Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 14 September 1941

Total Pages: 14
1 14 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 15 1 The Sunday Tribune Net Sates Exceed 23,200 Weekly SINGAPORE. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1941 KIVK CENTS
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  • 87 1 Heavy RAF Raid On Rhineland London, Sept. l:;. '■•HE Rhineland was among the R A.F/s targets m Germany la night, according to an R.A.I i omn.uuique which state 'Though the weather night v. as again unfavourable, industria objectives m prankfurt and elt < w here m the Rhineland attacked by
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 35 1 Bept U I U«t, Will I. a'., !),.<-n by tru •nd of the production oi to nach 7.000 given by kamml lon tt I that plant baa i Lure <>t Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 428 1 (WITII THE BRITISH ARMY) London, Sept 13. PULLY manned and equipped, a British armoured division gave impressive evidence of the new power of Britain*! Army to-day when its thousands of tanks, mobile guns, armoured fighting vehicles, motor-cyclists and transport swept past His Majesty the King,
    Reuter  -  428 words
  • 130 1 Wife Of H.G. Commander Shoots Herself (From 11. L. Ilopkin) London, Sept.. IS. A VERDICT of suicide while the balance of mind was upset was retimed at the inquest on Pamela Midwood. 39, wife of Captain Ralph Midv.ood. now commander of the Home Guard, who was found shot at Sandiway.
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  • 474 1 JAPANESE TOLD TO EXPECT EARLY WAR US. TALKS SAID TO DELAY EXPANSION QARLY Japanese-American war was forecast this afternoon by Seigo Nakano, leader of Japan's only revived political party, m reply to the ChurchillRoosevelt warnings to Japan. He was speaking before thousands ol people m Tokyo. Several thousands more listened
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  • 57 1 Iran Germans Surrendered i Teheran, Sept. 13. 2 A 1 IKR S4 hours of last- J minute stalling by Ihe Get- Z man Legation, the BTlt batch J oi eighty Germans left Tehe- J. ran by train this morning. Of theat 7? uaie being [tainted 5 over to tha- British
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 38 1 THE dance hostesses' strike at the Great World cabaret which commenced on Friday night is still on. Last night's notice outside the I Great World cabaret read C;ibai ret closed under renovation until i further notice."
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  • 55 1 London, Sept. 13. ARMAT.f, number of enemy aircraft hew over great Britairl last night, says an Air Ministry comnunique. A few bombi vv< re dropped Ai one point m the oortha small number uf casualties was caused and some houses damii. Two enemy bombers were
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 249 1 London, Sepl 13. Warning the country against the possibility oi heavy air raids, Mr. Herbert Morrison, Home Secretary, said: "II tic Russians can resist or lick tn<> Germans, that will be fine. Bat if the Ccrmans are able to dig m lor the wintct they may bring
    Reuter  -  249 words
  • 182 1 London, Sept. 13. MR. Ernest Bevin. Minister for Labour with Mr. Winant. United States Ambassador to Britain, to-day inspected Indian students who have come to Britain for training m modern methods of production. The inspection took place at Letchworth Garden City. Hertfordshire. After stating
    Reuter  -  182 words
  • 359 1 London, Sept. 13. Uku k GREAT speech by a great man on behalf of a greal country," the Australian Labour Leader. Mr. Curtin's, description of President Roosevelt's broadcast— is "borrowed' by The Times to-day as the best description of the impression the speech
    Reuter  -  359 words
  • 293 1 <l.v Maurice l.ovell. Renter's residenl correspondenl m Moscow). Moscow Sept. its. '■•HE people of Kie remain aa confident as ever that the Ukrainian capital will not be captured despite tiie throat from a now direction involved m the loss of Chernigo> which wan admitted yesterday. Profiting from
    Reuter  -  293 words
  • 56 1 Mystery Fires At Turin Vichy, Sept. I". Il Ui rE fu c.■•■e vs hich broke out at Turin caused considerable da mage, says a Vichy new agency message. An important transport warehouse, together with adjoining depositories, were destroyed. Large quantities of goods were burnt, including 100 motor-cars. The cause of
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 88 1 Manila, Bsp& is. I \JAYON VOLCANO. described as the world's perfect cone." situated 2.000 miles eaat of Manila, la In course of eruption. Nearby villages are m danger, rma police patrols arc rushing to th* nelghbOUJ hood Reutei V .-V London srpi 13 TtHB Burgomaster ol c>*|o. Paul
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 258 1 Sept. 13. IuJRKEY call be the object of a discussion between lliiler. Ribbentrop and Von Papen, Hie Nasi Ambassador to Turkey, according to Mr. Martin Agronsky, the Ankara <<ar«'spondent of the National Broadcasting Company Gen Rohde, the German Military ami Air Attache m Ankara,
    Reuter  -  258 words
  • 301 1 (B) Annalist) Loudon, Sept. 13. "GTUBBORN battle, along the the entire front," is the laconic Soviet Russian descript ion of 1 he t itanic t niggle proceeding along the eastern front. Apart from trs Soviet admission oi the evacuation ol Chernigov, there is Uttle that is deAnite
    Reuter  -  301 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 182 1 XSsW SOLD -<** CLEANED ADJUSTED A REPAIRED EZEKIEL CO OPTOMETRISTS^ OPTICIANS 3 CAPITOL BUILOINH SINGAPORE tSTO 10 YEARS *^r V 7 a<«X C V S ___________________________________Htf_fl P^9?,T______________________________i el s. jbh 3P^^ :^^^^lHHa-IHB ifc#tMiia^ p J B ____i_______________ti^^_^^ SSL, r ll&L-^; <:'v' A Hjp^* vS? '■aßsf*-- I _Mt__L. li V'Si* j—
      182 words
    • 56 1 II E 1 M A i\ CREAMERY iß^^^^g^li aaj-sm bSßbt ~^mmmmmmm> -ami aSMntSamW^^^'^' was t\ k\~"^ a?a* m \ja~~ HBI I^^jg£S* •^---S^OaT' Df a rich, vet delicate creams flavour, Heyman Butter is 1 ideal for Ihe table or conking purpose*. Manufactured m, Australia, and hygienically packed ii ia always as
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  • 155 2 Singapore, Saturday. THE first Battalion of the S.S.V.F. left this afternoon to man their own defence area as a practice measure In order to gain ,xpcn.nce m true war" conctlti as The Batt.lion will be out till 11 j'clock to-morrow morning. The '•xtrcises started a; 5 o'clock
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  • 58 2 m v.iv. n«ve been no fatal motor accidents this treat- 23. of whom 2 were onlldren. >vfT- 0 inlvirod. laSat woek, on c rhila and two adults were kill a i stnei 21 Injured (Including 5 rhlldavA). Up to /lato 72 liaVs boon killed. The sra:id totn!
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  • 109 2 Singapore. Saturday. AS a result of a collision between n a military truck and a "Baby Austin at Tanglin, >ast night, Mrs. J. Watson, an occupant of the car, is lying m a serious condition In the General Hospital. In spite of the fact that
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  • 941 2 Envoy Outlines Australian Policy "'i'llE Battle of the Pacific a is now being fought on tralian Minister to China, m i Sir Frederick is m Singapore on his way to Chungking tv take up his new appointment. Australia, he emphasised m his
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  • 425 2 LADY DUFF COOPER PREPARES HER NEW HOME Hopes To Mo ye In To-Morroq (By Lorraine Streeter) F,ADY Diana Duff Cooper spent yesterday morning supervising Chinese workmen as they prepared N 0 I(K>, Jervois Road, the house which she and Mr. I) U fr Cooper will occupy during their stay, for
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  • 55 2 pHOUBAKDe ol -aao2 m i'dst lew v wwnaj th. In order to hlake some quack profit. m r th uemands* X* Unertean railways and South'*?^ :mee have been speculated to lc n u l' alll be levied on o* r ront n which a5 I ba re
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  • 16 2 (i rom ir. L. Hopkiti) fjaoßoa n v three months' ta.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 267 2 ■V m f mf 1 mmMmmmmm m% m mWmmMmmm mmmammmmmm m am IB Regular automatic stropping keeps 'Vata!* 7 blade* 1 In perfect condition for weeks on end— far long** I He* A- f ordinary blades. A Valet Rasor wilt last for years. Valet Is more than Just a razor;
      267 words
    • 99 2 50 00 mc Wnu suffer from the burning irritation and '^^"San^swelling of piles (haemorrhoids)' And. i&**2Afji 'X^^l^/* why let constant haemorrhage weaken you when jir^^^^'tliS^Ai X I there's Zam-Buk This wonderful herbal Oinl /j^\^^^'^'f^^W <**tL ment has proved successful m thousands of cases. /&*\~^t:i^'~'~Si£W It has a contractive action on
      99 words
    • 167 2 Trouble In The Interior. One frequently hears of trouble m th* interior, usually wiOa reference to torn disturbance which haa occurred country trll Ut^ll° uh]o m tne intpr «or is cornaoß, too. with men and women often cauS through constipation ,Jj' eri tne intern;ll organs m a clan and healthy
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  • 404 3 "Dignity" In The Services Money And Petrol Wastage f ii. (Tribune Staff Reporter) IAXI dnyers will be about the only people m Malaya who will not be very happy if an order shoull appear m this country similar to one that has already been promulgated m India, which states that
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  • 327 3  -  "Johnny" IK I was watching a friend of mine fertilising his garden on Thursday He lives next to the Yeo Chu Kan^ Lunatic Asylum and I noticed an inmate put his head over the wall and watch us. Afier a tune the lunatic spoke. "What yer
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  • 571 3 Singapore Man's Strange Craft (Sunday Tribune Special Correspondent) JF yam need an arm or a leg just go along to Mr. Loke Yew Tons who has one of the strangest jobs m the whole ol the East and almost the only one of its kind. "I can make a leg
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  • 58 3 American Germans Back Roosevelt Washington, Sept. 12. THE i( cently formed organisation m the United States calling itself "loyal Americans of German descent" has just telegraphed President R osevelt whole-heartedly &PP* ving his radio address and the action it indicated The organisation assured th': President:— "You can count upon our
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 75 3 p\ 12. TINDER the lesadcrship ol Mr. .Mien I •il knuwn New York ai itesl< m r of the American Red Bdtai lon to Russia In »J»l7 Bed Cross delegation wfll leave for Russia v/ithin a few days. Thi -\r-.i :r.r. Red Croat announcing
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 325 3 m%\. JF^I 88-^UaT v aHa^aaf i DON T LET INDIGESTION SPOIL THAT DINNER ttsafir.ts tfwwisehoww^nlJ not mar th« P~»*llittte dinner when "in* wini rnav h Rat m« ther forms of dige tive idrty which ?V n :I<l 'States the roneutrauzethia n ptrehef from ■topiach pam, d. world over uae ami
      325 words
    • 1360 3 Put pounds of flesh on scraggy bones, increase weight, fill out hollow cheeks. BE VITAL ALIVE MAGNETIC THRILLING Thousands of men and women owe their beautiful figure! and thrilling vitality to Clotabs. By putting on firm healthy flesh, by enriching ihe impoverished bloodstream Clotabs have changed them from thin, nervous,
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  • 1561 4  - A WOMAN PEEPS AT SINGAPORE Vera Ardmore by DRODUCER R. L. Bridges and 1 Assistant-Inspector James Blake are to be congratulated on the 1041 edition o: "Footlights Parade" which compares very favourably with the first production, given ihis time last year. The show, which opened <vi Wednesday evening, and ran
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 226 4 For a change visit the (ireen Cow Tavern, Malaya's highest hotel. Here you will find the atmosphere of an old English tavern combined with all the conveniences of a modern hotel. Excellent service, cuisine and facilities for all local sport. GREEN COW TAVERN CAME RAN HIGHLANDS. ■^bbv" ■s*^~-^~' i^^- mW
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    • 293 4 GWiW&HI ASEPTIC OINTMENT HEALED HER INJURED wrist;!* Read l-aT^ g §8^ A\ this Amazing Tribute JUflfl™ "I am writing to ex press my thanks for •~>ar ft. ai*9fta. Five montha ago I badly burt my wrist m ths nangle. Treatment failed to do me any good. Last Friday I sent
      293 words
    • 182 4 MANY DOCTORS AGREE The Old Adage is Found Beat Doctors m Singapore and throughout the world still find the old saying "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" is sound advice for everyone. Most of the weakening coughs and colds that come with wee weather can be
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    • 121 4 iill the life and sparkle goes oast of your face when your eyes are tired, irritated, recidened. Bet daily eye care with MURTNI will work wonders towards keeping them clear end lovely. Just a drop of MURINE to eaca eye every ni^ht and morning will relieve irritation aad ay flammation
      121 words

  • 1529 5 11. L. Ilopkin Tell* Of P notes* To Nazis NAZIS' 'NATTY SUITINGS' London, Auk. 20. QUT of the crash of war that still sin^s her Bppg of death over Britain comes the story of wasted effort of key men '.aken to fill jobs for which they are
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 353 5 tt myn ra I v WA jLjJtavi i r^/^^-atfcLv^^ aaPr f S^BBBaaaßafaaßßTaVgHflfti ■■■•^^iJ When your stomach fe*u h**** =mm^/^^ aui leei heavy and sour Maclean Brand Stomach Powder L k 0r lhe S 'gn>turf It Is surprising how quickly this famous &ffir<fhcUU remedy neutralises excess acid-reduces IjUuK-^^ the -blown-out- feeling
      353 words
    • 120 5 Rheumatism Curbed m 30 Minutes The amaxlng new discovery Rumend banishes the pains of Arthritis Rh"um tlam. Lumbago, Nturltia anal &latic^wS magic. In 30 minutes aftar the fl rat dMe pains dlaappear. and m H few days ti. a marvelous medicine disaao&ai and r move! the body potaona and Urte
      120 words
    • 605 5 Mm\~*mfk>. .^wPlv JSmsmW aaSßft&Bg b^bblHHk Iff Blood on your brush is a warning! A trace of blood on your daily* For Gibbs S.R. contoothbrush doesn't look tains Sodium Ricinolcate dangerous, but it shows the which dentists use m theii presence of those un- surgeries for clearing ut pleasant diseases gum-rot
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  • 897 6 A WORD OF WARNING ABOUT MALAYA rp HIS is nn Open Letter to Mr. A. Duff Cooper, and this is W. A. Harpur urit- ing it. Of course, Sir, you may not read this; that however I promise shall not detract from the standard of
    897 words
  • 317 6 The Sunday Tribune Sunday, Sept, 14, 1941. Axis Sea Losses QNE of the most remarkable aspects of the war at sea has been the way m which, of recent weeks, Axis shipping has been sent to the bottom by Allied air and naval action. Mr. Churchill, m his statement to
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  • Article, Illustration
    704 6 |\V. 11. PaferssMi Tells Oi* The pEOPLE have often expressed the opinion to me that it must be very romantic to work m a newspaper office. I daresay it ia if you happen to own the dam' thin^r. But nothing- yon can say will make them part company
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  • 399 6  -  Mary Anne Wendel 1 By INHERE arr many things m this world thai 1 cannot understand and chief among them are mosquitoes. In the early hours of this mornI had bui re and that Unfortunately a mosquito had oiher ideas. 14,I 4 won; I lost. Mid at five o'clock
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 816 6 Dissolve Ugly Fat The law Cinema Way Safely Lose 5 Lbs. a g m W m §Mi\W' s^^^ r Week 25 Lbs. a Month StaMft men arid women throughout the > \af| \woimd will wekvm« this ay vara of a iifew |S2«££&£&s%> v f ,'^ZP "<j^3 <iajlcav. ftuir way to
      816 words
    • 113 6 TAKE SNAPs")^ #^X you'll wwfymui \r TO SHOW q'j^ Your snapshots are important they store JWf IJaU* up your happiest experiences for all w&b~ mJ^"^4l ■J I ft BM jßßßa.Baaßa— \«\l>*V/T^a(^ ""^"Vf iA J 1 time I So make sure to get the best W|£|g}#j t t-t •naps possible; load
      113 words
    • 339 6 tfjjSmW aaaaaffaaTl m\\\ MW^F #?<jHiß *b» jd3 :.vbbw MfIaVBHBSwSHKS^RK: .♦i ft* Sat <bBB BHaaw. JiSKi *r*W araTaaT Jbjdbbv BB^BaTaTaKa^ «PC "-"<SiTJP aß*aaTaal vJbTBh tS ■MfeaTaaTaßTaTaTaTaT] swat. -V9n s2l*& •&aaS ■■>:-.£■ W v BBBTaßTflTaral BBTaTaTaTfi? x*PiFs? --'Saß TPbvS J^.aTBWBB^BBTaW aY SHh JuTbbTT aTTjff Jmm itif V** rThii ,s ta-HMtni ia»ua»aca«at pHotogruph
      339 words

  • 122 7 A MYSTERIOUS stranger "Uh tattooed hands walkMi into a Uirminsham house V M k thmt man ><«s cl>ing. aiu!" m f d t 1 L v ;i iA PoUce officer m- m i° k after th <- lie r.f a J had tuken Poison. Thi.s
    122 words
  • 1528 7 "aw "aTJ ♦/u^g,? 5a3« Husband Was Tortured \yuivib.N wept silently m court at Winchester Assizes during the reading of poignant extracts from a remarkable diary written by a man who stabbed his pretty 25-year-old "good time" wife because he could not bear the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 202 7 ftirbeam. VV 4 ,9 aa^jaaafe "y,st33-\ SaBBBJBBBBBBBBBBBr &&aa*t 9«rl wttfa Wr skin has MORE sex appeal and Allure than the girl with a sun.tanned complexion spoil your romance. Use wKi^fi new magic skm lotion. It lightens voui beauty and delicate smoothnea. th«ev«^ man admires. "^"*=ry Wmtex acts like magic. Reacts
      202 words
    • 170 7 Guard Againsb /soQfci\ THROAT fSm INFECTION r Y h > nu feci the slightest irritation C^ W^SKHf start taking l> eps antlsep^tc! 0 v /)H^9^ breatheable tablets This is your /U\ I surest way to prevent throat V-<^a<Z/ I >7//Vl infection and keep free from un- Ji 'fl pleasant colds
      170 words
    • 57 7 B *_Ta^^ ahp~».r _aap_«''' t _S|_. < na a _tfß'A '-|ll|____ _.dMWMnt\ acquires added charm. Daily m\ P\u applications help to keep the JI mT am n smooth and fair and give it ML m that fashionable matt surface se "'hazeline; snow Glass jars. All Chemists and Stores a Burroughs
      57 words
    • 704 7 For The blooa, Veins, Arteries and Heart V^^^^^S^ 1* r df% And Stop Limping DON'T let Leg Troubles cripple you. Take Elasto, the Great New Biomedical Remedy that cures through th* blood, and have done with enforced rest wry. aaiflenng and expense. Leg aches and pains aoon vanish when Elasto
      704 words

  • 214 8 ACT TO MAKE "BAD MARRIAGE 'LEGAL' Informalities Remedied |)OZENS of married couples m England, whose weddings were not carried out strictly m accordance with the law, are to have their "lines" made valid beyond shadow of doubt, by an Act of Parliament. Probably many of tho couples are ignorant of
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  • 173 8 rjVRIL John Harris, a 21-year-old labourer, joined the Army. HLs first visit to a rifle range was not exactly a success. His shooting was far more erratic than that of the average recruit. He seemed to hit anything but the target. The sergeant, noticing that
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  • 423 8 esSmmm QHARGES alleging menaces were brought against a widow and two 19-year-old youths who were remanded at separate hearings at Clerkenwell. The woman, Norah Hane, 45, of Northampton-buildings. Roseman-street, E.C., is accused of demanding with menaces £100 from a man, referred to at the request of the police
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  • 155 8 ARNOLD Kelvin Downham is 29 and a clergyman's son. He has studied for the ministry, and received training to be a monk. But h^ will spend the next 18 months In prison, working out a hard labour sentence. For three years afterwards he will be under police
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  • 380 8 Belfast. |\K. p. S. Walker, medical superintendent, with a salar\ of £1,200 a year, and Miss J. M. Lamb, matron, were retired from their appointments at White Abbey Tuberculosis Sanatorium, Belfast, uy the orders of Sir Dawson Bates, Ulster .Minister of Home Affairs. The Belfast Corporation Tuberculosis Committee
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 487 8 mt Ut*C(J&* 1 > #7 at\J\ /i 7 i He might be your son. He En en d ls tne son of the n '-P ire U run Before you realise it he I CLE BONE AND will have grown to youth Wr r. a and manhood. Will he be
      487 words
    • 193 8 High Blood Pressure Dangerous lo Heart Thousands of mm and women past 40 race the dangers of hpart trouble and paralysis because of High Blood Pressure. High Blood Pressure Is a mysterious disease that causes more deaths than cancer, largely because p< opie mistake the symptoms for Indigestion or some
      193 words
    • 400 8 SucA afleAJt < Jm W, people «B ___^S^r Jheir toothU3 paste because of its H| taste. It you are one of them you will like \m\m\ __r Gcnozo ut tr »erc are 1 *IHr more urgent reasons why you 1 'J^ should change to Genozo'* at VY once. This refreshing
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  • 248 9 Tnn Berlin, Sept. 13. HE rumour circulating m yichy that Marcel Deal had died as a reattlt of injuries, received during the attack on Laval categorically denied m usually weil-informed circles m Vichy, aecord.ntf tc the official German news agency. The agency acids, that according
    Reuter  -  248 words
  • 75 9 Rangoon. Sopt 13 0 r,I rr l (< \}l v rongreKatlon ot Burmese Buddhist* at the historic ?he°h£n S t h r dagon wheTonl -Ufii h l ghest dignitaries ol the Buddhist Aternwava Sayadaw gave sermon •'mphasislnrr the EuddMst revive tc St?" lcl KBresslon A
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 194 9 Manila, Sept. 13. THE local press reaction to Presi--1 dent Roosevelt's speech was very I favourable, while the Real Japa- ncac community was pleased that I he did not mention Japan. The Spanish- language paper, Van Guardia, says: "The speech is a fmal warning by
    Reuter  -  194 words
  • 163 9 Talngtao, Sept. 13. T*o facilitate what is described as shortterm tCMI-vtet training, the registration of White Russians m Tsingtao. between the ages oi 18 and 40 was begun bj the Tslngtao Japanese-sponsored Ruslan antl-Communlst Committee. Although the length of the training i.s COt revealed.
    Reuter  -  163 words
  • 135 9 London, Sept 13 S S DTELL-INFORMED circles btlieve that the de- iniition of Dni ed Sates "de- tensive waters" m Pre ident S Foosevelfs speech will ex- J tend from the United States eastern scaba»ard to aboui longitude thirteen d:'greas west. thus including the i whele a>f
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  • 357 9 rJVIBQUJZ says that his quiz this week favours the wife so keep on your mettle or the "little woman" will put it across j you, boys. Here she goes. Professor McStottlebaugh's garden is now m its glory but if he boasts of his magnificent nigella he's only
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  • 175 9 London, Sept. 13. DEPORTS received m Stockholm] and transmitted tc London in'dicatc the extreme gravity of the situat'on m Norway, especially the I fact that martial law has bee i j proclaimed In Oslo and will be 'extended tc other areas. Existing German troops hav^
    British Wireless  -  175 words
  • 40 9 Washington. Sept. 12. LIKENING Ex-Col. Lindbergh's speech at Des Moines, lowa, to the "recent outpourings of Berlin, Mr. Stephen Early, President Roosevtlt's press secretaiy, said: 'I think there i.s a striking similarity be- tween the two."— V Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 73 9 'pHE United Chinese Ifualcstl Association will give :i performance of "The Obedient Son" at the Har^y World <Dean s Opera Hall 1 at II p.m. 'on Sept. The Consul-General for China. Mr Kan Ling-pal, will be the patron. Tho mtt proceeds will be equally
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 937 9 lOOIIIVS rilSiMlt m 4 Hie iiiM-sl brew from Austral! a "HERE'S TO-EE" JBOUSTEADA LTD. J Gain New Cinema Way longer any us,, for m.-n nain Thin. Nervous Cn derweight Run-Dowaa. and' Rrlendlesa In »"Hyw< d the < Inonia Starai are under I rht and day and rVSulre of medical nervier
      937 words
    • 161 9 Grand News for HEAD-COLD SUFFERERS ftJVmfmlpa*. MTaf tmmmmsmms AW M a\\\ essse sSrwss 1 3w -SBBr.mtkims awOS y% r_uo enirTa si Nolo Medical Compound Clsmr Stuffmd-np Nmmtrilm m 50 eeconde. Look st the diaframs above. One minuts you're stuff ed-up with a heavy cold. Nasal membranes swollen puffy Breathing passages
      161 words
    • 194 9 Ik^-^BaT meam^mWa Ji^m\Srm T^B Hf let the veatrs stesl your birthright of a IN youthful. k__ Mature meant your^o3_Jo_ I \W l/ en Wed and "freahed with every day that N-_4 She meant the drying outer akin imperlepubly to disaolve and to make way for the freah new skin which
      194 words
    • 424 9 FEEL JADED [Qg^Jj •aW Va EARLY IN THE EVENING? Sleepy after meals? Jaded early m the eTening? Irritablsnenry Have headaches and occasional pains m the back and \egg Sallow skin, dull eyes All signs of oonstipation. You are "regular" Many who are regular hare constipation without knowing it. Their elimination
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 307 10 UNDOUBTEDLY THE GREATEST EPIC of the AIR everjrjade Packed with THRILLS Do ti h tk,> Dar9 d W r h Lm yfa**''' ro ng d>» nj aca'aa or »h* U S No»/ oi the? ioor km// i\WaM9*\ 2_TK through tha romance of o baoo'/ f*o po'i »o»adl J^Zf MJ Rebt
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    • 193 10 the BRIGHTEST CINEMA SHOW Cr THE OM.Y TO-DAY H a-" 1 3-!5 6.15 9.15 PAVILION < COLUMBIA'S SUNBURST OF MERRY MELODY AND LONG LAUGHS 'BLONDIE GOES with Penny SINGLETON and »j£§& v The Newest Singing Star 'IITO laiMR Isn <; i 1 _t If Ja> >• >ii Specially m [ncladiag
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    • 284 10 It's The Laugh Jackpot It's a GREAT Comedy! BELIEVE US, FOR SHEER ENTERTAINMENT Nobody can top "THE GREAT Mr. NOBODY" TO-lIAV I SHOWS |g |i m m II a.m. 3-15, 6-!5 9-15 p.m. t mEjMslimiT* ._JßMmi_k j *awi___MK-[i>'i fr_tof^_____aH___B_^_W— W_ B_ BM__ ta_ fl _B_ PS B BaMJEEF^^^^^^^'^^^^^^^^^^'^Hl <*• lt\-
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    • 70 10 w^*** M J JJ,,>M,, MIW,, "»**»a»aaawßßjMß«BjB J BjBm«BBM I NEXT WEEK AMI I AVIIIKA |o|ptti IMOIP TO tiIJCT »"S -'ScbUBBPIB KENT TAYLOR E ta £»£3 LINDA' HAVES what everyboay RKQ RAO/O P/cfure COCONUT GROVE SPECIAL AWOIM i:>ii:\t WE WILL BE CLOSED Monday l.'aili Tuesday H»<h To Co-operate with A. R.
      70 words

  • 763 11 Wri 1W- a_tere_a_g ArgW. On" QIITK recently Pan-America Nvh( n :t basket Oi Malayan pore by Ansae Clipper to Mi* Studios m Hollywood. Following several WCe ks of nation with the exchange and export control authorities concerned, rare specimens of fresh cut orchids were despatched to the film
    763 words
  • 141 11 Washington. Sept. 13. DAN- AMERICAN airways were yesterday given permission by the United States Civil Aeronautics Board to establish a new commerical airline between Miami, Florida, and "a p:int or points" m south-west Africa. The airline will operate via San Juan (Puerto RicoK
    Reuter  -  141 words
  • 33 11 Domestic Occurrence ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Mr. Tan Hong Ghim and family wish to thank all those who attended the funeral of their father and also all those who sent wreaths, letters of condolence, scrolls, etc.
    33 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 404 11 Public Notices "(.ALA SWIMMING CARNIVAL" HAW PAR SWIMMING POOL Tenth Anniversary To lie Held On 10th October, 1941. 1. 150 yards Free Style Relay (team of 4 persons) open io Chinese. 2. 40 yards Ladies Free Style, open to Chinese. 3. Mounted Wrestling, open to Ch.nese. 4. 80 yards Free
      404 words
    • 196 11 aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMBBBBBBBBBJBBMBBBBBBBBBBBBBM.BBBBBBB.MiBBBBBBMB»T TO-NIGHT'S DANCE 9-12 P.M. ■_.P UJI I ijii L^km. u Pa*^' mmmkL -m Sa-5 m^ p TO-DAY 2.30 TO 5.30 P.M. SUN DAY COCKTAIL i DANSANT VQ VALUABLE V| M O PRIZES ll will he awarded H to ladies and 11 gents \mg for am SPOT DANCES vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv V
      196 words
    • 89 11 he smartest men zjfaiiy^} >f the Services /f'^' •se Anzora for heir hair. They know that smartness means progress m terms oi >rcmotion. Anzora is the finest, f_~Trrap most healthful dress|l" T^ ing for the hair you can buy. And it J V keeps the head cool. r k\ MASTER
      89 words
    • 343 11 Ii "FIGHT FOR FRI-EDOM" EXHIBITION Victoria Memorial Hall, Sept. Nth. to 17th. 9 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. Open on SUNDAY A Panorama of the War On Land, On Sea, In the Air, and the Fighting Forces In Malaya. TWO ART EXHIBITIONS Singapore Art Club f^L' A a^"». a Chinese Art
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    • 338 11 Il^'Jg^ 2(^h Century Fox Present I'- *^j ««j.w 'jamo. jpjj| Henry Fonda 'THE RETURN of FRANK JAMES'; T,or Tv j^s^k j Also 8.M.1. Documentary "THIS IS ENGLAND" and Paramount British News CHURCHILL and ROOSEVELT MEET. MAKE A NOTE OF THIS GOOD NEWS! JAMES STEWART united artists Academy Award Winner 1941
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  • 1305 12  -  H.R. Denham i »y ]i|Y story concern a "pigi" bus, one of humble but useful vehicles, so minute to English i'\'i x which will carry yon, your bicycle, your sacks of rice or potatoes, your basket of sweet-smelling fish and any other of your household
    1,305 words
  • 635 12 StMrrc*ls Off The Surilery lOHN will murder her one of these days," said young Ann Tindall to me on Tuesday when she came into the surgery. "Good heavens!'' I said. 'What do you mean?" '•Well, she's such a little thing and John vents his fatherly affection on
    635 words
  • 287 12 SHORT STORY ABOUT MALAYA Amazed at this behaviour, I went round to the driving seat. "Engkau t'mau mi?" I asked, offering him the ten cent piece. He did not appear to have heard xne. did not even turn his head. Rigid. he stared straight before him at the road. Just
    287 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 629 12 Piles Ruin Your Nerves TV)n't 1. t Itching, bleeding, Internal <-r protrudii jr vitality, ruin your ii. i and 'lri- crazy with pair Chin irold the i i i t dii cov»ry <>f an Amerops tin- pain m i:. minute* i m walk, ride, work and enjoy life m comfort.
      629 words
    • 553 12 Hsfhma Germs Killed m 3 Minutes If you suffer from choking, wheezing, roughing. Asthma* and Bronchitis if you gasp for breath, can't sleep nights, and feel your heart pounding against your ribs, and suffer from Indigestion, Nervousness, Headaches and Loss of Vitality and Knergy, there is new hope, health and
      553 words
    • 476 12 Skin Sores? Cause Killed m 3 Days The vary first application oi Nlxoif-w begins to clear away akin gQj^ magic Use Nlxoderm to-night and wiU soon see your skin becoming a^![ •raootb and clear. Nlxoderm v a discovery thai kills germa and paraajtaa' on tha skm that cause Skin gor*
      476 words

  • 655 13 km; sweep KAPAI 711f)f) Sr( OM) PRIZE: < RLLOFOKT 86*89 IIIIKI) PRIZEMAINTAIN ***** Starters: *****, K4l.'i2. *****, 4h'087, *****, *****, *****, *****. Total Pool: Sfc7,f,o7. DOUBLE TOTES I irst double. 1 winning tickets, ;17 on eh: second clouhle, 11 winniriff tickets, SlO7 each. Surprises By Queen's Star,
    655 words
  • 125 13 To-day's R.A.F. Football TWRIIXING football should bo witnessed at. Anson Koad Stadium to-aay. when the Royal Air Water. (Setetar), holders ol the S.A.F.A. Mr. a. league 1 a bamptonsblp, and the Royal Air Force (Tencah) meet m tho Baal of the k.a.k mat' nnUf competition In ;«id ot the R.A.F.
    125 words
  • 113 13 rpi.ME forced a draw m the crickel match yesterda> between the Sinj;.ipore Cricket Club and ;:i» Mabay Fooiball Asso< iation. played on the Padans. Oolns In first, the Club knocked up 13. nms, J. B. H. Lec^.ie 55. top-scorin<:. H Shfh. four for 27. and Mohd Shah,
    113 words
  • 69 13 alrookline (Mass.), Sept. IJ. "MRS. Betty Xeavell, who as Betty Hicks A w;<s .i semi-finalist m 1939, may a>ceome the first Californian player to win the American women's golf championship. Mrs. Newell meets Helen Sifiel or Philadelphia m the thirty-six holes final. m the Bemi-flnals
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 99 13 1 1 r Bangkok, Sept. 13. NEWSPAPER racing tipsters are to be encouraged m j Bangkok. Cabinet Minister Major/ t Vilas, who, besides being > I Deputy Minister of Com- munieations, chief <>f the state-controlled Maritime 1 J Navigation Company and Director-General of
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  • 105 13 rjpilE Loyals defeated the Ar K ylls by the only goal scored m their Div. 1 h uuue matc h p la yeu at Gillnmn. yesterday m rpHE S.C.F.A. defeated the Police Depot »h_T_^ L n il f** B™*8 division encounter al the Depot yesterday. aaamms an ■J
    105 words
  • 396 13 YM. CA. Sm mm mo Championships JHREE records were smashed at yesterday's V.M.C.A open swimming championships held at the Fori Canning i>,><.| me record breakers were Gan svay Guaa who took 2 5 sec. eff his old recprd of 72 3 5 sec for the men's 120
    396 words
  • 94 13 A. I. F. Impress: To-day's Games Baseball pLAVOfG their Brst baseball henthe Austral..,,. Imperial Forces created a good impression when the* he-It m,.. •32. A.I.X and by Maine for the Canadians Canadians: *****;; All. 3 1 4 1 (i 2-v 1 1 and L-UeT: Ca,u,aii,ns: »nd James Wrfcht/ Wrißht
    94 words
  • 137 13 pLAYING hard against a side winch had h a n i«' advantages escort m Hrn? °V. •V Alcatel Talbo, ■•use a h«i) by nine point* (three tries) IS "I 1 the season, played on th-.-.r Kiound. yesterd aj A feature ol th« aj me was the
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 254 13 DOES/YQUR HAIR LOOK P DULL AND M 2 RY? rm^ w taßßßßß^S aC^aa_fct_^_______^ l ~aa*«B.B«»M MBMHHHttN_fi_a w anK3_Bfl_M_e&&r > > Msssst S-' -^l® _H_fl_HN_H_HS_&- ._i-H_BM_fl_i_fe, -ii-it- iihm_^— T_^_^_«iiiiiiiwiih v. 7T-' '"V... "I ify r y sHnHßj IB**-''«^^_B''f* -4 8 8 T^_i _B m\ %_J^. ■^^_a_B3_*x X;^xSfei^is«^^OTK |BfiEjßM| H__<&. ?m\ OS
      254 words
    • 475 13 v forßflDJv a*- B \m^ __««a_B \\\a^ m -bY bTMbt Some poor little mites have such f_W sensitive bkins that no matter how _|_f often you change them they are tor- I m^amf/ the advice of doctors and nurses I B^ and at frequent intervals give a *__T^"___^_B really lavish
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 14 13 TIDE TABLE HIGH TIDES ro-DAV: 9.01 a.m., 7.8 It: .5 35 p.m., 8.2 ft.
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    • 79 13 m—3 7t a7% J J_ T^^ 9 I bbsVt AaPJ m |C_i I M F'l 1 am to-day SOCCER: Small Units Cup Pinal, R A I i i v RAF (Tengah), Anson Road Stadium (m aid of the R A i Benevolent Fund). CRICKET: S.C.C. v R.A.A.F. S.C.C. BASEBALL:
      79 words

  • 113 14 New York, Sept. IS. |T is reported from Washington that the arming of American me re ha n1 ships is likely to be proposed by the Administration. Authoritative quarters are quoted as the source oi this information. The matter is reported to have been discussed
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  • 180 14 London. Srpt. 11. The possibility Ci the whole nation receivinf increased feed rations during the winter months was envisaged hy the Food Minister m a Bperch at the opening of an exhibition of wartime food production this mornirg. Lord Woolton said socks m the country were better than
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  • 62 14 Cairo, Sept. 13. THE Biitish Middle East GHQ ■communique to day states "at Tobruk one of our patrols met and destroyed a German patrol. Our artillery tire carried out harassing fire on enemy posts causing explosions and damage. "Several enemy bombing raids resulted m no material damage.
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  • 61 14 Chungking. Sept. 13. 'IJR. LIU SHI-SHU. Director ol the BurOffc m .Affairs Department, of the :;'n Affairs Department of the Foreign Oihce. la t 0 '->c appointed the first Chll sac Mini-rer to Canada, it ls learned Ticm usually weU-lnfarmed sources. It Is
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  • 127 14 Euenos Aires. ?pt. 13. WE cannot permit the German Ambassador to remain m Argentina for it i.s revealed that n< has been implicated m activities menacing our democratic institutions." Tliis statement was mack by Representative Eoatti at Fridays session of the Chamber of Deputies which again
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  • 64 14 London, Sept. 13. DURING eight months up to the end of August. Britain has delivered to Turkey r,oods to the value of £3.598.433 and they continue to be shipped at about the same rate. The largest single item worth £733.866 was i>.704 tons of locomotives, tenders and
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  • 39 14 STAR I n SUNSHINE 1 Lovely Joan Blondell knows 2 hen- to keep cool and beau- tiful The vivacious Pa- 5 ramount star could give a I I lesson or two ta» Malayan j perspirers m this matter. I
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  • 75 14 Berlin. Sept. 13. THE German Ambassador m Paris. Abetz. has gone to Germany m order to receive fresh instructions from Hitler, it is reported here from Vichy. The visit to Vichy of Admiral Fstera. resident-general of Tunis U stated to be "without the framework of normal
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  • 302 14 THE first capture of a U-boat day by the pilot of the Squadron-Leader H. Thompso the Distinguished Flying Cross "I don't know what damage we did to the submarine.' he said, "but from the way the crew jostled each other as they dashed frcm the conning
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  • 80 14 Cairo. Sept. 13. FIVE ringleaders of the Iraqi rebellion who took refe^ m Iran have expressed a desire o return to Iraq for trial by ccurt-martial, according to reports from Bagdad. It is also reported trom Bagdad that the exMufii of Jerusalem, who also fled
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 232 14 London, Sept. 12. TIN opened quiet. The turnover was 50 tons. There was only moderate consumer demand for Nears but the market was steady, with sellers more reserved. After official hours, a further 40 tons were traded. Despite Tuesday's burst of activity, the
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  • 376 14 WORLD 'S LARGEST BOMBERS (By Renter's Air Correspondeaat) London, Sept. 13. DETAILS :i the new Halifax and Stirling bombers, leading members of Britain's new heavy bombing team, which have b^cn leading the record R AF raids on German and Italian cities, were released by the Air Ministry last night. Th?y
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  • 48 14 Mr Alfred Duff Cooper, Chanccllfr of the Dually of Lancaster, is broadcasting to London from Singapore at 4.45 p.m. to-mor-rcw. A recording will be broadcast m toi' RCrmal transmission aaf the Smgapcre station at 10.05 p.m. the same day, immediately following the Headline News
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 35 14 9^ SS^^^HxH _^a^_^_^_fl ms mr^-UMti ms mw mT Aw _Hb_|_M_H w^kr mm mw mw bb^^bl bb^b___^_l II I_b! bbl aal a_l _l _l _W V. «___U A T*±. _aW _^_S^ XbW _a_r _L Wm>w _a_^
      35 words
    • 545 14 lIIMIKS IV DEMAND TO-DAY FOREVI.K Uv |'».,rl Buck ji •>, STARS ON THK SKA B) V W .Mason. a ft MOMENT IN PEKING !U u n Yutanir. 9 iwj KITTY FOYLi: By Chnstoph. r Morley. oo I THK BKDSIDK ESOtIRI THROUGH CHIN v I W Ml Xv i. ham rt:'K.
      545 words