Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 28 December 1947

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 13 1 The Sunday Tribune tuijm; *^i^ SIXGAPUttr., Ut.^t vitSKK IH, 1947. FRICF. TEN CENTS.
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  • 282 1 (Sunday Tribute Staff Reporter) On Christmas Day the Canadian ship Cliffside sipped into Singapore harbour with 2,500 tons of mmunition, 1 Mosquito B amber-, and an unassembled plant for a bullet factory for the Chinese Government This consignment is valued
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  • 166 1 Seats In State Councils For Clerical Unions? (From Our Own Reporter) IPOH, Dec. 27.— An assurance ihat he would make the necessary recommendation to the Chief Secretary of the Malayan Union to have the various state clerical unions represented on their respective State councils, has been given by Mr. E.
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  • 39 1 NANKING Dec. 27: Political sources belie-o that China's first president under the new constitution who will be elected to the Naiional Assembly at the first meeting on March 29 will be inaugurated on May 5 U.P.
    U.P.  -  39 words
  • 153 1 (From Our Own Reporter) KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 27.— Malaya throughout Malaya will cc! tbrate the inauguration of the Federation on January 1. although m view of technical adjustments, the n i ugu ration has been postponed to February 1. This was revealod by Dato Onn
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  • 137 1 ATHENS. I )♦><-. 27. Army reports claimed soo sheila were fiv«><j into Konttia. Including 500 mortar KhHls. Boarding ■chool an< refugee children's aica were said by preM reports to have been under fire. Dispatches, meanwhile, reporte 1 numerous clashes m separated ar»-as m Macedonia and
    U.P.  -  137 words
  • Article, Illustration
    78 1 Photonrapli). Miss II n S<ti Yin?/ of Ktinla Lumpur made a*: valiOMt effort to sure a low shot froui Mrs. L. M. Pcnnc- I father m thfir bddminton J match yesterday, arut fell ow n on th 9 0 our t, L However, sh* won tn> match. Miss Ho wax
    Tribune  -  78 words
  • 45 1 LONDON. Drr 21 -Sir Jack Drummond, diet exp-it, attached to the Food Min:stiy during the war, said tcday that seiiou.-i kiis ol malnutTit on have bef.un to appear among British rhildren and adol'\s; onus as a result of bread and uo.ato latlonino U. P.
    U.P.  -  45 words
  • 88 1 A full house greeted the variety entertainment organized by the Ceylonese troops stationed m Singapore and staged at the Cox Club Hall last evening. Among those present were Lt.-Gen. and Mrs. L H. Cox, Mr Victor Mendis, president of the Ceylonese Association, and Mr. Ernest Fernando, MBE,
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  • 84 1 LONDON. 27:— Tho cruir>er H MS. Achilles which took part m thp batt'» of Rivp r Pi.-ito m which the German battleshiD Graf Bpe« was scuttled is to lr 'ought from Britain by Tndia. Tt is oxprt.'d that, the Achilles will ;irri\" m Indian waten
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 81 1 A ton-year-nM s rU ehiM WM forced to call for hil mother by flrn^se jrtinman m a hotlM m Horhoro Rnarl. paily last nie^ht. As soon M the mother who wa« Howns'^vs cam" un to tho fOITI, the robbers covered her, got her keya and opened up the
    81 words
  • 60 1 BATAV>A. Dec. 27— Both Dutch and Indonesian Republican wellinformed sources said here today there was a trood chance of a truce aereement beinir siened before the New Year. Both partita were inclined to ncccpt the new cease-fire plan put forward yesterday by the United Nations Security
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 34 1 PANAMA. Dec. 27:— The United States RfmGd forces today r oycotted Panama bars and amusement places us American evacuation of the canal defence bases out'-ldf the Canzal -/one proceeded without incident. U.P.
    U.P.  -  34 words
  • 22 1 About 75 members of the Gregg Shorthand Writers Association attended a dinner at the Happy World Amusement Park last night.
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  • 99 1 LONDON, Dec. 27. -Becausr feQow Britons are forlndden to use iheir cars for pleasure. Prune Minister Attlee spurned the use of hi ft official car last niyht and went to a Christmas pottfomlm at Stopney m London's South End by bus, train and tml/way. Mr. Attlee, unaccompanied
    U.P.  -  99 words
  • Article, Illustration
    26 1 Photograph > The Spiii't of Christmas In evidence happy picture raoffht l»y u»e camera a! Ihe Auxiliary Police Officers X'mas c'niirp at the Singapore Volunteer Club. Tribune
    Tribune  -  26 words
  • 153 1 Biggest Robbery This Month (Sunday Tribune Start Reporter) Shortly before daybreak yesterday, a gang of seven men, all masked and armed with pistols and knives, broke into a bicycle storo m Upper Weld Road and got away with $600 m Straits currency. 5,000 Guilders, and about $4,000 worth of jewellery
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  • 365 1 S.I.T. To Build 192 Prefab Houses At Kim Keat Road (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) Work on a S million housj nt scheme the first instalment under the three-year plan rs now under vv a v at Kirn Keat Rood. Marking another step forward In the direction of providing more and
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  • 42 1 (Sunday Tribu ie Staff Reportei > A Chinese iiving m Bng I! Street was robbed ot about $1,000 m cash and jew. llery by three compatriots who broke into his home yesterday afternoon 'i h r robbers were armed with pistols.
    42 words
  • 51 1 NEW DELHI, 1). i Mahtttma Oandhl addressing the prayer gathering on Chi is' i > ertsed the tUggestion the divl on of Ka hunr M tjint.i..' to the Qoveriiment <<t India Informatlmi Services. It was more than enough that India had been dnicl< d into two, hv
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 64 1 Just plug it m and Your Radio Becomes a Radiogram! "Automatic" Rerord Player, xr -'y*'~\ Ih'i model is well lishrrl iti I'" r iViains oiil.i Two nioclels available. One for \C. >1 uns mil> and another jtf^^H lor IX Mams Well made ■jW^^ jii»l nice design. Latest type ol SP^^^
      64 words
    • 19 1 Phone 5811 (Three Lines) Singapore Baggage Transport Agency, Ltd. INSURANCE SHIPPING, CUSTOMS. FORWARDING CLEARING AGENTS. 45, The Arcade, Singapore.
      19 words
    • 43 1 J^»««='O<=»OC=»OC==>O<=»O<==»OC==»O€l=>O<==»OC=»O<==>OC=>oC=3OC=»oC I ("l I niwr>*l 1r,1.m.i..,n.' I yHj Hr JJL, s Have you entered lor the Martins s NUMH) < o m p <• t i t i o n? J Particulars, write (with stampul reply ottTClope) t<> Martins, 8 iv o Box low Singapore.
      43 words

  • 437 2 (From Our Own Reporter) rPOH, Dec 27.— The Pewk Sultan this afterpoon iguratsd ihc Perak flood relief fund with a handsome donation, followed by another totalling $100 by tl c Resident Commissioner Mr. J. [fines Miller. Rajas. Chiefs, Kathis, Koran teachers and members of
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  • 376 2 (Tribune Staff Reporter) The tirm thai Mrs. 1. ChOWIMi heard al out her awara was when she opened the paper last Weduesoay inorinng. iShe Waa sui-prised. The next day a letter forwarded trum Taiping arrived at her Singapore addr< It was an official letter
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  • 42 2 The < M'-;i<r» m'.-ni of Mr. T;ii Vonjr Kenr, second s->n of \lr. T.-n x- ••<■ Sen t «a id Mi-.- r rubim (Kii.->> Qiielc. oniv dsu^h- <)'' the bite Mr A M- Q u «»!< Hoop Cho-i« < (1 <»lv plaro on Christmsj» Day.
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  • 40 2 8 Command*! 1 In Obfaf Far East Land Purees mi,] Other high-ranking officers will he m wfil at th# UIUOJi .lark !|ub r:n Monday afternoon aj 3 r».m. f o the Army all-ranta rhildr< iV r»ai ty. 4
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  • 170 2 iw<» little children were sent <nn t»» play by their mother, and when iii'-y returned home .some time later, they found their mother had hanged herself. Tin.-, was revealed at IJ inquiry iH-lcl mtij t)u> death ol a 33-year-old Chinese woman, Bng Cheng Chua by the
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  • 325 2 Manila, Dec. 26.— The typhoon, Joan, the severest m more than ten years, left a wide trail of death and destruction and caused one of the biggest tragedies m Philippine maritime an- nals— the sinking of a Danish motoifhip Kina with a feared
    U.P.  -  325 words
  • 67 2 It was Boxing Dcjy— quite? an appropriate occasion to start a scrap amongst themselves, a:: least, this was what three Indians thought after a few drinks. Fists started to fly m all directions, even "rabbit punches' were used, the battle was stop \i"d. and the three Indian^
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  • 243 2 Th c Rev. Sumuel Baboo of Christ Church, Dorset Road, told a gathering Friday that full membership was open to any Malayalee Christians who cared to attend any of the foiu- services at his Church. The gathering was the annuai gettogetrur party at the church premises
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  • 350 2 < Sunday Tribune stair Reporter) Mi John < "ticv Pen- Long well-know^ Ch&e&e who d*«;d on Siit iu day moii;iu«.- will L>e bin ted ;J L' (VclOClf tlii: ;il(<TMO(>il. a tribute. In > hr> form .>i v funereal screen, the iu*i of Its kind
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  • 163 2 Adm. J. Egerton Wife Leave Tomorrow <Sii»»du> Tribune stun Itt-poj-ico Oiy to the U.K. on the Strathiiavi i .vjjicfi leaven Singapore toikomoW ar.- Real Admiral Ja-.U Ifigerton, C 8., former Hag wri: rev. Malayan Irea, ;m.i Mrs. Eeei Malayan! who hay» met ijoiii the Admiral and Mrs. Egerton will recall
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  • 68 2 A 11-year old well buill Spa nimrd, Juan Zapata, was pixxlu ed at the Fourth Police Court yesterday to answer a charge oj \hvft of 26 baga of sugar on Dec. 23. The accused, who is a fireman working on board fcie u Dunk< Beacon claimed tiial oad
    68 words
  • 47 2 WASHINGTON. Deo. M:— United .States officials todaj aid the appoint meat of Marshal! Yaildim-'laliu^ the Iranian Minister of War. and Oeneral OghevTl as the Minlstei oi the Interior, indicated probability that the Iranian Government would uoi make any drastic revision m its i'orcifrn riolicy. U.P.
    U.P.  -  47 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 480 2 ADE PHI HOTEL ROOF GARDEN' NEW YEAR'S EVE SPECIAL DINNER DANCE i $<;.:»u |)i i head i Mnacr^ Crmcktrs, Jf.u- nillssai tlf Decors lion w.n] m.* Rt-s^rs lion mv i be secomp s>r rhmiic Ws>nej will not i.o refnsMtod la resped tf canrtllitUmn rot red iitm Mondji.v, ZBith December, imi.
      480 words
    • 286 2 M 1 B'- 1 S n.o omlv AB-Actii iS^ DESERT AGENT" <Ftnal hapt< rs, TODA 15; ♦,:;< ,>?. thi *Hh lop-l irs \ir; t t ula Dikep Kumar, Shaniim, MutnU 3 AM and Agha Jan stu>\i Dailj g.15 |4j j. Johnn W ISSISfULLEI "Tarzan And The J Leopard Woman' 1
      286 words

  • 171 3 S 'pore Christmas Fun And Frolic f*h'>t'><n'> i>fi < Photo Supply) Photographs). '.''l Thi Qhef put, th< HnM t tourhe* to th« i»ina o* th< X' ma* cake* h> n mand fm n by ih< public Tribune As par! nf th- celebrations ih> |h>/mlc At/ci Methodist Chnrch 'jni/><t a Ch
    Tribune; Malay Mail  -  171 words
  • 131 3 Phot(/(jnt/th i. fl >f<i;truj,h) pho* chip intn Th* porol 99Tvi& 'it the Prevfry terian UhurcH ground i >n X'mw* E\ nifjhf |0M MMfl 'itTt ndfd. nn<l hat our c<iinrr<tm<tn .shans n B€Vtion Of tho&t Who Krififd. m m tfn siiiuina Cnndlrs irruvidt<l th< Ulumination. Tribune Tribune
    Tribune  -  131 words
  • 31 3 ph '>*'"!' 'of 1 M i Bwhmming Chtb, a pnrhj wm f '>mjvn hu the Bimaavore Badminton vitiyera k OM K'.rtb Bftdmmton plat* r Tribune
    Tribune  -  31 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 217 3 What docs she use for those shining teeth? \CM» V j N dentifrice"/ There is a safe, sure way of keeping teeth affii^^feff^- m sound condition and th;it is by IS&Bsi)A using Ciibbs Dentifrice and not harsh cleaners. Gibbs Dentifrice keeps teetii thoroughly clean. There's not a speck henet of
      217 words

  • 3748 4  -  VERA ARDMORE A Rolling Stone; Christmas Party The Directorate ol Disposals Mess gave a large and thorough enjoyable X'mas party n cently at Cathay Building. Brigadier G. C. Clark r Director), Mr ;<nd Mrs R. T. North and Mrs Hincham. who supervises the catering at
    3,748 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 167 4 vsv X^ f \j£\' Vothing rouW be liner j? i- "FERGOTEX" V r> !}i«- linen by Ferguson's! T fffttl 0. (ihli Comprehensive Insurance i^tnTif (ActtH ror beauty! :n. kahijs pi i: > /^$V/^ listablMicd IS 7? U rW X Malaya's i^*aiHiiK N I' cZ Jewellers C 1 f V Diamond
      167 words
    • 115 4 I doxiA) qedde^'-t- Ihe lii-fle /oliop 1. "A NEW DRESS The New Year/ ftxLTrleo noTel /olnqapohje Pv iU*i--^ -^^3 Marjone Ann > T* I a (Kathleen Heiffh) R l\^r Ladies Hairdressers. feSbs^^ 0 1^! R -M 2 ORCHARD ROAD ■to* SB (opposite (irunt;« K«l jw^f^^ y^y^7J^3ißLtgfeK Is liiiNiiifss assrt i"
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 197 5 ml is xc \yj^~^i -myf MICHELLE iria ry br 1 1 ypa •hour ...I 11..,,, n.baUcij K.ntl IS, I'M n ROAR. ACIAI Just arrived MASii i HEs Fxauisite Flow^rc i)IL XI Al^ LVi^ For X'mas Gifts AVING (I gTBTEMai f >rK.v am. nw sud-nn LOVBiisP nair snd a a <set
      197 words
    • 224 5 Experience A Unique •2?s jy Tantalising Bed-time Lovelincs* That Gives your Skin M? Flattering Perfection Makes it f* l^ *M&7 Flawless^ Soft and Smooth Wh^y,, 1 Wr y Damaskin Skiafood is the new Skin-beauty 1 b Oeam women are raving about. Its unique properties counteract the drying effect of izopi-
      224 words

  • 340 6 The Sunday Tribune DECEMBER 28, 1947. A Way Out Itmrttm Aytnft,: Altarm. Cultn Turner Lid., Talboi House, 98, St. Martins Lune W.C. 2 If the Gove mm en t wishes to escape from the impasse which it has created, it cannot do better than to study carefully the advice of
    340 words
  • 1615 6  - A YEAR OF BITTER DISAPPOINTMENTS W. A. HARPUR 1947 IN MALAYA IN RETROSPECT R v The year closes upon a note of bitter disappointment. It cannot be said that there was a super-abundance of optimism at the beginning of 1947. There were, however, rays of hope. The two main controversial
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  • 1401 6  -  Moss From A Rolling Stone Romance, that wariest of all pursuable things, will vanish if you chase it with too much intensity. On this mule-ride down the Pyrenees I was going to climb no noted mountain peaks. I am no mountain climber. I was
    1,401 words
  • 692 6  -  C. S. WONG By on Tuesday next, which eorm ponds to the 12th day of thn i, ts Moon of the lunar ahn.rl h hinese throughout the lenctk *T, breadth of Walaya ,-in SSbSS the Winter Solstice F ,stiv H known as -Tung Chin" m cSSSe! There
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 454 6 i|M»|«. Ml PENANG Dal 8 I, AT AY I A Prtdayi 514. I'ALEMBANG „s J 75 SAIGON oundys 200 MEDAN Saturdays *105 PcnaPg to: rnkDAN Saturdays 60 Malayan Airways Limited .|H-sfi'» Id Co.. Ltd., Singapore. HER M:URtTf> NEVER MIT HER ntii Kruschen Brought Relief For the benefit of others who
      454 words
    • 37 6 Accurate Visual Analysis requires I p -to-date instruments. m Y*' IjT rtMSGJBP To solvr your Eysiffht Problems, Consult v s. thong, o.d. EVERBRICHT OPTICAL CO. 19 Chulia St. Spore Tel: H35 Fully equipped with Uitest in.struntf nts.
      37 words
    • 54 6 '"^RflEfli^^J^^flJlfl War 1 "Round the Clock 'Round the Globe r lAt 1 QL 1.,,,,,.,, a^M.JM/^fe^ ROYAL DUTCH AIRLINES N/ TOWN OrFlCt: 1. Finlaysor* Gr«en Kallanff Airport T«U ***** T;l: Passage 3G92 Chanel Albert *****, ***** m NEW YEAR'S EVE EXTENSION TO 2 A M IVIAKi: YOIK RESERVATIONS EARLf 7
      54 words

  • 175 7 (By a Military Observer) The band ol ?h, WcM Y< rk ent will perform tnc veil programme o r their Far ir m the Botanical 0.-.r dena today, from 5 to 6 p.m. Among the popular Items which will b<- played Ls that Famous *ong
    175 words
  • 379 7 (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) Malayan teachers discourage the cinema as an instrument of education to inculcate civir consciousness and community life m our schoolchildren: but advocate that a new language be adopted interpretation rather than record. Advocating this form of education, the Malayan Kducator, (the
    379 words
  • Article, Illustration
    35 7 Mr. Chia L> < Seng, Singapore merchant, m planning to ttart an English school at Pulau T< konrj lif.sur to' order to givt the children of the l*kmd on opportunity to learn English u&icfc he missed.
    35 words
  • 355 7 S'pore Merchant to Build School For Islanders Had No Chance To Lea m English Mr. Chi a Lee &t >n X i s a wcH-t',-do Singapore Chinese cloth merchant Fifty-five years Of ag<\ Mr. Chia has lived m Singapore most of his 1:Y. He has one regret tip cannot speak
    355 words
  • 82 7 It uxis a Wonderful Christjikus mommy for eleven-year-old Jnya and her tiyhf-year-old ttister, Knmala. They oprmed their eyejt to find a doll and a pram each, awaiting them. Jaya had written to Banta Clau.s c/o the Tribune asking him far thr toy*, and kitui old Santa
    82 words
  • 31 7 LONDON, Dec. 27.- The Pravda today attacked the new Iranian Premier, Ibrahim Hakimi whose hostility to the USSR is well known and who is closely associated with Anglo-American circles.
    31 words
  • 307 7 PENANG. Dec. 27. The Penang World Wide Trade Fair, the first of its kind since the liberation, m the New World Park, pioved a tremendous success for a record crowd flocked to see for themselves the fifty-one decorated stalls which were brilliantly illuminated with
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  • 52 7 Lisbon, Dt-c. 27. An Argentine plane belonging to Fama forceJar.ded at Portela Airdrome m Lisbon due to bad weather m Spain. On board was the Argentinian official mission h-aded by Lsmael Castrcl, which plans to visit Spain, France, and Italy to get idi-as to reorganiz" 0, Aires Uuiversity
    U.P.  -  52 words
  • 165 7 Pe nang K.L. Teams Feted Photograph). SThe Eclipse Badminton Ratty were hott% to »i> mben of th< Lok Hwa i> P of Kuala Lumpur <nxi the Codrimjtnns B.P. of Penang at a dinner held at flu Tai Thong Restaurant, Happy World Friday niyht. Left to ri<)ht Mr Q». k K<>k
    Tribune  -  165 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 96 7 W&Sk IMC AFTER rMIRd eating Gas pains and "heart burn are often caused by too much acid m the stomach. Milk of Magnesia 'Is the Ideal antacid for such ailments. It quickly neutralizes the exceis acids m your stomach makes you feel comfortable again. You t^L. can also obtain 'Milk
      96 words
    • 103 7 CORK-TIPPED Mode specially to prevent sore throats Vj^^,» ik** >m«\ 1U S 3CKCIB ,-ji with Kasy-Arress inner foil V!*^BNff!(fi\uak ant^ Cellophane wrapping. $ggs&Z* Imported from T&oofoh>^ London, England CARRERAS ISO YEARS* REPUTATION FOR QUALITY |PK iP^<W STOCK CLEARING \M ML \Wfe v /J^ POPLIN Slffljis M m WBRl'iv- «^b latest
      103 words

  • 38 8 ISTANBUL, Dec. 16: Diplomatic sources tonight said Ivan Simeonov. Director of the Bulgarian Primary Sohooi m Istanbul was arrested by Turkish police and released <>n Tuesday with the .strictest orders to leave Turkey Immediately.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  38 words
  • 457 8 (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) i With tho frequent arrivals of luxury llfieri into the port of Singapore th* 1 port once n?ain bo- < -id in'/ v Meora for \vo»l«i tourists and globe trotters. Within the pfist few months Sin era pore has
    457 words
  • 54 8 Paris, Dec, 27.- An estimated SOU. OOO French children under 15 and 100.000 old people Will receive supplementary food for their meagre rations early m the new year when the distribution o 4.500 tons Of food, brought here by a friendship train, is begun, American
    U.P.  -  54 words
  • Article, Illustration
    26 8 Little Miss Ashim snapped m delightful pose while doing the Balinese dance at the Good Shepherd Convent Fund Ball held at the Victoria Memo* ial Hall.
    26 words
  • 149 8 MELBOURNE, Dec. 27. A 114-year-old Australian prophet whose pr:;:>he<'i,?s have been proved correct twice during the few weeks p <■- tlirtfd today thai Ai mußeddou would come m ".'.fly years or so." Ahmar (ia'ra Sinuli predicted on December 10 that st»nsro!s w«»uid appear over Australia
    U.P.  -  149 words
  • 61 8 OTTAWA. Dec. 27.— Members of the maritime unions who have warned they will refuse to .ship aboard ships bound from Hal n ax or St. John with cargoes Of arms for China, have been told by the Federal Labour Minlster, Humphrey Mitchell, any such action will violate
    U.P.  -  61 words
  • 57 8 ttANKINr;. Dec. 27: --The State Council m it meeting imdor the chairmanship of Generalissimo Chiang Kai Bhck yesterday studied the Chinese government budget fur 1948 railing for thi> <xpenditure of $90,226 t Ulion ChiiH'.s<« dollars or twice the 1947 I udfcft. The State Council derided to appoint a
    U.P.  -  57 words
  • 244 8 [lave you ever wondered ho\v pour favourite movie cf ar ac-lliev ed Hollywood stan!<*ri? Wh:r Lhey fli'.l before they went i»u th< movies' before Hollywood <li q 'lvn." Have y>u ever asked yourself how a star he"omcs a stai Tho Malaya Tribune In
    244 words
  • 209 8 PENANG, Dec. 27. -A gang of lour Chinese boys is alleged to have beaten up a Tamil Islam at the junction of Carnavon Street and Prangin Lane on the night of December 22. The report was made by a Hospital doctor to whom
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  • 133 8 NEW YORK, Dec. 27 A ClOWd (A 15.114 Who piiid $55,730 saw Jack Kramer, Wimbledon and American amateur lawn tennis champion, lose the first .natch of his profession ill career when he was beaten by Bobby Riggs world professional champion, 'by 6-2; 10-8; 4-G; 6-4:
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 141 8 The dock at the Third Polls* Cour- was fipwl with M Chinese who \v;mc c-hargo > v. it 1 wilftli trtrpa^fl mo t.-.o SiagaßOtv H»rboar Board. K[ the eoneliv in* or the iai 17 \>.«rt filed 'loo or lUx wcfk.rigorotu imprisonmont. In <U>fault, 17 D.hors were setitonead to
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  • 91 8 LONDON. Doc 27. Tin- Ka«<io Moscow today carried an attack on the leader Of the (Vrman Soi ia! Democrat Party, Kurt Schumacher, charging that ho and his aides ha«l £ono through "a basic school of Jiritish political Intel* ligence" and were "traitori of the Interests of
    U.P.  -  91 words
  • 28 8 MILAN. Dec. M: Tn.*eiuy-on« people were kiiw-d and 29 Injured when a bu« carryini winter sporta «-iiihiLsi;.sts lefl t».»- io;ic] and into a ravine near Cor t<-d:ty.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 88 8 Washington, Dec. 27. The United States Public Health Service announced today that it had isolated the agent which apparently causes "one kind of cough a^d common cold. It. added that by cultivating an agency m hens' egg*, it "has pointed out to the- possibility, but not the
    U.P.  -  88 words
  • 195 8 A ussies To Repat Chinese Seamen CANBERRA. Dec 27 Mr Arthur A Calweu. Australian Minister ol Immigration i O dJv Uan Government's d^teon repatriate the 11 Malayan sea men .c m Al nuring ihe war and marrH Steresf Un W mCn had rjV 'There has n lh [htest alter*u >n
    Reuter  -  195 words
  • 71 8 Budapest, Dec. 27. Hungarian i i'ii^i American Authorities today llutly drilled foreign press rrpOTtfl thai Ru.ssiu h;u s Wn maintaining troop m Hungry In violation ol peace treaty Units. An official government spokprmar said the report was Ipou lie ;ili'l that tl». Story Wa.s designed 'to give the
    U.P.  -  71 words
  • 42 8 SHANGHAI, Dec. 27— In order to curb the soariiiu rice prices authorilativt'ly, rice rationing will beflin m Shanghai as soon as the store house* tan liiled wUh a sufficient supply to be brought from inland and imoorted.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  42 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 259 8 C^ /Smile oif /y*M*£t+ic IPANA IPANA hcljis your vmile by thoroughly clean Wig and brilliantly {.< -lishinp yr*ur teeth And IPANA'S rcfrc -Mnt'ly different ?^vnJy rand— it rn^kes your mouth feel good. it h mtf tSJ* '00, IPANA helps ensure firm, healthy gums— i rial to sound teeth I i.
      259 words
    • 184 8 V SUCK TWO rlfc^V RENNIES.THEYRE pr\{\ WRAPPED TO s V t^\ CARRY IN YOUR V X> POCKET Voudon t need water or spoon— Ren«»i« ore ready when you need them. Carry Rennics about with you m pocket or bag and you can correct acidity the moment it starts. All you
      184 words

  • 275 9 .John Carrol s very much at home on studio sound stage* "'[<■« build them! Carroll actually poured tht con'"'i nto the walls on the very sound stage where stai In thone days, he was a membei of the Metro- <
    275 words
  • 962 9 Do you revel m romances? Then read what HENRY GRIS, Tribune's Filmtown Correspondent, has to say about HOLLYWOOD, Dec 14 When j»»-opW* across the seas writ** to .1 Hollywood reporter asking him to name stars who iii;<rri«»d for love, j :«n<! lov»* only, it would be right
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 9 l awimtuit to display h>r lotxlu a forthcoming 20th-century Foa release Singaporean^ n playing th> lead hi Somerset Maugham ll Oarryl Zanuck produced and Edmund Ooulding din t t* d
    30 words
  • 1274 9  - THE RAZOR 'S EDGE SOMERSET MAUGHAM by FINAL EPISODE Impelled I y the nevei -ending qi'est of his goal, Larry scaled a rugged peak at sunrise, finding m a burst of glory at the summit the £ra~i' and peace he had sought "God's beauty fresh and vivid to the day
    1,274 words
  • Article, Illustration
    53 9 Esther Will/dins love* to s/)tn,! her titlU it-mv by ket i>t}\titi swinnnitif/ pool, thooting Mtovtes of her dog and generally taking it easy between picture*. Her mo*t epectaculat role to daU was m •Fi'stn" the musical ire<tt which came from tin imims und was shown m Singapore during
    53 words
  • 138 9 Edgar's SuperShowers During v California boat wave Fd^ut Bergen too!: 7. r > showers m three d vys It v.:«s for 'i scene m which Oscuv Homolka rough! up Bergen, Anally pushes him into cold shower "This is tf.eut," the damn but comfortably cool Bergen said, add ing that he
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 209 9 Take a Look at McCRAY'S New Double- Duty Meat Display Case! +■::*■> ■■■<:■: L l l/ j J <r -sr"^" xrS J Gleaming tWO-tone white and fcray iinish m DuPoni DuLux and porcelain. Gold band trim across entire full-length front, "lodern flowing linos. Thick, moisture proof heavy duty walls and
      209 words
    • 296 9 PI <s$ "TO" I SSL I 1 J Time marches on. Methods of travel change. Also medicines. Now we don't have to take nasty-tasting oils. inconvenient herbal brews and griping purgatives. Medical science gives us LAXOBAC— the modern chocolate laxative. Laxobac tastes just like chocolate because it is chocolate. Yet
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 120 9 MOVIEMAN's DIARY CATHAY: 'Pun And Fancy Free WtUI *-..^i«. li»i)iu. lilUati bhilc. tttjcaey aiouse, Lruna.a Duck, UOofy, u.i. m y Liin.c li<>n^i>, i-L« til i- lensnh WWati t Disney musical caivuon j etkuire. CAPiTOL: 'FIEBTA" with Bstha Williams, Rieardo IContclban, Jonu Cairo i ana /uclrn i'amiruii: bttc drama Interwoven with
      120 words

  • 1196 10  - Malayan Badminton Champ Beaten In Straigh t Sets DHUTTLE North Win Khoo Teik Ec Cup (By 1 he North badminton team's victory over the South In the Malayan Bac.rninton Classic was highlighted m tho Sensational Win of the Penan* Champion ->n>A North team skipper, Ooi I>ik Hock over the Malayan
    1,196 words
  • 342 10 Services Triumph In Thrilling Se mi-Final MALAY A (lIP RUCCFR (on billed 8 pts. a y > fi I) Dashing individual opportunmi and te rk enabled the Combined try) 1 m i f the H 111 I' n pui Jin 10 pr< •■•■(trci the it heh >.- k< 'I ime,
    342 words
  • 115 10 Plrnty of Uiteregl l fi being taken m thr Katong Boys' Club boxing programme t<* be h. id it their premises tonight. Jn addition to a numb, r well-matched contest the Archer brothers. Dickie jnri John, will box an exhibition Before coming to Singapoi Dickie was
    115 words
  • 36 10 j BEREMBAN, Dec i! 7 The interstate Malaya Cup ruggei i -natch between Negri Sembilan and Johore, played here today nilrd m a draw. Bach aide sea -x points, a try un-i penalty
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  • 61 10 PRAGUE. Dec. 26: A Greek guerilla radi.. today reported that fcfarko's troops captured two villa** iii Thrace wuh government troopi suffering heavy losses. The communique added guerillas blv.- up three I ridges and carried out strong and successful attacks „n R-ovcrnment forces near Ipiakopi and on tho road
    U.P.  -  61 words
  • 81 10 <l run <>„, Ow n R rpor(er| Kuala i umpur D. c 27 Union members unlimited WPC was held at the pre ml United .,cM h,TM ii and resulted a> Jfitfj PooltOl Ist Prizr. N< 11U708 2nd Pi io i Ra7 3rd Prise, No, *****. SUrtei
    81 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 158 10 /<•,/„■ v W /r .S// o.r,0 .r, p^V!i.BQ|Uj 1 30-4-630-930 P. M.T %uou\ bqo? l^ E i i WMB" Ftna XXtSnAY— BACK KY PUBLIC DEMAND P"i I)W'tiill1 )W'tiill BMBSHI'H 1 r ilKpiJi lH8«-rillil»BHIIllil IS THIS ITY OF OURS A "MAGIC TOWN" See The Answer Soon tiff \wM^ P KIN S
      158 words
    • 77 10 1 TMRSBXS U\ "iM^j 1 M.G.Ms LAVISH SPECTACLE r of 1,000 Colourful Thrills LATIN RHYTHMS.' ■m•■l i wl /J^ o fj^ /fl rO-DAY REX CHILDiti U I.M TO DAY: X( EM \o\v Kif< f; .vr tmk OHOMI W^//'^y7y/W/lyA IV jj^r vsturriiiK !lr-nr> FONDA and f y Plisn! 3^ H^sßiieifti -I^
      77 words

  • 101 12 CANBERRA, Dec. 27 The Indian cricketers wcr<» guests i last night at ;i reception given by the acting High Commissioner of India, k. R. Damle. They I ;ii an enjoyable and succeesful evening together with th i J 00 other guests including n crrbe s of the
    Reuter; AAP  -  101 words
  • 59 12 LIM: Mr. Li m Meag Quee, Aged 12, p.isscd away fA (i ncral Hospital after short illness, leaving behird h s bf loved wife. mothrr and cne son and 5 daughters to mourn his loss. I Fu:ic al will take place on Suni'a v 28P> December. '»fM7, from his
    59 words
  • Article, Illustration
    70 12 Mem ben of the Royal Party and quests at the re-eption following the recent showing of .ti. uel Godwyn'a "The Bishop's Wife* 1 at the Royal Comnia'i i Performanct In London. it: II it i! Princess Margaret Rose, Mr. Boh Wolff, RKO Radio's United Kingdom Managing Director; comedian Bcb Hope;
    70 words
  • Article, Illustration
    30 12 ictures <>t some of the guests <it the Chines* thotmmimg Club party on Christmas night givt hit Mr. him ChmaA Qeok m honour O/ thr badminton players from tht North.
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  • 185 12 1 here was a spontaneous b ;irst of sustained applause from the Royal Tarty and the celebrity-studded aadtenca following the world premiere of "ihc Bteh op's Wife" at a Royal Command Performance m London. And it proved that Samu:l Goldwyn, producer of last year's Academy winning
    185 words
  • 1157 12 Eastern Girl Pays $149 At Penang Races 2 Winners For Hobbs Van Breukelen (From Our Racing Reporter). r, Dec. 21. Eastetn Girl i by Pr s '.'"v and iidden by Stirling, the bigsurprj the second day the Penanp Turf Club today when she won the U pa,, backers the handsome
    1,157 words
  • 37 12 Tntnl Pool MSl.::oo First: 51f.3 iid: *****7; Third: ***** I4fitil3. IJHH4O .:(>■;. 21 (onscl tion l*r 17SH1 M 241«. ]tr<ki] IKM7!>.-) DO! H\\ TO! 1 rick ?t SI IS c I— v \u\ Race <;— > t( kets
    37 words
  • 174 12 (Sutictos/ Tribum Bporta Reporter) Thf B.C.R.C. hockey tram; the week are as follows: Monday Dec 29 against the Singapore Harbour Board Auxiliary Police at Hong Lira Green at ."> 1.) p.m. Ah Chio; Swe< Lav I Stow, chin Chye, Kirn Bwee, Kee Slang X Llm Swang, <">n^
    174 words
  • 51 12 Today 's Soccer The following will r< the No. :i Bub Depot-8.0.l ci 223 8.0.D. at so sain&t the Amber R Georges Road Ground to K. Jeevarajah; Mohinder Bii Hassan bin Adam; S Oarvello; J. Gomes; Lian H k Ken^ Lim; Aziz; Osman; puan Hin. Reserves: A!i Baker; Mich< C.
    51 words
  • 47 12 A special genera] m»-«-tim; of th« Penang Benevolem Boci< pore, will b«- held todaj 10 at the premises «>f the Mala) men'a Union, No. LO3 Jftlan Bui tan Singapore, to discuss n> detail, buvlnj the Club house and 1 1 tton? campaign,
    47 words
  • 21 12 'M>l\ I INNINGS Sen Xi h Reuter AAP o 2 Ronsvr m j Lear (1 I BOWLING
    Reuter; AAP  -  21 words
  • 62 12 Split Personality —Act Of A Lunatic Stockholm. D man o\ th tion D- partment t I m bai. loon an, Giusep] who [tal: Minister Albert I Ricci, admitted that h the tion d< termlned to kill the The spoki anything further ol th»examinations I ns. Italian q'. ,'MVA b^
    U.P.  -  62 words
  • 17 12 LONDON. I Henderson tin- British Air Ida Is to celebi In Rangoon. H. Reuter
    Reuter  -  17 words
  • 10 12 BATAVIA !>• Shanghai by wai *&<*■ and Cant Reuter
    Reuter  -  10 words
  • 127 12 London, r> I i0 ing arc Football rei ults: FIRSI DIVISION Arsenal 1. Liverpool Bolton W 2. Sh< 3 D»-rbv Co. 5. B!:ickburn 0. Hudde 1. l Mlddn :l Pori th I. Be!* l .1) DIVISION rt 3 rottennam l I r C 1. B 2 Lut<
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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