Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 23 December 1945

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 22 1 The Sunday Tribune Telephone: 5811 \t'.V.,P.\Pt.!, "h Tlib. I EUILE OF MALAYA FOUR PA SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2:;. 1941 PRICE 10 CENTS
    22 words
  • 219 1 Underground Movement Reported In Japan Large Amount Of Hidden Military Vquipmen t Unearthed, LONDON [)-< Oft cers of the United States 6th Army have inclosed tba 1 J.oi 1 1 tar > equipment i, being concealed despite e?? ated deman^^ !>e reported. sa>s tie special correspondent I the News i
    Reuter  -  219 words
  • 163 1 OHDON. Dec. 21— The devaluaof the franc will be announced orrow. state* a Reuter message be chore of a new rate of bwb rpeenvy ucen between three pav-"TMS. 48A nd 9f^— writes atwt tnOtatVma are thai 440. «w»e. fe purelv a natter for i and not
    Reuter  -  163 words
  • 54 1 Royal Family Leaves For Sandringham The King I i^KtQ and the two Princesses rn **n yesterday for Sand- »her« they will spend their r "n^'nng the former k L* 1 *»T«1 FwnUy in L m SandruiKham over I l !k2!? 1 hw not been c r I •"■i the six
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 23 1 Truman's Greetings To Stalin i UP>. T Truman r rali lin. Tin ig* annii haDpy da and i wish hapj In he coming
    23 words
  • 72 1 Insured Against Far East Dacoits! I Dec 21— 1 1 Managements o/ Mala Tin and Rubber compc and other trading i of the Far East are rapidly of leaving soon Far East and n< to the Evening LI <yd s reaping benefit because of insurance po! taken out on the
    72 words
  • 457 1 THE HAGUE. Dec 2L Dr H. Logemann Dut: M iMtm ioi Overseas Territc ne?, today told tne Nether [a- b Par.-ament that although Dutch troops would be use i t the faU in }d\'d iorce alone ould not solve Hm Dutch Lost InciJW problem
    Reuter  -  457 words
  • 386 1 CHIANG- MARSHALL TALKS BEGIN U.S. Envoy Arrives In Chungking CHUNGKING, Dec. 2z General George C. Marshall resident Truman's specicl envoy to China, was greeted Dy both Nationalist and Communist leaders when he arrived at noon today at the Chungking auiidd, says United Press. An earlier Reuter message stated that Gen.
    386 words
  • 142 1 MOSCOW, Dec Hf-ucis of the British. American and B i viet delegations had an informal tour-and-a-haif hours m* :r.. ■d.<y. which progn ised i x .i- di cided to dispense with the usual formal meeting. M. ICokHor, Boriei v- ft Ign Commissar, Fam< Byrnes, United
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • 132 1 INKARA, Dec. 21. Hassan Saika. Turkish. Foreign Minis -aid in the National Ass< m day lha the lac: ha h BOfte Union had n.. r» newed tu r reary of friendship smd<in with Turkey d <] noi lessen Turkey 's d< lire I r
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 492 2 The Sunday Tribune Sunday, December 23, 1945. Resuigent Malaya ITNIfIST UCABLE ng i evident in our midst that a new political consciousness has developed among the people of Malaya. They are happily becoming alive to the fact that they cannot rise to their full stature before shedding the stifling garments
    492 words
  • 264 2 Synthetic Will Furnish Bulk Of VS. Needs NEW YORK, Dec. 22— (1 nerica's syntl. industry will have to furnish the bulk o' three to five years, and probably will provide strong competition to natural rubber thereafter, according to trade quarters ht 9 think
    264 words
  • 151 2 Nuremberg Trial Adjourns For Christmas Recess NUREMBERG. Dec. 21.— With th prospect ot the hearing dragging on until at least April the Internationa Tribunal trying German war criminals today adjourned for the Ohf mas recess which lasts until January. While a tremendous amount of ground has been covered the tribunal
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 52 2 Imperial Property To Be Taxed TOKYO, Dec. 21. The Japanese Government is planning to make the ea in the con^tit'i- ion to permit the imposition of > taxes on imperial property, it I reported today in the neVbptQQl Mainichi. Heretofore this prop has been exempt from inheritance, Income, and other
    United Press  -  52 words
  • 615 2 HQ. ALFSEA, Dec. 20- A spirit of friendship difficult to equal elsewhere exists between civilians and garrison troops in Taipinjj. pre-war administrative capital of Malaya's richest tin-minirg state. Pcrak. To Taiping in September came British and Indian troops wearing the Ace of Spades flash of the
    615 words
  • 159 2 Tojo Cabinet Trial In February TOKYO Dec. 22.— 1t is learned y thai entire caoinet will be tried jointly as war criminals in the first of major war trials starting in FebNM) It is also learned that Prince Morimasa N&shimoto and several other Japanese held in Sugamo son as alleged
    Associated Press  -  159 words
  • 21 2 fc^owlhc fctautiful embroidery work of the Chinese In tfcte district is available again eMjeof the m Reuter
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 28 2 TOKYO Dec 21 —The I llhll "on of Shogo Nakagawa. a section *M*^ prevented a strike of ftt P*'*ct- PoMoMKa who protested •••^■■l Nakacawa's "high handed'" United Press
    United Press  -  28 words
  • 8 2 DAPEST Dei u tr a n( Reuter
    Reuter  -  8 words
  • 39 2 or n or hud tii, :r u 4 to mm*, a^i of jl' natdj boobed resid' «J Jap raid ««k on De ttt were lost. ■■wn oi soaces. under Miilmi m^M < nf used i;p by j^B hawkors i.
    39 words
  • 38 2 by r Malaya and *id tha j/n and Men who took Dart it i f|l paign 1 ieir wl |^*J -r nan \^k rav* u^^H r men and mat/ An^ar 1_ lui_ ymr *B be announr^r at- <
    38 words
  • 6 2 rw k StevMi Road 4
    6 words
  • 5 2 I China NiUa—l Air*-**- Reuter
    Reuter  -  5 words
  • 119 2 TOKYO. Dec. 21. (UP>.— The Supremo Allied Commander OeaetaJ Douglas Muc Arthur has dented a broadcast report he had iormed the State Department lie »w*d resign if he was not tot ifftw in Japan and if Russia Is allowed further parUcipation in the occupaaffairs. MacArthur's formal ntstcinent have been
    119 words

  • 397 3 'In the accused, I have taken into account the thty owe their families and the tragic efie will I Bave takea into account (he service they have rendered their and the part restitution they have made. I hue also taken u^ount the break-up of morale
    397 words
  • 70 3 A dtnna tor all Raffles College graduates. undergraduates and friends will be held at Amber Road. on Dec. SL There will be rtanctng the dinner. Under the auspices of the "Kerala Bandhu". a public meeting will be held at No. 218 Queen Street 4.30 p.m. today to
    70 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 84 3 11. T. I l>l S Fn.c ruoc 7 f>tc. I M Co., n, irniscp ot t\\ administered Real Estate values •'.;•">.- e ciaKse and devote our tall time to property mpfovemt' Hi v a PORE pi n agknc:: L■evlen fIN I NC v EXQUisr: WEU hv f r\ Suiable for
      84 words
    • 385 3 srn wrm.vs vacant :D— An efficient and experienced stenographer capable of taking down open Court proceedings. Apply with testimonials to Superior Court. Johore Bahru Sd i BRIAN V. RHODES, Major, President. Superior Court, Johore BRITISH MILITARY ADMINISTRATION HM of Sale by Public Tender By Authority of The Custodian of Property
      385 words
    • 288 3 swam norsi: < \it aiu r Hi:STiVIIM\T i \\.t > I I 1 > OPENING SAT 22ND. DEC 1945. HAPPY WORLD SWAN HOUSE CABARET CABARET Merry X'mas New Year Greetings To AH Oar Patrons A Real PEACE HAPPINESS Week SPECIAL EXTENSION 1 IGHTS. 1 VS EVE 24th Dec. Extension to
      288 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 197 3 FAY RADIO SCHEDULES 3c;4in TODAY Beginning today the Singapore Radio will be introducing new schedules. Theie will be two networks, red network for Chinese and Indian programmes and the blue network for Malay and English grammes. in the red network (operating in 11.63 --> metre bands) Chinese amines can be
      197 words

  • 445 4 §ckenM Tn Ammimi Was«e-Karin k r^ A scheme 10 provide Government employees With mid-day meals on a co-operative basis, wA the assistance of Government, is now under way in ureter to help them to meet the nsiny cost ol living This was
    445 words
  • 85 4 I n'.NUI >! D OQtn >!.)> r.(l« Qi I PENAN'Ct s.'urday fl w^ll-knuwn Kn^l:>h pmtt ssjnnal ockeys, Etafagiie and Beasiy. 1 nde -i i day*! rao i In p- nsiui hr iirs- r;ic! nic^in'i nndt ir •h- B.M.A A £oi ci :Tt wd w:ks present. Tin
    85 words
  • 138 4 Paid $1,296 For Six Cases Of NAAFI Biscuits Admitting that he paid 51. 296 for the biscuits, a 19-year-old Chinese. Tong Kam Seng was yesterday tenced t > OTOM when he was convicted on hi^ own plea of guilty to a of purchasing six cases NAAFT biscuits. In addition, he
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 412 4 Quarter-Million Schoolbooks Recovered Ii was revealed JFEItfWIII miir»on lottool ertd varitus Japu dumps. P. J. D. Rege.- r Staff Officer to the D.C.C.A.0.. :i question thai sch«j 1 children were finding It difficult jo obtain text bo< k d hat during the Malayan Planning in odon, plam text books for
    412 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 93 4 BILL BAILEY Announces The Opening On Du. Jyh ()j the new "CoroxrT <>iu>\ i OF] ICERS AND CIVILIAN 55, Cupo^ge Road (Off Orchid 4rv-!, For Reservations Phone 701^ EXTEMON TO 2 A. M. Now on the way from London, bv post, will be sold in pickets containing 25 assorts 1
      93 words
    • 289 4 CATHAY Where b venfiO*9 Qom 11 am 2.00— 415— €.30 9.30 OHMNG 1 0 1 A splendid comedy! TOMMY TRINDER LOR- rriREE" mm CLAUDE HULBERT MICHAEL WILDING •.;,.rf.- to make you laugh GRAND MIDNIGHT PREMfIBBI! TOMORROW THE ANDREW SISTERS in H I.D THAT GHOST" rh I BUD ABBOT LO! COBTELLO
      289 words
    • 102 4 .YG.W > Extend! Heartiest xn, GLOBE t. i. r n» mm avn p r^ SKY >v t y tCOAXF^C NIC! re also specii. 1 *i iN.ff. g? c p pi( J3^ On SUN *i> THE PHAJFTOV S ?h4c and X'nut j H OH I rofTMi GOB "10 ne started wrre*D«tt
      102 words