Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 30 December 1945

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 21 1 The Sunday Tribune Telephone: Mil WSPAPEM OF THE FEOPLE OF MALAYA fOURPAC SINGAPORE, SUNDAY. DECEMBER 30, 1945. PRI E 10 CEN'i-
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  • 416 1 lew Allied Control Measures repressing 'Without A Hitch' I resh Incidents Reported i -i itenzorg, Bamloeiiii BATAVIA, Dec. The new Allied control asures in Java are proceeding 'without a hitch" s stated to day The new Batavia police force to established is to include British,
    Reuter  -  416 words
  • 70 1 OKYC JB— Constitutional 0(413 stripping the Emperor of ygiMol power and limiting his ■hi to "ceremonial functions ten submitted to the JapanI by a jprtfH pwp Py*" >< that it was up to f pf "^n r ii'n<'nu!itions, forniulii'Mt > w Publicists, P thg Diet and specify that |*y*yMmy
    Associated Press  -  70 words
  • 57 1 Turkey' S Policy Reiterated pg£A^ Dec. 28_Turkish I gyjwrter Chukru SarajogBSr^! ■•day Cri i. Pw T^key's policy tt«e wonts: -Our t t( **l* D affairs is Tmmm m 7^** followed SJ K?i^J! depeildence aPefty and independ ITl:. wl>>cl> to case of need UJgJI wfll still follcv E228L WIS speakinsr at
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 106 1 CHUN p..— :.g Ching-kuo. son of GeneralJttbno Chiang Kai-shek has resigned his post as diplomatic cornoner in Manch .cording to Chinese press reports here today. He has flown to Moscow as personal envoy of his father, the reports added A Central News Agency's
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  • 265 1 JFKUSALEM. Dec. 29.— Troops mith tommy-guns are patrolling the streets of Tel Aviv, where yesterday, on the eve of Sabbath, they carried out mass searches and made a large number of detentions and arrests. The British military commander had apparently rejected the Mayor's
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  • 70 1 WASHINGTON. Drc. 29. 'UP>. Th ;)ps-Ho ashingion Calling" column yesterday reported :iic bomb tests on ships will pro: >bly not be held for months. hi Dd Navy B urd led who will •ge of the project Two s are now certain: the test be made in
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  • 387 1 London, D c c. z9. World reaction to the anrcuncement of the decisions of the Moscow Foreign Ministers' Conference was m accord on the issue of atomic energy control but divisions occurred to varying degrees on other points, says Associated Press. issia was pleased with
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  • 143 1 Hyde Park To House UNO Headquarters? WASHINGTON", Dec. 29 Park, home of the Rooserctt jamily on the banks of the Hudson River, about 60 miles York, is now the :te bet for the location of the headquarters of the Umud Nations Organisation. With extraterritorial rights, ild be above American federal
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • 187 1 SAIGON, Dec. 29.— With the surrender of many insurrectionists and the capture of Viet Minn .'ionalisu strong points during the last ten days the situation in southern Cochin-China has become more of a political problem than a military one. Offensive operations \M French troops have given way to
    Reuter  -  187 words
  • 58 1 TOKYO. Dec. 29.-Afu-r tfafl personal doctor of the Supr>-:i." Allied Commander in Japan Gh :i IfacArthnr, had adminj bered penicillin, the condition of Prime Minister of Japan Bar''* Kijiro Shidehara was reported today to be decidedly improved. Baron Bhidi hara. who had been In bed for four
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 9 1 E angapore and 3' V LEE H m 797!
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    • 53 1 Y.T. LEE Itypewrct i i DEALERS 332. Norti Bridge Ra. Cleaning undertaker month!Telephone 7971 PIANO |Ba] MUSIC Piano J orte Tu f orp, S'udir?,. Solos, All urns, Music etc i etc. From Old Matters to Modern Call i. M. a. >irsu- iioi si: Ah« It: VIFNNA MUSIC HOUSE 336, North
      53 words

  • 506 2 The Sunday Tribune Sunday, December 30, 1945. Grow More Rice LONG before the vai Maiayu's economic structure had itaited to ereak. its franit v.uik rested mainly on .aid rubber, while the pillar agriculture was barely out of the embryonic stage. Not a few Malayans were apprehensive of the durability of
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  • 808 2 -With Iran As The filler New Problems roliow Old Patterns NEW YORK Dec 30.— H Iranians at times have nightman < which they see' themselves as the filler in a political saadwich it is understandable, writes Associated Press co-respondent J. t-r.«nk I i in Iran— since 1935
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  • 519 2  -  Khoo Teng Eng By Man is a peculiar creaiure. His habits are more or le. conformity with the uncertain' state of his mental equilibrium. iher this state of mind is attributable to the theory that he is descended from the ape or not is a matter that must
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  • 47 2 wjelldigton, N: v. n Dec. About 800 Japjl (an Utnk-Uuidite 1 U.r Pacific inv che terms of the Gean /J for the tiiimit o: i MMrfUM iNiands 7/.r Japanese hurt ««K Ma fu dund." i« their three-fM, r iin become will take this M^^^^^H m Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 54 2 a -a I w Rale tho wont toeP ain's south ootfft Waving behind a trail of #J houses. Uprooted trees «ll dipping in 5 n a: <d Londoners or. sl*ht. of the wont b ir where the people! earned to l> More mtum have be r«-ar rooms to ouna
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  • 409 3 Seven Cases To Be Tried Next Month e oed Colhb-: Wjr Offences Lfco civilian cases of alleged war offences and collaboration [jl~J«fOTr" Airing the occupation, wiH be t the Le jptrill Court next month. They invo! L a t>ya the preliminary intbe case of Abdul Sammi IBmIL former editor ol
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  • 49 3 can was landed ii. a:ey and these are all to n the mainland. Retester. Chief Civil 0., disat the press conference esu-rcuy Biipiitfr amid that the r of cars was n m i Penang paper but 5 Singapore would olhar is rhe whole n was going to the
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  • 59 3 e Rent Assessment Board ior Singapore has been a pp. >ince November 21 but I am o say whether any cornagain^ received at present from the This was the reply given oy Col. P.J.D. Re Civil Offi. he D.C.CA.O Sinßapore Division, to a raised at the weekly pres
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  • 21 3 t is no likelihood of an ine in the sugar ra the r future, it was officially stated pi-day.
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  • 123 3 Four seamen of the s.s. Toorak pleaded guilty in Fourth Cou: I annually dta obeying ih of the ship since Dec. 21. D. N. Crouch <Asst. Seward). Harry Lunde (Chief Cook>, R. <messroom st»wird>. R. M. Paul- on < four mplained of the living condi ions
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  • 230 3 A number of China-born Chinese, who have been separated from khrtr relatives for the past several j. are awaiting a favourable report unity to pay a visit to their homt land. Co j. cut off from their kith and kin on account of
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  • 30 3 -seven European rub-: tin miners and mininu neers, have come to Singapo: from tht United Kingdom and to assist in the rehabilitation of Malaya's industries.
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  • 193 3 A TTACKED POLICE, STRIKERS GAOLED Three Indian labourers who were arrtsitd during the recent clash between striken and the pol the grounds of St. Andrew's Cathedral, were yesterday sentenced to six months' rigorous imprisonment eaen. The* were convicted on a charge of causing hurt to two Punjabi constables. the first
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 151 3 BOXERS. Mi to in Penang. plcmc to Mr. Tea Saunders, 28. Bin Leong Road, Penang. MM a-ssurt-d tARN CHINESE IN THE A. UAK: >• H OL Omm for alaolute beginI Una. k Thurs. or Toes, k V to US pjb. Class TeatV |H| Mm Chin T; A I Man. Thurs.—
      151 words
    • 242 3 1 The Capital I Screen Event Of The New Year! SINGAPORE PUBLIC'S FAVuURII'h. The Air-conditioned and the most centrally-situated (The 'Ccm' of Menus) RE- OPENING SHORTLY WATCH OUT FOR Tn BIG i The BIG Opening (3) Tin ojiiik BIG NEW9 5u«E Want To Know" I apitol .Snows f 'apitai Service!
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 46 3 Church Services ST. ANDREWS CATHEDRAL TOD. Holy Communion 7.00 a.m., Choral Eucharist 8.00 i Forces' Mattins 10.30 a.m., Hoiy Communion 11.15 a.m., Evensong and Sermon 5.30 p.m. Daily:— Mattins 7.00 a.m.: Holy Communion 7.15 a.m.: 15 p.m. Tomorrow: New Year's Eve: Midnight Choral Eucharist 11.45 p.m.
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  • 361 4 HQ. SFAC. The future of the Malay Navy, IM which there has been much conjecture since the countr> s iibe-atijn, has been the subject of several hi^h-level conferences recently. Hie career of the little Navy has been brief but important. Now it is confidently believed that
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  • 136 4 An c^der .prohibiting the removal of newsprint from any premises except with the written permission of the SO 1, Publicity and Printing Department of the B.M.A. (Malaya) has been issued by the Deputy Chief Civil Affairs Officer. The order, known as the Newsprint Order, reads: "No person who
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  • 84 4 Taxes are being by the Johore aumorities on articles even other than ii. .ng liquor, tobacco and petrol imported into Johore from Singapore. This information was supplied by authorities here at the press conierence yesterday. Col. p.j.d. Regei t Singapore had no control i U iles going
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  • 43 4 Tin Department of Agriculture, under the direction of Mr. F. Burnett hopes to be able shortly to place supplies of locally made washing soap on the open marker through the usual trade channels Th>s should materially assisi 10-.venrg the cost of dhobie work
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  • 138 4 The proposed canteen in the Municipal offices— which will serve meals on a non-pnm basis and, therefore. c< ably assist Municipal employees to meei the present high cosi of living— will be upened •he next few days, it was officially rday. vas also stated that the
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  • 76 4 Special efforts are being made by the British Military Administration to make increased supplies h fish available to the general public. A sub-committee under the Director o< Agriculture, Mr. F. Burnett, is taking action to obtain increased supplier of ice and salt, so that
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  • 30 4 LONDON. Dec. 28— The AllParty delegation of members of the Parliament to India will l^ave Britain by air on or about Jan. 2, it is understood from authoritative quarters here.
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  • 21 4 LONDON. Dec. 28 —British ■n Secretary Ernest Bevin led at Nori t 4 p.m. I IfT, on his re'urn from Reuter
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 140 4 EM C A VICTORIA |M OA Mr-VORIAL HALL v D< at 8 p.m. SINGAPORE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Tnder Tiie Distinguished Patronage of LT. GEN SIR MILES DEMPSEY. KC B OF. DSO M.C. Leader— Robert Pikler Conductor t^k BRIK CHTBHOLM oxford- Symphony— Haydn i^rd Piano Concerto Beethoven Solo pianoforte SOLOMON ADMISSION FREE
      140 words
    • 117 4 VICTORY HAPPY WORLD Last 3 shows 3. 7 9 p.m. Most Thrilling A. My"Lest Squadron" Richard Dix and Joel McCrea Opening Tomorrow MILLIONS LIKE "Basil Badford N .r.ton Wayne "ROYV Last 3 show L 3. 615 9.15 M Ed. G Robinson in an actionpacked sea drama SEA WOI John Garfleld
      117 words
    • 338 4 y^\ 32 WisNf. our Pctros, GLOBE A Midnipi jAND Etol Plynn as XStf^H (Today. 3'HfQKD BEN Malayan beast jm m <*nds to our Mro- •SOUTH OF TD B n J m m u Midnic r< < featuring the OMi DAI HOW I CENTRAL (To w Tomorrow* HUDSO! S(l PALACEGAY— Ph^dI
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 57 4 Driving Licences M.>ior drivinu" licences issued by the Japanese during the year wiil be replaced by new licences as and when mey oxpire Thes< licences will be valid un--1 til Their expiry arid it is not proposed to cancel them before that 4 llftfe d C( 1 P D Reue>ter
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