Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 16 March 1941

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 13 1 The Sunday Tribune 5 A.M. EDITION SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 1941. FIVE CENTS.
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  • 289 1 Rigours Ahead, But Victory Certain Admiralty Chief Says: V London, Mar. ir>. I Tilt \mu that this \ must 1 s< thi- launching of the most ruthless attack upon Great Britain by a vn\ powerful rnrmv, was e\- pressed bj Mr. V V. Ale\ S ander, First Lord of the
    Reuter  -  289 words
  • 92 1 New Acquisition To Russian Air Force Moscow, Mar. 15. FIFTEEN 7 experts m aviation and science are among the winners m the inventions section of the Stalin awards announced to-day. They include M Mikoyan and M. Gurievich, who have perfected a new lighter plane which is now mass prod net
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 194 1 R.A.. TAKE THE LEAD IN 'BATTLE OF FULL MOON' Offensive Sweep From Brest To Norway rm^ui i> 4 London, Mar. 15. gg K.AJ. s new Beau fighter aircraft which sprang into fame at the beinnninsfol the "Battle of Full Moon" scored a further brilliant success when the Luftwaffe was again
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  • 112 1 T li« poasial command aircraft ilso rulaed tnemy shipping, a'TjIromcs and docks at various Ktints on the coast of enemy ccupied territory from Norway to Ire.^t. Offensive patrols were caried out over enemy aerodromes by he lighter command aircraft. One nemy aircraft was set on
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  • 263 1 gNEMY ictifity last ni^ht was un a consideraljly large scale and spread over most pirts cf the country. The Ctydfl was again attacked, but the raid was net as heavy as on Thursday night. Damage was done to business premises and houses. Some people were killed and a large number
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  • 118 1 London, Mar. 15. ATTACKS on Glasgow, Sheffield Tilbury docks, Plymouth. Southampton and Leeds are mentioned fa to-day's German High Command communique. which states that heavy calibre bombs were used and large fires were caused. The sinking of two merchant ships and the damaging of a third m convoy
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 48 1 London, Mar. 15. MISS Lydia Hill, former friend of lfi H 11. the Sultan of Johore. Left £H>,970, or a urt peisonalty ot £K ,434, on which estate duty of £1.410 was paid. She died m bctob< i last m Canterbury during an
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  • 120 1 TWENTY thousand Japanese troops have been driven back by the Chinese forces west of [chang after four days' fighting, according lo press reports, which give these successes «reat prominence. If is staled that these Japanese troops wero pushing westward towards Szechuen along the
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 93 1 U. S. A e rop la ne Production Up New York, Mar. 15. THE number of aeroplane engines produced by tho three leading American manufacturers m February was 2000, according to the American Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce. This constitutes a thirty-fold Increase In production since September, 1939. At tho beginning
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 170 1 New York, Mar. 15. f J^HA r r the war has entered a new phase m which the U States are destined to play a vital role, 18 the iev ally expressed m newspapers and by radio commentators h< "The battle of
    Reuter  -  170 words
  • 142 1 Berlin, Mar. 15. official of the Turkish Foreign Office has arrived m Sofia, according to a Sofia despatch to the official (iermnn news agency. Tht agency asserts that the official is reported to be carrying- a written message from 'he Turkish President lo Hitler (presumably m
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • 49 1 Vichy, Mar. 15. Ten persons were killed and thirty Injured when a train near the Oporitse station m Bulgaria til Int." n cross!] bridge, according to a Sofia despatch to the Vi< hy n< i ncy. Tile cause o1 the accident U not known. Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 90 1 Yugoslavia Repels Nazi Overtures Zurich, Mar. 15. INCREASING confusion m tha situation between Yugoslavia and Germany is reflected m diplomatic messages reaching Zurich from Belj i The Yugoslav Foreign Minister, M. Xarowitsch, has postponed his visit to Berlin until nexl week. it is understood In weil-infoi quarters that Ck rmany
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  • 230 1 llasle. Mar. 15. THK German Fore ffn Ollice is preserving a tomb-l:k.' s Icnee on all political problems, pol t eal especially m Yugoslavia, stat< Berlin dispatch t.» the Basler Nachrichten. Livel> negotiatfonji are stated to bo In l r>£» ov he :i fl \<> oonnti ies "The
    Reuter  -  230 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 89 1 quality p ,s^s y no finer obtainable (L(0) L anywhere v\S?^A/ ec^use it has the superior flavour BBVb^flsflß^ and uali ty only found m imported wTTS 9 All our Australian Pork is Fill Sj i'm W eat fe d Pigs. We always have Mflfki LulllAlM a quod stock of LEGS,
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    • 76 1 Jjh» 1 Oft. JA a %.1 a .i. A From sunny vineyard to your tabl> conies this already world famous product of Empire. Infinite care goes Into V3U of its maturation, carried o^^^ under close Government supervision VvJ^ rN^^ trol. '-key- 5 Star is a guaranteed O^S^ > years old
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  • 135 2 Singapore, Saturday. "AUGHT rod-handed stealing v i Is irom a rd< n m KamT 3ul m p] d i li v when they A Conrad Oldham, m the Second Police Court, with having stolen 31 coconuts. Court Inspector Charles W. Such, prosecuting said that Chan Quee Boey.
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  • 744 2 (Malaya Tribune Staff Reporter) I" AST week's intensive defence exercises have; been officially recorded a success, and, on the whole, it must be admitted that the exercises surpassed all expectations. The public cooperated whole-heartedly m many ways, and m such a manner that
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  • 129 2 Impersonator Sent lo Prison Singapore, Saturday. A PLEA that he was forced to be dishonest because he was out cf work and had a child to support was made by an Indian. Ram Thari Rai. who was charged with impersonation In the Third Court this morning. Ram Thaii Rai admitted
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  • 231 2 Office Workers been Annual Holidays (Tribune Staff Reporter) XHE Association pf Non-Government Employees, Kuala Lumpur, is, it is reliably learnt, seeking the co-operation of employers m an endeavour to assist the clerical staff engaged by mercantile business houses m obtaining two weeks' local leave every year. Some employers, it is
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  • 112 2 Singapore, Saturday. BEFORE the eyes of his pupils. Mr V. A. Zasipkin, .well-known Russian artist, who was conducting a class at ths Zasipkin's School of Art at. Amber Manions at about 6.30 p.m. yesterday, had a sudden heart ek. Staggering into his rocm. be collapsed
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  • 34 2 London, Mar. 14: Tin openedteady. The turnover was 75 torus. Sellers w*re reserved. Africa bought, mederately overnight. Alter official, hours, the market more active and a further 115 tons were traded.
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  • 300 2 Singapore, Saturday. A CHINESE woman, Lim Huan Sea, who had been convicted and sentenced to one month's rigorous imprisonment, without the option of a line, by the District Judge on a charge of giving false information to the Police arising out of a motor
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  • 83 2 Singapore, Saturday. A CHARGE of attempting to send out of the Colony local and foreign currency, without a permit, an offence under the Defence Regulations, was explained to an English-speaking Japanese, Yakichi Ebata. m the Third Court today before Mr. L. C. Goh. The charge involves a sum
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  • 43 2 Singapore, Saturday. QAID to have attempted to extort money from a Chinese, at Weld Road, E. Menus, 29, claimed trial when charged before Mr. Conrad Oldham. m the Second Police Court, to-day. The cas? was postponed for mention en Mar. 22.
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  • 454 2 Singapore, Saturday. PROFIT of $28,708.21 was made by the Uadella Rubber Estate, Ltd.. for last year which is more than double the previous year's profit. This was revealed at the annual g\ neral meeting of the company held at the offices of Sime
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  • 40 2 London, Mar. 15. THE Prime Minister of Australia. 1 Mr. R. G. Menzics, has intormed the Governor of Northern Ireland that owing to unforeseen umstances, he will have to cance] his visit to Northern Ireland.— British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  40 words
  • 74 2 N Singapore, Saturday. o vessel ol less than 100 tons uross tonnage registered m the name of an owner who is an alien is allowed, while within the waters of the Colony, to be equipped or fitted with or carry wireless transmitting or receiving apparatus.
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  • 180 2 Coloured Film For General Screening (Tribune Staff Reporter) J^ COLOURED FILM depicting life m Malaya has just been received by the Malayan Agent m London/ Mr. G. E. Cator, and will shortly be receiving general screening, cables our London correspond H. L. Hopkin. Malaya,
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  • 115 2 Work Begun On Big Shelters (Tribune Staff Reptrtor) 1 APPROVAL of th« Singa. pore Improvement Tru i leccnt application fo i < v ,y. plcmenlary \oti» of s '»C 0,000 i for (lip construction of she!-' V Urv and bunding of th* r l rust's properties has bttn{ granted by
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  • 204 2 POLICE ACTION CRITICISED BY COUNSEL IN BREACH CASE Singapore, Saturday. U7H.EN the case oi 100 Kwee Liang alias Xv Cboet a former em] Bata SiioCo. came up before the actinj Fifth M .1 Sui Sec on a cl. f ci iminal breach I trust In respect of :U4 cases 4
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  • 74 2 Singapore, Saturday. BFICAUSE n woman who was police bail did not turn up t» fnce a charge m the Second Po&t Court, to-day, Mr. Conrad Oldhafc the magistrate, issued a warrant for h.r arrest The woman. Tan Poh Neo. 22. w* alleged to have wrong
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  • 79 2 Singapore. Saturday. THE attempts of a young Javanese and a Chinese to steal articw of clothing from tour houses Mount Rosi e and Malcolm WJ early this morning wire wug when they were B with articles m their p n Ahmaa bin Othman, agediMJJ Hen- Chan Kow,
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  • 58 2 Now Delhi. Mar THE Commerce Member oi 1 Government of India had talks with non-official IP on the Indo-Burma trade neM^ Uons. Discussion took P^SjLjj* the proposals ma ]e J*&l Government which were received m New Delhi. The act*, are expecting to hold a jr c discussion
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 396 2 WHO'S Tin; "LIFE \M) SOIL OF THE PARTY?* 1 Which arc you Mr. Cherry or Dismal Desmond? You can j,u through lift- Like B wet blanket, of course, but it won't help you much. And think what you're missing all thr fun and sparkli of a healthy, vigorous, full existence!
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  • 1025 3 V ORNA MNDSLEY, an Englishwoman, JLj reached Lisbon after spending c m Brittany among German troops ing invasion. She told this story to v Tribum correspondent. I) ri strange wooden >tion is m this picture? "••"> invasion float, one of hundred atony Hu French <•«»«:. i which
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  • 165 3 Crowd Flees OOYAL ENGINEERS workin^c on demolition m the City and passers- by had to run f< r their lives from a collapsing building. The soldiers, watched by a large crowd, were pulling down the high, ci d walls of a burned-out Iding m Newgate-street, near the comer of St.
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  • 90 3 No Ban On Medical Supplies Shiukwan. pOURTEEN categories of imported goods can be sent I free China regardless of countries of origin, as thej an badly needed for internal consumption, according to instructions from the Ministry Economics. The list includes cereals, cotton yarn, iron and steel, machinery. communication materials, cem
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  • 43 3 Policemen arrested Charles Crane, sixty-five-year-old post warden, of Coolfin-road, Custom House, E because he insisted on shining a bright torch upwards during an air raid. He was fined SIG at West Ham Police Court for using insulting words and behaviour.
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  • 955 3 fan YOI Answer Ti i.M|iiiv a YOU KG fellow came into the office the outer day and asked us some questions we had to think about. Then he <said that the very thing we ought to do was to help our readers to get rid of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 276 3 IF YOUR BREATH HAS A SMELL YOU CANT FEEL WELL' 1 nlen 2 pinM of Ihlo juic^ flow from our it>> our bowrla every day. our mo vein- nts v< t hmH an'! constipated and our Torxl decays unnaturally m our 28 feet ©f h*>wi I-. Thia decay smfl3 poi^nn
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    • 1071 3 Off Work 2 YEARS In Hospital I S MONTHS A STOMACH SUFFERER'S GRATITUDE TO YEAST-VITE Dear Sirs, I wish to write and tell you how your YF. A ST-VITE Tablets have done me a lot of good. I have been off work ftr two years and m hospital for five
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 97 3 ANSWERS ■IM,H-IJJJO\' «fj eiojaq «>m Ml ik»\ f v £1 •uoiißn^is pair.)i|duioi v ju.»ip,>qosi i j< T uosauu^x Ll "sjca.C pnvsnoqi v 01 'urn '-i 'sicnb.l si if ■1 JdAies !i()uoiv 11 ~M SB M »Bjoaf> tuojcq.o Ijks.m; -jj 18 <•>) UHHI (q> !aan3 jo 91 ihjoaa (r) punoir sjvsrd
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  • 211 4 CLUTCHING a doll tightly m h( r aims, seven-3'ear-old Geraldine Howard, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Howard, of Comer-road, Ched-' dar, stood on a chair m Axbridge (Somerset) Police Court to receive a parchment certificate! awarded to her by thfe Royal Humane Society.
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  • 486 4 BOMB PROOF SHELTERS FOR SCHOOLCHILDREN King's School Leads The Way (I*y Our Own Correspondent) AIR RAIDS at least, mock air raids hold no terrors for children of King's School, Singapore's school for European children. During the passive defence exercises last week, when several daylight "raids" were conducted on Singapore, the
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  • Article, Illustration
    82 4 h OsX)C Edgar ping mpplies must always dp. Safe from blast and splinters, these children of King's School m Fntcrsc?i Road are obvio ijoying themselves m < ne o1 the jour trench shelter, providi i tht m i 1 Tiic c ■fu W at c yei h n
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  • 65 4 Chungking. Approximately $1 million worth of uniforms, rations and munitions were gutted by fho set by a Chinese unit which br< ke int i Wuc] the cx-H c ipital, Hankow recently according belati d report Fighting their way Into the intersect'on cf Pingyu and Chungchen* m
    Chinese Central News Agency  -  65 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 648 4 When your vitality is put to the test When you are beginning to feel the train, then is the time for Bovril. As soon as you start drinking Bovril you feel refreshed and invigorated Bovril is so stimulating and delicious. A cup of Bovril taken daily guards against fatigue and
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    • 44 4 Miscellaneous sX^ E 4 age Bcok "Practical Salesmanship" priced 2 4 with Calendar sent Post Free to gentlemen desirous of learning art of modern selling Apply Box No 167 I co Malaya Tribune. Singapore THE SECRET OF CHAMPIONS Good health is the first requisite
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    • 201 4 I '^cfo/ 1 t Li v Baby Cough Syrup Excellent for Children's Coughs, Colds and Chest Ailments s\v::rT to administer 40 cents large bottle Price: -."> cents small bottle plication. Special Price to icholesalersn SINCERE DISPENSARY LTD. Wholesale and Retail Dispensing Chemists, Head Office:— 10-1 Iliil street, Wholesale Department: f>:>,
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  • 1445 5 > H. L. HOPKIN TELLS HOW GRAYS FORECAST IK/f( Loadoa, Dec. 19. [\J Si ol us rememhir the pod Gray, if w t remember him at all. as Ihe author, of th<> 'Elegy written m Country The curfew tolls the knell ol nartmg day"
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 551 5 Chinese Countcr-AUack tiungkiag. rjiinese have ••tinted oun tcr-att:ick: Shutting on Southwestern Kwangtung coast, according to tteld dispatches. The Japanese have ben driven buck to Shuiting from the north by the Chilis S i.s go: ii". o n In other sectors m southwestern Kwangtung Chin* ntral News. j| r J S
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    • 204 5 Dr. c. Nadarajah. Mrdicr.i outt. Orade 11, S. S Mtdimi Bervlce, has t»»i. tseronde for service under r Gnvnii>io:it of Trengganu WHITER SKIN makes you look prettier, younger! TRY THIS AMAZING NEW WAY TO EXTRA CHARM AND BEAUTY No more can Malaya's sun deprive you of the pale loveliness that
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  • 1495 6  - A Woman Peeps At Singapore I I Wiu-vs Mr. and Mr. Gordon Minnigerode gave a party las' Saturday evening to about fifty of i theii friends, to meet charming j Mrs. Alec Bellamy of Penan 1 (he hostess served some American dishes for which her home state, Alabama, Is well-known.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 413 6 DERMINA OXYGEN REDUCING t= X^ Tl CRFAM M^ A i i uj's' *«''X WT*IIATEVER yuur features, nothing counu .<> J^*fgßH. i^MUß^Bfc^' ir tim r'c' l >"n and an M I iBSPJE K^Sb :il ".km. And Nature meant your tomI '^^^^^"^"■^^P^iJ^fc scs > lnil Preserve the and gl I I 1
      413 words
    • 258 6 A London Lady Severe indigestio Corrected By Dr. Williams' Pink Pi M Boma tune ago I began to surfer** severe indigestion." states Mr*. J. of 73. The Vista, Eltham, London. TLs terriblf pains m the chest and couMj eat, I k'«'w irritable and di pressed; !i wav.s felt tirt'd. lost
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  • 1751 7  -  C.E. Wurtzburg M.C. we >n: >nti ;n ISv M K l .>'<•• -"trihuus the follows arll rte lll(1 member series m "ItritM, Malaya"' "rived m Penang mi n Beple«ber, 1920, left the shin Uwre and had a quick look at Kuala I umnnr .i
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  • 256 7 'NEVER DIE' BID ENDED New York. Dec. 17 AMERICA'S most famous baby, Jean Gauntt, the ffoldcn-haired child selected by the Royal Fraternity of Master Metaphysicians to be brought up "so that she would live for ever." is goin^ back to her mother. The experiment m immortality is over. Metaphysicians who
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 57 7 SINCA WATER sA V'/r P MINERAL WATEJR from the S.-lctar Hot Spring, Singapore. An alkaline drink vith excellent corrective properties ®FgN ISsBBBBBk .^^SBSBBaB BBP— [T^y XSA^^^^^y M f N. -,-J —7 71 #>& r 1 1 1 /.r.i i t~i A S R I N -t* V wti> 1 >
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    • 121 7 Piles Curbed m 10 Minutes Don't let itrhinp, blooding, Internal or protruding Piles sap your vitality, ruin your nerves, and drive you crazy with pain Chlnarold the recent discovery of an American ph3*slcian stops the pain In 15 minutes so you can walk, ride, work and enjoy life m comfort,
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    • 282 7 WHY White Trails Are Left By Planes Combating tyjCST people m Eritain these days This space is colder than the sur- have seen a '"dog-fight" be- rounding atmosphere and the molstween British aeroplanes and their ture m the sky at once form? Itenemies. And all have :|en and self into
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    • 642 7 PROSTRATE for a whole day with fr^ GASTRIC PAINS h^' TnnJtVH 0 5 MiSS B C lnd le s t,on. na« sunered With a gastric Wind, Flatulence. Biliousness, even Stomach. Her trouble was a tne m ore serious Gastric Ulcer, remempleasure. The attack would start ture "alfx. c. Maclean •on
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  • 517 8 The Sunday Tribune Sunday, March 16, 1911. Opinion A Colossal Menace FROM timo to time cases come up m the Colony courts throwing revealing li^ht on the false sense of values and unorthodox economy to which a large section of the Asiatic wage-earning classes are still susceptible. The Money Len-
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  • 1282 8 EDWARD ELLIS SUGGESTS A Solution Of The Eurasian Problem HOW CAN YOU HELP? lyilCH has recently been said and written about the problems of the Eurasians, or, shall I say, the Eurasian problem? For, it is a problem. There have been requests lor a change of description of Malayan Euraskm^
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  • 65 8 rOWICTS and prisoners in[ British j;?i!s are now nearly! all engaged on work oil national import n Reports i d from prNon grovernors indicate (hat they! rl to he able t(» help t h« ir courtrv m this way. Moreover, thtv ;\v getting wages for the work thoy
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  • 839 8  -  W. B. PATERSON Says IL.i with brown-outd and 1 black-outs, Malaya has htul a time oi it. All that is necessary now to complete the proi gramme is a full-Mown washi out and a number one size m blow-outs. The wash-out no doubt will come
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 687 8 for The Blood, Veins, Arteries and Heart And Stop Limping DONT let l>eg Troubles cripple you. Take Klasto, the Great New Remedy that cures through the blood, and have done with enforced rest. worry, sutienn^ and expense. Leg aches and pains soon vanish when PAn tto *s taken. Painful,
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    • 63 8 Shave with a Valet "—it is simple, quick and efficient For with a "Valet" there is nothing to take to pieces, nothing to unscrew. Stropping and cleaning are a matter of seconds, and every blade gives .1 perfect shave for week- on end rhepo^u/arV/\/.£r'99 t Set,os.//ustrotedabove,cons/3ts of 0 new, /mproved
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  • 142 9 "HITLER WILL PAY FOR HIS CRIMES" *KfTCH llnP "m-w s ,-jer- h-v *dom and to German I rUinati d unaer the 'of a n. Pka, techosli to th< on the ,vp of th< y oi titler's march We can disc i first part of he new We hmip» till pay
    British Wireless  -  142 words
  • 175 9 RECORD SPENDING BY U.S. ON BRITISH AID $7,000-MILLION BILL TO BE MET B V BONDS FROM 10 CENTS UP Washington, Mar. 15. ONE of the fastest spending- programmes m the history of the country is predicted as a result of the passage of the Lease and Lend Hill. Responsible officials
    Reuter  -  175 words
  • 133 9 London, Mur. lb. jam. marmalade, syrup and trea- Cle will, from Mar. 17 bo ruS a group known i ■•> Tl tion of Dreves per head pe r month wii' dl gnt ounces Announcing the scheme the Mm- of Food explains that the hitherto has been
    British Wireless  -  133 words
  • 165 9 London, Mar. 15 THE Ministry of Food, has made 1 <m order conferring upon any i] authority except th e councils of boroughs m the areas of the London County Council, power ive directions to caterers within the area. These directions may be Riven
    British Wireless  -  165 words
  • 94 9 New York, Mar. 15. The construction of a new divebomber .superior m every respect to any other m the world has been announced by the CUTtiM {ht Corporation. The new '.ve-bomber. it Is stated, will carry Jrice the bomb load of any model »t built, and
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 156 9 London. Mar. 15. DURING the firsi 14 nights ol March, the enemy has lost 29 night raiders. This number incudes 11 which are known to have fallen to fighters, anti-aircraft guns and other (unspecified) means last night. In all. 136 night raiders have been
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  • 373 9 Britain 's Answer To The Night Bomber />' R Ivh WaUnr,' Renter's air corrcspovdcjit* London, Mar. 15. DRITISH night fighters who destroyed 16 German bombers m two nights expect further successes while the whole of Britain ia bathed m brilliant moonlight. It must not hv supposed that they will ho
    Reuter  -  373 words
  • 89 9 London, Mar. 15. THE War Savings movements has 1 attracted over 675.000 Canadians who have pledged'veto buy certificates while £984.647 has been .subscribed In the Dominion as non-interest bearing loans. These figures appear m the lLsl or financial contributors from the Empire which also states
    British Wireless  -  89 words
  • 82 9 CLERIC'S CRUELTY TO WIFE, DECREE .(From H. L. Hopkin) London, Mar. 15. THE matrimonial secrets of a London clergyman who drank excessively and beat his wife were revealed m the Divorce Court when the wife was granted a divorce. The clergyman was the Rev. Herbert Elliott Bamforth, and the petition
    Cable & Wireless  -  82 words
  • 190 9 Bags Bomber On Practice Flight London. Mar. 15. TIGHTER pilots, even when enRaged on practice flights to tes f recently-overhauled aircraft, have to keep their eyes skinned for the unexpected enemy aircraft m ;ht neighbourhood. How they react to l he emergency is told m the com :at renort of
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 75 9 Straits lyptwriter Agency (Established 1914) STATIONERS REPAIRERS.. 14A, Change Alley, Singapore. OBTAIN direct tfroni us all kind! TYPEWRITI Hiiv The B«-sf I PI WRITER RIBBONS \M> Ring \is up for your 1 order, and i imr> Thorn* NOS, 7770 ft !4KI. yttEßf gB r W «H )id you MACLEAN your
      75 words
    • 282 9 WEAK KIDNEYS CAUSE RHEUMATISM Only a Kidney Restorative can help you Rheumatism is usually due to weak, When you start to take De Witt's si ug-gish kidneys. These very important Pills you have positive proof within 2A organs, when working healthily, eliminate hours from the first dose that they are
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    • 870 9 Heart Trouble Dangers Due to High Blood Pressure Valise fnanjr .hr^^h^^^^ [PI Z Z I N E S yfe7l j fJAf Dangerous Symptoms r^^ 4>JL BSSB^BVB^B^BVS^BSBIBB^BBVBafIBaaaBaSBSasaaa^BSSSBS^BSB^kB^^Sw Mf VORY i Check These Symptoms JIAMU^l N^| ith Your Condition [brXmJ IJ Before It Is Too Late Tlio Hyps of thousands, yos, millinnn
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  • 2566 10  -  Christopher Beck Your Sunday Short Story by Whpn gold brings out the evil m men they way become beasts Death stalked close m wild country but when it struck ((J J V L L O ,1. f— 1 Jerry'" J- -JL Jerry Attics, half-asleep m a
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 584 10 TOO TIRED TO ENJOY A REST? "IHow do a fed towards the end of tho day eag*r to get the washing-up dono and tin k tho kids into bod looking forward to cheerful evening with tho radio Or do you flop into a chair too worn out to enjoy your
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    • 146 10 9 Jw4 And smart men /f W Ay always use Anzora |Ky for their hair. The reason is that Anzora b^ the best, most healthful h«i f 5 i dressing you can buy Prevents scuri r fl dandruff, and^ S (ESSt the hair mi n q. cond.t.on arKJ> T, L
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  • 961 11  -  L.S.D. By CHINESE USE IT IN MANY STRANGE WAYS r £\\K present paper shortage m Malaya affects all sections or the community from the larg-e business house to the amall shopki eper, and of this latter group, one who is especially affected is the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 304 11 Qmo&m ASEPTIC OINTMENT TO THE RESCUE gp\ 12 Months mfs skin *3SUFFERING UH/I i'e-r still another ca^e of V> I I Vml G#rmo -Il#slt r heiliriß m X^BtMn 1 wwyer ye ii"T'i > v illenng WJbkJ^Mf/ii wijK-d awjy I 1 hmk of the irritation— the unsightliness T/' the mental anguish.
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    • 113 11 Arthritis Cause Fought m 30 Minutes By dissolving and removing tha body ns and acids that cauiw ii.. Horonesa and •welling of Arthritis :m<l Uheumatism the amazing new discovery Rwnu'nd i^ bringing health and happiness i.i thousands of one-time sufferers, m .<» minutes after the first d"s<- ot Rumend paint
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    • 326 11 i Nasty Acid JB Digestive Trouble Bl JM jSsyySR Take this Advice and l s I EAT WHAT YOU LIKE 0 That excess outpouring of acid Jn the stomach is the g] cause of almost all forms of indigestion. But although foj this acid can ouickly be neutralised, it does
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  • 183 12 (Tribune Staff Reporter) J^ RACKET similar to that employed at cinemas, which is said to have cropped up m recent weeks m regard to tickets purchased from local shipping companies, has been discovered and countered, it is understood. Recently many local Indians sent their iamilies back
    183 words
  • 111 12 London. Mar. 15 PURSUED by R.A.F. fighters and harassed by anti-aircraft del'ences. raiding planes over Britain during last night appeared to have been more of a nuisance than destructive as, although they were leported to be over many districts, often for a number of hours, the
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 89 12 PRODUCTION OF U.S. SHIPS TO BE SPEEDED UP Washington, Mar. 15-' nRESIDENT Roosevelt m a woviu r broadcast to-night is expected here to state that he has no intention of weakening the United States fleet by aiding Britain. The belief is expressed that Mr. Roosevelt v ill make a "rather
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 71 12 Vichy. Mar. 15. RECENT reports of disturbances m Syria are confirmed m a despatch fiom an official Vichy news agency at Beirut. The correspondent says that demonstrations have occurred m Damascus since Feb. 28 on the pretext of a light increase m the price of bread All
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 38 12 London, Mar. 15. •y-HE Home Office states that an Order m Council has been made declaring that St. Patricks Day. Mar. 17. shall not be a bank or public holiday m Northern Ireland. British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  38 words
  • 391 12 London, Mar. 15. even m Nelson's day had the Navy's task been BO difficult and so dangerous, said the First Lord of the Admiralty (Mr, A, V. Alexander) at a Parliamentary press galler.s luncheon vesterdax •But what has been accomplished m the last ten months."'
    British Wireless  -  391 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 261 12 The RIGHT SHOW FOR YOUR WEEK-END ENJOYMENT! d %l»IIJkl I 1 SHOW S < aim ior I to -daw II AM 3.15 6.15 9.15 New Universal^ Latest SEX-PLOSION of the Season ROSALIND RUSSELL and i^, *<*y^ VIRGINIA BRUCE k^ JA i 1 1 1 IZ- lj i^v 4i 1^ r
      261 words
    • 132 12 The CAPITOL'S NEXT ATTRACTION! LOVABLE WALLACE BEERY at his Best! In a new M.G.M. Epic of Adventure? Kick Of 20Mules| l Mj/ri/Vwun STARRING RFFRY w M Leo CARRILLO Marjorie RAMBEAU Inn BAXTER Douglas FOWLEY WDlr*c4*4 by UlcHord H«*r^« |fr^vc^ by i. W«lt«r Rwb*« MALAYA'S MOST POPULAR DA]S€E PALACE PACKED OUT
      132 words
      75 words
    • 233 12 TO-DAY at 11 a.m., 3.15, 6.15 S Z4i It's Uaretreoi jJ c^vX. P ar °dc of youth and fres^i, g Oy yn^BS foces that took os f hough f/»ey> c W\ RICHARD CARLSOIT^I^ i i O DES! ARNAZ HAL IeROY G^ Otl \^^/"O BKO RADIO PICTURE W^j Also MARCH OF
      233 words

  • 470 13 SWASTIKA IN STORE— THE ANTITHESIS (Tribune Staff Reporter) I r l a swastika all right at least its emblem is. Only at this particular one, of the World Re:l Swastika society, with its Singapore branch m Orchard Road, is of a design of which Adolf Hitler's imitation is the ict
    470 words
  • 128 13 ACTION AT THE CATHAY ENTERTAINMENT The clatter of galloping hooves returned to the Cathay yesterday m a sturdy action picture of laughter and romance. "Texas Rangers Ride Again." John Howard. Texas Ranger hero rides a-ainst a "modern" band of rustlers who bar no holds. His romance with Ellrn Drew as
    128 words
  • 778 13 F|THE theory prevalent m England that anyone could become a teacher has long been exploded. This theory was never relent m Eastern countries, particularly m Malaya where the words "guru" and (< munshi >> have a tradition of respect. Let us see how
    778 words
  • 188 13 A DFI.IGHTFUL potpourri of n items was presented last night at the Victoria Theatre by the Repertory Players m their latest reduction. "VaudevTle." The skits were naughty and bright, and the producers kepi their promise by putting on a "real barrack j show." I Carl Lav. 'son
    188 words
  • 113 13 —up London. Mar. 15 THE arrest m Berlin of an American journalist named Mr Kichara Hotlelet was announced oy the official German News agency this (Saturday) morning. Mr. Hotlelet is said to have been strongly suspected of espionage for a foreign power and is described as
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 245 13 QUARTER of the French Empire moiv than 1,000,000 square miles flung across three continents and as many oceans has rallied to the Free France banner of General de Gaulle. In Africa the mandated territory of the French Cameroons. constituting the greater part of the former German
    245 words
  • 33 13 Strength Of R.C.A.F. Over 50,000 THE Royal Canadian Air Force o v as °lerI er ***** strong on Peb 19, according to a report fi'ed m tni Dem :iion House of Commons Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 409 13 Ktiinburgh. PRl\ ATE detective who was employed to obtain evidence m connection with divorce proceedings was described as a "thoroughly unscrupulous man." by Lord Aitchison, the Lord Justice Ck-rk, m the court of session here. He is one of three judges hearing an appeal by Mrs. Ada
    409 words
  • 200 13 T,,n f London, Jan. 6. HE firs broach of action for many y,ars m which .the pWntffl US a man is listed for hearing before a special ,tTr.M,s h sr?3> durii the niiary sitti p 4 re denck Willi^m Mitchell, 64, of
    200 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 45 13 W/ IJ\ T j Ciood taste dPinands different classes for rt 'T«'rent occasions. "on t be careless about the glasses you Consult: HJ[zel(ielz Sen} QUALIFIED ophthalmic OPTICIANS ONLY ADDRESS 10 1!. THK ARCADE BLDG. Entrance; Kaflles IM.ict a rc»l|\»- r Qu.ts TELEPHONE: 3919. APB 3a
      45 words
    • 44 13 I CATHAY /g SHOWS T DAY 11 a.m.,,, 6.15, 9.15 BOX OFF ICE 'PHONE 3400 WITH I VT?\y J A Happy Cast m a Jolly Picture! Action! Adventure! Laughter! Romance! Also H.M.I. Documentary "THE ROAD TO VICTORY" ana Paramount British News Reel fc—^
      44 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 512 13 >^.^-^*-*~~*'"'^r M mt l~fsgfy E ...P LAY Y- 'C I [no -comepiayji I Henry n. X henry/ y^^-^v-^-^^^ u^^v-^v^. henry/ 'X J WIF wifM r r O^f^u j TO-DAY'S CHURCH SERVICES I I 1 Surri T ANnREW 'S CATHEDRAL. Jlul Prldaj 8.00 p.m. Th" »5Tm (> 50 am Hl :v
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  • 133 14 Bombay. Mar. 15 TIIF. all-party conference's de- mand for reconstruction of the Viceroy's Executive Council is described m the Indian press as moderate and worthy of consideration. The main point m the resolution was a suggested reconstructlion of the Viceroy's Executive Council, which at present
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 75 14 AMERICA MEANS BUSINESS London. Mar. 15. MR A Harriman. President Roosevelt's representative to co-ordinate the arrangements for the United States' aid to Britain. arrived at Bristol airport this afternoon from Lisbon, where, according to a message from Lisbon, he dtlayed his departure m order to meet Colonel Donovan, Mr. Roosevelt's
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 83 14 New Delhi. Mar. 15 THE Raj has decided to appoint a committee for the collection and organisation of war exhibits lor the Indian War Museum. Th^ t xhibits will form a record of India's contributions to the Empires war effort. The trustees of the Imperial War Museum
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 262 14 THFRE were several accidents yesterday. In one case, a woman, v ith severe bleeding from the bead, was picked up m Pekin street. She was said to have sustained the injury when a brick fell on her. In another case m the morning, a Malay cadet of
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  • 85 14 London, Mar. 15. rHE Italian High Command communique announces that British mechanised troops on the GorahiDaggabur road were bombed and machine-gunned by Italian air•raft. It Is pointed out m London that this is the first admission by Italians of the swift British advance nto Abyssinia from the south-east
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 12 14 Italian airmen prisoners on arrival a( a London railway station
    12 words
  • 328 14 Customs Beat Stamford Sports Club Four-One Customs I; Stamford Sports Club. 1. OLAVIXcJ against a definitely better team the Stamford Sports Club was defeated by the Customs by four goals to one m a l)iv. 2V> League soccer match played on the Fairer Park yesterday. A feature of the game
    328 words
  • 119 14 (Tribune Staff Reporter) J_ilK first and only appointment to date this year to the straits Settlements Civil Service is that of Mr. L. V. Donough, Eurasian Special (lass Clerk attached to the Colonial S< cretariat, Singapore, it is reliably learnt. Mr. Donough, who is 35 yi old,
    119 words
  • 58 14 0 Cairo Mar 1^ PERATIONS by the Abyssinian ;t P :itn ot forces co-operating with the Imperial troops continue to devc'op successfully m the cential western and southern disti v I of the country. states to-ci i brief communique from the British O HQ. adding that there is
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 329 14 LACOSTE TO BE FRENCH TENNIS CHIEF London, Fob. 4 T AWN Tennis enthusiasts have probably been wondering what has happened to the famous French players. News is gradually coming to hand. Jean Borotra was recently apI pointed Commissioner for Physical Education and Sports, and now ho has asked his old
    329 words
  • 45 14 y/»H won the Knowles Cup when 1 he beat T T. Kamis 7—5, 6—3 m th< VM.C.A. tennis tournament. li' s for to-morrow are; Open men's doubles: Liin Hee Chin imd C. Y. Koh vs. P. X Tan and A. S. B. Paklr
    45 words
  • 57 14 Bombay, Mar. 15 THE death has occurred In Pan:, 1 ol Sir Dadiba Dalai, who was ■nc first Indian Hit>h Commi, sioner m London.— Renter > c ir UiKiiba. who was 71 years old EiPfesented India a t the Hague nor S re iJ ICO aiX
    57 words
  • 44 14 Japan Rebellion Case Ends A TRIAL f1 bJ^A ago ended m thp ci «i t day with the 2 P! )|fl :ir( (I Of of* h(il: 1 t ><t, wc-e SI which th,- fir fnent k lK] from acquittal but vw? 1 Reuter yd
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 55 14 MR- Herbert Fvatt m l n astS labour Member of th/S Wai Council, the proLfl Ausl Labour pK*! nciJ should be enSJI approve by Mr^H the Government. "N Mr. Evatt rccrntlv c-eau sation by signing o ir tIS court to contest a sari ral
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 213 14 All over Malaya, there are m» Jl men who are gradual]/ toZl First their cheeks begin toil thinner— then their dreues «1 seem to ham; a lifle more ]SL They try not to notice— but hnunted by a dread they will
    213 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 404 14 lvLo*?^[ \Greatest jff^ cure \^sj Banishes Eczema. rOR the successful treatment of skin troubles _B^/ V_l^ and injuries Zam-Buk is the finest remedy m /^l the World. Smear this wonderful ointment over _^^K>'- > ri Jjßv any cut or sore and it will heal quickly and safely. Uh/ flKf The
      404 words
    • 132 14 UMCKALOAi lOXSI MI»TI§ If you arc wise you will \ttr.m experience of others and try A rlghtaway Instead of spendtal J^B monpy on orthodox remedies. U^m crlptive literature and unsolHWß monlals will mnvinrp you. Hr*. 1 of the many reoMved: Slngapoie writes: "Before I tttt^w loaba mv weight was 8
      132 words

  • 1019 15 (IK I in |> ii< ijUNBURN is becoming cjuite generaJ now. a „u rt. sißn lh lt 5 eriekef Is well In its stride. There have been some line L^^eason performances ard if thin-s go on at this rate and jaivnin i«nd bowlers tune
    1,019 words
  • 175 15 ai:-. a p Hadow, the well-known chairman and director ol rubber comp&nlet doing his bit once again lor kai,r and try. Mr HadOW i B lieutenant m the Upper Tl m IMtrol (Home Guard i. Prior to Mr. Hadow's coming out io i m 1909, Where
    175 words
  • 382 15 Cricket Honours List < -> MALAYA'S best cricket performXl ftncefl oi last week wert Hatting m.- Private PettH <k f v> CMub Side). V Ifaibsjan Sinftli (Police VS. s R >. ~?> Preston (Technical School vs. V.1.) 68 Choor Singh (SKA vs W.I). Naval Bane) 50 William (V.I. vs. Technical
    382 words
  • 739 15 Bombing Sha ttered British Vanity (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Friday. f rilK bombing of Britain was the grandest thing that could have happened as it shattered the complacency and vanity of every man, woman and child, rich or poor, and made then; all eager to serve and pull
    739 words
  • 56 15 C.C.C. team to meet the Loyal Regiment to-day at Tanglin at 2 p.m. will be: A. C. Growder fCapt), A. C. Simmons, D. Brennan, K. H. Cantrell, J. H. Wheelei N. C. Brown. W/Comdr G Farnhill, Capt. E. A. de L. Young W Mcßeath, G. W. S.
    56 words
  • 56 15 T Lahore, Mar. 15. HE Punjab police have collected £10.500 for the purchase t.f fighter planes for the Royal Air Ptoce. A purse was presented to uic Governor. Sir Henry Craik yesterday mornino. The contribution is made up of donations from nearly every member of
    56 words
  • 22 15 London. Mar. 14:— The Stock Exchange was stationary, with Kaffirs i till Improving. In the afternoon the Exchange was stagnant
    22 words
  • 63 15 DAIN washed out play m the lirst daj ni the two-day cricket match between the Indian Association and the S.R.C. on th.c S.R.C. padang yesterday. The •eh will commence this mornIng instead. Owing to ruin, His cricket match en i he V M C.A. and the Malay
    63 words
  • 104 15 MERRIDALF Badminton Party will mf-o' Sphinx Badminton Party m a friendly badminton ime at 2.30 p.m. ai the V' i dal court, 4^. Oi ange Road. Merridale's team will bo selected from the following: Lee Hock San, Hassan Mattar, Eng Meng, Lim Cheng Kwee, 8. A. Dural,
    104 words
  • 67 15 The following have been selected to play soccer for the V.M.C.A. m a league match against the RAF (Seletar) to-morrow at. 5.10 p.m. on th 3 Anson Ropd md: K. Muthukumaru, V. N. Pillay, Low Huck Yang-. V. R. Babapathy, G. L. Day. J. R Gill,
    67 words
  • 41 15 S.C.C.'.s next tennis tournament will start m April. Five events will compose the tournament providing- sufficient entries are received. The five events will be: championship singles and doubles, mixed doubles, and women's sinidea x nd doubles.
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  • 66 15 The following have bi-m selected to play for the y.m.c.a. against the Manchester's on Wednesday on the V.M.C.A. ground at 2.15 p.m.: J. P. Chrysostom (captain), G. W. s. Waites, Loll Singh, Cheong Thiam Siew. Lav Hock Chye, C. Schubert. K. Goldsmith Fung Guan Chye. Robert Loh, and
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  • 26 15 The replay for the Keppel Golf Club's March spoon match resulted as follows: Mrs. J. J. Robeitson 52—18-34. Mrs. J. R. Walker 53—17-36.
    26 words
  • 654 15 Oxford-Cambridge Rugger: Larry Gains Tries A ComeBack Hotspurs' Soccer Finds 11. 1.. ilo|»kin*s S|»ori*B«'<<«"i' j London, Jan. 26. A DRAW of one try each was the result of the rugby match between past and present sides representing Oxford and Cambridge. This was as it should have been, for if Oxford
    654 words
  • 507 15 S. A. I A. LEAGUE MM < i:it Singapore, Saturday. NOTWITHSTANDING slippery conditions which followed this afternooa'a shower, fine soccer was seen at Anson Road Stadium when newcomers to the S. A.F.A. league, the Chinese Athletic, met the Police. The match ended m a draw,
    507 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 22 15 o\^MOA^v B tDSTEADS Clarity of "Diamond" I bas en pre n mctU s on account of •dr; vr r" ity and JBJ^^^Sußalfi
      22 words
    • 505 15 For Sale i AUSTIN 7 1536-37 TOUP P< :j SA] E Taxed and Insun > comprehensive. Call or apply Adiser, Joo (hiat Road. Marine Hotel, Singapore. I i I 1 THOMPSON OPTICAL Co. 4, ARCADE BUILDING Specializing; Oculai Muscle Anomalies. Crossed Eyes. sfc^ Intricate Visual /cf^^V, Problems. (I Jf^^ Glasses
      505 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 53 15 TO-n.w CR] B.C.C, v. Loyals, Gillman S.R.C.' v. Indian Association. day. S.R.C. Police II v. Trade School, Depot; C.S.C. v. Khalsa, C.S.C/ Combined Air Forco V. Army, Tanglin, 11 a.m Ticfi* Titbit^ llKill TIDES TO-DAY: 12.15 a.m.. 9 4 ft.: 12.34 p.m., 9^9 ft. TO-MORROW: 12.49 a.m.. 9.5 it.; 1.20
      53 words

  • 113 16 i Canberra, Mar. l">. lAPAN had no aggressive intentions againsi anyone, declared Mr. Tatsuo Kawai, the first Ja] anese Minister to the Commonwealth of Australia, m a press interview to-day. Mr Kawal added that he could not see ai preaent any sign
    113 words
  • 286 16 Fierce An ti- Aircraft Fire Greets Raiders London, Mar. 15. r AST night's enemj raids on Britain i I a wide area and some notable events occurred m places other than the Clydeside. One of these was tho Than I tuary where thr< dive-bombing attacks were made on one area
    Reuter  -  286 words
  • 68 16 I < ;i;i!>( rta, Mar. 15. Mil. Fadden, ihe acting S 1.1 prime Minister, announ- i oed to-day that the Minister j i ol the Interior, Mr. Stewart Foil, v.n Investigating the i S reports of propaganda l tins! the Australian Im- 1 Foil ln m
    68 words
  • 333 16 SMUTS ON POINTS TO NOTE Capetown, Mar. 15. pENERAL SMUTS, m a national broadcast to-night, I de the following striking points It Is just here (American aid' that Hitler suffered his most spec- 1 ir defeat, and this time at the hands of America. Behind the open v r Ith
    Reuter  -  333 words
  • 73 16 HIS BAG -23 NAZI PLANES London. Mar. 15. THP: destruction of 23 enemy planes— the highest total officially credited to an individual pilot i: rewarded by the addition of a bar to the Distinguished Flying Cross. This award is announced m the latest list of decorations, and is made to
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 81 16 New York, Mar. 15 A PASTORAL letter containing ieferences to "fatal errors' have been banned by the Italian authorities, says a Rome message to the New York Times. The letter i.s over the signature of M^r. Giovanni Cazzari, the I Bishop of Cremona, who declares: "God punishes the
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 332 16 "CONSTANT STREAM OF MEN, MONEY" London, Mar. 15. JN a message to ihe Viceroy, appreciation is expressed by His Majesty the King for the sympathy and support from every quarter of the Indian continent m the face of common danger. The message says:
    British Wireless  -  332 words
  • 281 16 V V AT IE New i ork, Mar. L 5. r £HE truth about the tremendous military damage inflicted by the Biitish Xavy when it shelled G< noa on Feb. 9 is revea by a correspondent of the New York Daily News m a
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  • 161 16 BRITISH ARMY BEAT ALLIESAT SOCCER London. Mar. 15 THE British Army beat the Allied Armies by 3 goals to 2 at Stamford Biidge at soccer. A large crowd encouraged the AHies to eveiy way. but they were no matcn for the citver British [orwarda and halloacks. Welsh «2» and Denis
    Reuter  -  161 words
  • 209 16 JJNDER the auspices of tin Ramakrishna Mission, i^ < l fighting fires caused by incendiary bombs wasfij members of the A.R.P. Corps under the direction of Brennan yesterday evening. A large gathering, incluW members of the Mission, and their wives, witmn practice. iring uh ('.(num. the
    209 words
  • 128 16 The Pope Gets His Ration Card Vichy v, B iv scheme has now I*! 1 tended to cover the ffi* mts or the Vatic?! 1 ""-lucliiiff His HolS^ Poi)o. according to a y», 4 message to a VicO v agency. J ■*> i Beginning fr« m YHia i aU the
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 140 16 Hong Kong Governor Says Tension Has Eased Hong Kong, Mtr.l OIR Geoff i y Xoithcote.l nor of Hong Kong,| interview with pressmeil following his return fnu land on Thursday, >aid h was growing confident tain's ultimate victorjS Looking back to last yet] Britain suffered a heavy M France ana Belgium
    Reuter  -  140 words
  • 98 16 London, W THE spirit oi Bntain is** 1 > by the thrrr-fold m i adership, unity and rijj i -it. d I < id Simon to-fIJJ !U'p of this." he added, vc the sober confidencf* u-cc.s cf evil wi'l be overtt Britain had
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 51 16 \Wm ml\ r Ja Jl ml Sw »si a If' V > "'^\»t# vfln j{^- W S m i fc vjJBBk J: rf**v a .v<* -■>' t r rJ^F a. M^HHKu&sKßnrnK >" > A4OV NfiaßH^^P^^n AB9HK3SKprV^^^^^Bc^ 4wU U^HKBHaBBRrj- i jß#Baai A .ggßi. I IhIAToII Ufv#▼▼ Ci IO Lai fill LxTvl
      51 words
    • 34 16 i frofTii^ 1 years of stwl i.i 1 i** able and in' froj^ all who are tng. Business Domrstic. »J Travelling, Marriage Rn oDl u«r Btrlctly confidential. 9.00 tO 7 00 P.M. REX HOTELjf.
      34 words