Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 29 September 1946

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 49 1 BY THE PEOPLE /T^ THE PEOPLE THE ONLY NA!K>\\l NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA The Sunday Tribune •><»vv printed simultaneously i w v >> Kuala Lumpur fpoh t (Penang «»ni«e opening shortly) V^^^^7 I!M|I NumLprs Rhti.rial Advertix.n-; 5812 Circulation \t counts f>Bl3 TUH V I'M. I SINGAPORE, SEPTEMBER 2<), 1946 TIN CF.NTS.
    49 words
  • 214 1 U.K. PRESS UPROAR OVER MUTINY SENTENCES Sa Hf^ Punish mail Condemned Stop ford Criticised LONDON Sept. 28: Britsh newspapers of al shades of H >l(fi °P' crnciemn the sentences pissed by the Kluang court mrtbl on 243 pafltPQOpen accused of mutiny in Malaya. ffenc an rtUu 11 it paratroopers refused
    Reuter  -  214 words
  • 53 1 Sums -irr. .1,. i :yjL \< i. :'.io Muar :i! LlaWe as to mrleted r i n seni at btf ar< ent i n camp K. bi i■:. d statemt bg the r D».'i siatrci on Fr: arc sub- -v ||H men mci: r- views at J
    53 words
  • 87 1 New Post For Dr. Purcell v v-' v Ph.D eootnned that he has I to -4kMi tc Bi ha Ml pointment. harm- make a surv lets [f H Ul am low] to M ■Wey oi British Far Ea H .is just and A»crtca. f will work I **r to six
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 182 1 Gaol For Aldershot Mutineers WORST REVOLT IN *rf ISSHOUSE HISTORI 3H< S< pt. 27: >ncerned in Februar: m AWer- d< r. barracks when PJ I*l the building vt a: sel oo hat ":in tiu'n describt r worst rt v »11 in Glass- history" have now been a- jvert r. Air
    Reuter  -  182 words
  • 82 1 ATHENS Sept, 28. -Amid terrific eh r- :r 1 rowdfl the saline of 101 '/.ins. :m'i r.ho pealI ma .1 church bi 11s, .i:ti Georgp ol the Hellenes mad^ h;> official tun 1 Crr ii tnorn og all r^ yean dl t>,»- entire cabinet, m
    A.P.  -  82 words
  • 20 1 BtiKNU Sepi r i. •v- conference on Friday u\ i n v cl. i' 4 Nasi ■fcm I A P.
    A.P.  -  20 words
  • 401 1 21 Sentenced To Death In Penang PENANQ 8&1 <■ I tv Hid 4 i! 1 Penang IBf rtel nun I i don todaj I BB II ofl M Bl n: t )!i- OB trial nei d tc deal b by U Pre.- Di Ibe O Bit, LteQt I ii smith
    401 words
  • 140 1 I t.t.MVtKL,, Si pt. dtt. rrau Uoertng ana wto e$ oj i the other defendants awaiting Surnibrrp judgment day on Monday, arrive at the city i prison early thU wumUtu fo their v 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tt before tht
    Reuter  -  140 words
  • 389 1 (Sunday Tribune StaH Reporter More than twenty thousand Singapore Chinese are makmg the MWUial ninth moon pilgrimage to Pulau Kusu or fall UmtJ, known to local Chinese and AAaiovs H ihe ''sacred island" Ihe Brel batch oj pilgrims erday, and this tnorningClifford Pit is
    389 words
  • 44 1 Ottawa srpt, 27. Canada and China have concluded Desolations for an Inteiim most-ravotired-nation trade treat} which will be followed by a kill dreai treaty next >pring, official sources said today. Articles of the document trtl] be made public In Ottawa and Nanking next Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 113 1 i BUENOS AIRES, y 28. D> Juan Lrumuglia, t Argentim For, ign Min\ v ter, m a statt nu ni loda* v I dis<;> ed UuU 17 ttgeiti at im <<r i ithi N Out 9^ p > known < have h, rj s
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 15 1 NEW YORK, Sept. 28.--nfee Ministry on Educa -<J -v airships to 10 AmericWav '••> A.P.
    A.P.  -  15 words
  • 4 1 Reuter hggrhgh
    Reuter  -  4 words
  • 87 1 WIS Sepi 2b Mr V X K. hna Menon. Secretary of India L- ague in London who i<= c In Part as head ol a el il mission for the Indian In-;n'#-rviow with the Soviel p n Mini ter M. M I rning but he refused i mak< any <■
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 20 1 £8,000,000 FRAUD ALLEGED >i!iuy i 8.000.000. 000. 000 l hirh trili :/<'. ';<jC: n,> ,uUi la f s, niuJiih; \v ■>:■'■■ A.P.
    A.P.  -  20 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 35 1 ■■TYPfWRirfR 6 CALCLI! \TOR M i. i 1. 1; s; 332, North Bride* Roma. TH^ftiwt T971 We refuse to be undersold Buy NAVY BLUE DRILL SHORTS $.>.7.> each. GIAN SINGH 8c CO, Cablet: M B»W
      35 words
    • 45 1 -Y.T. u;ir ARANTU 2-YEAR r LH I i"X t'\ $1.00 VAC MAlir I wmm m i 1-YKAR FRSB BERVICE. PRKJ SAC OR FRXE DIAPHRAOMI (Owmtlon: If RoflMoNi ft* to I {tit. North Bridce Road, TbL M GRAMOPHONE RECORD CARRYING CASE. I tad in En Aand
      45 words

  • 468 2 Army Officer Wins Tribune Lena Contest Another $50 Prize This Week Consolation Prizes For Seven Entrants Hundreds of entries pou red into the Sunday Tribune office for the Lena the Hyena contest. The W&r jority of the efforts were good --sufficiently good, in fact, to cause the editor to increase
    468 words
  • 44 2 DALLAS, Sept. 28.— Ben Hogan weathered a storm for a lead at th half-way murk of th.' $10,000 D 1 IB! open;\ Hl- had I It-bolt total of 139, ahead of Da 1 las' Harry Todd. who had 140 A.P.
    A.P.  -  44 words
  • Article, Illustration
    13 2 By Miss P. Huay, 40 Sturrock Road. By Jelita. 2, Lor. 3s, Gcylang
    13 words
  • 72 2 19 killed in New India Riot ings m k..'- d I o* :> rs ared during d r:rb.inees in A«ra. Bombay and Calcutta !•> the thirteen were k ll<"d and 50 I H:u: :-M-; im ric^ touched r>fT b| -he Moniog 0l :i I f ssion on htn d Bomba;.
    A.P.  -  72 words
  • 118 2 Pope In Better Health VATICAN CITY, Bepl 27. Be- re starting his i nt holiday Pp- Plus xl: i as anal I i eat, and received nourishmen through Injections and was the lowest physical stato I h Vatican spokesman d< cla i d I day. revealing the Pope will en<
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 102 2 AT HENS Sept. 27 Or ek c immuni^ts clay renewed the r tften itat d c i UtJ nsl r parti dpatioa in Qm pn r> --ii Nkmmlencd Or-- k c i rnnii bit It I v.rtuailv c- rtmln, -.v-v- r. [hat they will be snubbed. The
    A.P.  -  102 words
  • 765 2  - President Polk (In Civvy Dress) Arrives In S'ore MANZI BY LIFE GOES ON a; ru 3ejinlti nM to** 1 t most facile of pam tar.:: I BMka Hi pi BfWJI fin p. plo and hapiK-u:::^ ul t. Naturally the matt t < the moment |l Urn Ml M pad I
    765 words
  • 50 2 MOSCOW, Sept 91 Nikolai Ehftorntl Pn leal 4 ••-.<• Supreme So\ ..t .(<:;■ re d >.. Envoy 1 r;iOrrV,;-.i a-.<i M ,-r P|»T.ipoteatiarf of Kfgl m tea, Moha-!.i»-d Nuiir Khan, -ho prvsented ni credtntisls The Soviet V: M tcr of Foroijrn \ffa Dckano v. as pn lent at
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 60 2 The police ttU ;P h^ exohanm* number is (ten lines) but iIJ*J emergent when po lic assistant 1^ required telephone call should* made direct t<» th^rad* ontrol riMHn Nn 3777, •i <• i) 'When it is destrti* contact t P.irtii ular 0" 1 rer, the caller should**" phone
    60 words
  • 139 2 LAMP POSTS CLAIM 3 MORE REBELS La Paz. Bolivia. Sept. 28.— A nob, estimated a t 80,000. infuriated by the atfmpicd assassination of P Bidcnl Tomas Mon.i<- Gutierr- 7. ha- 6d th:-r<- nfen from mld-tOWn lamp BqUbl Luis Obi it as Bustamente. rormer army offic.r. •was hanged by the crowd
    A.P.  -  139 words
  • 612 2 3,000 OUT OF 7,000 DIED •Th, Cholera Hill Hospital nauseatir.L-. tin v. :e skeletons of men lying md and the sick were so weak that t over themselves and lying in theii I I staU a rmer PdW uiviim < dene Ml Faevei anese. including a Lieutenant -Col< .v I
    612 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 334 2 I II 1 It I V E P R E -PAID classified; advertisements usual Advertisements: Wanted. Personal, Situations Vacant, Situation* Wanted. For Sale. etc. at HwM per insertion uf 20 worda. 15 cv. for every add.LJiial word i'ubiic Notices h Announcements l< 5 0 per single column tocr per Insertion.
      334 words

  • 690 3 SUNDAY TRIBUNE FINANCIAL SECTION "NIBBLING" Al RUBBERS Mtnday TV i p. ;m< rr<> j, .a. »i! iiif ment ol the Uacr( ased to price, the volume of bn durim uned oporti was Mttk es, though an in gaai and an increase In ntei I shown
    690 words
  • 100 3 V. wi.n^t X. :7 The Intt:.. Bank for Reeonstn tion and D< velopn ent ha called f r 6 per rent, subscriptions t<> its cak Ncv. 25 in t-w local currency of membi r nat The fct |Wfl IOQ and will t>rin*r up i S I M
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 346 3 London Meeting Urges Free Trade In Malaya of the B v. day. tl M I n an :en In En, A ke their co I men. Including Asiat 4ttfe concerned in i outstanding par L•. latch r M H s that all memtx r ssed in the House of Commons
    346 words
  • 139 3 Cheaper Rubber Certain MOtil Sept. 27 fconomist writes: I Governments under: ing to buy rubber in leniioned no c about quantit lough producers evtderr eminent underto buy all rubber shwm t n re neeting cf the Com^ Rubber Commit UMoi iid buMenct n tenure of the presen s"tf end present
    139 words
  • 23 3 Indian Capital Issues LOHDOI d severe I 1 I at I t hit t so has eve to a vr h< i Reuter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 563 3 on Sen A i m at lan .1: v iunced thai the b; le pi le i' »r Malayan tin •;ad been fixed at C 370 per I n delivered at >melt< r Singapore Penang. This gtvei a metal ptitoe of $188 per picul
    563 words
  • 179 3 MUNTOK INCIDWT SEQUEL (Sunday Tribune Staff Exporter) Ciainis totalling almost 51.400.0C0 have been submitted by 27 Chinese Importing firms against the Dutch Government for losses Buffered through the :"\\wh seizure and detention of a number O i Chinese trading vessels a Munt< k. The claim s
    179 words
  • 50 3 L( 'XD< IN 27 Th-- l^h.r. J- af i irk) I tr.,lay n i hole ha been q lite sutisfac Although tain lei v.usn^ i rally b:'cain( steadier. Giltcdirod maintained si while industriiiis arnearrCl 1" s' i km and i'!'-\ vels Other eel ion ere quietly ••ady Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 108 3 Big Silver Debt To America >X, Sep( -The United Kitigdotn Government A t» abolish the present arren- to he move to provide silver to renay Lhe I the United > .iy> the Wall Street Journal. I] iv. r cbligatiom io Amen 32fi.000.000 r. borrowed Tor Indian account, with the United
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 36 3 Under th<> <\ hi I Unicn t,,. M- D P I Ui .d )n the ?viod< n View of Buddhism at th( R h inn. Iforr <: re; on \Vedn> il d will preside I invil-
    36 words
  • 483 3 'O.'.r .i;or'.-«'t CorrespoaikwA V P: k 'I AflMMl MMfeMA 1 rcn'ii.'id |fl m M I iay :n d price: quo d w.-ro: S tnt-s.- best quality $111 pet >.ci:i. c:. c >. An $i^" and K< b HO. s: im rice ni v rain fi at
    483 words
  • 220 3 (Sunday Tribune StafT R Corruption among *"> lovecs »i M: Singapor" rr:utii)ii o'.npan> is U) i :»t |;> li »r Hi" P ov n union. Tlvs pledge to pa ad II evil habJ the has been g. by the unicn Ijllow'ng aci at reached in
    220 words
  • 62 3 Wall Street Cautious Nl 7. B t. 27 —The market ..tli small lost v ting cf accounts previously sold oses were outwt-. .:.d kind trimv 1 »ck cf fund the economic o;--handicapping tei ion of same trine I the economic situation has not of offerings continues to aid $< menf.
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 61 3 BAD WEATHER HAMPERS RAF FOOD DROP :.d 'ionii are peri^r the RAP. mercy m s N Low cloud enveloping mnunUin must Uke their airrrmft in at low altitude to ensure acevrate !>pin(r in th< >n area. In •< -v. i.e. l tf i K. i I scores of Burmese are
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 60 3 •enteen in mat** of the v Hoi! are >morrow i on board th« i.s I). ed to India on the Outbreak o r t>. W. id;. H->u»e. which is already in utipK'on by th# Representative bodies, oT late* the question Oi th< f these
    60 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 101 3 It is hereby announced that the NETHERLANDS INDIES SHIPPING ORGANISATION |:s < will be dis.-olved on the 30th, September 1946 The foUowinf Unei I ocu>. Lnedebland link royal ditch mail i:o:-.iNsON Ml !<■•• MCiTTEKDAM LLOYD JAVA-PACIFIC LINK HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE lAVA-CHINA-IAPAM LINI AGENTS: < V Internationale .•■<: \'"V 'toeiMi 1 JAVA-NEW
      101 words

  • 1587 4  -  VERA ARDMORE bi| Music .i be glid to learn thai veil to >v:i vloUntel b in oin mvi -i. Piofc w& nally known M BheQa Burns, she has a lon^ UM d U to hCT r«t!t A Gold Medallist at the R_. j] Acadi mj
    1,587 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 335 4 \lala> i i• a« liiamonii ami j Mer < hauls B. I*. clr Sili at. Ltd.. Stngapor* tiiii 19,-; H./:: Bishop I COH BROTHERS LAMPSHADES NEW tWPCHNU.NI I'\PKi:.--5p.-i-.Ai'. A tiOMi 4 <■:• i>:-:c -v C. My.iin PlMMie 3318 fgH BE OTHERS' CO WUJ THERMOMETERS Obtainable from: M. Ezekiel Sons OPTICIANS
      335 words
    • 146 4 fan Mnrti ol i )\.ncy Good.- I.OOIIVBOIII QRREC7 1 1 Ml i v. I When your tim»«l:eepers M r. by expT.'M' 1 craftsmei. I•' It I 4RMatl B C*.:.'- I 1-. il Phone 7tM YICK WOH HINC ijj Road. S'ix>: C 4 V.dci'a- HoiiG iO Lictcr H.M Forct-o bince 1928'
      146 words
    • 29 4 Jalhaud CARPETS NEW siiip>ii;\ i aiiiiivi:» :;t.. <iiM iixii' it" AMIR SONS at your tti »m 1933 PERSIAN' BUKHARA CARPI is and Rl S obtainable in \aj > :-< i ces.
      29 words

  • 1242 5 Our Young Malayans— No.2 Ooh£L ChidmohfL m Pay■r. or ;ht< nD r for Van :uge p h I ured dahlia for Patsy and plr* i Evelyn and Irene Goh were in btae whilst Jee Swee L m d gre MtM rig a break ir. -ion of an Indian dance* guests
    1,242 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 168 5 Acknowledged to Serve the best food in town. Luncheons a speciality TeJ. 7240. S A V i> V Restaurant Bar. ARCADE BUILDING, 0 r Q .v Singapore Quiet, congenial atmosphere Imported drinks. efficient service con\ enicntly situated j. nni rm nm »i— n» i^— w— —^a^m^^^^m PEKING LACE Co., I
      168 words
    • 74 5 Magazines. Periodicals, Newspapers an;l Books of varied interest from India Australia, \merica an Yl nkli* n d in English, Tamil. Hindi, Irdu, Punjabi, Tele^u. Malayalam, Gujarati. Ciurkhali eic. CaU at or write te: The National Store Phone: 2834 TOKRECT STYL^ PERFECT FIT WORKMANSHIP GUARANTBBD rashion lanor 29, Colombo Court, I
      74 words

  • 441 6 The Sunday Tribune SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1946. Bread Rationing rov< tit has ace cci Trlbonc demon la ;>: I rai lonin^. D v Ln| ■he i any part ol August a bread famine occurred in Singapore and he situa ion became chaotic On Aug. 11. ttie Buttda} Tribune recorded a
    441 words
  • 1180 6  - AN OPEN LETTER TO THE G.O.C.-IN-C. MALAYA W. A. Harpur TO LT GEN. SIR FRANK W. MESSEkVY, K.8.E., C.8., D.S.O. Sir It la itton of this 1< tei o bi Ing before the notici ir Excellency c r a v fac md pr< ssions of opinion < impor an I
    1,180 words
  • 1263 6 OBH Encounters A Spot Of Bother v >/)//. wuh hi usual tuct deals with the railways and the customs peopli only to earn another "wigging" ham his chief* My Dearest Angela For nefarious peas ms IDH I QBly to himst'li :::y Chic d me i v: i the office f:>r
    1,263 words
  • 500 6  -  W.B.Paterson Re( port it was stated that I Lnguisl DM on the r for about two hoi. illy, I think that this is carryi:. .:114s a bit too What do jy fire brigades for? Sr not for playi I think the should look into
    500 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 45 6 A 1M I 14.111 to (he EYES! The Lovely American Latest Xumount Rimless Glasses. Glasses that blerci with beauty and sharpen appearance clean cv: g<y<i taste and style Tht-y arv :..j:>d again t breakage. EVERBRICHT OPTICAL CO, Qualified Opticians. !fl. Ca^a street, Telephone 4425 B.ngapcre.
      45 words
    • 18 6 i-v v. ii x Xfc i cat* $*t' j *r A i ;'-Wf ejrr* jy^f/ 1 /#W J
      18 words

  • 82 7 .7* .Y\/<. 'n'vipets tn* i'>.io's ofA'tr- >■.• ps who took part tWO ?/fcrs 000 Ell 6ft fighting Of tl which c« at it mi)! the Rim- bridges for Montgomery r ted Arnfu m En Holland, where am, //<•:</ Efi Om ;,riir, |i metery, witnessed nearby ttu I
    C.P.  -  82 words
  • 1125 7  -  H.L. HOPKIN BW Gentry Fbsh Bundles Of 'Fiver.' In England Today I By '"i Young man in a purple tuM jglttwrif on pointed ginger feet ■fie corner of Denman BMHM uVtU H* tockinqs ncy clockings ;ht rtm drunken «ccamm*D man in a purple doinu a Mttta wmtJmcu
    1,125 words
  • 513 7 Australian Girls Are 'Bad Walkers' 'But They Knock Spots Off The Rest' :.'EY: Mail i The average Australian girl la usuly repi sylph-like creature with masses ol soniched corn colored 1...., loving th( great outdoors and a leflnii possibility In any Beauty contest. w 'oily speaking, its a fair average
    Reuter  -  513 words
  • 466 7 BASLi;, (Air Mail.— (From Beris Kidel, Keuter's Correspoi|deilt) A new separatist movement has been launched In tlie French zone of Germany, according to reports reaching here. [1 11 said to aim at ttmg up an "Al"mmanv State" r aching from the French irontier
    Reuter  -  466 words
  • 121 7 LONDON. Sept. 28: Into what used to be the headquarters of Italian Fascists in Charing Cross Road. London, crowded buyers from many paitl Of the country this afternoon bid for a restaurant and office fittings and plat' inscribed with fasces and plaque of Mussolim. The
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 84 7 ALEXANDRIA Sept. 28.— PoLce btn il beli< d to have uncovered an important gnn-ruaA r"ute to Pal< t:. nf arms and ammunit'in in lotfiei l'.v.r. Alexandria Uld raid.; on a BBBA of houses. Tomtay-anni, hand grenari. d r i were reported tf 1 fi in tI:L :a:d.
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 44 7 4 RISWMM" io^y' r «W b*i«o 4 4.<k nImT fro* i übicti wii! gi«« you iKy foun4 fl4i*f f» t piin md s«ia now Dont t I "ABiiTJ F0« lt tfc, oft.* «O«ET Kf ■t i a L.-ok UW£ MBiffi ZCr |6 TAB LETS
      44 words
    • 142 7 S.P.SHOTAM6CO RADIO AND SOUND ENCINFEBS 12 ORCHARD RD. PHONE 6322 IS HERE AGAIN tc speedily relieve PAIN FEVER 'ASPRO st'»r v ft minutes.. <-.■• <..-. m v *^s-^^ /^^^^v, .m a child can take t it with absolute saf. Aspro* to v^V/Av^ r S one medicine that does /^§£Z*fty work
      142 words

  • 530 8 HIS SURVIVAL WAS A MIRACLE fort lift 1 \ittim tells his story C Spi ident R< to 1 B young North in very of his ape- er what th( tew All th< f his OrtUrC, has wTII bears a forewo io P l< dei ■n d for a D during
    Reuter  -  530 words
  • 188 8 —BYRNES PARIS Sept. 27 Mi. Jam.F- Bym< I states cretary of state, in an Intend here lust night, -aid I riiink 3t iU :■..< U at T; i man that the American foreigi i' '--y wat whole-heartedly sup- ted by him and that he contemplated no change
    Reuter  -  188 words
  • 117 8 Brisbane, Au.irai... <By Air Mail) The branci:r. :l duitery as a crime along with robbery is idf Cftted by BOQUO Catholic Archbishop Jame s Dumic of Brisbane as a means to halt the *t dai wave of divorce from which tew countries are ex♦'lttDt Addressing 151 candidates
    A.P.  -  117 words
  • 158 8 Nazis Wanted S'pore Attack In Spring 1941 TOKIO Sept 2', The <pnng Gtiii.aii iuv- ure on Japan attack Bingap tt\%§ wmm Usdosed in captured German documents presented to the Internationa] Tribunal trying Jap aru->'- war ci tnlnals re pester dag The documents n i ealed thai Ribbentrop repeatedly urged the
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • 114 8 U.S. To Get Indonesian Pepper SAN FRANCISCO Sept. 28 Indonesian peppei .-hmild arrive (B the UJB by Hie middle oJ 1 J47 t(i help relieve tile peppei shortage ten, Mid Df J- J Ochae Dtttcfa agricultural ficoniomlft from Batavia. .-n routp tO the I'lrv. T.-ilv Oj IflilllJ Roflda Rehabflitation ol
    A.P.  -  114 words
  • 604 8  -  MIECZYSLAW PACZOSA Seven Years Ago The WUr Began V I *ai the journalist wno gave aewi to tIM world Gernianv.s nr.-t >hots of aggression. Tiv fired by the battleship B rin. Seven year* ago they tried 1939 4h Damn ■>>• ctaßU small Polish garrison
    604 words
  • 563 8  - Malayans' Uneasy Hours Aslumber TESSIE CORNELIUS By TIH IIW tWrttm Singa;.- H cttiva oppmrt bj though; pcmltic |tng-robberles looks b«Ck 'a::. v i t o n those halcyon d:.v when he could 1t...--be d-room windows wide c;j i. and yet enjoy a refreshing sleep undisturbed by night prowlew The aftermath
    563 words
  • 31 8 I yen the ta: 5£ hi ugh per in they tern ol den mum i'»od experta luring lit plannii. ministration. Many German ex- «ppli».s nov. n Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 20 8 wV* V' SHE t&P w fr l ff X*^ t^^**j S It IB "C"VC*^OOC BB v "v pBK BuS /*^ra|Evß
      20 words
    • 68 8 Eat What You Like. ttomte of tte wonderful wurting* <* ttfet irtnmtfli but one d* r-.w U»»: -no f tak, Pain— can hardly bear :.;i;j] i>; v.ti n acH .V.-DKJ a Uve- n all cases of Utt^HHtttL hearttMn>. ■Hi .-.v:>r jj waii .111,. v your food until «ieh tlm« xm
      68 words

  • 49 9 |H hi; i fa h Ex-King Uwtfh ■:> ily photographed in the P" Wen- ij 'hi i. bon Uii m on Sept. If, pken CharUon Athletic met and i i re defeated 2-1 by the BenficQ Club< Tin ex- i j( cii ffOM Mm W. J
    49 words
  • 208 9 will s< from re I v rttne whl ill short natm in 6 and Bauivia. c of Pan-Ann rl San Fi Einciaco turd: 5 and it should p The new route, wfcfeft I Francisco. Hono Vake. Ouam. Manila. Saig' orr .tnd Batnvia will work a
    208 words
  • 49 9 Air Hostesses Will Service S 'pore Route I tim*. Sin •teases when Pan- h Singapore and Java, •r hostesses and v on the San Fran■oiulu route, and Mai io<m* tome south al y An paa told American ai* back home use hos- who have proved oute h i- i
    49 words
  • 42 9 B make good and t obtained from the U day ament will be asked at sent coins, which are L'OU.""".'" More than 375.000.000 ounces **w were rt-r tnm the rtu war vo^ it would be repaid w A.P.
    A.P.  -  42 words
  • 61 9 t. I»B— During the *w »wki four British featt f»u^ t ntwn to ihmir patrol di r Wtw^ n YuK—tmvin and the of Austria and there is r Jorfy *7 th« Yujsoslavg. -onrccs here announce. h»ve f thereabouts or obtain "T l^- The fi«- tkU mounUineus c
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 49 9 JAP RADIO NEWS WORKERS TO STRIKE -The All-Japan and Radio Workers M to start a irene- a n*w papers and radio ita- ••u-hout Japan tke aim* of thJ Mttloaaal al ti laaj b«tw*«n manage. *»d workers of leadin- Japan "'/♦'•WN, and to obtain col"I right* tv well as ■<}••- Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 562 9 Ot*il %V<int{ wvitmm for tin* Scniilav I rilmiit ir oiii I. upland ENGLISH SOCCER FALLING I IN STANDARD ill y-ii'.f thousand locoef fans watched Tommy Walker play his Oral home game tor Chelsea al Stamford Bridge, Chelsea with a far superior inside trio in Walker. Law;
    562 words
  • 100 9 With nunki eorartaj t bal r Eaaai and with t h <■ i r liand^, four f'hinf.-f •■r. 1 1 t d BOttM in v^icturia Street at 8 p.m., Friday ni^ht and ftftei ransacking the place U?ft irith and jewellery worth ?:<«0. At tk« ttaM I
    100 words
  • 189 9 NANKING Sept 17. Ifop- al i. \>-. Chinese nment a\< ng the P< ing Hankow railway in central nope! are gathering n m um. The GK v< rnment bave captured Yung- -•"> miles doi thn atl of Pa and are approaching Mancheng and Hsiunghsien, respective]] 20 miles
    Reuter  -  189 words
  • 177 9 War-time Diplomas For Raffles College Students ui:v Tribune Staff Reporter). W ipiomaswllJ be awarded Raffles' College |t h I passed Part 0m and Part Two 01 1 L examinations, and were taking the courses foj 1 1 1 Kan Inatton for Part Three In December 1941 hen thi r break
    177 words
  • 72 9 I A. PfcUMdwJ I l; Communion tPlain' 8 'i.m. Choral Eucharist L 0.30 a.m. Mat- |a] wm iby Ha|| Connni.:; I I U 15 and ».3O p.m. E\-enson. Otavdl I? >:.-. R utri T m H< Communion iPIm Choral Eucharist ***** Hindusti S.: j p.m. Evensong, St. B
    72 words
  • 155 9 RAF— WAAF WEDDING AT CATHEDRAL 6: An6rew*i Cathedral, Btafapore, mm UN warn* of an r.a.f.W AAF wrdding yesterday afternoon, when l.a.c.w. Pamela Audrey Tiv.y. ol 0. The Drive. Harrow, Waj married by Squadron Laadef Ashton. Church of K:ml:\nci padr to Flight Lieutenant iiuun Bcotdwnar, of 25. Baden Powell Avenue, dMatafBeli,
    155 words
  • 127 9 DUTCH GIFT TO API API CHINESE I lire- tO I the MC|>"lation at B; -Api llt'-d t'i the < f] i.. '-n-ai OwMnl Da N "1 M I- v.• ,ji behalf of tiu tf«tl i i Gro- The ioad(d in a N'-.i,-! in W v/hich It- ft >' r, >■•!
    127 words
  • 147 9 Eollo^4 <9 A ll lark t air Driver John Kenneth Barber (22), of Om RJLS.C, Tank Transpori Cuy.. Kiiton" Rf>ad. wbm sentenced 12 months rigorous inipi-isonmcnt for attempted minai breach of trust of 58 balei of plothing valued $5,800, in the Second District Oouri
    147 words
  • 141 9 LONDON. Bept 21 -In a cuinment today on Marshal BUlin'fi statement that he cony.d- -r« a the withdrawal oi Americar. troop.^ Cron China wjuld MBSI luture peace. MoaOOH RarittQ declared that the Kuomintang was using American mlUtaiy aid to d' velop its military
    Reuter  -  141 words
  • 68 9 SOUTHAMPTON, Sept. 18. -o- Mnl tf th- Ar:.,y Dv i;.rht D Hm bowei United State v liief, ac< r.ii-d hi ■> here today ;»■'>.•■ rd ti.f Q <•■•:: Mai; mi I <<y t" G<- n '.any Thf> p!ar.i.«-d t" R Urn dilp t(.'n:rht and *'•> te
    A.P.  -  68 words
  • 195 9 Woman's Allegations Against Food Control Cierk AnotlM i" V'n,c Cont rol clert ttacl brmncti Rl Victoria B i M I In the SpecKs! District Oourt tercU .ice nor. chargefl uMng oafl of i p. Mr. Patrick Shannon i>n A igust 21 oi c.
    195 words
  • 87 9 ITALY TO RETURN LOOT ROM! ■...<■ d p v to r. •am Vv.ssiniH ■< a or m Interior f ran I had bo re most of tl'.e ihinjrs Wi I H Hi not j -n beer thißgl taken ai.-i in I i r. taki X the obk-< ■r. irs aj?3.
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 52 9 6undau< .m Finan. \a 111 liail Ap< told Rcut lay 1 i lai >p] i i k coorwr l 1 .in Mr S .r.ri ,r- \y aid rs in SI Chintaman D.-shukh m hospital but expectec in Mi. S-irid.ti iv. to d mil bad been
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 70 9 Blocked Sterling Balances Dr Hi;. :> co tod the made in signing Anglo- American agreement. Re said: holder of the** India though we have not ewss the matter with them becauite it a very historic moment t would be right that we should Mm 4>tat>lish«M»t of a go- <: i
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 41 9 VIENN "J J.-v :i. < choslovak knt United ties wh<> imposed a com- !i r.-f.iL'.-. ir way to PalcnUne. n past :ng August »H.>>t» Kij- V 2 anil .-I.' I I --I. C. .1 I Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 128 9 COMING VOOA 7 KIIISIIX A n»AHA\. ..nil Talkie) Starring:— KothamanaKalam Sr<'nu Mava\aram I'ajKi N. S. Krislinan T. A. Mathuram C. S. Sulochana (S. A liost oi othns la Rip-roaring Laugh-Rk>t> f oduced B> I X i' ..prletors. I (-:.ellanm Sons i) Rucsull's Film Distributors I A. Fi nl ay on
      128 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 178 10 ALHAMdRA HOOK NOW! Tel: 6909 l mil I ALEXIS SMITH SYDNEY GTOSMEf Tttrs.iKP w-eASPiK swsadwi! ;_^'rr ■-■...^p/\ NEXT CHANG i \W( d's Masterpiece! with I MfSTANt K( T.MMIN (;>— KAY HAMMOND R.ATIIEK NAIGHTV M T! Xv NOW embeliishei i\ flmlcolf Jh n;i Tri.k Ph#t<r-, raphy fc S X-« *v^w.- ".^s.
      178 words
    • 227 10 Singapore's Greatest Screen Event! One of the Bit; li of The World's most celebrated masterpieces! Paramount's adaptation of the famous Ernest Hemingway's worid-renowird Im <Ir T<vhiVA< th GARY COOPER !,\CR!D BERGMAN Support d by 4kiH A:'Uro i'AMIHOFf X3RDO¥A THE MOST LENGTHY FILM 01 THE YEAH! MIDNIGHT PREMIERE t* I* ITOL
      227 words
    • 192 10 W&EYLA N G PH6N E 64 9 Day: 3. 0.30 9.15 fJBCL Bud Abbott Lou Costello in th Snov-Oapped Topper <>f ill >h(lir Howling Hit "HIT THE ICE" A Universal Picture Pn-ccU d kf Late t British Movietone N Qptnlftl To-m< >r. 'PHANTOM LADY' PHONE: ***** LAST 3 SHOWS:— 3.
      192 words
    • 200 10 g GLVLfInG PHOOE BaO7B QDMtfM 3.15—6.30—9.15 (in Hindus' UMIM st Indian News Paiadc! CHUNGKING TAN JONG PAGAR II Opeataf to <i 3 i I :}.15, 6.30, 9.00 "They Died With Their Boots On" with HtOI I i.VNN OLIVIA DeHAVU LAND Hrrf n imi^trfcri for courage llistiv ne^nlM fii'.-r I li/ilis!
      200 words
    • 173 10 a-^A Chinese Farmers fvf v^""-. >; Avenge Then i\ 1 cjce! f Be^t Sn!« k f I Al l ■I| 1 1 A a ci('i !.itc,i vikijr in > Triumph _3^ M.CiMs IMMORI VI PKOIM < ffiry Iw^ fila^SicAl I v i iturin^ X \'l ii \KINi HKPBIKN in ISr
      173 words

  • 2361 11 WALTER HAMMONDS Secrets Of Big Cricket No two cricketers will agree as was the best bat ul all IBS*. Bat I a. indent t -jHe old Firm." Hobb s and Sutciiffe, have never been equal jed as an opening pair. 1h ng-point of carter was the
    2,361 words
  • 302 11 A U| •i-nwcl was present at the Singapore Police sports meeting yesterday, tbc iirst held since the reoccupation The rcgil^ental pipe band of the first ttalton I the Royal Scot is entertained the spectators. :i e police record for the h.-:> was broken by c/pl Shanker
    302 words
  • 37 11 Y'SLAV-HUNGARY RELATIONS PARIS, 27 Yupr< lavia and Rtfßgtfrj jm:tit!..- «M to. lay that dip- ons wopjd be restored htimt<i iotri*i Th«] previously .id .-.u-h.-d accord on the i rtl-- 1 i l 1 niat {OB pro:.!-:-': P
    37 words
  • 119 11 In a match al pJUUtIK yest< feated 8.A.1 26 ram The norkcd up al of 69 run* to wtii men replied with 43. rost F. Chopard b Mar*h 0 D Rom h Fro* 6 W G M I) Fro«: 4 .•y 11 0 D |M 0
    119 words
  • 26 11 V k\ fortli •leld on October at t I mi: laai alk to be ffvMl Vuskinctot All members and friend* are co ally invited.
    26 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 26 11 K*Ak\ 1^ RUNDOWN, rf neeu th,< >, faoy j amerah from your body you pd T i 3 r M imJ Food 10. Z'*' j iay.
      26 words
    • 230 11 UsL^S^ pklAEi JUIJ3 EDEE $',<£* IKM WMKll'.l Tlo\ BQtrS Wnl a WwMWvlB Dy rmiHOT UW, UN ORIUUMW «^?i m' M «,i ?^ffl> MOCI BiM K.!»-i < .r.-. «'\<-r <n[ii|»ili'<l It in' >•(!'• i. ,<"■■ n W£« or a-e, education or experience. 4 BtfeaT m'c(>s?i! c matter i v v -l
      230 words

  • 736 12 v; :>: h.m.s. Hvltan (Blakan Matt) I. M lining theii Initial two-goal lead for tn ol ke< 1 1 >* contested natch, ii Malays scored B decislVi 5-2 victory over tin* team frr/rn H.M.b. Sultan (Blakan Mati), bu a soccer same at Jalan
    736 words
  • 111 12 PENANG RACES RESULTS P it.— favour aonnj weather— after five rain— the Penang 1 Club meeting opened today attended toy a good I go ng was lendj w order of the day. The Gov» funeral was end Wahab each rude two v. RACE r Mine. LtWJ ;:orv Speno Tote $13.
    111 words
  • 152 12 s mdaj Trtbun Staff H p rter). -W> Mm Indm Improving all ra ignition to wn nit• ta previously [n :v boom tim< whe Eng ish pictures are connu'ri. and i looks a^ \v boom has come to B ay. A VValtn S fii,.ral manager
    152 words
  • 47 12 First To Graduate Since Liberation First reciplei Kin- E :v. ird VII I M Is Mr. S r. -i X■ > k H D* je n S n r H. i; son ol Mr. and Mrs. Song Ong ew of t: late Sir i and of Lady g.
    47 words
  • 26 12 r 16' an Aiigi rj in th i Mrtißg hJ Mp s.s. Bamara while in Singapore kag. 26. case was postponed io Sept. 90.
    26 words
  • 34 12 about to U' .n jioriK' Shanj No one was hu vras miriiai tad inj: Calcutta cattle in a mOftth. cc week> earlier another jiL'uin with tome da to the aircraft Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 286 12 r"• d McGrellls, the RJLB.C. driver who h-i; >• hand In quelling a prison iiiminy urn*« u'.*o whiir being held In remand In Outran) Road prison, and -i. I bad been Convicted 00 Thursday on a chartic <>i b dnal breach ol trust ot
    286 words
  • 209 12 M..-: H. Waugh I 00 Ud aci-.n.: tfl Cv.\* Agent! imvi' dw i led IJmi n U,\l>\\ .;..,>... The iB ibootd ba Maflable :fflum retail priOi Of |IJN I > i*qaj ThVi ton 19 v 1. 3Cj ilun 1 .i?S. North < Ro. I r
    209 words
  • 56 12 Greek King Thanks UK LONDON, i j. k r,, H.; B: itaia saee of Aai n Ui Urn Bi I i opl«. Re BaM: <, e,l j| i,. ;i i 11 .'ress to th.- Britisk |MOpl« a: d to }> I 0 m ndiK ■■■■.a i a I', it all
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 91 12 STROMBOLI VOLCANO ER UPTING home. Sept IS. Btromboll, 3.040-ft. volcanu .n L.p;<ri islands norto of Bielly, was today PCported by the Messina corres pondenl oi the Rome newspaper "Mr hi f tern" to !;)t in erupiioA, Bhower oi a .she- and cinders, which hfti been falling for the p.i 4
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 42 12 ATHWB, Bcpi. 17. ih. Pft I tfinliUy uiu last nl^M ttMM M Albanian patrol attacked a Greek frc»ntier outpost near Komt/a north- east of Yanina. three day- ago. Th 1 announcement .-aid the attackers used automatic weapons and grena(ltG but were repelled
    42 words
  • 161 12 Gn li fi :Bi I d!um tk .< ng when the I■ r Bia«a] CfcfotM 1 in aid Of <'li»n Bell ibilitation Fund Oh MM M Wi; P Qf will iteia] n tp] i. ci by M i X Saadran Iyer to the irinainc tfl
    161 words
  • 52 12 a special Bzpeditor a rcraft of ;:> lIAV.. pflfftfd by squadron U ld< r Cars m. Commanding Offleei l I QM Burir.a C mnvan cati n Flight, fli w to Meiktila and JjeUfCJed a quantity t;i KnUB U) QM Army botpttftl, where Ittc nun ol raMM nave
    Rafpro  -  52 words
  • 282 12 Staff i Mrs. Uydia Pox (wife oi Mr. R, n. fox. formerly Ln senrict of :hv O'>veniment of China and latterly I leading figure in th< mercantile marine community ol Malaya t arrived back yesterday by the "Presidenf Polk." Mi Ptoshad ben i reeuper-
    282 words
  • 230 12 MRS WU TO LEAVE FOR U.S. MONDAY Sailing bf the Preikjgni p<>ik early on Mor-.iay nWfnflU WUI MGn Wu Paak-^hmg. Witt of the Chine-si Cu:i-ul-General, ai i Mr. and MB. W* Paak-dur Mrs. VVu i s en route to N<:\v York rran HIMRI dM '-Vil train I r Cblcsf Im
    230 words
  • 249 12 (Bij Stan rioted I orretpondent) BATAVIA. S v on I- has ;id be public r rjtu stipula ion that discussi forming an Tin nt ire NEI i i J r i ii demands were un< unter-pr the Dutch had not .ied and only
    A.P.  -  249 words
  • 57 12 Two More Plane Crashes quit:) aircraft mt are* of )n of a pht be jet similar i I i. toD 'land aerod.r- Hatfirld >ai«i: 'T).v ur.ssingr aircraft was one :.'itcnd<*d to have a jpo «t tli. ro.-oid. 3 1 ;;iid five ..aseenpers were the Scott i-h Airway* ]<■ H-. ill.
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 20 12 SPEEDY CABANELLA OUTPOINTED >] LYW< H r a slow start, Alfred Escobar, Los Anf eles, won a Un- it: 123, A.P.
    A.P.  -  20 words
  • 49 12 O'Reilly Is Confident -i tl ar. '.uc :hti i o bowler BUI OReill. v 'lni tr aboi. -I: I belw liave as far m bowlir. unable to make mammoth acor^ s experience and fuidana d greatly ben. mm SIQ 1 COf clud» s by sa tt UM ■•mii Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 33 12 England Win 7-2 }|O\|| England yon goals I! tf o In the jocc* nai 1 oday. results OMM CaarMon 2 i I a H erghot 3, Norwich i i y 3 Southenc Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 39 12 Trade With Nips: Aussies In favour SI mi Australia apcti bu' nu n ophe] me* and women <. y i* f ov Gel up toil v nu radim vua -it u:'h Jape 'Ul'OW v. ?us* h cent., ndi M- Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 198 12 (Sunday Tribune staff Report* r Thr tuggt tion that there should be a .school for a>, t wOMid-be-marrieds' ua advanced by Misi Lian Nvmk Oi at the la met Una of the i.n t West Society when 1 1 tpo On the futility
    198 words