Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 2 March 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 19 1 The sunday Tribune 5 A.M. EDITION ***A Net Sales Exceed 23,200 Weekly SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, MARCH 2, 1941. FIVE CENTS.
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  • 135 1 Important Japanese Army Changes Mar 1. nEVENTY-EIGHT officers are involved m a reshuffle of high of the Japane army announced by the War Office this morning. Genera] Hata, former War Minister and Cammander ol tho Japanese Expeditionary Force m Centra! China, ia appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Expeditionary Knees throughout China,
    Reuter  -  135 words
  • 42 1 Athens. Mar 1. AN earthquake shock rocked Larisa at 5.55 a r.i. to-day (Saturday. destroying one house, but casualties were very few. The area is an unusual one foi earthquakes Nu disturbance elsewhere m Greece are reported.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 73 1 Rome. Mar. 1. DECAPTURED the island of CasN telloritza. together with British prisoners, material and British Hags." says an Italian High Command communique. Reuter. London. Mar. 1 London has no comments to make on the above claims, but at.entijn is drawn to an Admiralty
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 58 1 rlin, Mar. 1. AN orders from General Franco, v the attaches of the Spanish Embassy i..c. taken over the duty i <i mounting guard around the bier A at hi iring- < ite m Rome, states a message < 'he German ne- *ency. j
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 94 1 London, Mar. 1. AT the inquest on the Hon. Charles Standish Vereker. son of Lord Gort, who was found dead m Wimbouriie yesterday, it was aled that he met with an accident earlier this week, crashing his motor-cycle into a concrete wall which had caused
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 786 1 SWIFT MOVES IN BATTTF OF BALKANS REPRESENTATIVES of the signatories to the tripartite Axis Pact met m Vienna yesterday when (according to a Rome message) Bulgaria decided to adhere to the Axis Pact. Count Ciano arrived m Vienna by special train, while the Bulgarian
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  • 164 1 No British ultimatum To Bulgaria I ondon, Mar. 1. I i TIIL suggestion made by the j Italian newi agency that 1 the British Minister m Sofia had this morning presented i an ultimatum to the Bulga- i an Government, declaring that if Bulgaria rejected t certain British proposals Biitain
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 85 1 Indo- China -See Page 12 According to preliminary reports received in London from Ankara it would seem that a large measure of agreement has been reached In Mr. Fden's contacts with members of the Turkish Government. Press reports from Ankara state that from the Turkish viewpoint there is only one
    British Wireless; Reuter  -  85 words
  • 306 1 Reaction In London London, Mar. 1. BULGARIA'S reported adherence to the Three-Power Pact is not regarded m London as having by itself any practical importance. Peuter's Diplomatic Correspondent learns. The signature is regaided as merely a formal indication of the altitude of subservience to Germany displayed by the Bulgarian Government,
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  • 99 1 London, Mar. 1. DRITISH bombers about dusk yesterday (Friday) attacked Quiberon, m Brittany, as well as objective** on tho Dutch coast, states an Air Ministry communique. Several direct hits were observed. None of the aircraft engaged is missing. During the night the principal objective was Wilhelmshaven. which
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  • 184 1 London, Mar. I. QHINA'S undaunted resistance against Japan i*> -ill the strongest defence against aggression m tht Far East, declares Mr. Ward hm -Milne, M.P., m a letter lo The hrn. He says thai m the months the J;; pa d no succ
    Reuter  -  184 words
  • 132 1 London. .Mar. 1. J A I I Xl 111 JJ step lo counter the German espionage j system and U-boat menace was taken hy the decision that the monthly trade re- turns are no longer to he S published until peace is re-
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 72 1 77th RAID ON BOULOGNE London, Mar. 1. RA F bombers maue a neavy attack upon VVilhelir.shaven and other targets m north-west Geruany last (Friday) night it is learned m London. The port cf Boulogne was also attacked. Last night's R.A.F. raid wa.s Ll 44th on Wi'helmshaven The last ol the
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 61 1 (From 11. L. Hopkin) London. Mar._ l. I ORD QUEENBOROUGH, the Pre- sident of the Society vi St. George, stated that if the German drives m the Ba.. .inst Eiitain fail, the German morale i will crack. Britain will then be j able to increase her
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  • 53 1 London, Mar. 1. THI air activity over Bri- tain on i was v i y ht and en Core tni This is ann Minis, that hv mbs ped m _;_c homi Counl iia. A few peopl killed and i were injured, unci some
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 56 1 Batavia, Mar. 1. QANES ill over the N.E.I, have formed a committee to cooperate with the lilies m order to fi i<> i imark nd have iii touch with th?* Danish Legation m London which haa cabled it* nrreciation. An ap 'ougbOUt the arch o N.E.I. poj uli lion met
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 229 1 BULGARIA: RIBBENTROP'S BOAST .don. Mar. 1. nULGARiA signed the protocol adherin ihe Three-Power pact at 12.45 today (Saturday), tatt s wireless. Ribbentrop led his "guests" into the yellow hall of the Belvcc!' Palace anc, I down at it long Dr Filed on his right and C ount I i
    Reuter  -  229 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 120 1 •THE ROYAL BAKERY BAKES FINE BREAD AND CAKES* '3*___l V "jti **<&Z~r**t mT^' _f j&fev. -xreSfe-*- mm £fe H&' M________K __M__________________H___________l mS m/ mm* mmm I J I -a l *m m /m. mMm >^ J \J Kr Mr Vl- •*> M time more enjoyable by serving dainty Royal Bakery
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    • 41 1 n MACARONI PREMIERE QUALITE. MACARONI /^^==s=» VERMICELLI Tl^Ss- SPAGHETTI PERFECTION p s^Bgj;^s^^ BRAND CEREALS /cUtt me ftvuA cf /tuxm**!**^ vhuuL i-v^r a+Ji j-JU Xv /*r J °l^ H TRAVE R S ft so -v J-nt^—i aw.*-* T «H,u i.Tr-arnnrm ffl 'Miirmi-f
      41 words

  • 83 2 NO STYLISH CLOTHES WOULD FIT HER So 1 !<**d Enormous Rhe OC Old** 'hlng pr nothing tried ordinal*] without av-i.i. A. la«t, a led her 1 Kruschen, and i^er le* ••A ftfo I welshed 14 ston« 2 V.. really hv 1 got .It was lmpoe--hop and buy a fr: Kriuchen
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  • 86 2 UMCKALOABO C UR ES CONSU MPTION Yf i win learn o~ experien^. right away monlals w 11 Here are two of th* 91np"U' tlmckiloaba r. b having ken 2 b ttlea th pne m--rax :ht ls 9 5 n Kurh-ng wi I to tell you bo I h*ve lncr^ ni
    86 words
  • 274 2 Took tasteless, flesh-forming, tablets. Here is a letter from a qualified uurse which brings new hope to all who are worried hbou' Their weight. This lady had actually losr nearly 10 lbs y«->t m fell weeks slie got 812 lbs. back again.
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  • 133 2 Singapore. Saturday. WHEN charged m the Fifth Court to-day, with abetting his Wife i lan, who said th: he was formerly a doctor In thi Russian Army, claimed trial. He said that his wife whs deal and dumb and that she sold neckties: he had
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  • 521 2 SER VICES COMFOR TS FUND PROPOSED A PROPOSAL to institute a new ani separate fund to he termed "The Malayan Services Comforts Fund' 1 to be devoted exclusively to the Forces serving m ar.d around Malaya ifl put forward m the following
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  • 138 2 Italians Bomb Own Prisoners Athens, Mar. 1. A COMMUNIQUE from the Ministry of Public Security states that enemy aircraft bcmbed Preveza. injuring civilians and Italian war prisoners and that bombs were cropped In f he rrgions of Corfu and Fiorina without causing damaee. A High Command communique states that the
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 238 2 Magistrate Warns Motorists Singapore, Saturday. EMPHASIS was laid by Mr. C. H. Whitton. the District Traffic Judge, yesterday, on his duty to inflict even mor,-* stringent penalties than hitherto, on that section of "motorists who drive to the peril of their fellow-citizens." He made this comment m passins sentence of
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  • 404 2 Liabilities, $231,679 Asse ts. $500 Singapore, Saturday. PEORGE EDGAR, at one time a director of Edgar Brothers, Ltd.. and who had been a bankrupt since Oct. 17. 1938, was panted a conditional discharge m the High Court to-day by the Chief Justice. Sir Percy MacElwaine, the order of discharge being
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  • Article, Illustration
    21 2 New York, Feb. 28: Repeats that [\n agreement has been reached m the Bethlehem Steel strike encouraged Wall Street.
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  • 129 2 (Tribune Staff Reporter) Singapore, Saturday. THE Town Cleansing Department m Havelock Road was besieged by a large crowd of unlicensed hawkera this morning, the first day of the issue of new licence? to itinerant hawkers. Special precautions taken by the Police however prevented any disorders that
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  • 71 2 (From H. I HopUn) L' Mar. l PEOPLE In G T to drink w. In order I rye lion, British decided to reduce still more I supplies to the public. It wi'l c to effect next W( c 'k when tt amount available, which ha.*
    71 words
    Reuter  -  302 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 109 2 k 4- Jin Wrffl^ 111 GUARANTEED *\_k. SS ms*^^^^ f nf_^B H_L VSi^lSHffjKj 'HPi^r fiPflffilff-M*** PT3381 *ta^^__Mc «____________■>«' „*pjv a __a^__i __r __h wWkw**^ mm\**^^^\\Wt*mm 9a*aa9 Wf Mm m «Jh- W Pr _r*^ I ______________^**^______^^*******________Ty^^__H ____***^__***fl ____r i Tr *fl __**_t________T*<fl __r EmEmmT^mEmmW mmT mtT^b j 9F ■^**W_i_K > \_py*_^ll
      109 words
    • 88 2 *E Ef*<mmmEE E M LvV __r__P _f jS{ mmmmm\ IM/ V _S*9v^^(_H ___r___P_r/i 9 A.R.P. S'IUKT(IIKI^ ■i|s _B MX mam* 1 >rl#-"H^' v *V*l -A' lIP BF PRFPAHED 'jmm %\-&SW UL lI L I nlu j ymErnVm^mtSmfi ■f*SmS^!ZXmm\Smmm^ j A< >^_ >V >^ N^Ut. *k**l*r At* AUmW A it *V
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  • 142 3 There Are 11 J 8 4 Cars In Singapore PFTROL RATIONINC BFCINs (Tribune Staff Reporter) rr urr] Singapore, Saturday. XHERE no perceptible signs m town to-day m i petrol rationing, of motorists beine inl'"!iVl': l an v w »y aa a result of tho measure introduced. r t who made
    142 words
  • 153 3 SKILLED WIFE 1 8 DAYS AFTER MARRIAGE i Hn.m Oui Own Correspondent) Muar, Friday. < CK.lil iayi afte* the*, vure > man ie J, (Dae. I> Abdul s Kahman Lin Limat. Habbcd j his 111-year old wife, Nah 1 binte la'afar, to death with I S a parang*. i .Immediately
    153 words
  • 35 3 DEATH OF SCRE EN COMEDIAN Sini Saturday. NEWS has just been received coMr. Joe Penner, the i crecn, and ia- 6u> < art failure .lan 10. a Ha. In 1904, and Boys from S\ cus< Uy.
    35 words
  • 68 3 London. Mar. 1. LONDON had two air raid alerts alter darkness on Friday night. Both were ol .*>hort duration and little damag was done. In the ii i t alert, the sound of gun-firing was heard and it was reported that m one district,
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 820 3  -  L.S.D. by BRASS name chop of historical interest has recently been unearthed m Kampong Glam, Singapore, by workmen digging preparatory to fixing a cable m the Sultan Mosque there. This chop is of special interest a*-' it was the
    820 words
  • 254 3 Have You Any Brain wa ve? I ribune Staff Report r) J\|ALAYA has borrowed an idea from Australia, and it is exceptionally relevant here as elsewhere m the world where men, women and children are waging war. "Don't Talk About ships" is the advice
    254 words
  • 85 3 Singapore, Saturday. fHAROED with having st< i r "t earrini belonging to Cha Soy T< c, 34 claimed fore Mr. Conrad Oldham, m i hi Second Folic Court, to-dt He alleged to have st< U n the earrings belonging to So Ih esterday. At the request
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  • 18 3 Prior to hit- departure for India, Mr. Ampnlam w;! entertained t.. r ternKrian md an Pootb-ill 10-Chln-khool j•
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  • 246 3 Singapore, Saturday. TOURTEEN-YEAR-OLD BOY, described as a half-wit by his own mother, told Mr. Conrad Oldham, the Second Magistrate, to-day that he had been forced to steal *350 ln,m his mother by bad companions, kept m an almeirah belonging to Answering a charge of
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  • 111 3 E-Boat Raid On Convoy Repulsed London, Mar. 1. THE destroyer Exmoor was sunk 1 m the North Sea m repelling an attack en a convoy, acecrding to an Admiralty announcement. H a ru v ht, Gen endeavou attack one of convoys m the North Bea. The attack was repulsed but
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 615 3 W*^*mW k *W^*M^\*mWf^ *^^^£&m _Ri§****L. '■**>-*'•*«>.'****• •iS-*,. ,flim 'p^/p And smart men jjf/ always use Anzora Aj^ *fj^ for their hair. The reason is that Anzora is the best, most healthful hair dressing you can buy. It prevents scurf and dandruff, and keeps fr. mm M the hair m perfect
      615 words
    • 507 3 GETS UP LIKE A LARK! No mon* tired feeling "Hon. alth once more' 1 terribly from heada I started taking Fy it tired feeling is a 1 up In the mornin liki 'Mrs. A.W.>. Pit at thiru f m're always fit on Fy. Why? Because Fynm.h Salt haa certain wonderful
      507 words

  • 1460 4 A Woman Peeps At Singapore. QURING the short time that they have been here, members of the A.I.F. have been lavishly entertained by members of the Singapore Chinese community. Co-hosts and hostesses at a delightful Chinese dinner party at the Great World on Sunday evening were Mr. and Mrs. C.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 439 4 --_i_s «C FIRST AID A "T^3.| "*pM_fc "**f mmmmWSi AtW need nm -akc froa yotJ the Rlamour a youthful skir. Nature did n..t mean your .Kin t.. become old and withered. She meant the tresh new skin whi> h is always ftfrowiriK underneath to take the place of the old
      439 words
    • 47 4 BRUNETTES use Amami No. i Ai m M *\9m *W I c BLONDES use Amami No. j and always remember FRIDAY NICHT IS AMAMI NICHT P__a*R__.**2___! any difficulty In obtalninj AMAMI Shampoos please write to A T OilJespif, Arcacle Buildings, Raffles Squart* V_PO Bo» *.i 7t Singapore.
      47 words
    • 244 4 mmjM •^^^e*MM_m Above: Mrs. Kemmis-Betty, nm for the afternoon at the Rask* football on Saturday, attending t Mrs. R. G. Gaskell. one of players. The Johore Military Band wim m attendance during thp afte noon, from 4 p.m. to 6.30 p. and there will, of course, be sideshows such a
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  • 1644 5 "Let There Be Sculpture" H. L. HOPKIN REVIEWS A VIGOROUS BOOK qiew Worker Jacob Epstein sYi-iitp* v Loudon, Jan. 10. A to hv wdWly recommended is Jacob Epstein's "Let There Be Sculpture," Published by Michael Joseph. By escapist I mean that it does not deal with war but with departed
    1,644 words
  • 259 5 "Atmosphere Of A Public House Created" Singapore, Saturday. WITHOUT his defence being called, It. M. Long, a European was acquitted by the acting fifth magistrate, Mr. Hon Sui Sen, on two charges of playing his radioeram without a permit from the Chief Police Officer at 3 a.m. on Jan. 31
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 150 5 For Sdic FO dark perfi win cellent Fal* 12 YEARS OF aWEAK NERVES -4* <L& ____ry*Bs_~*3> \W k^*t^\^^mmW m\m\mm^mj-*mmEKBKk Aaaaaaammmm.»mm til Tablets "I have rest- lri ful nights of w nati-rnl r prinl SUt p natural SlCOp. clfntl-. L Dr. < > thc joy into lift. ar.J an ot night
      150 words
    • 167 5 SINGA WATER ss J V gEEgi J ■s***i i vjd^rv-j; -tJ*v c MINERAL WATER from the Seletar Hot Spring, Singapore. An alkaline drink with excellent corrective properties ®FgN PFRAK TURF CLUB MUM '< MEETING 1141 laturdi 15th. March, 1041. Wedi lay, 19th. March, 1941. Saturday, 22nd. March, 1941. Sui >r
      167 words
    • 845 5 ___^^\^i :^^^*am. X a** a***. tPa Em ___a___a IV^_/ 1 6 c**« X^^^^^s^>^^ tVe// With AVOID catrhmg colds, chills and 'flu by rubbing your chest well with Zam-Buk. This valuable /^fe^^*-?^^^ herbal ointment has a two-fold action. It serves j^m^l^^^ iJr^^fc I as a poultice to relieve congestion and chest
      845 words

  • 472 6 The Sunday Tribune Sunday. March 2. 1941. Opinion Malaya's Problem r JMIK Venerable Archdeacon Graham White put his finger right on the crux of the city's problem, indeed that of the whole present-day world, when m a speech to the Parochial Church Council he remarked: 'Talk as we will of
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  • 1450 6 WHERE IS THE SPIRIT OF OUR SCHOOL-DAYS? Edward Ellis Asks AS a small hoy I was privileged to live with an uncle who was the rector of a little parish m the suburbs of London and those early days left a deep impression on my mind, until, having returned to
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  • 835 6  -  W. B. Paterson H| Say*» Hat j WHEN the history of this war comes to be written that isn't an original observation by any means we art' told that a lot of curious J tilings will be made public. I'm quite willing to admit S that.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 339 6 .\U" *> P >i I If// s HOME with ___p__P9om*H_________l.>*^______^^^ _>a _f jm j a Kh_bib__________^^_^^^ Br^___. i V w mm At ~~~~~~~***~mm^^^^^*^M S ©Al no ixt ra 20 p << nf more light than from ordiary lamps wh< n you RI Mazda, because of Its pat filament. T»ADE MARK
      339 words
    • 124 6 MANY DOCTORS AGREE The Old Adage is Found Best Dortorsin Singapore and throughout t) c world still find the old saying "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" is sound advice for everyone. Most of the weakening coughs and colds that come with wet weather can be
      124 words
    • 90 6 _^jj *^*'l*<*' MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMm. m \x _i AHLLIi v m **3 i•' v *1 *^1 _____B_^^_^_____^^_^T\_M^y U^^^^^LL«L^i_£Zi Ly I Examine these models simple, compact, versatile. Packed with new features. KODAK VIGILANT— has /4.5 lens, live-speed Kodomatic v|^te»lSfiH Shutter. Shutter-release on body to "fit minimise camera movement Two l 'i^teJr/\^ vicw-hnders. Takes
      90 words

  • 285 7 Bravery Of Wife He Has Not Seen For Two Years n*, (Tribune Staff Reports i EIG n J f-m Ho. ittin* ma ofhiSm i i-"" 1 thrill lihl T I J WMMter tley, ol Sv^^ V forS^i n|r him inhisfac* a n 7
    285 words
  • Article, Illustration
    166 7 heerfully Briti ;h, but still m ria. her mother hay:.* died o. i see tl c world, tra* and shed" without c kno ii lanit now she >> -na wriu English pei io the -i 1934 s B c Mast Th ti 11 love not till 0 ud
    166 words
  • 40 7 re POft«d that former Polish -nei Josef *CX has ben am i n v ■ta while trying to fl< country. He is said to have tx m W n vi h a «nt:.'h diplomatic oasscort «-.**_ri 2MMOD 1. (85H U.
    40 words
  • 445 7 I»HERES money m the sea-and fish— for foreign seamen cashing mon Britain's fish shortage. Tho bcom m prices with single fish fetching 255. to 305., means thai Iceland trawU vs have been picking up KB,OOO a trip -£60-575 for each hand --and taking homo their
    445 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 375 7 9 YEARS' SUFFERING EASED IN A DAY 'A New Woman at 61' —THANKS TO IK, 1.. 1 a YeastVite TA ItLMT S Dear Sirs, Reading yo i one day when In great pain \vr m > i senL my husband to get a YeastVite" to try. When I tell you
      375 words
    • 78 7 jMHJ CONTROI YOUR __s?^s^*r >i .-^_____i___tf-i____MH _i_ Ji V"vb__3t^ I W ORL D^i* K\_J StmUtOmUrtf OfL^iostm* >btainable a* all leading Chemists La** 7.00 Small $2.50 When ordering please perify OKASA for men or women. For terature and medical testimonials writ,. to the Bole Distributors for Malay GRAFTON LABORATORIES, LTD.. Singapore
      78 words
    • 460 7 I9mm*****\ 'i^wvimurrfOß you THE IMMEDIATE TONIC tarn i* p oniy fo ft if the vigour and vitality _-,t the pantis-~no*, *routh is fatUne from Sir?, ot I l*** An* rejuvenating. only because you glancLs ire BS_ *V Wttln con exhausted weak *S_i nK s to fou ta Jtu o 'lr"
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  • 336 8 CTATED to be a day pupil at a private school, a 14-year-old girl told an astonishing story to the Bournemouth magistrates, when two -bus conductors, Stanley George Johnson, 29, formerly of Southwick-road, Bournemouth, but living at ELstone Hall-lane, Wolverhampton, at tho time of his arrest; and
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  • 256 8 JESSE LIVERMORE, the greatest Wall-street gambler of all time, the man who made and lost four multi-million dollar fortunes, had been planning suicide for several days. When he sent a bulle. througn his brain In a cloakroom of the Sherry Netherland Hotel, it was not a
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  • 243 8 £4,000 In Damages For Widow DAMAGES granted In the King's Bench Division: To a Widow, lor the loss o t her husband. £4.532. 2o a .<mT., /..<• e*e las« o/ fc« seii-w o; smeli oh*.?*</ heaL z juries. 11.425. THE WIDOW is Mrs. Agnes Mary Empson, whose husband. Major r
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 252 8 M IT'S THE ONLY i OMI.DY IN TOWN DEANNA lI AM IS NOW TOO! IAPITOLJ 4 SHOWS TO-DAY II A.M. 3.15 6.15 9.15 Crowds acclaim this her Besi and most Joyous picture! DEANNA DURBIN I a^^mE tmW <______________. w __r wh«- ''\*m ____r^^f_B __'^o*____f r*_l _____Bi**_i _^______________H_______Si____. &.4 Robert Cum
      252 words
    • 302 8 Dll < V is the funniest thinu that's 'iiENZINE" around. There's no LAUGH Rationing here! 'P^ Z LAUGH "I can tell it's love when I T*- I "^M'*B^ believe a A K^. man eve n^ ja__B> &P tho I know'N.^j^ j \|L he's lying!" AJL Bx Dii»ctod by S SYLVAN
      302 words
      122 words
    • 415 8 ihe most amazing storj iolrl! j TO-DAY 11 A.M., 3.15, 6.15 *X 9.15 P.M. T r. ALIIA-lIIIIIA Z\ mAwflE WVP^ :^_________________________W "******->. *^___________________y m|f ftXH-t ,'Tiri '_*x_JjjMm____h__B jtfti n Tiii\**MT c i*_BP_t_____B_Mawi*iiiT^'i -Allrv/ EDNA f .~:ST EOD.*l ALBERT Albert Boi.ermon Gene lo:» rugti N ;*l 6n»w 'AiVi',' Montagu -.owe jamti
      415 words

  • 235 9 I.' ndon, Mar 1 A LTHOUGH th, problem of defeating the nighl bomber haa b en m,,,, t lv ">*™ rr likely to be m the near future, defence measures are increasing i, mber and improyi. continually m quality. The numberof A V guns
    British Wireless  -  235 words
  • 85 9 (Irom Our Own respondent; C-rWTENO. of death U SJS*^ a v middle-aged Chinese fisherman named Tan Lai Tiang by ftfr j ustice Manning at the Muar Assv^s n< n r the asse !s Messrs. Lim n Lan and Quay Pent. Van re- led a verdict of murder at
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  • 388 9 SITIAWAN INQUIRY CONCLUDES (From Our Own Reporter) 4T n *P»>h, Saturday. \1 the Sitiawan ourt to-day, Che Mwtaplia Al'Bakri tha Magistrate, returned a verdict of suicide with no Name attached to anyone, at the conclusion of thc inquio ,nto the death
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  • 187 9 MacDONALD EXPLAINS TO CONSTITUENTS Dlr London, Mar 1 CPfcAKING to his constituents I*9 Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald who 1 has just been appointed Hi~h Commissioner for Canada for tlie duration of tlie war. stated that he had accepted the post unconditionally, but expressed the hope that he might be able
    British Wireless  -  187 words
  • 47 9 On the grounds of his wl Jdultery with his broth**, who had m action since Tne proceed ne began. Leslie Vaughan Hichings a stiSi 2/ 2°i k i? r Ql Cromutdnstreet. Warwick, was grained a, nisi at Birmiv ham Assi^
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  • 86 9 Dono van Sees British Envoy In Madrid Madrid. Mar. 1 •THE greatest reserve is being maintained In connection with the presence of Col. Donovan. President Roosevelt's envoy to Europe, who arrived In Spain from Gibraltar a day or twc ago. Col. Donovan has aireadv made contact with tlie British Ambassador,
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 50 9 NETHERLANDS PURCHASES London. Feb. 28: The Nether'i n £s Government has now estanv!?. hf v ts Pujchasing office In New York and is negotiating thc purchases 0f various commodities especially cereals for storage against liberation m the Netherands The Netherlands and British Governments arc maintaining Vr-*.V contact.
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  • 32 9 London. Feb. 28: Tin opened arm. Tne turnover wa.s 500 tons Mr. Jesse Jones' statement attracted broader support, largely ol a speculative nature. After official hours, a further 35 tons were traded.
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  • 27 9 Mr. J. p Biddulph. M.C.S.. Assistant Protector of Chinnse. Perak. ha s gone en ter to Sungei Patani as Protcvt>r Oi Mr. R. N. Broome of Singapore
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  • 453 9 London. Mar. 1. BROADCASTING on the situation v In the Balkans. Mr. Vernon Bartlett reminded his listener-- of the Nazi technique whereby the desired effect Ls obtained by a trick. "Rumours of impending German attacks are started, say, m Belgrade. They are naturaUy telegraphed to London and
    British Wireless  -  453 words
  • 52 9 Chungking. The Chinese Government i< ncattn*' wartime bonds b^gimin en March 1. The total is'su- is no^ specified but the bonds will be divided into two groups to be known as military supplies and national reconstruction bonds which may be subscribed m Chinese national currency, United States dnllars
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  • 52 9 Lisbon. Mar. 1. THE new United States Ambas--1 sador to Britain. Mr. John wmant. will leave Lisbon for Britain at the possible moment He arrived m the Atlantic Clipper yesterday (Friday) and was met by the United States Legation officials and th? British air
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 295 9 New Delhi. Mar. 1. I'HK finance member, Sir Jeremy Raisman, introducing the budget, said that with well over 500,000 men m arms and a further expansion proceeding, the latest estimate for an increase of defence expenditure \\>v 1940-4] on this account ia £13,312.500. This
    Reuter  -  295 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 523 9 THOMPSON OPTICAL o 1. ARCADE BUILDING f Specializing; Oculai Muscle Anomalies. Crossed Eyes. fetes. Intricate Visual /c^^W Problem.**. ff jj*^^^ Glasses if needed. l**-**^s_^!l R. A. Thompson Dr. of Ocular Science. m 5 \cars' European Clinical Bi Kperlence. Thone 3002. tot lhe Blood, Veins, Arteries and Heart And Stop Limping
      523 words
    • 50 9 Th? committee of the Singapore Flower Show regrets that owing to the petrol raticning and the consequent difficulties of transporting exhibits, they have had to cancel the proposed flower show, which was to have been held at the covered stadium of the Happy World en Mar. 28. 29 and 30.
      50 words
    • 436 9 Grand News for HEAD-COLD j SUFFERERS j Vrl\ I I .Natal pat- //ff /*Y> tagat two! Un 1 j lr \f^ B raathing *4 Natal pat- /W -<V »ag at ihrunk J**^ m/l*. t*--~ B rtathi mg ir—'/U V"*** > Two *niffs of New Medical Compound Clear Stuffed-up Nostrils m
      436 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous

  • 237 10 D'ALMEIDA'S TEAM WIN S.R.C. CRICKET P. D* ALMEIDA'S XI scored an ia /icf i y over Roj Bain's XI m an S.R.C home-ind-home cricket match played >n the Padang yesterday. Scores: P. d*ALMEIDA*S Xf L. de Sou/a. retired 47 r. Galistan c W. Galistan b R. Minjoot ;-j Armstrong retired
    237 words
  • 328 10 Argylls Lose Keen Game Loyals. .1; Argyll and S. H 0. 4 SOLITARY goal bj Ball midway through the sec A half, (rave the LoyaLs a 1-0 victor* over the Ar*yll and Sutherland Highlanders when the team met m dm ion league soccer match
    328 words
  • 140 10 Singapore In No Immediate Danger Washington, Mar 1. WHILE the Japanese ultimatum tc Indo-China and the pretence of the Japanese fleet In the Bulf of Siam is not regarded as an immediate threat tc tin East Indies or to Singapore, it is widely felt that the Japanese action may show
    Reuter  -  140 words
  • 258 10 Harper's Too Fast For Chartered Bank HAR PER GIL FILL A N Klm •non. Shee Fook: Yew Dhor, Hock Yam. Salleh: Mun Fun, Eng Q Bv-ng. Chong Yee and Thi n m. CHARTERED BANK Hock Chiang: San Swee. D'Silva: S*im Chuan. Chin Lye. Yong Ann; Nam Meng. Joon Mm. Thiam
    258 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1112 10 mmar^tA anrngs Coughing, Strangling Asthma, Bronchitis Curbed m 3 Minutes k?£*?u! n rst^ih?S?he ..Kad none .In* In grgOgg* Money Back Guarantee The very Hwl done Of Mendaco ro.-s ripht •ih.iv. Buffered or to wor ic circulating through your blood and v^ ri hope for (1 j, nature rid you of
      1,112 words
    • 282 10 Situations Vacant EMPLOYED or Unemployed. Work Spare time Agency. Novel BARGAINS selling scheme. Low Prices. POSTFREE. Earn over 185-i monthly spot cash. Samples Free. Box 302 c*o Malaya Tribune. Singapore. Miscellaneous FREE 104 Page Book "Practical Salesmanship'" priced 2 4 with Calendar sent Post Free to gentlemen desirous of learning
      282 words
    • 198 10 NOTICE. M I/. KIEI .v. sn**v Qualified Optirians «.i io ami i The Ircade, Singapore, 'ia nu connection nor Interest with any flrn or Opticians carrying th€ name "EZEKIEL' m sin ua port*. MJjzehiel&Scri} (Established m Itld) Qualified Ophthalmic Opticians iDDB 58 I .v 12, The Arcad Building, Singapore. Telephone:
      198 words
    • 935 10 m. ____»«-.f»_»»--fMf__— »lim ■»»—f_i w^^^ tfr any iinit Mn&i** w h**\\ 6ENASPRJI Aeei if on tfntudi Gcnasprin', the safcbra^ ispirin, will bring you, jj^ and sure relict' trom HEADACHE JK FEVER j(|^Jfc RHEUMATISM iGfJfc NEURALGIA -gglf SUNSTROKE ■B|i NERVE PAINS fig COLDS and CHILLS Sold m bottlei and tubet ira
      935 words

  • 359 11  -  H. L. Hopkin's Sports Letter A RED CROSS toun»m«. at Reading tSStSuyrerj rare tnise days of m*lh_* fi***( _.i., v i >*-tmj!; nrsi-ciass boxers m nri inai The chief boui eight round- betv eon -krthur Da ar and I
    359 words
  • 252 11 DORAZIO ASKED -"WHAT HAPPENED?" Louis' I -Hh K.O *^^r a a a Philadelphiii, Feb. 18. JOE LOUIS retained the world heavyweight championship For (he Mlh time m thc Convent.on Hall to-night when he knocked cut Gofl Dorazio, local Italian- American. mi n the second round of a scheduled 15-rotuid fight.
    252 words
  • 1011 11 Bal Taba nn Destroyed, Bay Dragon Equals Record (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. 'HE weather was perfect and there was a Mg crowd fo, the opening day of the Selangor Turf Club's Gold Cm, meeting heW here this afternoon. July The Seventh
    1,011 words
  • 25 11 The promotion of Mr. E M. O'D Burk<*Cr.inney. Senior Executive Engineer Malayan Public Works Service to be a State Engineer, GruU" n has been proveil
    25 words
  • 63 11 SELECTED to play soccer for the V.M.C.A. m a league match against the Signals on Monday at Anson Road ground: K. Muthu-l-umaru. V. N. Pillay. Low Huck Yang, V. R. Sabapathv. G. L. Day. j A. X. Other. S, Orton. A. Dunne, > Tan Seek Kay. J. R.
    63 words
  • 12 11 Mr. C. W. Dawson. M.C.S., has been ■ppotnted Becret«y for Defence. Malay.
    12 words
  • 90 11 rwaasn Singapore, SntiirrlaTin Business h >uses Leagu" match Plied on thi V Koad Stadium to-day beU Ford's and Brinkmrn'a i i abandoned leven minutes before the anal whistle owing to > free flrht developing on the Held The score stood mi one M when tl same
    90 words
  • 6 11 Tll, And son. Woi Engineer b
    6 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 152 11 __B l& I I WHY THE T I RUSH7J .^.l.*********^^ RELY OH j AW Why be late? when it's easier to depend on this New I Big Ben to wake you on the dot! Millions of people trust Big Ben and £et to work on ftft-t.e.he'a dependable. Have you seen
      152 words
    • 205 11 IF YOUR BREATH HAS A SMELL YOU CANT FEEL WELL Unless 2 pints of bile juice flow from our liver into our bowels every day, our movements get hard and constipated and our food decays unnaturally m our 28 feet of bowels. This decay sends poison all over our body
      205 words
    • 226 11 b^^^^^**** U m^^; j^^MS^^L __f __*-****^r_^^^^^_¥_Jf\?__^__^^f ____r m m Mm m __f rTT' -^tvy**\j*^^^**^ __c __r __r __F J^»«^*^_s-^^^^*V«'**' \^m£\}t*&^ \*?w^ __F _____r Mm k _g _r __r ■a Jm JT P _JT— wtf/**** 1^ aJ>£^^^^ va,ue f a Prolonged antiseptic gargle. fq^ <**\\a ii. m \jg*v^*^\ The Pastilles have
      226 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 48 11 TO-DAY SOCCER: S.CF.A. Cup competition, replay, Bendemeer v. Amicable, Jaian Be.sar Stadium. CRICKET: Indian Association v R.A.F. (Ssletar), Balestier; S. C. R. C. Home-and-home S.C.R.C. Tide Table IHGH TIDES TO-DAY: 1 a.m., 8.9 ft.; 1.13 p.m., 8 8 ft TO-MORROW: 1.26 a.m., 8.9 ft 1.45 p.m., 8.4 ft.
      48 words

  • 130 12 Wt the islo?id Ramblers, Singapore's -premier cycling club whose member; Chinese. Eurasians and member* of H.M. scr; won practically every championship m the country during i year. Champion of the champions is Kwa Chin Swee whose ni victories include Kiang 75 miles, XL. 80 miles. Johore Road nud
    130 words
  • 191 12 London. Mar. 1 [HE scheme of organising dock lab ur described by the MinlsI abour, Mr. Ernest Bevin, the "dockers' charter"— has been varmly welcomed as a great step orward m solving the problem ot lv most extr-me clnss of casual abour m industry, 'ihi Manchester
    British Wireless  -  191 words
  • 210 12 SCHOOL REUNION DINNER OLD Boys of the Anglo-Chinese School held their annual reunion dinner at the Coleman Street sch< A hall last nit^ht. when about a hundred members of the Old Boys' Association and quests were present. A .splendid programme ol vocal solos by Mr. Gay Wan Guay (.who was
    210 words
  • 52 12 London. Feb. 28: The pepper advance has accelerated and the trade expects a continuance, thoush no runaway. There was a sizeable trade and Government inquiry. United Kingdom stocks arcstill large, though about 40 r' below pre-war. The resumption of import licences after the present three-months' suspension would check
    52 words
  • 187 12 REPUTED ACCEPTANCE BY VICHY OF JA PANE SE OFF ER tTNCONFIRMED reports state that the J long mooting found that the Japane sal was hasically acceptable. The latest reports from Tokyo state that no repi> from (he French has heen handed m. although the cieaaline for acceptance or rejection has
    Reuter  -  187 words
  • 90 12 AW BOON HAWS BIG GIFT TO CHINESE Chungking, Mar. I. rWO million dollars for giving succour to refugees and air-raid victims who have been rendered homeless and to wounded soldiers v. ne donated by Mr. Aw Boon Haw. the Chinese industrialist irom Singapore who is now visiting Chungking. Beth Messrs.
    90 words
  • 39 12 TWENTY-FIVE persons were injured m road accidents during the week ended Feb. 27. This IS six less than the number for the previous week, when there were also two fatalities. There were no deaths this week.
    39 words
  • 150 12 LATEST ARMY AND R. A. F. APPOINTMENTS London. Mar. 1. NEW Army and R.A.F. appointments were announced last night. Major-Gen. W. Piatt, Commander of the Sudan Defence Force, is promoted to Lieut. -Gen. Commanding the troops In the Sudan and is granted the acting rank of Lieut. -Gen. as from
    150 words
  • 109 12 London, Mar. 1. ADMIRAL Lord Chatfield, speaking m London, referred to the occupation by the Germans of Calais. Brest and other French port, and the effect on Eritish shipping 'British merchant ships are stil passing up and down th? Channe despit? every threat of
    109 words
  • 22 12 f Manchester. Feb. 23: Textile t:ading is very difficult. Stocks arc In en'y hunted. Spinners are no selling except for Govemmeni work.
    22 words
  • 61 12 Washington, Mar. I. DRASTIC measures to prevent strikes m the defence industries are proposed by Mr. Knudsen, the Defence Production Chief m a letter to the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee which is considering a bill forbidding strikes. It is noteworthy that Mr. Knudsen appeared before
    61 words
  • 101 12 CENTRAL SHORTAG IN BRITAIN London, Mar. THE Parliamentary Secretary the Minister for Agricui& Mr. T. Williams, armour. the feeding stuffs .situation cially so far as cereals' v*. cerned, was serious, and would be necessary to make a th-r cut m Supplies on April-' Details' of the arrangemen 4 T. Williams
    101 words
  • 632 12 MR. SAMUEL STOREY, a Member of Parliament and cha *i man of Reuter's gave a luncheon yesterday at the I Chester Hotel to London representatives of the news agenci* r and newspapers of the Dominions and India, the colonies ur other friendly countries. Sir Stanley Reed,
    Reuter  -  632 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 368 12 v\ f -****&t* fMmrkE Em r* .1..-***^, <• i JS9 ms v«^r^ _f 'w «i!"*!ss« sS^ ■>'$''**_&_>»&«.■ < wWSr}S^Pii____Bßtof>>*^----»R--^ :^lt^_^^ t y^^s^t_^___^j^^-^>^*>* v^*^*-—^i>^c^^- v^. *^!^J aj^:_-..-v.j^~*l vx'- AmMfmmtf**l' M Xi **T*l"""_i_____P*f .J_it*fe**9rlll_f___**T7_B-__rn_^ rf^ ■Z__f**j*______r"i&.vc'y ■x X'S' v*Bv%^%^_^ j_i ttt_ I_____r*****______ ________*^_P*_____________l_____________i W...MHWL. JC^t-i___t -^__"****y „^^^'*<^^ ll**^3*_______ro____B_______ f_Ri__S_i Bw*ir k*^__M__£ X
      368 words
    • 162 12 j ---<--. PROF. ILMUDD I*** 4 < !f t i^ (PSYCHOLOGIST). PJ •)f *5| years ot study m I**>/ •J W\*Bt, so you will JacVf able ulld lus tructlve all who are In troubl* J .ng. Business. Domestic. Plu nc "il r Travelling Marriage and love Strictly confidential. Consult-.*""* >
      162 words