Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 6 April 1941

Total Pages: 17
1 17 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 18 1 The Sunday Tribune 5 A,M. edition Net Saks Exceed 23,2oo Weekly SINGAPORE, "SUNDAY,- APRIL "eT ~M*L FIVE CENTS.
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  • 244 1 Indian Reforms: Mr. Hodson's Mew Post I i ndon, Apr. ~>. im neral of In--1 li a m Itation w ith he Secretary I State for India, has appointed Mr. 11. V. Hodson to be Reforms Commissioner, i" succession to Sir Hawthorn U the new Govjnur «r Ori jt is
    Reuter  -  244 words
  • 188 1 Train Marooned In Blizzard i HR iv I<>lldon Apr. 5. i <"X three nights over one t I hundred passengers slept I a train m Sutherland S after a blizzard I Ahuh left snow so deep that rail and road eommunwations S S in places ceased for almost a V
    Reuter  -  188 words
  • 171 1 Washington, Apr. 5. JHE United States output pi aeroplanes reached a new high W»eord oi 1,216 pllines m March) it was announced m Washington. Of this total, 1,074 went to the United States md the British Governments. The total does not include the Tast
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • 31 1 Berlin. Apr. 5. SEVERAL British bombers flew v over Western Germany last night, states the official German news agency. It adds that some bombs were dropped "without causing any damage." Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 297 1 BRITISH FORCES OCCUPY ADOWA Troops Now 90 Miles From Addis Ababa m Cairo, April 5 J^ HE important Abyssinian town of Adowa, which first found a place m historythrough the disastrous defeat of Italians there m 1896, has been occupied by the Imperial forces. It will be recalled that m
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  • 495 1 It is officially announced m Cairo that the Italo-German advance to the east from Benghazi has been successfully held and the situation is well m hand. 'J^HE realisation that the British Command may find it expedient yet further to concentrate its forces m an
    British Wireless  -  495 words
  • 186 1 Tokyo, Apr. 5. THE Japanese Foreign Minister, 1 Mr. Yosuke Matsuoka's, audience with the Pope at the Vatican on Apr. 2 is regarded as important by the Asahi Shimbun, a leadingJapanese daily. "Although the time is not yet ripe fur a peace conierence the meeting
    Eastern News  -  186 words
  • 248 1 London, Apr. :>. measures taken by the German authorities m Alsace and Lorraine and other parts of occupied France were broadcast yesterday evening by the Vatican radio. It was stated: "Bishop Strasbourg, who is at present m occupied France, is not allowed to return to
    Reuter  -  248 words
  • 327 1 AXIS MACHINATIONS IN IRAQ London, Apr. 5. CONFIRMATION has reached London of a coup d'etat m Iraq by which the cxPremier, Rashid Ali, seized power when Parliament was m recess and the regent out of the capital, says Reuter's Diplomatic Correspondent. Therp is little
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  327 words
  • 212 1 Cafe Hit In Raid London. Apr. 5. IT is now disclosed that the Cafe de Paris, one of London's most fashionable and most expensive restaurants, was hit by a bomb during a recent air raid. When the bomb fell, the restaurant was filled with diners and dancers. The bomb fell
    Reuter  -  212 words
  • 73 1 New York, Apr. 5. TO the question "Do you think M was a mistake for the United States to have entered the last war?"— asked by the Gallup Institute of Public Opinion, 43 per cent, answered 'No," 39 per cent. "Yes." and 18 per cent,
    Reuter  -  73 words
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  • 410 2 Singapore, Saturday. A DEMONSTRATION of how to deal with incendiary bombs thermite a s well as electron was piven by sections oi the Passive Defence units of Singapore at Jalan Besar stadium this evening. Amont; those present was Mr. S W. Jones, the Colonial Secretary. A running
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  • 328 2 Get Him Before He Grows AdtnitsPulling Woman 9 s Trousers Off (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) Singapore. PRIVATE stationed at the Gillman barracks, George Edward Haighton, ])leaded guilty to two charges of theft and a charge of house-breaking at Gillman barracks and was sentenced to terms of imprisonment totalling
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  • 106 2 London, Apr. 5. ON its way out to Brest on Thursday night, one heavy R.A.F bomber was followed by a M E 110. The enemy was flying along 300 feet below and for five minutes. *he rear-gunner watched for an opportunity. Then he fired 150 rounds
    British Wireless  -  106 words
  • 555 2 RETIRING CHAPLAIN THINKS (Sunday Tribune Correspondent) J^ FORECAST that Singapore will become the most vital and important Diocese m the whole of the Church of England Overseas because of its unique position geographically was made by Rev. J. G. Hall, Chaplain of Selangor m a
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  • 84 2 Chinese D.P.P. Resigns Singapore, Saturday. THE Sunday Tribune understands, that Mr. C. H. Koh, Deputy Public Prosecutor, will be relinquishinff his duties shortly. Mr. Koh was th P first Asiatic to be appointed D.P.P. m the Straits Settlements m the laUer part of last y-ar. He has officiated as a
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  • 148 2 Singapore. Sunday. THE second Singapore Assizer, 1 opens m the High Couu tomorrow befcrc thc Hon Mr. Jus- I tice N. A. Worlcy. The first case fixed for trial is one m which a Chinese, Lim Vil i Leong, stands charged with (l> possession
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  • 136 2 QUANTING Mr. T. VV. Ontfg application that the doctor who examined his client should be served with a sub-poena, Mr. C. 11. Whttton, the District Traffic Judge said that the defence would have to pay the doctor's expenses. The application was made m the resumed hearing of
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  • 209 2 District Court "Muddle i»icom:< i ion n.\ s NO INSTItrfTIOXv \yHEN two wises transferred from the Third Court the District Court for mention yesterday wore call the prosecuting officer told the Court that he had instructions regarding the cases. Mr. V. Mendis, who appeared for one of two employees of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 199 2 Did you MACLEAN your teeth to-day Dear Sir, In reply to your query... OF COURSE I DID! For sparkling white teeth, healthy gums, a fresh cool mouth, use Macleans. It quickly removes stains, whitens and polishes the enamel and it is economical m use. "British to the Teeth" llead The
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    • 76 2 Malayan Vegetables interesting discussion on the "Cooking of Malayan Vegetables" was given ovtr the Singapore station on Friday evening by Mr*. R E. Holttum and Mrs. W. Reid. They gave a list of the great range of vegetables that are to be found locally— those providing starch and iron, and
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    • 246 2 SINOA WAI ti f MINERAL WATER from the Sclctar Hot Spring, Singapore An alkaline drink vith excellent cor« rective propcrtiei M RHEUMATISM /^y» (V,, To put an end to tin K^/\tc\ awful agony you r$ L^r-Njr^ Get to the Cause WEAK KIDNEYS Most sufferers of rheumatism do The only way
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  • 976 3 Tells Of Heroic Defence Of Amoy Uins llu Stoff Of Tl.«. Tribune ,1,,,,, uSJSr af %t e '%c ZJL"S IZ city against the Japanese m earlu 1938 Juggle ot that And now, DacK again, D ore staff of the Tribune. 'full of memories
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  • Article, Illustration
    48 3 Women ticket collectors arf, now working at London railway stations >n order to release more men for the fighting set rices. So?ne of the Li'tidon stations already have women porters. Above. Mrs. M. Hancox, a woman ticket-collector, is shown clipping the ticket of a child evacuee.
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  • 449 3 Hannen Swaffer Tells:- IVHILE Britain is singing the praises of Edward Colin Ryder Richardson, an eleven-year-old boy with a name as long as himself, the Admiralty may je interested m the inside story it his heroism. Its lesson might save many >th r iivc. Although the
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  • 389 3 (Tribune Staff Reporter) £JHINESE talking pictures m Cantonese and Mandarin with themes on the war, of resistance and national reconstruction are the most popular, among the Chinese peoples of Malaya. This (a m striking: contrast to the taste some «#ne jiro for Cantonese "talkies" with fantastic
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  • 42 3 New V 5. I^JIK United State 1 1 ernment may .-<>< m ask for the withdrawal of the German attach*. Vice-Admiral Wii-thoeft-Emden, i; ently reported m official circles, according to the Washington respondent of the New York Daily News.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 52 3 U.S. INTER WOP SAILORS Cristobal (Panama ('anal Zone), Apr. 5. FIVE hundred offl nd m n t the Conte Biani i were put aboard an army t:. for shipment to the United and internment. The rei for the roundup ations showed fe m t!. i hoard i ncines of thc»
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 130 3 NOT MB ...IRELY ON MY NEW I® And I sleep better t00! N o 'getting up worries'* for Big Ben wakes on f/ie j o r. Here is orus alarm clock that I can del*nd on IThe New Big Ben Is a beauty too! Two popular models-Rig Ben Chime with
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    • 90 3 A "CITY PARK" MIGHTIEST PROMOTION OF THE YEAR TO APPEASE THE CRAVINGS OF THE WHOLE TOWN' •THE ALL MALAYAN TIIACii CYCLE RACE" AT THE CITY PARK, MALACCA On Friday 11th, Saturday 12th Gf Sunday 13th April, 1941. 5 Miles Race Open 4 Miles Race— (Boy Scouts m Uniform; 10 Miles
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    • 542 3 Bary for anyone to suffer from choking stan 'i -V wheezing gasping: Asthma. Mendaco do, s wHh Asthma Had I awaj with expensive injections and offen IV.-^.'t five smokes. All you do is to take 2 SwtS eveVv^iih?^,^' I^bm tablets after meate and Mendaco starts i v Mender Tvi ff>
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  • 105 4 U.S. Planes Better Than Messer schmitt London, Apr. 5. 5 DISMANTLED twin-engmect A Messerschmltt no, recently s hot down m England, has been exhaustively examined by aircraft engineers m Downey, California, where it arrived for expert Inspection. Engineers dec'ared that at least four American fighters are equal cr superior to
    British Wireless  -  105 words
  • 23 4 The coffee market sharply rallied on reports that Brazil will set minimum prices unless ten cents i 6 paid for the new quota.
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  • 1142 4  -  Khoo Teng Eng Large Section Of. Community Doomed CONDEMNING thousands of people to die a lingering death years before their time, a dread scourge is eating away at the heart of Singapore's population and Government is doing practically nothing about it. Tuberculosis is the disease,
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  • 499 4 THIS IS gHE calls them Phyllis and John. And when the stumps, all that is left of her legs, begin to hurt Mary Taylor, seventeen, smiles and talks to them. "Oh dear, Phyllis, I wish you would stop aching" she says. "Now John, do be quiet." Although Mary faces
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  • 127 4 AS the bull rolled over dead m Mexico City bull-ring and the matador turned proudly to face the crowd, a girl rose m her seat and flung- him, not a red rose, but her panties! The matador stood astonished. The crowd cheered. Then, combining enthusiasm wit"
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  • 196 4 END OF AXIS IN SIGHT London, Apr. 5. THE New York Herald Tribune writes: "On the same day, In every quarter of the earth, the vast and supposedly invincible power of the Nazi-Fascist Axis is all at once m indecision, on the defensive or on the run. "From Tokyo, where
    Reuter  -  196 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 960 4 SAFEGUARD FOX FEVER Jy^ 1 tA>C {0^ You arc not finished with fever P(vM >wf J when your temperature has rone V) i down. Your body is undermined \JC U Time marches on. and not till you have built it up I-. J\ I Methods of travel change, are you
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    • 160 4 Cettotke 0k TOOTH TROUBLE Keeping your teeth clean and uhite is not enough your gums must Clll^ be cared for as well. That is doctors and dentists rccomme* 'Genozo'. It contains a bactfl* emulsion which penetrates right i* the gum tissues, keeping infection* bay. It is free from soap, grit
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  • 1499 5 WOMEN FOLLOW THE SOCIAL FASHIONS: And H. L HOPKIN Becomes "One Of The Boys. London, Jn n *>Q Hfl ERMANS Massing Piano* > U Daily Matt this Lrninr, <%H? p W prts Tel of Invasion Arma da tSm Machines Wil< Carry Army." 18 000 The letteriH-ess beneath
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  • 221 5 New York. I ITTLE Anna Skleplovich, daughter of a poor Polish immigrant, was hailed as the American Cinderella alter she had joked and laughed with the i riatu i li(.-use. And nc xl nmht, clad m a new •iilk dress, Anna, v/ho is thirteen. Wzb an honoured
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  • 112 5 A CO-RESFONDENT, managing I director of an oil company, was, I n the Divorce Court, ordered to I oay $1,600 damages to a police con- stable. Mr. Justice Hodson granted the I husband Pclico-Constable John Francis Chapman, of Albion-drive, Colston. E.. a decree nisi against Mrs.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 74 5 Lose Fat "[•t Method Discovered By Wood Cinema Stars Now A finable at Chemists W' b >"••» of reducing uply tmTSSI l( > a CaliforSli the famoua I J n ill >^ i This discov. iiult-kly and safely £spour, rounds w .k or IS r-y°u ioo k ;ithltt figure, m
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    • 193 5 'Check that fatal joss i M$ of weight/ 2^ mo y s the advance ATYPICAL s^ sign of a dread disease! sSH Put on pounds of firm flesti M m3O days! i^a i fflH^mMMra!HE^^BH. moulded limbs. %J M'^^^^^M BETTER T HAN COD LIVER OIL IlKmSi a wIa Ie nausjating cl.^se
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  • 1196 6  - A Woman At Singapore Vera Ardmore L:U to right: Miss Jean Idcr, Atis Yvonne Chancy, Miss Sim'tte Compton, Mrs 'oanna Wills, Mrs. Enid S i PichcF, Miss Moira F,ldpr. Miss i i Joan Grant ;»nd Miss Mar- paiet DuJT rehearsing for Uu> i cabai t how which they will I
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  • 71 6 Kiddies' War Effort Janice Andrews i and Alan Thompson as Alicr and S ♦he Mad Hatter m "i».o Mad Hatter* T.;i Party" mhUh was presented <»»> rhnnday after S no lid <>f the War Fund pupils of the school S conducted by Mrs. 11. Tipper at J:. Grange Road. N
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  • 46 6 i aad tior that y .11 m order to impi a Ktmp] fee of Dr. William bull I up fir M i U»» prescript :rnt ,J! rlan. Pr. W 111 I Pills wt^ the world <>• i restorat ye val
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    • 257 6 TTTp/^v •♦•The Doctor p MlijrjlU Recommends X^ Ds^B^BBBBBSm f 1 dl '41 I is) I' It I V ""li"r I £acto-c \j.\Mi\K. Vac combined a m•*-^ rpjp powder base nd kin food, li i ie<U- it I-. I\9is t it s&srs 1 d ±s w X T gontlest possible substance
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    • 20 6 1 4£! &M* t »can physician stops the nainln rli f mmm§m l!k« new or Zmiy I. r.tll"^^ 0 f<
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    • 400 6 BH^BsS^^BbmHsL s N• |Sl '^^^^^^^^v^T^^ i Hearing Restored, i Head Noises Banished Jk m ~> 7in rr J? CUI C hats Catarrh and m naturnl way re«toi. s Jf tearing m some of the most obstinate cases, Started m 24 Hours by Praised By Users Former sufferers naturally are high
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    • 100 6 chcm sjs everywhere cm »"W I G. 7 Fulf rd '^H of Thr Dr. VJV I'lilwA A drop or two of MURjN etch ty will do on(ieri Z. wards making them <efl fortable. Ui« MURINB *P larly .very night and rnoraw ■nd torchere eyes thit h«" I come reddened, inflame^
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  • 1473 7  -  ROY CARYLL They Gave Him Something r>s <**ms Of Great Store But He Didn't Even Know Of Sunday Short .Story i MARK Lister lit a cigarette, nervously Nicked the natch out, Mew a few quick puffs of smoke, and then nodded his head. •i'U take it," he announced.
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  • 1211 7 'There are times when I stand on my dignity M says the Doctor m this interesting instalment about what happened m his practice during the past Every vane is a personality to this loveable old "family doctor" LITTLE Freda Manton, aged 12, has what her mother
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 672 7 to do without. Did you "ive ma toy* when I was a kid? Did you Play with me? Did you try to understand me? Did you see that I was m a house which was really a home? Did you take care that here was plenty of liuht and laughter
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    • 234 7 sfe Modern Qfal SBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBHkk^BBBBBBBBW bhMH perfect health F B Iff 1 aot Itch Latise illedin4Dai|i Pain and Itching >/ Stopped m I 7 Minutes,^ Jljl w *Jl our v „r l ,V^2 skir the S e foot Infectionn. as well as Ring lv !<l Ar there blis- worm. 2 X
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  • 531 8 The Sunday Tribune Sunday, April 6, 1941. Opinion /'tanning For Peace W\] owe it to the world m genera] and the United States m particular to define unambiguously our war and peace aims, for America will have played a decisive role m securing that peace. This duty has been fulfilled
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  • 1135 8 Then We Can DEMAND Reforms In Malaya r ]'HE tendency among some Asiatic British subjects to regard the war as none of their business is to be deplored. Make no mistake about it, this is the Empire's war, if ever there was one, and as such
    1,135 words
  • 860 8 W. B. Patersonf Prefers His "Little Bic On" I y^HEX His Excellency the Governor and High Commissioner made his famous broadcast on income tax, even the bigges" nitwit m the country sensed that income tax. no matter whai the authorities chose to call it, was coming. They
    860 words
  • 145 8 Gladstone And Spiritualists "MV friends, you are $w to victory sooner thanyot believe. Goodnight The* words formed part of a mesa #c from William Ewar Gladstone through a Wdsi medium named Daniel b wards, at a Hath spiritualist; circle meeting, according to. statement by Sir John Andtson. Bart.,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 362 8 i t' [f^Nj k* WWWWi r fl// lit til It t I '^k^vV x\ y t A\\»\\\\ W£" i?" lln nil ll t f f By Bn-rti-ij and I»otil«iJ (.> MALA) \N HKi:\\i:i{|i:s IT!) DMriiwied Uy I K\SI U A M I" LTD Qfter year* of misery from STOMACH frSSl^k
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    • 44 8 Typewriter Repairs 1 j 1 We clean, ad.itist, repair JIM and overhaul all makes of ■ixAivjSu^ Typewriters and Wf^-^ifjL Cah viators etc., at *i(fc Moderate charges Expert Mechanics Guaranteed Workmansh'o STRAITS TYPEWRITER AGENCY fE-rabllshed 1914) Stationers Repairers H.i, Change Alley. Singapore. "Phones: 7770 HH.
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  • 177 9 Nazi Press Tones Down Campaign DR UM MAJOR A MOOD of whai nuv I Belgrade, Apr. 5. rnism is he descnbei as modified optiParti, due 11;t 1 I c t^' Belgrade press. This is ment and 1; s <keision to J oin the Governcb^thirST'-. Ul Politiken
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  • 92 9 JAPANESE WANT MORE CHANGES IN COUNCIL Shanghai, Apr. I THE papers m Shanghai continue to voice opposition to the Municipal Council reforms. A Japanese Embassy spokesman M tflßeij respondents today that the Japanese cum ffiunity m Shanghai was fundamentally unsatisfied with m e Ganges and would accept thorn fc a
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  • 194 9 jy^Cl titles were used at a boopsconceri by NewcastieJJ"fyne panto girl Patricia gainer to tell young flying o{ ncer of h(>r love for him. me airman started it when he h< me band played "Am I For You? mat's what I want to know."
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  • 112 9 REGULAR ANGLO-TURKISH STAFF TALKS London, Apr. 5. THE probability that In future 1 Angle-Turkish st ifl talks will Lc held at fairly regular intervals k mentioned m connection with the arrival at Ankara on Thursday or Lieut -Gen. Sir James shall Cornwall and Air Vice-Mar .shal Elmhurst from Middle
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  • 265 9 Goering Stabbed In Paris Cafe vii sim v\ iii:i»oim says- Armour Waistcoat Saves Marshal A N attempt to assassinate Goering m a ,/Tl famous Paris restaurant has been hushed up by the German authorities of occupation there. The Frenchman who tried to st<*b him was shot within an hour of
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  • 288 9 British Reaction To Benghazi Setback I on lon, Apr. 5. JN order to effect some movement on the border of Cyrenaica which might give a more favourable look to the Axis fortunes m their present rather depressed state, Hitler has sent German troops to stiffen the demoralised Italian forces m
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  • 25 9 AN en?my bomber was destroyed last nlgfit m the West of England, it is teamed m London Reuter.
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  • 107 9 A.R.P. IN NETHERLANDS INDIES f )LD and new all over the world are being 1 put to some use* to ward oft aggression which seems to be rampant. Symbols of aires gone past are this prayer drum of a Batavia mosque, which you see on the left and the fish-shaped
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  • 150 9 BRITAIN'S NEW KIND OF ESCORT VESSEL J^HIS is a corvette— named after the light vessels of 18thcentury navies, but actually a new kind of war vessel. It is Britain's latest answer to the submarine threat m deej. waters. Only 190 fee t long, it has a speed of only 17
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  • 106 9 SIXTH SENSE OF HITLER CRACKING UP London. Api 5. THE New York Dafy News States: 1 -Friday. Mar. 28. was the blackest day yet suffered by the Berlin-Rome Axi s mi n this war. The Battle of the lonian Sea may have broken the Axis. •'The battle promises to rank
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  • 504 9 London, Apr. r>. I HE Minister of Agriculture, Mr. R. S. Hudson, said m the House of Commons that since 1914 the amount of arable land under crops had actually decreased by 4,500,000 acres. For every thousand acres of cultivated land m the last war,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 757 9 Glands Restored to Youthful Vigour In 24 Hours C Scientist Explains How New Discovery Mokes Men Feel Years Younger Dr jJfT RaBtem An eminent physician, with more than suffering men and b) 30 years of experience, after long study out the world. F«>r ,uul .scientific experiments, has announced Rastelll, widely-known
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  • 883 10 Making Joss Sticks In Malaya Is An Australian Wood Used MILFjIOPkS of 'joss sticks 9 are made each month m Singapore, to be burned by the Chinese on their numerous religious occasions instituted bit custom* Moss' is a derivation of the Portuguese word 'Decs' meaning God, and some
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  • 808 10 rRIBQVIZ, that confounded knouniU, tixs been round again with a fey more questions We pass them on to you. Us always interesting to know whether oTZuW'Z k l *«0««*e t^n your spouse, oi would-be spouse, or even the rest of the family so gather them round and
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 352 10 Ij£*r£ Jfr***^ Boots' Compound Glycerin of Thymol w'aj^-^ Pastilles are a safe and effective Warms 3 *7w^7iPFv*>y v r -—4, 'jyllffrH^^WWß^^^^^iJßfc-^-— ~-^M^MMJM|M^^^f^| J^B» tfcL^ <^v i XNr J)uf remember- x w S J. Qvaltine results are obtained WS^^^\^ /I S'/y X those nerve-wearing days there is nothing more essential than
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    • 70 10 Rheumatism Curbed In 30 Minutes i>;«ins disappear and ii, t s| d s th« body poison, and r Ao i d n e 'V°' lv| t ,,,u!,l Sw I. J at new and Btiffnesa of V, J>VSell!n K. sore>ou feel youriK' r norrnall! H 0 a rr e an «l
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    • 390 10 The skin-porea of your feet should be constantly eliminating acid impuritiWhen your feet sting all day they ache and swell, it i 8 her n those pores have become chnS and acid is piling up inside tw Then you suffer foot agony. Corn. 2, callouses begin to form. You've? to
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  • 206 11 Thru t N' w Dmlrss t<« •i:h M |v Brought Speedy Krln-f*- I vr n P«OPl« with BtOnnrh v to lies. <vted BO for w] j ftys and Dig! >ut .1 minutc'f p> T^Vy »n of fo quentlv oann I k Wh., And wh:it
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  • 1386 11 !?rmp i -7ipvuK.brilliant women, throe of them fresh from the 1,.;,,!*, 1 1 Britain, arrived m New York recently, .jrraph,c accounts of their wartime experiences! JJ, Ti'f ;.l nnluns an d predictions that may have T^.,' c oflect u l'°n American
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  • 690 11  -  VERITAS HOOK II*: VI I- w.» ANDRE MAUROIS Tells By IJKK pugilists giving interviews under the heading 'Why I Lost," French writers are now explaining the collapse of France. Latest book m the series Ls "Why France Fell/ 1 by Andre Maurois, who is the French writer
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  • 197 11 Knee* Swollen with Rheumatism If your knees swelled up with rheunntism ju.-t like puddings," you would do anything to get well. Thig worn.n bad all her terth out but still ace «ulfered. She writes: "I hud rheumatism m both knee*. They wer~ very swollen
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 225 11 SAVINGS 0 A dollar i s an extra d ar earned A Savings Account is th»be<* indiuenient to save. •To have a Savings Account and to see this account prow from time to tintis to be a contents! person. A Savings Account may be orened with this Bank with any
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    • 276 11 GIRL SHOT DEAD BY BREN GUN ATWENTY-ON E-YEAR-OLD Canadian soldier, Charles Thomas Christie, was remanded vi custody at Alder-shot on n charge of murdering Margaret Whcaton, aged twenty-six. was stated that the. gir 1 a dorvanl employed by an wa* looking out of a window m barrack i when a
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    • 216 11 Ke/jefin 30 Seconds from Jflisery at r CATARRH] hat only v it ■j^*\ /<-T^sf[s6pWH|% New MediealCornpound Art s Like Magi* No need to wait a >i.i longer to relieve the misery of catarrh, < hemr c KARSODRINE— n mcd 1 I• .n acts like ma>:ic. Simply snifl KAKS<M>KINK twice up
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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    • 358 12 "The TREE of LIBERTY" SMASHES 5 Years 9 Attendance RECORD m MANILA, Philippines SEEN by over 60,000 PEOPLE at the STATE AVENUE THEATRES, MANILA This facsimile of a Cable just received m Singapore speaks for itself:— tomato «O* MtXBUL 6tbt. IH94L U«33» >**«• V-IM, CABLE AND WIRELESS LIMITED. I I.IWK.I.III)
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  • Article, Illustration
    4 13  -  Carl Anderson Bt
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  • 846 13 SINGAPORE ZHL 22:» m ISM XI tF.f 30 N 9.fi9 m «s. ZHP 2 48-58 m. 6.175 m is. /HP 3 41 3S m 7. 25 m <s. Z HL. Zi:Pl. /Hl'.' A ZHP3. ,?2 Hendelssohn's Violin Concerto In 1 E minor, Op r.4 Plnv.-d
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  • 367 13 Chungking, Apr. JMiE attitute of Gen. Chiang Kai-shek towards the Communist situation is clearly defined m an interview between Gen. Chiang Kai-shek and the Communist representatives, Mr. Chou En-lai and Mr. Veh Cheng-yeng, which was published for the first time m the magazine "Chinese." Following
    Reuter  -  367 words
  • 70 13 Lou Nova's T.K.O. Over Max Baer New York, Apr. 5. Californian Lou Nova beat Max Haer en a technical knockout m the tirrhlh round ttf their scheduled 12--rcund fi^ht at .Madison Square (harden last night. Baer was trying to regain the world heavvwei'sht championship but the critics had made Nova
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
      52 words
    • 54 13 NO JOB Which could be better done is ailowej to kav,. our premisis It >ou are seeking reliability ;ind promptitude m ycur spectacle repairs; or prcscriniion work. «ct m touch with us at once. Manufacturinj? opntnalmic Opticians The Only address: 10 12 The Arcade Bid,; EntramV: Raffles Place C ollyer
      54 words
    • 132 13 KAMAKRISHNA ASHKAMA rpHE Ramakrishna Ashrama will cele- brat e the anniversary of Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa on Sunday From 10.30 a.m. to noon, there will be music, puja. prayers and prasathams; at the Ashrama premises, 109. Chulin St. and from 5.45 p.m. to 7.45 p.m there will be a
      132 words
    • 308 13 ANNOUNCEMENT Announcing the acquisition of Madam Inter* landi (Suzanne) by ELIZABETH BEAUTY SALOON under European experts, as from Monday, 7th April, 1941 at Capitol Buildings, 159, North Bridge Road, Telephone No. 4419. All patrons are welcome and assured of courteous and efficient service. ife |®^N CI.AUDETTE COLBERT ?5^ -»TO^ 2
      308 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 1347 13 "*i _^p i_^^ i t^^P^* > »i^^^"* «^^^fcj^^^^ a^^^^fc*.^^^^ lM< TO-DAY'S CHURCH SERVICES ST. ANDREWS CATHEDRAL. Chew Hock Hin. Sunday 4.30 p.m EasPaim Sunday, 6.50 a.m. Holy Commut er Service— Subject: "Life Triumphant" nion. 7.30 am Matins. 8 a.m. Choral Speaker Rev. Chew Hock Hin Eucharist. 10.15 a.m. United Childrens
      1,347 words

  • 398 14 Cricket Honours FOLLOWING were the best batting ami bowling per- tormances of last week: HATTING ISS no. Lall Singh (I— A ff 1 I.C 8.C.). 5 10? no. .MacNamara (Police vs T.P.C.A., K.L.). 80 G W. S. Waites (V M. C.A. T| A. A. Regt.). J II Seneviratne (Sinhalese Asson.
    398 words
  • 43 14 Singapore, Saturday. ONE Indian and five Chinese were charged with hawkine without a licence at Sungei Road on Apr 4. They were selling second-hand ironmongery. Mr. L. C. Goh ftnec all the accused $4 or 5 days' simule imprisonment. Tho p^opert: was confiscated.
    43 words
  • 271 14 (From Our Own Correspondent) But a via OINCE Ihe rcJurn to Singapore last year of boxers from that city and Manila who delighted followers of the game m lava, boxing has been more or less dormant, and it was only recently resuscitated from what
    271 words
  • Article, Illustration
    992 14 \Lall Singh's Two Runs A Minute: j Sensational Police Collapse: Surprised. Select ion In Stale leain. IJHiHLIGHT of last week's cricket was Lall Singh's ceniury. II signified his return to fOTMI just at a time when observer* were beginning to say perhaps he was not so hot after
    992 words
  • 190 14 THE Indian Association, scoring 237 runs m their first innings, put themselves m a strong position for victory m their two-day fixture against the Felice which be^an at the Police Depot yesterday. The match will be resumed again o-dav Yesterday's scores were: INDIAN ASSOCIATION Abba.sbhov c Sanderson
    190 words
  • 258 14 Evan Wong Gets 100 Jj*l>sE fa^t wicket partnership which realised 100 runs between Evan Wong and Lim Swans, with Evan Wong scoring a century, enabled the S.C.R.C. to defeat the V.M.C A by (ive wickets, at the V.M C A ground, yesterday. For the Chinese, Evan Wonc scored 100, and
    258 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 638 14 &£P'<:tor M Wi f \L I dh f if Jiaby Cou^h Syrup Excellent for Children's Coughs, Colds and Chest Ailments SWEET TO ADMINISTER 40 cents large bottJe Price: 25 cents small bottle application, Speci'i! Price to WhoUtalers on SINCERE DbSPENSARY LTD. I Wholesale and Retail Dispensing Chemists. Head Office: 10-12,
      638 words
    • 56 14 You n«« d ENEROY STRENGTH You must 'TiotJ letr yourself get run-dovm^ voTget tirccMoiJcold, or depressed. It will warm you up and cheer you up at once. More than that Bovril helps you to get full nourishment from your food, < and so keeps you weiliand uCtivc and strong AGENTS:
      56 words
    • 249 14 WAKE UPYJjn, LIVER Bill? Wilhout Cdlomel And Y Ol ,'|l ot Bed K.ilot Vhn noV Sl II V M liquid '.''t.tWtpfc drops o^iS- wL*d will pull you round when you're feeling do* There*! nothing to equal dotetf Phosferine for bracing, strengthoa and invigorating you when yoofc, you halve drawn too
      249 words

  • 1279 15 Greypion Opens Season With $126 Dividend (By Spectator) M RS. S. N. YEATS BAY iffISSRSS wRStS P SARV CUP (.1 THE SINGAPORE T I RF S7 B^i«S TIMAH TO-DAI IN GRAM) STYLE. HEATING MR m v,v BRKIKK.KNS NATIONAL BY ONE l e.s<;ths m the
    1,279 words
  • 93 15 Dividends At A Glance Ginnee—-i RACE 1: Greypion 5126; 524 Prunella SU. R\rr o 55 sistance S9. KACE 2: Edna Star S3l; Sai'-inland $18. KACE 3: The Needies 532: Sll King's (iimbit Sl4 Freedom $11. KACE 4: Nicotine $22. S9. Cambalong 821 KACE 5: Harpo 535; $10. Ciossbou Sl7. R\rv
    93 words
  • 66 15 THE draw for the Perak Turf Club's Big Sweep, drawn m the last race of j yesterday's Singapore meet- ing, resulted as follows: First Prize: Farnley 172*6. 5 Second Prize: Maid of N J^the Mountains *****. i i Third Prize: Spear of Sarawak *****.
    66 words
  • 253 15 Loyals Ahead Early Against Malays >lala >* I; Loyals Singapore, Saturday. QOOI) football was witnessed at Anson Road Stadium to-day when the Loyals gained an early lead against the Malays, leading at half tinu 2-1. The Malays went ahead to beat the Loyals 4-3. Five minutes from the start thi
    253 words
  • 328 15 pOLLOWING are th 0 team* anci »Url times for the Kolf match botweon the Army Command and Volunteers, to oe played at Garrison Golf Club to-day The Army names first.:— 8.30 A.M. Lieut. K. 1. McLeod (m.) and Lieut. G. B. Hendry (2\ vs
    328 words
  • 45 15 TO-DAY CRICKET: S.R.C. V. CSC. 2nd day. S.R.C: Police v Indians. 2nd day. Depot. S.C.R.C. v. Western Depot. SCR C Indians II v. R.A.O.C. Balestier; Sinhalese v. Katong Casuals. McNair Read; v. R.A (8.M.), PA A.F.: Press XI v. Railway Juniors, Railway ground.
    45 words
  • 252 15 WITH a brilliant partnership between Major Castor ard Long yielding a total of 110 runs Fort Canning Cricket Club defeated S.C.C. by seven wickets m a cricket match played on the S.C.C. ground yesterday. Taking first lease of the wicket Hagonin c Castor b Hope 0 SCC
    252 words
  • 290 15 gINGAPORE Fortress Signals yesterday followed up their vict< n over the K.A.O.C. by a big win against the R.A.S.C. Batting first they scored 242 for seven (declared), a feature of the innings being a hard-hit century by Phillips m 35 minutes. He hit the
    290 words
  • 276 15 RECS SKITTLED, SCHUBERT SEVEN FOR 16 DLAYING on (he S.R.C. ground yesterday m the two-day cricket match against the <\S.C\, the S.R.C. were dimissed for 1» m their firM innings. None o! the 8 X c players coui* icach the double figure C. Sen hert returned the highest bowlu average
    276 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 58 15 S^£^ "In. UAN mn. UAN'T J\f*Jv (QUICKLY -WHAT PRICE CAN WE^j K^lt^SL S£CONO QUALITY. I j COST PRICE 2/-. .7) \l\ ACTIVE iHIAJ) ALWAYS %VIXS =Sv\iJj To preserre its freshness after HP^ J VB BL_J| fj&\ hTV^STV^ •pentof, Eno's b In bot(l« H«| t' 1 '^^S twW airti^bi Uppers, o.
      58 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous

  • 155 16 War Transport Council To Be Set Up London, Apr. 5. r V\\K Minister of Transport, I it ut. -Colonel Moore-Bra-bazoit, is setting up immediately a war transport council. The council will advise the Minister m questions <>i transport policy. I:i addition to examination of all matters which the Minister may
    155 words
  • 198 16 (Bj Vr C London, Apr. 3. rjv the lij hi of a growing rn< on on Friday night the I!.;- id the Luftwaffe continued the Battle of the Atlantic after dark, by concentrating th( ir main bombing effort <>nc<> gainst the Germaned naval base <»r
    Reuter  -  198 words
  • 120 16 PHE Veneratre Archdeacon bra--1 ham VfhiU performed, yesterday evenii r. the dedication cere- i monj ol the new church for the Indian c ;ation m Dorset Read the Christ Church. Addresses were made by Messrs. J. M. D iraj, K. T. Alexander. C c James and A.
    120 words
  • 216 16 FLEET AIR ARM STRIKES AT ITALIAN NAVY London, Apr. 5. A SERIES of attacks on five enemy dc*. troyeis m the Rod Sea is described m a message Irom the R.A.F. s Middle East headquarters to-day. Italian warships m Massawa harbour have been ceaselessly watched by R.A.F. aircraft m case
    216 words
  • 77 16 Euencs Aires, Apr 5. URUGUAY has now followed the example ot other Latin American countries In tn.king action rerding Italian ships. According to a message from Monte Video, the police have seized tv o Italian and two Danish ships. The Italian ships involved are the Apamello
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 76 16 Nazis Ask Belgrade "To Be More Careful" Bei lin Apr 5 A VIGOROUS attack was made on Yugoslavia In the official organ the German Foreign Office, the Diplcmati&chf! Politische Korres- ndenz to- day. The Yugoslavs are accused of "denying the facts which have been tc-tmed i": by many witnesses," and
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 451 16 What M atsuoka May Get From Russia REMARKING thai >lr. Yoeukc Matsuoka, Ihc Japanese F< rtiun Minister, has so far proved a bird off ill-omen to his seriously pre-occupitd hosts, the Times thinks that the eh( ict of his route has given him a
    Reuter  -  451 words
  • 180 16 PILOT SEES NAZI BOMBER DISINTEGRATE London, Apr. 5. A NIGHT fighter of the Royal Air Force added to his successes on Thursday night by intercepting destroying a Heinkei 111 bomoer over the sea of! the south-west coast He made contact with the German bomber while the latter was it turning
    British Wireless  -  180 words
  • 80 16 Shanghai, Anr. 5. CHIPPING circles m Shanghai expect more restrictions following the reported establishment of Japanese naval bases m Chusau Island, about 100 miles southeast of Shanghai, off Ningpo and m Tsungming Island, m the Yangtse delta, to the north of Shanghai According to Chinese
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 237 16 Scharnhorst Hit In R.A.F. Raid On Brest London, Apr. 5. STICKS of heavy bombs were seen to straddle both the German battle cruisers Scharnhorst and Gneisenau when a strong* fcrce of R.A.F. bombers attacked the naval base at Brest during Friday night. This was the second night m succession and
    Reuter  -  237 words
  • 41 16 Detroit, Apr. 5. f J^HK iFord Company announces the closing of all sixteen of its assembly plants m the United States, the reason gi being 1 a shortage of parts due to the River Rouge strike. Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 59 16 London, Apr. r>. pLRMANY has protected to Mcx CO U concerning the occupation 01 a German nui chant ship by Mexican soldier: and the internment ul the crew, says the Br/.iap?st radio. The Mexican Government i.s stated to have declined the German request for the n
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 59 16 Ankara. Apr. 5 pENERAL Ounduz Dtpu-v Chief v of Staff, hnd luncheon with Air Marshal Cornwall Elmhirst, representing the Middle Ens' Command, who is contFnning the talks with the Turkish General Staff. Admiral Koiiy, \ho Naval Attach* at the British Embassy, and representatives o! the Turkish Army.
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 34 16 1 11 lit Vi»r. 3* Matsuoka left Berlin on his nturn Journey to Tokyo this afternoon. Before learinj he had I conversation with Ribbentrop who later accompanied him to the station.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 27 16 Belgrade. Apr 5 Bulgaria is reported to-day t« have opened consultation witt Hungaiy with a view to present ation of .•< joint revisionist df mantis to Yugoslavia. Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 34 16 Bangkok. Apr. 5. A sensation was caused hereto* Tokyo report that the Thu Ii mier, Luang Bipul Songxraa trill probably go to Tokyo to me" Mat.Mn.ka on his return from th* .A\i> canitals. Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 179 16 Khartoum, Apr. 5Four thousand Italians arf GOO native troops have been tun I by British and Imp*^ tioops In the Asmara area up Wednesday. Many other P fi soners have been rounded up the British force which occupy Adowa m Abyssinia. l^ r quantities of war matoiials W also been
    Reuter  -  179 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 798 16 Those Awful Pains I After Meals TO-MORROW I fl| Eat what you Like and I NO PAIN l^Bs^^&l This pleasant transformation can be brought about by the use of De Witt's Antacid Powder. Made specially for correcting and whirh have inflamed them. But the rHievm i faulty working of the
      798 words
    • 32 16 PROF. \\Wf nil who are 'JJcfcl. ■nc. Business DomesMc. inrt rrnvrllina Marrasre nn 9, V,«ult»*** stn, fldentlal. Lona o oo tn 1 00 P M REX HOTEL Ph» n V gWOAPOISK. ROOM""^^
      32 words

  • The Sunday Tribune
    • 194 17 GERMAN FORCES ALSO ATTACK HRFFfF London Confirms News THE National Broadcasting Corporation m New York announced to-day that they picked up a message from Berlin saying that a state of war exists between Germany and Yugoslavia. The Columbia radio reports that the Germans are invading Yugoslavia. The broadcast
      Reuter  -  194 words
    • 217 17 Sunder lands' Part In Great Matapan Battle London, Apr. 6. flHEvita] part played I>\ K.A.F. reconnaissance aircraft m the operations before and after the battle of Cape Matapan mrevealed by the Air Ministry Nem Service on Saturday. On March 27, three enemy cruisers and one destroyer left Italian v the
      217 words
    • 41 17 Over -Age Registrations London. Apr. 5. THE first registration of men above 1 the military a?e m Britain who Jjay be required to take up work Jj national importance is proceed-«to-day. The men registering P aged 41 to 43. inclusive Reuter
      Reuter  -  41 words
    • 122 17 Hongkong, Apr. 6. fHE British Ambassador to China. 1 Sir Archibald Clark Kerr is here. He is en route to Chungking. A Shanghai dispatch says that Sr Robert Brooke Popham, British Commander-in-Chief. Far East, is returning to Manila on his way lack to Singapore
      122 words
    • 228 17 London, Apr. 6. i have been ex- I 1 changed between Mr. S Winston Churchill and Gene- ral de Gaulle who has been l I inspecting the battlefield of Eritrea. i "In expressing admiration i for the valour of the magni~ ficent units of the British
      Reuter  -  228 words
    • 37 17 Berlin, Apr. 6. A ZAGREB dispatch to the official German news agency on Saturday says that it is reported from Belgrade that telephone and telegraphic communication with Buluaria and Rumania has been susnended- Reuter
      Reuter  -  37 words
    • 100 17 Alonte Video, Apr. 5. THRLtf British divers have lost their lives when working on the sunken wreck of the scuttled Nazi battleship Graf Spec off Monte Video The divers were trapped when the bulkhead door jammed firing to the pressure of the water. The trapped divers
      100 words
    • 202 17 Peiping, Apr. 6. THE German Embassy, m a lengthy statement to the Press on Friday seeks to counteract the bad impression caused among Japanese, Chinese and the local public by the Yugoslav turn over. After ascribing the coup with unintentional flattery solely to wicked British intrigue
      Reuter  -  202 words
    • 261 17 London, Ap» *>• "pMERCE hand to hand fighting m deep snow a.s a result of which the Greeks occupied a 6,600 feet peak, on toe northern Albanian front, was described by the Athens radio )n Saturday ni^ht. Operations on this front suddenly dared up after being
      261 words
    • 74 17 Berlin, Apr. 6. rENERAL Nogues, French ResiU dent-General of Morocco, artived at Vichy on Saturday p/ternoon for a several days' st'J. says a Vichy despatch to the official German news agency. He was received 'immediately after arrival by A* mirai Darlan with whom he har* a
      Reuter  -  74 words
    • 177 17 Chungking, Apr. 6. L i r rllh Kian&si baltlo, m which 1 Ihs Japanese are claimed to have lost 20,000 killed and wounded, including three i generals, is described by the N Chinese >Var Minister, Gene- j S ral Ho Ying Ching, as "the i most brilliant
      177 words
    • 331 17 NrnTrorr Cairo, Apr 6 J^ATEST news from Abyssinia provides the "best evidence that the Italians are finally cracking up m East Africa dec tared the British military spokesman here on Saturday It was expected that they would offer resistance between Asmara and Adowa, but the
      331 words
    • 86 17 U.S. Officers To Fly With British Washington, Apr. o. [TOTTED STATES aimy officers U n:\ry fly with British pilots In the role of observers when the now American four-engined bombers raid Germany. Authoritative sources explained to-day that the duty of the obs ors would be to report to the American
      Reuter  -  86 words
    • 478 17 BRILLIANT BRITISH CAMPAIGN ENDING (From Patrick Crosse, Reuter's special correspondent with the British forces at Asmara). London, Apr. 6 |IE first block made by the Italians eleven miles from Asmara on the main road leading to the Red Sea port of Massawa wi removed
      Reuter  -  478 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 157 17 SPECJALEDITION TONG NAM PILES CLINIC GUARANTEED CUR* WITHOUT OPERATION •«i- Piles Is a dangerous and painful disease. EartJ v I treatment always Is advisable. Messrs. Lav WSm '«T I puij and lav Pint Hsi*n«i have spent many ~1 I years lv a very oareful siuily of tola disease. "'»<« ees
      157 words
    • 1 17 nzdfbhzxbfvhbxfhvb
      1 words