house in China Street 10 a.m. on Feb. 18 Cash and jew 'lery
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 63 3 H Bii"'' ■HrSrf V^l jDi J h^fTa?" 2 «tra I (Duty Kuala Lumpur Pcnunj;. WloodPressure rS*m to Heart f r e**h^V >f m n anfl Past f *ll«e«tion or fytnptom« f..r I>^m y J r omp »»rnpl,. trouble rt Mini rd?ri^ UHne po r le «P il v "*;>«»Hos,V LL^i
      63 words
    • 1021 3 Glands Made Active and Youthful Vigour Restored in 24 Hours American Doctor's Discbvery SJSJ. 111 lt «aSfti Strengthens Blood, Nerves, m 'or those who i oi<i a j djßsW:^W before their lime. RurtBody, Memory, Brain, Mus- mE sTCaI down "S* 1 Worn <"'* I _j r j i M ■sri
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  • 3207 4  -  VERA ARPMORE w I Apertifs The cocktail party given the other evening by Mr I". Ed winds, had the novelty of being held on the long balcony of the Singapore Club with it's lovely view over the harbour. Being a moonlight night added to the charm.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 622 4 A Date With Happiness! April 21st In The Great World Park j S'i.OO at the Rate, gives you the run of the fun at the Cereal World boxing, dancing. Skating etc.. all FREE by the great kindness of the lirectors of Peng Hock and Shaw Ltd —Messrs. Kunnie Shaw, Ong
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    • 89 4 If- M P' r^t C^<'P to regaining thut c<x?l-of-|l|l thc-mornlog crispness at ?.ny hour 188 'ITn^- IV lo r^ach for those delightful ■MBHlV^^^^^' Seasons' Eau deColognt- to telresh V 1 Y*^r and revive, Coty Talc to cool the 1 I «L skin and give »t a discreet!/ JjEr| I OEASONb
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 234 5 -f 5 CUTEX-ow-/,, I lauds Tlie gentle bcant\ of your t hands can now be of your Jl own making. Kasy-to-use CITFX hand beauty prep- S arations make it possible Ibryou togi\c your bands that professional Baaaiieurecl look. The long wearing beauty tfCUTEX polish will help keep your hands looking
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    • 26 5 r~* doxl^) qedde^) L +t e flffle /oLp From Jacmars by Air! Fabulously lovely silks and Scarves. I dress length of each design. KxxTrleo note! /olnqqpoftje
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    • 113 5 'I lAIS9N VALLY (Ladies' Hair Sti/Vst). I Continental- trained. 15 years Experience. Permanent Waving Shampoo and set Manicure Face Massage Head Massage Scalp Steamer Henna Applications j Hair Dyes. Open to the Public Business Hours 9 a.m. to 5 i p.m. including Saturdays. GOODWOOD PARK HOTEL Tel^ihone 7869 MV-5 m$
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    • 242 5 I K f^****^*«— n B| ****—^—^—^^j lit t fry H*lVf •V* 7 valve superhet for AC DC Mains features magnified bandspread" which is the very secret of accuracy in tuning and reception. Tradition background beauty and pleasure just words, but they mean so much when linked with the great record
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  • 332 6 The SUNDAY TRIBUNE SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 1948. Mr. Tudor's Job London Agents- Messrs. Colin Turner Ltd., TaJbot House, 98, St. Martin's Lane W.C. 2. At a Press conference last week on the work of tjie Income-tax Department Mr. D. H. Tudor replied, "That is our job," in answer to a
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  • 1410 6  - MALAYAN DEFENCE PROBLEMS W. A. Harpur etjet Malaya was caught up |r World Wat II and found it i grim and nplcasant business There had long existed a feeling that whatever might happen ir Europe or in China, war was "impossible here. During 10 JO Mid dining the greater part
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  • 111 6 SYDNEY, Several of Australia's largest mining companies will shortly oegin aerial geophysical research over outback areas of Australia in a search for new fields, says The Age (Melbourne). The companies, 'he article states, will use p. "magic eye" in the expeditions, which promise to be the most
    111 words
  • 118 6 Berlin. The dismantling of plants for 'eparations in the British ami American-occupied zones of Germany is being limited so that the bizonal area will be able to make the maximum contribution to European recovery with the framework of the Marshall Plan. While the destruction of machinery and equipment
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  • 738 6  -  R. B. OOI h An American writer contend? < that the past fifty years of what we call civilization have utterly ruined childhood through the restriction of child- ren's activities and the sup- pression of their vital instincts. In the cities, he says, the expression of
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  • 193 6 LAYCOCK RAISES HIS HAT TO THE LADIES To thi Wdi'n, nf thr fl,, nrf 1 i it m pk Sir. in youi issue of th* 21st March, youi wrjtp r Mr r i; Ooi. says that local women ire anathetK politics i rf pectfully diffei and I surges* tint my
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  • 110 6 Colombo. A young man describing himself u a radio engineer was produced before the Colombo Magistrate on charges that Ik- committed criminal trespass by entering the Office of the Prime Minister Mr. D. S. Sen«inavak3 and sitting on his chair wifn intent to cauiv annovance to
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 192 6 Sydney. A research omcer of the AusiraJian Councn for Scientific and Industrial Research i s getting a noustAlthough there is an acui? housing shortage throughout Australia, his SUCOess in itseh is not big news. The feature is that It is a "'guinea-pig 1 house. The" C.S.I. R.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 547 6 HER NEIKITIS NEVER LEFT HER Until Kruschen Brought Relief For tho bfnottt of oth^r: who may be troubled with th« complaint she suffered irom a grateful woman writes "Last May I had a very severe attack of neuritis in the leg, which made it Impottible for me to rest during
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    • 31 6 > Accurate Visual Analysis requires I p to date Instruments. To solve your Eyesight Problems, C<msult C S. CHONG, O.D. EVERBRICHT OPTICAL CO. 19 Chulia St. S'pore Fully equipped with latest instruments.
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    • 60 6 1 ?^sj^?^ "Bo< k now for .«-eats «>n pluiic |< <■. nm Iml> 30th from U.K. Malaya for U.K. Aiuni., S« h holidays. Guaranteed, limited number In both directions. Closing date f bookings June «fc-. 15th." '*f TOWN 0ITK1: I, Fnl;.> on (iiom. TBL: Mil, :>H!. 8433. K. ill in,;
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  • 832 7  -  Oswa ld Henry I by Tis midnight, anu ho usually busy street bleeps 1 1 few dim lamps only genre to Increase ii cessation. Darkness lingers In large patches whilo ocoa sionally ttie ghoulish figures of cloaked policemen silently pass up and down the
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  • 401 7 Inche Sardon Wants School In Bedok (Tribune Staff Reporter) Inche Sardon bin Haji Juoir. successful Independent candidate- for Rural East, said that he would seek to obtain better educatyonai fachuies md wipe out illiteracy in his •onstituency. "1 here should be- an English .chooi in rfedok for the pupuiace.' ne
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  • 243 7 (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) From Singapore, it is es 'imateu, there will be between 600 to 800 pilgrims wishing to travel to Jeddah '^is season. Hundreds of Mohammedans in Singapore are already preparing for the coming pilgrimage to Mecca. Two ships havo been arranged
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  • 336 7 (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) RANKING high among Singapore'* wnmpn .Singapore Municipality SS of t<he doli Jh\ h °Tw a enty VeTrs worK SL T"T Ocular the distinction of being ackTowle^^todav on* "T >l° r hcr child photographers in the Colony in m? y
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  • 63 7 An international Trade Fair will be held at the Gnat lMayl-A I S USement Park frOm Products of all kinds, me or-cars. motor-cycles, refrigerators, textiles, radios, elecm. a s plian( s > film apparanrnH, ar l a variet y of other Products will be exhibited at 105nno
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  • Article, Illustration
    115 7 $4non ee ar^ ed chintS e took $4,000 worth of Jeweller* and a Raleigh bicycle from a nouse in Lorong 23. Qeylang 30 Friday night when they ield up th o occupants for on° hour. The rebbery occurred at 3-30 p.m Two Chinese later that turned up at
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 159 7 i^® CHEST SORENESS mV r Bronchial Colds P*^WJ /I A $orc chcit snows th< presence of dangerf l» v^f«|^^^^Li£i/ us B'" rms th -t threaten your lungs. Tak« J Is •l^^^^^^^Wl I>CpS antisc P nc brcathcable tablets. i \i, »It Vl As it dissolves in the mouth, a Peps re-
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  • Article, Illustration
    60 8 Lovely Betty G whir recently completed yet another nicturt <m eiaborati musicaJ ttchnu nlour production for 20th C* ntury-Fo.r entitled "Mother Wore Tif/hts." It i8 the story of OM ambitious Mtwge idol uith deffmUt Mhm about the. sort of life she wants her ghtmarcm* and talented tlauijhtei to lead. Once
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  • 151 8 LONDON. March 25. Behind i the now film "Corridor of Mir-' rors" is the story of a young j South African girl whoso j dreams oome true. Ever since her schooldays, I'M. ma Roiaticy wanted to be a lilm stui. Sh.^ fitf rmwhed the Royal Academy
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  • 541 8 Hollywood Diary SUNDAY SPECIAL FILM REPORTER WILLIAM PENNY CABLES HIS MUSIC-BY COLOUR HOLLYWOOD, Mar. 24— It pays io be modest, even in Hollywood. That probably sounds fantastic for the glitter= ing, star-studded community usually described only hy superlatives. But the story in back of director scenarist George Seaton. who was
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  • 72 8 HOLLYWOOD. Mm. Sit. A special award i hu the WoUywohd bur- i ciiiu (-urrespond* w/.s* As- J i-ociation went to Walt i 7 Disney for producing n i Hindustan'!. the car- toon Technicolour movie i 7 'Bambi' which is the H/e i story of a forest deer.—
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  • 286 8 In "Thi? Time For Keeps." Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer draws heavily upon its rich player and production resources and comes up with a motion picture as colourful as a whirlwind in a paint shop and as gay as your hopes for tomorrow. A merry, magical melange of mirth
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  • 457 8 WALT DISNEY'S "Bambi" I is lining up the largest poten- tial audience ever commanded 1 by a motion picture an esti mated 1,400,618.000. or nearly one-half the world's total population. Basis for this calculation is the number of dubbed versions and superimposed title variants already
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  • 480 8 WHEN Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey, those groovy, and tem- peramental young band-leaders, can manage to agree on something, that's news The point is. these boys seldom see eye-to-eye on things, and the stories of their artistic (and articulate) clashes are legion. But of late, it seems, they've
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  • 109 8 THE "NEW LOOK" IN tho production of the technicolour film "Jassy," shortly due in Singapore, Gainsborough have used the method which they believed is partly the reason for British technicolour films proving so much more harmonious than the often more blatant colouring of the Hollywood product. They Tiave made their
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  • 44 8 SHE'S SHAPELY AND SWEET IS OUR SALLY Shapely Sally Raulituson is another of the ninny rcxison* why the Bouthem Calif ornta hf<i(h(.ti (ut §o popular tnr year round. A talcntnl Paramount >\f rccoincr, the lovely Sally can he seen in a forthcoming Paramount rfiease.
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  • 66 8 HOLLYWOOD, March 2.\ Director John Ford cherishes a "thank-you" note ho received for the 42 jiiiles of road he built in Monument Valley. Utah, for filming of "War Party." aii Argosy Picture. "Tile road has kept up well in spite of heavy rains but you should have oiled it,"
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 135 8 KLIM is wonderful I for infants Y^S) A I I 1 IT ljdb I EUie Klim is the safest milk you can give your baby. It is the whole milk of healthy, tested cows made into powdered fnrm. i It is tested many times in the laboratory for purity, safety,
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    • 124 8 fkft\l t 1 Kyvita i^ a waterles* I /jt/V^ +AJK? I Hoh -meal bread that ii V V»^^ a> lif-S J .;i-il\ di rested befiu^f 1 JvC V lh :irt of rrunchinß idi ,^r th«> dißestive process. Ryvita Ka excellent f»f rri 7^^. the t«-Hh and keep* 1 gums healthy
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  • 158 9 riveted "India Cup' 1716 .TSakeln the &M' "bins to be held at Covered 0» Hjp P; priday. Apr 12. tfUpionship. the will have a keen <*tfK that each "Ir'n the finals w.h gam '"***** for his se. vice, the mast awarded the Cup' which
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  • 35 9 C'OPKNHACJEN. Mar. M The Malayan brothers. F a Lau and Y. S. I^au, beat Erik An.lersen and Sven<l Buiehai'l IS 13. and 15 9 in the Intei national Badminton Tournament here today. Reuter
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  • 33 9 Ihe Katcng-Bfdtk Bus Company Soccer XI will meei th t Ist. Devonshire Regiment team a t soccer today at 5. 15 p.m. to be played at the Telok Kurau English Schrol
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  • 1229 9 AIME RAPHAEL Master In -Fighter MALAYA'S BOXING CIANTS No. 27 By Herman R ap?a old followers of box ing will remember Aimo Raphael. He was a personality in and out of the ring. As a boxrr. the Frenchman was one of the cleverest ever to visit Singapore. He was cool
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  • 55 9 The following will represent St. Andrew's Old Boys at cricket against the S R C on Sunday at 11 a.m.: A O Armstrong (Capt S M Hope. J. Duclos, I. Ross, J. Anchant J Ferguson, A. Wilson, E. Ebert J Ross, C B. Humphries,' A Hill, and
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  • 250 9 The following are the dra^a a nd |»«**UmM UliS IIKHIUJjg. Ucil r^WM— p.«v 18 ho M tt #v4 Im4i> me n*-i. -Lv-e; j^acues play y holes aiiu man at ihe teluh Tee LADIES Mra. 'l u. Ujj, Mrs J. Wocgkuison y.oo: xvui* i, &J -moitoeu. Mn. A.
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  • 146 9 Playinp at the St. Patricks School Hall jast Sunday th«- R*d Rocket B.P. beat the Harrison Crusfie' d Sports Club by 5 to 3 Red Rooket players mentioned flrst: a Singles:— Jimmy Ooh lost to Michael Chan K 15-9. 10-15. 11-13 Choen tf Thiam Ghee beat Chua
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  • 163 9 The following will play rrk-krt for the Indian Association a».iinst Colonials Cricket Club tcxJay at 11.00 a.m. on the Chan,;: Pri- son's ground. Players are requested to meet at Balbir &i Co., at 10.00 a.m:— M. U. Patel (Capt). Huisain Shah. Rajah Araaimnam. P. N. Krichnan. Joe T.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 834 9 MIRACLE OF INDIAN SAGES On the 21st of .March I he)l he sun complete YOU TOO WILL PAY j/\y^ JhVS^a S a h r (S j TRIBUTES LIKE U# left THIS IF YOU ACT NOW W thousands of afflicted \A v^ K r SOlls to rescue them. S pkecioi s
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    • 323 9 H^ Man Zan /////■W A speciality prepared solely for iiijmSSl A he treatment of Piles: Antiseptic j I* BMB stnn( 3 Gnt Analgesic and healing InqreMj SmS die nt skilfully compounded have rf/ f n Zan an outsta ndinq success -j||f JT I f "g painless treatment of PilesJ *Sj
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 372 9 YOU, THIS WEEK~AND THE i jm By /____l____i _#x^ ___^f___B> > I^^^CZZ^^kwEr /__P^V_P*A^P^^^ 9^^^^****^ s A SHARPE jf AQUARIUS G6MZA27 /./fi/?/l 7u/«. .>/ Feb. f« v/ov fJ /||JM J BetaMvM loill «of be pre- pay no aftewtioN fo sro- 8«»i !i Or! M E_T_. _J___T_f 9 S S fff» 7/
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  • 431 10 (From Our Own Reporter) KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday:— K S. Katlasapathy. Raffles College skipper, put in two sensational spells with the ball in the cricket match today against Selangor. After taking eipht wickets for just 20 runs In. Selangor's first innings, he captured five more
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  • 293 10 The cream of amateur boxers from the Services, Civilians, and the Police will be participating in the Singapore Open Championships to be held at l he Happy World Covered S'adium from API. 6 to Apl. 9. Recent competitions have revealed that the Services. particularly the Royal Air
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  • 159 10 RANGOON, MAR 26 The Burmese Prime Minister, Thakin Nu. told Parliament j today he would resign if it j could be proved that the An-ti-Fascist People's Freedom League had acted In "an undemocratic "or unlawful manner'* over the demonstration on Mar. 12 by supporters of
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  • 59 10 LONDON. Mar. 25. Group Captain John Cunningham, chief test pilot of the De Havilland Aircraft Company, set up an international height tecord when he reached 60,491 feet in a Vampire jet tighter last Tuesday, the Royal Aero Club announced todav. The record Is subject to official confirmation. It
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  • 34 10 LONDON, Mar. 26.- -It was announced today that Laboui candidate Lance Mallalleu won the Brigg bye-election yesterday with a 4,587 majority over his Conservative rival. The Labour majority in 1945 was 5,000,— U.P.
    34 words
  • 684 10 Disappointing Soccer At Jalan Besar Combined Services 1 Combined Civilians 1 Neither the crowd nor the standard of soccer came up to expectations at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday, when the Combined Services and th? Combined Singapore Civilians met in a game organised for the benefit
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  • 105 10 LAKE SUCCESS, Mar. 25 Sir Zafruliah Khan, Paklfltan Foreign Minister, replying to recent Jewish Agency allegations that .Tpwr hart been maltreated In Pakistan told Un Economic and Social f'onncii in writing that Simon A. Rcu ben. President of the Hen* 5 Israel (lewjHh) rommunjty in Karachi, stated on
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
      231 words
    • 183 10 DAILY THREE SHOWS 315 pm.; 615 p.m.; 9.15 pm "ANMOI, GHADI" (in Technicolor) featuring Surcndra Ncorjehan and many other well-known stars. Bock your seats early to uvod rush rhone N«. 3116 TONIGHT Ciand Md night Premiere at DIAMOND THEATRE at 11.30 p m. "ISHARA" In Hindustani Featuring Swamalata. Suraiya, Jagd'.sh
      183 words
    • 219 10 SILVER WEDDING CELEBRA TIONS London, Mar. 2d. Thru will \>* halmn-u ide r \,i f tions when the King and Quern drive to Xf. Paul's ('at\t^ on April MS fo LUmWIMIOWfa tAdf fOvei neddmif. Qu( en Mary will accompanit them <m the nrtni. 9 t drive through the <ity from
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  • 489 11 (From Our Own Reporter) SssSS p r soon s e ampion"hii' e the MalaVa "^mn.on •r-n-!n"clv,mninn f^ nRftPOrC won and mkn-s "R, 001 reilr Hork tomorrow 00l Tc lk Hook beat* Ismail b Marjan 18 11; M 7. 2nd Round. EKmall b. Mttian boat Lin
    489 words
  • 174 11 BEAVER FAI.L> Pen* nnii. M" r 2 A h ktJinnu >>Hn<l Matin* titran ZZlii I poßtible railroad ti-yfnr-ohl Jn< h Groi </f ltd not tfattst'-J a brtik* H y on the bridgt spanniw Be.vrr JN»*v. EOMtbound, tht •Admiral' <>1 P^ftnayl- railroad could hnrr Mi drraihd. jack
    174 words
  • 51 11 The Indian A ■ociat.oti jnaicned a narrow win over the La SaUe Sports Club n n third division S.A FA. league joceff encounter at McNair Ko«d yesterday. The Indians won by <n? joal to ml— thr- result oi a penalty scored in the cio .n«j: stales of the
    51 words
  • 608 11 FOOTBALL NEWS AND VLEWS .BY SPECTATOR -SPECTATOR th e S Tribune's special football columnist, gives "inside the Mainyu Tribune NOTABLE absentees at to<lay's Malayan Cht n e s 4 T o» th-.South soccer match ar .ral in Besar Stadium will bo *we Singapore players
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  • 284 11 Perry- Six For Six Perry excelled himself by tailing s j x wickets for six runs for the S.RC. in thtir cricket mutch against the j Shell Sports Club at the padang yi-sterday. Tp.q S.R.C won by 57 runs. Geeks, for the Shell SporU Club, took four wickets, whik Choppard
    284 words
  • 939 11  - BATTLES BEGIN FOR "KINGS" AND "QUEENS" COURTMAN 3ADMINTON NOTES Bx AT Kuala Lumpur to--1 clay the battle for badminton honours is goiry* on and the new "kings and queens" of Malayan badminton will be crowned tomorrow. Because of the added importj ance of the tournament by the presence of the
    939 words
  • 39 11 The Mental Hospital usai the Changi Sports Club by 3— 1 yesterday in the Third Division of the SAFA League at the Hospital ground. Mansoor <2> and Eusof weie the scorers lor the Winners,
    39 words
  • 65 11 Tiio following have been selected to play ■OCCer for the Jollilads Athletic Union against the A.M.D.G.W. Changri Sports Club today at Changi. Sithambaram. Rasuk. S. Muj thiah, Chani. Murugasu. Xada- raj.Jh. K. R. Huthiah. K. Klishnas.imv. Fali, Dollah. M. I. ()s--man, suppiaii. Stvlahudhi, Muniyaadl, Kanaga^ihai Mid P" l
    65 words
  • 49 11 BBANOHAt, Mmr. 96. Th'- d* moHtion <>) Bkangkui'B >n<i)<n buiMinga and planfa and thr disruption o/ the Cifif'.s utilitu services, parti' cuhirlft tht watt r and powt r stfttf'ms. wt re UWtom§ the plans of Chin*vte Communist under ft round a</tnts here, arcordhn/ to documents seised bit the police. Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 277 11 A brilliant 57-run unde- feated knock by Choor Singh, coupled with the grand allI round display by Sulakhan Singh, both with bat and ball, for the Singapore Khalsa Association against the Johore Cricket Club at Johore Bahru on Friday, enabled the Indians to
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  • 66 11 R.I. S.J.I. DRAW IN 2 GAMES The first and second elevens ol Raffles Institution and St. Joseph's Institution dashed at soccer yesterday on the RI ground, and in both gamei honours were even. St. Joseph's scored first in the premier game, but Raffles levelled before half-time. Scorers: RI Jansz and
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 105 11 /BOILS =J ECZEMA iiiiifiif ULCERS UrU. U. PSORIASIS fflEsattPno^f RINGWORM HP A I g DHOBI ITCH i iV^*^^-# MALARIA SORES j SINGAPORE FOOT SKIN RASHES ERUPTIONS W fill eadart the pmin and irritation w^V^ ?Vfcw ftpplications of D.D.D. //^^^s^W^ r^°» will give vou relief? ITJS^SSaI JW »*e famous U^uid healer
      105 words
    • 309 11 YOUR FAVOURITE Gibbs Dentifrice is now in new coloured tins! This is the same famous Gibbs Dentifrice that keeps teeth clean and strong. So insist on this new tin in either red or blue, and you'll be sure DENTIFRICE CLEANS TEETH SAFELY X-GD 132 151 w iTt- our*,*. 5,., „k,.
      309 words

  • 1758 12  -  ALLAN LEWIS (Hv IPOH, Saturday: Favourites were generally to the fore in I day of low dividends at today's Ipoh races. LitUe Bean and Ascot Vale created minor upsets There was a large crowd. The weather was f:nc and ;he soing very good. RACE ONE Horse*
    1,758 words
  • 86 12 First Pool ($50,000) First *****7 Second *****:' Third *****'J Starters: *****0, *****0, *****7. *****7. *****9, *****8, *****& *****2. Second Pool (55C,000) First *****3 Second *****0 Third *****4 Strrters; *****0, *****5, *****8. *****9. *****9, *****7 *****0, *****5 Third Pool ($50,000) First *****2 Second *****1 Third *****6 Starters: *****2, *****8.
    86 words
  • 149 12 In the main event of the wrestling at the Happy World •Stadium last ni^ht, LabriOia lost in the fourth round to Dara Singh through foul tactics. He was disqualified. The fight was very even all the wav. and it was a hectic affa r while
    149 words
  • 115 12 Ali Riza Bey rnir? sjod win nor in the wrestling contest with Kinjj Kong: hold at the o-o«t World Stadium last ni^ht when the lattor was disqualified in the third round. Conseau- j ently. All received the $1,000 side-stako. at tho snnio timo retaining: his Turkish
    115 words
  • 261 12 (Sunday Tribune StaiT Reporter) The Syrian Christian community in Singapore entertained the Rt. Rev. Stephen Neill. Assistant to the Archbishop of Canterbury, at a tea party at tne Adelphi Roof Gardon yesterday. Bishop Neill, who also spoke i in Malayalam, traced hack his close associations with
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  • 30 12 CAMBRIDGE WINS LCNDCN. MAR, 27.-Cam-br dse beat Oxford by six lengths in the annual boat race at Henley today. Over a million people watched the race. U.P. HT
    30 words
  • 86 12 Penan?. Saturday: Penan^ are in a strong position at tne end of today's play in tho inUr. state crickot match against Perak. The home team knocked up 207 in their first innings, and Perak had made only 42 run. 1 for the loss of five wickets when
    86 words
  • 483 12 (From Our Oicn Reporter) i r Kuala Lumpur. Sat. The necessity for the alie- t nation Of lands for mining d without which he said it j c would be difficult for produ- c cers to conduct extensive pro- giammvs of prospecting
    483 words
  • 481 12 Rotarians Dine And Dance (Sunday Trthunr Rrj, f r trr) About 200 delegates to the Rotary District Conference and guests attended the dinner and ball given by D strict Governor T. H. Stone at the L do vesterday evening. Addressing the gathering, M"r. Stone said that these were th e
    481 words
  • 222 12 40 GET ALAMS FROM KING LONDON. Ma. I old men and 2o 1 j person t< day reetW frcm Kiiifr George v- j •Que.-n Elizabeth wh^ J performed the age.oHul lay Ihursday distr. ilnru at Westmin The Maundy c V re l iKld i n commemonf.. I Christ's Commandment] M
    Reuter  -  222 words
  • 132 12 A public meeting of C: ese and Sinhala Bud£. was held at the Slncij Buddhist Association p.* ses, 96, Outram Road, to; a resolution with "^girt th»s Buddha Stamp. Mr Wi liam Se.Y. P: dent of The S nßapore I dh'st A-ssn proposed tht lowing resolut on, to" be
    132 words
  • 157 12 HOME FOOTBALL LONDON Mtr 27. following are today 1 results FIRST DIVISION Aston Vila 2. Portsmouth Blackburn R 0. W Ath. 0. Blackburn 3. Arsenal" Chelsea 2, Preston NJ Derby C. 1. Sheffield I Everton 0 Stoke City < Gtimsby T. 0 Livet^ Huddersfield 0. Utd. 2.
    157 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 82 12 travel change. Also medicines. Now we don't have to take nasty-tasting oils, inconvenient herbal brews and griping purgatives. Medical science gives us LAXOBAC— the modern chocolate laxative. Laxobac tastes just like chocolate because it Is chocolate. Yet a small tablet will cause your bowels to act with clock- j work
      82 words