Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 16 December 1945

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 21 1 The Sunday Tribune Telephone: SSII NEWSPAPER OF THE FEOPLE OF MALAYA hghj SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, DECEMBI i; L& 1945 PRICE 10 CEN'i
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  • 242 1 1000 Policemen, MP's Take Part in (kmtb-Oiit \U Nf N, Dec. 15 (UP)— Approximately 8,000 i-jmb#l the London Felice, togethe: with Bri ?r. V: :ted States, Canadian m I P >liah military oil I ::rew a four-square mile dn pad iomd the
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  • 132 1 VAN MOOK LEAVES FOR HOLLAND BATAVIA, Dec. 15— i UP >.—Gov-ernor-General van Mook has announced he Is leaving for Holland today (Saturday*, for consultation with the Netherlands Government, reports Un led Press. He expects to be absent from Java for three weeks. Reuter reports that a British force enlarging the
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  • 61 1 "Big Three" Meeting WBDON. Dec. 15 Tlu- "Big gw" noftlgn Ministers wUI pt Moscow this even. nltcd States) is p^ there. Ernest Bevin < B p*J* <ta* to arrive any mir. a ntdmlM Molotov (Russia! CJWaf to receive ther T.vugh tftetal •:> f specified only atomic PfO as one of
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  • 28 1 Franco-Siam Talks In Singapore? ggPON, Dec. 15- UP. KJ?sjJf<* Press today, that th > ns may shortly by Franco■Wßlcted in Singapore by |*w Clanc. political advif French High Commis-
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  • 266 1 HONGKONG MAKES RAPID RECOVERY HONG KONG. Dec. 15.— While threatened I :.t;ht for independence and labour unrest retard rehabilitation in many of the liberated countries in the Far East, Hong is today making rapid strides in its recovery as one of the leading trading ports in the Orient— a much
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  • 341 1 TOKYO, Dec. 15. (UP). General Douglas MacArthur today struck a blo^ l niojs > by o-t erin<j the Japanese Governirct raw its spon>oship cr tnancia! support from the *\?.\e relition which mkntmmd forces the belief that the Emperor is a livi I I The directive
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  • 369 1 WASHINGTON. Dec. 14. The State Department has disclosed the text of the note received from tne British Foreign office expressing entire agreement with the United States view that Persia should be able to use its own forces wherever and m whatever manner is necessary
    Reuter  -  369 words
  • 202 1 Loan Agreement Possibility Of Govt. Defeat In Lords Discussed LONDON. Dec. 15.-The dobs*. Dility or a Government defeat "when the controversy over the AngloAmerican loan agreement is transferred to the House of Lords on Monday is discussed in the Times and other national papers today sh °uld be a repetition
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  • 43 1 HQ. SEAC, Dec. 16— Admiral Sir j Bruce Frasei. C.-in-C. of the British j Pacific Fleet, who is visiting famga pore on I'm way to nis new Hong j Kong headquarters, will attend i.n important staff conference at Naval Headquarters to-day.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 6 1 I PEN I ggPAHUNG Branchcs. LEE
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    • 105 1 Y.T. LEE TYPEWRITER DEALERS 332, NortC Bridge Rg Cleaning undertaken months Telephone 7971 Models of Modern Weapons That i^JKS^, Won The War! NO BETTER GIFT THAN THESE MODELS FOR THIS X'MAS. A. A. Gun on Chassis. Empress of India Lancers. Searchlight on Chassis. British Infantry in Action. R.A. 4.5" Howitzer.
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  • 611 2 The Sunday Tribune Sunday, December 16, 1945. Jobless Clerks OLERKS are among the hardest hit by the prevailing stringency. There is :>read unemployment among them "through no fault of their own," as Brigadier 1'.A.8. McKerron remarked in his opening speech to the Singapore Advisory Council on Wednesday. The number in
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  • 1104 2 GOOD-BYE TO NEUTRALITY (By Viscount Cecil Of Lord Cecil has achieved l i international distinction t as an advocate of world J democracy and peace. He was an indefatigable de- i fender of the Covenant of t i the League of Nat it which he.
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  • 114 2 —^Hl YEN AN. CHINA Jt b 1 his wilderness can much written aboi. u v,*^* ed by >«ciatad 1 ress /I John Roderick, uov lUv LI 1 a y hui rtruggling with u^fti,:! d racy, i JJC ra R The rwmnp Commu ;,r PHMBI a plan has guided n
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 87 2 Tin' l i rud€ k iiliail A^^uraiC rompaiiT IJiniled H. I ";i•• .i >-c. V'yii-A'.r. Total Assets Exceed 53,500 000,01^ U t Branch Office 17 18, Mercantile Bank Sisff The Prudential *iinirnri ntwiiiji f iiniHlMiiT~ w that its Branch Office in Malaya has re-opa*rc. and is in a position
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  • 207 3 "Bill Of. Rights" For Press Advocated I*—OT>— .lV United Nations and ail other 0 f awiwillsh«MlUp«liotO ertect "a bill ot rights for the 'esidpnt or Un<ted Press, said ,-s l^' "■< fic itiori the B;H buat EastChesfer. N. T. The meeting was at St. Paul's Church on th anniversary of
    207 words
  • 89 3 Lack Berets Are Here LPSEA. Ok. 16.— Squadrons tux Recce Regiment, the 4of 2 Dr. drive Burma, are now in Stngaguard of 54 men coinby Lieut Busfleid has been I Government House, last armoured uing Um Qroa* Keys sign of Britain's finest divisions. bt dark daft of reverse* to to
    89 words
  • 98 3 Ah Mng <age 76>. founder Hrng Co.. Piano House*, rf Wont Shian Yein and Wong Yut-.< N..,i'a 'M:> fck Joo» and father-in-law I Btck Joo, passed away •> ni> io\inp u lit-. I dsmwfcr, 1 son-in-law. 1 s^Ken, 3 grandsons- in-law. N»«n in-law and 1 gnat Ito mourn
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  • 17 3 ig of all Singaoore dressers will be today at the K a- 4 p.m
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  • 119 3 "Malaya" Cup Mystery Malaya cer b t rihanii, the "Malaya": !l Cup, trophy presented by\ VS. "Malaya" for h ter-Sjate football com- petition, has been un-\ earthed from its place ofi I hiding in the basement of the General Post Office} and returned to local soc- S i cer authorities,
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  • 137 3 PUBLIC HOLIDAYS POR NEXT YEAR Christmas Day and the following day (Boxing Day). Tuesday and lay, 25th and 26th Dt ber, 1945. will be observed as public days thioughout Singapore, iing to a notice appearing in the Military Administ ration Gazette igapore Division > of Friday In 1946 the following
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  • 86 3 a mall Quantity of goods" Ived in S:: recently boui the prior knowl< Ige of •he BMA. who only came I know aboul these tmporti tn m h- r-i-'van papers Immediate ly ship anchored. Thta t a.i> revt-aied a- a Pieti conference in shipping space, it
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  • 116 3 Tiv iuli>\v;r.- haw b. alii tted the ftrsi batch of 2' 1 i motor-can which arrived in Singapore recently. Th» can will b-' handed over ih< r [y W Hammer ft c Ltd.. Atl Assurance Co.. Ltd.. Singap r Cold Snra^Co.. Ltd. Ritchie Bissei. Salvation Army. Mr
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  • 42 3 OTTAWA, Dec. 15.— The Cai N m Ho. C nun oa last ted r a third re iding r the BUI ra Ifying Canadl in S ?nai ure ol thi Bretti o Woods International Monetary agreements by 169 votes to 9.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 47 3 Alleged Possession Of Penicillin Chinest- C N Hu^h. was irg d In Firs 1 D:> ri! C :r: yesterdav for possession [16 bottlea I penJcuun ralued it $240 ai GO. Chulia Street. H Is med trial and hearing vas p n< Ito Feb. 11. Pol extend I
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  • 85 3 in 7,150 Du;ch eva-t:.-i about 9.000 Javanese in Singapore today. The great majority oJ them, it was explained -,hr Press conference fe&u Pday, are shelfo d clothed d fed by the Dutch RAPWI A small number, however were KSLF I^ for by the British RAPWI. 'but
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  • 94 3 Under regulations published in the latest Military Administration Gazette (Singapore Division) any person found driving a vehicle without a licence is liable to a fine of $100 The use of unlicensed motor vehicles is prohibited and the owner of any sucl. vehicle who desin obtain a licence
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 119 3 ENGAGEMENT I The engagement m iced on the 15th DecwnW ■tmcn Mr Paul Urn. fourth t> \I- V: l.i '.*?.•>': M: \«r [East London. South Africa. WANTKH I m i. :> f H«*QalHy Ifumben. Local I^Wtod to tour Singapore and MJJPfr <^ Taylor Theatre P. T. IJM'S Herb -Ton: Jbook
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    • 175 3 FOB SALE FOR SALE— Special cakes~and rry-puffs for Christmas. New Year and an occasions made to order at 24. Saunders Road. Singapore NOTICES BV \IHITA. M'MIMSi RATION Notice of Sale by Public Tender By Authority of The Custodian of Property Singapore. The Custodian of Property ■STi ll|JU mritet lenders or
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    • 301 3 "THE VISWAMITRA" Hindi Daily Wet >. Can be trom D. R. PATHAK 127. Arab Sreet, SINGAPORE. Pianos JJL TUNED REPAIRED BOUGHT Pj 1^ SOLD OR EXCHANGED. NANG HENG CO MA NO HOUSE, 103 105. Selegie Road SINGAPORE. lIO VIM. NEW WORLD WedntSi 1 4th Dec. 830 p.m. CHAN- Ri
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  • 182 4 Lt.-Gen. Seniclii Tazaka, who was the Jap general responsible for the defence of Singapore, and Lt.-Gen. Naotake Nagata, Jap chief of the Southern Fuel Department, surrendered their swords to Lt.-Col. W. B. Thomas DS.O., Commanding Officer of the Ist Cameron. a ceremony at Kluang yesterday morning.
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  • 34 4 HQ. Air Command. SE Asia, Dec. 15.— The Air Ministry announces thai Air Commodore Edmund Francis Waring. C.BE. D.F.C., A.F.C., is appointed All Officer Commanding No. 225 Group. Base Air Forces, South East Asia.
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  • 267 4 British Troops In Persia, /</;*/. U.S. Forces In China MOSCOW. D 14. On the eve of British Foreign Secretary Ernes; Bevin's arrival in Moscow for the Foreign Ministers' Conference. David Zaslavsky, writing in the "Pravda." asked these questions arising out of Persia's request for the withdrawal of
    Reuter  -  267 words
  • 81 4 Fresh fish, dried fish, fresh vegetables, fresh fruit and fr mea; have been brought ur. rol according to an O: published in the latest Military Administration Ga I Singapore Division. Sale of any of these foodstuffs is prohibited to the Forces wl the amount la
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  • 407 4 NUFEMbERG Dec. 14 United States Deputy Prosecutoi, Major Douglas Walsh, at today *s hearing of the Nazi War Crimes trial introduced a new series of German documents and directives clearly indicating the Nazi conspiracy to starve millions of Jews to death. 1 1 ins
    Reuter  -  407 words
  • 202 4 "Spooks" Stopped Treasure Hunt On Cocos Island SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 15.— (UP) A new version of the fabulous pirate treasure buried on Cocos Island was recently reported by the Melbourne rad;r>. The broadcast, recorded by the United Press, said that Captain Max Stunton, skipper of a freight steamer now berthed
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 84 4 1 IN PROGRESS NOW vV" EXQUISITE JEWELLERY Sui-able for presentation purposes at a 10', U w-:--- ii. S ii 7% A -JEWELLER -41 HIGH STREET I D the way from London, by post, will be sold in packets containing 23 assorted Christmas Cards and 1 Churchrr Minanack, 1946. Price $2.40
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    • 276 4 CATHAY Where Everybody Goes AVOID THE CRUSH COME TO THE EARLY SHO V 11 a.m. 2.00-4.15—6.30 9.30 LAST 5 Shows Today! William Powell Ic Myrna Loy In "LOVE CHAZY" OPENING TOMORROW William lii v in "TANKS A MILLION" with UNITED ARTISTS BOX OFFICE -PHONE MM. QMttP CINEMA BAM and RESTAURANT
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