Sunday Tribune (Singapore), 21 January 1940

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Sunday Tribune (Singapore)
  • 17 1 The Sunday Tribune 5 A.M. EDITION VOL. 7— No. 33. SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, JANUARY 21, 1940. FIVE CENTS.
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  • 1146 1 BRITAIN HAS NO ILLUSIONS ABOUT GERMANY'S STRENGTH LORD HALIFAX ON DICTATORS 'AND ON DEMOCRACY: A GIGANTIC STRUGGLE London, Jan. 20. •W^T E are m no illusion about the war," said Ww Foreign Minister Lord Halifax when speaking at Leeds to-night. "We know how great are the the liberty and independence
    Reuter  -  1,146 words
  • 286 1 London, Jan. 20. gNOWSTORMS, ice and frost are causing havoc and hardship m many parts of Europe. Reuter's Amsterdam correspondent states that with temperatures varying between 27 decrees F. and 49 degrees F., and frost, Berlin is shivering m one of the coldest winters m living
    Reuter  -  286 words
  • 304 1 POPE'S MESSAGE TO ROOSEVELT Washington, Jan. 20. chances of peace are reduced to a -I slight probability," says the Pope m the message to President Roosevelt made public to-day. This, says the Pope, is due to "a stubborn obstacle which is becoming more difficult to surmount." The message is the
    Reuter  -  304 words
  • 218 1 JAPAN MUST ABANDON ASIA POLICY Tokyo. Jan. 20. "T MEL sure my country is very 1 much awake to the rond. turns not >nlv m Europe but also m the Far Fast," declart d Sir Robert Gralfie at a luiuhcon paitv m honour of the newly appointed military attache to
    Reuter  -  218 words
  • 73 1 London. Jan. 20. FIFTY-FIVE Germans lost I heir lives during the repatriation of Germans from Soviet-occupied Poland. accordLng the official German wireless. The Germans were exposed to a temperature of 72 degress of frost and had to cover enormous distances on foot Up to the present
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 19 1 LONDON, lan. M*— Th« death »;<•- (uiietl at Oxford of Sir Francis l'\li'^tt, formerly British minister i f A(h»ns.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  19 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 9 1 BATTERY ROAD. Tel: 4772 All OITiISIIMI.S $5. to $30.
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    • 78 1 BATTERY HOAD. Tel: 4772 For EMERGENCY STORES Eminently suitable for this purpose ta "BEAR BRAND" sterilized natural Swiss Milk. Ready for instant use as it comes straight from the tin, "Bear brand" is the world's richest milk with the risk removed by sterilization and contains all its original vitamins and
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  • 46 2 Rome, Jan. 20. ITALY has banned all imports of fore- j ign textiles into her colonies m East Africa, upon the ground that the Ita- I I'an Empire can produce all the silk and c^* on tcxti'es needed there- Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 311 2 UNDER YO UR VERY NOSE A NEW THEATRE IS BUILT AND 200 MEN HAVE DONE IT (Tribune Staff Reporter) TWO hundred Singapore workmen are on a mission of joy. Yesterday I visited them while they worked and they seem to be one jjranj; of workmen who are unaffected by the
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  • 214 2 Second Bankruptcy Of Clerks Singapore, Saturday. 1 STATING that it was his second bankruptcy, Tay Nam Kiang, 29-year-old clerk, employed at the Statistics Department, appeared m the Bankruptcy Court to-day. In the course of his public examination, conducted by Mr. G. H. Po, assistant Official Assignee, bankrupt said that his
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  • 42 2 Mrs. C. Ocilvie. Wi.fe of Mr. Ogilvie. Mining Engineer. Meru Tin Ltd.. Ipoh. nas been admitted to the Batu Gajah Hospital Miss A.C.E. Myers. Nursing Sister, Malayan Nursing Service, has been appointed to be a Matron. Grade 11. Mala- van Nursing Service.
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  • 251 2 ROMANCE IS IN THE AIR DOMANCE has taken to the air. Practically every flying boat that comes m to Singapore these days brings a bride. Qantas and Imperial Airways will soon be known as "airlines of romance" if the wartime marriage "boom" continues. The war has. of course, been responsible
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  • 107 2 London. Jan. 20. THE Board of Education has informed local education authorities that a number of Government school and holiday camps which have been under construction since last summer ire now available for use as boarding schools for evacuated children. The camps stand In 'arge
    British Wireless  -  107 words
  • 303 2 (Tribune Staff Reporter) THE Sicc/fricd Line has scld 4.000 gramophone records En Singapore.... local music stores are overjcyctl that little 'ole 'itler has such a thvcj as the Siegfried line. And this is the reason why. "We're gonna hang out the washing on the
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  • 286 2 story of a good Samaritan who was robbed of a big of clothing by a man whom he had given shelter m his room the previous night, was to-day told m the Fourth Police Court, where Yong Weng Yong, a young Chinese, claimed trial
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  • 45 2 London, Jan 20. ENQUIRIES into the explosion at the Royal gunpowder factory near London continue. It is understood that In the light of the latent information the authorities do not consider there is .support for earlier suspicions of sabotage. British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  45 words
  • 25 2 The Rev. Francis Cbnn. who was recently ttrdPined ns Driest is now attached to the St. Michael's Church. Ipoh assistant to the Rev. Father Francois.
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  • 195 2 CENTEXCE of twelve months' rigorous imprisonment to be followed by twelve months' police supervision was this morning passed on 21-year old Kwan Ah Yin, who was convicted by Mr. J. L. Me Fall m the Singapore Criminal District Court on a charge of dishonestly
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  • 91 2 Government Tamil School For Johore (Tribune staff Reporter) TWE first Tamil School to be built m Johore liahru by the Government will soon be erected at Bukit CkagftT "IT Jai^in Tebrau. Costing $4*ooo, the new school will be one-storeyed. There will be accommodation for 100 pupik Tenders have been received
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  • 61 2 Here is the fifth of the series of pictures which we uuhli !i m co-opera-tion with the A.A.M It illustrates that m an accident of this kind it is not always ihe motorist who is at fault. This cyclist came out of a side turning without
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 247 2 Arthritis Agony Curbed In 30 Minutes 1 h»- amaslng new discovery Rumend banishes tho i>;,ins <,f Arthritis, Rheuma- Lumbago, Neuritis and Sciatica hk.» magic In 30 minutes after tin- first dose pains disappear, and m a f. \v days this marvelous medfeine dissolves and removes tho body p<. \,.j,j t
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    • 62 2 Phone IpftJSSiHHMHEIBI I (a.m. 3.15 MalayajMojt Modern 34 00 ipccca^Bajjuju^ ,vw^ 6.15-9.15 20 IH CFNTURY-FOX PRESENT "HOLLYWOOD CAVALCADE" THE ROMANCE OF THE FLICKERS BUSTER KEATON STII.I. mM m -BUSTING KOBVSTIKR THAN i» 1^ Ht\ W\ 1 Iti H IB Bl Bl Bl V <v '^wi^B^KaHB^BJ fc^K. WEWS JUST A'mmvd. liLSrL
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 184 2 MALAYAN BOOM IN SMALL RADIO ribunC u Staff "•P ol 1^ hmmnm, not included m this list nEOPLE are smaller radio JL 1 J Dealers m radio sets m the city sets nowadays— m preference to said that due to the restrict|on o the larger ones. imports into the
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    • 266 3 Government Tells You How You Should Dress (Tribune Staff Reporter) H .">"''"■'•■•'' 5..? ,»,.ii,. ih, „,.,,,.,s n, [rk ha U..C.1 „d,u»n v,.«r hl n ta |JS™^ even m (his year <>f grace 1940! lVrhaps those at home
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    • 94 3 nID you know that yen can have a v Police Inspector present at any social function m Singapore, dressed m his full uniform with shiny new cuttcn*. wa'icing sick and helmet? But he has a price. The fees for the hire of the Police to private persona
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    • 345 3 BIG- BUILT, 16-year-old Mr. HaV i<!d North-Hani must liave b(fn an extremely busy person last yea: For th<»r uiio are less energetic, he surely mu>t be an in>pitaiiun. A memb.'r oi" our very rfliO'fnt Malayan Civil Service, ."Mr. Vith-Hunt who holds the impctant pt:st Of
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    • 159 3 THIS'LL GIVE YOUR CHILDREN HEADACHES (Tribune Staff Reporter) f AKIOGKAI'HEKS are bound to have a headache when they come to re-drawing the ouiline of Singapore m a few years' time. What will necessitate a change of Singapore's coast l?ne will perhaps be the earth reclamations which are taking place on
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    • 301 3 FIGURE THIS OKi; OI'T F -YOU'D REACH MONTREAL YI/HAT makes countless visitors to our shorts exclaim m ad- miration, "Your roads are so wonderful?'' In fact, one American visitor t > Malaya said recently that Malayan reads were the best m the world after
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    • 196 3 yyilO would realise that behind the dusty and grimy exterior of the Federated Malay States railways for such they must necessarily appear is a story of wealth and progress? For the railways made the handsome profit of $4,280,082 through carrying passengers and freight
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    • 109 3 IF you ui-h to import a corpse 1 m a coffin into the Colony, you are not allowed to do so, unless you obtain a permit from the Port Health Officer of the Colony. This is only one of the strange
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    • 50 3 Singaporeans Are Heavy Drinkers CINr.AFORFANS are heavy d- inkers. They're UeUtalc.s alright, for their chief rtiink is watrr «.f which our population consumed nearly 21 million gallons per day. At a capital cost exceeding 536 millions, the Municipal Commissioners of Singapore have provided an extensive and up-to-date water-works, which as
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    • 36 3 There's Wealth Here This picture of the F.M.S. Railway Station and its environs graphically illustrates the amount of work put m by engineers, builders and others to ensure that Malaya has a good system of railways.
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  • 402 3 (Tribune stuff Reporter) J^ POETESS who visited Singapore with her husband m 1937 has just published a slim volume of her works m Burma which is attracting considerable interest both m Burma and m London. f Sh« is Rhoda G. Sutherland, wife aptain C.
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  • 98 3 Singapore, Siuurday. Bail m the sum of $100 each was this morning offered to Sua Tai Heng and Nai Yak Hoon. two Chinese, who claimed trial before Mr. J. L. McFall m the Criminal District Court to a charge of housebreaking by night by climbing
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  • 168 3 UNLAWFUL OCCUPATION OF CROWN LAND Singapore, Saturday. rjHAKGEI) with the unlawful occupation of crown land Mr. A. H. M. Low was fined $5 to-day by Mr. L. C. Goh, Fifth magistrate. Mr. Sim Teng Chew, of the Land Office who prosecuted, stated that defendant put up a "bangsal" on Crown
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 242 3 rM ata 1 sk A '/aT m. 1 i^wKSi iT ii ii f^M ra ■■I lu\B I n R 1 IAI M I -Iw y V J oil fl| I i Its worry that I DESTROYS/ rz^ Y ou are always worrying, you are not Jfc-jJL well. Your nerves are
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 231 4 OPENING TO-DAY PAVILION DM> M*Y KNOW Htt WAY WOUND MtftMUl V ,jV but HE SURE NEEDS HELP AROUND HOUYWOCDI Jed Prouty Spring Byington Ken Howe!! George Ernest June Carlson Florence Roberts Billy Mahcn and William Trccy June Gole Marvin Stephens NrXT < r.ssp -•THE lIKOEii:^ ItC^AHY* uitl; DKKEK OLDHAM U
      231 words
    • 225 4 A Ihrillinir. Romantic Story (he S«.u(h American Jungle! CVmIHTOL TO-DAY. .3.15-6.15-9.15 I V R OARING ROAD TO HADES! A hot Pana-ma-ma— and a fighting conK!ff M^ ALLA^ LA^ E STEFFI DUNA felfe^ BRENT- DONALD BRIGGS |§t^ §k $4g§L^ if^ Romance! It's A SWELL AND SNAPPY [MOT! I A J-T lo.N'KiiiT
      225 words
    • 282 4 CHILDRKN COME \M> f M>, DONALD DU( X'< "BEACH PICNIC PARTY.! I T" r. 1 TO-DAY ONLY AT 11 A.M. '.W A I. A 31 It It A The REFUGEE j To-day and To-morrmv A special issue of "MARCH OF TIME. L J POSITIVELY LAST DA* t I 91 %%||fßlt
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 5 -Jt- kiaa ■aaaar. you wan to m a oood i start i/on 'n/. p. group 1 of budding prii recetvii g I Brothe*- Thomas. ihr picti bc2oto Brother h'ttc'njul t ore i rrre n</ir/
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  • 194 5 1. ndon, Jan. THE twenty-year *)an placed on the publication i t Earl rlaig*B war diaries, which have been locked m a ftteel cabinet at the British Museum, mded yesterday. Hut it ha. not jrel been decided \et the publi( shall be allowed to rend
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  • 27 5 MAKING USE OF HANDS Bare lit U n :;C( "s old, thii boy is It irni become a carpenter at the Trade School m Bit?: it Timah,
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  • 250 5 London, Jan. 4. itfEARLY 200 Australian airmen were yesterday paraded at a Wesi a A p it for the first time before their new commander. Air Chief Marshal Sir Frederick W. Bow hill, the ormnander-in-Chief of the coastal command. After he had carried out a
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  • 41 5 The Secretary of the Imperial AlHi nee for the Defence of Sunday has received intimation from tho Minister for Home Security that there is no intenison of bringing forward legislation to facilitate the opening or theatres and niu&ic- hulls on Sundays.
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  • 196 5 Luiulon. Jan. ?0. ACCORDING to information obtained m reliable quarters a Mr. Pless Schmidt, who it is understood is of Danish origin, accosted Lord Halifax at his hotel m London some weeks a«o anfl submitted a peace plan m writing. Mr. Pless Schmidt appeared to
    Reuter; British Official Wireless  -  196 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 234 5 Foot Itch Cause Killed is* 4 Daijs Pain and Itching A C 4. I y^ iMdly that .1, I 'JSS r kin on ,v, ih.. it then an«l jour fP*t craVl Kre there blla- It t> i nmkeS th« ten l»iwwn you I lon the wlw ol rools th« akl
      234 words
    • 49 5 Deliciously crisp they provide a staple diet which brings -health and happin< Butter or milk add pieatly t«> their enjoym< nt. 'PHONE: SINGAPORE r,:>>7(> C> lino,), K. LUMPUR 3331 (:> lines), IPOH 110 111 (2 lines), PENANG 1500 1501, BUTTERWORTH :n. C.S. 29A Advt. o/ Singapore Cold Slorayc Co.. Ltd.
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  • 2114 6  - A Woman Peeps At Singapore. VERA ARDMORE BY HpHE world and his wife s^med to b^ at Rallies last Saturday evening wfc n the atmosphere was particularly pl:asant and a number cf fnmiliar i. ccs were to be sen. Rarly In the evening I recogn'sed i the diners Mr. and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 353 6 N*^/ Yi>r from rhronu MWI odour. Krmo\rs instantK nmrll from taCSSSIvs perspiratinn. A h«K>i» to Ruff«-rers li»injr m lh#» tropicv rsprcially. Savm frrqiirnt and in<on\<-nicnt rhang-r of K«pat «tainrd lothinr Hody'a f ri« nd Snow White I'owder n no WSrvelloSNl] #>(Tertiv«- thai it not only r.m.ivM all dixromfortN hut maU-
      353 words
    • 328 6 J(mF*&yQ3 C-l KODNFY HCUSE /^P^Bp LATTLIt V ROAD mfoJ KKi-T STRAW '"!s>''&ii *--y RENOVATED RFMOD2LLED Ay&y*? s Btit«hed hats T^'*^ jt made m Linen ST\ and a k. aiso ;V dRE£ g c s HANDBAGS r NOVEL lES JDST ARRIVED NEW SHmiENT PRINTED TOBRALCO UlO DESIGNS AT Shanti Silk Store
      328 words
    • 57 6 Pl^lt^t^kß^^ BRITISH MADE 1 151 I 1 Hi; /^dfFF^\ \i i l i B I Wl 1 Truss" W^J 'Cushion:; of air on bands of ease' a P e« F^ Company uirr>''*" Gentle jret ade^iiatc surr^-a j»i v «n i»y automntic ah- eushlons M tall ;xt our oilices for an
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  • 410 7 ROUND THE SHOPS little more tl :gr< und i i lories, the tie* dark frocks now ai Palafc 'i: i ttoslei are rably distinctive m .^pite of their sobrr eokwrtngs. They aie tlie perfect dressmaker type, beautifully detailed and fashioned from fine qu repe. Among them then charming little black
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  • 307 7 S'pore Kiddies Visit Government House U7H11.1-: Chili «>nnj;sters enjoyed a party at Government House nu Tuesday they had a gallery <<f brown- ye d kiddies children of the servants at Government House, wh<; watched the fun m anticipation 01 their i w'i party which took p!« cc the following clay.
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  • 229 7 M< »v. everybody has returned fn m holidays and ettl< d down to a normal routine there was trK customary well attended session of bridge on Tue day night at Tanglin Club I coui [es at which everyone seemed to be enjoying their B( hr presid
    229 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 41 7 THE SECRET OF CHAMPIONS Good health it the first requisite tt Port I ls ConSoSS'". ...orhurys millions, of mm v. the v buildup ?«'SL? ther I, 55/bL st mu •SrSnJf Syst Ui irt against dis--•'is y.>U vi,, k.-».,, S you! 3,
      41 words
    • 193 7 Pyorrhea and Trench Mouth Slopped m 24 Hours i Bleedins emus, Bore mouth, or loom i« ■<•• h mean t li.-i i j ou c ;> \*ictlm <>f Pyorrhea <>r Mouth, or Borne ><l disease that will eventually cause you to lo«--e all your t tli and ha re to
      193 words
    • 261 7 Backache kidney and bladder v/eak- p:-^'* >" ness. Kitting up nights arc KyJ caused by poisons m your :3jSbBW :irr cries and blood stream. Bw^CS Dr. Mackenzie's VEIN- ER\\B| f>IDS. the great medicinV E^SaTtß I'>r the arteries, cleanses ImmSlJ| it blood<<tream bringing quick relief from aponislncr pnin and a
      261 words
    • 91 7 m^\, TIRED §PU JK FEELING R* t i"l CONE! 1»> "**>' M Skin rssh s the way v. >v lak« First one aili < another. For E. blood a• 'i most tn m the blood woi ttei I have f at reeling wond< I rash an d 1 1
      91 words
    • 312 7 hi 'BBS H H tf^^aß fel HBB JuBP mm^^t SOOTHED AT LAST! A //v.'.. sa/;/ provides baby with After the bath powd r baby \uth .m invulnerable armour against superfine Cuticura Talcum. Being dejHflj germs and prevailing m- highly absorbent, it helps (<» fections. is why more and counteract
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  • 476 8 SUNDAY TRIBUNE Sunday, January 21, 1940. Give Them A "Run For Their Money" DECENTLY, the Secretary of ths Selangor Branch of the Malaya Patriotic Pund expressed me opinion that Stale lotteries should be introduced, that provision for them should l>e made now against time when enthusiasm for the Fund begins
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  • 904 8  - 1940— Year of SABOTAGE? C. H. Stanley Jones By KEEP IT AWAY FROM MALAYA JJEFORE they launch their big attack m the West if they ever do launch it the Nazis have yet to try out to the full another card, possibly more destructive and certainly less risky for themselves.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 112 8 ■^Hp; Did you MACLEAN your teeth to-day jßr-** 1^""" T^b&L. if*" 1 v i .->« The answer is "Yes" MACLEANS PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE Sales Representative: A. T. Gillespie. P.O. Box 217, Singapore Bit you use a solid dentifrice, try Macleans Solid Peroxide Dentifrice iNTcbTINAL U- J M. KEEPS YOU YOUNG
      112 words
    • 33 8 Advances against goods and produce at low rates of interest may be arranged with us. We also offer Godown spaces to let at low rentals. Further particulars will be tupplied on application, UASTXRA
      33 words
    • 326 8 Mgß^j^ffiSffffff I T5! jsl l^ TSI gl !51 iSI gl gT TSHSI |ol fsj ia 10l fol fsi fol fSI (51 fol Tol W fol TSI TR ISI a Wmk'''* EYTECC A^ll% t P CAUSES THAT PAIN g KShI Take this Advice and i Eat what you like Read how
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  • 1495 9 11. i llo|>kin In londou London. Jan. (J. TWO comedians on the wireIcai (he other evening had the following exchanges. One said: "I was out on a steamer at sea. and we found that there was a submarine right undtr us." "What did you do?"
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 662 9 ly f <4>. L y) Kruschen Has Made Me Young Again "At it, kt 4 backache so badly that I mm Going upstairs tias an trdtal. 1: often made me gasp tilth I started taking Krvschen Salts. C4M run up stairs three at a n If you vutfer from backache,
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    • 98 9 Lose Fat Secret Method Discovered By Hollywood Cinema Stars Now Obtainable at Chemists a safe, s. ret method of reduclnc ucty f:tt ■r< 1 J.\ a I California physician In prescribing to the famous Cinema Stars of Hollywood. This diseover\ called Formode, quickly and safeb dissolves ugly fat—." pounds a
      98 words
    • 399 9 GIVE YOUR CHILDREN THIS VITAL NERVENOURISHING FOOD Delicious Quaker Oats V /tM> abundant source of Y^P^X THIAMIN* *THIAMIN (Vitamin B,) is a food clement that nourishes the nerves, promotes energy, aids digestion. Vital to perfect health, it must be resupplicd to the system daily. Growing children especially need >* ""^r^
      399 words

  • 62 10 "JAPAN CANNOT RETREAT UNDER PRESSURE" Warning To United States France And U.S.A. Protest Against Troops' Outrages Tokyo, Jan, 20. COMMENTING on the United States programme for naval expansion, the Asahi Shlmbun, m an editorial, says: "If the United States, by these methods, seeks to restrain Japan it is wasting its
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 91 10 Shanghai, Jan. *j<». ACCORDING to the United States Consulate Miss Prances Donaldson, who alleged that she was assaulted by a Japanese naval sentry on Dec. 20 while crossing the bridge leading from the International Settlement to the Japanese-occupied part of the Settlement, has received verbal apologies from two Japanese naval
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 56 10 Chungking, Jan. 20. Renter is authoritatively informed that "minor c'a.shcs" between Chinese troop* occurred m Shane) recently but "It is absolutely untrue" to state that large-scale fighting has broken out. It is stated that no more than 3.000 at the most were involved m these clashes and any
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • Article, Illustration
    78 10 r Paris, Jan.—A quiet day on the Western Imn. i, ut our patrols were active m several Motors. < -v- 1 Here is a typical communique \mmbi by General Gamelin from \njer ht ndquarlers m I rantr. And do you know what "patrols urro active" means? Look at the
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  • 138 10 A Japanese Aimy spokesman revealed to a Press conference to-day that the French and American authorities had protested against the alleged burning and looting of missions m the Kwangtung and Kwangsi Provinces by Japanese troops. He said that the American authorities claimed that the American Christian and
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 184 10 PUPPET REGIME IN CHINA Shanghai, Jan. 20. jyil«. SotomatMi Kalo, the Japanese 111 Minister-at-Large m China, is rep< rted to have return id to Tokyo by aii after seeing the American Ambassador, Mr. Nelson Johnson, Mid exchanging opinions relative to thn rropening rf the lower Yangtze X ye; ;>nd the
    Reuter  -  184 words
  • 186 10 DEATH OF AMERICAN LEADER Washington. Jan. 20 THK (hath is announced of Senator William K. Borah, the Republican leader and Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of the C.S. Senate.- Senator Borah was apparently free from pain during his last hours, accordin those watching at his bedside. Since he was
    Reuter  -  186 words
  • 251 10 Senator Borah was equivalent to Odposition Leader In Britain but lie maintained Independence cl thought ani ac tion throughout his political career. Ho declined the Vice-Presidential nomination vain CooUdge m 1924, and was also said to hay declined earlier the Republican leadership oj the 5 nete und
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  • 157 10 I iom lon, Jan. 20, ]||ILITARY circles m London consider that a big German offensive m the west would" be a colossal gamble. One of the chief unknown factors, it is pointed out, is the weather. It is recMirnised that if the enemy
    British Wireless  -  157 words
  • 97 10 Ottawa. Jan. 20. THE Canadian Supreme Court, by a ma- jcrity, has declared Parliament competent to enact a bill to abolish ap] to the Privy Council. A bill for this purpose was tntn d m t lie last n of Parliament Conservative Member, Mr i
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 109 10 SOVIET DIVISION CUT OFF ileismk. Jan, Bt. it is reported thai t Soviet dm n on th« S; lla fr< ni iv ut off fiom communication^ by I ■innish patioly. Six Soviet planes dropped IM i mbf between Kemijaervi and -k» siiinii'in:. m the north Several nut) -b( •mbcfl towns
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 28 10 mwcow, jail. :i» Suvi«( communique states that m the Kitael district «t the ivtrosavotfk arra k u.n n out mminais--1 IIKe lllliK I inihil ifr <; m»mi battalton."- Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 369 10 MM IS 9^ *<T x 'ill i£> i I»^*^ r^ t^* i mk£ Of course that rule corner first. For .t^^SS Inner Cleanbness is rhe very beginning y^ V^ of health! And to make absolutely certain H~" .''^^l that deep-down Inner Cleanliness is you? V J^W natural davb\-ddwtaic you need
      369 words
    • 99 10 HOW TO SHORTEN CONVALESCENCE A long convalescence is tedious and tiring to both doctor and patient. After many operations and illnesses, digestion is affected and Impaired. y*t it is necessary to eat well to regain your strength quickly. The trouble is that the very thought of lood is often repulsive.
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    • 125 10 -^6^7 "KODAK Film xgV^Z never lets you down" It's always a joy to get your snaps back when £=£=C^\ you ye been using Kodak 1-Um. That's the I*4 S\ way to make sure of good pictures *W M Kodak 'Verkhrome' is the most widely used film m V the world.
      125 words

  • 300 11 HE SPOKE UNWITTINGLY London Jan 20 WHERE is practically no comment m the morning newspapers on t t, speech m which I>r. Goebbels yesterday, standing on the -round th. invasion of which by German armies set Europe alight with the 'lames of war, quaintly
    British Official Wireless  -  300 words
  • 237 11 INDIA DISPUTE NEARS END Bombay, Jan. 20. "I HAVE not lost faith m Britain," writes Mahatma Gandhi m his newspaper Harijan. "I like the Viceroy's latest speech. J believe m his sincerity. The speech contains the germs of a settlement honourable to l)oth nations. J am not spoiling for a
    Reuter  -  237 words
  • 221 11 READ THIS If You're Interested In Food London, Jan. 20. AGREEABLE relaxation of rationin'; is announced for Monday. Bacon and ham arc bo plentiful that Government are permitting the purchase, without coupon, of cooked bacon and ham and unoooked forehocks and gammon. The manufacture of •macom" is being discontinued, and
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  • 125 11 Tin Rubber For Soviet via U.S.A. New York, Jan. l'm. THE success of the United Stal defence programme is being seriously threatened as the result of activities of unnamed persons, according to Wi rton telegram to the New York Times. The dispatch qu I my an rntta :H s for
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • World news flashes
    • 28 11 MOSCOW, Jan. 20.— 1t is announced thnt over 160 officers and men ,»f the "Red* 1 Army have been decorated f'>r \a!our m the campaign m Finland*— Reuter
      Reuter  -  28 words
    • Article, Illustration
      54 11 HELSINKI, Jan. 20. Three bombs n»t a building m which is th< residence «f the British vicc-tonx,,! at Abo (Turku) during the recent Run ian air raid. One bomb blew out the entire flat m the building, but all the occupants m the building were an air raid shelter ana
      Reuter  -  54 words
    • 66 11 wu>, Jan. 20.— Thi- Prime Ministar of Norway. M. declared .n Pallia m lit thml the fi-s« duty of Government was to keep tho (OUMtiy nut <»f war and uovernnicnt would accordingly continue strons poliiy of neutral ty without regard to sympathm> But. he add<d. As tilings are now we
      Reuter  -  66 words
    • 39 11 OTTAWA, Jan. 20.- The Bank of Canada announce that th« subscriptions to the War loan Fund amount to 5321 millions. "The ponse of the ptoph* of Canada n.iexceeded the hi«hr>t expectations," declared the Finance Minister Mr. Ralston Reuter
      Reuter  -  39 words
  • 272 11 London, Jan. -20. J^HE Air Ministry announces that during Thursday night and again last niKht the Royal Air Force carried out several reconnaissance flights over North-west Germany. A Paris communique states that a sharp encounter between reconnaissance units on German territory m the region of
    Reuter; British Official Wireless  -  272 words
  • 50 11 A Copenhagen message states that according to the Berlin correspondent of the National Tidende. 60 G3rman shipjards o:*e now constructing a new small type of submarine which is claimed can be built m a month. It is stated that trews are beins given instruction m training boats.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 336 11 ,TB•a7 f> *w Mk ißMaar 1 v \XsSv it A I iTßsV^J^**' m V Bb«*jZ^ MM iii^^i^^^aalV^j^i^Bf&fktiLsM aaU 1 tB V splendid qualify for bigger pay fiOUlDmtrif You can be trained at home just as NaX tional Schools trains .tudents m its large intern*„X. >F~if SI tionallv-roco,«ni/ed resident school. During
      336 words
    • 66 11 SPRING LATH MVTTRtSS No. MLIOI STEEL ANGLE FRAME WITH CAST IRON CORNERS BRACK LTS. The close set steel laths art aluminium ■plated and supported each end v..»h steel tension spri:;R which k gaivanued and afterward o enamelled to p. event i'Uit. Size 3 ft. 6 m Length 6 ft. 4
      66 words
    • 662 11 Hearing Restored, Head Noises Banished AmaZlllff ReSllltS J'^s.^tarrh and m a natural w.iv restores hearing m some of the most obstinate cases Started m 24 Hours by Praised By Users New Discovery wonderful results received. For instance. Deafness and Head Noises need not be Alr N. W. writes: "My hearing
      662 words
    • 446 11 SHE GAINED B>/i LBS. OP FINE, FIRM. FLESH. Took tasteless, flesh-iormlng tain Here Is a letter from a qualified nurse which brings new hope to ail who are worried about their weight. This lady had actually lost nearly 10 lbs. yet In six weeks she got BV2 lbs. back again.
      446 words

  • 614 12 ANNUAL REPORT OF ASSOCIATION (By Gay Reveller— Perak) IX)MING into existence m 1934 and going on from .strength to strength year by year the Kinta Badminton Association is holding its sixth annual genera] meeting to-day at the Perak Chinese Recreation Club Be2ow is their annual report
    614 words
  • 227 12 (By "Rambler") pi'KTHER progress was made during the week m the interteam tournament at Kuala Lumpur. Lok Hwa lead m the League with eight points, Springvale running them close with seven points. However, the Chinese parly got their tight points m 15 games
    227 words
  • 44 12 Chungking THE co-operative movement has spread 1 to twenty-six provinces In th course of the past three years, according to up-to-date statistics. Totally 112,193 co-operatives, a m mbership of 5.590,000 and an aggregate capital of $11,998,989 have been registered.- Chinese Central News
    Chinese Central News Agency  -  44 words
  • 45 12 Two German 4m. guns and an Austrian 6in. gun presented to Middlesbrough m recognition of the town's large contributions to the War Savings Fund during the last War arc to bt sold for re-melting. Reccnt'y a German tank was sold for .scrap.
    45 words
  • 430 12 PENANG EXPECTS TO WIN IT FOONG SEONC CUP (By '(ess" Pemuif) OADMINTON players m Pentnf w ho are pra hard for th<> coming Penang junior championship will be glad t i learn I hi date of commencement of the tournaim has been fixed for Mar. 10, entries closing on Mar
    430 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 516 12 For The Blood, Veins, Arteries and Heart v v r d^^^M^MlKirig fMt *-W^::^mKSimmV^^ And Stop Limping DON'T let Leg TrcmhsM cfipast yvm Ta*» p lnli. «W GwasA Not Remedy that cures through the blmd. *md hay« d«SM wi#a exyDrced re« 4. worry, suth ring and expense. Leg aches and pains
      516 words
    • 201 12 NEW YOUTH comes when GLANDS REVIVE £S It tlie vigour /■L and vitality of f^P I '■■■■■■■-s**' •»k t youth is fading ■pi f from you it is v^l< it on 'y because yo^r glands are exhausted .weak .dried up. Clands CAN now be rejuvenated. This will tell you how
      201 words
    • 424 12 Heart Trouble Dangers Due to High Blood Pressure Vcfifai^ fricfrijf Av^?wH POOR sIW Dangerous Symptoms rFi^J|( ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ll^^BbbsbbbsbbbbbW^ MEMORY ?S Chech These Symptoms r lm^Ui^z^ With Your Condition S| Before It Is Too Late The livps of thousands, yo«», millions of m<-n and I \i N> /Vf l! V women thro»ighout
      424 words

  • 227 13  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh 11MM Hongkong, Jan. 20. -in Mho recovery of Sunghua, I Huahsien and Chuntien, all of which form th<> outer defences of Canton, the southern capital is virtually m a stair of si According, to tafornfation reaching Chinese military headquarters Crrnese 223?
    227 words
  • 47 13 Mr. E. W. Hid'\ Com roller of Posts, Malayan Posts and Telouraphs Service. haa been seconded for service m Jon < re, with effect from D-c. 23, 1939. 2. v. Dertnii haa been appointed ar. siataul xooct supply officer for Singapore In place of Mr. M R Honcierso..
    47 words
  • 114 13 Stagaporc, Saturday. 2^ X anpioyed by the Asiati yetrfSSL 00 Ltd 1( the I to-da T v S i d m the Bankruptcy Com "*s£ 10 i abilities "si 1.30. maJ C V t! ll at he Wi; ht The debt of $11,302 included $4o"
    114 words
  • 250 13 It nterview With Chief Engineer Singapore, Saturday. r^XK hundred and seven survivors v of the ill fated X.Y.K. liner the Terukuni Maru" which sank off the East Coast of England after being struck by a German magnetic mine on Nov. lm. arrived m 'port
    250 words
  • 443 13 ALLEGED TO HAVE USED STAMPS TWICE drum Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. jyju Oscar Wilson, Government document and handwriting expert, and Mr. Arthur C. Brooks, Senior Assistant Government Analyst, grave evidence for the prosecution at the trial of Abu bin Daud, a 33-year-old Malay, who is charged on three counts
    443 words
  • 113 13 Singapore, Saturday. r r-IIi: cost of living is not going down at the moment, and it maj 1,0 that the bankrunls prospects will improre," siij Sir Percy MeEhraine m t)?e Bankruptcy Court to-day daring j i'l>e public examination of LUw Teek Seng
    113 words
  • 130 13 Singapore, Saturday. THINKS totalling 8550 were this morning imposct? on Chua Ho Cheo. a 34-year old Teocheu. who pleaded guilty before Mr. Kenneth M. Byrne In the Fourth Police Court to three liquor offences. Accused pleaded guilty to <ii possession of five gallons dutiable samsu,
    130 words
  • 299 13 Singapore, Saturday. hfa bankruptcy to a civil judgment made against him m 1937 which was for over $8,000, a European, Mr. Douglas Alfred Rushton appeared m tin' Bankruptcy Court this morning before Sir Percy McElwaine for his public examination. Mr. G. H. Fu v.m.v for the
    299 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 127 13 rearii^ L a 5 ompletean(l reliable guide to the breeding. It ifhS'iS:* 11 Gaining and showing of dogs. S«o«diy. /fTSBfiM you exaffP ert^ eterinar v advice on paper, for it tells tU^^i^maL now von what t0 do i° canine illness— explaining W^pO^LWm corrupt f.^ 1^" 086 tne complaim and telling
      127 words
    • 1196 13 STOMACH PAIN Eased at Once After weeks on milk and soda I Tave you ever had to choose b»bs^r*n semi-starvation and sickness? How depressing it is, for week aftT week, to have barely enough nourishment to keep life together. What a joy when this nightmare is suddenly banished, and healthy,
      1,196 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 575 13 On The Air To-day WHEN AND j WHERE TO LISTEN IN SINGAPORE 7HL 225 metres (US mrs). J Z HP 30.96 metres (9.H9 mcs). uW M.iit^rv Band Musk played bf the Clran 1 I JESS* Brass Bands. "March Of tho Men"— "Song of the Marines" ?i &;iotish Ptoti Man* fo
      575 words
    • 191 13 MROM YD\ 6.04 Mcs (49.6 mctres> YOB 1186 Mrs (25.3 metres) PMN 10.26 Mcs (29.2 metres) YOB 9.65 Mcs (31 20 metres) YDC 15.16 Mcs (19.80 metres) From 6.20 a.m. to 7.50 am. (local time). From 10.50 a.m. to 2.20 p.m. From 4.50 p.m. to 11 50 p.m. PHOHI STATIONS
      191 words

  • 610 14 SINGAPORE'S WIN OVER SELA NG OR FINE HOCKEY SEEN IN PADANC GAME Singapore 2; Selangor 0. MAINTAINING their magnificent unbeaten record, Singapore defeated Selangor by 2 goals to nil yesterday in one of the grandest hockey battles seen on the Padang this season. The teams were as followsSINGAPORE: Yee Cheok
    610 words
  • 115 14 HOCKEY ASSOCIATION DINNER Singapore, Sunday. rpHK restaurant of the New World Dance Palace was the venue of a very pleasant function last ni^ht, when the Singapore Hockey Association held their annual dinner. A large gathering was present. Several membeifl of the Sclangor team .vhich lost to Lmv.apore yssterday were also
    115 words
  • 416 14 'Curry Tiffin' A HUGE SUCCESS pRACTICALLY a full house attended the presentation by the Repertory Players of "Curry Tiffin" at the Victoria Theatre last night. Few plays presented m Singapore havo i-ad such great success on a rirst night. The play and th 9 players were well north >r The
    416 words
  • 40 14 London, Jan. 20. England will meet Wales at rugby In Wales m aid of the Red Cross Fund on the first or second Saturday m March. It is hoped to arrange a return m England Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 91 14 EZaigapcrc, Sun lay. A VERY enjoyable concert was sta I j IV iast night at th- £.V.C. D.i Hall by U*e me -ibcrsof t-v 2nd Battalion, Singa- pore Vohmt?er Corps. There were amusing sketches, and musical items, and i*v ac ors s. td a hi./n
    91 words
  • 30 14 i The Pan-American Airways Atlantic Clipper, on its eastward trio, carried Philip Wilson, aged six months, who Is I claimed to be the youngest Transatlantic I tlyer In hi.story. f
    30 words
  • 309 14 Important Change In Contraban d Control QUIPS loading cargo at Singapore, Malacca and Penang for neutral countries m Europe will pass through the British contraband control more expeditiously as a result of an important change of procedure which comes into force next Wednesday. For approved shipments by all vessels sailing
    309 words
  • 31 14 TAMIL BROTHERHOOD PARTY ihe Tamil Brotherhood (above) have L-een playing ex<r diiiflj food fogl. ball lately. Recently they beat thf^ itrong Siting 800 Association xi i,> foil; i; ils t(> t\VJ/.
    31 words
  • 371 14 facilities will ultimately bo verj wide at the new St. Andrew's School." said the Rev. K. K. S. A»!anis who spoke at the annual meeting of the St. Andrew's Old Boys' Association held yesterday evening. Rev. Adan:, gave B veiy interesting account oj the
    371 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 655 14 GALA HOLIDAY PROGRAMME (PIONEER AMUSEMENT .'AUK IV MM\^\, IE I DANCE PAMCE FOUR DAUGHTERS (Wh <^ Ceding is a Comfort. i NIGHT ADNGB: 9.30 to 12 p.m 1 f an P John Garfleld GRAND THEATRE l v DANCE: <. :<o to «.3O p.m Matinee Ttt-daj I very Tucs., Thurs. and
      655 words
    • 117 14 WORLD'S NEED OF QUALIFIED ENGINEERS Bright Prospects and Big Pay Opportune* (or the Trained Man I NOW Is the time t« get out of the rut and qualify for a permanent well-paid post. Write TO-DAY for our great Guide which contains Hie wortf» widest choice of home-study engineering courses covering
      117 words

  • 870 15 Sycillian Pars $130 For Win (From Our Oun Krportor) Ipoh, Saturday. ijODD rode the winners m the first and third events at the opening v day of the [poh meeting to-day. There was a good attendance and the totes and >we re well
    870 words
  • 105 15 Dividends At A Glance Race I— Frrnlet $26 SlO Bast Lynne if 10 Fxplode 523 R»4 s—l'at5 I'at Burke S M ft X!> Kit WJ Queen Bcon $18 Race > Dewberry Ml ft |13 The Poacher S'.M Russian Rose SlO Race I Turn Over £30 sfi Drift On ss Jul
    105 words
  • 78 15 The following haw been selected t play hockey i r the y.m.c a Junior Department agaii the Hyderabad Re lment Tuesday, Jan 23. at 5 p.m on ihc Prince Edward Road ground: Hong I con^; V. C. Armstrong, A. c. Ed'^ar; Cheong Ihiam Slew, Goh Chin Cnye, I
    78 words
  • 60 15 Tiio following will be selected to represent the above l^am against the Sin s.apore Traction Company Sports Clu^ •n a friendly game of soccer en Monday, at Famr Park at 5 15 pjn.: —Pen? Ken-! Ah E.ii.. Wens Kai, Kai Teck, A) Lek, John. Si.m Wing.
    60 words
  • 58 15 I Sunday, radio listeners ii« Malaya will be ablo to ho v- the speech riadn by Mr. Winston Churchill, First i ord o! the Admiralty, at Manchester iast night. A recording of this speech rill b" broadcast by tho 8.8.C. at 8 M (Malayan time)
    58 words
  • 209 15 (From Our Own Correspondent) mm^ km Segamat, Saturday. POLLOWING their big defeat at Muar at the hands of the Malays. In the first encounter, the Segamat Old Boys' Association made hockey history by almost scoring a win over their compatriots when the two teams met
    209 words
  • 27 15 AMATEUR BOXING CLUB A co-nniitteo meet i 11? of the SinnaporAmateur Boxing Club will be held at the Hippy World Reception Room at 5 pm. to-morrow Monday*
    27 words
  • 125 15 In a friendly badminton match pUyed at the Happy World Covered Stadiuir the Oxygen Sports Club (Far East OxyRenAcety Co beat the Thornvcroft Sports Cub, by 6 games to one. (Results Oxygen players mentioned first).— SIN(j>LF.S: N. R. Ponnuswamy bea: O Lang", 15—5. 15—11; Wee Pens Hons
    125 words
  • 103 15 At th > general meeting of the Singapore Chinese Funeral Association 'Pen^ Ho Kok>, on Monday, Jan. 15, 1940, the following were elected offico-beare\s for j 940:— President: Mr. Cheong Koor Hong; Vice-presidents: Mr. Chan Hye oeng, vnd Mr. Chin Poh Thiam: Hon Secretary and Treasurer: Mr. Tan
    103 words
  • 398 15 CLOSING STAGES OF SEGAMAT TOURNEY KEEN INTEREST IN t k C X X IC (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat, Saturday. [^AWX tennis is taking a prominent position m Segamat sport at present and interest should be increased when tho closing stages of the district tourney, now m progress, are readied.
    398 words
  • 50 15 (From Our Own II o porter) Johore 9 Pta. R.E, (ru;au Brani) 5 pta JOHORE Bahru beat the Royal Entfneera (Pulau Brani) m a rugprer fixture played at Johore yesterday by nine points (two tries and a penalty goal) to five points (one goal).
    50 words
  • 933 15 SOUTH BEAT THE REST JJISPLAYJX(i good teamwork and sound balance, the South to-day defeated the Rest by 14 points (a goal two tries and a penalty goal) to 3 (a penalty goal) m an exciting rugby game on the padanjr. Potter kicked off and the Rest immediately entered the South
    933 words
  • 24 15 Domestic Occurrence DEATH. fi? r -Y. Gottlieb, at Zurich. Switserland, nihi r of John Frey. Singapore, on th«18th January, aged 80. Deeply re retted.
    24 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 129 15 WuHoni MICKS ?WMI r~" M WwaM, Do y .°ch r J Cct urn "Mderaetth the so! thc ma S ,h a Pa ns lhoot all trough fee 1 vou\? C Urne l)l J^ sometimes 3*ta£d«2 Wcki to walk KTw f u ln thc skin res Your inch of 000 r<>rc
      129 words
      288 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous

  • 7 16
    7 words
  • 147 16 SECOND PROTEST BY U.S.A. Mail Search Washington, Jan. 20. THERE ;r. number of indications thai th< Kriti h l a t tl t n censorship of .»nv r •an mail 1 i« causing irritatn n on Ihis > Ide of the Atlantic. It iv generally bettered that ancthei Am. :icn
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 101 16 ALLIES PURCHASE IN CO-OPERATION FROM AMERICA New York. Jan. 23. *N Anglo-French Purchasing Beard has been created here, the Djv.-ii-jones Agency reports from a reliable source. to ■ervt i general co-crdinating; agency between tn? two present purcha m- missiens of the Allies. It .s understood that the braid's aims v-li
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 75 16, Jan. 20. MEW planes for the Royal Canadian Air Force are entering the dominion from the United States a'most duiiy. The largest so far to be pushed across the border is a Dougla.s-Digby 'Mammoth" bomber, a grim lockup craft the like of which has not
    75 words
  • 24 16 The Dania. the first passenger atroplnn? to fly to Great Britain from Denmark since the outbreak of v*-ar. is now at an English airport.
    24 words
  • 108 16 RAIDER HAS WORST OF AIR FIGHT London, Jan. 20. riKTHER details are available m connection with the Air Ministry announcement on Friday afternoon concerning the R.A.F. attack on enemy aircraft east of Aberdeen. A German Heinkel raider disappear: ci seawards off Aberdeen with her undercarriagi down, her speed slackening and
    British Wireless  -  108 words
  • 20 16 Paris, Jan. 21. TKE French Senate has passed a bill unseating- unrepentant Communist Deputies, by 294 votes to ni Reuter
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 25 16 r Copenhagen, Jan. 20. The Danish motoiship Canadian Reefer, 1,831 tons, ha been unk off Cape Finisterre. The cuw of 26 were rescued. 1 Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 645 16 LIFEBOAT DESERTS SHIP BEFORE OCEAN FLIGHT London, Jan. 20. A LIFEBOAT belonging to the German liner Windhuk, which escaped from Lobito, Portuguese West Africa, m November, has arrived at Las Palmas (Canary Islands) with five officers of I the Windhuk aboard, reports The Times
    Reuter  -  645 words
  • 41 16 T Washington, Jan. 20. lIL I .S. Maritime Commission has authorised the s;ile to Bnla.n of the lour American Hawaiian Steam>nip Company's vessels hrtnnging U the Lykes Brothers Steamshin Co. vi Ni w o» ifiii- Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 43 16 When thorn's an air raid, whether over Britain or the Western Front its me one-man fighters who put the 'fear of death into Hermann Goerlng's prowlers. Britain's six miles-a-minute men the lone fighters of the skies In their Spitfires or Hurricanes, are terrific
    43 words
  • 513 16 A SINGER who is well known on the London stage and who has appeared m s< veral \W>t End musical productions was married at St. Andrew's Cathedral yesterday after arriving from London the night before. She was Miss Edith Vera -Tustei. of Lincoln, and she married
    513 words
  • Article, Illustration
    31 16 Mi a Unity Mlifi.rd. batk m Bagland frcm Germany, whejv she w;is reported to have bern shoi m the head, being cairied luim the hotel at Folkestone on stiett)ier.
    31 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 76 16 i ill m "'ij— Wf'i iWftißii'iifiiiiiiiiiiiii^flMHW^^ mgrnfa^tratrffiwiirn -VTwiiiiafii>gwr^>4rTi t v r ;yi vsmpgiam Mm v^v*v^ <^i^^v fifl mr^m m mm m mr^M m^ m mJ m L jJ^^'-' M^^iw^Smmt'i^^mmmmmmmm^ c^mmmm^i w^ftß^mmmml m /mm M Mm/ m m m BBMB^HgB^BHBJ^BHBfc '^BSPP^S^' y*^^^F V^*V vH. -*-j^' "**'*-^^^&^l I '*'->»'••■ iJmmKr I^H hB
      76 words