Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 20 April 1941

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 11 1 The Sunday Tribune The Sunday Tribune SINGAPORE, APRIL 207-1041 FIVE CENTS
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  • 656 1 ENEM Y HELD ON 150-MILE FRONT NEi^c GERMAN ATTACKS FAIL TO BREAK ANVjLO-GREEK line EMFAAV Athens, April 19. rNtMY pressure m the Crevena region m the middle of the valley of Aliakmon River and m the Olympus region has been arrested with success. All reports from the front m Greece
    Reuter  -  656 words
  • 164 1 N.E.I.'s Aid To Mother Country Batavia. Apr.. 19. THE reinforcement of the Netheri lands ravy and merchant fleet and the extension of the person nel of the Netherlands Govern- •< ment In London by experts from the Netherlands East Indies were announced by the Netherlands Minister of Co!onies, Mr. Welter,
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 42 1 London. Apr. 19 GENERAL de Gaulle hes arrived j at Brazzaville, French Bqua- I toriai Africa, by air. according to the Brazzaville radio He made the journey from Cairo via Port Sudan and the Belgian Congo. Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 43 1 London, Apr. 19. JN Abyssinia damage to the mian road is again delaying the inovment of British columns converging on Dessie. Further south 'he British advance m all areasis progressing satisfactorily, and many additional prisoners have been taken. Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 160 1 Zun'ch K\ VHE flowing apprehension of Germany States* increased htlp to Great violent attacks appearing m leading German newspapers on President Roosevelt, Mr. H. Stimson and Colonel Kncx, who are accused of "provoking" Germany. The United States' real atti- til si A l*rri.. »»^.»^„l„^3
    Reuter  -  160 words
  • 181 1 Effect On Vichy Of German Successes s' Zurich. Apr. 19. j THE German successes m 1 the Balkans have given I the supporters of franco- German collaboration a new s impulse, but the rumours early this week that M. Laval was 1 returning to the Vichy Gov- Z eminent are
    Reuter  -  181 words
  • 53 1 (From II. L. Hopkini London Apr. Vj DILOT Officer R G Goode of the 1 R.A.F. (brother of Mr. Andrew Goode of the Malayan Civil Service*, who was previously reported missing, is now officially^ presumed killed. Pilot Officer Goode was only 25 vears nlri Via
    Via Cable & Wireless  -  53 words
  • 31 1 Bombay, Apr. 19. THE first batch of 17 German prisoners from the Middle East oave arrived here, and have been sent to a detention camp.- -Reuter.
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  • 41 1 Nine Nazi Planes Shot Down On Tuesday Night London. Apr. 19: —It (j now known that oiip enemy aircraft va 3 shct down by anti-aircrait hre over Northern Ireland on Tuesmaking a tote] ol nine day night, destroyed that night. Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 42 1 Singapore, Saturday. A COMBINED variety concert by the 4th Sincere Girls' I Brigade Company and the 6th Singaporo Boys' Brigade Company. was held at the Paya Lebar Methodist School hall. The it< included music, magic and comical ketches
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  • 147 1 Cairo, Apr. 19. |N Libya British patrols m the Tobruk ana have vigorously harassed the enemy, while at Solium British mobile columns successfully engaged an enemy convoy, destroying a number of vehicles, including armoured cars. Elsewhere In the sector British offensive patrols have
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 68 1 MISS Pamela Hedges, a British 111 actro.s, pa-ssed through Singapore on her way to Bombay where she will marry Captain VernBetts. who is connected with the British Army m India. She met her fiance about three years ago. Beyond that she would not tell
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  • 524 1 London, Apr. 19. gTRONG Imperial forces have arrived m Basrah to open up lints of communication through Iraq, m accordance with the terms of the Anglo-Iraqi Treaty of Alliance, it is officially announced m London. The new Iraqi administration, under Sayid Rashid Ali, are affording full
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  • 83 1 London. Apr \u k number of successful attacks on enemy shipping and convoys by the Bomber and Coa Command aircraft is annoum m an Air Ministry common in -o Near Heligoland two medium merchant vessels and an enomv p^cort vessel were set on fire so
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 161 1 Ahmedabad. Apr 19. THE death roll m tho communal roting, which broke out here •yesterday, ha* now reached 22 j while 200 have been injured, many lof whom having been taken to hospital. This morning there was a recrudescence of trouble with stray assaults
    Reuter  -  161 words
  • 43 1 Military Cabinet For Greece Athens, Apr. 10. VV George of Greece is recalltin hiph staff officers *o tho formation of a J cabinet, it is iearninthorlfy here. f M Ko^'tzis took hens Catl Irnl Hns 5 I P c [m r were rendered
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  • 85 1 M. Codzias T o Form Creek Government Athens, Apr. 19. |W CONSTANTIN Codzias, the 111 Minister-Governor of Athens has been entrusted with the formation of a new Government. M Codzias will hold the post of Vic°Premier. The King will pers- n if: provide at Cabinet meetings. King George of Greece
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 33 1 London, Apr. 19. ]yjR. Anthony Eden has conveyed lf to the Greek Minister In London the Briti h Governments condolences at the death of M. Korit- the Greek Premier.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 156 1 IiTT M WMa\SmV£S I ffW *r *W uamuaaym) m up^X Austra'ia wmc-making has reached a ve/y B high degree of excellence B With 1 0 1 years experience behind them (~T# Penfolds Wines Ltd. now cover the entire range |S /I of the industry from the growing of the grapes
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    • 1 1 ellisoin
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    • 53 1 lB ASSORTED I I WITH METRL ENDS I An attractively labelled carton definite! airtight and reinforced by patented metal ends against crushing brings yon English biscuits al "Economy prices." The advantages of airtight tin without I the "\fra cost of tins. Peek Frean Co., Ltd. (8) I Obtainable from aU
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  • 249 2 .*v 16,428.19 have been sent to iiio BaUratfon Army m reaponii to their annual apo n bJB la an advance of $'J,0:?1 .ao ever the last published list The following donations were received: Btrmttsj Settlements (Singapore) Assocla 1100 (For Relu-i ol Dfst'.tutcj $456.54, Chua Toh Hua; $100.
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  • 458 2 Japan Vulnerable To Air Attacks U. S. Radio Newsman On Pacific Defences (Tribune Staff Reporter) <k pOK tho first time Japan is worried for she has suddenly come to realise that she is vulnerable to an air blitz, as Germany and Britain are," saii Mr. Harrison Forman, roving reporter and
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  • 125 2 Singapore, Saturday. r*£ORGE CHISLETT. a European 13 solaier. who hao. pleaded guilty io a charge of stealing a car from under the porch of the F.M.S.R. station on the night of March 7, at a previous hearing, was fined $25 or one month's rigorous im-
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  • 141 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Apr. 19. THE appointment to ths Malacca Municipal Commission, of Mr. Cyru Francis Gomes, as representative of Eurasian interests vice Sapt. A J. Minjoot, M.B.E. reigned, aril! -ive satisfaction, not I communal circles, but 11 sections cf the settlement. While his
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  • 195 2 Dunn-Ramsbotham 'I'lllS morning at 7.30 was the time chosen bj Dr. Agne i Alary Ramsbotham and Mr. Noel Dunn ror their marriage which was celebrated at St. Andrew's Cathedra] by a full nuptial service. The Yen. Archdeacon Graham White officiated assisted by the Rev. S. J. Squires. The
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  • 193 2 i Singapore. Saturday. "WHY don't you pick on j j someone your own si'/e,'' > slid Ihe third magistrate, i i Mr. L. C. Goh, to Ang Kee Tay, 41, who was charged. 1 together with 10-year-old Ten? Ong Ngah, with dis- i orderly conduct
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  • 91 2 Singapore. The marrif&e took place at the Singapore Rsfcistry yesterday at; 2 3'J p. m C l Miss Grace Armstrong, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Armstrong of Singapore and Cpl. A. VV. Price, R.A.F., of i Belfast. The bride looked charming m an] afternoon frock, cf
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  • 82 2 HolmbergDe Souza Wedding THE Rev. Fal h< i Maury officiated at Uu marriage yesterday at 5 p.m. ai the Cathedral of the Good Sh< i of Miss Hycinth Florence 1>" Souza and Mr. Bi tan B. Holmberg. The brid d. a\ tiV r of Mr 1 and Mrs. A. D
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  • 213 2 Singapore, Saturday. 1 complete denial >f all allegan tions of misconduct with Mrs. A. C. Willis was made by R. S. M. Edwin Henry Hodson at the continued hearing ol the divorce suit In which Mr. r Willis of Singianore, is "eti* [or a disscl'ition of the marriage
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  • 615 2 WAR HITS COMPANY bingap re, J ay< CURTAILMENTS or abandonment of various building programmes m the Colony owing to tlie outl real of war has hit hard tho brick trade and has approximately halved the profit made by Alexandra Brickworks Limited, which had lb 13th
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  • 345 2 Singapore, Saturday. 1 TJIS meritorious record m a Fun jab regiment, m which he had served for 18 J years, earned for Bisakha I Singh, aged 39, a warning and discharge m the district to u ix to- dry when he was i charged
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  • 94 2 Singapore, Saturday. IPPSARINO on behalf of H. Hai 21 lev Clarke m the traffic court day, Mr. K. K. O'Connor, a counsel for the d fence, wtfo has chanjea m connection with raffle offences and who is still In hospital, said that his client
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 364 2 I Ht RULES OF HEALTH *^B^^ are few UsU H ssW —^T~ vQWBBEBI simple f*^*a> m •7%>H^ ■""■*3 s Pa Jb i II vutnn j Tllf m BSB m*W Sc^!' T < rtßVtffiT m' 4^^ «k 9 rli>t\H» l JW _^^^m9**^^^ Z& >^"^ That morning glass of Andrews A How
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    • 311 2 Gmm&m QAt aseptic ointment HEALED HER INJURED W RISTfp Read Wll?^ fcr^ A this Amazing Tribute jJif "I am writing to expreas) bbyj tkanks tor G*rmofe<i«. Five months sro I badly hurt tnjrwritt fc»JM I nanale. Treatment failed to do me any t*j~ Friday I sent for a tin of
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  • 909 3 Government's Hands A¥l a Q IX Al Sh cigarette* are not a food, you 0 and 1 can be made the victims of a* vicious a system of profiteering as ever could be thought of, and nobody who can prevent it, till do anything.
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  • 191 3 Take these strengthening ionic tablets. Too many bouts of fever are iangerous Each attack leaves ■3ur system a little weaker —a Utile more prone to far more dangerMis ills. If you feel an attack coming on—or if you have just reentry recovered, lose no time m
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  • 436 3 MALAYAN women and girls are setting a practical example of how to save money for government and valuable shipping space for vital war products but it took a whole year of war to show how it could be done These women and girls St. John
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  • 145 3 "OYSTERS IS OFF, M'AM" (SINGAPORE will, it seems, have to ro without oysters from now on for some time. At last they have become less important than human bodies. Every trip which a O.A.X.T.A.S. Empire Flying Boat made to Singapore from Australia it carried some hundreds of oysters which have
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  • 192 3 GERMAN FORCES WITHDRAWN FROM ATLANTIC Stockholm. Apr. 19. POL. Kleen. In the Vecko Journa- len declares that the British Empire had the initiative since December. 1940 but now the Ger mans have again taken the initiative. The work has been divided be tween Germany and Italy so that Germany deals
    Reuter  -  192 words
  • 375 3 London Landmarks Wrecked By Nazis Ltonaon, Apr. if. OAINT Pauls athedra] has again been bombed, the City Temple —a famous Free Church —has been gutted by fin while Guy's Hospital and the world-wide known department stores of Self ridge's and Maple's are among the London buildings which, it can now
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  375 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 426 3 WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE— Without Calomel— And You'll Jemp Out of Bed Fell of Vim and Viseer. Your liver should pour out two pints of liquid bile into your bowels daily. If this bile is not flowing freely, your food doesn't digest. It just decays m the bowels. Gas
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    • 621 3 EVEN MILK FOODS I Turned to GALL And ACID I Yeast-Vite Tablets Are The i RApTb~ljßest Thing I RESULTS |1 v r I The Secret of the immense S WCL VV/ LIVCI j c \r #41 ama w aaamam at 7• course, m the fact that it is an S
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  • 834 4 IF WAR COMES TO SINGAPORE (Tribune Staff Reporter) WHEN the Nazis rained death and destruction on Warwickshire's little city Coventry, bombs hit many non-military objectives, such as the Cathedral, the City Hall, and dwelling houses, but m their massmurder of civilians, the Post Office also suffered— a
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  • 287 4 London, Apr. 19. J*HE heavj raids by the R.A.F. over Germany nm\ Germanoccupied territory during the week ending dawn on Apr. 18. on the night of Apr. 17 18 included the heaviest raid yet made on Berlin in which the new Stirling bomber was in
    Reuter  -  287 words
  • 210 4 London. Apr. 19. IT is now revealed that the magniI'flcent resistance put up by the Greek forces has to some extent been possible owing to the transport for use m Greece of a considerable quantity of the immense stores of arms, ammunition and equipment captured from
    British Wireless  -  210 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 598 4 fmaiy -c mW a sbbbbbbWW^j/ »'\7 mar r**W***a WhJ aSsm^L Amu \^a^mai>?''^~^\ iAm*2maaaT**^^^*^*E*& You needBOVRIL P FOR ENERGY 8 STRENGTH The first signs of that "run-down" feeling arc weariness and depression. And that's the time for wanning, cheering,* invigorating Bovril Because it stimulates the process of digestion, BovnJ helps you
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    • 304 4 Piles Ruin Your Nerves Don't let itching, bleeding, internal or protruding Piles sap your vitality, ruin your nerves, and drive Taxy with pain. Chinarold the recent discovery of an American physician stops the pain in 15 minutes so you can walk, ride, work and enjoy life in comfort, lt also
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    • 307 4 FEET FEEL ON tr V."- BSSSSSsV SSSsV IssBbSSV y v "^ts*Ks»****^*B Ba The skin-pores of vour j feet should be con- J stantly eliminating acid impurities. When your feet feel on fire, when th«. and swell, it la because tho ch have become choked, and aeirtif up inside them. Then
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  • 1464 5 H. L. HOPKIN THIS WEEK DISCUSSES:Colonial Government Snobbery niiu itciunui readers London, Feb. 12 Q BBGIUNT RgmUer, D.C.M.. entered the company office m a state of perturbation. Obviously he was labourina under some intense mental strain. Sympathetically I inquired what was the trouble •■Tr-mWeV he said, "the tnml.l, is that'
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  • 130 5 M.P.'s Hear Jews' Peace Plans AN attempt is being made to form a Parliamentary group interested m Jewish problems. Jewish peace aims are understood to embrace a plan for mass transfer of Jews from areas of European congestion and stress to Palestine. Mr. Clement Davies K.C., presided over a meeting
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  • 434 5 "AFTER reading these letters, 1 think you will be found to conclude that this woman had formed another association, and had ceased to have any affection for her husband." So said Mr. J. E. Brown-Humes, the Darlington coroner, at an inquest at Butterknowle on Sapper Joseph Pocklington,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 91 5 a <juv.^ i 1 a -*^-aJ--r f"p v^"i^' I 'fi^ =r^Zaai(*t Km. I j I u\;\m !f ■•> Am Briefs k^ I 'iv^ L^-^T^M 0 X A SA keeps you young Healthy strong OK ASA TO-PAY Bjjjto^le a, all lading Chemists Urgt S 5Jg» ordering please specify OKASA for men
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    • 1016 5 Eaten Up with RHEUMATISM Backache headache l/^^ Now Fit- as a Fiddle, aRCiES IMWI *Z» r,uu,c UNDER EYES W^-^/ Thanks to Cystex QCwf NURSE AT LAST FINDS A MEDICINE [NERVOUSNESS J X TO END HER CHRONIC RHEUMATISM GASirBLOATIHcKj/^B^ Ppw people have the advantages of a Nurse m y J t
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  • 1391 6  - A Woman Peeps At Singapore ;THE Chinese Swimming Club's new Club House has been completed, thus filling a long felt need for accommodation ot its rapidly exI panding membership. Mr. Lee Keng Chiang, the President, formally opened it on Good Friday and a "club-warming" party, to which j guests were
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  • Article, Illustration
    59 6 j Fancy Dress at the 1 "Bran-huo" (Po:- tufese folk da nee) parly held at the home oi Mr. E. de Scuza on Sunday. The party was part of an effort to revive interest m traditional Por- tugese folk dances and was Ihe second i held since 193 D. Sunday's
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 381 6 m *M j j q jlpU I nam y cW\^^" Deoiloratit which safely y THAT TFIE DOCTOR KEeo.MMINDS 2 C//i/ir T}*me*%.*m*m*2*%mA An Lvt LACTO-CALAMINE look after CM (WS 1 CYSpiTGIIOU (0 i ur n kln b,:iul v n^t im aay. I r >S LACTO-CALAMINE is calamine In its purest form
      381 words
    • 245 6 A BROKEN DOWN SYSTEM. Ti. .1 oon.tftfcm (or diaaate) .o which many nam .are given but few really understand It a kiiapiy weakness— a break down as it were >t Urn vital forces thit sustain the system. No muter what may be its causes (they are almost ii imberless), its
      245 words
    • 128 6 fie/iefin 30 Seconds from Misery of C ATAR R H cap to rtmov*. *™***fr£iis??*-'. -v f ff\aP(WAW)L^ New Medical Compound Acta Like MagU No need to wait a day longer to relieve the misery of catarrh. Chemises now hive KARSODRINE new medical compound that acts like magic. Simply sniff KARSODRINH
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    • 124 6 Hope Springs Eternal But use I mckaloabo for CONSUMPTION and you can more than hope. You can look forward to a recovery, and at a comparatively low expense. Head the convincing testimony s below: MALACCA writes: 'I am plad to inform you thai one of my t.b 1 K hsu
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  • 1598 7 Lieut-Colonel H. A. LORD, Salvation Army Chief Tells- J In these momentous times when the eyes of all people turn to seek the cause i and cure of all the strife m the world S the Sunday Tribune has asked the leaders J of
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  • 357 7 i&VinciBi&Wr Tli<'-~ By P.C.B. Newington WITH reference to Mr. Cator's article m The Sunday Tribune, April 13th, the following is an account of the events which lead up to the capture of "S.S. Sandakan" at the outbreak of war m 1914. At the time I was
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 27 7 SINcjA WATER (Si" MINERAL WATER from the Seletar Hot Spring, Singapore. An alkaline drink with excellent corrective properties U 8 JPfIU r T r i m i
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    • 80 7 minutes Jfe' restore your *> "i-^^SSsat- When you're osT your food there's no better tonic than Photferine no better standby m an emergency when you feel you need something to build you up. You can feel tha tonic effect of Photferine m 15 minutes, and each succeeding doss does you
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    • 928 7 Asthma Germs I Killed in 3 Minutes If you suffer frr.m choking, wheezing, tried BTerythlng without success until I coughing, Asthma and Bronchitis— if you tried in It did stop my rasp ror breath, cant sleep nights, and Asthma. I ha I utl for the". reel your heart pounding against
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  • 625 8 The Sunday Tribune Opinion Sunday, April 20, 1941. Russo-Japanese Pact DV the time this article appears m print, Mr, Yofluke Matsuoka, the Japanese Foreign Minister, will have returned to Tokyo with the duly sealed lull text of the new RussoJapanese treaty of neutrality and non-aggression which is generally held to
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  • 595 8 EDWARD ELLIS AT HITS OUT gTRANGE are the ways struck the nail right i "Lord, what fools these mo nature learn to overcome 1 it that, despite our religior we are always thinking m These questions have beei of world events. Take, for i Europe during the past twent, end
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  • 816 8 Hence The Pyramids mo* Explain* W. 11. I'aii'i-.suii r J*HIS is a funny world. Don't think that the foregoing is a thought of the day or that it will go down to posterity as one of the famous last remarks like "kiss me Hardy" or any thing- like that, because
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  • 922 8 conquering and dreaded demon a little gain, they had sacriiced their all— their liberty B heir freedom. They had tried to ;ave their lives and lost them Think of what has taken place n the Balkans. Supposing Yugos avia, Greece, Turkey and Rumania lad had an unconditional defen
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 494 8 wm **M*am^ And Stop Limping DON'T let Leg rroubles cripple you I ake Elasto, turn Gtoal New biomedical Remedy that cute', through the blood, and have done with enlorced rest, srorry. Bullering an<l expense I-eg a< he* and pains soon vanish when Finite* is taken, ramfnl. swollen (varicose) veins are
      494 words
    • 180 8 NiW VITALITY FOR YOO THE IMMEDIATE TONIC ism thu Am„rfng Safenhfio G 37" Ir. known only *> t*u ff »h- Secret. l t &niT r iands-*ioO-!L.»k i f°l ,r and ot t rrjuveaatirf. JTV' lading from you it. t 3 Uuw. this amusing cooce»Tk b r^ ,J^ 9 your glands
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  • 419 9 Crew's Epic Fight To Save bombed Vessel i London. Anr iq V 1 khe «»ttleofthe 1.. the San Conrado. a ship of aline lhilM rioand San Alberto h,v W h two marinet nax <' already made ft letter tribute < ibe paid the by thr~ n Snrado than that ol
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  • 70 9 BORDER FIGHTS RENE WED Tokyo, Apr. 19. PRENCH troops have, it is alleged, staged an incursion into Thai territory, says the Bangkok Press, according to Japanese reports. Border clashes took place early this week "provoking incidents.' the Thai Press reports. According to these reports, the clashes occurred m the regions
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  • 421 9 60,000 NAZIS DEAD IN GREECE ALONE Sunken Wop Ships Carried Troops London, Apr. IP QF the Italian convoy of five ships nYo Un S m its cnti *ety, with all the hree destroyers of its escort b*--2I 1 SicUy and Tripoli en the night of Apr. 16, it Ls learned
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  • 94 9 Singapore, Saturday. CHARGED with having stolen $35C from the person of Ang Yew Chai, Chia Ah Sal, 24. pl?aded guilty before Mr. L. C. Gch, In the third police court, to-day. Chia was said to have stolen the money at 9.15 a.m. on Feb. 28, at
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  • 143 9 Yugoslav Ships In U.S. For Britain Washington, Apr. 19. 1 (lOSL A VIA is to give immediate aid to Britain by making approximately 120,000 tons of shipping now m Western Hemisphere ports available "for the comThis statement was made to-day to reporters m Washington by M. Fotitch, the Yugoslav Minister
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  • 135 9 NEW SHANGHAI COUNCIL FACED WITH PROBLEM Shanghai, Apr. 19. ALTHOUGH just voted into office, the foreign members of the provisional Council are already racing a very delicate question, i unely the selection ol four Chi ie members. Bulh the pro-Chungking ond pro-Nankins Ratepayers' tiona m Shanghai have sent In nominations
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 169 9 ar UK e*i _^a% DiJyou MACLEAN par teeth to-day I never miss ff 1 M For sparkling white teeth, healthy gums, a fresh cool mouth, use Macleans. It quickly removes utains, whitens »nd polishes the enamel and is economical m use. to the tk" BACKACHE caused by KIDNEY TROUBLE Backache
      169 words
    • 61 9 Sedentarj work ia stuffy offices is often predisposing cause of constipation. which i m turn gives rise to liverishn-ss loss of appetite, irritability and depression To banish constipation and establish rcgularltj within, a dos,. of Pinkeye, n occasionally when needed ti ulj all thai is r< cmircfj PfmCETTES T Fulford
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    • 840 9 riirrcn Unpleasanb J^Jj*^^Sm* -throat sore-and head as heavy as X ''"j hmmk V'Sbß^^EaaKAv lead. So, is there any wonder that W m^Offf V a¥ j^fffsfc^ were feverish and miserable? ".if LWmm A JlBlSrt*^ > can easily avoid this discom- k\K AWfWf i-BV^lagT l^ ,\3 f<»rt if you regularly take Peps
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  • 1671 10  -  SUNDAY TRIBUNE SHORT STORY ABOUT SINGAPORE T would never have happened if it had not been for the lobster, or if the Club secretary had not been so hasty m his criticism. Lam Soon had partaken of a generous portion of lobster for tiffin as a recompense
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  • 726 10 l^/f ARKS for merit m Tribquiz's IfA queries this week. When you check up your answers you'll see that points are awarded for each correct answer. It's harder than usual but then it's shorter too. But be strict with that marking and play the game. Some
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  • 150 10 Ethiopian Princess Stays On J^HE Empress Manen of Abyi sinia, consort of \h Selassie, has made grea* for the social welfare of V country when the Italians bn jeen driven out. They are plans m which 3 laughter Princess Tshal, a lursing at Guy's Hospital, ham ,vill play a leading
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  • 46 10 5f ■act from report by Hessletoood, thirteen -ytvchairman; at the annual*** of the Market Rasen (1* School Bee-Keeping Comp--"The only hive that did W during the year was I kto Italian bees. "They all cleared out tsrkt f we had to go after them."
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 409 10 A drop or two of MURINE m each tys will do uonders towards making them feel comfortable. Use MURINE regularly every night and morning and to relieve eyes that have become reddened, inflamed, or irritated from reflected sun glare, driving, or overwork. MURINE is safe, toothing, snd refreshing... the prescription
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    • 209 10 Hearing Restored j Stop Head Noises Deafness and Head Noises need not be dreaded any longer since the discovery of an American Physician. Now it is possible for some of the most obstinate cases of B« afness to be relieved m a day's time by V\e application of the prescription
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    • 571 10 Youthful Vigour Restore In 24 Hours%«J Glands Fortified i^jWl by New Discovery ft H^ vSi y w U ft c i °J d bG i ore y v°. ur time? yo tired, run- 3\ V v,orn out «nd unable to keep up with the Bpeed m emorv 5 n r<S
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  • 887 11  - From Thailand's Sea-Water Comes Malaya 's Salt L.S.D. by A LARGE proportion of the salt confi turned m Singapore, and Malaya generally is imported from Thailand, where is produced by the solar evaporation of water, and the annual total imports amount to approximately nfty thousand tons. The salt from Thailand
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  • 163 11 KING MICHAEL DENIED LOVE QUEEN HELEN of Rumania a is opposing the roinnca ol her sen Kin# Michael, boy ruler f^f the Nazi-ridden country, with \flle. Malnxa. daughter of Bucharest's former armaments chief. The Queen wants Michael to choose a bride from a German or Italian ducal house. Thre: times
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  • 1672 11 swxiw;vs of Tin: snu«i:iiY MRS. Mankel] is a very chatty woman. Nothing will induce her to get Btraight on with a description of her trouble. I suppose we are all a bit careless about other people's time; but Mrs. Mankell is a record-breaker m this respect.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 166 11 Arthritis Cause fought In 30 Minutes By dissolving and removing the body *>tsonB and acids that cans.- stiffness. •Wtnesa and swelling of Arthritis and «*uniatiBm the amazing new discovery mimend is bringing health and happ «> thousand- -time sufferers. In SO ™ute» after the fli of Rumend mt» i vanish
      166 words
    • 451 11 aUwgmß^^^mum^ r^^*w*ff'fj ut'a^^AuW 1 i *{Sma\^m^Aw^^^^^^^^^^'^^^lm\ I /$r vmb» ifei^k^jKl mU '•'&a£g^BtimUUM^i&&umj%.j^m 4^a£ ■^ss*j i aW mv&mvmmalbl $m^*m*&jkkm*t*aais*ir f&r aw wH^arlk- v^^a^^ Pot PSffSBCI setlings ;.t boSM R« Every Friday night renew the fresh, gleaming cleanliness a boulc ot Amann Wave set. lull ol your hair Be regular with your
      451 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 433 12 y m W****Mkm SOMETHING NEW IN 1H SCREEN ENTER TA INMENT! %f^M OPENING TO-DAY (SUNDAY) "alh'amTra The First Spectacular ALL-ENGLISH DIALOGUE TALKING PICTURE to be produced m Thailand! With A Cast of Famous Actors and Actresses including RENU KRITAYAKORN as King Chakra Charming PAIRIN NILSEN as Queen Chakra And Thousand
      433 words
    • 78 12 THE J i SINGAPORE MUSICAL SOCIETY I i POPULAR < <»\< lIU 9.15 p.m. Sunday, May 4th m the VICTORIA MEMORIAL HALL Harold Haines (Tenor), John Strong (Organ). The Musical Society Chorus, Conductor John MacNcish. Seats: $2.30, $1.20, 50 cts. including duty. BOOK AT LITTLE'S. MOST FRIENDL V SPOT IV
      78 words
    • 225 12 \S? PAVILION Je**\ 9 -15 IF YOU ARE LOOK/KG FOR A TEAR-JERKER THEN YOU WONT FIND IT IN f_______________— iSi b»m wO ___9 M If 1 f" _y m^T| k^K -3 al n _B <?• !_f y RICHARD^*) MURDOCIiW'I!^^)^ PATKIRKiVOOD MOORE MARRIOTT j!jUR Directed er MARCEL VARNEL ■jJgt^A. A GAINS6OROUGM
      225 words

  • 475 13 Mr. J. S. Boissier who has been seconded for service In Kedah has assumed duty ns Acting State Engineer. London, Apr. li). PROM the Japanese standpoint, the agreement signed m Moscow seems open to precisely the same criticism which has been directed m Japan
    Reuter  -  475 words
  • 89 13 THE Commander-in-Chief, Far 1 East. Air Chief Marshal S'r Robert Brooke-Popham, will broadcast to-ni£ht (Sunday 1 from the Singapore station at 9.20 o'clock. Sir Robert Brooke-Popham has recently returned from a tour ot the Far East. This talk will inaugurate a series of Sunday
    89 words
  • 884 13 ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL. Sunday, 6.50 a.m. Holy Communion. 7.30 a.m. Matins. 8 a.m. Choral Eucharist. 9.15 a.m. Holy Communion. 5.30 p.m Evensong Sermon Preacher: The Rev T. C. E. Hayter. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. Upper Serangoon Sunday. 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion. 5.30 p.m. Evenson c and Sermon. ST.
    884 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 119 13 FMPIDI? TO-NICHT ;&IVIr IKII 7 pm 9.30 pm. GftAND DOIBLE-FEATURE ATTRACTION! ["^THRILLS' NCW SONGS! I f ait JtmSlkWmmm^ v „Z ,,l sumws.^'•J? Slnm I r 4CC Ol the VfaU," ML\ P^^B M %m M*TaaT**k- r ??V m\W W^^ mH^HS^B saddle fl MATINEE TO-DAY "MAN IN THE IRON MASK" "THE GIRL
      119 words
    • 165 13 CHINESE ADMITS THEFT OF TWO WALL CLOCKS Singapore, Saturday. STATED to have broken into thi same house twice and also into two adjoining houses on different dates within the last four month*. Chang Low Choh, pleaded guilty to two charces of theft m the third court to-day. T\vo charges 01
      165 words
    • 295 13 Fat Reducing Secret Discovered m prescribing to the fan ow Movie Star* j o Hollywood, California, discovered a safe quick metn< I tor n.v.t ugly fat— pound week or IS I pounds ;i month This new i I-ortiH,.]. brings m w health and and a vlgouroua athh tic fli it
      295 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 1169 13 -S n £s^>—. V P*) HENRY, THE CUTEST BOY CI f~" 1 U enr y Q I JUf r MOVEO IN THE NEIGHBOR}_ j 1 J 1 V^ V^^ nu rlrNO U»Ur\LT j j > Where To Listen In To-Day SINGAPORE Reverend Dr r ma m emm k 73 SSSS
      1,169 words

  • 102 14 CRICKET HONOURS S BATTING. 100 Lawrence de Silva (Sei langor vs. Singapore). I 58 R.N. Bond (Selangor v. Singapore). I 52 Bowley (Singapore v. SeI langor). 52 R. B. R. Todd (Selangor v. Singapore). BOWLING. J 9 for 46 R.V.S. Sundram (Railway Inst. v. Central Workshops, S.C.). i 7 for
    102 words
  • 166 14 AT the ordinary committee meeting of the Singapore Amateur Boxing Association held on Friday the subject of the proposed formation of an all-Malayan Boxing Association to which state associations would be affiliated was discussed. There had been a certain amount of correspondence between the Since pore and
    166 words
  • Article, Illustration
    881 14 Singapore's Victory Well' Earned: Outschoorn Had A Raw Deal: L. De Silva s Century Makes History By "UMPIRE" SINGAPORE'S State cricket is over. By defeating Selangor Inst week Singapore has won the only match that was arranged this season. Why Singapore does not play more State matches is
    881 words
  • 227 14 A.C.S. Old Boys Score Big Win f ]MIKA.C.S. Old Boys .tow, overwhelming victory m the V.M.C.A. m a match p on the V.M.C.A. ground 2S day by 144 runs. The V.M.C.A. batted first were all out for 84 runs One V'"' Keng was the most successful^/ ler taking six wickets
    227 words
  • 79 14 jj» my Lyden, of Bootle, outpointed Peter Kane, former world flyweight champion, ove ten rounds at Liverpool. Ts decision was badly received Iff the spectators, who continued their booing after the foUowiif nght had started. Lyden rallied brilliantly In thi last two rounds. This must nan
    79 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 309 14 European residents m Eastern countiies arc, m increasing numbers sending their children to Australia'! splendid "boarding schools. The advantages are obvious— Jnvigoratmm WmL mg climate, exceptionally favourable exchange, W the British environment, the quick access, and Gfe <|R Write for booklet featuring Australia's M fl& f> schools, and also a
      309 words
    • 65 14 HE L P ENGLA N D S NE W HOM E L E "J-^ Js? '^B^'' 3? JVWiW, i*J^ -xjt:-. J fl?" A^SaS^^^Mt^^H 59^ ft J^ V a fl s# WJliSflswH >* tU tUf itimfN** M MAK E REGULAR MONTHLY B Ul** aatammamS M DONATIONS TO HELP TH* M Afc
      65 words

    1,280 words
  • 60 15 The draw for tho big sweep suited as follows: Total Pool: $171,230. Hit Prize: $59,930 Prunella ***** wond Prize: 5:>!),965 fevpion ***** !hird Prize: 14,982 Eegiment ***** Isfters: $2,1 10 each. First Fiddle ***** sstt Anita ***** Lsey Lustre :;1498 Tiderace LTJ946 >tormy Night ***** srltrton 11 1
    60 words
  • 85 15 Dividends At A Glance Race l Foxdown 526, sx Dordrecht 87 Chatterbox J>7 Hace >— Alicante S2l. S7 Flying Scotsman st Lord Worlinglon $8 Kac«' 3— Jest On Sl6. S8 Courting Sl5 M?id of the MounKace I— Houlich n SllB, 527 Double Esso $26 Derby $10 K'.cc s— Mvstic Music
    85 words
  • 340 15 Fortress R.E. 3 Chinese Ath. 2 AFTER leading by two goals early m the first half, Chinese Athletic were beaten by three goals to two by Fortress Royal Engineers m a Reserve Division game at Anson Road Stadium yesterday. After a poor start the
    340 words
  • 206 15 J* HE S.CF.A. beat the Naval Base Corinthians m a Division 118 match at Farrer Park yesterday by two goals to one. Corinthians started with nine men m the fir t twenty minutes, and it spoke well for their defence that no goal was scored during
    206 words
  • 266 15 Good Half Century Off S.R.C. THE R.A.F. Government Trade School beat an S.R.C eleven by 13 runs m a match played on the Padang to-day. Batting first the Trade School scored 109 runs towards which L. De I Souza scored 53 runs hitting all round the wicket. Loveday bowled well
    266 words
  • 252 15 PASSING the police total with the loss of only six wickets, the S.C.C. inflicted a crushing defeat on the S.S. Police, when they met on the S.C.C. padang, yesterday. Giles waj highest scorer for the S.C.C. and retired alter he had hit 48 runs. Cheah Kirn Swee batted
    252 words
  • 514 15 A. I. F. Swimmers For S'pore Championships BELOW is a lull list of competitors v. ho are taking part m the forthcoming open swimming championship to be held on Apr. 26. at Singapore Swimming Club at 1 p.m. The tournament is an effort of the Singapore Amateur Swimming Association to
    514 words
  • 66 15 In a well-contested Div. I fcottar, match at Changi. S.C.C. drew two-al' with the R.A. (Hy. Regt.) yesterday The score at half time was 2—l m the Gunners' favour. U sjc In a Div. lIA match at Seletar yeisterday R.A P (Seletar) trounced! the R.A.S.C 6—2. tf *fi
    66 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 132 15 (be t :^i %L M ■a \sUU- i yC tor Romance c *me when her *to was WHITER TOO, CAN KNOW AMAZING SECRET £jjV No longer need it mar that Sj/fg o that men admire. Fot *S,iik tniazing new skio tun-tan disappcat that fresh, fait Vi? "J« every woman desirea.
      132 words
    • 276 15 THOMPSON OPTICAL Co. 4, ARCADE BUILDING Specializing; Ocular Muscle Anomalies. Crossed Eyes. BJ*A^ Intricate Visual />!n/^V Problems. f J^^* Glasses if needed. Vf^^^ R. A. Thompson Dr. of Ocular Science. 35 years' European Clinical Experience. 'Phone 3002. j— NOW WE GIVE YOU \2 INSERTIONS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE ii
      276 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 42 15 TO-DAY CRICKET: S.R.C. v. Press, S.R.C; S.R.C. v. J.C.S.A.. J.CS A.; Indians v. S.C.C., LA.; R.A.A.F. v. R A., Changi: C.B.C. v. S.C.R.C, C.S.C.; S.C.C. v. R A Changi; Police v. 5.A.0.8.. Woodsville; Police v. Khalsa, Police. GOLF: Island Golf Championship, R.S.G.C.
      42 words
    • 21 15 HIGH TIDES TO-DAY: 4.44 a.m., 7.1 ft.; 7.08 p.m., G. 7 ft. TO-MORROW: G.2G a.m., U ft.. 8.14 p.m., 7.1 ft.
      21 words

  • 212 16 'ALLIES UNABLE TO HELP US RAPIDLY" Athens, Apr. 19. r H^ HE fiffht imposed on us was too un- equal," declared General Simovitch, the Yugoslav Prime Minister, m a statement on recent events. He said: "Our people had no illusions concerning the final result. Though conscious
    Reuter  -  212 words
  • 103 16 Treasury Bills Well Subscribed For London Apr. 19. ,T*\' Lhe money market E75 million U treasury bIU were oiTercd and allotted at an average rate of £1.0. 2. 63 d. per cent., which show- d B fractional movement m the "s favour. The a plications increased from 0 to £161.8
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 99 16 London, Apr. 19. MUTUAL benefits derived from the Anglo-Spanisb trade agi cement are shown m thm news thut since Feb. 1. 15 rhips nave tazen 66.750 tons of British wheat .♦nd other cereals to Spain and nother six are on the way carryin?; a further
    British Wireless  -  99 words
  • 62 16 Italians Claim Attack On Convoy London. Apr. 19. r -DAY'S official Italian communique claims that "m the Eastern Mediterranean our x\v formations attacked, torpedoed and bombed a strongly escorted enenv. convoy. Our planes hit an enemy cruiser with bombs and torpedoes and sank two snips out of ;he convoy. In
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 38 16 Hollywood. Am. 19. VIGHT hundred guests were prem sent at the wedding on Friday night m Hollyicood of Dean n a Durlnn. 19-year old film star, tn Mr. Vaughan Paul. 25-year old Him director. Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 304 16 London, Apr. 19. 7 HE Gcteborg Hande.'stidning x states: "The Eritish Fleet has k unk the German and Italian transport fleet. They have sent eveiything to the bottom of the sea. Three ronvoying ships convoyed them there also. "It is extraordinary how effeci live
    Reuter  -  304 words
  • 122 16 London, Apr. 19. STORIES are beginning to come through of Incidents connected with the dramatic recovery for a tree Abyssinia of its capital after five years of Italian occupation. One story tells how a British General was mobbed by delighted Abyssinian* when the flag of the
    British Wireless  -  122 words
  • 67 16 Chungking Banks In S'hai Still Closed Shanghai, Apr. 19. rHE Chungking Government 1 banks still remained closed yesterday end there was no iflicial indication when they would •e-open Local pro-Nanking Chinese ircles insist that the cl sure is ikely to be for an Indefinite period. A Japanese Embassy spokesman esterday
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 55 16 London, Apr. 19. WITH slight exceptions, all Britain was raid free last night. An Air Ministiy communique >ays: —Tn the early part of the night, there was little activity jver south-west England and north Scotland when very few xmibs were dropped. They did \i{Ac damage
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 107 16 Tokyo, Apr. 19. VIR. Matsuoka, the Japanese ill Foreign Secretary, who has oeen on a visit to the Axis capitals and Moscow, is scheduled to arrive at Tokyo on Apr. 22. a )ress message from Omsk reported :hat the Minister and his party arrived at Omsk
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • 344 16 London, Apr. 19. f r H E announcement from No. 10. Downing Street last night on the British Government's bombing policy ia warmly welcomed by the press this morning. The announcement made clear that the R.A.F. will adhere to its practice of bombing,
    British Wireless  -  344 words
  • 197 16 Surprise Landing On Chekiang Coast Tokyo, Apr. 19. A FTER occupying a number of key points, crack units of the .Japanese army, working m close cc-opcration with the navy, effected a surprise landing mat the outer port of Ningpo, on the coast of Chekiang province, early
    Reuter  -  197 words
  • 60 16 London, Apr. 19. THE Soviet Ambassador, M. i IVlaisky, recently saw the i Foreign Minister. Mr. 5 Anthony Eden, at the Foreign Office, learns Reuter's Dip- lomatic Correspondent. This I S is their first conversation J I since Mr. Eden's return from I the Middle East, but
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 107 16 I^WO French pilots have reached Britain after waiting months m Algeria for a chance lo escape and join General de Gaulle. This story was told by Professor Rene Cassin. the General's chief political adviser, speaking at the French Institute, m London. The pilots found that a
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  • 80 16 JAPANESE TO PAY MORE TAXES Tokyo. Apr. 19. THE Japp.nes? taxpayer will probably be called upcn shortly to dig deeper into his pockets to help put the Japanese finances on a sounder basis. According to the Asahi Shimbun, the Ministry of Finance is increasing direct as well as indirect taxation
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 98 16 London. Apr 19. MYROBELLA Colt won the Hurst- bourne two-year-old Plate at the Salisbury meeting to-day. This speedy horse, by Bahram out of Myrobella. which has been leased by His Majesty the King from the national staole, will run for the King m next
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 46 16 Turkish -German Relations: Nazis Spread A Rumour Istanbul, Apr. 19. THE newspaper Tan warns its readers against rumours spread by the Nazis, following the departure for Berlin of the German Ambassador, Herr Von Papen, that Germany is offering to sign a nonaggression pact w:th Turkey Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 82 16 A Singapore, Saturday CADER ISMAIL, who was standing his trial before Mr. Conrad Oldham, m the second district court, on a charge of cheating and alternatively with assisting In *h€ disposal of property, was acquit ted after the first witness of the prosecution had been called.
    82 words
  • 367 16 "In .hi, terr^S^jJ.. the Luiopean monger the bat.le of Britain ik oi' the Atlantic and ih of the Middle Fast and .i> diterriiiean,*' declared mirai of the Fleet I*2** field, speaking at fonk^J "All three are of m* pcitance, but the first*! vital. Hitler's only X!i\ beating th;
    Reuter  -  367 words
  • 37 16 Singapore. M When a car skidded P turned off Paya Lebar 3 24 this morning, a Eutcf sa d to have been in]* lined a wound on t»« 'm-ow, and a contusion rht forearm.
    37 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 305 16 \pURGATIVeJ I Time marches on. ygXtpk^J^^J Methods of travel change. Also medicines. Now we don't have to take nasty-tasting oils, inconvenient herbal brews and griping purgatives. Medical scienct gives us LAXOBAC— the modern chocolate laxative. Laxobac tastes just like chocolate because it is chocolate. Yet a small tablet will cause
      305 words
    • 26 16 Advances »P^l and produce J I rates of to^l be arranged We also !bfef 5 spaces to W M Further P* Tik^\ A supplied es *V*^
      26 words