Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 24 August 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 15 1 The Sunday Tribune Net Saks Exceed 23,2oo Weekly SINGAPORE, SUNDAY. AUGUST 24, 1941. FIVE CENTS
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  • 521 1 yo, Aug 1 i m Be :<•» up it. that t'- emm -nt haS (let i i<> withdraw sis hu ndrt I Gci i i nts iroin Ir^n >n X( A l rained situation m ihc Ne i Last. New York, Am;. Laving her plans for a long
    REUTER  -  521 words
  • 1204 1 JKea Reinforcements For Northern Front ELL informed military circles m London have received no confirmation of any fighting east of the river Dnieper m the lower reaches, and the impression prevails that the Germans have not crossed the river m any effective numbers, although small isloated bodies
    Reuter  -  1,204 words
  • 35 1 i Ankara, Aug. 23. fIK. Resfik Saydani, Turkish J Prime Minister, yoster- day received the British Am-. ba'ssador, Sir Hughe Knatchl hull-Hiifrpssen, who was acj companied by Lord Carlisle. Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • Article, Illustration
    34 1 Youthful star from MG.M, S Ann Rutherford, enjoyi a I cruise whenever she can get S tiny off from the studio. I Almost makes a man decide t ?to turn sailor, doesn't it?
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  • 47 1 Sydney. Aug. 23. Tin, lust ***** of German prisoner* landed at Sydney have been taken to internment camp; In Ihe COUI The rank and fih> were docile— "just like lambs' said a guard, but a group oi oflirer» were bullen and lanatlcal Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 223 1 U-Boat Sunk By Mercha n ttna n L< ndon, Aug. 23. A THRILLING battle m the Atlantic which ended m his mcrchantship sinking a U-boal was told by the captain on arrival m port m Britain. It was dark, he said, when the chief officer reported sighting "some black object
    Reuter  -  223 words
  • 141 1 1,000 ARRESTS IN PARIS Vichy, Aug. 2 r|NK thousand arrests were made on Friday night m police raids ir. the neighbourhood of the Champs Elysee. To-day's official Journal publishes the text of a drastic new law providing lor imprisonment y.iUi hard labour and m certain circumstances the death penalty for
    Reuter  -  141 words
  • 138 1 Lessons Of Mid-East For A. I. F. Sydney, Aug 23. "W E can only succeed against the highly trained European armies by thorough training on our part." said Major-Gen. Sir 'Ivan Mackay, the newly-appointed G.0.C., Australian Home Forces, on his arrival at Sydney yesterday. Junior leaders who normally take years
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 99 1 Cairo, Aug. 23. YESTERDAY'S R.A.F. Middle East communique states: '•Libya, during the night of Aus. 20-21 R.A.F. bombers attacked ihe harbour at Benghazi and obtained a number of direct hits on a railway siding. "Yesterday, our bombers attacKed the enemy landing grounds at Gambut and Monastlr, and
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 58 1 President Roosevelt v. ill broact- j cast to the nation from Hyde Park New York, on Monday eve- i I ning, states a Reuter message irom New York. His address is rxptcted to begin at 5.45 O.M 1 1 05 a.m. Tuesday, local time* and will last tor
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  • 319 1  -  Fergus J. Ferguson (By London. Any". 23. IRAN'S reply to Britain's memorandum on the increasing number of Germans m various Iranian service b received m London and is now under consideration. It had previously been learn; il or a not that preliminary verbal com- the
    Reuter  -  319 words
  • 21 1 London, Auk. 23. GERMANY'S great chemical centre, Mannheim, was the main objective of the R.A.F. last nnrht.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 229 1 Tokio, Aug. 23. WHILE American aid to the Soviet via Vladivostok continues to attract the sustained attention of the Tokio press, veiled warning m given to the Soviet against receiving supplies by this rout p. The newspapers suggest that an ulterior motive lies behind
    Reuter  -  229 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 50 1 j BINOCULARS!!! NEW /1/JR/V/ILS "U--ICLE SAM'S" Continental Patent ft x Ezekiel «V Co. Xo. 3, Capitol Building, Spore. THE ROYAL BAKERY BAft E 5 MN^^AOAH^AJ^■SPpP VjM 1 J V^* axl*** 1 V IJ -a £ft C j i ■phom:: singafou ■SJJAJi'Sti (suSSjwS™''*"™* 1 IHOU IKI& 111 (2 lines), IM.NANO louu
      50 words
    • 53 1 10 Per if j MILK TlME^^^^jT FORTHE KIDDIES With Pat-a-Cake and f;ia\r) Biscuits «T^'M affords delicious meal which evt r v > ou n -I c r will enjoy. UK SlHi: AM) ASK lOK PKKK f^Jj'ttWk KKEAN'S. Obtainable from all dealers. peek freah:s^»^' ?Af-A-CAK£ BISCUITS MADE BY: PEEK FREAN CO.,
      53 words

  • 277 2 Singapore, Saturday. SINGAPORE'S notorious ricksha }>arade is likely to be completely stopped as a result of vigorous action by the AntiVice Branch of the local police. Several complaints, terminating with a complaint l>om the Anzac club, two weeks ago. that their members were being
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  • 175 2 Retrial Of Maxwell Murder Case (From Our Own Reporter) lix)h, Saturday. gENTENCED to death at* the Perak Assizes recently lor the murder of Mrs. Alary ZeiW Maxwell, wife of Mr. C. N. Maxwell, liaji Sulaiman bin Raji Abdul Wahid to-day heard the President of the F.M.S. Court of Appeal order
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  • 161 2 FIFTEEN weeks of hard -T training for the 0.C.T.l a cadets who completed their course yesterday, was liven ed up when, a few nights ag«v 5 while the unit was camped I out "somewhere m the jan Z gle," two tigers visited them. I The men were
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  • 131 2 Aussie Airman Weds S'pore Girl Beijeved to be the first member Cl the R.A.A.F. to wed locally, Cpl. Edward Horace Selwood, of Ipswich, Queensland, yesterday led to the altar at Wesley Church, Singapore. Miss Catherine Robertson, only daughter of the late Capt. Robertson and of Mrs Robertson of Singapore. Bride
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  • 164 2 Singapore, Saturday. f^ERTAIN observations kept by two police constables In plain clothes on the activities of an eating-shop assistant, Seah Ah Say. resulted m the tetter's arrest and appearance before Mr. S H Cheah this morning on a charge of soliciting for immoral purposes
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  • 255 2 MALAYA'S Officer Cadet Training Unit completed its first year of work yesterday when, before the General Officer Commanding .Malaya, Lt. Genera] A. E. Percival, 30 Australian and nine British cadets paraded for their "passing out" core- mony. The event was unique m thai J
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  • 82 2 A.I.F.'S Job In Malaya UPON arrival m Darwin from his visit to the Netherlands Indies and Malaya, the Minister lor the Interior and Minister for Information (Senator Foil) saitf that the A.I. F. m Malaya was playing an important role m Pacific defence. The men had quickly adapted themselves
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 308 2 m is proof 1 De Witt s Anf c 'd Powder HERE IS PKinir •Nobody suffered h n 9* '"^llt relief! more than I did with Because the digestive organs re-act at .ndigeation. Food ne e to nervous upsets, digestion soon was out of the breaks down under prolonged nervous
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    • 54 2 HEADACHE? ■BDnKSSB GENASPRIN I— When your head begins to tlnob, i.xkr two tablets of See how quickly the pain goes. Doctors every--1 because it is so pure, so safe. At my tvm of strain or pain, CEXASPiW sees you through. M H:N9yWAUGH*Co;:Ltd:;:fs.Buil,, fl ki h K CCt Sm a P°'-«
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    • 359 2 a Yv/^j--— "ti A GE ne«d not take from you th« r\, of a youthfuJ skin. Nature did aotS?' Tour skin to become old «iyl withered, t!^ meant the fresh nrw skin which is ,iJ?* <rowiAg underneath to take the place of th#«P dried-up skin and keep you rrer youaT^
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  • 133 3 PINING FOR NOURISHMENT YET COULDN'T EAT. A piublcin iii fevor is how to get nourishment. Fever sets up poisons to the blood which attack the muscles and nerves, weakening your whole body. Your weakened Jtomach is nauseated by food, yet that is Just the time when it needs nourishment urgently.
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  • 602 3 71/7 I Malayan Authors Adventures (By Lorraine Streeter) fIJEWLY arrival m Singapore on a wartime job is Gerald Samson, former Reuter tpecial correspondent m the Far Bast and author of "Warning Lights of Asia," an interesting and comprehensive book which trace.-, event, m Asia during
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  • 113 3 JAPANESE COINS IN USE HERE STRAITS Settlements half-cent coins, both the old round millid edged, and the newer, small, square mintage, are legal tender and are m free circulation throughout the c-untry. They ws r e brought from the vaults of banks and the Treasury to meet the shortage of
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  • 828 3  -  L.S.D. Hv UAUmYA has become very more "baclse ecmsiious since v.c Wl nVAcnt war Parted and, although there has always been a ic-«iil-ir drnrind main more people, including Europeans, are ken to **"m insS U tlieV; pVuolism. bVlUfs. principle*, and social interests by^tht? wiring a? appropiiatp
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  • 250 3 Has Some From Crete And Greece (Sunday Tribune Staff' Reporter) "VfOST people keep snapshot albums to remind them of their travels but a stoker of the Royal Australian Nav\ who is now m Singapore but whos v > name cannot !><• giv< n k.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 198 3 IF you suffer from bad legs, poisoned so<-es or /B^^mi'^^^^T^T ulcers, you will find Zanvßuk ful, amazing. J3r2X3Eßx£l .Kj have to do is smear Zam-su* thickly on /JB£~ mmmm^*^*V ffPm. thedseased parts and bandage them u p. Tnerefmed /njL~>.'.i''^'?V*.V; /mJjt 1 herbal oils m Zam-Buk are absorbed into the skin,
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    • 131 3 1 1 *44 NEW FRENCH REMEDY. 'jTHERAPION No 1 *;HERAPIONNn.2 THERAPION N0.3 Mo. 1 CurAS Dlacharr**. M*. 3 Curu Blootf Poison. JVn. WCar Cbronle W«»Kbcu«i EnßlisS Price S«. C'.iemW.s.or eithar No. raturo M«U DI.LF Ci.krc .'vCs.l Co.Haver*tockßd.N.W.s.Loßd«« DR. LE CLERO'S PILLS for th* LI ve> A^P^^^S regular shampoo itl> An.
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    • 19 3 loom :\s imisi :\i is ihv fi ii vs i brt^v krone Australia "HERfrS TO-EE" BOUSTEADJk LTD. APB 5
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    • 44 3 i V^^^^^s^^^gg**" 1 4 OUR SERVICES ARE AT YOUR DISPOSAL To keep abreast with the progress of economic developments, no business concern can afford not to take advantage of the multifarious services offered by a reputed banking institution with years of financial experience. Maatern.
      44 words
    • 1030 3 FIRST DOSE KILLED AWFUL PAIN New Way to End Indigestion It Is not ft rirun: vet It relieve* mach pull); almost in -vmflv. That Is the rlalm mudc for a n**wi\- I I remedy for Indigestion. The experience "f ti»i<* li'i-'K mnn proves that rlalm to be thoroughly justified. He
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  • 1874 4  - A WOMAN PEEPS AT SINGAPORE VERA ARDMORE By "QPEED the Tanks." quoted from Lord Beaver brook's telegram, is to bp the Churchill Tank Fund slogan, this having been decided by the Committee when it sat for its first official meeting at the Adelphi Conference Room last Sunday morning. Though the
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  • 141 4 hail farewell > V BACK an ab 1 ii< lis Ml Mrs' J Rogers left I or Chung.! i king m December «>i last yi to join her husband, who has S recently been appointed Eco- i nomic Adviser to the Hon». l kong Government. SEEN around town the 1
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 256 4 Off-Colour? fry Pmkettes To-Night. ii If i y 2 v arp bulous have a headache, feel liverish and depressed, see what a dose of Pinkettes will do to put matters richt. Taken when needed, fthtaa dainty laxili^ piUs dispel ronstipation eently and naturaJlv. They activate the livrr. banish sick headache
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    • 158 4 They told him he n^"s^n FACED OPERATION Stomach Ulcer When Mr. J. H. J. developed stomach •^^^^2^ pains he rushed to hospital forarf X-rayj Thousands and thousands of examination and was told to rest and Ilva other sufferers have the same on milk. But business was bad/and Mr.' J S.
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    • 25 4 9 for VICTORY and VALDA PASTILLES for bronchial affections, VOSEMAR the natural hair waver VEXTERM BISCUITS the rat exterminator. Medical Hall Ltd 3, Battery Road
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    • 212 4 How Amazing Sea Plant, Rich m Minerals Vitamins, quickly builds up WEAK, RUNDOWN men women > idaaam j£aal aBBBBBmaBBBBBT Oft. Mw Ba^BBBBB^ a^BBBBBT aWaßßßaar 9! H will do fhe some for YOU! Why are you weak, rundown, nervous Simply because your system lacks surticicnt Minerals and 1 od lodmc Replace
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  • 1485 5 IJSSOV I HOM LAST WAR k m London, July 24. 'J|hRE. M said a friend of mine, "is something to interest you <is a newspaper man." He pioduced a copy of 'Th'Balkan News." that famous paper which, as its imprint informs-you, was produced and published
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  • 506 5  -  Johnny ■It I hn.d a chat to my nephew, Vincent on Tuesday. "Vincent," I said; "ycur mother tells me she gives you pennies to v te good. Do you think that is x <trht?" "Of course," he replied. "You im't want ril r t0 v ll
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  • 197 5 She Was Always Tired Only those who have eXpetJfnoed backiche will appreciate this woman's delight it now being able to write the following etter:— "I was always feeling tired, never nil energy, and could cct no sleep aght. for the pain In my back. So affr
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 617 5 NERVOUS STRAIN UPSETS THE STOMACH Everyone is affected m some way by the preset difficult times, but few r» that worry and anxiet v arc t oinmon causes o f indigestion and ar»* largely responsible for the prevailing epidemic of stomach trouble*. The r-'a^on l«>t this is that the djgestive
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    • 157 5 Heart Trouble Caused by High Blood Pressure If yo,'. have palna around the i-> art, palpitation, ziness, h< I top and back of head and above eyes; sh< Cr< ath, feel nervy, or suffer from poor loss of memory and energy, lndiges« tion Worry :<v.d fear, your tr» üble la
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    • 116 5 l^k^^BßmßW^lßffJV^^HfltfWßW^'^WV^^'^'^Bß II It i: 11 4 I LOS IS CURED 15Y UMCKALOABO Testimony i are often received from grateful patients acknowledging the good Umckaloabo has dune to them. I'ROM PENANG: I beR to express my thanks for your medicine called "Umckaloabo" which I have used with gratifying success. I am
      116 words
    • 202 5 Hearing Restored m Twenty-Four Hours Deafness and Head Noises need not be dreaded any longer since the discovery of fin American Phyeician. Now it is possible for some of Che most obstinate cases of r>eafness to be relieved m a day's time by the application of the prescription called Spantex.
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    • 12 5 DOES/YOUR j X HAIR LOOK m DULL AND M©vSB^ (CO-FIX) STOP wiiiMimiHimwji'.vmi
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    • 542 5 HOSPITAL BED: Chose who arc losing weight steadily, is this Halibut Liver Oil thai Oft .wn^ lay b" day, live m the shadow of a tiny drop equals m Vitamin A content <.j lamelcss dread. They know, although whole spoonful of Cod Liver (hi. And hey may not even admit
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  • 868 6  -  W. A. Harpur Mm "To people capable of arguing as Vichy argues, words cease to have any meaning y The Times. > WORDS. Words. Words. The modern theory of war demands as ceaseless an output of verbal ammunition as of the more lethal variety. Employed to some
    868 words
  • 276 6 The Sunday Tribune Sunday, August 24, 1941. Opinion A Ticklish Problem gENTIMENTS expressed by seme schoolboy writers m the current number of the Kafflesian, the monthly magazine of Raffles Institution, set us thinking whether greater care should not be exercised m selecting the special films school children should be allowed
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  • 865 6 %Y. l'atcrsoii Is Contemptuous Of PAMILIAR as I am— this so words of a sanctimonious sale of work or saying a few kii of the retiring Band of Hope district (and hopes he won't be mine host under the sign of tl miles away but there you are Familiar
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  • 479 6 I— *--j By Mary Anne Wendell pone. Sold to the lady m green dress for $8.50" and dog^o n it if I haven't gone and bought something else I neither want nor need. This time It'a a plate with a* oriental dancer on it. least i hoi she's dancing.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 600 6 SEPTEMBER PJ> 2(SI C< x \ll\.\ M NTOUS M 0 IN TH BATTLE <>! IN HHflPn VICTORY L%^siiro^?/j m^^Tfifin^^^iM V u >' a !)(>nk ;in(l ilispliiv them PW k^ on your letters sCTiCiiiiLii tl kill i il JB 52.00 per book „f ]<i. STICKERS X^sfV^^sßsW^iCS V Display them on your
      600 words
    • 67 6 Ojj ecukre ftuke a f TO KEEP I 0 FJ MEFITAND m _~^w^ J?~^fci i T okeep > oursclt tn take Beecham*! U^^ I>llls lhc perfect laxative. Millions y^ of men novvaJ ays keep amazingly itV The> are so simple to take and yWlllliv Sm^^XFE stipation, Biliousness, Digestive Iflli^BW M\
      67 words
    • 411 6 Youthful Vigour Restored In 24 Hours 1 Glands Fortified n^Zb by New Discovery Mtimfesi creased energw v t liA a n i^ b r l ng a feeling of m- T^ J» M ails? sSB SjSStS 2^ F ptlin: Th?. little abkts thrJe tlmA° ench S. ke pro^ ar^ to
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  • 695 7 rpHE danger to the Genuu* m central I, v Moscow, Auff. 23. threatening them from north Ii ht threatened them from the s«;uth is now seen even from the German admissions Unt'S'J^^T cimtlnuts M <™ kridgehcads m the left bank »t the H Kllssuin;
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  • 51 7 Hyde Park (New York). Aug. 22. PRESIDENT Roosevelt's order, cx- tending military .service for 18 mmths, implements the Selective Service Extension Act which provides that despite the extension, persons who have served 12 months may be released as the interests of 'national defence permit Reuter.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • Article, Illustration
    40 7 A number of the next of kin of war heroes received their awards at a recent Investiture held by the King. Mrs. David Price Hughes a nurse, is seen here with the Distinguished Flying Cross awarded tc her RAF. husband.
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  • 267 7 Attlee Pays Tribute To 'Simple Men' London. Aug. 23. MR. Clem°nt Attlcc, Lord Privy Seal, m an early morning broadcast to Latin American countries, paid: "I, who speak tc you, am a member of the War Cabinet. I am also the leader of the British Lab:ur Party, the Party of
    British Wireless  -  267 words
  • 91 7 Chungking, Aug. 23. THE Chinese Goodwill Mission to Burma will leave Chungking for Rangoon at the end of August, it is officially announced Among its members will be the Director of the Yunnan-Burma Railway, the Vice-Minister of Overseas Affairs and representatives of women's organisations. A
    Reuter  -  91 words
    Reuter  -  947 words
  • 224 7 Shanghai, Auk. 23. mounting tension on the floor of the Nanking-sponsored China Gold Exchange, which was inaugurated about a year ago to deal exclusively m fictitious "paper* 1 gold bars threaten; l yesterday to break out into open warfare. The Exchange which Is situated In
    Reuter  -  224 words
  • 75 7 London, Aug. 23. ALL Frenchmen under arrest m occupied France "fcr any cause" are now considered as hostages, following the killing of a Nazi soldi Q r m Paris on Thursday A "number corresponding to the gravity of the crime will be shot if another
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 90 7 Chungking, Aug. 23. JAPANESE aircraft In severe] waves raided Szechuon yesterday, heavily bombing the western suburbs of Chungking. The alarm sound6d In Chungking at 11 a.m. when two waves of raiders, comprising 27 aircraft, were sighted flying to the west along the Yangtze Rivor m the direction of
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 32 7 London. Aug. 23. rpHE Postmaster-General, speaking m A Belfast, said that the amount raised m Northern Ireland up to the present for war savings was £24,161.646, British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  32 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 487 7 Itch Germs Killed m 7 Minutes Your skin has nearly ',0 million tiny searr* and porea where rerma hide and cruse terriblt- It< hlna;, Cracking, Eczemo, Peelintr Burning Acne. Ringworm, Psoriasis Bind. 'lmples, K<mt inh and oth. r blemishes. Ordinary treatments give only temporary n lief because they do not
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    • 146 7 Situations Vacant Wanted 20 Ambitious Canvassers. Pleasant work. Big Pay. All or Spare Time. Charming Patterns Free. Box 119, c o Sunday Tribune, Singapore. A t£*lfsttjV'*** rtOL Ik ■B •mm IB Bl B^* /m Uto*. y^ I A Away dud hair for handsome, lively-looking hair urn Tv) y*/*S5?^ In Brylcreem.
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    • 815 7 Time marches on. Methods of travel change. Also medicines. Now we don't have to take nastytasting oils, inconvenient herbal brews and griping purgatives. Medical science gives us LAXOBAC the modern chocolate laxative. Laxobac t.istes just like chocolate because it is chocolate. Yet a small tablet will cause your bowels to
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 346 7 A QUlZtion Of Knowledge OISTORY, medicine and art make up the questions which Tribquiz sets to-day so take it away, they're all yours. I_Winterbottom claims to be xide of hydrogen; collodion; hot, To be desciibed as soapy water; nitric acid. is to revive a rare com- 7-Tiic Rut icon, which
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 185 8 Xl II aincl 101 paiaii THE TOWN RED, WHITE BLUES SEASON EXTENDED! No Wonder!! This new pair of cheer- mongers have COME BEFN BBEN and CONQUERED 1 CAPITOL TO-DAY I 3.15 6.15 9.15 LAUGHS are seldom heard these Days I BUCK PRtVATfllpr A UNIVERSAL PICTURE See THE ANDREWS SISTERS >**
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    • 125 8 Final SCREENING 70-7)37 AT 10.30 a.m. ALHAMUIM 2.", reels packed with thrills, stunts, action mystery ALMA M B RA Tops everything She's ever done j even "THE LETTER" ■fcr/'TI WTI Ylsmb > 1 bK jffiliil fC I^B I ucil» Wj- Hjtf i» Mi Din.fl ■V^^^BQb M& MmxmyiSL CTfi N1( N
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  • 222 9 ,c Tribune Stall Reporter.) ijgICTEST disciples of the 5 ••t».vti* not Camp«lf« are ein*a«P° rP s P°° rest of the I HM)r h0 eke out an existence by oannins for rite w tn as much Jetermination. effort and pereran ce as more fortunately tuated individuals pan for
    222 words
  • 1198 9 THE idea is fairly prevalent that Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatism do not afflict people living In hot tropical climates with very little seasonal change, like Singapore. The idea is unfortunately shared by some eminent physicians who have evidently had little experience m the tropics A doctor
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  • 45 9 London. Aug. 23. PEN. Sir Archibald Wavell, C-ln-C, Indian Army, lias been appointed A.D.C. to the King with effect from Aug. 17. 1941. In succession to Gen. Sir Charles BonhatnCarter. who has completed his tenure or the appointment— British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  45 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 140 9 \oi«> lli«' Hair \«»w WEDNESDAY AUG. 27th AT THE CAPITOL MOST SPECTACULAR OUTDOOR THRILLER SINCE "NORTHWEST jß^f^p' With a whoop and a roar \?-fcl uHfeSfli^ Beery's back with fun J^w\ JwWßßy^* laughs as Wally woos a •^*Fw<3Ht^fc*. lady blacksmith lii^SNcJlfS Xtim Spectacularly filmed m the SHHI^/v \jr grandeur of The
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    • 21 9 Motor Vehicles FOR SALE— Chrysler Royal in perfect condition. Mileage 16.000. Tax and Disurance paid. Apply No. 33 Balmoral Road, Singapore.
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    • 86 9 EYE EXAMINATIONS,! EYEGLASSES, EXCLUSIVELY. THOMPSON OPTICAL CO. 4, ARCADE BLDG., PHONE 3002. R. A. Thompson, Dr. of Ocular science, 35 years' European Clinical Experience. I In 15 minutes jqtu t+*i d*r>'> Wtter tosic tniii Pihmm mm Wtter ttandbj ki «a tntrfency when too feel you mmi wuchlig to bufid you
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    • 138 9 "A VICTORY PARADE" Seemed to have been held here Last Night! The more popular the Park the greater the crowd! jCAgARET 7 LAST NIGHTS f DANCE WAS GIGANTIC SUCCESS! A Memorable Night That is being repeated TO-NIGHT (See our special V Notice) elsewhere m this issue UNENDING STREAMS of ADMIRERS
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    • 320 9 P A TIT A V *"<>* v* vyjrx X±l tiL X TO-DAY I Phone -MOO mm mm RAY 1 1 1 LAND Paramount pfMftN J WANTED WILLIAM f^&e' lAII lir.C M^niiiWv V____m WAYNE with CONSTANCE MOORS MORRIS VERONICA LAKE BRIAN 4 1 donlevt THRILLS! kz*d I RIDE m a flying
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  • 1876 10  -  A. George 1 j Malayan s Short Story i B i' GOMETHING or other always gets on my wife's nerves. The other evening, when I returned home from office she was m an unusual flutter. Hardly had I entered the house w hen she ran up
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 797 10 1 VYtMKY vrlkCifCT 1 o A I'll *J Asthma Germs Killed m 3 Minutes If you suffer from chokine. wheezing, tried everything without success until I MUChing, Asthma and Bronchitis— If you tried your prescription. It did stop my khk|> for breath, can't sleep nights, and Asthma. I have not
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    • 26 10 Haa^ust the ri^ht •Ikahnc character to neutralise after* dinner acidity ®FgN SINGA WATER Mineral Water from tlie St-lttai ljot Spring. Singapore JBOTTLED BY Fraser Neave, liniited
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    • 280 10 PILES There is no need for ns to tell you of the maddening irritation, the day and night torture caused by pile trouble. We tell you that if you only start using Man Zaa at once it will stop the terrible pain, soothe and completely heal blind or bleeding piles.
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    • 147 10 HEAL UCLY SKIN BLEMISHES f nj^y jSßbt "^t B^BVv .^m VTj ,k < Your happiness rlopenrls so much on the beauty of your skin, for even the mo^t devoted admirer is repelled by blemishes. So pimples, blotches and angry rashes should be he.ilM as quickly as possible. If you h^v^
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    • 298 10 m^muASHEo W&^'' fOOTO! V/i l The Bkin-porea of your r*. e t ah be constantly eliminating acid purities. When your feet feellaßk^ with pain, when they ache swell, it is because those nor** v,* 1 become choked, and an,| <; 8 3 V up Inside them. Then you suffer i
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  • 859 11 Many Upsets At First Day Of Spore Races the i,|,h race m f ine s.v.e. K. (amaril!,. t^r Majrfir S only candKlatc far the tl:i> oum Ondcnlla. need one of he )i!rirt s( upsels jn J^ mw l,n.- «hen she returned a dividend of for a
    859 words
  • 302 11 TN a game where bowlers dominated. the S.C.R.C. beat the M.F.A. by 21 runs at Horn: Lim Creen yesterday. Batting first, the Chinese were all out for 83 runs, due to the trood bowling of Hussein Shah pnd Mohamed Sh;ih. who took 6 for 21 and 3 for
    302 words
  • 177 11 Kuala Lumpur. IN a match between the Malayan Police and the Selangor Battalion here yesterday the Battalion established a good lead. The scores were as follows. MacNamara c Danker b Bond 5 Wilson c Hart b Yon* 10 Kim Swee c Bond b Hart 29 1 Simpson
    177 words
  • 112 11 SOME remarkable bowling by Tallon, the Army bcwler, who took nine wickets for a mere eleven runs, featured the crkket match between the YM C A and the R.A.O.C. at Prince Edward Read yesterday. The Ys won by nine wlcki'ts. thanks wholly to Tallon's bcrv'.tnr. skittling
    112 words
  • 218 11 S 'pore Badm m ton Championships Y^ONG PENG SOON, the Malayan champion, won the Singapore badminton singles title when he beat an old opponent. Yap Chin Tee, m the final at the Clerical Inion Hall yes ttiday alter three hard fought sets. Chin Tee
    218 words
  • 96 11 gO.MK flashes of fast pla7 m the second session wont far to save a mediocre tirst division soccer fixture at the Stadium yesterday when the Singapore Recreation Club and the Singapore Cricket Clul drew two-all. The Recs opened their game well but deteriorated m the second
    96 words
  • 68 11 (From Our Own Reporter) Fenang, Aug. 23. SINGAPORE Malays beat Penan g Chinese combined by one goal to nil at soccer on the Western Road ground to-day. The winning goal of the Malays was scored midway m the second half, the interval being taken with a goalless
    68 words
  • 348 11 EV J. Doraisamy swept the board m the ninth tnnual at lit -tic meet of the Raffles College, held vsterday, capturing the individual championship by taking first place m no less than four events. Competition was keen although no existing records were broken Prizts were given
    348 words
  • 98 11 Cairo, Aug. 23. Test cricketers o! England and SouUi Africa have renewed rivalry m a match being played between Gezira sporting club and the First South African Infantry BriI gade. Both sides include several internationals, Walter Hammond, England's Test captain, and Fred--1 die Brown. England and
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 165 11 X A '^^l^^ff uftcr Inner Cleanliness^^^^^^^BS^^^HSH«^^^™ Andrews, and you will i|fc| thld;cn your figure and tajoy re:;! fituesf every day a arscn youi skin. Of your life. Only Andrews the delicious Etch sparkling of Andrews t nncr acanlincss Health Drmk— cleanses the entire system. l irst, can j o a
      165 words
    • 35 11 v THE following are ties for tomorrow m the SRC lawn tennis tournament: Championship tingles: P F. de Souza v R S. Burth. Handicap singles: l de Souza < 15. 3 v. L. Outschoorn, <— 15 1
      35 words
    • 157 11 Meib&irneLs^ xSh&trt o+tLf, two- dcufl {flam SUu^aftx^ie! Only two days by air from Singapore is Australia a land that affords a wide variety of climate, from sub-tropical to bracing alpine a land of cities with modern amenities, communications and transport. A vast acreage of fertile soil makes Australia one of
      157 words
    • 361 11 BACKACHE caused by Kidney Trouble m^ m tfS&ir^' "As fit as a fiddle" ...^■■■naana Mr. J. C. is a man who tried De Witt's Pills a fair trial, every known remedy for Back- and I am sure they will ache and Kidney Trouble, but never regret it." Mr. J. C.
      361 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 85 11 V SPORTS DIARY TO-DAY I CRICKET: 6.C.C England v Australia, S.CC: Indmn Asson. v RAF Seletr.r; C.V.M.A. v C.S.C. C.V.M.A Signals v Fort Canning; SRC. v R.V. Changi SOCCER Chung Wan Junior s v M.A.S. Fairer Park Depot. J.C.S.A. BADMINTON: Spore championships. Clerical Union. 10 a.m. and 2 p m.
      85 words

  • 127 12 ITALIAN TROOPS FOR CROATIA Rome, Aug. 23. W HY strong* reinforcements of Italian troops are being sent to Croatia, as reported from Zitrteh earlier, is explained m an official announcement issued at Zagreb by "Poglavnik" (leader) Pavelitch, says a Zagreb dispatch to the official Italian news agency. The announcement says
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 145 12 U.S. -AFRICAN AIR SERVICE Washington, Aug. 23. REGARDING the move to speed up the delivery of American planes to the British forces m the Middle East and forestall any German move towards Dakar. Fan- American Airways has filed an application with the Civil Aeronautics Board to operate a commercial route
    Reuter  -  145 words
  • 96 12 Tokyo, Aug. 23. THE Japanese objectiens to the 1 passage of United States oil to Russia via Vladivostok are ''largely a matter of feeling" ot its close ximity to Japan, the official ''esman, Mr. Koh Ishii, told c:n correspondents yest-erday ning. wever. he could not
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 49 12 Tirmto, Aug. 23. rpHE Duke of Kent is flying to New York to-day for a five-day visit to the United States. 3n his arrival hr will drive to Hyde Park to meet President Roosevelt and will later go to Washingten with the President Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 162 12 Moscow, An f 23. I *FHE Luftwaffe has lost 100 nl 1 m unsuccessful attemJu'l reach Leningrad, says MaiorrJl Protesvetkin, m the Kra«* I Zvezda. In the last ten days of j u i v 1 1 Luftwaffe made 17 unsuccVjl attempts to reach the city hela
    Reuter  -  162 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 448 12 v X •w***^ .^^s^afl m \m mi j^wy****^*^"^^^ /i|^^n|^; "I WISH I HAD YOUR ENGLISH COMPLEXIONI" "WELL, I OWE IT TO INNOXA!" t -^i/ No "dried apple" look for her! She had that up your circulation, and Innoxa Mousse Day Cream cream-and-roses complexion, that smooth, suppl,- skin which never dries
      448 words
    • 62 12 BOOKS IN DEMAND. THE UNITY OF INDIA By Jawahailal Nehru 55.50 J. NEHRU'S AUTOBIOGRAPHY 4.00 THE HISTORY OF THE CONGRESS By B. P. S'itaramayya o 59 INDIA'S CONSTITUTION AT WORK. By C. Y. ChintamanJ m. r. Masani 3 75 INDIA TO-DAY TO-MOR-POW By M. Barns 500 TALKS OF SU AMI
      62 words
    • 382 12 ffa/iefin 30 Seconds from Ttlistrui CATARRH *vXBaoc^^ A. ii^aaSaß^ I jp^ Ll^»^^^^'^^^3fKStf'i(ovh^B^ias^ V N«u; Medical Compound Act* LiktMap, No need to wait a day longer to rditn the misery of catarrh. Chemists now hi* KARSODRIXE new medical compound tk lets like magic. Simply snifT KARSODRIM twice up each nostril through
      382 words