Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 4 May 1947

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 33 1 TH E PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE THE ONLY NATIONAL NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA The Sunday Tribune N«w p,int.'d simultaneously m Sin K ap«»r... lumpur. Ip«h Penans;. rtELVE PAOES SINGAPORE. MAY 4, 1947 tf;\ cents
    33 words
  • 425 1  -  IVOR KRAAL midnight interview with labour champion ((T JfsJl 11) M I quiitea because we con ant apree RECOMMENDA TIONS WjbjixE TCt IVOR KIH (IK Sin^apores labour champion. ?Jr. S. P. Garrett, who has resigned from his post trade Union Adviser, because he
    425 words
  • 79 1 The Man Behind The News Mr S. P. <iarr- c: hiils rom a 'anoiin'r's t family from th«* industrial area of South Shields, Engjltod. Bfinff Interested m econo- mlcs, he joined the tradr I union mov<-m«*nt, and «s still i a member of several leading i trid<* unions m England.
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  • 45 1 ROME. May 3 II is stimat tt thii 6.000.000 workers began a one-day strike throughout !ttl\ at '11 O'clock today, tv protest against the May Day nciiiii< -gun massacre In which 4bt wurk rs were kiil<-d and w 'UndfU m Slcil>
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  • 243 1 (From Our Own Reporter) Malacca, Sat. Armed bandits pulled off a sensational coup when they got away with a 528.000 pay-roll ?-fter holding up a Chinese contractor who was returning to Port Dickson m a taxi with the money. B The contractor. Tan Tiang Stw.
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  • 45 1 U.K.'S "WILDEST NIGHT" WNDON. Ma y 3 A 70 iecumpaiiivd b lor- Uliai rain :i hail, swept the Channel ia t night, 01 imai j vc?MeljJ alon-j th, coast. w «h«r übhvivn-., u^cribo*; f* on oi tIK- wild ,t nights y a "m D.»ver Straits
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  • 22 1 rvMay.v Five German !uck concentration cam,) handed this morn tneir H-artim;. murder national* Three Oer;7 attendant were al- U.P.
    U.P.  -  22 words
  • 18 1 MINE EXPLOSION KILLS NINE May 3 N. kUl,-,; in an r X dy »t th p,. 1( U.P.
    U.P.  -  18 words
  • 35 1 Wash! 'gton. May 2 The Un ted States Navy asked Concresa today fo r $*****.000 (£13.750.000> to convert 15 ships for new types of warfare, emDhas^sing submarine and bTC te npearatic^a
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  • 10 1 •The STC strike enters its 93rd
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  • 171 1 TOKYO. May 3.— The JapaMM peopl*' Kot their n<"\v constitution to-day, but rain ie>tikita< their celebrations, planned to mark the even* and only 5.000 tinned out to participate mi n the Imperial Palace Palaza programme which uas highlighted by the appearance ot Kmperor Ifirohito. Ihe Emperor
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  • 232 1 WASHINGTON, May 3. Generalissimo Stalin appealed to Harold C. Stassen, possible Republican candidate for the United States Presidency, for more co-operation between the United States and Russia when they met m the Kremlin on Apr. 9, it was disclosed here tonight. Statements
    Reuter  -  232 words
  • 199 1 LAKE SUCCESS, May 3.— The "Big Five" have agreed to contribute their "best trained and equipped" fiffhtins forces to lh«' United Nations global police lorce. it was disclosed, but Russia and the Western countries are miles apart on the underlying principles of the United
    U.P.  -  199 words
  • 305 1 "Send Us Men....." 700 Widows Make A Joint Wish VELJUN, YUGOSLAVIA, May 3— Veljun, the village of 706 widows, today voiced a collective wish, "Send us men, so that we may bear children." Decimated by the war, Veljun looks toward tht future with confidence. Hut the 700 widows who are
    U.P.  -  305 words
  • 49 1 Leavenworth. May .i Guards fired tear-gas sheJU Into twrj cell block- m the United States army disciplinary barracks here early today to aueii a rim involving 7on prisoner-. They a.skfd the police at Kansas City to rush "t^r-Ka-. ri-.t J4un< and ?renades" to the scent
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  • 20 1 LONDON. May 3 London's Tower Bridge was about to re open today und» r a new management. U.P.
    U.P.  -  20 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 68 1 Where Nib Counis. t jn p S M.s>» man, styles sws available no« All »h guarai'" 1 1 U>ve writP^Mnre tor years. V. T. 1^ E 34. Ch'ii'a St., Spore. -^v^ ivy ar) HERE IS BEAUTY! AMERICAN Printed LAMBSKIN 38" wide %%M per yard. RAYON CREPE DE CHINE' :;ii wide
      68 words
    • 127 1 Editorial sSl] Advertising 5812 Circulation Accounts 5815 i^L DeLuxe rate <&«fe/r f lpl^^ f^ FIFTY YEARS AGO. .smoker* f &hi if \K^ r m the Dominions and Colon i«v-i \\i'< v #\«w'l p i were already begi on m« \o send Iti■! t< LjSi^^- orders to Louis Rothman'a ilj fT
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    • 21 1 "TYPEWRITER j CALCULATOR" 'available for jmmediate delivery Repairs undertaken V. T. LEE 332, North Bridge Road, Telephone 7971 Typewriting Duplicating Undertaken
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  • 271 2 Spore Represented (From Our Own Reporter) KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. -A Tuberculosis Advisory i b< n formed m the Malayan Union to advise Government and the public on practical measui": relating to the prevention and control of human tubercult This excludes any matters concerning
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  • 193 2 1 4-ft Python Found On S'pore Ship c uiiday Tribune Reporter) A 14-io')t python was found m the hold ol the s.s Tatun^ after it was fumigated m Singap re last week. Th>* n-ptile was dead. It is understood that the Tatung is to b»- towed to Hongkong for reconditioning
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  • 518 2 She Outwitted The Gestapo (Sunday Tribune StnfT Reporter) Thousands of people "wanted" by the dreaded German Gestapo were saved by the various underground movements m the overrun countries of Europe during the war. The underground movement m Holland play,ed a major part m these activities. A
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  • 98 2 Lord Buddha's Birthday celebrations will be held at the Piimakiibhnu Mission, 9 Morris R /d, to-day and the ur>:,ramnV i wflj by; i: a.m.: Buddha Puja. public n Chairmen Swami Pama bananda. 5 pjn.: Chanting of .Sutro.s and Taritas by thp t3tu r;« iits of Pali Class conducted
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  • 277 2 OFFERINGS OF FORWARD RUBBER Tribune Market Correspondent) The market had a normal trading week with very little change m price levels. Blanket and remill grades continue to be neglected but all grades RSS have changed hand^ m "i air quantitie, and manufacturers have again taken an interest throughout tne week.
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  • 103 2 (From Our Oivn Rep r'er) Malacca, May 6. Nadason, an 18 year old InrUan who was arrested by the Police on Get. 26 last with lour rounds of 303 ammunitio i was bound over fcr two years to oe of quod behaviour m a sum
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  • 291 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) MALACCA, May 3. In the Malacca Assiz Chinese, Lee Ban Thong and Koh Peng Choy, were Sentenced to seven years r.i. each after the Jury had returned a unanimous verdict of guilty on a charge of armed gang robbery.
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  • 105 2 DIED AFTER PAYING FOR HIS COFFEE (From Our Oicn Rep.r Malacca. Sat. Praka.-am whc had h*en ing tor some time with high blood pressure suddenly <■ uaps- Ed m a coffee sfccp and died mv i mediately t"dv\. It is learned that his physicia i had advised Mm not to
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  • 136 2 When Seah Piah 55> was con viCted at the First District Court yesterday tor being m possession of opium and chandu. he pleaded with the judge Mr. Paul Storr. that the case be twstponed 1 r two months as he had "a lot ol unsettled accounts."
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  • 153 2 (Sunday Tribune Reporier) A Dutch memorial service m honour of more than 200 Hollanders who died !n Singap re during the battle of Singapore or m internment camp was held 1 at the Kranii Military cemetry yesterday at 12.30 p.m. The service was one of the many
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  • 46 2 LONDON, May 3.— O delate of the National Union of Mineworkers m a leaflet issued today warned members that a lall m coal production would be "catastrophic for the nation, bringing "cufTering to the people". A five-day week for miners begins o.i Monday. Reuter
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  • 262 2 it was disclosed I n ttii ay upstairs w ere chic cc and two tumblers of liquor. Rathnam, who was al- ,:;)>■<! the COn and Rajo 1 foil iwed suit. The liquor was abnormally stron_ and bei stran 1 loui 1 m the
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  • 111 2 urth monthly sun^, <>pc s a the Suor^r irl to- morrow befoJw tog. The Assize lifi heavier ist < i Th( contains :*5 nan the previous list el < it 1 the char {> offences und«r 'he Arm. Ammunition Ordinance such carry! Ms, unlawful sion ol
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 447 2 FOR SALE lOR SALE Two .stoned house. garage and quarters, know i as :',14. C Kiebanu Besar, Klebai B R ad Mfl ace I w>'h 6 acre of att rac ive r lal la Apply Hraddeli BrcH i« M f>r Chasten, Rallies Place, 8 n»a- -;,<)!• Stating offer. MISCELLANEOUS Mr>
      447 words
    • 61 2 NEXT CHANGE 5? l ft /T <??<r^ I X £veiUi'6odtt<t TTHfiFf S!•AT g. ffe^!^ FrY- Tost A. \IP 7/T\*^\ Ms*'s* From |I>JM^ DuNCM BAKGN (malaya) LTD. AGENTS ft IMFOKTFKS Phouf 11V-A, North Bridge Road, SingapMe. 8214 i) /#gi point jfaeeto-Nott /^o^? l 'P buy a Mcntmore J?'pfyjfyy^~\ T~* eyries to
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  • 196 3 SittO'Dutch Dispute (Suihday Tribune Reporter) An early settlement of tin: deadlock between local Chinese traders and the N X I Govern- mon'. Is anticipated t. Chinese circles here following a decision by the Secretariat i>f Economic Affairs to dispatch an official to Batavia to meet ihe
    196 words
  • 87 3 Malacca. Sat The Department ol Agriculture states that a considerable quannt.v ol agricultural implements are available at controlled rates Wr farmers «rishina to buy them from the Department A previous allotment hart been made by the department o»me time ago and this v a new
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  • 425 3  - S'PORE CHILDREN GO TO SCHOOL WITH FEEDING BOTTLES Harry Fang 1,500 IN CHINESE KINDERGARTEN (By Tribune Staff Report vr) "Singapore needs more kindergarten schools m its plans for rehabilitation. They are bound to have farreaching moral effects upon the future generation who will be the men and women of to-morrow",
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  • 186 3 Condemned Bandit Pleads For Mercy Kuala Lumpur Sat. Th c Bunicsar 1 1 t< trial at tnf> Assize* 1 :luded w th \h>accused Tai c:. Kau alia- Fan Kau. fen- 1. U nd guilty ot Ule offence and sentt need to d«-ath by Justice Sj» ncer Wilkinson Mr A j
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  • 401 3 (Sunday Tribune Stall Reporter) A familiar np,..<> m War Crimes trials m Singapore today 13 Mr. Charles Souza Bavier (59), who is reported to bo "capable of teaching the Japanese language to a Japanese. Employed by the British War Crimea as monitormterproter. Mr.
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  • 79 3 PACIFIC WAR LECTURES AT Y.M.C.A. (Sunday Tribune Reporter > A strips ol thm- lectures on the Pacific campaign has been arranged by the V.M.C.A Literary Debating Society on Wednesdays at 8.00 p.m. at the V.M.C.A. Lecture Hall. Mr. J. N. Taylor will be the speaker The dates and subjects are:
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  • 279 3 (Sunday Tribunr Staa lloportcr) The patients and stafl >f thd St. Andrew's Orthopaedic HospitaK Siglap, t ire a happy lot. Wrli situated near the sea, this hospital is the ideal "home for more than 00 patients I dropped m there this week when U p.jrty
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  • 249 3 126 Years' Link With Malaya j\nv Council Member Mr A W. Wallich, o B v has been appointed :i membei of the Malayan Union Advisory Council m the place of Mr. W G. c Blunti wlO has resigned as he is «rein» on leave to th'U itod Kingdom. The appom
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  • 45 3 The sixth annual general meeting of the Indian Chamber of Commerce. Singapore, which was arranged to take place yesterday evening, had to be postponed for want of a quorum The adjourned annual general meeting will be held on Saturd ;v next.
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  • 247 3 'PRESENT EVILS DUE TO CORRUPTION, MILK-AND-WATER JUSTICE' (Tribute Staff Repor'er) "Unless I am much mistaken, the corruption and milk-ami water Justice we so often see dispensed at present are responsible for the evils we so bitterly complain cf." declared Ungku Abdullah bin Omar, ad" vls^r to th< v Labour Union
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 215 3 EMPIRL' DAY EmP'i^ v (< l'bi m Bin sap choola 0 1 fbarsday tid lot on Satire! 1 normal riatp for <n The chane r fl r: w-»'io because Satur- I holld for ichoolJ ■■■<■ I iday the hoii day lor Malay i hools. WATCH i OK OPENING! Mi's' is
      215 words
    • 388 3 FOOTBAU BOOTS "Winston B Latest impi ball H ->■ claimed the best made boots ii rics a guarantee w1 i. ti id rotaticn as production Is m U Cable: •\vin\stonsWhere /L Age Tc Shows 77^ AKOJND I /j *TT is thr skin, anH mlj the \^T~^*^^ skin, that reveals the
      388 words

  • 1930 4  -  VERA ARDMORE 11 vl Pretty Airs. Frances Lammeri «s tin* uif«' <»f Commander— r. E. W. Lammert. D.S.C.. an mmander of Ihc Malayan Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. Formerly Miss Frances Keegan, she mcl her .husband .In Melbourne m April 1942, whom she then married In
    1,930 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 391 4 PENANG Runnymedo rio'c! Limited has pleasure m announcing On»i the i d'K.Mi lIOTKL I on Ist May, 1947. 'jniiis <.:i application to the Vlana^er, rnu, Hotel, <>f t<» the er, o. Hotel, Penan Telegraphic Address:— RAGHOTEL, PENANG. Telephone: Penang If ill 29 Enquiries To: PARAMOUNT TKADKKS. roa Street, Singapore. (Sole
      391 words
    • 67 4 NEW COLOR, *^m i C^ 0/y?A GtZtZwb s 5 RS A^OLPHE MENJOU, bcaui;ful w^ 9 °f the distinguished screen star: hit-color i>i li The most beautiful women m the world 00 v Tangee, the j<l I>. ifion h is r l |f *^r; su, i )s t tllc n< V
      67 words

  • 1099 5 Gangsters' Unholy War Against Forces Of Law Order Bandits Now Using Radio Cars In Perak Specially Contributed To The Sunday Tribune ..,V MALAI TOWAY, THERi: IS SO KKKEDOM rROM ISTIMIPATION....'; f ..UT ARK Hr-'V .i •>; ITIHi JS AMI I'iv DEEP THIS IS A Cj» 5F OK A rOVEKN>" V
    1,099 words
  • 174 5 LONDON, May 3.— Comments by the West Riding (Yorks) coroner yesterday un the "responsibilities and liabilities ot a doctor" "The mere fact that a person becomes a medical practitioner does not put him undn an obllfa tion to go out to see any patient
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  • 57 5 LONDON, May 2.— Fines totalling £3,200 were imposed today on a London company director. Sassoon Ezra, who pleaded guil-y to eight currency ufieiices involving £1.900; it was btuUci that four cheques totalIng £900 drawn by Ezra found their w;iy iivo the bank account of Max Intrator. French fir
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 849 5 Vera Ardmore Inner- Wheel Social Siiic. time immemorial women have shown a weakness tor beautiful things, be they jewellery, pictures clothea or porcelain. It goes without saying therefore that when Mr.^. E. G. feeders decided on T.,rtry m Porcelain' as the subject of her talk to Inner-Wheel memberand their guests
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  • 151 5 Tojo Trial: Defence Digs Into Files TOXIO. My 3. TJ I trial nto the fti»-. iv. Panay I lent and the .1 j. i-i B: Ltisti Ambassadoi to Cl Mr Hughe Kn ttchbull n. and prt-- !,t d th^t tl Jap i\ Mir tiny had offld expl m. d these
    151 words
  • 98 5 LONDON. May 2. -Tin- WSj out of London dockers 111 iym pathy with Glasgow workt i > j rPtied today except for a vcr- small group of holdouts, a sur- vey of the dock areas indicated. Only a f<-w hundred out of some 24.000 refuted to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 298 5 Established 1572 PUNCTUALITY! Malaya's Leading Is a Business asset. Let, us service your timepiece; Jewellers if il li Diamond and Gem YICK WOH HINC Merchants 429. North Bridge Road (near Middle Road) «r Singapore. Prune: TtW It.l Ay Sllvai. (Contractors to H.M. Borcer l since 1928) Fancy Goods Singapore, P»M»-
      298 words
    • 57 5 JT\ T^ T^T^ Toiuire Accord CS I >^ 'v (Darling of P?ris) C^/ r 9 7 I oz. bottle SI 5.00 C a/M Obtainable fr(»n» r. V. MITCHBUL ft CO., 1«, Battery Root), 3ir^apor< leL 7086 and KiA. Weld <^uuy. Ptfitang, I\-1. 1112 ....back m Circulation Crepe Romain jF^r elegance
      57 words

  • The Sunday Tribune
    • 668 6 SUNDAY, MAY 4, 1947. Malayan Economy And Nicotine The cigarette has had a a career m its evolum a French novelty S) an article of coman everyday in;ence, the effect of ..nich is of considerable importance to industrial psychologists and Sociologists. It has a double bearing on the Malayan situation
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  • 1200 6  - PLANTERS, GOVT. PRESS CHETTUR W. A. Harpur Significant Moves Behind The Labour Front m by A labour struggle has begun m Malaya. Much depends upon the outcome. The contestants, divesting themselves of then work-a-day garb to assume battle order, are the Planters and the Estate Workers. Neither side lack supporters;
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  • 1316 6 O.B.H. Again Misses His Increment Whfti my Chid sent lor me I expected jolly good wigging. for I knew myself to have been guilty of a serious mistake m my OHicial capacity. You m writing to another Department I had forgotten to nsrrt our Ottice reference m the space especially
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  • 695 6  -  LIM JOO GUAN (By I am a friend of Some deCent and hard-working youths who have .just passed their School Certificate examination with ereditabl results. These youths come f rom the steady clericui class and, thougti known; ♦hey would do will m allege if
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 43 6 A DELIGHT TO THE EYES THE LOVELY AMERICAN LATEST NUMOUNT RIMLESS GLASSES Glasses that blend with beauty and sharpen appearance with clean cut good taste and style. They are cushioned against breakage EVERBRICHT OPTICAL CO. Qualified Opticianj 19, Chulia Street, Telephone 4435, Singapore.
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  • 105 7 Sleeping Beauty Paris. May 2.— Attractive 19--year-old Madamoiselle Rollande Millet who went to sleep on Sunday and has not since awakened is baffling French doctors. Madamoiselle Millet, a subpostmistress at Nernier near Grenoble m the South of France, went to bed as usual on returning from a cinema on Sunday.
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 75 7 NANKING. May 2. Policemen staged a 7-hour general strike this morning m protest of gendarme interference r» their functions. The walkout followed the gmdarmcs refusing to allow police to arrest a military truck driver which ran into a Angered by the incident, which is claimed
    U.P.  -  75 words
  • 229 7 AUSSIE PEARLERS SEEK MALAYAN CREWS And Jap Divers Australian pearlers, restively waiting I the famous industry which has remained j since 1940, are hoping for the return o divers and Malayan crew;, reports R\ Sydney. Several of the Luggers anchored equipped and ready to Start operations a for rich pearl
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  • 131 7 Communists Make Shansi Their Base Shanghai. May 2.— The usually reliable la Kung Pap reported m a Peiping dispatch today that Communist troops have concen- i t rated 22 divisions composing of 250.000 regulars and believedly a large number ol militias. It indicated that the Communists were successfully turning Shans:
    U.P.  -  131 words
  • 92 7 Batavia. May 2.— A reconstruc- tion loan for Indonesia Ls one of > the things Van Mook will discus s when he goes to the United States I soon. Van Mook told Reuter to-day that Indonesia', financial requirements for reconstruction and rehabilitation was difficult
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 90 7 WASHINGTON, May 2.—Striking telephone workers and the American Telegraph and Telephone Company broke ofl then key wage conferences m a hopeless deadlock early today. After three and one hall hours of futile bargaining, which began at 10 p.m. last night, long distance operators union
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  • 180 7 Big Upward Spurt In Shanghai Stocks Ail shares n tl ingha) stock exchange trading ceil- m i n ng Following upward spurt m commo. and rum an revision ol the foreign exchange rate 8 me ol the i< such as Wing On 11 en aim >s1 200 per ue within
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 188 7 Q THE GH«* HAVE HfV BLOOM AIL 1 ()VKK TOWN ttHO'S TO BLAME m fttSGS. t <€***"* Brown" BOOKS RECEIVED %/A OF ANAPhysical trainTVSTRUCTORS $4 MCWAL HOME J2 MOTORS ATOR.S inus- o g* IN 8 CONSTRUt. DRAWING by 2£f A Mft*«U 4 M ,OKE. MOTOR 8o ffu s^ENcm, m OTN'S
      188 words
    • 125 7 V~~ 7 r>< >h ~A3IKAftSAIMIir RADIOS Best for i% ilishl a i y Val■■ 4' 3/aiiBIBBV ->!r iVu*fi»l'lllUll«*4 k BY FAR BRITAIN'S MOST ADVANCED RECEIVER Sole Agents: for Malaya, Bon co. Skim, Java Sumatra HOE BOON LEONG CO., LTD. 25. THOMSON ROAD PHONE No. 3633 m r e V mff
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 614 7 This Week's Radio Highlights *aa^aaa? 1 N I 9J There is a much brighter atmospner.' around the studio^ ol Radio Malaya this week and listeners will notice more new voices, on the air in the near future At last the skeleton staff which na a been keeping the station gome
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    • 341 7 two things you may not know and explain some of the difficulties that th<> station is up against. V The Evening Star at 8.20 on Thursday will be that wellknown Australian pianSt Eileen Jovce. She was brought up in the Australian bush and educated at a Convent in Perth. While
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  • 361 8 Budget Submitted To Geneva (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) The Interim Committee of the first Malayan branch of the International Student Service last night submitted an estimated budget of $28,000 for annual relief, cultural and social activities among Malayan college students to the parent
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  • 169 8 VOLUNTEERS PREPARE FOR PARADE The Singapore Volunifjer Corp. has been invited to Lake part m the parade and march past on Kings Birthday. June 12. and each company i 3 expected to furnish 30 men. This will be the first occasion that the S.V.C. will gu n parade since 1942.
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  • 346 8 Reykjavik (Air Mail). —Thousands of tourists from all over Iceland and abroad are coming to see Mount* Hekla, the volcano which for centuries was known as the Gateway of Hell, where lost souls roamed during the long winter nights, doomed to torture. Since the volcano
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  • 148 8 Atom Cloud Report 'Fantastic Los Angeles, May 3. Dr. Irvine: Rehmai, scientist, who pari cipated m Operation Crossroads, caused a wave of excitement when he declared that a radio-active clcud has been float mo: arouna the world since the Bikini atom bomb 'est ana "presumably" st 11 is m atmosphere
    U.P.  -  148 words
  • 148 8 Records Boom In S'pore (Tribune Staff Repor er) Singapore's music lovers buy more than 15.000 English Kiamupnone records a month. Regular streams of customers call at the leading music houses, which m spite of experiencing very irregular shipment-, always keep sufficient -tocks of hot-irom-Hollywood dances as well as celebrated classic
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  • 183 8 Robbers Took $2,000 and 9 Tins Milk Three Chinese, two aimed with pistol*, climbed over the hack wall of a house m Cairnhill Road, huddled the occupants, composed of two Chinese families, into a room and took cash and jewellery to the value of $Z,9%0, as well as nine tins
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  • 158 8 The Katong Boy s Club was founded m August 1946 to train up youths on the right principles and it needed help m the forms of advice and equipment. Mr. Tan Thoon Lip. chairman of the club council told members of the International Association of
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  • 80 8 War Claims: Payments "Fairly Soon" IPOH, Bat. Answering a quest.on at a Press conference this morning regarding the date when claims under the "war risks** insurance icfcemg will be Settled. Mr A. V. Aston, Resident Commissioner, Perak, said, "It is hoped that payments of pood claims m.-iy be met fairly
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  • 81 8 (Tribw c S'aff Repor er) Since tne reorga isntion of thp Fool Control TiiSpi-r tor.t m December last year, 1,8:^7 food orTe v id(M\s had born den! with Fines totalling 51Q5.675 were imposed, a d $173,825 wen p.iid. In Apr 1. offender* were fti ed
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  • 303 8 I Improve Your Speeds and j Writing m a Feu llotirs If you are interested m acquiring a command of good English for business, profesi sional and social purposes, you are invited to write today for a copy of "Word Mastery/ 1 Issued by the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 278 8 THE BEST (^^BINOCULARS f Now A variable New Siiipment jgm'. ysj? A ¥^ft^ STEPNADA 7x M, I 1 it" S STEPRTVA 9 x 35, t i Per pr. 5!>75.00 mS* i W|; Focussing \w case. Stocks Limited. > The new Koss Binoculars give you: .0' Moro light. A wide field
      278 words
    • 264 8 Oil Ol T Rt sh \i.i:o\sj PrfS 9bi J I (if A COLUMBIA SUPER atthe Capitol, of count NEW STOCKS AKRIVKL OXFORD ENGLISH COURS' FOR MALAYA" and TEACHERS' NOrES Complete Series All 0 her TE*lr-HOOKS v> 1 also available INDENTS AC i CEPTED AND EXECUTED reasoj able time Consult u.s:
      264 words

  • 281 9 The temperamental movie actress is no longer the Iggt headache lucer has to face, according to JjA H. Skirball and Bruce Manning, co-producer a ol nt Doll". The tantrums of a pinna donna call with praise and soft words bui nothing you can i you nerd
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  • 95 9 \i behind bars uuain. a: ;O2jnem. lur a ne m Pi -WRes 1 "The Sin of Ha] •»"<*.'• which will be -rouKh United Ai JJ*lneeßtinubl«- and Ue, occupies an adjoin- know why it Is," said m wmehow m all my i-?L»u Seem to become inlh the law. Now,
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  • 105 9 Marked For Fame Two young men marked fame are George Tbbl< an 1 l. timan, an< acs Idriss, an yptian, Hollywood b newi •team. And their top lut to date Is a love song with h cale far from either BrJ h, oudan s called "BrookLvn Love Song." and will
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  • 104 9 BANJO EYES THREAT Fiit/ Feld, popular charact< r actor be< n winnki from ein s exj i on ci i pict ,i: h >< ka m for i met his h at 1 Throu ilO 175 plctiu f 11 n [rum the 1 chess players In the film Industry Including
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  • 315 9 iib .ire nn again and a compitu. t t stage at Universal has been turned over to these b.'hini the scenes magicians. On it they feed up some tricks for UnlI "The Black Angel." Since one ol the major quinces m the picture ckiA-rud npi iked
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  • 88 9 Leo Likes Water S The old belief that mem- v ben of the cmt family, y including Lions, dislike water and won't c«» into S \t was biased d«rlng loea- tion scene* fot "Tar/an S aiiff tf)e Huntress. i female Hon, confined With three culis not h i own and
    88 words
  • 317 9  - Meet Holly wood's Tallest Leading Lady James Arthur IK Height even six feet, three inches of it can be :i blessing to a girl if she has the fate and figure to uo with it. Dorothy Ford, Mickey Rooney's newest leading lady, is thus twice blessed. Beautiful, brunette Miss Vow
    317 words
  • Article, Illustration
    60 9 When Ella Raines came to Hollywood lour years ago, the u;is stove m h«'r apartmrnt exploded one day, burning <>iv iht hair and eycbrowi and seriously disfiguring her lace. Ella, brokenhearted, returned home to Washington to i«m o\«t. .Several months l;it«-r she returned t<> Hollywood with her hair
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  • 298 9 Filming ih« i modern colour movie is about 40 per cent, more ng than filming monocolour pictures, according to Producer Stephen Ames and his stall filming ''Tycoon," which stars John Wayne and Laraine Day. i .1 clouds of dust used on n ads from blasting
    298 words
  • Article, Illustration
    20 9 UANNE <k\in attractive MMh Century-Fes star Midi rlamonr to the technlcoloiii prodnction "Leave It To Il'aven" from the sam«* shidio
    20 words
  • 189 9 >ng ,-^^p m m Karachi, India, to fllm succ. ss. But Mar- i L icliwood, whu is starred with Xix Harrison m "Night T ain," M-G-M release, made it look easy. The daughter of the chief engineer for one of the big Indian railways, Margaret who
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  • 55 9 Jane WymLii ribbtd Jimmy Btewart about being so thin i while they were filming "Magic Town." a Robert Riskin production for RKO Radio release "I'm fat compared to what I was during my schooldays, Jimmy replied. "Then I was 0 skinny that every tinrh I turnied sideways
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  • 199 9 It wasn't ballyha ed as m as talent hunts sometimes are but Henry King's recent sea for some 200 pirates to make things tough for Tyrone Power and his fellow buccaneers m 20th Century-Fox's 'The Black Swan" certainly stirred up excitement on the studio lot. Prior
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 9 Francis L. Sullivan who plays the lawyer Jaggers and Valeric Hobson as Kstella «n "Great Expectations,™ previewed m Singapore recently.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 83 10 Maiden Victories Looking back on the meeting just concluded one volilri not have failed to hdte Mie iiumbrr of maiden Vicioiitt? registered, the Surprising wins of so many rated outsiders, and the outstanding peiformanees of Win The Peace, Golden Gypsy. Carina, Spear Mirth and JaCKUjt. No feWer than 11 horses
    83 words
  • 212 10 The Success Of Jackpot Behind the success ol Jackpot lies the story of patience and perseverance of both trainer Breukelen and owner Madam S. C. Ang. When this big striding horse was first imported into this country for $2,500 by an Ipoh owner who later sold it at a profit
    212 words
  • 63 10 v Tir.gah.uiel ition 2:»u Xi logl RAF Ttngai. bv':,| of Bhairi. whu captu: k< I for 32 nil R.A F T. ngah i and .mi 'Scuga:ii| Ti:< luuian Ass XI r. pll d With 77. XitM 25 was the I j ,1 i Mallal als
    63 words
  • 63 10 Associations, Club Services desirous of friendly matches with it.^ 1 angooh AssOcfattM ''vM* k own as 'ho Chi i i j lotic Union m Tabl«>-i<# I Soccer or Badminton quested to communt the l llowing cony Tin T« ng Slang, Pv Qrs. »J mj. Utv n Road or Mr.
    63 words
  • 570 10 MALAYAN RACING REVIEW^ r "MAN-AT-THE-RAILS", who writes this article, U an old member of the Trie bun:? staff, now working full -time on racing alone. He is well-known among Malayan racegoers, and will review, report anil comment <m nil race meet- ing's, following the
    570 words
  • 748 10 (By MAN- AT-YHI RAILS" The following are the records of the new runners at tfi'e coming Penang races:— RED PLANE 4-y-old eh. a.g. by John James Falgrasf (ran 16 times m 1945--46 season, won thrice and placed four times). Car 612 Won Hospital H'cap £60,
    748 words
  • 349 10 i t bo finals of tb« Swin oji rack crowd estcd spectators, whirli r and M: II r ght Arm mil i pati aii< n 6eaiurth m :i tne cnampionsrup w*tn v. a econa \vr.n 39 points. i i.v ueiay iengi n v.^.^ by
    349 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 140 10 ■^^^^■flHH^ppV^^^Kt t>r <. !«i ,I'thiH'nt (h >j!U"-s 16 (H Reels) Yesterday ALL HOUSES PACKED TO THE TOP! You never saw anything Hkc i.: I TREMENDOUS ACCLAMATIONS! vi those Audiena \fc* FIRST OF ITS KIND! EVERY INCH EVERY INCH m ere* \(H MIC;!IT BEST ASSURED us tiii; ntst i\ ro\v\! ...should
      140 words
    • 72 10 fymnifHiiiuiiniiiiriiLinifnr^^^^ T* A I A OPFN I \i TEL: 4 04 2jpli^ 11 a.m., 2 nm. 4.15J| m&'jHliF'-**^£ GODDESS' Starring HERMAN ttRIX !Ml IMTKI V RI(i(;KK MORK THRILIJNG I THAN ANY PREVIOUS TAKZA.V I TriM eded by Movietone News Thousands Turned away Every Nijjh COME EARLY TO AVOID DISAPPOINTED^ y
      72 words

  • 840 11 p* THE MASTER SPEAKS- EXCrrmVF I ..Continuing the scries which he has written exclusively for the Sunday y I Tribune m Malaya, Don Bradman today discusses tngland's problems and chances for forthcoming Tests Duri the M.C-C team a I had many ithbfeyers, enthuiiasl he
    840 words
  • 554 11 was, m my opinion, due partially to the amount of bowling he was called upon to do. The Next Capta'n On the other hand, it must have been noted how Compton improved as the tour progressed, until towards the close he was pret minent. The departure of
    554 words
  • 549 11 Shuttle Trouble in Malayan Badminton By Our Special Correspondent* Scarcity ol suitable -nuttlecockfc. m what amounts to i worldwide famine impo.-ed by condifon. arising out ol the war. is hUurir/ badminton partie, m Malaya as mu en aa those of Britain and the rest ol Europe. With very limited supplies
    549 words
  • 112 11 At the genera] meeting of he rewly- formed "A-men" Badminton Party held recently, ttra following v/ero elected office bearers for 1947: Patron Mr. William So: President Mr. Lim Lee Sen: Vlcepresid^nts Mr. Cheong Ah Sai and Mr. Tan Seng Huat; Hnn Secretary Mr. Kam Hock Guan:
    112 words
  • 51 11 The Mental Hospital will meet the Merrilads at soccer on Sunday at Mental Hospital ground at 5 p.m. Hospital players: Bah C2ie«. Yong Chin, Sahat, Ahmad Thamby. Yusofr Tahir. Marhani Ha.ji Tahir. Pahie Salleh, Man soar Hassan. Omar Ha.ii Tahir < Captam i, Ahmad Httssin. Ong Bah Bee,
    51 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 28 11 GRIAT EXPECTATIONS 0 ncw^ly or/um^^ 02/ &#m IT -i f W ~~—^-^B i ftfc v^i^'. SSlr? >' f ;J W a i o s/a/- ofCUWUSD/CKmfiim ,'/M'dl- H\'iuh (-dl-iaiis H
      28 words
    • 337 11 BACKACHE MADE ifi H LIFE A MISfiRY Two BotUo^ of Kruschen Put tter Right Three years ,iri then at las fflorioufl relief! This woman so pleastd with Kruschen that .she wants to tell others hw she Kot back her heaKh: "I feel i- my cm' v to ell how, after
      337 words
    • 94 11 WWI a f I I !Am Saw m tf^B^Hl B^Bb BHJ Jv9Q >mw* m \A/PAK J* TV LMr\ Hy Jfa re-nourishes n', jj»}y ration ol vital Mineral Salts. Phe concent rated Mil oii Ttfcw: m ircmcndou I mco, one day's uppl) .c^Jj Calcium i m 7 1 i Irao >ls
      94 words

  • 421 12 Britain vs Europe Puzzle B. Archie Quick*. London. May 1. Never ha- there t>een such fluttering In »occer dovecotes as tnere s i* t t...s moment over the :tion A oreat Britain's team lor the match aeainst the Rest ol Lun ye at Hampden on May 10 That draw which
    421 words
  • 137 12 KENTUCKY, May j. Th t > larg t crowd over to 9 t'-mi a race mcvltni In tiu« Ullltttl Statea U rxpt ctcU here for Uic Kentucky Derby, the Biu Riband of the Aim rican turf, which i.^ ruining over oik- a uuartur mi!< tins
    137 words
  • 54 12 S 'pore Badminton Championships A committee meeting of the Singapore Badminton Association will be held on Tuesday at 515 p.m. at the office of the Fresident. Mr. Lim Chuan Geok». No. 40- J Sze Hai Tong Bank Building Jrd Floor. Ihe meeting will discuss the lorthcommg Singapore Junior nd^ Senior
    54 words
  • 340 12 SCHUBERT TAKES 6 FOR 21 IN PADANG CLUBS' MATCH Recs In Good Position After Poor SCC Score State bowler Carl Schubert, giviftg one of his finest displays this season, tied 1111 the S.C.C. batsmen to take six wickets at the cost ol less than four runs apiece m the annual
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  • Article, Illustration
    40 12 The Chung Wah (Chinese /Li liletir) Football team ;\mi (below) the Sin Wah Basketbu 11 side, who returned yesterday by plane after a successful nine-day visit to Bangkok. The C.A. lost only one game m six mat oil j s.
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  • 113 12 LEGALISING BOOKIES: Official's View (From Our Own Reporter) ipoh. Sat. At the Press conference Mr. A. V. Aston, the Resident Commissioner, was asked what difficulties lay m the way I of legalising bookmaking m this country, it was suggested that If it was legalised, it would proi vide Government with
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  • 31 12 Old Franciscans Win By Odd Goal In a friendly game of soccer j at St. Joseph's ground, the Old Franciscans beat the Catholic Young Men's Association by two goals to one.
    31 words
  • 495 12 Sutton Takes 5 First Places RAF ATHLETiC MEET The 389 Maintenance Unit retained the Royal Air Force Malaya Athletic Association Challenge Cup when they topped the score with 72 points m the R.A.F allMalaya athletic championships held a1 Seletar yesterday. Runners-up wore acfe with 52 poius, while 390 M.U c?me
    495 words
  • 87 12 NZ Occupation Force In Japan To Be Cut WELLINGTON. May I.— The I Defence Ministry announced toI day t^iat the New Zealand component of the Common- prealth occupation force h» Japan will be reduced from a I brigade group of 4.200 t o a brigade of 2.400. The announcement said
    U.P.  -  87 words
  • 182 12 S. K. Sundram hit his fourth half-century this st\»son when he knocked up a whirlwind undefeated 53 for the Police against the St. Andrew's Old Boys* A usociation at the Depot yesterday. The Old Boys, batting with nine men, were beaten by eight wickets. Sundram
    182 words
  • 179 12 Tiie ftrst post-war annual MoLtatamby term's Challenge Cup match between the Medeial College Graduates and Undergraduates held at Dr. Chen Su Lun's residence m £t. Thomas' Walk resulted m the Graduate capturing three of the five games played on Friday and Saturday The remaining game will b<completed today.
    179 words
  • 28 12 PARIS. May 2. Julien Chaukson the tme-cyed, hunchback* dwarf who,c hatred for all tali normal prop!, led to murd«r. was condemned to Uf< Imprittonment today.
    28 words
  • 66 12 The cricket match between ie S.K.C: II aiid SCC II layed on tfu padang yesterday 1 r« suited iti a draw, G. K. Stein, playing foi th Club, scored 77 runs, and CoJ man, also I >r the dub. made 47 iui..>. Bc<
    66 words
  • 248 12 WOLVES SAVE A VITAL POINT —With the li Knglann linating the today le Ss plerv Leagu* i and restill m the -ivod. import. iiIU P th< -ord crowd r the Ports. >und where the Wolves were behind at half. Reid goal but when West--1 ween the In the secilf. KNGLISH
    248 words
  • 33 12 SHANGHAI. May 3. A Nationalist report from Saigon claimed tit- French governml to allot 20.000. O°U Lo rompcnsaU the ,1 by Chinese res rthorn Indochina the Firnch-Vietuain clashe,: U.P.
    U.P.  -  33 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 223 12 A Really <*r:i!::! Show DON i MISS I I 1 l\ E SHOV* KUd ;im 50— 1 <• v -l Musical 1 "COVER GIRL" Gene MARLBOROIJdH LAST 3 SIiOWS 3.m 6.80 and 9.15 P -in MTJMTAZ BHANTI and SURENDRA In Grana Musical Social 'CHAND CHAKORi', (Hindustan > Released by Alliance
      223 words
    • 28 12 CHUNGKING TttnjOJg Pagar Phone 3327 Today 4 Show-: 1 3 15. 630 9.00 iill DALTOXS RIDK AGAIN" Vith Alan Curtis Lon Cha^ey Noah Bcory. Jr. Thunderinc! Plund«>i '*g!
      28 words
    • 131 12 LOOK Out for The I 1947 5.A.T.11. i haniiiionsliip Meet at the Happy World Cabaret m I to lOtli May, TM7 uiih the rollomlng GIGANTIC EVENTS! May iiih... ..WALTZ \ii*lit Demonstration by James Ifue, E I. said, and Partner May 7th...Moit Fpxlrol .\itslil, Demonstral on by i. Poh San, E.
      131 words