Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 13 April 1941

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 144 1 Bloodiest Battle In History Begins 1 i j Athene, ..\pr. i> I IIMTHIN I fen hours, one S If cf the greatest and most J ferocious battles m history I will begin, if indeed it has n ot already begun." declared 1 ■theP"*** Minister, M. Nidkm- v diSi m a
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • 97 1 New York. Apr 12 -THE newest outpost" of th( 1 United Btates is the press description of the move to establish American bases m Greenland President Roosevelt's action has captured the imagination ol the American press, even isolationists conceding the wisdom ol strengthening America's defences Several
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 88 1 Berlin, Apr. fERMAN troops advancing: from Bulgaria across Yugoslavia effected contact with the Kalian troops operating' i;i Albania yfNtrrday The contact was established m rth of Lake Ochrida. Th L r l e ws was §i ;e 'i *n a special Htjrh Command communique *»ed this
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 43 1 London. Apr. 12— It is learned m tondon that one of the British gnoured car patrols m the wnauir area successfully shot up m enemy infantry unit yesterday »tule it was disembarking from Sports. The British patrol did wt suffer any casualties- Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 106 1 London. Apr. 12. THE British coastal command and bomber command planes" successes m the Norch Sea and the south coast of Norway are recorded m an official communique Coastal command bombers atcacKed an enemy supply ship oil SEEP a n i left jt
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  • 85 1 New York, Apr. I>. A MOVE which is expected to rv- lease 250.C00 tons of shipping irr nse In the Atlantic is reported m a New York Times Washington despatch. It stated that I'nited States Aimy cargo transport! will be used to carry hemp, rubber
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 85 1 London. Apr. 12. ON the money market two newfinancial records hav e been set up. The first is a rise m note circulation to £618,700.000; and the second, the decision to increase nex-u week's offerings of Treasury Bills to C 75 million sterling. Yesterdays
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 106 1 GREEK HOSPITAL SHIP SUNK Athens, Api 12 (JIXTEEN successive waves of Ger*f man aircraft attacked Piraeus during Friday night. Bombs were dropped and mines sown In various places. Two small fires were started, but both were immediately extinguished German dive bombers attacked a small ship near the port of Glydada,
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 57 1 Athens, ,*pr. 12. ALTHOUGH no details have yet reached jUhens of the operations m which the iSritMi ami Imperial troops are engage^ .1 British officer who has just returned fiom the front states that British troops were m grand form, full of eagerness for the first encounter with the Germans
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 23 1 5 A.M. FniT |or !^«££W~ SUNDAY. APRIL— --i94"i: ir w -w -w Net Saks Exceed 23, 200 Weekly FIVE CENTS.
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  • 292 1 RUMANIAN FORCES SAID ATTACKING YUGOSLAVS CANADA LICKS 'EM vcn nchbn xg b nxvcbnfnjxgnbjj ITALIAN ATTACKS REPULSED WITH HEAVY LOSSES J» I MANIAN forces have now joined m (he attack on Yugoslavia, a i L accord!n ff to the official Italian news agency. An artillcrv duel between the Rumanian and Yugoslav
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  292 words
  • 92 1 BRITISH ENVOY TO CHINA HERE nrsPITE reports that the British envoy would not be visiting Singapore as originally planned beiore his visit to Chungking Sir Archibald C!ark-Kerr, British Ambassador to China, arrived m Singapore yesterday afternoon. He was met on board by the A.-D.-C. to His Excellency the Governor m
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  • 241 1 London, Apr. 12. WiTli a time -honoured ceremony m Bristol's battle-scarred university, Mr. Churchill, who Ls Chancellor of the University today invested Mr. Winant. the' new U.S. Ambassador and Mr. R. G. tzies, the Australian Premier, with the honorary degrees of Doctor of Laws. A similar degree
    British Wireless  -  241 words
  • 109 1 London, Apr. 12.— A claim that Ma j .-Gen. Carton de Wiart has been captured m Cyrenaica. is made by the official Italian news agency.. Majcr-General de Wiart is known as "the most wounded British General." Years after the last war he was
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 106 1 Axis Ships: U. S. Banker May Negotiate Deal New York, Apr. 12. report- that he is to negotiate for the purchases of the Axis ships seized m the United Stairs ports, Mr. Frederick Stallforth, the New York banker, left by clipper for Lisbon to-day. Mr. Stallforth refused to confirm or
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 80 1 THE latest Ameiican war observer, 1 Major-Genera] Henry Arnold, Chief of the United States Army Air Corps, arrived m London by the Atlantic clippei en route for London, according to a Vichy news agency message. The clipper landed m the middle of the
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 80 1 London, Apr. I?.. THE R.A.F. spent Good Friday 1 night on the ground. i t s learned that there were no raids. on Germany. The reason given La bad weather on the Contlnei During daylight yesterday an R.A.F. bomber attacked an enemy supply
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 297 1 y London, Apr JMIK Luftwaffe's nighl I increi (i to 46 to-day when it was i i coiifl enemy bomber wars destroyed by R. \.V. fighter on i This total exceeds that for the whole of March (41) whi< h a war record. Night fighters
    Reuter  -  297 words
  • 134 1 Post- War Role Of "A .B.C." London, A}» [N a 1 Quo g Ambas ador m I ondon for '"i )r th t he I rorld Ir- Midi mus! romp nly m terms of A i; i kmej ii i Britain a »d C m the cothat In the peace
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 37 1 roi DONOV uho i rin'iv returned fr i tool r Lnropr I the l'n rnvoy, urged m an Chicago, thai the i niti d Stal hovld instituti 1 ivoj ol :r,i I»r BHtain Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 125 1 Vthens, Vpr, 1 JWO oil tanks blew up and a number <l lorries wert sn on fire when R.A.P. bombers attacked a German convoj brtwecn Monagtir and Prilep. Despite opposition fi m b latgc number of fehters, other R.A.I, bombers destroyed m im portant
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 50 1 tfee'fikwt bvitter you can: put on jjour fabte j C/^X^ fla°v U o^ hlne K°°dness. fine creamy W I thp nd rirh K°»den colour DUTP CrP/lkunri* I the qualities you f/*>rV I ca S ut r lili ltu<i>ef p leCnt^ DllTrr«i I 13 2A dr^ o/ Singapore Cold CO* Ltd.
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    • 66 1 txc I < ~Ja to Mini Brmidsi/j/\ y 4*\ 3 X vl^^^^b^ .i ,—V^^- 4 J WHn Wl p -w> This label is your guarantee (hat e\» bottle has been matured undor the "L supervision <uul control ol the S<»ufh %_L Alrican (iovernnuiil IM h-,i years. A Government certificate to
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  • 49 2 London, Apr. 12. MESSAGES of sympathy on the d^ath on Apr. 9 of Sir J. A. Maybin, Governor and C.-in-C, Northern Rhodesia, have been sent to the Officer Administrating the Government of the protectorate by the King and Colonial Secretary, Lord Moyne.— British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  49 words
  • 634 2 DRESIDING at the inauguration of the first All-Mahtya Tamil Association yesterday, Dr. S. Luther, the president, said Ihiat untouchabilitv fchould l>e kept out of Malaya and pledged the Association to give all its support to the war effort. 'I he meet ing was h<l<l at
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  • 500 2 Hong Kong, Apr. 2. 'JpilE commission appointed to inquire into the affairs of the Immigration Department had its final sitting, BO far as Hie' taking <>f evidence is concerned, yesterday, when another complain! of incivility on the part of Mr.
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  • 399 2 London. Apr. 12. r J^HE growing- efficacy of night fighters m the destruction enemy bombers is seen m the fact that m four nights:' Royal Air Force night fighters have doubled their score for t 3 ear. In the clear moonlisht aoove
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  • 658 2 BUM) >l W MOKXS iilll I (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) JJERE'S a tale of a young blind man— blind m one eye at birth and m the other just when he was about to start his career nine years ago— who simply refuses to accept defeat m
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  • 80 2 Singapore, Saturday. TAUSING unnecessary pain to 216 y fowls by cramming them into Is baskets" was the charge brought against a Hokkien. Teo Chwee m the Second Court to-day. Each basket could only hold ten fowls but accused was found with 17 low Is m
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  • 104 2 B Singapore, Saturday. AIL of $100 was allowed m the case of a Chinese, Wong Heon" who claimed trial m the Second Court to-day to a charge of stealing S9 cash from a house m Tras Street, the property of Teo Joon Nyah, on Apr. 11. The case
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 354 2 NEW HEALTH FOR YOU m n%-ZEX THE IMMEDIATE TONIC Learn this Amazing Scientific Secret If the rigour and vitality of youth are lading from you it is only because your Klands are exhausted weak .dried up. Glands < AN now be rejuvenated by a secret glandular concentrate— "G. 37" now
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    • 53 2 KNIFE CHARGE Singapore, Saturday. PEWA SINGH, a £ikh. was charged tf to-day with voluntarily causing hurt with a knife to another S'kh Toher SiriL'h, at 9.30 p.m. on April 10 at North Bridge Road. The accused claimed trial. Bail of $250 was allowed and the case was postponed to April
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    • 311 2 THOMPSON OPTICAL 0 4, ARCADE BUILDING Specializing; Ocular Muscle Anomalies Crossed Eyes. JB^ Intricate Visual /a^ 1 Problems. f^EP (•"a^ses if needed. IP R. A. Thompson Dr. of Or*" Science. :*r> years' European Clinic' Experience. 'Phone 3002. Coughing, Strangling Aslhifli Bronchitis Curbed m 3 Mini ch\t% y ?n^H%^ &CliSO Asthma
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  • 602 3 .B/-O IV A T MORALE OVERS MENT has made certain aborf?f,,, 1 P s /or "oniation of citizens a7riL2T ocr J*!?"- Go**™*™* has also "hi. ''T*'"" 7 lo huitd lheir <>«» «"«p hmce^Jn W€ek '<"<> r '"»<'»t •ho*** just "l,n,r Cnemy couUl (l(
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  • 573 3 Mr. R. E. H olttum Elected (From Our Own Reporter) Ipoh, Saturday. JJECLARING open the 12th annual conference of the 80th Rotary District this morning at Ipoh, H.H. the Sultan of Perak said: "With the great progress of the war, I am sure all
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  • 78 3 The French Are Pro- Anti- s DII RRE DE I WUX, for 10 years director of the Paris r office of the League of Nations, told students at San Jose State College that "the people of France are not pro- German. "They are divided into the pro-British and the anti-
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  • 217 3 gECAUSE he realised the police were on the look-out for him, Sidney Tye, an absentee from the Royal West Kent Regiment, dressed up as a woman, complete with wig, and posed as his own sister. This remaikable story was unfolded before the Maidstone. Kent, magistrates when
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 224 3 All the life and sparkle j^oes out of your face w hen your eyes •re tired, irritate -d, strained. But daily eye care with MI'KINE ■ill work wonders towards keeping them cletf >nci lovely. Just a drop »>t Ml Kl\l m each f V c every ni^ht and morning pill
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    • 40 3 "I think U'eVe just got time for a Boxfil, old man The pojwlarity of M Diamond Bedsteads ha^ been pre-eminent M fur many years on account oC |^|4t|T /YjA their extreme durability and high /j/k standard of finish. f/ //^^KKk
      40 words
    • 634 3 YOU WON'T HAVE GOUT if 5R Gout is due to a blood condition. If you have a tendency to acidity you are liable to it. Thrre are various causes. Unbalanced diet. Poisoned teeth. These upset the digestion. The liver and kMix-vs get out of order. Gout occurs. There is a
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  • 910 4 FOR TUNE LOST TO THE WAR EFFORT TRIBUNE OFFERS A SOUND PLAN People m this country have been blamed consistently for not supporting the war sufficiently while thousands of them would be only too willing to contribute m some form or other if a tangible
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  • 403 4 1,000 "Love Babies" Are Born Every Week In Gremany i JSJCORES of thousands of devout German mothers art reviling the name cf Hcrr KuoYlph Hes«. Hitler's Deputy, foi 1 bringing dishonour and shame r.n their households. For the vicious harvest is now coining home of the iniquitous policy which lie
    403 words
  • 204 4 Japan Expects China War T o Continue Tokyo, Apr. 12. T*HE Chiang Kai-shek regime is likely to keep up resistor against Japan by patching up its relations with the chine* Ct mmunists and relying on British and American as Mr. Chuichj Ohashi, Foreign Vice-Minister, stated before v gubernatorial conference, m
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 220 4 ruiinnrij v r ■"I 3 I UML I I [I nlil Prepared expressly for Children, HI jHI Mixture speedily relieves Coughs, I IPc^^ Cold??, Bronchitis, Whoopinf: I m\\ \\v?Z^2r/ Warms 4 1 Jm m A ft w n Ift V HH iK till m H| ai Baft M b| WM
      220 words
    • 78 4 K'."*' '■.■."l* .'X M4KE YOUR OWN MOVIES u/t/i a Cin6-"Kodak" tv^^ ll n «mpi« to make brilliant personal movies of your happy, fv^^^^Bl^P ltorC ting aperiences to take inapahots Moramx, itJs Bur P risill g l y inexpensive with a Cin£-"Kodak" Eiaht— d» world't cheapest camera to run, Cine-"K«Uk" ElX^w^th
      78 words

  • 532 5 TIIKKE a spat b < s m-tki"''',!,';,,, I 5 Z32T «i".< tt's: "WliHl "«'t- s ri( uatKKrouiiCJ ot the Krt'iich situation when M. Reynaud took office? Let us Q fwA at the condition of ••Of the Navj one could only gptgk woil. And all the
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  • 913 5 A.\!» SET* A SEX l>ltO»Li:>| ar y patience and courage. I have been along the o'd battle line and seen the bright new towns and clean and attractive new villages which they raised m less than three years. Elsewhere m France 1 have seen the ordinary Frenchman—peasant
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  • 72 5 t s t »TIIKRK is a West London I shelter whose denizens t S have smiled at shakings from i nearby H.E.s, laughed at fires raging around them, put up j cheerfully with the cold and the damp. Now they have sent a i strong complaint to the
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  • 99 5 Tokyo, Apr. 12 LIEUT.-GEN. Hyotaro Kimuva, Chief of Staff of the Kwaivunp Army, has been appointed War Vice-Minister In succession tj Lieut. -Gen. Kcrechika Anami, according to an official, announcement. Lieut. -Gen. Tsao Yoshida &SW been appointed Director of the newly-created headquarters of th< mechanised and armoured
    Eastern News  -  99 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 180 5 Piles Drive You Crazy Don"t let itchinfc. bleedinjc. Internal or mtrudir.R Fill > sap your vitality, ruin fm nerves, a \A i'h pain. cry <>l an Amer[n m 15 mm' wi .i k and enjoy lifttromfor; II Ickly aid- natuiIttl th> i::k^ the b normiJ funcfcM to th< r» Start
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    • 59 5 HEN EXHIBITED IN COURT SingaDore. Saturday. A HEN was an exh bit m the polic? eoortfl to-day when 23-year-oid Tin Ah Poi and 53-year-old Tan Phtk were charged with the theft 1 :i hen valuec' at 80 cents, frim a house m Pulol Übln on Anr h Both accused claimed
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    • 537 5 cvfccc Arm I* CAUSES THAT PAIN fc-- Take this Advice and i I Eat what you like 1 Read how this quick-acting Powder will give you immediate .■;..Bi. relief from your pain. And, what is even more important, it tones up and strengthens your stomach so that your %|:^l indigestion
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  • 1473 6  - A Woman Peeps At Singapore Vera Ardmore DLUEVING m the 'early bird' 1 maxim, many turned up as early as 'j.uu to Wavy Ho*isr for Mrs. T H Drew's American Party, In aid of t lie Bailors' Fund on Monday. A number of attractive articles were offered at this
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 452 6 MEDKAM-V APPROVED f~\ Tiv torattva ti now >ii heml m m«d LACT >- I n comblnaU *v 'I o. p'ir(>,t colamine portlclc* hlng em lltent i:? lie of al« d and bing wltc basel- ICTO-CALAMINI look after J >> a ity <l and ii > .t i-. u« cnlf d
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    • 41 6 J&&F£*^ JtSkM INd.UsIVR PKW I»A> MM, II $b t,. S'mHi^^,^^ I 'PMENT JUST REC& BRITAIN DELIVERS THE 6'^J i:RCSUSO^ E'ABK 111 RAYON SPUN— FERGONIW Designs Beautiful C^ p \S. I.MAJEED&d\ pp a irurc :!:i NORTH "YAp bKArNICrIES i■■ rast coasi X >■
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  • 1051 7 L.S.D. FINDS MALAYA HAS THE axe of the numerous Singapore 'aquarium' enthusia ri has recently returned from a,, extensive Sin in search of a rarespfecimen of t,-u parent angel fish. Jhe search was made over all 1 O f rough country roads, and
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  • 1398 7 Sl( ItliS OF Till: S( lU.IICV The Doctor Says HE kindly doctor this week passes jl on to you a few lessons which others refused to learn. They tell him what is wrong and scoff at his solutions and dogmatise about medical problems. He
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  • 122 7 Church Organist's Acts On Boy CTATED by the police to have «■> been greatly respected m the village where he was church organist, Gordon Arthur Fielding, 54. of Ovington, was found guilty, before Mr. Justice Atkinson, at Norfolk Assizes, of acts of impropriety m regard to two boys. Mr. Stuart
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 261 7 a Off v t I '^^^JK!^/^?^S^fe^Br I I 1 1 >^« y J\ All smart men 1^ use Anzora for JT their hair. And the imart man always gets the best job. Anzora is the finest, most healthful dressing f° r f he hair you can fc^— W I A
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    • 656 7 1 M 11 Restore Youthful Vigour To Glands m 24 Hours New Discovery Brings Pleasures of Life to Men Who Feel Old Before Their Time "^^*%,ML. Do you feel older than you are? Ar« you itl^Hkk^ '^Mm^ Sk. lacking In youthful animation? Do you en- L^"*,^^ WL^KmB^M Joy the society
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  • 538 8 The Sunday Tribune Sunday, April 13, 1941. Opinion Thunder 1 n<l Eggs i.\ days of p€ace > m« 1 plenty, such subjects as Ihe Hltvt of thunderstorms on thr stamina and fecundity of poultry, the itamin conl ents of rice or papaya and the feeding of pi^s will) fish refuse
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  • 1267 8 EDWARD ELLIS CALLS FOR SPIRITUAL REARMAMENT FoT JLiIS f f ill%»' m* 9 IVITH each passing day, the conviction grows thai with all its weaknesses and shortcomings when it comes to waging a total war, democracy is infinitely stronger as a human spiritual force than totalitarianism.
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  • 892 8 (W.B.PATERSONSays\ OFFICIALDOM IS f|FFH lALDOM moves m .'i mysterious way iU wonders to perform. I heard a ne\i our m this connection the othejr daw A man who has Uh-ii a l« >ujj: time m this country and who expects to be m it at least as longai^ii"' requested
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 567 8 wJ \^=J V/A 1% i&fei; gjt!<;i-:iMfr:ti r*v X/ b m: si- a a.\ii m* ya vNk MS/ A^ Si?g; ASH IS AS V\ Wj VIT 11. TO Jl Al-A YA'S \J si;i i ii rr v as to jp? N IBIIITAI\*S. |^J \\\> \\i)\\ arc wi 1 m Malaya this
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    • 50 8 Typewriter Repair^ •t We dean, adjust, repair i _^jL| And overhaul -<?f Rll makes of l/~ v jr3T"~ Typewriters and mr*^y r j[ Calculntors etc.. *t V^PP^ .-> Moderate charges FJxp» rt \fe'hanl"a *>if- < Ouaranteed Wurknianahio BTRAITB TTPBWBITEB AGENCT tbllahed 1*14) Btatlonen <V R^palters Mil. Chance Alley, Singapore, Tnonee:
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    • 205 8 AMAZING NEWLY-DISCOVERED l^^j[ SEA-PLANT builds WEAK, Jv^H WORN OUT, RUNDOWN, fizWM NERVOUS people into (f i STRONG, HEALTHY, VM VITAL men women A/JA. 1 "t| I 'Jk Today you, too, can lcam the secret. The secret of replacing lost j» L Minerals, Vitamins and Food W' lodine into your system.
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  • 431 9 Eighty Nazi Tanks Destroyed] Ft r uv London, Apr. 12. Hh ucrman advance into Central \,.r. i Parian frontier has been chrrkZi oslavia the Buieast of Belgrade, accordTg to th^C^bia^T* ow correspondent somewhere m y, »sla"a ht S u R T tod h »o captured, including
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  • 115 9 AMERICA' S FAR EASTERN TRADE Shanghai, Apr. 12. tt/ARNING that the time would J* come when ev:ry American would nave to know the fundamentals of |ne United States Far Eastern tade, Mr. John Ahlers, well-known economist m Shanghai, writing In Jte China Weekly Review, signincantly pointed out that the "curtailment
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  • Article, Illustration
    182 9 doubt when you looked at the picture at left and then took a glance at the one below you figured that the Tribune was slipping when they printed the same picture twice even if it was a good picture! Weli you were dead wrong Mid here's why. At
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  • 709 9 London, Apr 12. JT has now been possible to piece together the story <~f how four wounded British private soldiers walked 210 miles u>w,ivds safety m ten days through the heart of the Libyan Desert with no other supplies
    British Wireless  -  709 words
  • 277 9 JT would be idle to pretend that the news from the war from m the past week has been anything but disappointing, says a Daiiy Telegraph leader. Both m the Balkans and Libya, the enemy has had unexpected sweeping successes which have changed the
    Reuter  -  277 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 79 9 *t^ Smart fdea are ten^ Brylcreem £?**£l^)> THE PERFECT HAIRDRESSING BkV|g^^J There's no denying your smartness it \uu use M^r f BRYXCREEM. A little Brylcreem on your hair every morning ensures a well-groomed appearance every !v* "^Sfe^ y^ST day and Brylcreem's natural oils and tonic ri I Qm ingredients get
      79 words
    • 1053 9 Australia .so close to thr East, offers a complete chang< I climate, scenery and peoples, and en mod m standards In I accommodation, transportation and service, well as a wide I range of sport and entertainment. gm flH^ is nut ox, m Australia, and J| lavourable twhmrp fiirthcr ri'di;c< ■m
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  • 1457 10  -  C.L. CHEAH By LALINE LONG discovered that being a swimming champion had its disadvantages. Her figure, shaped by constant swimming into a lovely streamlined form, got her plenty of attention. But she never bargained for the incident that happened to her one morning when she went up
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  • 383 10 SUNDAY SHORT STORY I must make a dash fur it now can't undress before them.' She {lanced round, retreating a little. The room by which she escaped dc fore. But Keat read her throughts and Rung himself across that door. Not so fast, champ. Go on. take oil that dress.
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  • 791 10 TRIBQUIZ reckons no one ought to try to eat his Sunday breakfast before the old mind is functioning properly. And whether you feel quizzical or not he says, speaking as a man, there is no way of getting your own back on the wife quite like answering
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  • 251 10 HERE'S. SOMETHING THAT'S BETTER THAN COD LIVER OIL! Tasteless, flesh-forming tabM thin people* f AH who are too thin and weii* tittle for their pear, )f mind X** Oil. they might b» K i n to put^'*or two of flcsn I Pou^ en enough ol <**«*. however, scientists have uiscovSL
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 364 10 BRUNETTES use Amami No. i BLONDES use Amami No. j and always remember FRICAY NIGHT IS NIGHT If you have »ny difficulty tn obtaining AMAMI S!»n;r>tx>« pl*H»c \\-\\c to A. T. i Gillttpie, Art* Killiei Jxjujx* P.O. T'«ii i.17, King*| j DO VOI li\O\\ That Byegtasaefl properly MUed are as
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    • 161 10 Heart Trouble Caused by High Blood Pressure If you have pains around the heart, pal-IHi-ution, diulneaa, headaches at tup and back of mad and above eyes, shortness of j breath, feel nervy, or suffer from poor i sleep, loss of memory and energy, indiges- tlon, worry and fear, your trouble
      161 words
    • 173 10 CGatTctr OA !L V R VICK 6 CO LTD, IJOSIPH TtAVt«t SOU IT* The lure ol fairer.WHlTEl Learn this Secret of extra charm <t glamor No more can Malaya's sun <fc*s"J «T the pale loveliness that men w* K>r WHITHX, this amizin|D« totkra, makes ugly suO-t«n *WJ Immediately— reveals tha/
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  • 1844 11 sdf nfgv dbdvcv bh n lni0! !<^"< "Vrnk. now Awl Malaya m London) r WENT out to Malaya m November, 1907. with Andrew vaidecott (now Governor o r Ceylon), Rvrton on! Mudie, both of whom became Jwfyes. Tn those days the Colonial Office wa« -oro concerned
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 646 11 Grand News for HEAD-COLD SUFFERERS Et.Samlp*M- tag" noolltn tagu shrunk f^r^r< fv. brtathimg r^SQ y*~ ,niff« of Sew^ Mmdical Compound Cigar Stuff ed-ap Nomtrilm m 30 tecondc. t^ok c d^gr*™* ■bove. One minute Jou're iruffed-up with a heavy cold. Nasal Ijanbrines swollen puffy. Breathing passages ijockf d with congested mucus.
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    • 113 11 Skin Sores? Cause Killed m 3 Days The very first application 01 Nlxoderm begins to clear away skin sores like macic Use Nixoderm to-night and you will soon see your skin becoming soft, smooth and clear. Nixoderm Is a new discovery that kills germs and parasites on the skin that
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    • 790 11 Arthritis, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago Vanish Like Magic Pains Stop m 1 mm* i' 30 Minutes amasing medi< me called Rumend." it ifl no V longer necessarj for you to suffer from the M J pain and crippling action of Rheumatism, Jr J' Arthritis, Sciatica, Lumbago, Neuritis or M ,< fr
      790 words

  • 246 12 R. A. F. BLAST BORKUM London. Apr. 12. A SURPRISE R.A.F. attack on Thursday on th? Frisian island of Borkum is further described by the Air Ministry news service. As Blenheims of the Bomber Command came on th^ island, the seaplane base and barracks was completely silent and the defences
    British Wireless  -  246 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 214 12 I T/f£ OiVZ.y BIG MUSICAL I COMEDY IN TOWN! Come on a Grand LAUGH CR UISE TO RIO!! a, Thyuß .rox»rrHj.N™ n OLmA y S O \VS ill I 1 IPI^ DAILY.. II a.m-3.15-6.15-9.15 "ARGENTINE if^W* Ibßbßb^B^B»^L.^^L^^ bT*'^^B^B^B^^ V I IJk t -JL b^B^BbHB \BbW^bl^b^b^b^bv 2- i |i\f 9 SONG
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    • 269 12 "zii y _-J^|jL^ The smashing triumph <>| I'ijmnmßgY^ >■ > HCV/r^fo 4"|jJH" CARY EASTER HOLIDAY SENSATION IN SYDNEY at the 3,600 Seater STATE Theatre y I 1 AVII. I f I I'HONE 6903 Pleasantly 00l I <?<»"*> *HOWS TO-lIAY. SIM>\V TO-MORROW, FASTER MONDAY al 11 A.M.— .{.IT)— H.I o 9.15
      269 words
    • 138 12 T«>-«i«iT A T«-iiu»rrou I Slio«s 6.i5 n ki5 I p.m. AL lI A 31 IS HA They Carved A Path Through The 0k Wilderness .Then Raved It WithßuUels*and Lives! i% tfSk e ™lLlANDSPjfi| RAYMOND MASSEY JL# RONALD RE AGAN§ft3f ;7 AT AIT U&tt b A WARNLR bros >.'•• notmipkw ALSO
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  • Article, Illustration
    4 13  -  Bt Carl Anderson
    4 words
  • 813 13 SINGAPORE LONDON ZHL m m 1131 krs. EASTERN TRANSMISSIONS! ZRP 1. 30 m I M mcs GSF— 19. 8 2 metres < T? l? -JLn 5 ;;v/ fas s&» M^cs) CiSD— 24 53 metres (U ?J cs! ll« "wter M 9.05 p.m. to 11 50
    813 words
  • 165 13 London. Anr 12 THE determination oi the RAF. to destroy the German battle cruiaen Scharnhorst and Gneisenau In Brest harbour is epitomised m the announcement ci the award of the Distinguished Flying Ci to Pilot-Officer A. Esler, of the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
    165 words
  • 214 13 "BRITAIN WILL NEVER BE STARVED INTO DEFEAT" London, Apr. 12. i AS the Battle of the Atlantic In- tensifi?s, it In cresting to recall the words cf r lerr Albert Ball m, the German shipping magnate, 'o the ex-Kaiser m 1916 wh?n he \vi te: "At present, about 200 ocean
    214 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 238 13 THE SINGAPORE AAUSICAL SOCIETY POP I I.Alt CONCERT Sunday, May 4th 1941 IN THE VICTORIA MEMORIAL HALL Intending Members of th° Society are reminded that subscription^ should bp forward d m good time before fhis concert m order to rain the full advantage of the $5 membership scheme. All particulars
      238 words
    • 90 13 dim 10 drops*^fc when you feel exhausted There's no finer tonic m an emergency than Phosferine. It fives you strength to carry on, even when you feel almost at the end of your tether. Phosferine puts back what you have taken out of yourself strength, energy and vitality. Get some
      90 words
    • 306 13 TO-DAY and TO-MORROW Shows !l a.m-3. 15-6.15-9.15 OATH AY BOX off| ce Vlil ±±jr^ X 'PHONE 3400. Ac/ion Romance Suspenk 7 1 nil Is! UNITFD ARTISTS'. presents **r S I SPECIAL EASTER "TIFFIN l)Ai\f l<" TO DAY TO-MOKKOW MO to 5 I.M. JTO-NICHT DANCE 9.30 to 12 p.m. VAIDEVILLE NUMBERS
      306 words
    • 93 13 CHINES/: HMD FOX Singapore, Satan ABOUT 50 arrest case:; were dealt with by Mr. Conrad Uldham at the police COUTta )\p attended to \h v work In all five courts m turn. Thirty-three Chinese pleaded guilty to charges ol gambling and c fined $1 each or iple imprisonment. Eighteen of
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 784 13 TO-DAY'S CHURCH SERVICES East^ D^^^^.O^^T^ M (< METHODIST CHURCH a.m. Holy Communion. 7.30 an, C Jon p^° 1U W Pay;^, Leb:ir Police Station) Eucharist. 10.30 a.m. Choral Mn a n r Ch V H rk Hin Sunday. 530 p.m. Evensong Sermon. t» Class. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. Upper S^raneoon S^'u" 1^
      784 words

  • 1271 14  -  UMPIHE c b x i Singapore s Chances A I K.L.: Wickets That Are r!li: clash between Singapore and Seluigor this week-end will provide some very &ood cricket. This is one of the oldest fix lures m Malayan cricket and the match between these
    1,271 words
  • 431 14 Two Records Broken In Schnese Swim Meet. |N connection with the opening of their m\\ club he use and pool, the Chinese Swinging Club held a triangular meet yesterday m which Singapore, Penang um\ Ipoh were represented. Time* returned for two of the events may constitute new retold, il officially
    431 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 102 14 Did you MACLEAN your teeth to-day? "Yes, it's dolly good" Dissolve Ugly Fat The New Cinema Way Safely Lose 5 Lbs. a Week— 2sLbs.aMonlh f>ls' and no drastic iliu^r i:««ossary under "^'J \%^svfe' '*i'; tins riiw method, l-'oinmd,. at ts by aidiiiK WK^^L n >^«^^^ r Mts, dissolves the
      102 words
    • 270 14 These Symptoms warn You of Stabbing pains m the back good. Even a few doses have ended spasms of agonising: rheumatism severe pain when all else has failed, distressing bladder trouble pains De Witt's Pills stimulate and strengthen m the groin spells of dizziness the kidneys so that they cleanse
      270 words
    • 277 14 Hearing Restored! Twenty Four Hour Deafness and Head Noises n««d M dreaded any longer since the dSwvm an American I'hysician. Now it jSSi for seme of the most Obstinate <Z Deafness to be relieved m a day'i m the application of the prescriptlohoi Spantex. This treatment is meeti* «v-ide success
      277 words

  • 1132 15 Empress Best With 553 Sin *»Por^ Saturday. mjHOI (.H il rained before the start of the first race /I there was a large crowd present at Etokil Timah to-d.v the Ihird day of the Singapore Turf dub Summer meeting A« on Wednesday, favourite* again
    1,132 words
  • 87 15 Dividends At A 4......... -Cilnnee-*"*^ lUc« l—Rcsaiie $25, $9 Clarissa the Flea Sl5 flitter S9 ttacp 2—Happy Sal 533, S9 Stormy Night S8 Prunella S8 JMce t tmtf Lustre S2B, $11 Regiment Sl6 Oreypion SlO I—HONEY MOON S3B, Sll Mystic Music S8 Kai Tere Sl2 Race o—Empress 553, $13
    87 words
  • 111 15 The draw for the Big Sweep resorted as follows: tal Pool: $48,580 First prize: 117,693 I-Vious L 3062 Second prize: I&50J Jest On ***** Third Prize: $4,250 Cimbal< 1 1520 Starters carh $172 Cburtiritf 193 19 Lady Zenla 1785$ First Ra ***** Kicotine 181« M R»b-A-Xnh 111 71
    111 words
  • 70 15 S FOLLOWING is the result of the draw tor the Perak i Turf Club's big sweep held on race eight at Singapore i to-day: tIRST PKIZE: Furious *****. i SECOND PRIZE: i Jest On *****. THIRD PRIZE: S Cambalcnff *****. 1 STARTERS: *****, *****, i *****,
    70 words
  • 93 15 IN a Div. 2A match played at itiiLah yesterday R.A.F. (Tengah> beat the R.A.O.C. by seven t»oals 10 three. Wall was m bril liant form scoring four goals Morrison, and Gilmore scored r ■oal each, and Wilkinson of the R.A.O.C. kicked the ball Into hi. own goal. For
    93 words
  • 43 15 The following will reprcaeni S.C.R C. Ist XI against Police Ist XI iii Thompson Road to-day it j..m.: Evan Wong. (Capi.t, Kenc Hc:k, Keng Siew, Cecil Won\ Sweo Ken;>, Swee Law, Kee Pow Hock Chye. Thiani Siew, Kee Tian Lim dwang
    43 words
  • 28 15 In a friendly tabk unis matel rlayed at Telok Ayer Street last •v??k Singapore Shorthand Writers" Association beat thf Telok Ayer Epworth League by six panics to one.
    28 words
  • Article, Illustration
    24 15 Chee Choon Keng, all-India champion, who cleared another hurdle ycSLcraay m me me/i j jptt. tingles c:'e?it of the oKI-Malayan badminton championships.
    24 words
  • 516 15 CENTURY AGAINST SINGAPORE IN SELANGOR MATCH Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 12. CINGAPORE were gliding down easy street this morning when they took the field against Selangor, who, electing to bat, failed miserably against the howling of the Southerners and were Six wickets down for 06 at lunch time. Later, however, the
    516 words
  • 224 15 Singapore, Saturday Heavy Battery 5; Malays 1. CTARTING with cn!y ten men the Malays were early m the limelight m their Div. I game against the R.A. (Heavy) at Anson Road 11 afternoon. The Malays began the game with only ten men, the eleventh
    224 words
  • 67 15 TO-DAY CRICKET: Singapore vs. Selangor, Kuala Lumpur; S C.C. vs. Gordons, S.C.C.; Indian Assn. vs. Malay R*»gt., Balestier. BADMINTON: Malayan championships, Victoria Memorial Hall. ATHLETICS: Sinhalese Assn. National Day athletics spcrts, McNair Ft ad. WATER-POLO: S.S.C vs. RAF (Kailang), 10 30 a.m. at S.S.C. SWIMMING Triangular meet, CSC.
    67 words
  • 916 15 Itatliiiiiiioii riiiir^pion%lii|».% 'JHE first bijr upset m the All-Malayan badminU.n championships being played at the Victoria Mi m< rial Hall, wm caused by S. A. Durai (Singapore) who defeated Ooi Teik Hock (Penaitg), last year's Malayan singles runner-up, when they met m the quarter finals, yesterday.
    916 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 24 15 (INOA WATER (fife J *MOUL WATER lron > the Seletar Hot I ssPri g,P rin g, Singapore. drink Vilh excellent corj Cttlv properties 1® hH
      24 words
    • 56 15 tfw^^ffiiß P^^vvT?ii inn 'pn o r LA)q. iotx, SYYVCtkjZ l^^^^l TURF ll^l discriminating people It occupies a More than that, we promise its '^^mOSGm^^M^fw^^^^^^^ established high quality will be the WZ^^ standard to which «.we shall work *=aiJJ^^ -alwayg. CORK TI PPED^ AND. PL AIN Cellophane wrapped m packets 10
      56 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 54 15 TIDE TABLE HIGH TIDES TG-DAY: 11.44 a.m., <♦ 3 ft. 11.46 p.m., 9.1 ft. TO-MOKROW:_I2 29 p.m 9.3 ft. Owing to the heavy rain which fell m the afternoon, two cricket marches, one between the C.S.C. and St. Andrew's School, and the ether between the Indians and the Malay Regiment,
      54 words

  • 179 16 London, Apr. 12. MORE than 30 enemy aircraft re Shot down or destroyec by ground strafing m Cyrenaic: rnst week. An Australian pilot has just nfounU'd details of an amazing tw< days when 22 German aircraft wei destroyed lor the loss of one Hurrl cane.
    British Wireless  -  179 words
  • 63 16 NEW JAPANESE ENVOY TO VICHY GOVERNMENT Tokyo, Apr. 12. MR. Sotomatsu Kato. the newly appointed Japanese Ambassador to France, will leave for Viclv on Tuesday accompjnled by Vlseouni Seiichi Motonn, First Secretary of the Japanese Embassy, li Prance. The French Ambassador, M Charles Anene-Heitry, t\u.c) m conversation with the new
    News  -  63 words
  • 181 16 A-A DOWNS ENEMY NIGHT RAIDER London, Apr. 12. A SEVERE air attack m Western England en Friday night and the shooting down of two enemy aircraft are recorded m this morning's Air Ministry communique. The communique says that enemy activity during the niglu was almost entirely confined to thr> west
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  • 10 16 Buenos Aires, Apr. 11. Rains are interrupting new crop ploughing.
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  • 350 16 U S.- JAPAN RELATIONS NOT WORSENING, SAYS KONOYE Policy Aimed At Preventing American Entry Into Wat Tokyo, Apr. 12. THE Japanese Ambassador to the United States, Admiral Nomura, was putting forth efforts to prevent the United States from joining the war, declared the Japanese Prune Minister, Prince Konoye, addressing pressmen
    350 words
  • 242 16 How R ich Nazis Circumvent Rationing London, Apr. 12 J^HE lengths to which I means will go to supft ment the wvv more meipj commodity supplies are nm ed not on this occasion tral sources but by the 2 Party newspaper. "Voefirju Beobachter." Ihe Berlin police, it std raided the
    British Wireless  -  242 words
  • Article, Illustration
    69 16 Singapore, SaturdiA TAMIL, Govindasamy. pte guilty to a charge of being d-' and incapable opposite the Roc Road police station yesterday 'admitted stopping traffic and: ia crowd collected round him v. lined $1 or a day's simj*' I pri onment. Thousands have been ri#* 9 the indiscriminate Nazis by intrepid
    69 words
  • 38 16 MR.GWEEJIW 5Q pea< i fully at hi? Fn<- Choon' residency Quarters. ral lr ?S 12th April. him his beloved e^ i and five daußhterj-l (children to v day. 13th April- TJ» vf his wmi's reside for Bidadarl.
    38 words
  • 336 16 London, Apr. 12. The capture of iMajor-Gencral de Wiart (see page 1) has been officially confirmed. Reuter. Glasgow, Mar. 12. The fi£ht being put up by Yugoslavia and Greece is m Itsell a victory, declared the Home Secretary, Mr. H. Morrison. "The great thing is that these countries
    Reuter  -  336 words
  • 50 16 U .S. METALS New York, Apr. 11: Wall Street looks technically improved. Tho. labour outlook continues to brighten as the Ford settlement seems nearer. Several more independent steelmakers have granted ten cent wage increases. United States steel ingot production ii? March was 7.146.000 tons, compared with 6,250.000 tons m February.
    50 words
  • 147 16 London, Apr. 12. THE details of an attack by fifty German planes on a convoy, during which the British destroyer Athcrstone was damaged, are now disclosed. About half th? Ciorman planes dived on to the Atherstone, releasing about thirty bombs which appealed to go
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 140 16 FREIGHT SHORTAGE Euenos Aires, Apr. 11: It is learned that United States underwriters are accepting a frustration clause covering exports to South Africa via Lorenzo Marques. Traders are very concerned about the lack of shipping to South Africa and India which threatens to suspend their longstanding trade with Argentina. It
      140 words
    • 48 16 SOITTH INDIAN WAR FUND T*HE m i [ndlun w i-; Fund Committee have collected $12,776.50 tor the War Fund. th<- Malaya Patriotic Fund and T»ie Indian Troop- Entertainment Fund Ktates a report )usi issued. This sum wi distributed In the ratio of 6, 1 5 *nd i respectively
      48 words