Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 23 March 1941

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 19 1 The Sunday Tribune 5 A.M. EDITION "^LT^L^ Net Saks Exceed 23,200 Weekly SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 1941. FIVE CENTS.
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  • 264 1 New Air Route Being Surveyed A New York, March 22. production schedule to supply Britain with some 20,000 warplanes m the next 18 months has been worked out by high Administration officials, it is stated m messages from Washington. The plan includes the construction of
    Reuter  -  264 words
  • 235 1 "After contact with Washington I opine that we shall actively participate m the European war within sixty to ninety days and our Navy will participate m the battle of the Atlantic," declared Mr. James Mponey, President of Tampa University, addressing students
    Reuter  -  235 words
  • 43 1 "S YMB OL OF VICTORY" PAUL'S CATHEDRAL S ynibo! of nations indomitable will to victory. The great dome rises through the smoke and flames like Britain's courage mi n her hour of trial. Who </«!uld fail to read m this sight a sign?
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  • 94 1 London, Mar, 22 CIX German aircraft Includ four bjmber.>>— were destroyed m combat over or n round Britain m thp week ending March 22. One was >hot down on the night of Mnr if), two during daylight on Mar 18, two on the 19th dnt\
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 288 1 London, Mar. 22. JtfEWS from Yugoslavia is still nebulous, but there is no doubt that Germany is exerting great pressure for an agreement which would bring Yugoslavia into line with the Axis. Reuter'a diplomatic correspondent learns m authoritative quarters m London. The iir-'t signs
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  • 86 1 TREASURY BILLS IN GOOD DEMAND London. Mar. 22. IN the money market, although loanabip resources were less plentiful than was the case recently, borrowers generally satisfied their requirements cheaply, i'6s million Treasury Bills were offered and allotted at an average rate of il-0-2 95d. per cent. Despite lower applications at
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 195 1 RUSSIA WILL STAND BY TURKEY Ankara, Mar. 22. T'HE Soviet Government h:is assured Turkey that it will do nothing to embarrass Turkey >hould Ankara's relations with any third power deteriorate rapidly, it is reliably learned. A non-aggression pact already exists between Russia and Turkey, but the new assurance will mean
    Reuter  -  195 words
  • 96 1 London, Mar. 22. CIR Richard Duntfng Holt, one of the most prornirient fissures m British and international shipping, died m Liverpool, aged 72. He was head of Messrs. Alfred Holt and Company (Blue Funnel Line*, the Ocean Steamship Company and the China Mutual Steam Navigation Company.
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  • 386 1 R.A.F. Foil Hitler's oca Campaign London, Mar. 22. K.A.F. replied to the German air offensive against British ports with heavy raids during the week ending Mai 21 on naval bases of supreme importance to Hitler m his corelated sea campaign against shipping, besides several towns m the heavily industrialised Ruhr.
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  • 64 1 Delhi. Mar. 22. k RESOLUTION moving for the recognition of Indian medical I degrees by Japanese Universities was referred by the Indian Medical Council at Its meeting here yesterday to the Executive Committee, on th^ suggestion of MajorGen. G. G. Jolh'. Director General of the Indian Medical
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  • 176 1 SOUTH AFRICAN PILOTS RAID DIREDAWA Nairobi, Mar. 22 THE South African air force carried out henvv dwe-b Tibing and mach ne-mm a 4 tacks on military objectives ftt Harar and Diredawa says an offic al ftir communique issued here to-day. A direct hit was registered on barracks at Harar and
    Reuter  -  176 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 47 1 mm mm^ T^i m t mmmUm^ m^^^ ELLISON S. EZEKIEL CO. AA' > QUAlif I^Di^m»laf|C OPTICIANS. fa5R«s 3?^l*fiiL 1li))LblNG. a \ssmmmmu hU .1931 SrikBAPORE. THE ROYAL BA HERY BAft C S MN^REAC^N^AKE^ \^t? 4* <4 v >k o^t*2lQ -i 1 it m >^ H3A o/ Singapore CoZd Storage Co
      47 words
    • 49 1 JB &i*wmfmqs MILK TlmT^^s^%^ FOHTHEKIDDIES^~^"^ With Pat- i-(ake ;ind Glaxo Biscuits ".>-» affords a delicious meal which every Ai fM youngster will enjoy. BE SIKI. AND ASK FOR PEEK FKKAN'S f >!) l' WA fin nikwsMM "BISCUITS v r^T /^^iP'^Vjt Obtainil ble from all ci««alrrs PEEK FREAN CO., LTD. *^T
      49 words

  • 111 2 R.A.F. Wedding npHE Rev. A! s. Giles officiate I at the marriage yesterday at 4.80 p.m. at St. Andrew's Cathedra! of Leading Aircraftsman A. G. F. Glover and Miss Eileen Perki The bride la the daughter cf Mi. and Mrs W. H. Pt-rkls of Ryd?, Isle of Wifeht un 6
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  • 37 2 Mar. 21: Outside rol hedging against loan re'lemoti ns outweigh*'! fche great strength of textiles and th persistent adverse l '**»r. Liverpool, M r 21: Cotton o^enei narrow and lower m sympathy with New York.
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  • 636 2 Saw Fight Between Alleged Murderer Future Husband Singapore, Saturdaj lIALLMAII }>inti Syed Madah Shah, who had to lace disappointment when the man she was to have married, was fatally {tabbed on the niKht of their wedding, gave evidence at the umed hearing of the preliminary inquiry before the acting i'th
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  • 128 2 GIRL'S FATAL LOOK AT WEDDING Singapore, Saturday. I DESIRE to watch a mar- i A riage ceremony In lfu joliiing house cost a six- i S year-old niil her life. j v r l!ic girl, Tham Ngak imbed the w.m'm.-w of tf*J v <>i!d floor of her house at
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  • 345 2 Chairman Duty On Local Brews Singapore, Saturday. AT the annual general meeting of Malayan Breweries held here to-day the Chairman, Mr. E. C. 11. Charlwood said that though taxation for war pmr light m Malaya it was then fore all the move noteworth thai so
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  • 99 2 Indian Postal Services' Gift To R. A. F. Delhi. Mar. 22. ■HE staff of the Posts and Tele- graph Department, Government vi incua, have collected money tor a second war piane lor the Roya! Air Force. Sir Oumnath Bowoor, Director _.eneral, ha^ lorwarded £9.750 from lie Department and sugge&tea .ndb
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  • 87 2 Found With Staking Slips In Raid Singapore, Saturday. A RAID last night en a building m Enggor Street resulted m Lim Poh ?San biing charged m the third court to-day with assisting m the running of a chap-ji-ki lottery. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to three months' rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 154 2 Singapore, Saturday. BECAUSE a 14-year-old boy stole $350 from his own mother, he was sentenced to eight strokes v ith the light rotan and to six months' detention at the Salva* Lion Army Boys' Remand Home, Mr. Conrad Oldham, the second magistrate, to-day. Court
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  • 137 2 Snatch Thief Gets Prison Rotan Singapore, Friday. A YOUNG Chinese, Cheang Gin Sin. who chased and captured a snatch thief on his bicycle at Jalan Besar on Mar. 13 was commended by Mr. L. C. Gch, In the third court to-day. The snatch thief. Lee Ah Chew ■13>, pleaded guilty
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  • 120 2 Singapore, Saturday. WAS admiring the Cathay building" explained a schoolI teacher Peeping Tom when charged this morning m the third court before Mr. L. C. Goh "Ton dollars or ten days" replied the magistrate unconvinced A constable stated that he was nstructed on Mar. 2 to
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  • 81 2 A Singapore, Saturday. GO-YEAR-OLD Chinese woman. Tan Choon Eng, pleaded guilty m the third court to-day to a charge of assisting m the running of a chap-ji-ki lottery and was sentenced to ten day's simple imprisonment. The case for the prosecution was that the
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  • 82 2 REPORTED LOSS OF $1,800 FROM SHOP Singapore, Saturday. k BOMBAY cloth merchant's shop )n m North Bridge Road wa» reId to have been broken into last night, and $1,300 stolen from a drawer In the shop. Po'ice inquiries reveal that en- [i.v had been effected through the i vront door,
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  • 216 2 NAVAL OFFICER $50,000 For Transfer Of Idris College transfer of the Sultan [dria Training College from t jong Malim to Kuala Kangsar cost the ['orak f) about $50,000. The major part <>i this big sum is Ix'ing m renovating the three Astanas m Bukil Chandan, na^ Astana Di-Hilir, Astana Ulu
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  • 189 2 Singapore, Friday. FOrt 18 years, Mr. E. H. Chard, a naval officer, held a driving licence which had never been ndorsed and because of that Mr. C H Whitton. the distrct traffic magistrate, did not endorse Mr. Chard's licence when he fined him $100, or.
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  • 63 2 Mr H J Barnard, Chief Police Officer Batu will ho y-inp to Australia on R W. E Harper will Mr. Harper who is Ju-i buck m the P MB. In-fore. *••■<• Secretary of the Town Planning t>eDartment of Johore Bahni. since the department wn created three roars ago,
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  • 113 2 Malay Youth On Indecency Charge Singapore. Saturday. A YOUNG Malay. Sudin bin Daud, pleaded guilty to a charge ot committing an act of gross indecency ot a house m Tanglin Hill, and also to a charge of theft of a wrist watch when he appeared this morning m the Criminal
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  • 42 2 Singapore, Saturday. TAN Ah Yiam. a Chinese, pleaded guilty to a charge of committing an act of gross indecency yesterday at Angullia Road, when charged m the Criminal District Court this morning. Sentence was postponed for Mar. 27.
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  • 253 2 STOLE BOTTLE OF BEER FROM SHIP'S CARGO REMARKING that it wascase of its kind that had cup before him, but that m it anyone »rought up sam? kind of charge he v with him vcrely, Mj J rad Oldham, the second trate, bound over a Chines* m the .sum of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 605 2 DON'T LET INDIGESTION SPOIL THAT DINNER On the hapj>y i when short leave enables busbands, brothers or sons th" wise housewife will sr*e to it thai n <ivi not mar the pleasure of th I ittle dinner, when tempting dishes and Bowing wine may imach. Heartburn, flatulence, heaviness after Js
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    • 254 2 A^/ M.\LAYAN WAR SAVINGS Vj CERTIFICATES ARE SUCH I A (iOOD INVESTMENT THAT j y THEY ARE RATIONED I I These War Savings Certificates are such a >! investment for the smaller investor' (j that no individual or corporation can in\ more than $25,500 m them. VA Their main attraction,
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  • 58 3 PIRLS engross d In a thriller film al tin Coliseum Cinema. Harrow-road, London, were startled n a young man leapt up from iped out a knife and waved it m the air. Screaming m terror, the girla attendants rushed powered the with difficulty and dragged
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  • 372 3 Unpatriotic Society Breaks Up Hoi /it z >x (Tribune Staff Reporter) lj«ft man m Singapore who will always look on i rower Bible and Tract Society with hate is xar-old .ex-school teacher Thilliampalam Mylva- l pUm^ lamil, father oi Him- .-iaujrhters. 7 s r anti-British acti
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  • 142 3 JAPAN'S "WAR OF NERV ES" China Society Of Australia Founded r«<*tai Societ, of Australia the flntf of Us kind m (he y the Society are Australians and hinese inter, ring why, and means oJ establishing closer retwo counlh<; r a founded i>i inciples as simi- societies m America and gland.
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  • 255 3 DOCTOR DENIES SURGERY AFFAIR [NCIDENTS alleged to have laken place m a local sur pery wrere described al Eastl*\rt. »ant>. b 3 a N-.vear-old schoolgirl. Dr. Frederick William Newby--1 d iven as of improperlj d stron ins .s' Th< girl said she went to the surgery for a certificate and
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  • 420 3 HO W BRITAIN HELPS U. S. AIR INDUSTRY VV^shinj ion, Peb. 1<"). JJRITISH and French purchases of U.S. war planes were primarily responsible i «»i- the pres< nt expansion <>r the American aircraft industry, Ccl. Henrj L. Stimson, Secretary of War. informed th« Senate Foreign Relations committee by letter recently.
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  • 76 3 Eurasians For The R.A.M.C. Malaya Pi Ambu- unit < onipo.sed B tish Euro and British Eurasians which nied v eek i ago, i; stride. [v; d drill, 1 ndard of trsl Do squad < lerii al woi and 1. field cpej Members of the becom R a m c he.'
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  • 42 3 New York. E [NG CAROL ol Rumania, m- I I t h j thw irted i kill !ii n a suicide oact 1 and his s-. art, < I to end tl ireers to- U:ini!'d recenth
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  • 291 3 Evacuated Wife Accuses Husband < 'hippi nham. AFTER id i ol :i quarre ••it hi ni house be< ?iven here, the m trat< committed for trial George ham Cessare, 35, motor-lorr^ driver, of Disraeli-road, Harl< n, London, on a charge ol pausing to be seni t his wii- Mrs. Edith
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 395 3 )(m. nf/uF) lUPI UP RESTORATIVE) IPPKOVI D I I ■■< 7 1 1 j I LA.MJ|E Id Ec* viorifs iii) Hearing Restored m Iwenfy-Four Hours iJeafrr." and N I not ba dreaded fti sn A Iblo for i O f Detfi i m a da v tkl appl; t| r
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    • 321 3 I 1 he was lonely and neglected v mil she discovered how to UT ON POUNDS OF FLESH IN 30 DAYS! I vuj nous f.>r a\\ who ;irc tlim, Mie^y and underweight. Every woman > beautifully rounded arms, lovely leg* Every woman who is now tired, anaemic, listless, dull and
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  • 1126 4 PROFITEERING RIFE IN SINGAPORE EVACUATION SCHEMES Government Bungling Makes Residents Suffer rHK stage is all set here m Singapore for as big an evacuee problem as ever confronted bombed out inhabitants of London or Hankow and Government has sched it by informing potential evacuees, "you make your own arrangements." Making
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  • 488 4 4 CZECH woman refugee who lies m hospital with a l>u)-I--I w ound m her lung does n«>t know whether her hu band, vii h whom she fled from Nazi 1 ;tsi cution. is dead or alive. Her name 1 i* Ueitruda Feiglova, 38, and she wa.s seriously
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  • 185 4 (J I S .i temporary porter on 11 the I MS. railwa) Lord Stamp, i halrman of the company, told hi I m a n to the The had dropped Hre fit m -i m the i >i>/ 1 (i d.s him with somel I his hands.
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  • 247 4  -  N comm€ ce-met r died abroad i!ad::n C j Singapore May, 1940. In a quiet, palm-fringed spot, Whtre the sun is not quite so hot, Under the betel trees I found, A plain while cross on a simple mound, S Name, rank, and number could be seen—
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 477 4 I Wfce: 3 feeling Oil Jfl When youi I I youi on edge from then is the time for tern responds t0 warmth and fi b through. 1: iijcv BovriJ j <lijiy, and build renew your en *ies with BOVRIL Agent 1 ttIPANY LIMITED 8 APB 7 Coughing, Strangling Asthma,
      477 words
    • 127 4 Piles Prim You Crai m ISnufl idl r.a. t n -xalA tion.s thii newt-H mi'iil at on I lie danfrfl inaroidiirS \ik'' i re! b i1 3 flC7i iirlTß A drop or two of MURINI= each eye will do uondm^ wards making them feel cop forcible. Use MURINE tt[. larly
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  • 662 5  -  L.S.D. ESv X klf n a Singapore kampoi al all< 1 by a Chinese family, m the "f as their an- rs have done for i:: J 7 1 China, and the same method, known a. the rope walk; has a b <*n used
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  • 337 5 LOOT GANGS RAID BLITZ TO WNS QRc; VNISED looting gangs ha\c appeared i:; heavily bombed towns, and provincial pt'licc Urces have been warned to be on tluir guard ;t-:iins( t!u m. The looters' method is to a.s *cue wo and to her goods into the lorries and pantechnii with which
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  • 255 5 .MA.t.-CjEN. Iven Giflford Macka\ nicknamed "Iven the Terrible. leader of the Australian forci. I which are playing .such a b'g pai •In the British successes In Lib\. 1^ a schoolmaster m civilian life h« admaster of Cranbrock Scho Bydn< y Nine months ago, hp landed m E^ypt
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  • 388 5 Butter From America Fined Bristol. T»HE Hon. Lailj (Alice) bingham \v;js niud $45 wiih $18 rests at Temple Cl< ud, mar here, for trying to obtain butter from her daughter m Ne* York contrary to the Rationing Order, 1940. Mr, U.S. Cx proseeul ing i the Ministry of Food, read
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 396 5 fylief in 30 Seconds from Tflisery of CATAR RHj Medical Compound Acts Like A/ajjie nfft^ ;o wail a day l":;- > i to rel vt Z mi^rv at i itarrh. < hemit ifiBSOP'KINL now medicdl compound ili.n Simpi) VRSODRINt l'W ca<-h nostril through the he ami i° c d
      396 words
    • 34 5 rHOMPSON OPTICAL Co j. ARCADE BUILDING Specializing; Oculai Muscle Anomalies. Crossed 10 yes. Intricate Visual /CTTx Glasses if needed. \fs-^^^ ft a. Thompson Dr. of Ocular Science. 15 years' Luiopran Clinical Experience. 'Phone SOO2.
      34 words
    • 598 5 v »fv^:-""' v^SgflßgfSsfl lift. ■■>"•: !vt>Aojx»g a N, vi*t %Mf''A irViv. '/rj2K|U|f x- .>, IflgPkr >U> '^r ■<. is&»Wv. 'mPoQ' H«<&4f>39§H^Bßg«HHflF rS^*''' 'gffflS .They are her Golden BLflffi^. P^jj^^'y A f!7^ her Hccth.un\ Pills j«£9 mm/ arc r urc '>' v cg»-'tyhlc, pcntle, vet .il. v \*y. J^\ clfcLtive.
      598 words

  • 1223 6  - A Woman Peeps At Singapore. Vera Ardmore By AWING to the petrol rationing, there was only a limited attendance at last Sunday's fortnightly dance, held by the Johore Royal International Club. Mi ny of the regular members living In outlying districts on their '.states doubtless found that their supply ol
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  • 60 6 Ripht: The temporary premises of 'lie Convent of the < -I Shenherd. Situated In the heart of r-»h--b«r nlintalion off Ponir g o I Roa'l, offers i home to j;irls and \von»en of all races and creeps, who nervJ a helping hand. Al>o v t
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  • 78 6 :Or;o the proposed attractions at the forthcoming Fair, to h<* leld at Johore on May 2nd. m aid -l the Wool Fund by the Women's Section of the Johore Brand 1 triotic Fund, is a baby ni If Uiis eventuates. Dr. j. N. Dug- 1•. Health Officer
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 296 6 3ICKIEPEGS IySSS V a y^^ a»t£i i y let Uv ri-thn«ht of a Kl< Ka' *'»!(iS arc In-' U XI N«ure meant your comolexioa and r< tn every day tn^t bones f'»r {i s int drying outer skin imper- t- -«"J r: Of the fresh I lie;, arc so designed
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    • 228 6 Build up STRENGTt VITALITY r\ LASTING ENERGY this T> IL sk M^^^^m I 1 mt ?s£w .Si When your body lacks vital Mioo and Vitamins, you get Rundown, fa Nervous. Replace these lost substrc rcmineralise your system ffldff will have found the way back tonA'. health and strength, and spaas
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 151 7 W///M fllSW4fc'V^--- a JfHBI nrnr'n iir-ni-rii n-rnr-Mr»-rii 111 vv\ m\\\\il\llll I I 'I//// f^»-- n Bodily and mental strain existing to-day constitute a supreme '111 v **ift»^^\ test on our powers of resistance against infection and illness. It /^S? V^o^iV Jill jMi never was so important to keep fit as
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  • 506 8 The Sunday Tribune Sunday, March 23, 1941. Upinion Local Education IJOWEVER unwholesome it may appear, it is a fact that all over the world necessity has made education th c handmaid of trade and commerce since mediaeval times. Thus the former has been made subsi rvient to the needs of
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  • 1440 8  -  Edward Ellis What Do You Want To Know About The Way) By COME people seem to think that journalists are prophets! The amazing number of questions one is asked by all and sundry pertaining to the war and the world situation generally, during the course of the
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  • 824 8 W. B. PATERSON OFFERS YOU REJUVO A Wonderful Panacea In Troubled Times nOUBTLESS you are not a weather export. Perhaps your knowledge of weather lore is confined to the primeval instinct which Inspires you to Reek shelter when it rains as it occasionally does m this country. Don't worry. The
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 630 8 w^tf 'JtJQp^ YOU can be healthy and grace i£soB»^SBi*».* l '^^h full/ slim without starvation <^^B tjPLi? I '*U^AiiE«f i BaJßMßlfe? diet or violent exercise, follow -n rule t •/PW* f 'fl£*i *r*^Sr- <Gbf A two Bile Bejf^ >'-*^ -B^^^bl wfl^ Bile Bean', i j fee! bettei gMj bb m
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    • 37 8 Miscellaneous 'i'H 1 104 I i 800 l "Practical Salesmanship" priced 2 4 with Calendar smt ro^t Free to gentlemen desirous of learning art of modern selling. Apply Box No 167 co Malaya Tribune, Sir- a pore
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    • 61 8 Protect Your l Ci= 1 Jp y V (un LUNGS j^^Swl M Dissolved m your mouth a Pep:, B SJ*ie lmfiw*W^B releases rich, medicinal essences IMrolW ■2JSSBWpj^^^ soothing for the throat; and give Topmervstt fi r b ?J? valuable protection for n uin 4 every tablet is "W^JXSS** you^ c
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  • 165 9 Several Ships Sunk, Claim Nazis Mar. 22 BIG .ship claimed vo have been Inflicted on British convoys In 1 German Command are not confirmed h« n and vm ably great aa i; customary One claim hips from a c onvuy link ofl the West' African co; the way to England,
    Reuter  -  165 words
  • 574 9 TRAI T RESS WIFE WAS AN 'ORDINARY WOMAN' lowd H er Dog And Garden k navy Sundown (Isle of Wight). Ah, l s|ontr "Hi his iot are sitting by the fire a< (heir mint T-ln Mh T"^ a d lhe b Bta m b™M«nunt a amthrrch.irdrannupt^ Ihefire. under uho 1
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  • 29 9 Th^ German occupation authorities m .France ordered the registration of all former residents of Alsace and Lorraine new living m other occuphd partb of France.
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  • 31 9 The righi to strike has been abolished Ul Norway, Rome radio report °d au differences between employers 'md employees are to br settled by a special otat department.
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 9 COOLING OFF s And Rita Hayworth, i Cohnnbia star, desern .< a rest t'.>o for shi fur; just finished ajecd vert m "The Lad y in c Question." soim to be seen at the Capitol m Singapore
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  • 600 9 Hyde Park Soapbox Orators Carry On London, Feb. 28. EIGHTEEN months oJ war and six months of air raids have made little apparent change m one of London's old most popular institution, the .Marble Arch rendezvous of soapbox orators and listening crowds. At this traditional gathering place on a corner
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  • 207 9 fairobi, Mar. 22. AX alleged overheard telephone call by the accused to Lord Krroll was mentioned m evidence to-day when the hearing of the charge against Sir Delves Broughton of murdering Lord Enroll was resumed here. The nr;> f Witness, Mrs. Phillis Barkas. who
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  • 20 9 JET „:TS«'. a?«? ciisDicion cf espionage. otabler is German but was nafumnsod as American m 1033
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  • 163 9 LUFTWAFFE BOMB BLAZING RUINS MR. R. <;. MENZIES, the Australian Premier, who is now visitIng Plymouth, left hi.s shelter durll;g a raid to-day and made a tour of the city regardless ol danget and insisted on lending his car for the conveyance cf women and chi. dren bombed from their
    Reuter  -  163 words
  • 159 9 "Sir Pat": A Threat AN the clay before the announcement that he had received a Knighthood threats were made against the life of Mr. i\ j. DoUan, Labour Lord Provost of Glasgow. He described the recent broadcast speech of the Prime Mini to Itnly as expressing the feelings of the
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  • 191 9 London, A NETHERLANDS naval officer has announced that several unfinished Netherlands warships brought across the Channel when the Germans invaded the Low Countries Last May are being completed m British harbours and would "soon' go into action. He added that the Royal Dutch Navy,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 109 9 Rheumatism Vanishes Like Magk Inc and removing the body aiul stiffness V"" 1 sw.-ni,,^ „f Aithrita Jnd Rheumat.Mr, the amazln X new dlHcovery Rumend If bringing ht-alth and happineS minutes after the I Run end vanish liko v ;1 f e w 'dljj melling. soron.'ss and stiffnesa of Rheuinatwm Arthritis,
      109 words
    • 558 9 THE RULES OF HEALTH I arc few and simple liSmt IRST l "i n^ m l^e morning even before washing !w»£^."!!s —think of Inner Cleanliness. For a clear skin, bright li e^ es ant^ l^ at nncr s P ar^le which is the secret of < loveliness, Inner Cleanliness i-;
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  • 181 10 l— 4* gY the end of March it is expected that the dugouts m Chungking, inducting private shelters, will have an aggregate capacity of 450,000 persona. Thii number represents a 50 per cent, increase over the total capacity last September. Together with the National Re- 1
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  • 1111 10  -  Holloway Horn By ARTHUR Rossiter had a very poor opinion of the firm of Josiah Lovell Son, Ltd. He rarely obtained an order and would long- since have ceased calling on them if it had not been for the second saleswoman m the hat department. Her
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  • 905 10 "^HAT extraordinary thing known as the morale of the British people has not got so much as a dent on it for all the thousands of tons of bombs dropped on it. The morale of tho British people is Hitler's main objective. So he
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  • 142 10 Polish Saboteurs At Work IN order to show the German public that the severe actions against the Poles m Poland and the Polish workers employed m r f m ai i, factori es are absolutely justifiable, the German press ls publishing a lot of facts referring ta U allS Po]Lsh
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  • 511 10 SUNDAY SHORT STORY •And at last you've succeeded > $he asked with a smile. Well," he grinned. "I may not know you, but I know you a bit bitter than before that ancient bird came m this morning. Look here now. I'm travelling for my uncle. I'm a sort of
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 539 10 Typewriter Repairs j We clean, adjust, repair fhi Rrid overhaul ZT^Ty*| all makes of ~Z&JKfcftsu^ Typewriters and |K£Mf£j[ Calculator* etc., at iiUfc Moderate charges Expert Mechanic* v Guaranteed Workmanahlo STRAITS TYPEWRITER AGENCY (SvtabUahad 1914) Stationers Repairers Change Alley. Singapore. 'Phones: 7770 2481. umckaloa¥o (IRES I'OXSrMPTIOX Tf v 'i arr wl<?«
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    • 17 10 Itch Germs Killed m 7 Minutes iilllßi temporary re.i,f •gj Nixoderm r^.r-^i Tor SJclo Trouble SSSf Mn
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    • 417 10 WHO'S THE "LIFE AND SOIL OP Tm> PARTY?'' Which are you— Mr. Cheery Dismal Desmond? You can through life like a wet blanket course, but it wont help y ou And think what you're mi^ n all the fun and sparkle Tf healthy, vigorous, full existence! 3 The trouble with
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  • 760 11 England 's Frosty Houses Serve Well In War T 1 T kto^vi .1 a London, Jan. 16. IJANSEN, the Arctic explore)-, is reported to have said on one occasion that the cold o f the polar regions was nothing to the chill of an English bedroom. I remember, for instance,
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  • Article, Illustration
    841 11 body can be warmed at a time, and that only by crouching right over the fire. Large fires can be found m public houses, where they form one of the devices to draw customers, and m military establishments, where the Government pays for the coal. wM<"h is
    841 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 393 11 INDIGESTION FORJEARS At Times Her Life Wat Unbearable 14 Now We Always Keep a Bottle of YeastVite TOStO TABLBTt In The House Dear Sirs, I feel I must write to inform 1 you of the wonderful benefits my wife has received from taking Yeast-Vite. For years I ahe has suffered
      393 words
    • 237 11 DIET FOR FINICKY CHILDREN It. isn't niwavs nauehthiess that mnkes children p-o off their food. T f is more often "N"erviness." tirpd digestion and the need for the stimulus of a new, palatable easily Finicky children respond very readily to Horlicks. They love its flavour. It keeps them regular and
      237 words
    • 606 11 BACKACHEI v^^^^l !i v^V\ i^bie! You iave b een warned f^Rlf?) KIDNEY TRO U B L E Did 'you wake aga:n this morning with a under the eye* and urinary irregularities atl bad back? Are you struggling through the tell you yonr kidneys art weak and sluggish. d&y, every twist
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 913 11 r/Z/5 1 WEEK'S QUIZ] -I 4 —Any one oi" you who has been **FgNORANT fellows, these Austra- i*JgTS2S tSS? the? e p ifSK Haps." said Tribquiz when he a book a, piigrim-a progress, it ii i ii/ was written by. rnmP into the Office thlS Week. We aiani ceci^e Bernard
      913 words

  • 127 12 New Nazi Policy In S. America? Santiago de Chile. Mar. 22. SOME surprise has been caused m diplomatic circles here by the meeting yesterday m Santiago of the German Ambassadors to the Argentine, Peru and Bolivia. According to the Minister of the Interior, only the German Ambassador to Argentina informed
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 55 12 New York. Mar. 22. The suggestion that Mr. Roosevelt may visit the Duke of Windsor, Governor of the Bahamas, at Nassau during the President's holiday cruise is made by the Miami correspondent of the New York Daily Mirror The sailing of the Presidential yacnt Potomac, adds
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 70 12 U.S. SAILORS IN SYDNEY SPEND $50,000 Sydney, Mar. 22. ON their last day m Sydney, the visiting United States' naval •squadron are again being feted. Ail were given free passes for the horse races and motor-cycle racing. The ships' baseball team is playing the locals. The banks estimate that the
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 58 12 Soviet Food Raw Materials Sought Moscow, Mar. 22. J\) the two trade delegations from German-occupied territory now m Moscow the Belgian and Norwegian has been added a third. A Danish delegation has arrived by air. AH are endeavouring to secure trade agreements with tha Soviet which is a large scale
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 102 12 Athens, Mar. 22. FRIDAY was yet another bad day for the Italians m Albania, the Greek artillery causing losses of men and material. Petrol and ammunition dumps, declared an official GreeV spokesman were hit. The Greeks, he said, were continually receiving confirm* tiun of
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  • 101 12 R. A. F. BA TTER LORIENT tish allies.- Reuter London, Mar. 22. FOR the third night In succession. Germany's Atlantic U-boat base, Lcrient, on the west coast of France, was attacked by RAF 1 bombers last night, it was authoritatively stated. This was the forty-ninth raid on Lorient of the
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 207 12 A GRAND WEEK-END ATTRACTION! EXCITING! ROMANTIC! REAL! Acclaimed by Enthusiastic Audiences Yesterday! 4 SHOWS 4 APIIOI TO-DAY: 11 a.m. -3.15 -6.15 -9.15 M.G.M.'s BIG SURPRISE HIT of 1941. I EVERY MAN WILL BE THRILLED BY IT! I EVERY WO>fAN WILL ADORE IT!! The JURY found her INNOCENT (but NOT TOO
      207 words
    • 116 12 niiffl^ll^l 111 GALA SCREENING EMPIRE t xi iit 7 pM 930 pM TNTVERSALS GREATEST 1 HRILL ACTION-PACKED SERIAL EVER SHOWN! THE FIRST SIX CHAPTERS 'v" m CHAPTERS ITO 6 r^Tflg^^ 4 KAGti Jam** CKAl^^%^ n iiittffi t FM>^> tW M &M& \~^^^^^^a^amf\. /QR Eavl X L^ M,° JB :^B fc
      116 words
    • 149 12 n 3.15 to-day PAVILION 3 v, I—^—— ACQJUMED BY CHEERING LAUGHING AUDIENCB| VISTi;i{DAY AS THE BESJ' SEEN IN MANY WEEKS! "^s^w^* '.^^^^^H I*"*«>«*«■■■»>■■■■»■■1 «>«*«■■■»> The Sensational Stars of "ALL THIS, AND HEAVEN TOO" and "THE SEA HAWK" together m A New Mystery Thriller! Opening To-day (Sunday) 23rd March I SHOWS
      149 words

  • 57 13 Moscow. i ihe "New Dawn" perfume faetery has begun pro- duction of a now "souvenir" j perfume put up m coloured S I tank-shaped bottles with gun turrets and wheels at- tached. S i The perfume is being- sold i /m commemoration of the > anniversary
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  • 100 13 Tokyo. Alar. 22:— Thr Foreign Minister, Mr. Yosuke Matsr.oka. imd his party, m two special cars attached to an international express train, will arrive m Moscow to-morrow en route to Berlin, according to a leport reaching here. Mr. Matucka and his suite arrived at Irkutsk
    British Wireless  -  100 words
  • 201 13 London, Mai 22 THE creation ot a block of 1 J4U.OUU.GOO people, stretching trom the Baltic to south-eastern Europe was announced as one of the aims of the Free Rumanian movement when M. Tilea, lately Rumanian Ministei to London, addressed the New Europe Circle m
    British Wireless  -  201 words
  • 91 13 pONATICNS of $1,914 have so iar teen received by the Committee Aye Fund lor the Relief of the Distressed Malayan Muslims m Mecca <due to the war). As the Fund closes on April 3. those who wish to give further donations are asked to send them &s cary
    91 words
  • 35 13 Dacca, Mar. 22. I'HE .situation is improving though th? casucuti >s are now 20 killed and 125 wounded, including an Indian deputy magistrate who was ':ibb (> d and Is now In hospital. Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 586 13 Edinburgh. /OBVIOUSLY tired as the resuit of an ordeal Uutting nine days m conducting her divorce appeal, a five-times married fthn actress left the Second Division of the Edinburgh Court of Session recently after hearing judgment given against her. She is Mrs. Ada Virginia Estes, or Lyons,
    586 words
  • 69 13 VECOTIATIONS between the 11 French and Tliai delegates m Tokyo for a now convention readjusting th Thai-French IndoChina border on the basis of the mediation agreement sign?d m Tokyo en Mar. 11, are progressing smoothly, the Thai newspaper Prapamitra reports. While only details are feeing worked out,
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  • 78 13 Melbourne, Mar. 22. MR. Tatsuo Kawai, first Japanese Minister to Australia, accompanied by an official of the Japanese Legation, arrived m Melbourne on Thursday morning from Canberra. Mr. Kawai will make his residence at the branch office of tlio Japanese Legation here. A n^w Japanese Consulate
    Eastern News  -  78 words
  • 45 13 OFFICER CH ARGED WITH INDECENCY C Singapore. Saturday. APTAIN D. Marr claimed trial when charged iif the second rt to*day with committing an ss indecency at a boardhou c at Tang.'in Hiu on Mar. Bail In the .sum of $1,500 with two uii-otips wq.s offered.
    45 words
  • 76 13 Delhi, Mar. 22. PROVISIONAL figures of the Cen--1 suo returns show that the city oi Bangalore records an increase o: 44 ocr cent, over the returns for ■931. The total population of Mysore State is now 7,250,000 an increase of 12 per cent, on the previous
    76 words
  • 83 13 Delhi, Mar 22. THE Standing Committee pro* 1 pesa! for handling resolutions arising from the recent 'Moderate Leaders' Conference m Bombay is not yet completed, but it is understood that m addition to Sir Taj Bahadur Sapru it wfl] include Mr Jamnada.s Mehta Sir Jagdisn Prasad, Mr
    83 words
  • 311 13 He Drew A Pig On His Wall Landlady Had No, Kedress MASTER JOHN R. DEWEY painted sna :< i s and ladders, noughts Ihd j crosses, and chessmen on h(» walls of a cottage he had rented near Weymouth. On the i)(di<>Oii]! was a dljawing of a man. a
    311 words
  • 87 13 Lucknow, Mar. 22. WAR Week began this evening m f? the United Provinces with a speecfa by Ihe Governor, Sir Maurice- Halle tt. who expressed his confidence that the Provinces would shew m no uncertain manner, that His Majesty's recent expression of confidence m India's support
    87 words
  • 84 13 London, Miir. 31. j\| R Jamea Pitman hai ix-t-nj r peonmeixded for election r^ a Director of the Bank ol Eiiglund by the Oout of Dhertois Of the bunk. Mr. Pitman, who is 30 yrars of &Xt is the- giandsDii of Sir- Isaac Pitman infentor
    British Wireless  -  84 words
  • 35 13 L(;ndon, Mar. 21: The Mini.stry of Supply ii, buying 100,000 tons or East African sisal of which 40,000 exceeds the United Kingdom requirements to help producer* alter the loss of the Continental market.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 62 13 SINCERE'S LIMOMS DRAUGHT The original non-bitter f~\ laxative /^yiy|\ purgative. j PRICE: 25 cts. per TfyC'jk bottle. To Wholesalers L^gjjj*^ special price on application. SOLD BY ALL PROVISION DEALERS DRUGGISTS. SINCERE DISPENSARY LTD. Wholesale and Retail Dl spensin X Chemists Head office:— 10-12, Hill Street, Wholesale Department: 59 > Hill
      62 words
    • 40 13 DANCE FLOOR OF A THOUSAND SPRINGS Scientifically Constructed to put 'Spring' into your dance. POPULAR SUNDAY TEA DANCE 7—9.30 MALAYA'S BUSIEST SPOT DURING Dance Time HAPPY THEATRE TO-NIGH* AT 6.45 9.15 'Military Academy' Tu .:^s m h^ta^ S "T--"4 WIVES"
      40 words
    • 121 13 Public Notice Return oi Employees (Form A) under Section 9 WAR TAX ORDINANCE FINAL NOTICE TO EMPLOYERS. Under the provisions of the WaiTax Ordinance every employer is required to make a return m Form A for all persons m their employ who receive salary or pension of at least $350
      121 words
    • 62 13 CATHAY to-day M a.m., 3.15, 0.15, |.ld It's Ihe An ion Film of the Week! UNITED ARTIST'S PRESENT HAL ROACH'S "CAPTAIN CAUTIOUT* VICTOR MATURE— LOUISE PLATT— LEO ARRIIXO Magnificent Battles! Tons of Laughs! ALSO PARAMOUNT BRITISH M:\VSitlKI.. OI'KSIM; TUESDAY 2.1 Hi MARCH In response to hundreds of requests aSr HlAT^i^ini
      62 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 453 13 ff^> l H [^W RJr'S^™ )I I II -|j~ Where T SINGAPORE /HI. r>:, m 1333 kis ZHF 1 JU '»0 m (,y s /Ml* s 41. 3 Sin 725 m /.HI. /.HIM A ZHP3. a m. 1100 The American Legion Band of HoJI.WAuod. California "Stars mi Stril r' Huncis
      453 words
    • 497 13 f f rwi tv o Listen In 10-Day BS=S;S SSS 8:8 SISJ Prora p 6% G Kotfr s 6 15 p m. to 8.50 p m nU.MiKUAt, SSfcfi-g metres 9 -5 1 m«s, F yi n.cs (31.4 metres) <.SD— 24 53 metres <U 75 mis, Froni ]2 2 P"». to
      497 words
    • 464 13 j TO-DAY'S CHURCH SERVICES ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL. Sunday. »;.5O am Holy Communion. 730 a m Manns sa m Choral Euci, 5.30 p.m. Special Serv.ce m connection With Day of National Prayer— PreachrrThe Rev. A S. Giles (Roya] Air Force). ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, Upper Serangoon Sunday, 8 a.m Holy Communion. 530
      464 words
    • 228 13 (111 Ma!ay)_R,-v. Dr R L Archer. Monaay, 8 p.m. Bible Class. Thursday 5 ,?n p.m. Pmyer Minting Mr. Chia Chye Koon. Friday, 8 p.m Gospe] Meeting "i h V Ur Mls Chl« Chye Koon. 16 Lorong 24- A. Geylang—Speaker Rev. Chew Hock Hin. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY r 2i lge Grove
      228 words

  • 501 14 S.C.F.A 2; R.A. (Heavy) 1. {V\E jjoal down at the interval, the S.C.F.A., with two successive victories scored recently scraped through for another two points when they just managed to beat the R< yal Artillery (Heavy) by the <>dd goal m three m a Division
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  • 207 14 NARROW WIN FOR CEYLON SPORTS CLUB THE Ceylon Sports Hub beat the Heavy Battery by 17 runs on the C.S.C. grounds yesterday. Batting first the C.S.C. totalled 97 runs, Doraisamy topscoring with 23 runs. Pierce was the most successful bowler taking" six wickets for 36 runs. The Heavy Battery replied
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  • 185 14 IN a swimming competition 1 held at the V.M.C.A. pool I yesteiday the V.M.C.A. swept I the beard winning four out of the five events. The competition was be- tween the V.M.C.A. and the S F.A.F.. U AA F. and the i Tiger
    185 words
  • 245 14 Indians Held To A Draw By Malays J^IIK Indians drew with the Malaya F.A. m a match played on the Indian Association ground yesterday. Batting first the Indians scored 127 tuns towards which Hera Singh contributed 31 and Lall Singh 26. Mohammed S hah took four wickets for 37 runs.
    245 words
  • 163 14 QJAM. the wandering, lieerdrinking, white tfoat of Hackney, is to join the R.A.F. His owner. Mr. J. Ashton. learned that, while Sam was a guest of the Hackney po'ice after he had been found wandering; m Marestreet—an R.A.F. officer had inquired whether his depot could Lave
    163 words
  • 246 14 AN early good stand between A. Vijaratnam and R. Yogarajah who scored 50 and 63~ respectively, failed to save the Railway Juniors from defeat when they met a Polic< team In a cricket match yesterday The Police wen by 19 runs, scor--171 runs tv tneir opponents' 152.
    246 words
  • 625 14 J^rx 'ornery men were shown their proper places yesterday when they met 15 irrepressible Ra-Ra girls at Basket Football on the Padang (for the War Fund) and lost six goals io three. It is understood very unoflicially that the very 'ornery men are
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  • 145 14 gROWN BOMBER Joe fisiic |h 'nnmoiion dewl ed his worlrr.s heavy weijthtSl Wv the fmn-teenth time 'at S I troit on Friday night A Reutei in«*ssa?e r.ceivH terdaj evening re ported that defeated Abe Simon, mi n aI V fl*H at Detroit, the fight eofo
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1117 14 NEVER HAD A MEAL WITHOUT PAIN Man Who Was Afraid to Eat One of the first people to try the scientists' newly-discovered treatment for digestive disorders Is a man whose stomach was m such a state that he w«\s afraid to eat anything. In his case the effect of Chardox
      1,117 words
    • 257 14 Advances p^ goodi and produce at tow be arranged with m. We also dffer Godows spaces to let at hi rentals. Further particulars will b supplied en application. HE GOT THE JOB A BRILLIANT CAREER IN BUSINESS I I e?J^2~~°* A c Salary Lifelong Employment T PROMOTION SUCCESS 7. PRESTIGE
      257 words

  • 1228 15 Timid Batting Indians' fault: Recs' Fine Display: Diggers' Match Upcountry fit? I IM|>il< rpHF padang i between the Indian Association and the J S.K.C. lasi week turned out to bf disappointing affair di.-tns proving no match for the Reca who won by an innings and nn< Timid batting,
    1,228 words
  • 30 15 Combined Army Team Infi Ar W si c.,**!!*•e lost t0 a combined air forces team last weekend. -Umpire- thinks the best has yet to be seen of the Army cricketers.
    30 words
  • 222 15 The Weeks Best Batting A nd Bowling 117 not out S. Ketnam, V.I. vs. M.8.5., K.L. f)7 not out Lee Soon We-a, S.C.X.C, vs. I A., Xl,. 72 Barnes, K.A.I vs. Army. 70 net out Wi 1 1 ia m, V.I vs. M.8.5., K.L. 63 A. Lewis, C.V.M.A. vs J.I
    222 words
  • 334 15 Roy Jansen Shines Again For Recs Singapore, Saturday. JJOV Jansen who figured prominently as a bowler last week when the Recs played the Indian Association, made a new mark for himself as a batsman this afternoon when the Recs met Western Depot on the Padangr. Jansen, jroinff m first bat,
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  • 180 15 gPLENDID batting by Waitea (86) and Tomlinson (26) gave the S.C.C. a live-wicket victory over the Manchester Regiment at cricket at Tanglin yesterday. Here are the scores: MANC HESTERS Pickles run out 3 Lsh< rwood b Waites 6 Ilakc lbw Turner 4 Gardner b Turner
    180 words
  • 321 15 London Eager For Boxing (From H. L. H(>i>kin) HAT there is a large and eager public for boxing was shown at the Cambridge Theatre recently, when a wartime venture kul a tremendous success. The theatre was packed, and there were many more outside clamouring to gel m. Obviously these afternoon
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  • 220 15 The soccer match between the Storai c and Wearnes m the ness Houses League played on rical Union ground yesterday end r d m a goalless draw. The match was evenly contested and <\ defence on boih sides prevented any scoring. Post Office soccer team de- feated th<-
    220 words
  • 305 15 Police Get Another Good Win JHANKS to the lively batting i Harbajan Singh and s. K. Sundram, who scored :r> runs each, and to Sullivan's bowling, the S.S. Police defeated the Mobile Coast Regimcat, X. A.. b} 71 runs and three wickets, i hen they nut at cricket on the
    305 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 41 15 "obacco, selected and blended by m Experts to give you constant enjoyment J^ i^ C °ol smooth and mild. ...yet deeply CORK TIPPED AND PLAIN 'atisfymg Try a tin to-day Cellophane wrapped m packets of 10 and airtight tics of 50
      41 words
    • 258 15 g^gs^ MY DEAR, YOU LOOK TWENTY YEARS YOUNGER!" f iflH ffk. Jf^E s jf i i Pv v w/ ,&£'-ss■ It sounds like a gross exaggeration— but it was clean>in^ with Innoxa Complexion Milk. Use il uof. At over fifty, this woman's face was smooth, during the day as a
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 51 15 TO-DAY CRICKET: CSC. v Army, CSC. CSC. v J.CS A.. .TCS.A.; S.R.C. v Segamat C.C., S.R.C. Indians vR.A.iB.M.), Biakan Mati; SC.C v R.A.F. (Seletar*, Seletar; Police v Fort Canning. Depot S.C.R.C v Loyals. Gillman; R.A.A.F. v R.A.F.. Sembawane; Trade School v Colts. Clemencenu Avenue: Singhalese S C v C.V.M.A., McNair
      51 words
    • 22 15 rim: table HIGH TIDES TO-DAY: 6.54 a.m.. 7.4 ft 8.55 p.m., 7.3 ft. TG-MORROW: 8.19 a.m., 7.6 ft 9.43 PJD 7.6 ft.
      22 words

  • 98 16 U.S. TO MOBILISE MERCHANT FLEET FOR BRITISH USE New York, Mar. 22. LANS for the immediate mobilisation of M. every available vessel with a view to placing fifty merchantmen at the disposal of Britain are rapidly nearing completion;, it is learned from authoritative maritime sources, says a Washington despatch to
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 216 16 planes raided a South-west coast town yesterday. The raiders dropped high explosive bombs at intervals for several hour^. Bfany people are now homeless and there were many casualties. Some private houses and buildings were shattered by the explosive* which were followed by incendiaries.
    216 words
  • 164 16 X'\\ Delhi, Mar. 22. TIIF Con Ural Assembly to-day passed tie Finance Bill by 40 vot< s lo 19. -Renter. The ccntisl budget shows a deficit rA tOZtWJDbC, for *****941 e*u2 a prospective deceit of £15,345.000 Tor 1041 IM2. The strengthening of India's deIrii.*;? iorces'v.ns exoected to c
    164 words
  • 66 16 "Italians Mortally Afraid Of Indian Soldiers" Karachi, Mar. 22. IfARACHI Is going to become an iinpcitant base hospital and cverai casualties from the Midd'e East war theatres will be trans.'.ried thereto." said the Governor t Sind, Sir Lancelot Graham, who paid a tribute to the noble part Indian troops were
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 267 16 TANGIER: NAZI PLOT AGA INST ALLIES I-ondon, Mar GERMAN agents ares m Tangier. The Chronicle points out 3 there appears to be a lr laid plot against KrhS! communications. j^J says the paper, if f ort would command th e proaches to the Mediu^ ranean, while to the sowi and
    Reuter  -  267 words
  • 213 16 FIERCE BATTLE FOR KEREN HOW JIRABUB FELL London, Mar. 22. fWE battle for Keren under blistering sun continues with attacks and counter-attacks, ard with (he extremely difficult terrain definite results cannot be expected immediately, it is stated authoritatively m London to-day. It was the force from Jijiga on and may
    Reuter  -  213 words
  • 98 16 London. Mar. 22. rHF Italian troops counter-attack-ed around Keren to improve their positions, says to-day's Italian High Command communique, which admits the fall of Jirabub "after months of heroic defence." f ihe British attempt to cross the river Dabus m western Abyssinia is said to
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 129 16 London, Mar. 22. TIIL (jcrnian Air rorce on Friday night raided Plymouth and showered incendiary and high explosive bombs on the town tor th. second ni^ht In succession on a "fairly hrav.v Scale. F.A.i-'. bomber operations, it is learned In London, were again restricted by the
    Reuter  -  129 words
  • 112 16 London. Mar 8 A DETACHMENT of the Rq Canadian Engineers TunneHs Company has returned to Enft aft?r three months' wcrk on 5 fortifications of Gibraltar, ha^ recently been relkved by anoi j Canadian contingent. All the men brought with th chunks of th? famous "rock* souvenirs.
    British Wireless  -  112 words
  • 139 16 British Tribute To Papagos I on don. M PENERAL WAVELL and Gta U Sir John Dill, states an 1 press me^sa^c. have sent a 1 ram to Gen. Papagos, tbi* -in-C. expre&sing admiratto he success of the Greek gainst the many Italian At the same time they c<£ elated the
    British Wireless  -  139 words
  • 106 16 •TANLFY LUPINO scores JP J hit m "Sleepless NighteJ >pened at the Pavilion yw« As a ncv/spaper reporter^ '.n \\> -ii.nmrnt. to m ~?*A ni]l'<!iiairi ;inr| rods Up WJ >iv thf millionaire's *J upino ha plenty of I nagnificent fooling nd md singln Folly is the
    Reuter  -  106 words
    • 90 16 MOSCOW, Mar. 22. The Re<i army manoeuvres m Siberia and at Kiev are taking place under circumstances which leproduce actual war conditions I lie keynote oi the piesent ti fining of the army under MarI hal T.'moshenko. The troops m the Siberian military- district have just
      Reuter  -  90 words
    • 349 16 ISclgiade, Mar. 22 Three Yugoslav General Stall < fficcn, it is reported from the fi outlet, have entered Greece "leaving theii swords* 1 m Yugoslavia. With the swords was a statement that they "want to fight immediately and without any cf the procrastination whiih
      Reuter  -  349 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 214 16 *S}&[ Mr. Can Mr. Cant fe^ AH HA' TO-DAY W£ A f HAVE &LLN J 7T\ HAVE THE SALESMEN'S V /P}> IT ALL THE WEEK, f DON'T' I V[^/ Jj CONFERENCE' Jl'^'l KNOW WHAT TO SAY. i2^lT\^ i) J 'MY fIcuRES AREN T J)x 0^ I^^^^ 1 1 -iw 1
      214 words