Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 30 March 1941

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 24 1 The Sunday Times Net Sales Exceed 23, 200 Weekly a A.M. EDITION SINGAPORE, SUNDAY MARCH on ,T7, H IViAK( -H 30, 1941. FIVE CENTS.
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  • 319 1 Important Naval Engagement In Mediterranean London, Mar. 29. ITALIAN battleship of the Littorio Class and two enemy cruisers suffered damage, the latter severely, as the result of an important naval action which is now taking place m the Eastern Mediterranean. Only part of the story
    Reuter  -  319 words
  • 155 1 Rio E Janeiro, Mar. 2S GERMAN cargo steamer, A "Deaden," whi h has been 1M ud m Santos since November 1939. has sailed from that port.' is a vessel ol 5.567 tons and Vladi- vost °fe- It la reported that she is row carrying a very
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    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 105 1 Melbourne. Mar. 29. IF the war continues until the middle of 1942. Australia will find 600.000 men for the fighting forces. This is revealed m official figures issued to-day. It will be recalled that last August the Prime Minister. Mr. R G. Menzies, revealed
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 177 1 London. Mar. *1\). r rilE German press to-day is busy making excuses for the Italian defeats m East Africa, and makes rash forecasts The Voelkischer Beobachter, according to a Berlin message to the Italian news agency, emphasises that this theatre of war
    Reuter  -  177 words
  • 149 1 Matsuoka Gets Some Heavy News London, Mar. 29. THAT Mr. Malsucka, the Japan- cm* Foreign Secretary, can draw hi> own conclusions from iccenfl event* is a suggestion made by the Manchester which says "Even to-day, it takes little time for the traveller from Tokyo f€ arrive m Berlin and
    Reuter  -  149 words
  • 76 1 Washington, Mar. 29. DHESLDENT Roosevelt has tele- graphed a message of greetings to King Peter of Yugoslavia. Describing the Yugoslavs as a "brave and independent people" and expressing his sincerest wishes for their freedom, Mr. Roosevelt says: "I hope the relations between your Government and
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 79 1 Belgrade, Mar. 29. J^ RUMOUR launched m the capital this morning that Musso lini has been killed and revolution has broken out m Italy with either Crown Prince (Jmberto or Marshal Bftdogtfo as the new chief is thought possibly to have been a clumsy attempt at
    Reuter  -  79 words
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 58 1 Athens, Mar. 2D. A COMMUNIQUE from the British Headquarters m Greece describes a highly successful raid on the Lecce aerodrome In the Heel of Italy. Aircraft on tnn uiound were machine-gunned, one bursting into flames, says the communique Many others were also severely damaged,
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 45 1 Moscow. Mar. 29. AN indication of the importance new attached to rubber is trio establishment tv)-day of a new commissariat lor controlling ali branches of the rubber industry, while an increase m the production of synthetic rubber is provided for m the 1941 plan. Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 110 1 Rio Dp Janeiro, Mar. 29 A GREAT new highway nan d i honour of President Oetulio Vargas of Brazil ha.s ju;>t been opened. The highway opens up new country for development and its naming m the Presidents ho our, it is pointed out here, is
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 46 1 London, Mar. 29. IN a speech yesterday, the Par. mentary Secretary to the Ministry of Home Security gave the total of civilian air raid casualties. Twenty-eight thousand six hundred and fifty-nine persons have been killed anc} 40,166 seriously m hi red British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  46 words
  • 256 1 London, Mar. 2<>. JJITIJJR niust row make new plans. What will they be? That is ihe keynote of London newspaper comments to-day on the latest developments m Yugoslavia. The Daily Telegraph sayg that it is not surprising that a chill frost has descended upon the
    Reuter  -  256 words
  • Article, Illustration
    58 1 Rita Hayworth has some-^ thing tc be pleased about i Urn. This premising Colum- tia star has been having a J successful run at Singa- 1 pore'a Capitol m "The l.ach i m Question" and picture ffoers who have seen the film *cck(in they have something L o be
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  • 20 1 Berlin, Mar. 29. Mr. Matsuoka has concluded his vi.sit to Germany and has left for Italy.- Reuter
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  • 81 1 London, Mar. 20. MR. Yosukc Matsuoka, the Japanese Foreign Minister, had another interview to-day with Herr Von Ribbentrop, the Nazi Foreign Minister, according to the German news agency. According to reports from Berlin of the reception to Mr. Matsuoka I «h>e Hotel c. p'anade, Ribbentrop a i v
    British Wireless  -  81 words
  • 167 1 Flew Plane With Man On His Knees Loru. 20. HOW a young oc b .<np* o. land 2a on an .ider heavy fire hla .light comma naer u> ck cnbed m i citation recording the reasons why thi> lesourctfui young officer been awarded the Dtoungnlshd Service Order. The citation that
    Reuter  -  167 words
  • 59 1 London, Mar. 29. A SUM of 50,000 dinars has been cent by Yugoslav well-wishers to the Lord Mayor of London's fund for the relief o f British airraid victims. Cver 70 .('.00 dinars have been subscribed m YwoMavia for thi.s purpose, and the major
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 543 2 To- Morrow The Last Day i'HROUGHOUT the Federated Malay States rice purwill have to be registered and to-morrow is the last date for registration. The scheme is similar to that which has been m operation m Singapore for some tittle now. It is stated
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  • 98 2 .Singapore, Saturday. straits Chinese women of varying ages appeared before the third magistrate this morning to ans* r charges of gaming. All ol ij'i.'i pleaded guilty. Chap-ji-ki pert," Lee Xi Swco, stated lhat, the game played by the w en was not chap-ji-ki as
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  • 341 2 MALA YAN CADET OFFICERS "PASS OUT" an inspection by Lieut.-GeneroJ L V. Pond, G.0.C., Malaya, 71 r.tdet officers from the regular army as well as the volunteer forces m Malaya, officially "passed out" this morning Among the cadets were six regulars who had been volunteers m Shanghai and who had
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  • 18 2 Governor To Broadcast His Excellency, the Governor, will speak m the English programme at 7.30 p.m. to-night < Sunday*
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  • 410 2 Rape Story In Court ES 3.S Iff He offered the enraged parent $30 as compensation, knelt clown before him and prayed hia forgiveness and burnt joss sticks and papers as an offering to their ancestral gods but the lather was not satisfied As
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  • 391 2 Commission Of Inguiry Will Bridle Corruption /REGULATIONS setting up a Commission of Inquiry m the Colony, powers to inquire into matters m the interests of public welfare and certain defects m the present law relating to such inquiries, are announo terday's Government Gazette Extraordinary. ln These wider powers are considered
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  • 188 2 New 'Picture Book' Is a 'WINNER' Pictures are always noncosmopolitan Malaya and •Picture Book," the Aor? which will be out on Tuetbi is certain to appeal to th 3 taste ot the land, for thewJ have made a genuine atteiM succeeded m r-aterin* u»" w "China To-day", the am! tide
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  • 148 2 EX-CONVICT CAUGHT RED-HANDED JjUbPECTING two Chinese walk- tag m the five-foot wav at Beach Road, two constables on beat duty commenced to follow them at 2.30 a.m. on Mar. l. The Chinese took the Constable!) for a long walk. The Chinese eventually reached Kelantan Road Little knowing- that they were
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  • 19 2 A VFRmrT in^ P c Saturday. A VERDICT of death by mis33VS Ssusr«s r«r^
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  • 469 2 Singapore, Saturday. PRITICISM of certain A.R.P. lamp vShades which he described aj "not effective as they should be." was made by the fifth magistrate, Mr. Hon Sui ?n. when he convicted a European. J. H. Wright, on a charge of failing to extinguish his indoor
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  • 70 2 London, Mar. 29. fHE award of a D.S.O. to a gallant doctor who for many hours directed the treatment of casualSS^&SSS 3 of his own u D ut ri Mni h? b r a ll le of SicU Barrani, Lieut Mulr cf th- R a M C
    British Wireless  -  70 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 208 2 Regular automatic stropping keeps 'Vale!' blades 1 In perfect condition for weeks on end— far longer tharn S ord.nary blades. A Valet Razor wilt las* for years. jHI Valet Is more than just a razor; it Is a razor and stropping machine combined m one. It h simple fo use,
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    • 300 2 LOSS OF WEIGHT STOPPED IN 3 WEB I This woman recaptured TB health If you want to put on **fc*J quickest, pleasun e*>t people throughout Mali** Simply take two tiny, tnatelm,^ ing tablets alttr each metl «W 1 quickly you will put poundl weight. Does it sound too P*W true?
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  • 325 3 |F H future an(l :111 to^qnMUnn tho«e under their gjuca tfon officers are planning out a scheme which wii] jgnd "Tommies back to school v"-"'u P«ain -l^." Reding -mbitioua ,n,, l m nu. of je^, which w »»en th» warVover and will stand the
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  • 106 3 London. Mar. 29. Gothenburg Morgenposten states: "It is a remarkable perf rmance thai during the war Britain could increase deliv< lies, chemical and electric to the extent ■n. •'ii have they could not only on Britain's delivery of lered but their deliBritish full strength depends
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 46 3 Overheard In a London "four-ate* 1 bar! First Man: Personally, i Pd rather work ten hours for the Naifa than five hours S i firr the Fit nch i J Second Man (starllcd): S Whmt arc von? L Fini 'Man: Oh, I'm m uidertaker.
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  • Article, Illustration
    115 3 HOT COLD (H. C.) f |HOUGH the hand of Xaziism encompasses most of Europe the might of the British Empire is great enough to moot Germany and Italy on every field and m every dime. These two pictures give some den of the diversity of the war fronts of the
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  • 171 3 War Boosts Turnover Of Fraser Neave Singapore, Saturday. TJIK better results achieved by Fraser and Neave Limited last year were attributed wholly to the increased turnover brought about chiefly by the prosperity m the staple industries and to some extent, by the increase m the troops stationed m Malaya, by
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  • 103 3 S'hai Slot Machine King Captured Shanpnai. Mar. zy. tYME ofthe«reateal Local manhunt* 0 n several years ended yesterday nr rning with the capture of Jock Rilev a Shanghai American, often SSli-d as the 'slot machine WiS" who Tumped boil of $***** :l kh about four months ago while betas tried
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 174 3 Boys Lashed Chained In Icy Dungeon CHILDREN m a reformatory J school at Denver, Colorado, were chained naked m an icy! aungeon and lashed with a j added leather strap and cat- o '-nine-tails. Some were made to wear a ball and chain, and others were kept In solitary confinement
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  • 722 3  - Petrol Rationing Is Being Made A Farce L.C. Carroll By Government Must Improve System j\|ALAYA is fast being divided into two camps, on one side those who have enough petrol and on the other, those who have not. A very pleasani aspect of the whole business is, however, the complete
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  • 120 3 London, Mar. 29. AT the request of the Bn Government, Mew Zealand taking energetic steps to Increa iis output oi scheelite, minerals 01 great value. In the last war, New Zealand .sent to Britain 774 tons. Last y« I 75 tops were produced which waj
    British Wireless  -  120 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 275 3 mSma nBHHB AGE need not take ir.'in you the glamour fa «f a youthful s U Njture did n->t mean your ikin I v withered. She m«nt the tresh nrw skin \niiKh i» ai •<. powmj? undenu ith :o take the place of the old drifd-up »kin and keep you
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    • 27 3 iksj: mike |;m<:E t |B!pi|g^j v, i ihis eoMPOn to-day and Ret a camera free of charge. Mail this «gjf a Box No 208, Singapore. Address Name
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    • 904 3 BEDSTEADS iMS t LQXti }Ji\ i f^^w The popularity of Diamond Ct'd-i'cads has been pr( 'mint vi for many yt.trs on account »»f tKeir extreme durabiiit v md h h 6t;mdard of finish. Asthma Germs Tf you Buffer from choking;, wheezing, trlod everything withoul until I Asthma and Bronchitis— lf
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  • 1033 4 PEOPLE KNOW LITTLE OF THE WARS IN CITY'S CHINATOWN IMPR OVE D METHODS NEEDED 77#e Ministry of Information is very shortly to extend its scope of educating Malaya's poorer people on the progress of the war. It is understood that special travelling vans to distribute pamphlets with news of the
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  • 343 4 Girl, 10, Saw Parent s' Death Struggle A TEN-YEAR-OLD girl who tried to stop a death struggle between her mother and father was complimented on her pluck at the inquest. It was stated that the child was m bed with her parents when her father, m a fit of jealousy,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 685 4 Youthful Vigour Restored In 24 Hours v w l Glands Forrified 't^^/m by New Discovery m "ur time? Are you tirf.i. run- 3A'°Mer OIJ9 and unab to keep up with th speed ur :n :i!. 1 >r> y.,u Mjft.r from &&SSSs\\ M.-ak hf.dV, impun- hlood? Ar- BSSSsA \piBSSSI you worri.d
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    • 184 4 for Romance came when her skin was WHITER YOU, TOO, CAN KNOW THIS AMAZING SECRET *fcm*t let ugly sun-tan spoil your •u*nance. No longer need it mar that pale loveliness that men admire. For wHITEX, this ama7ing new skia lotion, makes ugly sun-tan disappcai immediately reveals that fresh, fair kyieliness
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    • 451 4 This New Easy Wa I /T^fer^"' lAßaitish ThaTTS S %f *"I&*^'£j v eless fa*- A New aLwdH^^w^ Discoverii from Hollij' M^F^N wood, Calif Used bii n I Cinema Stars. Makn 1 fV\ You Look and F«l 1 ill "'■^JMBBSI ;nI K< s li<l tirin I' 1 sh tikts r a
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  • 1499 5 H.L. Hopkin Talks Of The Horrors Of THii otner morning, as I was peacefully typing my daily chore anil doing no harm to anybody, the tetepoouerang, and I learned with a thrill that the 8.8.C. v,a> at the other end. y\ caller said he understood
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  • 585 5 rT'S really too tosy this week but when we said as much to Tribquiz he declared that if you got fifteen of them fully right you were doing pretty well and twelve wasn't had. So go ahead and see what you make of them, but leave the
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  • 50 5 Geneva. Hi rr Gotzmann, who, In July 1934. v:as c n< 1 to life imprisonment, has been appointed h of the Vienna oolice by Baldur voii Bchrath, Gauleiter Austria. Thi ted l tie 1 nk v.i m Fnlv I-; il; i> a:i sassinat< .1
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 49 5 INSOMNIA Wt TO STOMACH **™*rt*. ni«ht mcli-estion— thatS •»«i x ts,ni B ht> I nd turn and just rani 1 vc takei during tht i during tht nißht, and itesthe <toina< h nerve '•rvous systtMii is upset. aiize this liKt-stKin wU! fulofpo I H.sural«Hl I imarli iicmvouk r, von
      49 words
    • 554 5 Typewriter Repairs W« dCB)B, tdjtwi rfpalr ~pzT?l n makes of -m»IJL^ v "3srr Tjrpewrlteti and Wn ""•i'li «"r>lru! .tnrn rt.r.. ftt •'^PPI^V;. Modem tf rh;ir I^ss^ Expert M nlci Ouaranteeid W>>rkm inahia STRAITS TYrr.wni'M AGI xcv itablliined 1914) stj.tioneis (t Repairer* Us, Change ah. H n^:»p(.,r»j. Pin. i UMCKALOABO Tf
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  • 1498 6  - A Woman Peeps At Singapore. Vera Arrmore By— i CUHDAY \v:; iS no day of rest f r Maj.-Gen. Keith Simmons. energetic Chairman of the Troops Entertainn: nt Committee, or tor Capt. Sunciy, welfare Officer or t hc> C v Inspect >r Biake and Mrs. l. \v. Geddes— all of
    Well Wishers  -  1,498 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 222 6 KEEP YOUNG AND BEAUTIFUL hl»> taking course of private leaaoaa CARMEL """JOYCE, j iiAOiVli hfkkUQUy 18, K-dii.y Bone, Battery Koatl, j Physical culture, reducing exercises and general I "Keep Kit." routine under the i xpert instruction of Carmel .Joyce who is a fully qualified instructresfl of th«* London I '
      222 words
    • 39 6 Hearing Restored Stop Head Noises Is 5?d?«?n treatme «t is mi.-, ting with wide success In many countries. Mr n n lining mmmm >. I It according t,, the ilmiledl?<£ PALAIS^des MOD* 7 9, STAMFORD ROAD, PHONE 4616. I 1
      39 words
    • 26 6 NEWrevi| NAIL POLISH SHAK Revton'i new iSod«« men'i noil polish pn^ 0 foryou.Athad«fof»^^ turn« and occa»lo«v W* f ht lustra W»ari MEDICAL H AU 1 t<
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  • 1403 7  -  CLIVE DALTON 9 (Rum&mh&v JhsL—— By At first. I wu* pretty much alone; other white n on the Island, but the> at the other end, and I did tt much of them, except during school hours. School, during those days, was a pleasant and haphazard affair,
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  • 1577 7 A DOCTOR tells you of his expert/l ences m his practice during the week m this interesting article. He gives a shrewd sidelight on medical custom and m it too you will find sound practical medical knowledge. tiWT'S m the Wool JL doctor, of course" said
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 303 7 Yes Inner Qeanliness should be the |f?- r T first rule Tor until the system is purified P|^^^f=|T3@s5 'r 1 v regularly there can be no true physical fl^^^^^^^^&J i^ fitness. So turn to Andrews Liver Salt tot «fefißMji|Mwi'^ deep Jown Inner Cleanliness. i!v\^V77ml 11 .^J Jffinit'diuiely you drink your
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  • 521 8 The Sunday Tribune Sunday, March 30, 1941. Opinion Unusual Liveliness CO far as Malaya is concerned, not the least of the benefits the war has brought us is a livelier feeling of responsibility felt by our Council members. Although this has been brought about solely by ihr pressure of wartime
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  • 1293 8 QNE of the mo^t important questions of the hour over which world speculation is rife is: Will Japan and Russia conclude a non-aggression pact? Arising from that question, one may well ask: Is this the purpose, or one of the -purposes, of the visit of Mr.
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  • 871 8 i says W.B. Paterson\ but he means 1 TO "ALL THIS NEW TAXATION" the actress said to the archbishop, things aren't always what they appear to he. The lady certainly spilled a mouthful but, after all, she was speaking from experience and undoubtedly, .she was uttering a truth
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  • 108 8 jjJVERY night since air nB began, 18-year-oM 6 >dwin has studied fork'B m a windowless store cupfrfl at Maidstone Girls' Gnci Beside her has sat a wIM from her jwn school— King's V ren L.C.C.. at Plumsteadj which evacuated to Miiftv They chose
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 280 8 fo] Is} I —___H gj g Sour Temper or 1 Sour Stomach v lir wrrii ii .m. of continued from farthei attacks by thr acid, irj g! stomach troubh has <i reaction on "'Mfftg the inj 'ion to heal jo] the temper. Nen frayed by The oatpnt of acid which
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    • 34 8 Miscellaneous FREE 104 Page Book "Practical Salesmanship" pined 2 4 with' Calendar sent Post FYee to gentlemen desirous ot learning art of modern selling;. Apply Box No. IG7, c o Malaya Tribune, Singapore. i
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    • 14 8 Advt or N, v An R lo-Swl. Milk ITn duel Ltd Inr In N.u««U
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  • 567 9 GERMAN INVADERS FORCED ON SHIPS AT PISTOL POINT Vichy Woman Describes The Terror In France H V a TL S U T, ced ahoard Evasion m a letter from in Fr^t /e mcers revolvers, is revealed Enaland living m Vichy to her sister m I he letter showa that even
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  • 117 9 JAPANESE WOOING PUPPETS Shanghai, Mar. 29. THE Jap. i: athorities officially inncunce that they are turning over to the Nanking authorities various historical and cultural articles a i blishments In accordance with I nt Nankinu c treat c include the famous Ming wnib.s and the Purpi-- Mountain jwervatory at Nankin-
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 53 9 I^ndon and the rest of Britain niosT re free of ail raid again last ril This is the riohth n i g ht unning that the capital's sirens ,mained silent and the fourth vincef IVe night lull m th pro tUt?« Air Ministl \V communique WlroS 10
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  • 290 9 On The German Frontier. QOUNT Haldur Von Schirach, new Military Go\ernor of Austria, has demanded a full report from the Gestapo on what he calls the "disgraceful exhibition" m the Prater, Vienna's famous pleasure garden, when Austrian conscripts home from Norway joined with the
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  • 59 9 The Greek army is re- ported from Turkey to be i receiving large quantities of i Italian war material, which > was captured m Libya. It also stated that when t the Italian retreat m Libya became a rout the British airmen v.ere instructed to i
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  • 67 9 BRITISH WOOLLENS FOR AMERICA London. Mar. 29. A SHIP carrying munitions from the United States is going back from England laden with 2.000 models of autumn sportswear and wcollen rir\-s fashions to be shown In New York. The exhibition, sponsored by ,n British fashion export group, la ol clothes m
    British Wireless  -  67 words
  • 101 9 New York. Mar. 29 \|R. Noel Coward, the British 1 actor and playwright; leaving for Lisbon by Clipper on iiffcnday, having born "recalled to London lor a report on his Washngton mission/ according to an Announcement by the Columbia Broadcasting System. Mr. Coward spout
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 234 9 Bases Deal Welcomed By Bermuda Trinidad f.. London, Mar. 20. 1 l] '< agreement for the establishment of United States Atlantic i )as( s n C(l ta i n British colonies, signed In London nu rs( ay is I}h Sll!))(lct 0 messag es received by the Colo- Secretary, Lord Moyne,
    British Wireless  -  234 words
  • 299 9 ni-Arrp New Yol "k> Mar. 29. DISAFFECTION is rife among both the Austrian troops and civilians, according to a correspondent of the New York Herald-Tribune who has just returned from Europe. He says that the German military authorities have strengthened various strategic points m Vienna
    Reuter  -  299 words
  • 144 9 Story Of Threats Ami Bcalium ACCORDING to her version, the continuity went something like this: First, he inflicted a beating with his fists. Then, she fled to the home of an aunt when he threatened to repeat the performance. N« \t day. she returned to their apartment
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  • 597 9 T nnrinn M- O f \N adventurous night raid over Hamburg has been vividly described by a sergeant-pilot who was the captain of a heavy bomber during a recent attack. We wen getting near our target/ he said, "and thought we were unobserved when suddenly
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 826 9 GOT A COUGH? I it whILSLaI ii a |b» i l Coughs are difficult to avoid m change- I < I V able weather. They come on suddenly, V A irritate your throat, keep you awake ?f\ v.''nights, and run you down physically. C* I J When you begin to
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  • 1800 10  -  William Adams Sunday Short Story.... r •By*-_ Not satisfied with being flattened once the little man gamely stood up to his opponent again But he had a reason for his belligerence which few would be astute enough to see. "GO you're down and out?"
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  • 829 10 The "Quiz Kids" Know All The A nswers \V H are lhe world s nriffhtest children? Apart from your own, of course. Well, most Americans say they would ver> much like to meet children brighter than the Quiz Kids, five children whose part m a weekly programme is just now
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 209 10 Jl#~ Vj Ihe finishing touch Just a touch of "HAZELINE 1 _^C\ SNOW" and a beautiful skin mi^L )tt oL acquires added charm. Daily 118 VTV^ applications help to keep the If i\ skin smooth and fair and give it |wj p "?J l mL that fashionable matt surface so
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    • 149 10 B tft g '^v 1 fj^^m PpvvlHbi And smart men jtf always use Anzora \j for their hair. The reason is that Anzora is th* best, most healthful hair dressing you can buy. I prevents scurf dandruff, and keep Rw'i'ijl the hair m pen»i ynp condition and [waMtAJ hair ww
      149 words

  • 944 11 L.S.D. Writes This Fascinating Article On A Form Of 1 he Ljrassnopper Industry 1 1 y f'N Singapore there is a regular demand from bird fancjers for grasshoppers, and a number of youths earn by the collection and sale of these insects. Hour nnur these youths may
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  • 70 11 Barbarous Treatment Of Finnish Nurse The Swedish newspaper, "Gotcbonjs-iN sten" tells of J Gesiano's barbarous treatment of the none and authoie? Fn.stad, m a Norwegian i>rison cell. They S blinded her m pla>ing a i small spar.hUjjht ceaselessly on her face. A hideous S ingenuity was used to pre-
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  • 404 11 (From Our Own Correspondent) [poh, Mar. 29. pBESIDING at the annual meeting ol the Central k Plantinff Association this trn rning, Mr. J. Marshall hit out at tlic Government m its attitude of refusing to acknowledge tlic serious shortage of labour m the country at a
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  • 54 11 L ndon, Mar. 29. OYMiOLK; o! feritain'a dctwV i. is the can m i tii Minlsti i>^v 'or a entlal railing and ironwork In M proftodal U eneci id to ciiscKse a rrSJffi ,s or thousand- d! I Ts^on. of nUUng ■Sf£p vii-ided 15 tons of
    British Wireless  -  54 words
  • 142 11 London. Mar. 29. AN order prohibiting the use of milk, fresh. co'Ktensed or powdered. In the manufacture ol v irgc number of eatables, Inciudn iT bivad pastries and sweetmeats •v'll come into l'orce on Apr. 1. Mflhtng this announcement, the Ministry of Food states that
    British Wireless  -  142 words
  • 122 11 Tientsin, Mar. 29. A VERY gloomy pictur,? of trade c- nditions m North China was painted at the annual meeting of the Tientsin General Chamber of Commerce by Mr. C E. Peacock, the British chairman, who told the gathering that an atmosphere of complete
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 205 11 LOVE BLEW UP HIS LIFE New York. p|H)K over twenty years, not even a breath <>f scandal hail touched the reputation of a quiet, sedate schoolmaster. Then he fell m love with a fifteen-year-old schoolgirl. Scandal burst <»n him at tho a«e of forty-eight. So he blew himself up In
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 230 11 NEAR COMPLETE BREAKDOWN The man who wrote thii /3Bk ,U) us we r**Q Ihouldn't rccogni c him M>f# Lw as the mi:i >k! 5 A^*JL bcK>n "> billll uP the ner. is— the whole penon- -bruii: interest m life. new HFAII h I what Mr B I f l; n
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    • 665 11 TIRED IN THE I MQRNIN6?V^>* \A »m IH If a late night make* you sate for breakfast. If two late nights make you long for bed. If Monday mornings find you shuddering. And Sundays find you snoring. If "off-colour," "bexm par," "under the weather" have crept into your talk. Suspect
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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    • 229 12 SEE THE SECRET SERVICE BATTLE FOR THE SECRET OF THE MOST TERRIFYING WEAPON EVER INVENTED OPENING TO-DAY (SUNDAY 30th MARCH) 4 SHOWS II A.M. m m II m I|l||| 3-15, 6-15 9-15 P.M. X 4' LJ lirmll |^1 1 -^^tBRTI™™ HBKj^ iB^HVMHMi' 'Hi Hp '^^MMBW 'v- qET* j^rfS ■al» *iii».\i4;iir
      229 words
    • 76 12 W^B VA°UDEVUUf Marie'Destv; Miss ANMK T()N(i rr "TiFFKX ll A^ i: li -TO-DAY UO TO 5 P.M-* To-.\i<;iri- i»A.\4i-: 9.30 toi2P> i KEEP THE DATES OPEN o Jk Mon. 21st., Tues. 22nd., Wed. 23rd., Thins. 24th. A^l "Singapore Amateurs Professionals "f DANCING CHAMPIONSHIP COMPETITION OF 1* QUICKSTEP WALTZ FOX TROT
      76 words

  • 106 13 Lonaon, Mar. 29. tivltiea ii ji the world ence of the increasing suppo rt for Gen. de Gaulle. The ta published by FYance >, a de Gaulle r 1,500 October, has id n head- oi the Free French fo [n Shanghai, the "France For a
    British Wireless  -  106 words
  • 100 13 New D: Ihi, Mar. 29 F is pro! »und ction m 1 that Indian troops shared th with the British m the cap Keren. Tributes are paid to their verattility, so su :c fully revetting the mechanised warfare m U> tho strenuous mountain -i their
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 0 13
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  • 178 13 jJJVERY wook about 2o German soldiers disappear m Amsterdam and Rotterdam and later their bodies an- found m Uiv canals," declared Dr. Peter <!»> Bruyn, a Dutch neurologist, who has arrived m New York, states the New York Post. "The Nazi authorities get
    Reuter  -  178 words
  • 24 13 The dentli took pkire recently at Ms home. Clifton, Bristol, of CharlfM Wil11am Bresland. Malayan Civil Berrlce frrtireci). of Balljmena. N. Ireland, aoed Q
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  • 90 13 IGIIDANCE to the public on the Qfficai h lida y s »s givi 21 m an Wnm Q il n^ uncement that the STl v has decided that it ar n^J NOrve tbfl interests of [enera? Uctlon lf workers m iav aJ°"\° lllne between
    British Wireless  -  90 words
  • 111 13 THE Malaya Patriotic Fund announces receipt of the following ariditiona' donations: Mr. and Mrs. T. J. B. Wearne < further donation $1,000; Mr. C. B. Paul <Ceyionese Section i monthly donation $3.;JU: Orncrr.s' Air Headquarters, Far East $17. CO; Indian Labourers, stair and Contractors of Sembiong
    111 words
  • 138 13 Tokyo, Alar. 20. (Envisaging vUvmt relations tw« n the Soviet Union and Japan ai rem o f Mr. Matsuoka a talks with M. Stalin and Iff. Molotov. the Hochi Shimbun, a popular daily urges Japan to forsake a "short-sighted" attitude towards the Soviet Union as it they
    Eastern News  -  138 words
  • 497 13 How Wife Deceived A Soldier Lover the specious tale that her husband was really a lodger, a VOling wife took a soldier to her home. There followed an illicit romance which landed her m the dock at Leicester Assizes. Facing a charge of bigamy with
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  • 370 13 NO LOVE IN UNIFORM FOR SOLDIERS I A LL the nice girls love a soldier but some of the A.T.S. m a bitf northern command training centre wish that more of the handsome soldiers would fall for the girls m uniform. Complaints by the A.T.S. that the soldiers aren't taking
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  • 235 13 Right To Slap Wife QLD Commi n I. i a 1n.. -I and to "correct" I wife ->]!!-.• her wa illy pleaded n cent i. Magistrates •■<! a wife's assault somm linsfl her husband, who denied punching, but admitted slapping her. She was ordered to pay the rest.-. The wifi
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 30 13 'HOMPsox OPTIC AI Co 4 aecade buildinu Specializing; r culai Muscle Anomalies. Ma^ if needed, (j^* v :i »n Dr. of Ocular Science. Wars' p European Clinical Lxpirience. '^hone 3002.
      30 words
    • 86 13 to-\m;ht AT THE SUN TALKIE (NEW 7 WORLD) NIGHTLY AT 7.30 9.30 lljlp ijL R i s |vio p ERN 1 i Umnr Kodri^u B^^ NETTVen SOERIPR(*muu,mmJ 9POPULAIR SON6HITS \sQf/ <*4& ORIENTALE- /^yA krontjong troubadours yz£-l/Ai A FOR YOUR HEALTH SAKE DANCE IN HEALTHY SEASIDE All: POPULAR SUNDAY TEA DANCE
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    • 197 13 Public Notices V. A. ZASIPKIN SCHOOL OF ART 1 AMBER MANSION. The pupils of tho late Mr. V. A. Zasipkm are Informed that the school will continue from the Ist of April on Tuesday and Friday evenings from 6 B p.m. under the direction of Mr. V. D. ShilonosofT. Intending
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 521 13 Henrv 'Ss %>M.~Jk\ \~*^°°no LL=L j y^JJMll I II ~Q _A_^_J^_S '-h I-'. TO-DAY'S CHURCH SERVICES BT. ANDRJ V M ly Communion. lma Ay( '^ue>-Pastor. Rev. Chew r X Sermon Preacher- Th! "V >k Hln Bund»y, 3.30 p.m. BUnday p X non. Spc<..i Prayer Mroting-R-v. chew Hoc-: a-, J* 1
      521 words

  • 1360 14 JJOW two young nurses stood powerless m the gloom of a November midnight as tragedy suddenly befell a soldier friend was described m a dramatic murder trial at Bedford Assizes. Jn a struggle on a lonely die. A bayonet was alleged to the ffirb could say
    1,360 words
  • 92 14 London, Mar. 2\) SOUTH Shields, the birthplace of the lifeboat over 150 year- ago, has now produced a reversible life saving raft which is to be put into general use In the British merchant service. The raft has be^n approved by the Ministry of Shipping and the
    92 words
  • 31 14 Mr. Burgin' s Father Mr Edward Lambert Burgin, eighty-two-year-old father ol Mr. Leslie Burgin, former Minister of Supply, has died at his home m Finch ley. Milmed Dunn (left) and sister
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  • 351 14 Dra w For Easter Meet In S'pore Malayan Bad minton Championships i From Our Own Reporter' lpoh, Saturday. 'I'liK following is the draw for Un> Malayan Badminton Championships to be played off m Singapore during Easter: MEN'S SINGLES Top Section Wong Peng Soon vs. Ismail bin Ha.ii Mar j an;
    351 words
  • 202 14 'pi IK latest reports reaching London through neutral channels on the German infiltration into Italy show that a German co-ordinating Commission is operating m all the north Italian towns with representatives m, almost all the industrial concerns. In aircraft and electrical industries, the German
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  • 156 14 Rain Stops C.S.C.-Navy Match RAIN caused the cricket match j between the C.S.C. and the Royal Navy to be abandoned just after the tea interval when the Ceylonese with 144 runs for live wickets declared the innings closed. C. Thuraisingham, the Colony plny« r, was m ftne form and scored
    156 words
  • 281 14 Sister's Husband Trie*! To Rape Hei TV]IU)RKI) DUNN, pretty, 21-year-old Chicago div (rc^^ cither the most virtuous, the most ingenious, the n^ devilishly coy or the most imaginative woman to appear mi n law court m many a day. Recently t-. an astonished Chicago court, she
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 346 14 Grand Neivs for HEAD-COLD SUFFERERS W* kVx bnatktng I B/ M.Nmtalpt- L^^Y^^ f Z^ $<*gu shrunk \Wjf^(m^HM <■' Brtatkimg Two tniffm 0/ New Medical Compound Clear Stuffed-up Noetril* m SO eeconde. Look at the diagrams above. One minute you're stuffed-up with a heavy cold. Nasal membranes swollen puffy., Breathing passages
      346 words
    • 147 14 hr m F I <v* h Turn* To Fat When Food Tract is Constipated. A cause of unhealthy fat Is often congested food tract. Absorbing the frrmenting wastes into your system trill create the fat of :11 -health. These digestive poisons account for the sick headaches, bilious attacks, flatulence, skin
      147 words
    • 190 14 High Blood Pressure Dangerous io Heart -JuMisan-is of men and womi n pasi I i ll heart trouble and HlKh Blood Pressure. Hißh Blood I i. -Mir, a a mysterious dla;;r: 11;'; cauaea more deaths than canoer largely because people mistake the symptoms^for lndig< ?tl n or some simple troSl
      190 words
    • 178 14 t'] niAl THE DOCTQI i:» < OMMENDI I CALAMINE look i IO v n'-ght and a yr NE is^calamiw form combined c ■71 nu em II •iv ml!k t t// i thing witch h«r LACTO-CALAMINE Is mefo approved, because doctorg to {Jl calamine to be the sale* t\ I c*
      178 words

  • 1130 15  -  Umpire \Choosing A Team For] Easter Match At X.L FEATI RE ol last week's cricket was th, large number of A dKid al Performances put up b^SToT thi m Singapore, This is a good *im for \h Selangor is drawing near and Singapore will hav< eel its team
    1,130 words
  • 66 15 plav f J i cndly badminton match BP riif bunda y- the Bluebell 5 4 ueie ated the Stardust B.P. 11 was m th e nature of the th(> bluebells having won winners M. Lange. V. and the Bachelor sisters no Audrey, played well. win over the
    66 words
  • 424 15 CRICKET HONOURS ■92n o. sgt. Freeman (Loyal toft, vs 1.C. 8.C.). <; \V S Waites (S.C.C vs Manchester Kegt. Tan Hong Beng (P.F.S 5 XJ lIPp Penang). S. logarajah. (Railwiv *n. K. Pitman's College i Kelly (R A O.C. vs Fort- ress Signals) i n Heals (R A X, Tengali
    424 words
  • 330 15 Sixth Wicket Partneiship Saves Indians From Rout GOOD sixth wicket partnership between Choor Singh and B. S. Varma saved the Indian Association from a rout m the urst innings of their two-days' match against the S.C.R.C. which began at Hong Lim Green to-day. Rain interrupted the game at the lea
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  • 300 15 Singapore, Saturday. JN a game replete with thrills the Chinese were held, to a draw by the Malays at Anson Road Stadium to-day, the the final score being three goals each side. The Chinese took the offensive immediately after the kick-off, but In the fourth minute
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  • 408 15 Singapore, Saturday. T ACKof time prevented a decision m the cricket match between the S.R.C. and the R.A.A^F. played on the padang this The R.A.A.F. who started badly, Scores were: rallied well and managed to put up Anderson t Rain h Alvi^ >, USTd&SL
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  • 320 15 Easter Cycle Racing At K. Lumpur J^ HE cycling season m Selangor opens with the organisation of the second annual Selangor Easter Road Carnival which would be held at Kuala Lumpur during the forthcoming Easter holidays. The Carnival will consist of a 50 miles road race (chamnionshim —and an open
    320 words
  • 246 15 TNITIAL tie s In the S.C.R.C. tenn'.> 1 tournament which begins on clay, are; MONDAY "A" smiles handicap: Low Ke- Choo <— 6j vs KCttn Gim Hock €> William Tai l (—3) vs Ong Sure Ken^ (scr.i "B" singles handicap Khoo Kirn Sw>r i 3)
    246 words
  • 21 15 Mr. H. M. James, M.C., has been appointed as Captain m the Loral Defence Corps In the State of Neyn Srmbilan.
    21 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 47 15 pimples Go billed m 3 Days !>li '»<ion of Nlxod?rm N becoihinJ you win J "m "is if soft '"o,,»h and c-overy that tin. skin that lOf y 1 r fl .I^-UptioMS. YOU S,f ln troublea until J'» -t N.xoderm from N-iod^ the Positive n empty pack-,
      47 words
    • 105 15 $IMCA WAI tR MINERAL WATER from the Soletar Hot Spring, Singapore. An alkaline drink with excellent corrective properties ®F&N BBLUNG c;r\ssis. TW a «3Sr n^ /^■•deration with us. P SS? that intprt sts «s Is whether •r?iv vi are P er ori »in e their duty proi Di r hern
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 22 15 Tim: table TO-DAY: Midnight, 8 7 ft.; 12.24 p.m., 8.7 It TO-MORROW: 12 2-1 8 9 ft.; 12.55 p.m.. 8.5 ft.
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    • 51 15 TO-DAY. CRICKET: SRC. v. Police, CJ P C! f f~* v f? A A TP Q f C Indian Assn. v. S.C.R.C, 2nd day, S.C.R.C; Indian Assn. II v. Sinhalese, Balestier; C.S.C. v. Khalsa, Khalsa ground; C.S.C. v. J.C.S.A C.S.C. SWIMMING: Chinese Swimming Club annual general meeting, Amber Road, 11
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  • 121 16 THE KING'S HORSES DISAPPOINT La nd< n. Mar. 29 XJis Majesty the King, who a LM.e-i example by encouraging other racehorse owners to keep the sport going despite the reduced prizes and feeding difiiculties, was unsuccessful m two attempts tQ win the early Aatracing prize at Nottingham to-day with his
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 98 16 Bomb In U.S. Mail Passing Through London London. Mnr. 29. THE police and experts are ex- amininn: the fragments of a small bomb which was yesterday found m a bay, of the American mail which was In transit through London Made from a piece of twisted lead pipincr, the bomb
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 302 16 Singapore, Saturday. A STIRRING appeal to oversea Chinese to continue making contributions to th'j mother country to help m resisting the enemy, was made by Mr. Tan Kah Kee. Chairman of tho Federation of the China Relief Fund Committees at the opening ol the Overseas Chinese
    302 words
  • 82 16 New York. S I At Peoria (Illinois) William Henninffrr. a German, b»t S his Irish setter on the nose as a punishment for failing :to perform tricks at a i hotel. J Robert Murray, an Irish- t man. who saw the incident, i assaulted Henninger. There was
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  • 54 16 New York, Mar. 29. TIIM ailing of the cargo steam- IT! Robin Locksley and Kob n Hood to Africa with war supplies bai n«v been delayed over seven d.iys. The delay is due to the fact that the crews are demanding: an unusually large bonmi Lefore
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 61 16 A Renter message from Shanghai states that it is authoritatively stated that the British Ambassador to China, Sir Archibald Clark Kerr, will leave Shanghai on Tuesday, Apr. i, for Singapore and Rangoon, on the icay to Chungking.' He returned to Shanghai from a itvy of several
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  • 520 16 YUGOSLAVIA SAID IN STATE OF SIEGE People Asked To Obey Orders A STATE of siege has been proclaimed m Yugoslavia, says a Budapest telegram to the Vichy news agency. The state of siege is a modified form ot martial law. The message adds that thf> people have been notified to
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  520 words
  • 116 16 London, Mar. 29. THE First Lord of the Admiralty, Mr. A. V. Alexander, speakIng to-day, described the Yugoslav events as "the most serious dip'omatic defeat Hitler has yet suffered" adding that these events had totally changed the European pictur Referring to the Anylo-American eo-o:ciation
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 48 16 Berlin, Mar. 29. lIF' g nnan M nister to Belgrade, I V( n Heeren, again saw the Dslav Foreign Minister, M. Niii'eivtch. to-day and lodged a rrctect vith him regarding *ntlC rman demonstrations m Bel- adc yesterday it is stated m Ecrlin political c rdes.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 374 16 Woman's Alleged Assault On Perak Newsman 'From Our Own Reporter) Ipoh, Saturday. OCEXEJS unparalleled m the history of the mining town of Kampar occurred yesterday m the Kampar Court when at the conclusion of two criminal summons cases, a complainant m one of them, it was alleged, made an attack
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  • 116 16 (Frcm Our Own Reporter* T Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. Hr, death occurred, at the Bungsar Hospital yesterday aftrr- nojn, of Mr. C. F. Jameson,! Chief Inspector of Mines Fedclatcd Ma'ay State-,. Hie' funeral Will take place at the Ghcras Road Cemetery this afternoon. Claude
    116 words
  • 46 16 CATISFACTORY progress was the keynote cf the brief communique issued by the Middle East Hcadqrait:i^ here to-day. Eastwards )i Keren, v .states, the Bnt:sn advance was progressing while m Abv.ssinio ihe situation continued to deve'op satisfactorily In Libya there is nothing or importance to report.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 204 16 jWELVE Indians living pore had, up to March 3 $84,877.02 to different war Jjl This was revealed m a letter sent by Mr. Prithvi (53 honorary secretary of the h9 Section of the Malaya fcbj Fund and of the Indian tvj Entertainment Fund, to* Hia Governor. Sir
    204 words
  • 63 16 T okyo, Ma: H THE betrothal of Prince M hito Mikasa, the younpil thcr cf the Euipevoi of Japufl M Yuriko Takagi, dau^d Visccunt Takagi. was fcrnud nounced ihi.s afternoon iftrl tTii 1 ian:tion has been rm.c' T.ikjlii i- a cavalry tn n. whilp M: T; !<s
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 44 16 Na, Mar. !0. Ihmi 1 Euinpeans, (fly tot i?i d 1. i 1: m« hiwl car'ured ,r the (iara iie^i ffit :aM> liit hrre. Tht H ir it -!p cf rs s pnf i\ pnd nn: piisc&fi* COITIi ir In* Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 80 16 London, .Marl Shelter-, w il he distribrtjß to applicant! whose i««*J <;' "i ?.r3 plus £Wfcfl ■chco! child afttr (he Ml i nl any< nc ir.av buy tkklfl aj a ci rbout 1^ .J tish Vrircle:* Berlin, MirJ Germans are crectinf «J batterL> at strategic poiaUK ihr Black Sea
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 34 16 London, W Martial taw has be«l m Norway m a ru'W^l according to informatii^ ed by the Norwegian agency. This has beeii Terbovcn. Hitler's contß* Norway, m a proclamation is without formal declai* Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 49 16 Cairo, *d A report hy the Italfrjj that the British had odM i .u.j-.ui islands off the' «'i.asl m th. Ked Se* denied by the Saudi Legation here m a &*^A which rontradicts tb occupation of the isl»»*fl v'ory that the San*J veinment had prottt"^ British Legation *< thereon.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 123 16 Nairobi. M^jl More successful Sciith African air trains, rail track and s* the Diredawa-Addis *T M way arc announced u> 1 communique issued *f!LB It .says the South JJT force scored nits on *"*la* between JJiredawa and a train was sft .f#U bomb falling near 1*• M tion buildings were
    123 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 70 16 '*"^fr v <^S£'XiS&aV^ v^s^ s ****^^^^^^^3Sjß«Jß^^fl^SfvrSß^Bß B^Br^ y* *THsß^B^F\^^B^Kf "yfetA. \^^H -j-f^f BBBjWJp^^SR^S^B|BIi^HIjBIBKIB^KLJftJBM JiJjS? I*'1 j^^^Sk. i^^ >BJ|p^g^^jjjßßßßj^^^|Bj|^gßjj^^^^^^^^g^!^^^^^^g^^^'^J^Bj^^Bj^^^^g^jj^j B^.r^gWjjjjßßjgßßj3EaßHHß^K^Cvlga BBB^BlP^ffr^^y^^^ißß^Bt^^'BEl^^^vJz^jgC*y\£3Btf^rJb&i<^' ■»^BBL.TWBMB^BBibSM^^BBpB^«^^^B»^^Byv HMJ^Bk^KBBSaBHM^BMMMBBB^Mt vSu^BMUQJK^^^B^Bh m Hnr^^^B rw^M P^J^ilaßfTHmt'^ BMgMgSg^JPj^y^r^SMßß gßWfffrg^Sj^^BMStfßMßfrß^ffWßmE^BMl^^Br F^yi^^C^!^y?MPK |B^Pmg JJ&w jjdß ■ff J^^^BKVV BTBb Bsf k^H^ g^^^T \3»BHffiß^M^H^Bffi^B^B^^^^M3P^BTOSß^B^Brß^Hll JM^H|PBBBhßWßbß^B^B^B^Bmß^blßi^^^B^BWb^^^^^9WßwßHßpE^ a. 2f B^u^ »^L— £r aJP^Bc*^ x -s^-.-. fttf
      70 words