Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 14 March 1948

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 38 1 B Y THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE MALAYA'S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER The Sunday Tribune Now Printed simultaneously m Singtffef Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh Penatff Telegrams: "Tribune Singapore* 'Phone 5811 (Three Lines) TWELVE PAGES. SINGAPORE, MARCH 14, 1948. PRICE TEN CENTS!
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  • 82 1 Lord ,ar Lid Killeurn, wL. w-ll be leaving for the U.K. on the troopship Strathnaver, with their three children, gave a farewell party at their residence at Bukit Serene, Jchore, on Friday, which was largely attended. These two pictures taken, at the funttion by our cameraman show-
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  • 631 1 BANGKOK, Mar. 13.— Prime Minister Khuantf Aphaiwon^, m response to reports thy,i immrgeni Malays m the four southern provinces of Siam plan to send a pro'est to Siam through the United Nations, said that even should such a protesit be preserved Siam has "full
    U.P.  -  631 words
  • 135 1 fIANWTOK. Mar. 13: warns February rice ship«nts amounts to 64,101 ton s wording to government here. This shows a J! d y rise, which began Mt October, when the "2? »WPrnent thus far. J -«J0 tons, was recorded. jne December toUl was 52,JW. January 54.000. The
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  • 72 1 One of the best mur- i I drr Ihr lien cv: writ ten "Th; Terror of T«rl»rdV\ by T C H. I Jacobs, will appear ex the Morning Tribune N fiom tomorrow. Every day for the wit three weeks, the Morning Tr bure will contain one chapter i i
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  • 88 1 (from Our Own Reporter) Kutla Lumpur, Sat. Wearinf strange uniforms, a gang of armed and masked Chinese held up the Penang-Kota B«fani mail train m Kelantan yettCTday and got away with eufa and Jewellery to the value of $17,000. The bandits. it is understood, placed sleepers
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  • 34 1 ftANOOON, MAR 13 wrd Mountbatten, GovernorOeneni of India, and Lady Mpuntbitten left here today *'ter their 42-hour visit to restore to Burma the Throne w TTiibiw, last of the Burm«* Kings.
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  • 70 1 Five women were detained by uniformed constables Who iaidvd tne Stamiord Roai i area (near St. Andrew's Cathedral) early last night. Ever since t:ie re-occupa-tion, Singapore s police hive been trying to "clean tMs area o' the numerous women who solicit for men after dusk. Frequent
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  • 495 1 'Old School Tie' Means Loyalty, Traditions "Some time ago m England, and T expect m Other parts of the British Commonwealth of Nations, there was a tendency to decry the 'old school tie. Eut I think tfaat when one considers what the old school tie means, one realises that it
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  • 329 1 PLANNING CHANGI WITH EYE TO FUTURE fSim. Tribune Staff Reporter).] Singapore is a natural gco- graphical centre for air trans, port m this part o! the world, the extent of its development dependant on the facilities that can be provided. s aid Mr. H. W. Chattaway. retiring i Pan-Malayan Director
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  • 52 1 On pages 7 and 8 of this issue we present an exclusive platform of the 15 candidates contesting m next Saturday's elections. Their vat tons viewpoints are succmtiy summarised and statements presented to our readers m a manner which we, trust will give an impartial account of all
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  • 85 1 (From Our Own Reporter) MALACCA, Friday. A freak coconut tree with branches exists m the Settlement of Malacca. A Malay tapper casually wandering through th e rubber plantations on the Jasin highway saw this weird looking palm and at once thought tha,t it was some
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  • 92 1 (Sun. Tribune Staff Reporter). Following recent police warnings that unlocked bicycles parked m Singapore would be taken to police stations by constables on duty, the police swung into action yesterday and ten unlocked bicycles, were collected m the Kreta Ayer police district, yesterday. These bicycles, it is understood,
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  • 34 1 At an anti -election meeting, sponsored by the M.D.U to be held at Kulim Place,' Haig Road Government quarters, at 5 p.m. today, Mr. Philip Hoalim, President, will be the chief speaker.
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  • 50 1 WASHINGTON, liar 13: Ex-Major General Bennett E. Mayers, wartime Deputy Air Force Purchasing Chief faces a maximum of ?0 venrs im«, prisonment here after conviction yesterday by a Federal Jury on charges arising out o r the profits made |n a pri-vately-owned aircraft parts war plant.
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  • 87 1 IPSWICH. MAR. 12. A verd ct of de^th by misadventure was recorded at the inqujst on Aircraftsman Toyston Arthur Caus* ton, 21, stat oned at the Royal Air Force jet propulsion experimental station at Bentwaters, Suffolk. Flight Lt. Stueky said a new Jet propelled machine was being
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 196 1 The urn containing the ashes of Mahatma Gandhi will |b e removed from the Victoria Memorial Hall, on March 18. 1 after having been on display fo r three dsys from the date of arrival m Singapore. At 7.30 a.m. on March 19.c11a. at
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  • 28 1 London, March 13. Princess Helena Victoria, cousin of King George VI and grand daughter of Quoen Victoria, died m London today, aged 77.
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  • 14 1 f.A /u?Z description of tha K.L. races is on back page).
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 181 1 «HEAI» YET GOOD! Accessories for Musical Instruments. VIOLIN: HAWAIIAN GUITAR: toX\ Bow 7-50 3141 Thumb pick, metal .30 ik?r 150 3142 "Gibson" .75 217 180w lr r 2.00 3145 "National" 1.50 *bor»y Chtnr Ul 250 3146 Finger pick, metal .30 l 8t "iICMh 2 -50 3147 "GilBon" .75 the uiiniI
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    • 7 1 For a,, 6reC t s I I
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  • 290 2 (Tribune Staff Reporter) The U.S. Naval Task Force men, who "invaded" Singapore last week, fell for "swing" m a big waif, according tn report* from the City's music shops, "Boogie-woogie" diaca featuring American bands sold like hot cukes, while preference was also shown for Uputh
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  • 712 2 First Post-War Malayan MYF Institute Planned Meihodis'.. youths all over Malaya are eageny looking forward to the nrst post-war All-Malaya Methodist Youth Fellowship Institute which will be held m Ipoh from April 17-21. A delegation of about 40 from the various chapters m Singapore
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 2 Photo Cn.i. A groAp picture of members ana friends of the Useful Badminton Party, token at its sixteenth anniversary cefeb i nti o n a la t Sun da David
    David  -  30 words
  • 37 2 PARIS. MAR 12 —Thirty thousand miners were on strike today m the nationa- i Used mines m the Pas De Calais and Nord departments, a spokesman of the French Miners Federation stated tonight Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 28 2 The Chinese Association will hold its Annual Reunion D'nner on Saturday, March 20, at 7 30 p m. at the clubhouse, No 1230 Scran-goon Road.
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  • 139 2 LONDON. Mar. u:-Mr. Han, ld Wilson. President oi Uie Beard of Trade, an- nounced t h a t some of the profits from the showing o. American aims In Britain under a new deal could be used to help British hotels ;ind the tourist
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • 214 2 SINGAPORE'S CRYING NEED— (Tribune Staff Reporter) Stating that. cu-o. uinaied traffic lights were much better than individual policemen on duty at points as they would result m a bettor system oi tiaffic control Mi. T. H. Stone. Chairman of tho Traffic Advisory Committee yesterday declared
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  • 109 2 (Tribune Staff Reporter) Malayan nursvs may see tneir ambition or obtaining tmpire recognition for their certificates fulfilled with the establishment o: tho Nursin? Council this year. A preliminary committee has been working for some time on draft legislations and regulations to bring Malayan nursing standards into line with
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  • 86 2 The price of rubber ruse by three-quarter cent to 38 7/8 j for f.o.b. yesterday on pubi:- cation of the February foreign import rubber figures, which I show t total of 21.668 tons, representing a decrease 3.700 tons compared with January. The decrease Is apparently th c result
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  • 43 2 The Singapore Marine Hostel bas brought out a guide for sailors ashore. It gives info» 1 mation on where they can find food, drinks, sports, entertainments, places of worship, placet) of interest, and prices of meals and general goo* is.
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  • 452 2 (Tribune Stiff Reporter) A phenomenal increase m the number of radio sets imported ittto Malaya since r he libera. f ion was recorded last year with no fewer t^ 26,994 units brought m from the U.K., Denmark France, the Netherlands, Czechoslovakia, Haft' Canada, the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 750 2 HBav I l9^»»4'* '£T 'w 1 "l.i ii Y'Jts X^^ :^^?"*i~-~ .stJstg^D •I' teRE'S THE NEW &&C CDMPACT RECEIVER to BRING you Colour Harmony with truly amazing Radio performance Cirrptional »i. k h quality aad i*r.Mtitit> h»»« hr«n romhtned T«« ■tiittf«r« nwtn r>«WMt wits rtx«a*n <\>m< n<Kmi to make this
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    • 115 2 Watch it daily GROW more lovely Fed by Silvikrin thrilling hair beauty grOWt on you right from the roots. Day by day you c^n see the difference. No more dandruff on your shoulders no more lost naif m your comb. The secret is, Silvikrin contains Cystrine, T>rosine, Tryptophane and other
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    • 285 2 MAISON VALLY i (Ladies' Hair stiilitti. Continent »l trained 15 years \|)ni,'mt Permi n?s.i Wavmg Shampoo and sot Manicure Paw Massage Head I Massage Henml Applcation.s H^ll' NOW OPEN at GOODWOOD T*RK HOTKL TELEPHONE 7869 i I Usr Cuticur.i Otntmrnt for airf stu\>^)rn it clung skin irouhk ItJ stops the
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  • 762 3  - SHE ASKED FOR A TUNE, DI SCOVERED COMPOSER Oswald Henry (By Un& night, many months ago. Lady Killeam happened 10 be at the Mountbatten Club when she heard very tuneful and lively samba played by the dance orchestra. oo lascmaiffi was sne with it that rile sont round to «n«I
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  • 734 3 REPORT FROM THE BLUE LAGOON fSundat! Tnbunr Flint Reporter), BRIAN NEELT, thr Bimgmport atrmmn who ica* ckaaen hu producer-director Frank Launder to double fot D-nvild Houston opposite Jenn SiWMHOtM hi the techMicoJOMT film "The Bine LdJdjKMNI" m Suio, htU h<id iptttr c sAain o/ Mfritement since
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  • Article, Illustration
    38 3 Photoymph >. Traffic lights are being installtvl at the High Street-North (iridye Road junction. Soov tin jmmluir figure of the paHOMMM at jtoint duty wfM 4Umppoar as he t(tkt:s his vine* bthmd a twitch to nmtml the liyhtx. Tribune
    Tribune  -  38 words
  • 184 3 Celebration Welcome (Sunday Tribune Woman Reporter) With the dual purpose of celebrating International Wo men's Day and welcoming Miss Dora Greene, the new tf.W.C.A. General Secretary, a Chinese luncheon party was given by thp Y.W.C.A *>rofessional and Business Grls Group at the Singapore Res taurant yesterday afternoon. Over 30 people
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  • 74 3 LONDON. March 13: -A Court docket disclosed that Viscountess Anson. 30-year-old niece of Queen Elizabeth, has tiled a suit icr divorce against ii Major, the Viscount Anson. 34-year-old heir of th>- I Earl o' Lichfield. Lady Anson whoip wvdding was attended by the King and Queen
    U.P.  -  74 words
  • 26 3 MARSEILLES. MAR 13The steamship Athos II <15,--?76 tons) left here last night for Saigon, carrying 1,731 troops and 191 civilian passengers. Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 169 3 Hear! Trouble Caused by High Blood Pressure 7 around t^• h'«M. I»ZS- di«t"«M. heii<»*rhMi .1 *M"* em ZZ»)£9 lOM "C memory r f TLSTln4lfe«tlon. worry and n HW*! f^Se.^ thai c»u^« wfn llr.l '1"-' of My«o«. > M JD...iiir* ««<» mike* you f. c! ITCHING INFLAMED SKIN ItkwJtis itchiag
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    • 290 3 £UHE CURE <: j^j for Coughs. Colds. Sore Throat. iiS^^f m s Chest Afffxtions. Influen/a jj^^V M\ Stonxach Pain.s and Toothache. f- M WOODS'^? f. Sale Agents SIMK UARBV CO. Ltd 7>^ f Jt VV-1 I Miss Bright Miss Dull m\ m/a^. V t N-. I Eno*s *Fruit Salt 9
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  • 2295 4  -  VERA ARDMORE r— Hvcvccbvfv— Marriage Bells The redding between Miss Ifaijotie Dennett Home and Mr James ChatAeld Gardner had quu a nautical tinge. Ihe briJe was given away by Captain B. I. Robertshaw. R.N. I Chief o* Staff, and the wedlading reception was held at
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 258 4 NEW DESIGNS! DC 1 HID EOT PRINTED ofcMDfcKb 42"' wide at 54.50 per yard. also available STRIPED NINON SC M wide only $2.90 per yard. ffMl 33 SUMOSC MM AS CAPITOL THWW IMMEDIATE Delivery Available are a limited stock ol living room, dining room and bedroom suites, ready for immediate
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    • 110 4 do>ti^ qeddeo 4he luHle /ohop 111 HxiTrleo noTel /olnqapofae .The most charming comp!im)ent yot| can pay 1 woman is lo give her perfume): perfume by Coty.] Nothing else conveys your admiration or respect with quite such distinctionl|jf?T r for no .other, perfumes are so truly distinctive. Pajume of Magnetism i
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  • Article, Illustration
    1847 5 Depicted Here We have a very interesting personality now residing m Singapore. She i.s Mrs D. A. i Mastvrs, wife of Mr. Master^ j )f the &>.p]l Co. and they arc iving with their s=mall son Robert m Grange Road. Wellfnown -m the film world as Hilda Miistt
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 247 5 nK\] H App^nceY'■K^flvJH further ship E H ,H.^>^*._ ment Arrived Ho S jir gtr^nrlined AUTOMATIC IRON with thor- Model 4 A mAstatlc control, maintains conttt tempora- S2l 00 turf tor Rayon, wool. Sik. rotton or linen Th<- irr>n that glides smoothly Av«»r the mat^ri.'i! and is sp«»ciali jm^ Ij shaped
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    • 18 5 JOAN TOOKE Invites you to enjoy reading the latest books from her lending library The LILLIPITT at Little's
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    • 321 5 The L> iHBMANN PIANO Is a work of art tha appeals to both eye and ear. It is a b! nd of skilled crafts, an artistic ,1 achieve lent that merits the modest recogn! ion of an autograph. On the >ne side of this i'amoiis slgna tore stands ihe mellowed
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  • 343 6 The SUNDAY TRIBUNE MARCH, 14, 1948. Going Too Far London Ayents Messrs. Colin Turner Ltd., Talbot House, 98, St. Martin's Lane W.C.2. Personal human relationships have ever I been considered a yardstick of civilised advancement and epical progress. Man's attitude 'towards t,he mother of his chosen spouse has long been
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  • 936 6 A Challenging Reply To "500 (Last we.-k the Sunday Tribune published a cynical admission of a black marketeer's selfish philosophy. A reader has assailed this creed with the powerful weapon of immutable Christian philosophy.). Sir,— lt was exceedingly m- I teresting to read the art! cle m your issue of
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  • 1076 6  -  W.A. HARPUR Economic And Political Considerations Point To The Desirability Of by Malaya qualifies as much for America's assistance as European countries. On what grounds? it may be demanded. To answer this question it is necessary to pose another. On what grounds do certain European and
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  • 648 6  -  R. B. OOI Often deep m the night the plaintive wail of "m-e-e-e" floats beseechingly into the bedchambers of citizens who are snugly ensconced m their beds. They may turn over and swear at the racket caused by the "tik-tok, tik-tok" of night
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  • 544 6 A Fantasy Of 1950 (Specialty Contributed to the Sunday Tribune). r Looking back to the nlne--1 tecnth century and tho flnt half of tho twentieth century, it seems incredible that newspaper production m those days relied for its successful achievement on the efforts of editors, sub-editors,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 242 6 Parcel Post For any destination within Malaya. Through any post office. Sur< h.irge 15c. a Ib. Miii.iyan Airways Limited -«»n>.(t. Id A Co., i td. Siogapore. nnd hp smtp Thc cnuinc Gibb %A,ri,u C/O O^t/ C Dentifrice is now m new r coloured tins, either red °j getting the or
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    • 33 6 Accurate Visual Analysis requires i I> to date Instruments. To solve your Eyesight Problems, Consult C S. CHONG, O.D. EVERBRICHT OPTICAL CO. 19 Chulia St. Spore Tel: 4435 Fully equipped vcith latest instruments.
      33 words
    • 31 6 ROYAL DUTCH AIRLINES Xj^ Town Ottee: 1. rinl.iyron Orcrn PhoO«: To]. 5431. 5432, 5433. X i m Anport— Pa*sage: 840«3 Extensions to all Deportment*:. Freight: 84W1 7 OXLEY RISE TEL: I***
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 72 6 NEW KITS ARRIVED power Fre<« flight PUjrbOf Si. 74" $38.00 Plaj ioy Jr. 54" 25.00 Baby Playbof 2G" 800 Control iners H.-.1l Racrr 31" 32.00 Mustang 29 24.00 Heilcat 42" St.OQ Duration Flytaf Cloud 44" 9.50 Mi.s-s W.-rld Fair TiO" 900 Flying s<:tV-— Interstate Cadet 35 M 7.50 Cfssna 140
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  • 2829 7 CANDIDATES STATE THEIR VIEWS THE first elections take place m Singapore next Saturday. A red letter day, it will mark the Colony's first step m its march toward self-government as envisaged under the new Constitution. For the first time m history, her citizens will march to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 203 7 l^^fe^^^ •*"§s'»■•'•"• s^b^Blh^^^k _^sSHH(HPw^^P?r^^'*'' yy.'. '.■''■'.■>''•'■■ '^^m y^- i i' Leaders emm their position, it demands Visio'fl nfrl A ">> y J work sound thinking. Thousands of retailers say Weber n n n^ > leads its field m every sense. and has for nearly )o years! i|:?\ Weber qualiry. Weber
      203 words
    • 135 7 <&- t> X \AKvs\ i^ >S s*. 4- *e> <^ EVERYWHERE ms.ff W JJJi^*?* "-AGER BEER V^ STOUT THE TRIUMPHANT TRIO A Great A chievement of 1 ?f 4 o BANDSPREAD AMBASSADOR RADIOS Model 4756— 5270.- AC. Radlo B ram $395.. J Guaranteed for one Year NOTE TIIKSK JM|»a^^^^^^^^^^^ SEE
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  • 3849 8 i leeted members vnll be to see that the Government pasfifs reasonable and good imrs smd amends obsolete onrs. buihl'i mote school:., hospitals, clinifs, %ctlfare coitr'^, co-op* rafrvc-xtrtrrs. and ruvf fmi% u(i4ffs, 'Reasonable cost of Ihivff OUotMMCetj reduce prices of staple foods, improve roads and suppli/ sufficient
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 167 8 law. the Medical College shouW therefore be treated ,iccor<*C iy. 7. THE UK VENUE DEUI^ ED PROM INCOMK TAX TO !'.K USED Kill! THE (lENER\I. PUBLIC. form «)i taxation, riti*' lire. i kndti ii t. i. juntifi^ .inNv:: the revcauc derive Ukt -f torn is used lor thf bei*fit .I
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 325 8 Not long ago ha «n la a dead end f- *W*^ +**W job with no prospect of getting ahead o«~^l^^"fi)* m Ufa. Now ha hat a ear, a homa of Kit own, and money m the baak. Raad Bwi^^Slk^'* JR *^N how ha achieved this. One day he saw an
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 9 i.t.u'miu. (Jtga >>nn Juan, it /<ul becoming n Parahurant ti,i> among tht «.'Mii/"s itara strikes a pretty /or Tnbuir reader* <>n a xvnb ith< d-9i t.
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  • 91 9 Hollywood. March 10. ilosaliri(f Kussoll returned home aftrr appearing m the film "Mourning Becomes Electra." f and was greeted boisterously by hei four-veai-o!d son. Lance Bris.ion. who ha<J spent the j afternoon playing m a park with other nurse-escorted youngsters. "You're Rosalind Russell." he said triumphantly. "A boy
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  • 962 9  - Film Crisis: Less Talk More Action DICK RICHARDS ARE THE "BRIGHT LIGHTS" GROWING DIM? By Studios are m darkness. Stars are unemployed. Promising young directors can't get jobs. Technicians are being sacked. Producers say things are going well. l>ut why aren't we getting more British films? London. March 12. what
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  • 161 9 LONDON. Mar. 12. Co starring with Margaret Lock wood for the first time m th< new Corfield-Huth Production "Change of Heart" is Griffit! Jones who will be rmMbefM for his outstanding perfoim ance m "They Made Me A Fugitive". "Change of Heart", a comedy based on
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  • 66 9 HOLLYWOOD. March 10 The Russians did a favour wlipp they blew up the Fue-uerlj"n'< er in the Chancellery biu'.linin Berlin where Hitler <ui<l hi mistress-bride. Eva Braun. arr presumed to have died. Scenes for "Berlin Kxpr^«" involving Merle Oberon and Ro bert Ryan filmed there lavt summer are
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  • 312 9 London. Match 12. Sit Alexander Korda is the last person you would expect to lind m a bread lino (writes "Oommectai tor"), but at Sheppeitori 1 hud i the pleasure of teeing him standing m i queue, waiting i his tarn to bo served at the
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  • 283 9 Chorines Pretty, Witty And Costly m. OLLY^^On. March 10. -Along with othot shorta-es that have ended m these post-war days, so they say the chorus girl Is back, more beautiful than ever. And like oth t BOare items she's more expensive. Authority If Eddie Cantor, i who speaks is producer
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  • Article, Illustration
    42 9 Thesr thr> y oirls who rrill kelp decoratt any bench on iurt and pretty Paramount itarteti Jran Ruth, Pott,, rhonui* and Dorothy Abbott. The trio havt been tinned on to a tuny-term contract and trill maki thru- botr >n a ft'ithcotuiii*/ movie.
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  • 126 9 NO BEARD -JUST FUZZ Hollywood. March 10. It's a cardinal rule that badinon m movies about the Old Wei t ini'.st be heavily bearded. As a result the movie ca^oor of Robert Bray, who was cast one of the Younger Brothers In RKO Radio's "Return of the Badinen." narrowly escaped
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 156 9 f ACli/ m li^ita i*. a waterless v Lll/^ \Ai£z I wh v leni al hread that \«f if Jp Mr i a>il > dipfsttnl bfcuu-e I fW a* M lh art of erunc n 8 aid^ V the digeKtive process. Kyvita m excellent for fl'Jl/^"- et *h n <*
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    • 89 9 INDIGESTION *nd us resultant pains are more often than not [utt a #tS~^fc oie of too much acid In the itomich. Milk of MajnetU fSjMB neutrahxes these acidi. soothet the stomach, restores J^sl proper dijestion, tones up the Intestinal tract. Take v^_ i * of Magnesia and your paint will
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  • 237 10 Bangkok's Boxing Boom I (Ky HERMAN RAITAi There is a h'tom m profex■si'nvti boxing m Bangkok, according to K.OW Kirn Lin and nthf r sjhu smen Whfl if c^ntly pnul a n.sit to that c'tv F,nm Manila, Kirn ifiQHl to Rangkol:. act omjiayved b% Jimmy Bint, it ho dropped <i
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  • 63 10 LONDON. MAR 12. The Jockey Clubs camera service, us*d on tome racecourses last season for recording particularly clofc Qnixhes has been retained to cover certain events m the Olympic Games tirs slimmer The cameras recorded the finishes of 350 races last year, 54 of which wrrc
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • Badminton Notes
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    • 40 10 Ptßjtef ut, Ifftephertaa Road yesterday afternoon. i the Jollilads second soccer XI brat a team from S. S. MutI tallia, two. nil m a keen game Both goals were scored m the second hnlf by Osmnn and Narayana.
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    • 245 10 Splendid bowling by Mayo I Pereira who took rive wickets lor 15 runs was a feature Of the cricket match yesterday between the Singapore C its and the Ceylon Sports Club The CSC. won oy nine runs. Played on a sodden ground at the
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    • 125 10 MR. All KOW DONATES $25,000 TO FUND At a meeting of officials of the Singapore Chinese Ama- i teur Sports Federations held at the Gooloo CJub yesterday afternoon, .Mr. Au Kow donated ;i sum of $25,000 to a Kind formed for the purpose of financing Malayan Chinese j
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    • 66 10 Thft toiinwint; havo been selected to represent the 6 c:.C Ist XI ye S.C F A •A A A > In ;;A.FA. T^astue fixtur«- tomorrow at r> 15 p.m or the Padang. J. Aitken; w Richard.son. O. VersaU; W Bainbridge, C. McCullock, F Hutchinson: R Fletcher, F. B
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  • Article, Illustration
    17 10 Altu Lowe talented instrumentalist and vocalist who is entertaining Raffles Hotel patrons nightly at the Palm Court.
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  • 168 10  -  ALLAN LEWIS (lly KUALA LUMPUR, MAH 12 —The Malayan Jockeys' Association wish to acknowledge receipt of the following donations lor tho Malayan Anti T B Fund m aid ot which they are playing a cricket match with tho Selangor Club today on the padang Play
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  • 126 10 The Ist .in- 1 2n«l XI rppio. sentativos tor th«< ens t: > soccer matches against imp j o ful Juniors 2nd XI an<l R Tf-ani respectively tcxlay at 15 pin and 5.15 p.m on 'ho rhoon Guan EngliMh Sehooi Ground (oil Telok Karau Road) win k*. chosen
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 326 10 LAST TWO DAYS! SO BETTER 111 RRY HP! lOR YOU'LL MISS A GOOD THING IF YOU MISS THIS ONE. MiiritoßnirwHKiiiii;^i.ltiiii NB. Owhig to pictures length, there will be orly 4 •us daily at thrsc revised times: CAPITOL SHOWERED WITH PRAISE FROM THE PRESS "As far M I am OMMerned An
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    • 73 10 II O V V LAST 3 SHOWS 3, 6.15 and n 15 pm. LOAD OF LAUGHS! AN EYEFIL OF CURLS! A HE ARTFUL OF HAPPY SONGS! "THE SECRET LIFE OF WALTER MITTY" Starring Danny KAYE Virginia MAYO It's all solid entertainment In Technicolor OPENING TO-MORROW RETTE HA VIS m THE
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    • 189 10 Today Four Shows fjj^^ il^on, i 1.30'4 r 6.30'9.30PM.*S phone: bqos LiAl accor.line t« I'* l J J. iW-t>oH£ Urn ,v.-ar-red crnanon^ .JOHN. m^^* >J UAe«Ut-d«j! Special Mnrninjt Bhoiv l'o<l<tii At tl A M Sjdnrif Toltr'ln KHAXCIIAI COURA" TUESDAY— Any Woman Would Df Glad To Have One Great Love In
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  • 1419 11 Malaya's Boxing Giants No, 25 THF other day I ran into Boy Quee In a place where I least expected to me?t him In the Criminal Investigation ?>rpartment. I was ooviM'in*; a routine assign me:it rerord iiiC fhc daily t nrm'-iaph. A,,r«
    1,419 words
  • 140 11 IXTENDINC competitors m the forthcoming Singapore A)nitfnr Ho. •inn Cfnunpionship tourney are n minded to jonrant then entries to Mi. f.'. Dunsford, Hon. Sec. 5.A.8.A.. cart, oj Social Welfare Deparhnefit, Sr.njcporr, not tola than March It. Thr oirijK-tition o ill start OM March 6 end trill
    140 words
  • 10 11 BID WALLEY .1 (heat Fighter.
    10 words
  • 198 11 Bud Walley's sister. Sybil, who is at present residing m England, is anxious for information about him. The War Office, it appears, (writes Herman Rappaj h:ilisted Bud as missing, and it If presumed he is dead. When I met feud a few weeks before the Japs
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 319 11 v Wm^Br^ \v VIRGINIA JB Made specially to fmHw prevent sore throats mLzIW 50*8 Air-tight tins fflWßlwy with Easy -Access Inner fofl -A\^/wf and CellophaiiC wrapping. M^fc^t&mWN Imported front muSW&B London, England Zff CA*JJgRAI ISO YEARS' REPUTATION FOR QUAIJTY W _BOVRII Bf \'*os^i A makes dishes wJ&&&fl**s±. more delicious J^tmkmA^
      319 words
    • 234 11 ifi^i. VITAIITY j^ 38Ei^^% v t% sriiAnu f r the g*giHg% Jsp;e A^pris SIME. DARBY ft CO.. LTD. $£w^w j p' Gnt y of exerc|se /j.jQyi^ n vf| ec p y° u 1 |iSF H V "IN TRIM" J >> 0 If We ail know that physical excrav is good
      234 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 601 11 YOU, THIS WEEK AND THE AQUARIUS GEMIM LlBRA Jm. 93 Feb. $a 9 >/ June id. i:r!ni .'!Vs J i"< .;,i- f loiU .•^«,r://, yoit taw fooped irn^/ your step in your o for 7/'. niaturt but you wiy jap. progress will be made uu f O i **<f tTial
      601 words

  • 134 12 At the Second Annual General Meeting of the Catholic Young Men's Association 'Church of the Sacred Heart the following were Hected office-bearers for the year: President. Mr. Chee Kong Tet, Vice-President Mr. Anthony Choong, Hon Secretary Mr. Roland D. Tseng, Asst Secretary Mr Michael Chong, Hon. Treasurer Mr
    134 words
  • 1799 12  -  ALLAN LEWIS (By M BIG SWEEP Total Pool: 5205.600. First Prize: *****0; Second Prize— ll496B: Third Prize *****. Starters *****9. *****8, *****,. *****0, *****, *****, *****. doitole tote First- 57 tickets $30 each. Second 11 tickets 5163 each. w FAIR DIVIDENDS
    1,799 words
  • 110 12 Labriola, the Italian grapplor, won a decisive fourth round knock-out victory ovet Jagindar Singh when they met m the main event of the wrest- ling card presented at th> Happy World covered stadium, last night. Jagindar Singh, who wa» knocked out of the ring m the fourth
    110 words
  • 68 12 NEW YORK. March 13: The injury-ridden New York Rangi-rs hockey team today called up Larry "King" Kwong, Chinese wingman, and Ronnie Rowe from the New York Rovers for their important gam c tomorrow against the Montreal Canadians (correct) at Montreal. Kwong's appearance m Ranger uniform will mark
    U.P.  -  68 words
  • 103 12 i All Riza Bey (262 Lbs) bear George Zbisko (267 Lbs) by two pin falls to one m the sixth round m the main bout ,of last night's wrestling at the Great World. The results of other bouts were: Tonny Ramano t.k.o'd Wildcat Hassan m the
    103 words
  • 70 12 The following players wfl 1 represent the Junior EI. P. m a friendly game of badminton against the Wings B.P. today at 4 p.m. sharp. The match will consist of four singles and three doubles, and will be play ed at No. 7, Valley Road Goh Yong Meng.
    70 words
  • 137 12 Programme Scheduled For filar. 19 The Governor, Sir Franklin Gimson, has signified his intention of attending the finals o c the Air Command. Far East Boxin X Championships, to be I held aft, R. A. F. Station. Changi. on Friday. Mar. 19. m the Servicing Wing
    137 words
  • 64 12 An interesting game of soczer was witnessed yesterday ifternoon when Railway Ju. Tiors "C" team met the Miri Road team and won by live— I nil. on the former's ground ne3r Selangor Flats .Kampong Bahru. Although it wa s an uphill battle for Miri Road from the
    64 words
  • 430 12 Cabaret Girl's Complaint Two young Chinese, Lam j Lai Sum and Cheng Meng Sui, were produced m the Fourth Police Court yesterday to answer a charge' of using criminal force on a dance hostess, intending to or knowing it to bo likely to outrage her modesty. Both accused claimed trial
    430 words
  • 97 12 ROME. Mar. 13. The Italian boxer, Francesco Loy, 24. who collapsed m the ring la.«rf night during a fight with wo' tor-weight. Fernando Jannilli. died today as a result of head injuries. Loy and Jannilli staged a free-swinging fight m seven i rounds with Loy taking
    U.P.  -  97 words
  • 71 12 The following will represent the Colonials against Combiner* Changi today at Changi, play commencing at 10.45 a.m. A. E j Delikan (Capt.) W. Ratnayako. A. F. Fernando, S. Nagaiah, L-. Doole, F. de Krester, Fran!:. Kent, L. Nugara, A. Thiyaga.- rajah, Wolfe, D. Miller, SLA i Perera, Hislop,
    71 words
  • 38 12 MELBOURNE, Mar. 13 i Arthur Morris, making his first England tour, has been chosen with Don Bradman and Lindsay Hassctt as Aus- i tralia's Test team selectors on this summer's tour m Eng- land. Reuter AAP
    Reuter; AAP  -  38 words
    254 words
  • 274 12 In a match which was play*d at a cracking pace and which produced soccer of a high standard, Kreta Ayer defeated Coleman Street by 5-1 m a S.C.F.A. "C" encounter at Geylang Stadium yesterday. Well matched, end to end play featured the game and It
    274 words
  • 104 12 A twenty-three year -old Chinese told the Second Police Magistrate, Mr. L. C. Goh, yesterday morning that he "was m a dream" when he. clmnk some caustic soda. The young man. Tian Tan Toe was facing charge of attempting to commit suicide by drinking
    104 words
  • 47 12 The Pulau Branl Sports Club dofeaU'd the Kota Raja Sports Club by 4-1 m a soccer friendly at Pulau Brani, yesterday. Scorers for Pulau Brani were Samad (1) and Awang Gabos (3), while Sharif Madon scored the only goal for the Kota Rajah u-am.
    47 words
  • 5. a.m. News
    • 62 12 MANILA, Mar. 13. —T> Philippines, Siam Burma, Chi na, Indochina and Singaporr are all candidates for the lite of the regional office of th» Food and Agricultural Org*. nlsation of the United Nationi according to the Secretary General Mr. Harold A. Vojfe! The United Kingdom, he m\
      Reuter  -  62 words
    • 343 12 LONDON, Mar 13. —TV following are Home FootUl results FIRST DIVISION Blackburn R. 1, P'mouth 0 Chelsea 3, Charlton Ath. 0 Everton 0, Arsenal 2 Grimsby T. 0. Stoke C. 0. Huddersfield 2, M'brough 1 Manchester C. 4, Burnley I Sunderland 3, Preston N E Wolverhampton 1, Sheffield
      Reuter  -  343 words
    • 22 12 BELFAST, Mar 13 H land, already Rugby Urt*,, H ternaUonal champions. triple crown by >lctesi'M by six points to three to* Reuter
      Reuter  -  22 words
    • 18 12 LONDON. Mar 1 H missar won the L! n£ Handicap. Clarior M w m md Flexton third. Reuter
      Reuter  -  18 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 404 12 ACKNOWLEDGMENT Hong Son* He. Her.p fh-w Hoe, Henp Km Ho e and Heng Prnp Ho^ th« four *ons of the late Madam Koh N?uan Ling; and famiiy sinc^elv thank all relatives and friends who attended th e funeral, paid visits, serf wreaths, monotnry gifts, scro'ls, joss-pape*s telesrrims, Twahoh Ko. Dancing
      404 words
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